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Effective Visualization - Lesson 1

“How to Use your God-given Power of Visualization to

BE, to DO, and to HAVE What you Want.”
This seven-part introductory series in Practical Mind Science has for its subject, “How to
use your God-given power of visualization to be, to do, and to have what you want.”

We’re talking about visualization, so first of all let’s deal withdefinition. I’m going to
talk about the definition in parts.

“Visualization” is:

“seeing and feeling yourself in your own mind already being, doing, and having the
good that you desire.”

“Visualization” is:

“deliberate, positive, creative dreaming (imagining) of things into expression or


Whenever I use the term “magic” I usually qualify it, and I’m going to use the term
“magic” here. Visualization actually works like magic. It will skip you over a lot of
difficulties in reaching your goal.

We’ve had people who have used it for the first time when they learned it here and got
dramatic, seemingly miraculous results.

The first part of the definition of visualization talks about "having the good that you

Notice the word "desire". Can you see that there is something that needs to happen
before you even visualize.

What is it? What is the first thing you must do?

You have to decide what you desire. You have to decide

exactly what it is that you want.

Decide and Be Definite!

I can never emphasize too often or too much the importance of using your power of

And I am always surprised at the people in life who have never really decided exactly
what they want.
So decide exactly what you want to be;

decide exactly what you want to do;

decide exactly what you want to have...

...and then see and feel yourself in your own mind alreadybeing, doing, and having
that good which you desire.

What Does the Bible Say About Visualization?

Perhaps some of us who are from a Bible background are already asking, “Well, Rev.
Ike, what has this mind science business and this visualization business got to do with
the Bible?”


There are may scriptures in the Bible that deal with visualization. One of these
visualization scriptures says,

“Where there is no vision the people perish”.

Let’s quote together again the scripture, “Where there is no vision the people
perish.” What does that mean?

It simply means that if you cannot see yourself being what you want to be, you will
perish without ever being it.

If you cannot see and feel yourself having what you want to have, you will perish
without ever having it.

If you cannot see and feel yourself accomplishing the good that you desire to
accomplish, you will perish without accomplishing it.

Where there is no vision the people perish. The word “visualization” could be

“Where there is no visualization the people perish.”

See Yourself As You Wish to Be!

“Visualization,” or “vision” in this particular verse ofscripture, also indicates

that if you cannot see yourself out of your poverty, you will die in poverty.

If you cannot see yourself well, you will perish in your sickness.

Therefore, see yourself healthy in your own mind.

See yourself happy in your own mind. Have a vision of yourself as a happy person.

See yourself loving and being loved in your own mind.

See yourself as a successful prosperous person in your own mind.

See yourself with plenty of money in your own mind. For if you do not see yourself with
plenty of money you are likely to die without having any money.

“You mean, Rev. Ike, if I am broke, and it’s a fact that I don’t have any money, I am
still to imagine I’ve got it?” Yes! That’s exactly what it means.

You must see yourself as you wish to be!

(To be continued in Lesson 2 ....look for my email)

In the next 6 lessons, you'll learn more about how and why visualization works and
specific techniques for using your Mind Power to get what you want!

Effective Visualization - Lesson 2

"What you See is What you Get"

In the previous lesson, I showed you that the Bible instructs us to visualize. "Where
there is no vision, the people perish".

Now let me give you another verse of scripture. It has to do with visualization as well
as affirmation.

In one place one of the prophets speaks of Almighty God and how Almighty God creates
situations, circumstances, and conditions, and says,

“He calls those things which are not as though they were.”

This is what visualization and affirmation does.

Affirmation: Speaking Your Visualization!

You may not have a nickel in your pocket, but in your mind when you see yourself with
the money that you need and want and desire, you are actually calling those things
which are not as though they were.

