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Does the perception and interest of CapSu Mambusao

Satellite College students in the English language affect

their achievement in English?

2. What are the language learning strategies used by the

students of CapSu Mambusao Satellite College?

The Purpose of the Study

The purpose of this study is to investigate the individual

language learning strategy the students of CapSu Mambusao

Satellite College prefer to use and to reveal whether there is a

relationship among their language learning strategy and their

academic achievement.

Significance of the study

People do not understand everything when they are born but

have to learn everything so that they are able to understand

(LEE, 2010). As what Wenden (1985) reminds us, “Give a man a fish

and he eats for a day. But teach him how to fish and he eats for

a lifetime”. Applied to the language learning field, this

statement will be interpreted to mean that if a learner was

provided with answers, the immediate problem was solved. But if

he would be taught the strategies to work out the answers for

themselves, he was empowered to manage his own learning.

The significance of this study is to give a clear data

regarding the language learning strategy (LLS) of CapsU Mambusao

Satellite College Students in relation to their academic

achievement. This study might be useful to both language teachers

and learners because it might raise teacher’s awareness

concerning their own learning and teaching styles. It was known

that most teachers tend to teach in the way they were taught or

in a way they preferred to learn. Sometimes, conflicts might

arise because of mismatch between the teacher’s teaching styles

and the learner’s learning styles, which might have negative

consequences both on the part of the learner and the teacher for

this reason, as Stebbins (1995) asserts that teachers should know

the general learning style profiles of the whole class, with

which will enable them to organize and employ instructional

materials accordingly. This study might also prove useful to the

curriculum developers and material producers. Because teachers

need to have enough time in the curriculum dedicated to both the

identification of learners’ learning strategy and curriculum will

be able to allocate sufficient time for the training sessions.

Similarly, knowing students’ general preference tendencies might

enable material developers to materials that both match students’

learning strategies. In other words, teachers may have enough

time not only to identify their students’ strategies, they might

become capable of integrating appropriate materials and

activities that match the learners learning strategy and they can

have better opportunities to assess and guide the learners with

respect to learning strategies manipulated in various situations.

Kinsella (1995) suggested that teachers should go far beyond the

instructional modifications in their efforts “to create

democratic learning environments.” They should also pursue and

cooperate with other colleagues to provide practices that will

aid learners find out the obstacles which limit their potentials

in the academic life and society, and they should equip all of

the students in their classes with the knowledge and strategies

to take the appropriate action against the things which restrict


Scope and Limitations of the Study

This study was focused only to determine the relationship

between the language learning strategies of CapSU Mambusao

Satellite College student and their academic achievement in

English. It was done by providing questionnaires that suits to

provide the answers to the statement of the problem.

Questionnaires were given to the CapSU Mambusao Satellite College

students to be answered legibly. This study was conducted as to

respondent’s sex, degree pursued, place of residence while

schooling, parent’s educational attainment, age, family income,

daily allowance, year level, and their achievement in English.

Limitation of the Study

The academic limit: Capiz State University Mambusao Satellite

College students

Time and place limit: The study was conducted in the first

semester of the academic year 2009-2010 at Capiz State University

Mambusao Satellite College.

Definition of Terms

The researcher adapted the following terms in this study:

Age is the length of an existence extending from the

beginning to any given time.

Educational attainment refers to the highest degree

of education an individual had completed.

Place of residence also known as domicile, it refers to the

location where the individual permanently or temporarily lives.

Family income refers to the Total compensation received by

all family members age 15 or older living in the same household.

Compensation may include wages, social security, child support,

pensions, capital gains, and dividends.

Daily allowance is the amount of money that a student is

entitled to on a daily basis and expenses.

Achievement is the “final rating of students determined by

teacher through point system, expressed by a numerical grade”

(Brown et al, 1989)

Degree pursued refers to the course to which a student had

been enrolled in.

Year level refers to the extent to which a student had

attained in his or her degree pursued.

LLS Language learning strategy is defined as specific

methods or techniques used by individual learners to facilitate

comprehension, retention, retrieval and application of

information for language learning and acquisition

L2 Second Language; Foreign Language: The language a person

knows, is learning or is acquiring in addition to their native

language (L1)
Auditory learners are “students who enjoy the oral-aural

learning channel. Thus they want to engage in discussions,

conversations and group work. These students typically require

only oral directions”, (Oxford, 1995, p. 36).

Visual learners are those who “prefer to learn by visual

channel. Therefore they like to read a lot, which requires

concentration and time spent alone. Visual students need the

visual stimulation of bulletin boards, videos and movies. They

must have written directions if they are to function well in the

classroom” (Oxford, 1995, p. 35).

Tactile learners are those who “suggest learning with ones

hands through manipulation or resources such as writing, drawing

building a model, or conducting a lab experiment” (Kinsella,

1995, p. 172).

Kinesthetic learners are those “imply total physical

involvement with a learning environment such as taking a field

trip, dramatizing, pantomiming, or interviewing” (Kinsella, 1995,

p. 172)

Group learner is the one who “learns more effectively

through working with other” (Reid, 1995, p. x).

Individual learners are those who “learn more effectively

through working alone” (Reid, 1995, p. x)

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