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Jemaimah Erica G.


BSCpE 1-1

1. What is Physical Education?

Physical Education refers to an important segment of general education which aims to

contribute to the total development of the learner through participation in selected vigorous
activities. It provides opportunities to acquire lifelong skills that are essential to his physical,
mental, social, and emotional development.

2. What are the different objectives of Physical Education?

The objectives of Physical Education are focused on the four aspects of development,

a. Physical Development Objectives – Physical fitness, which is the capacity of

the body to engage in work and play without undue fatigue.
b. Mental Development Objectives – Focus is on the acquisition of knowledge
and understanding, ability to analyze body movements and skills, evaluate
game situations and make important decisions.
c. Social Development Objectives – A learner seldom gets into vigorous
physical activity by himself. He plays, dances, or others exercises with people.
In the process, he learns to respect others, and practices fair play,
sportsmanship, teamwork, and develops leadership. He learns the game of life
– the application of the golden rule.
d. Emotional Development Objectives – Participating in varied physical
activities enables one to acquire pleasant attitudes, desirable habits,
appreciations and values. Positive character traits such as courage, self-
confidence, discipline, appreciation for beautiful performances, as well as
self-expression are developed and become part of an individual’s way of life.
3. Give the Bloom’s Taxonomy of Behavioral Objectives
a. Psychomotor Objectives (Physical Fitness Development and Movement
- Physical fitness components – endurance, strength, flexibility, balance,
- Body mechanics, games, dance and sports skills
b. Cognitive Objectives (Knowledge and Information)
- Body functions and development process
- Analysis, reasoning, and decision-making
- Rules, strategies, and safety
c. Affective Objectives (Social and Emotional Stability)
- Cooperation, sportsmanship, respect for others, leadership
- Courage, self-discipline, aesthetic appreciation, self-expression
4. What is Physical Fitness? Why is it important?
Physical Fitness is a physical condition when an individual has the capacity to do
everyday tasks without a feeling of exhaustion. It is important because a person who is
physically fit can work without being overfatigued and accomplishes his work with a
minimum of stress.
5. What are the different components of Physical Fitness?

a. Strength – the ability to perform or move against a resistance.

b. Cardio-respiratory endurance – the ability of the heart, lungs, and vascular

system to function efficiently and undergo prolonged body stresses.

c. Flexibility – the ability to bend freely or increase the range of movement at a

given point.

d. Agility – the ability to move one’s body in different levels and directions. It
requires a combination of coordination and speed.

e. Balance – the ability to assume and maintain any body position, whether static
or moving, against the force of gravity.

Other physical fitness components are:

Speed – the ability to perform a movement in a short period of time.

Power – the ability to exert maximum force in a quick, explosive burst. It requires
a combination of strength and speed.

Coordination – the ability to recruit the senses such as sight and hearing in
conjunction with body parts to perform task accurately and with efficiency of

6. What are the disciplined body towards a healthy lifestyle?

To achieve a physically fit body, discipline is essential. In the process, all you
need are: regular exercise, balanced diet, adequate sleep, absence of liquor,
cigarettes, and drugs, wholesome recreation, and positive attitudes.
7. Give the Battery Test and its components
1. Standing Long Jump – measures leg strength and power
2. Curl-Ups – measures strength and endurance of abdominal muscles
3. 50-Meter Sprint – measures speed
4. Pull-Ups (Boys) – measures the strength and endurance of the muscles of the
arms and shoulders
5. Flexed-Arm Hang (Girls) – measures the strength and endurance of the
muscles of the arms and shoulders
6. Shuttle Run – measures agility and coordination
7. Sit and Reach – measures flexibility of the lower back and hamstring muscles
8. Three-Minute Step Test – measures cardio-respiratory endurance

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