When the Lord God Almighty created this world, the Bible says that the Earth was void.
But the divine mind visualized the world that it wanted to create, and then spoke it into

You must do the same thing. You have that same creative power of God within your
own being, within your very mind. You are a creator in the one created power.
At 17 years of age I walked down Fifth Avenue in New York City, a poor, Black, country
boy. I didn’t know what a Rolls Royce was, but I saw them and I knew that’s what I
wanted. That was decision.

And I saw those elegant rich ladies and gentlemen going in and out of those elegant
hotels and restaurants, getting in and out of their elegant Rolls Royces and I decided
that’s what I wanted, standing there, poor country boy.

My world was void and without form. My pockets were e-m-p-t-y. But I went into the
theater of my mind and looked upon the stage of my imagination. I formed the vision.

This is what you have to do.

The first thing that you do is form a vision. Creation isforever taking
place. Don’t think that creation begins and ends in the first chapter of Genesis. It does

You Are Creating Day and Night,

and What you See is What you Get.

Back to the curb of Fifth Avenue, that poor country boy. I saw myself in those elegant
people and as those elegant people. I loved them; I blessed them; I was delighted to
see them enjoying themselves and their riches and their wealth.

I did not curse the rich. For again, the Bible tells us, “Curse not the rich.” And as Rev.
Ike says, if you do curse the rich, you will never become one of them.

I formed a vision of myself as a wealthy person, when in fact I had nothing. The world
was void, without form.

In my mind, with my visualization, I called those things which were not as though they
were by seeing them, by feeling them.

Most of the time nowadays when I go down Fifth Avenue, the only Rolls Royce I see is
the one I happen to be riding in that day.

So don’t tell me this stuff doesn’t work, and don’t give me a hard luck story. I can tell
you what it’s all about because I’ve been there, and I’m glad I’m out, and I’m trying to
help you to get out so that where I am, there you may be also.

I am not teaching you something I simply read in all these wonderful books we have at
the bookstand, and those are wonderful books.

I’m not telling you something that I simply heard somebody else say. And God knows
I’ve heard a lot of wonderful people say a lot of wonderful things, and I still go to hear
a lot of wonderful people say a lot of wonderful things.

But everything that I tell you and share with you is stuff that I am working and is
“(As it is written, I have made thee a father of many nations,) before him whom he
believed, [even] God, who quickeneth the dead, and calleth those things which be not
as though they were.” (Rom. 4:17)

The only way you are ever going to become that which you are not is
by calling yourself that which you are not.

Again, and I quote this time and time again, the mystic words of the prophet, “Let the
weak say I am strong.”

You have to call those qualities forth which are not yet expressing in your world, and
they will express. You call them by so many different techniques, but the chief
technique is visualization.

(to be continued in Lesson 3...look for my email)

In the next 5 lessons, you'll learn more about how and why
visualization works and specific techniques for using your Mind Power to get what you

Effective Visualization - Lesson 3

Visualization Does Not Ask How!

One thing about visualization, visualization does not ask, how is it going to happen?

Visualization bypasses the how and calls those things which are not as though they
already were.

Visualization has its own ways and means, its own secret ways and means. You are
never going to find out the details of how creation takes place.

In visualization you are to concern yourself

with what, but not how.

As I stood on Fifth Avenue that day long ago, and many days after that, observing the
elegance and visualizing myself in it and it in me, I did not have the slightest idea of

I want to make another important statement. Don’t get tripped up by facts. Don’t be
hung up by facts. Facts are not the last word.

You are to be master of facts; you are

not to let facts master you.

Yes, it may be a fact that you are poor, but don’t get hung up by that fact. You can see
yourself (visualize yourself) out of your poverty.
Once you begin visualizing and seeing yourself being what you want to be, doing what
you want to do, and having what you want to have, you will definitely be led to do
certain things, and you should cooperate.

I mean, new ideas for reaching your goal will come to you that you never thought of
and you have to follow those things.

It doesn’t mean you sit on the stool of “do nothing” and fold your arms, and say, “Well,
I’m just going to see it and I’m not going to do anything.” You see it, and your
visualization will lead you into the correct doing.

When you are told and led into what

you should do, then do it.

