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The Evaluation of Sexual Abuse in Children

Nancy Kellogg and and the Committee on Child Abuse and Neglect
Pediatrics 2005;116;506-512
DOI: 10.1542/peds.2005-1336

This information is current as of November 10, 2005

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Guidance for the Clinician in Rendering Pediatric Care

Nancy Kellogg, MD; and the Committee on Child Abuse and Neglect

The Evaluation of Sexual Abuse in Children

ABSTRACT. This clinical report serves to update the ical conditions confused with sexual abuse is useful
statement titled “Guidelines for the Evaluation of Sexual in the evaluation of such children. All child health
Abuse of Children,” which was first published in 1991 professionals should routinely identify those at high
and revised in 1999. The medical assessment of suspected risk for or with a history of abuse. Because the eval-
sexual abuse is outlined with respect to obtaining a his- uation of suspected victims of child sexual abuse
tory, physical examination, and appropriate laboratory
data. The role of the physician may include determining often involves careful questioning, evidence-collec-
the need to report sexual abuse; assessment of the phys- tion procedures, or specialized examination tech-
ical, emotional, and behavioral consequences of sexual niques and equipment,5 many pediatricians do not
abuse; and coordination with other professionals to pro- feel prepared to conduct such comprehensive medi-
vide comprehensive treatment and follow-up of victims. cal assessments. In such circumstances, pediatricians
Pediatrics 2005;116:506–512; child sexual abuse, sexually may refer children to other physicians or health care
transmitted diseases, medical assessment. professionals with expertise in the evaluation and
treatment of sexually abused children. Because the
ABBREVIATIONS. AAP, American Academy of Pediatrics; STDs, scope of practice of some nonphysician examiners is
sexually transmitted disease. limited to assessment, documentation, and collection
of forensic evidence,6 close coordination with a
INTRODUCTION knowledgeable physician or pediatric nurse practi-

ew areas of pediatrics have expanded so rap- tioner is necessary to provide complete assessment
idly in clinical importance in recent years as and treatment of physical, behavioral, and emotional
that of sexual abuse of children. What Kempe consequences of abuse. In other circumstances, the
called a “hidden pediatric problem”1 in 1977 is cer- community pediatrician may be asked to evaluate a
tainly less hidden at present. In 2002, more than child for sexual abuse to determine if a report and
88 000 children were confirmed victims of sexual further investigation are warranted. In some circum-
abuse in the United States.2 Studies have suggested stances, pediatricians may conduct comprehensive
that each year approximately 1% of children experi- assessments of suspected victims of child sexual
ence some form of sexual abuse, resulting in the abuse when no other resources are available in their
sexual victimization of 12% to 25% of girls and 8% to community.
10% of boys by 18 years of age.3 Children may be Because pediatricians have trusted relationships
sexually abused by family members or nonfamily with patients and families, they may provide essen-
members and are more frequently abused by males. tial support and guidance from the time that abuse is
Boys are reportedly victimized less often than girls detected and subsequently as the child and family
but may not be as likely to disclose the abuse. Ado- recover from the physical and emotional conse-
lescents are perpetrators in at least 20% of reported quences of abuse. Because of this trusted relation-
cases; women may be perpetrators, but only a small ship, the pediatrician may also gain information
minority of sexual abuse allegations involve women. from the child or family that is valuable to the inves-
Concurrent with the expansion of knowledge, ed- tigation, evaluation, and treatment of the victim.
ucation about child abuse became a mandated com- However, a close relationship between the pediatri-
ponent of US pediatric residencies in 1997.4 Pediatri- cian and the family may pose potential tension,
cians will almost certainly encounter sexually abused prompting the pediatrician to refer the child to a
children in their practices and may be asked by par- specialist to avoid conflict with the family. Further-
ents and other professionals for consultation. Knowl- more, although pediatricians must care for sexually
edge of normal and abnormal sexual behaviors, abused children in their practice, many report inad-
physical signs of sexual abuse, appropriate diagnos- equate training in the recognition of red flags for
tic tests for sexually transmitted infections, and med- sexual abuse and a lack of a consistent approach to
evaluating suspected abuse.7 Consultation with a pe-
The guidance in this report does not indicate an exclusive course of treat- diatric specialist who has extensive training and pro-
ment or serve as a standard of medical care. Variations, taking into account fessional experience in the comprehensive assess-
individual circumstances, may be appropriate.
ment of victims of sexual abuse may be necessary.
PEDIATRICS (ISSN 0031 4005). Copyright © 2005 by the American Acad- These guidelines are intended for use by all health
emy of Pediatrics. professionals caring for children. Additional guide-

