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T: A g r i c u l t u r e R o u n d T a b l e ; 1 9 - 2 0 O c t o b e r
Agriculture to 2015:
Meeting Development Goals amidst Uncertainty
2011 and beyond, the physical and economic environment
for agriculture promises to be more challenging than before.
As risk and uncertainty increase, agriculture’s outlook and its
capacity to make meaningful contributions to economic growth
and equitable human development by 2015 - the Millennium
Development Goals (MDGs) – will depend on a number of
strategic issues, including, but not limited to effective policy
frameworks, adequate financing and investments and good
practices, at all levels in the chain.

On the Table: topics for conversation

1. Re-thinking  ...what is the appropriate 21st century
paradigm (s)? Is the current thrust towards
‘value chain development’ practical and
Development in an
era of uncertainty
 ... what is the state of soils and water for
2. Saving what’s left of
agriculture; what do we need to do now to
agriculture’s natural ‘Table Manners’
secure what’s left.
ART is not:
3. Coping with  ... what steps need to be taken to build-in a seminar, lecture series,
hazards: fast- coping mechanisms and management workshop, or consultation,
tracking agriculture systems to deal with agriculture’s known or any of the 'official',
recovery after hazards, risks and their disasters? 'formal', 'pre-set' meeting.
4. Re-branding  ... is there still a role for Extension in ART is:
Extension - agricultural development? Should countries  a platform for open
reinforcing the ‘reinforce the frontline or break from dialogue and sharing of
frontline or breaking tradition’ to modernise Agriculture’s expertise, information
Extension? and ideas;
from tradition;
 ...what emerging opportunities exist to  an entry point for media
5. Innovating agri-
create new business and extract greater to get more connected
business: issues and
with agriculture
opportunities. value from the number of challenges
facing agriculture
 a mechanism for
interested, affected,
Come interact with our experts and a special guest from movers and shakers in
agriculture to make
Southern Africa. Be part of the conversation! connections,
communicate & network
for development
ART: Connecting and Communicating
to build consens us and cooperation for Ag riculture
brought to you by CaRAPN (Caribbean Regional Agricultural
Policy Network), a project of IICA and the CTA

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