I spoke to a young man, and he was telling about the problems he was having, and this
and that, and the other.

And so I asked him, I said, “I referred you to Rev. Perry. He knows a lot about these
things, and he told you and he told me some of the things that were available to you.
Have you taken advantage of all of the things that are available to you?” No, he had

So, when you visualize, visualization says what you want. You may never know how
it’s going to come to pass, but the God in you will begin to give you instructions, and
then you follow those instructions.

The old cliché, “You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make him drink.” Pray and
say, “Lord, please give me some food,” and the Lord gives you food. You ought to have
sense enough to put it in your mouth.

“Amazing sight, the Savior stands and knocks at every door. Ten thousand blessings in
His hands to satisfy the poor.” As Rev. Ike translates it, to satisfy you more.

The "How" will be revealed to You.

You will know what to do!

When you visualize the blessings, then you are guided as to what you should do and
ways and means are revealed to you, and you should follow those ways and means.

It’s an interesting thing about inspiration, when you don’t follow your inspiration and
you don’t do all that you know to do, you won’t get anymore divine instruction.

Use all the instruction that God gives you, and you will draw forth more.

I see so many times people complaining, and moaning, and groaning, and they haven’t
done everything for themselves that they could do.
They’re trying to get other folks to do it. They’re trying to get the President to do it. He
doesn’t know what to do for himself. He doesn’t have the whole world in his hands, but
he’s got the whole world on his back and on his shoulders.

So don't look to others to do for you!

(To be continued in Lesson 4...look for my email)

Effective Visualization - Lesson 4

Always Put Yourself in the Picture

When You Visualize!
Let’s go further into the definition for visualization that I gave you in an earlier lesson.

“Visualization” is “deliberate, positive, creative dreaming of things into

expression or existence.”

Now when we use the word “dreaming” here, I want to be careful, we’re not talking
about overeating at dinnertime, and going to sleep having nightmares.

When we use the word “dream” here, we’re talking about a positive waking vision. You
have to be deliberate with your visualization. You have to be positive, because it is

The next section of the definition for “visualization” is “using the imagination
consciously and willfully to be what you want to be, to do what you want to do, and to
have what you want to have.”

Underline the words “consciously” and “willfully.”

You are visualizing all the time

You know, people are always seeing things in their mind, always.

Yes, you are visualizing all the time. But you may not be doing it consciously and

You probably aren't even aware that what you are doing is visualizing.

But when you worry and imagine something bad that may happen in the future
you are visualizing -- in a negative, harmful way.

Your mind is a motion picture theater that runs all the time, so you must be sure that
you consciously and deliberately choose the movies on the screen of your
You must choose to visualize only the good that you desire.

Positive visualization is something you must practice.

There is no substitute for doing it. I can tell it to you; you can get the theory;
but unless you do it, it won’t work.

As Rev. Ike says, "It works, if you work it!"

What is your vision? What is your vision of yourself? What is your vision for yourself?
What do you see for yourself?

Put Yourself in the Picture

Now here's an important aspect of visualization that you must remember:

When you visualize something for yourself that you want to be, to do, and to
have, always put yourself in the picture. Be sure you’re always in the picture.

It isn’t enough just to see a whole lot of money, that isn’t enough. You can miss it if
you don’t see yourself with it. Somebody else may get it.

I drove up to one of our houses up in the mountains in Carmel, California, a few years
ago, in a brand new blue on blue Rolls Royce Cornish.

The very wonderful gentlemen, who was custodian of that estate for me, when he came
out of the door and he saw that beautiful new Cornish he rushed over and said, “Oh,
Rev. Ike, I just saw that car in my visualization last week.”

I said, “Yes! And the reason you didn’t get it and I got it was because you just saw the
car and you didn’t see yourself with it.”

I want to say this, and underline it in your hearts, in your minds, and on your
notes. See yourself with everything good that you visualize that you want.

We talk about money here a lot, and a lot of times we say, "I see money".