506 PEDIATRICS Vol. 116 No. 2 August 2005

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lines are published by the American Academy of pected episode of acute sexual abuse for a medical
Pediatrics (AAP) for the evaluation of sexual assault evaluation, evidence collection, and crisis manage-
of the adolescent.8 ment; (4) the child is brought to the pediatrician or
emergency department because a caregiver or other
DEFINITION individual suspects abuse because of behavioral or
Sexual abuse occurs when a child is engaged in physical symptoms; or (5) the child is brought to the
sexual activities that he or she cannot comprehend, pediatrician for a routine physical examination, and
for which he or she is developmentally unprepared during the course of the examination, behavioral or
and cannot give consent, and/or that violate the law physical signs of sexual abuse are detected.
or social taboos of society.1 The sexual activities may The diagnosis of sexual abuse and the protection of
include all forms of oral-genital, genital, or anal con- the child from additional harm depend in part on the
tact by or to the child or abuse that does not involve pediatrician’s willingness to consider abuse as a pos-
contact, such as exhibitionism, voyeurism, or using sibility. Sexually abused children who have not dis-
the child in the production of pornography.1 As closed abuse may present to medical settings with a
many as 19% of adolescents who are regular Internet variety of symptoms and signs. Because children
users have been solicited by strangers for sex who are sexually abused are generally coerced into
through the Internet; built-in filters and monitoring secrecy, the clinician may need a high level of suspi-
are less effective than parent-child communication in cion and may need to carefully and appropriately
preventing online predation.9 Sexual abuse includes question the child to detect sexual abuse in these
a spectrum of activities ranging from rape to physi- situations. The presenting symptoms may be so gen-
cally less intrusive sexual abuse. eral or nonspecific (eg, sleep disturbances, abdomi-
Sexual abuse can be differentiated from “sexual nal pain, enuresis, encopresis, or phobias) that cau-
play” by determining whether there is a develop- tion must be exercised when the pediatrician
mental asymmetry among the participants and by considers sexual abuse, because the symptoms may
assessing the coercive nature of the behavior.10 Thus, indicate physical or emotional abuse or other stres-
when young children at the same developmental sors unrelated to sexual abuse. More specific signs
stage are looking at or touching each other’s genitalia and symptoms of sexual abuse are discussed under
because of mutual interest, without coercion or in- “Diagnostic Considerations.” Most cases of child sex-
trusion of the body, this is considered normal (ie, ual abuse are first detected when a child discloses
nonabusive) behavior. However, a 6-year-old who that he or she has been abused. Children presenting
tries to coerce a 3-year-old to engage in anal inter- with nonspecific symptoms and signs should be
course is displaying abnormal behavior, and appro- questioned carefully and in a nonleading manner
priate referrals should be made to assess the origin of about any stressors, including abuse, in their life.
such behavior and to establish appropriate safety Pediatricians who suspect that sexual abuse has oc-
parameters for all children involved. Among non- curred are urged to inform the parents of their con-
abused children 2 to 12 years of age, fewer than 1.5% cerns in a calm, nonaccusatory manner. The individ-
exhibit the following behaviors: putting the mouth ual accompanying the child may have no knowledge
on genitals, asking to engage in sex acts, imitating of or involvement in the sexual abuse of the child. A
intercourse, inserting objects into the vagina or anus, complete history, including behavioral symptoms
and touching animal genitals.11 Children or adoles- and associated signs of sexual abuse, should be
cents who exhibit inappropriate or excessive sexual sought. The primary responsibility of the pediatri-
behavior may be reacting to their own victimization cian is the protection of the child; if there is concern
or may live in environments with stressors, bound- that the parent with the child is abusive or nonsup-
ary problems, or family sexuality or nudity.12 Some portive, the pediatrician may delay in informing the
sexually abused children will display a great number parent(s) while a report is made and an expedited
of sexual behaviors and a greater intensity of these investigation by law enforcement and/or child pro-
behaviors.12 However, there is a significant propor- tective services agencies can be conducted. When-
tion of sexually abused children who do not display ever there is a lack of support or belief in the child,
increased sexual behavior. Research has shown that this information should be provided promptly to
there are 2 responses to sexual abuse: one that re- child protective services.
flects inhibition and the other that reflects excitation,
and it is in the latter group that more sexual behavior TAKING A HISTORY/INTERVIEWING THE CHILD
is observed.13 The pediatrician should try to obtain an appropri-
ate history in all cases before performing a medical
PRESENTATION examination. Although investigative interviews
Sexually abused children are seen by pediatricians should be conducted by social services and/or law
in a variety of circumstances such as: (1) the child or enforcement agencies, this does not preclude physi-
adolescent is taken to the pediatrician because he or cians asking relevant questions to obtain a detailed
she has made a statement of abuse or abuse has been pediatric history and a review of systems. Medical
witnessed; (2) the child is brought to the pediatrician history, past incidents of abuse or suspicious injuries,
by social service or law enforcement professionals and menstrual history should be documented. When
for a nonacute medical evaluation for possible sexual children are brought for evaluation by protective
abuse as part of an investigation; (3) the child is personnel, little or no history may be available other
brought to an emergency department after a sus- than that provided by the child. The medical history