Yes, we see money, absolutely. But be sure you connectyourself with that money;
otherwise somebody else will get it all.

Tell Yourself You Deserve It

That’s another thing about visualization, and I’m going to really get under your skin
right now. A lot of people can visualize good for other people, and see good for other
people, but they can’t see it for themselves. You can see Rockefeller with it, why can’t
you see yourself with it?
Probably everyone of us would have to confess to this. How many of you can really see
other people with things that you would like to have, but you really can’t quite yet see
yourself with those things?

That’s a very important thing and it’s a very important area for you to work on yourself
with. We'll talk more about that later.

(To be continued in Lesson 5...)

Effective Visualization - Lesson 5

The Secret of Transformation!

“And the LORD said unto Abram, after that Lot was separated from him, Lift up now
thine eyes, and look from the place where thou art northward, and southward, and
eastward, and westward: For all the land which thou seest, to thee will I give it,
and to thy seed forever.” (Gen. 13:14-15)

I want you to underline in your notes, look from the placewhere you are.

What does that mean? Look up from your present condition to the condition of
life that you wish to be in.

That is the whole secret of transformation, the whole secret of solving a problem.

Look from the place where you are.

Look up from your poverty and visualize yourself in prosperity.

Look up from your sickness and see yourself in good health.

Look up from the conditions of hatred, and unforgiveness, and envy, and malice, and
misunderstanding, and see yourself loving and being loved in divine order.

Look up from your loneliness and see yourself with friends, and companionship, and
comradeship, and romance

Don’t get caught up in conditions.

That’s what keeps people in their problems; they get caught in them. Facts and
conditions are not the truth of you!

Again, the scripture says, “look from the place where you are.”

So many scriptures come to bear on visualization. Again there’s that verse of

scripture, “I will lift up mine eyes.”
That is a visualization scripture. “I will lift up mine eyes to the hills from whence
cometh my help.”

There is no help in my looking down into the hole that I’m already in. No help comes
from looking down into the negative condition that I may find myself in.

My help comes from the Lord, the law of mind, from getting on the positive side of the
law of mind. That is where my help comes from.

“Look unto me all ye ends of the Earth, for I am God and there beside me there is no

See Yourself As You Wish to BE

The only salvation you will find will be in looking up from any wretched condition you
find yourself in, looking to and 'seeing' the good conditions that you wish to be

"Stand you still and see the salvation of the Lord, which He will work for you today."
That is a visualization scripture.

Quietness in itself is a spiritual quality. When you become still it is at that point that
you, the individual, tune into the cosmic mind.

When the human mind, the conscious mind, is still, you tie into the
mind of the universe.

So if you have a problem, look up from that problem, from that place where you are.
Be still, be quiet, and see the salvation of the Lord.

What does it mean to "see the salvation of the Lord"?

Visualize it.

It means, to put it dramatically, as Rev. Ike would say it, if you find yourself in a
hell of a fix, lift up your eyes and look up from that hell of a fix and see
yourself in a heaven of a fix.

If you need some money, still your mind, still the senses, and see the salvation of the
Lord. See yourself delivered from that condition. See yourself with money!

It’s so simple that it’s profound. It’s simply profound and profoundly simple. And that’s,
I believe, how the intellect misses all of these eternal verities, because they’re so
simply profound and so profoundly simple.

“Rev. Ike is that all there is to it?”

Let me tell you this, all the studying we do, all the praying that we do, all of our
spiritual work, its one end is to lead us to the realization of these simple truths.

If you can see it, you can be it.

If you can, in your own mind, see yourself in good health, you can be in good health.

If in your own mind you can see yourself as a happy person, you can be a happy

If in your own mind you can see yourself as a loving and loveable person, you can be a
loving and loveable person.

Yes, if in your own mind you can see yourself as a successful, prosperous person, you
can be a successful, prosperous person.

If in your own mind you can see yourself with plenty of money, you can have plenty of

Again, let’s state this principle; it’s so simple: If you can see it, you can be it.

I am always becoming that which

I am conscious of being.

I am forever becoming that which I see myself being.

You have to actually live in your dream, your vision, your decision, or your choice.
You have to learn how to live in it.

Growing up in South Carolina, my cousins stayed with us and visited with us from time
to time, boys and girls around my own age. They used to laugh at some things that I
did, but they still took me seriously.

That’s another thing, I’ve always been strange, and I don’t apologize for that. I had the
habit of talking to my imaginary servants that I was visualizing, and I gave them

And my cousins would play right along with me even though they thought it sort of
strange, but something told them don’t scorn this kid; he’s strange but don’t count him
out. He may be strange, but he's not crazy.

And so they even learned the names of some of my imaginary servants, and they would
talk to me about them. And I would just see myself as a very wealthy person, a very
rich person.

I remember one night I had sat down and my dear mother listened to me for about two
hours telling her about all the grandeur that I was going to have.
Calling those things which are not, as though they were.

And honestly I was living in my dream, I was occupying my dream. Look up from the
place where you are. I remember that one night I took about two hours just telling my
mother all of the things.

We had an old Sears & Roebuck catalog, and I’d go through that catalog, and
everything I saw in it that I liked, I saw myself with it.

As a young boy, I did not know visualization as a science; it was spiritual intuition, and
we all have that. There we were sitting up in that house warming ourselves by a Ten
Lizzie. Is there anybody here who knows what a Ten Lizzie is? A trash burner.

So I have been intuitively looking up from the place where I was for a long time, and
you haven’t seen anything yet. I’m still looking up. What was I doing? Occupying my

(To be continued in Lesson 6...)

Effective Visualization - Lesson 6

See Yourself As You Wish to BE

Using All of Your Senses!
When you visualize, it is important that use all of your senses, as well as your visional

See it and feel it.

The inner visional sense is the leader of all of the other inner

But when you visualize, you must appeal to all of your senses.

Appeal to the sense of sight, the sense of touch, the sense of taste, the sense of
hearing, the sense of smell, because the five senses all have their inner counterparts.

The five senses are both esoteric(inner) and exoteric(outer); they are both inner
and outer.

When we’ve often talked of the five senses, for the most part we have thought of them
only as exoteric; sight through the eyes, or the outer touch, or the physical taste, or
the physical hearing, or the physical smelling.

But from this moment on you must learn to appreciate the inner counterparts of the
five senses and to use them.
By inner, I mean you must experience the
senses in your imagination!

And I repeat, the visional (seeing) sense is the leader of all of the other esoteric senses.

Now I’m dealing with a couple of words. First of all let’s start with “exoteric,” since most
people are out there, meaning “outer;external.” And then “esoteric” meaning “inner;

So when you visualize, see what you want and use all of your internal senses to
experience that thing.

You’re going to have fun now aren’t you!

You are constantly using your exoteric (outer) senses. Now, you must become just as
expert as using your esoteric or your inner spiritual senses. Let’s stay in the
commentary for a moment, and let’s do a run down of these senses.

Let’s take up now the sense of sight.

When you are visualizing something, see what you

visualize and connect yourself with it.

Don’t just see money. Yes, see money, but be careful to seeyourself with that money.
Don’t be like my custodian who saw the beautiful new Rolls Royce I had and exclaimed,
“Oh, Rev. Ike, I just saw that in my visualization last week.”

See yourself with it, with whatever it is you desire.

Say it with me now, say it out loud with feeling:

“I see myself with it; I see myself being it; I see myself doing it; I see myself having it
in the nowness of consciousness. In the theater of my mind upon the stage of my
imagination I see it.”

Apply this technique to whatever it is you want to be, to do, and to have. You have to
be definite and positive.

Again, I’ll quote Rev. Ike:

"You have to be definite with the infinite."

That’s why these prayers about, “Lord you know what I need, now give me what I
need,” that kind of prayer is no good.