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should include information helpful in determining pediatric examination performed by a health care
what tests should be done and when, how to inter- provider with appropriate training and experience
pret medical findings when present, and what med- who is licensed to make medical diagnoses and rec-
ical and mental health services should be provided to ommend treatment. This examination should include
the child and family. a careful assessment for signs of physical abuse, ne-
The courts have allowed physicians to testify re- glect, and self-injurious behaviors. Injuries, including
garding specific details of a child’s statements ob- bruises incurred on the arms or legs during self-
tained in the course of taking a medical history to defense, should be documented in victims of acute
provide diagnosis and treatment, although excep- sexual assault. Sexual maturity should also be as-
tions may preclude such testimony in some cases.14 sessed. In the rare instance in which the child is
Occasionally, children spontaneously describe their unable to cooperate and the examination must be
abuse and indicate who abused them. When asking performed because of the likelihood of trauma, in-
young children about abuse, line drawings,15 dolls,16 fection, and/or the need to collect forensic samples,
or other aids17 are generally used only by profession- an examination under sedation with careful monitor-
als trained in interviewing young children. The ing should be considered. Signs of trauma should
American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychi- preferably be documented by photographs; if such
atry and American Professional Society on the Abuse equipment is unavailable, detailed diagrams can be
of Children have published guidelines for interview- used to illustrate the findings. Specific attention
ing sexually abused children.18,19 It is desirable for should be given to the areas involved in sexual ac-
those conducting the interview to avoid leading and tivity: the mouth, breasts, genitals, perineal region,
suggestive questions or showing strong emotions buttocks, and anus. In female children, the examina-
such as shock or disbelief and to maintain a “tell-me- tion should include inspection of the medial aspects
more” or “and-then-what-happened” approach. of the thighs, labia majora and minora, clitoris, ure-
When possible, the parent should not be present thra, periurethral tissue, hymen, hymenal opening,
during the interview so that influences and distrac- fossa navicularis, posterior fourchette, perineum,
tions are kept to a minimum. Written notes in the and perianal tissues. The thighs, penis, scrotum, per-
medical record or audiotape or videotape should be ineum, and perianal tissues in males should be as-
used to document the questions asked and the sessed for bruises, scars, bite marks, and discharge.
child’s responses as well as their demeanor and emo- Any abnormalities should be noted and interpreted
tional responses to questioning. When audiotaping appropriately with regard to the specificity of the
or videotaping is used, protocols should be coordi- finding to trauma (eg, nonspecific, suggestive, or
nated with the district attorney’s office in accordance indicative of trauma). If the interpretation of an ab-
with state guidelines. Most expert interviewers do normal finding is problematic, consultation with an
not interview children younger than 3 years. expert physician is advisable.
Various examination techniques and positions for
PHYSICAL EXAMINATION visualizing genital and anal structures in children
The physical examination of sexually abused chil- and adolescents have been described.5 Such tech-
dren should not result in additional physical or emo- niques are often necessary to determine the reliabil-
tional trauma. The examination should be explained ity of an examination finding; for example, different
to the child before it is performed. It is advisable to techniques may be used to ensure that an apparent
have a supportive adult not suspected of involve- defect or cleft in the posterior hymen is not a normal
ment in the abuse20 present during the examination hymenal fold or congenital variation. In addition,
unless the child prefers not to have such a person instruments that magnify and illuminate the genital
present. Children may be anxious about giving a and rectal areas should be used.22,23 Speculum or
history, being examined, or having procedures per- digital examinations should not be performed on the
formed. Time must be allotted to relieve the child’s prepubertal child unless under anesthesia (eg, for
anxiety. suspected foreign body), and digital examinations of
When the alleged sexual abuse has occurred the rectum are not necessary. Because many factors
within 72 hours or there is an acute injury, the ex- can influence the size of the hymenal orifice, mea-
amination should be performed immediately. In this surements of the orifice alone are not helpful in
situation, forensic evidence collection may be appro- assessing the likelihood of abuse.24
priate and may include body swabs, hair and saliva
sampling, collection of clothing or linens, and blood LABORATORY DATA
samples. Body swabs collected in prepubertal chil- Depending on the history of abuse, the examiner
dren more than 24 hours after a sexual assault are may decide to conduct tests for sexually transmitted
unlikely to yield forensic evidence, and nearly two diseases (STDs). Approximately 5% of sexually
thirds of the forensic evidence may be recovered abused children acquire an STD from their victim-
from clothing and linens.21 When more than 72 hours ization.25 The following factors should be considered
have passed and no acute injuries are present, an in deciding which STDs to test for, when to test, and
emergency examination usually is not necessary. As which anatomic sites to test: age of the child, type(s)
long as the child is in a safe and protective environ- of sexual contact, time lapse from last sexual contact,
ment, an evaluation can be scheduled at the earliest signs or symptoms suggestive of an STD, family
convenient time for the child, physician, and inves- member or sibling with an STD, abuser with risk
tigative team. The child should have a thorough factors for an STD, request/concerns of child or fam-