And yes, that is correct, the Bible says the Father knows what you need even before
you ask him. But the Father makes a big point out of telling you, “ask and it shall be
People are going around just praying these unspecific prayers and wonder “Why the
Lord doesn't answer my prayers. Lord, help me,” and then they mess it up by adding,
“if you will; if it’s according to your will, help me.”

You are not being specific, because again, the infinite God tells the
individual, “Command you me.”

Oh my goodness, the power you have!

You have the power of commanding God!

Visualization is really the strongest way of commanding the

infinite. Visualization gives us a definite command to the infinite. It gives a specific
command, a detailed command to the infinite.

When you are visualizing something, see what you

visualize. When you do this you are appealing to the sense of sight.

If you are visualizing yourself somewhere, you can appeal to your sense of sight by
seeing yourself where you want to be, doing what you want to do, and having what you
want to have.

If you want to be in London, as I’ve taught you long ago, go to the travel agent, or
wherever it is you want to be, and get
brochures. We’ve had people who did this, people who’d never been here before, and
they were just mystified because it worked!. They would write me from the most exotic
places and hotels.

One lady said, “Rev. Ike I am sitting out here on the balcony of the Grand Hotel.” She
said, I had no idea that we would be here, but I came to your church for the first time
and you led a visualization prayer treatment, and we visualized being here, and here
we are.

Jesus, in St. John, represents the power of your imagination, where he says,

“I go and prepare a place for you; and if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come
again and receive you unto myself, that where I am there you may be also.”

The Christians are still looking for Jesus. They say the Jews
missed him the first time and the Christians missed him the
second time.

I’ll tell you that Jesus is something else; he’s alright, but he’s so much more than
the average Christian has any idea.

And you have to know, and you have to understand what Jesus represents when Jesus
speaks. Interpreting this symbolically:
"If you want to go somewhere,
send your imagination there"

If you want to be something, go to that place in your

imagination where you are already that which you want to be.
There is that place in you, the secret place of the most high,
where you can go and shut the door, and you can already be what you want to be
in that place.

You can already do what you want to do in that place.

You can already have what you want to have in that place.

This is why you have to spend time with meditation in quietness, systematically on a
daily basis. And you stay in that “room with the Lord” until the Lord, the law of
mind, makes you and molds you in the image of your vision of yourself.

If you can SEE it, you can BE it!

Send your imagination often to look upon your ideal self, to look upon your divine
self, to look upon your perfect self, to look upon your whole self, your healthy self, your
God self, your good self. Move in the room with the Lord often. Look up from the place
where you are, shut out the senses, the external senses that say that you’re poor, that
say you don’t have what you want, that say you’re not what you wish to be, and go to
that place where you are where you wish to be.

And you keep sending your imagination there, and it will prepare that place for you,
and it will come and lead you over a bridged incident to the expression of that vision;
that, as Jesus said, "where I am you may be also". Use your inner sight, your inner
visional faculty.

(To be continued in Lesson 7...)

Effective Visualization - Lesson 7

Your Subconscious Mind

Responds to Feeling!
I have told you that when you visualize, you must use all of your senses.

Here's how you can use your inner visional faculty of touch.
To appeal to the sense of touch when visualizing for a new car, for example, in your
imagination you sit in the new car and put your fingers over the steering wheel and feel
the notches behind the steering wheel.
Also, smell the new leather on the new vinyl or the new
upholstery. There’s a certain unique thing about the smell of a new car. I’m already into
smell as well as touch here.

I’ve had a lot of fun with people who said they want a new car, and I would always tell
them put your hand on the steering wheel, feel the notches behind it. Even as I tell you
I can feel it. Those of you who drive, can you feel it?

Touch what you want, see it, touch it, and feel it.

The subconscious mind responds to visualization and it responds to

feeling. But remember the visional sense (seeing) leads all of the other senses.

Experience the feeling of being

what you want to be.

Use your emotions!

How does it feel to be rich? How does it feel to have plenty of money? How does it feel
to have a million dollars? Would you be laughing and feeling joyful?