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ily, prevalence of STDs in the community, presence warts, caused by human papillomavirus infection,
of other examination findings, and patient/parent are clinically diagnosed without testing. Any genital
request for testing.25 Although universal screening of or anal lesions suspicious for herpes should be con-
postpubertal patients is recommended,25 more selec- firmed with a culture, distinguishing between herpes
tive criteria are often used for testing prepubertal simplex virus types 1 and 2. Guidelines for treatment
patients. For example, the yield of positive gonococ- are published by the Centers for Disease Control and
cal cultures is low in asymptomatic prepubertal chil- Prevention.27
dren, especially when the history indicates fondling If a child has reached menarche, pregnancy testing
only.26 Vaginal, rather than cervical, samples are ad- should be considered. A negative pregnancy status
equate for STD testing in prepubertal children. Con- should be confirmed before administering any med-
sidering the prolonged incubation period for human ication, including emergency contraception (“morn-
papillomavirus infections, a follow-up examination ing after” pills). Guidelines for emergency contracep-
several weeks or months after the initial examination tion have been published29,30; the AAP is in the
may be indicated; in addition, the family and patient process of developing its own guidelines.
should be informed about the potential for delayed
presentation of lesions. Testing before any prophy- DIAGNOSTIC CONSIDERATIONS
lactic treatment is preferable to prophylaxis without The diagnosis of child sexual abuse often can be
testing; the identification of an STD in a child may made on the basis of a child’s history. Sexual abuse is
have legal significance as well as implications for rarely diagnosed on the basis of only physical exam-
treatment, especially if there are other sexual con- ination or laboratory findings. Physical findings are
tacts of the child or perpetrator. The implications of often absent even when the perpetrator admits to
various STDs that may be diagnosed in children are penetration of the child’s genitalia.31–33 Many types
summarized in Table 1; guidelines are also provided of abuse leave no physical evidence, and mucosal
by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention27 injuries often heal rapidly and completely.34–38 In a
and the AAP.25,28 The most specific and sensitive recent study of pregnant adolescents, only 2 of 36
tests should be used when evaluating children for had evidence of penetration.39 Occasionally, a child
STDs. Cultures are considered the “gold standard” presents with clear evidence of anogenital trauma
for diagnosing Chlamydia trachomatis (cell culture) without an adequate history. Abused children may
and Neisseria gonorrhoeae (bacterial culture). New deny abuse. Findings that are concerning include: (1)
tests, such as nucleic acid–amplification tests, may be abrasions or bruising of the genitalia; (2) an acute or
more sensitive in detecting vaginal C trachomatis, but healed tear in the posterior aspect of the hymen that
data regarding use in prepubertal children are lim- extends to or nearly to the base of the hymen; (3) a
ited. Because the prevalence of STDs in children is markedly decreased amount of hymenal tissue or
low, the positive predictive value of these tests is absent hymenal tissue in the posterior aspect; (4)
lower than that of adults, so confirmatory testing injury to or scarring of the posterior fourchette, fossa
with an alternative test may be important, especially navicularis, or hymen; and (5) anal bruising or lac-
if such results will be presented in legal settings. erations.31–36 The interpretation of physical findings
When child sexual abuse is suspected and STD test- continues to evolve as evidence-based research be-
ing is indicated, vaginal/urethral samples and/or comes available.40 The physician, the multidisci-
rectal swabs for isolation of C trachomatis and N plinary team evaluating the child, and the courts
gonorrhoeae are recommended. In addition, vaginal must establish a level of certainty about whether a
swabs for isolation of Trichomonas vaginalis may be child has been sexually abused. Table 2 provides
obtained. Testing for other STDs, including human suggested guidelines for making the decision to re-
immunodeficiency virus (HIV), hepatitis B, hepatitis port sexual abuse of children based on currently
C, and syphilis, is based on the presence of symp- available information. For example, the presence of
toms and signs, patient/family wishes, detection of semen, sperm, or acid phosphatase; a positive cul-
another STD, and physician discretion. Venereal ture for N gonorrhoeae or C trachomatis; or a positive