Then act out those emotions. Put a smile on your face and laugh out loud!

Would you jump up and down? Then start jumping up and down.

Some people take it to the extreme. A lady in Philadelphia told me she wanted a house.
So I told her "go and look for the house that you want".

She went back home with her kids, started packing up everything. They said, “Mama,
where are you going?” She said, “I don’t know where I’m going, but we’re going out of
here. Rev. Ike told me I could be what I want to be, I could do what I want to do, I
could have what I want to have, and I see myself in my own house. Go and get those
things out of that drawer and pack them up in these boxes here.”

She saw herself in a new place, she felt it, and it happened.

In your visualization also use your

inner sense of taste.

You remember when we visualized a lot around here, I always visualized a vacation in
the Caribbean area and those tangy drinks. I guess it’s because the food is so highly
flavored, and the drinks are so highly flavored over there.

Bring your sense of taste into play in your visualization. If there's somewhere you want
to be, taste the food and drink that are indigenous to that area. You want to be in
France? See it, touch it, taste the local cuisine. The idea of taste helps to stimulate
your visualization.
When you visualize, employ the sense of hearing,
the inner sense of hearing.

This is very important. In your visualization process, appeal to and employ the sense of

In your mind, hear people telling you what you want to hear.

Hear your friends saying to you, “Oh, you sure look great. That trip did you a lot of

Whenever you 'hear' anybody’s voice, you immediately tap into them on the
subconscious level. You are in immediate subconscious communication.

Never Get Into a 'Mental Argument"

This is why in your mind never have a fuss with somebody. If you see, feel, and hear
yourself fussing with somebody -- and people do fuss in their mind --there’s going to be

Now, I’m going to ask for confessions. How many of you really ever fuss in your mind
with people? How many of you have 'imaginary' arguments?

Well, we’re not going to do that any more.

I told you, people visualize all the time without being aware that they are misusing

In their mind they 'see' themselves fussing, they see themselves fighting, they see
themselves quarreling.

You see how vivid people are in their visualization, how they talk back and forth.

This is negative visualization. Don’t do it or there is going to be trouble.

A technique for taking off some weight:

Do you want to take off some weight?

Here's an effective visualization technique using your inner sense of hearing:

Put the words into the mouths of your friends and close
associates, in your imagination, and see them and hear them telling you, “You sure look
good since you took off that weight. What size is your waist now?”

And you talk back to them and tell them how small your waist is.
Hear what you WANT to hear
during your visualization.

“That’s a gorgeous mate you got, honey.” Make your friends tell you that (in your

“Where did you get those shoes?” Tell them where you got them.

Use your sense of SMELL as well

in your visualizations.

Smell the roses or the flowers around you. Again, smell the
flowers and vegetation which may be indigenous to the area that you wish to vacation
or visit in.

Smell the coffee perking where you want to be. Smell the steaks sizzling out on a ranch
in Texas. Smell the bread and the pies and the cakes baking.

Smell whatever is associated with your vision.

Dream your dreams.

Occupy your dreams.

"Lift up now thine eyes and behold the land. Walk up and down in it, and in the
length of it and in the breadth of it, and all that your eyes shall see, I will give
it unto you.”

Now, what does that mean?

Does that mean that that was something God told Abraham several thousand years

Or is that the Lord God Almighty, the law of mind revealing its secret to you?

That’s the Lord speaking, the law of mind.

I’ll give the meaning to you. That statement is mental.

It means:"What you see is what you get!"

Some people think that it means the Holy Land in Israel, but this scripture is stating
a law of mind. “All that your eyes see I will give it unto you.”

This is a statement of the law of mind, meaning all that you can visualize, any
dream that you can occupy will come true.

Don't Misuse the Law of Mind

Be careful that you don’t use the law of mind, of which visualization is a part, to
manipulate other people. You have to be aware of mental manipulation.