TABLE 1. Implications of Commonly Encountered STDs for the Diagnosis and Reporting of
Sexual Abuse of Infants and Prepubertal Children
STD Confirmed Sexual Abuse Suggested Action
Gonorrhea* Diagnostic† Report‡
Syphilis* Diagnostic Report
HIV infection§ Diagnostic Report
C trachomatis infection* Diagnostic† Report
T vaginalis infection Highly suspicious Report
C acuminata infection* (anogenital warts) Suspicious Report
Herpes simplex (genital location) Suspicious Report储
Bacterial vaginosis Inconclusive Medical follow-up
* If not perinatally acquired and rare nonsexual vertical transmission is excluded.
† Although the culture technique is the “gold standard,” current studies are investigating the use of
nucleic acid–amplification tests as an alternative diagnostic method in children.
‡ To the agency mandated in the community to receive reports of suspected sexual abuse.
§ If not acquired perinatally or by transfusion.
储 Unless there is a clear history of autoinoculation.


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serologic test for syphilis or HIV infection make the
diagnosis of sexual abuse a near medical certainty,

Possible report,‡ refer,

even in the absence of a positive history, if perinatal

Refer when possible

Report Decision
transmission has been excluded for the STDs. The
differential diagnosis of genital trauma also includes
accidental injury and physical abuse. This differenti-

or follow
ation may be difficult and may require a careful


history and multidisciplinary approach. Because
many normal anatomic variations, congenital mal-
formations and infections, or other medical condi-

tions may be confused with abuse, familiarity with

these other causes is important.41,42
Level of Concern About

Physicians should be aware that child sexual abuse

often occurs in the context of other family problems,
Sexual Abuse

including physical abuse, emotional maltreatment,
substance abuse, and family violence. If these prob-
lems are suspected, referral for a more comprehen-

sive evaluation is imperative and may involve other

professionals with expertise needed for evaluation
and treatment. In difficult cases, pediatricians may
find consultation with a regional child abuse special-
ist or assessment center helpful.
After the examination, the physician should pro-
Positive test for C trachomatis,

vide appropriate feedback, follow-up care, and reas-

HIV, syphilis, or herpes*

surance to the child and family.

gonorrhea, T vaginalis,
Diagnostic Tests

Negative or positive

Positive or negative

All children who have been sexually abused

should be evaluated by a pediatrician and a mental
health professional to assess the need for treatment


and to assess the level of family support. Unfortu-

nately, mental health treatment services for sexually
abused children are not universally available. The
† Confirmed with various examination techniques and/or peer review with expert consultant.

need for therapy varies from victim to victim regard-

less of abuse chronicity or characteristics. An assess-
ment should include specific questions concerning
Guidelines for Making the Decision to Report Sexual Abuse of Children

Concerning or diagnostic

suicidal or self-injurious thoughts and behaviors.

Physical Examination

Normal or nonspecific

Normal or nonspecific

Normal or nonspecific

Poor prognostic signs include more intrusive forms

Normal or abnormal

of abuse, more violent assaults, longer periods of

sexual molestation, and closer relationship of the
perpetrator to the victim. The parents of the victim
Data Available


may also need treatment and support to cope with

the emotional trauma of their child’s abuse; parents
who are survivors of child abuse should be identified
to ensure appropriate therapy and to optimize their
ability to assist their own child in the healing process.
Treatment may include follow-up examinations to
Present or absent
Present or absent

Present or absent

Present or absent

‡ If behaviors are rare/unusual in normal children.

* If nonsexual transmission is unlikely or excluded.

assess healing of injuries and additional assessment


for STDs, such as Condylomata acuminata infection or

herpes, that may not be detected in the acute time
frame of the initial examination. The pediatrician

may also provide follow-up care to ensure that the

child and supportive family members are recovering
emotionally from the abuse.
Vague, or history by

The medical evaluation is first and foremost just

that: an examination by a medical professional with
Clear statement
None or vague

None or vague

parent only

the primary aim of diagnosing and determining

treatment for a patient’s complaint. When the com-
plaint involves the possible commission of a crime,


however, the physician must recognize legal con-

cerns. The legal issues confronting pediatricians in
evaluating sexually abused children include manda-