I remember when I was teaching visualization, somebody who worked for me looked at
something that was mine and said, “I see myself with that.” I said, “Yes, but I don’t.
You see yourself with another one, but this one is mine.”

Now, you remember I told you how I watched those people on Fifth Avenue with their
Rolls Royces and so on, I didn’t see myself with theirs. I saw myself with mine.

How to Visualize a Mate

What you do is select the quality, the type, the characteristics of the kind of person that
you may want a right relationship with.

And if there are people, as you say, that belong to other people that have
characteristics that you like, you can just simply say, “I see myself with a person who
has characteristics like so and so.”

But never try to manipulate something away from somebody else.Never do that.

Mental manipulation is something that absolutely, positively can be done, and it’s being
done all the time, but you will suffer.

A well known minister of mind science, who worked in this area for many years, told
about how a lady kept coming to him to get visualization treatments from him so that a
certain man would marry her, and she just would not take any kind of advice. “No,
Doctor, give me treatments. I want to marry that one.”

They treated, and she married. Very shortly thereafter, the woman came back to his
office and said, “Doctor, would you please get me a treatment to get rid of this S.O.B.”

Now, also let me point out, so-called 'witchcraft' is really mental manipulation; it is
negative mental manipulation. You have to be careful.

Yes, you can do it; you can absolutely misuse and get on the wrong side of the law of
Mind. Watch that. Don’t ever try to take anything from somebody else.

Thou shalt not covet is one of the Ten Commandments.

Because when you covet, you’re saying that somebody has some good that you can’t
have. Good is infinite. And I’m sure some of us, and some of you men or women, you
can think of some folks that you thought you were in love with, but you’re glad you
didn’t hook up with them, aren’t you?

Think in terms of qualities. It’s all right to see qualities in somebody else, another man
or woman that you would like to have right relationship with.
If that person is in a relationship with somebody else, don’t try to manipulate that. But
see yourself in a right relationship with a person who has all of the qualities that you
like. If you like the Clark Gable type, even though he’s gone on, you can materialize
that. The quality is not him.

Any dream which I can mentally

occupy will come true.

Whatever condition, whatever situation you wish to create, occupy that in your dream,
in your vision.

Lift up now thine eyes and behold the land. The land represents the good you desire.
Behold that which you desire to be, to do, and to have. See it in your mind. Walk up
and down in it. You are really occupying it. Experience it in your mind.

And all that your eyes can see, the law of mind will give it unto you. If you can see it,
you can be it. If you can visualize it, you can have it. This is the law of mind, which is
just as certain as the law of gravity.

This is not the End, It's the Beginning!

Now, my friend, this ends your last lesson in this introductory ecourse.

But this is just the beginning of your transformation into a more prosperous, loving,
healthy, successful and joyful person!

Because these lessons are just a small sample of the powerful Mind Science techniques
that I teach.

And if you have read and studied all seven of these introductory lessons on the the
subject of visualization...

...you have already made an important start...

...and if you have begun to apply these lessons to situations in your life...

... you are beginning to realize the amazing, incredible power of your mind when you
use the techniques of Visualization.

But Spiritual growth and development involve continual study and practice...

...because your subconscious mind has been programmed with negative, self-defeating
beliefs over the course of your life...

...and it takes powerful techniques and much repetition to reach down and cleanse
your subconscious of these negative ideas and feelings...
...and implant the new truths about yourself that will set you free and create the
beautiful new life you desire!

These transcribed introductory lessons that you have read are just a tiny part of my
Full-length Live Visualization Workshop that I have recorded for you.

Because hearing and listening to my voice is a much more powerful and effective way
to impress these new ways of thinking on your subconcious mind.

And now you can listen and participate in the entire four and a half hour long sessions
of my original Visualization Workshop – recorded live and available on MP3 download!

Believe me — with these audio sessions, you don't JUST listen!

You'll actively participate, using all of your senses. You'll get a treatment! You'll be
touched right down to your subconscious — right down to your soul!

Let today be the beginning of your New Life

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