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tory reporting of suspected abuse with penalties for Act (HIPAA; Pub L No. 104 –191 [1996]) does not
failure to report; involvement in the civil, juvenile, or preempt state laws that provide for reporting or
family court systems; involvement in divorce or cus- investigating child abuse. Physicians required to tes-
tody proceedings; and involvement in criminal pros- tify in court are better prepared and may feel more
ecution of defendants in criminal court. In addition, comfortable if their records are complete and accu-
there are medical liability risks for pediatricians who rate. Physicians may testify in civil cases concerning
fail to diagnose abuse or who misdiagnose other temporary or permanent custody of the child by a
conditions as abuse. All pediatricians in the United parent or the state or in criminal cases in which a
States are required under the laws of each state to suspected abuser’s guilt or innocence is determined.
report suspected as well as known cases of child In general, the ability to protect a child may often
abuse. In many states, the suspicion of child sexual depend on the quality and detail of the physician’s
abuse as a possible diagnosis requires a report to records.37
both the appropriate law enforcement and child pro- A number of cases of alleged sexual abuse involve
tective services agencies. Among adolescents, sexual parents who are in the process of separation or di-
activity and sexual abuse are not synonymous, and it vorce and who allege that their child is being sexu-
should not be assumed that all adolescents who are ally abused by the other parent during custodial
sexually active are, by definition, being abused. visits. Although these cases are generally more dif-
Many adolescents have consensual, age-appropriate ficult and time consuming for the pediatrician, the
sexual experiences, and it is critical that adolescents child protective services system, and law enforce-
who are sexually active receive appropriate confi- ment agencies, they should not be dismissed simply
dential health care and counseling. Federal and state because a custody dispute exists. Whenever a careful
laws should support providing confidential health and comprehensive assessment of the child’s physi-
care and should affirm the authority of physicians cal and behavioral symptoms yields a suspicion of
and other health care professionals to exercise appro- abuse or the child discloses abuse to the physician, a
priate clinical judgment in reporting cases of sexual report to protective services should be made. If
activity.43 All physicians need to know their state symptoms or statements are primarily reported by
law requirements and where and when to file a the parent but not supported during an assessment
written report; an update on child abuse reporting of the child, the physician may wish to refer the
statutes can be accessed at http://nccanch.acf.hhs. family to a mental health or sexual abuse expert. A
gov/general/legal/statutes/manda.cfm. These guide- juvenile court proceeding may ensue to determine if
lines do not suggest that a pediatrician who evalu- the child needs protection. The American Bar Asso-
ates a child with an isolated behavioral finding ciation indicates that most divorces do not involve
(nightmares, enuresis, phobias, etc) or an isolated custody disputes, and relatively few custody dis-
physical finding (erythema or an abrasion of the putes involve allegations of sexual abuse.44
labia or traumatic separation of labial adhesions) is
obligated to report these cases as suspicious. If addi- CONCLUSIONS
tional historical, physical, or laboratory findings sug-
gestive of sexual abuse are present, the physician The evaluation of sexually abused children is in-
may have an increased level of suspicion and should creasingly a part of general pediatric practice. Pedi-
report the case. In both criminal and civil proceed- atricians are part of a multidisciplinary approach to
ings, physicians must testify to their findings “to a prevent, investigate, and treat the problem and need
reasonable degree of medical certainty.”44 Pediatri- to be competent in the basic skills of history taking,
cians are encouraged to discuss cases with their local physical examination, selection of laboratory tests,
or regional child abuse consultants and their local and differential diagnosis. An expanding clinical
child protective services agency. In this way, families consultation network is available to assist the pri-
may be spared unnecessary investigations, agencies mary care physician with the assessment of child
are less likely to be overburdened, and physicians abuse cases.46
may be protected from potential prosecution for fail- Committee on Child Abuse and Neglect,
ure to report. Statutes in each state immunize report- 2004 –2005
ers from civil or criminal liability as long as the Robert W. Block, MD, Chairperson
report was not made either without basis or with Roberta A. Hibbard, MD
deliberate bad intentions.45 On the other hand, al- Carole Jenny, MD, MBA
though no known physicians have been prosecuted Nancy D. Kellogg, MD
successfully for failure to report, there have been Betty S. Spivack, MD
successful malpractice actions against physicians John Stirling, Jr, MD
who failed to diagnose or report child abuse appro-
priately.45 Liaisons
David Corwin, MD
Because of the likelihood of legal action, detailed American Academy of Child and Adolescent
records, drawings, and/or photographs should be Psychiatry
maintained soon after the evaluation and kept in a Joanne Klevens, MD, MPH
secure location. Protected health information for a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
minor who is believed to be the victim of abuse may
be disclosed to social services or protective agencies; Staff
the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Tammy Piazza Hurley


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The Evaluation of Sexual Abuse in Children
Nancy Kellogg and and the Committee on Child Abuse and Neglect
Pediatrics 2005;116;506-512
DOI: 10.1542/peds.2005-1336
This information is current as of November 10, 2005

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