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9th Congress of the EUGMS / European Geriatric Medicine 4 (2013) S20–S80 S25

P016 tures (28.13%). Dementia is very little involved in vertebral and

Claim for a new paradigm of hospital Pouteau-Colles fractures, but is important risk factor for hip frac-
physicians: Evolution along 13 years tures in older age groups. A fracture increases by 83% the risk of a
second fracture in older age groups, irrespective of gender.
in an acute internal medicine ward in Conclusions.– Risk factors for complications of osteoporosis in older
Portugal people have severe impact on quality of life and survival and need
F.T. Lopes , A.R. Dias , A.N. Miranda , M. Alves , constant assessment and management.
M.R. Narciso , T.P. Fonseca , J. Gorjão Clara
UUG-CHLN, Lisbon, Portugal

Introduction.– Equally to the rest of the world, the Portuguese soci- P018
ety is ageing. Thus, the patients admitted at the internal medicine
Inflammation and oxidative stress in
wards are older than a few years ago. However, the doctors’
approach didn’t change accordingly. The authors intend to evalu- elderly patients with atrial fibrillation
ate the magnitude of polypathology and polypharmacy in patients G. Arık , Ö. Kara , M.E. Kuyumcu , Y. Yeşil ,
admitted in the same acute internal medicine ward in an academic M. Cemal Kızılarslanoğlu , M.K. Kılıç ,
tertiary hospital, with a time interval of 13 years. B. Balam Yavuz , M. Halil , M. Cankurtaran ,
Methods.– One-hundred consecutive old-patients admitted in an S. Arıoğul
internal medicine department were analyzed about their proven- Department of internal medicine, division of geriatric medicine of
ance (nursing home/home), length of stay, number of diagnoses, Hacettepe üni, Ankara, Turkey
specifically dementia, number of medications at admission and
Aim.– Atrial fibrillation (AF) is the most common form of arythmia
post-discharge. Some of this data was then compared with a similar
in the population. It is associated with increased cardiovascu-
study done more than a decade before (1999 vs. 2012).
lar mortality. It is important to understand the pathogenesis and
Results.– Nowadays the median age was 80,6 years (35%
risk factors of this rhythm disorder for appropriate management.
patients ≥ 85 years), 42% males; 21% were from nursing home; the
Hypertention, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, obesity,
mean length of stay was 8,8 days, the median of diagnoses per
chronic kidney disease are known major risk factors. Recently
patient was 7,9. Thirty-one percent of the patients had dementia.
inflammation and oxidative stress pathways gain importance in
The mean number of medications was 7,6 at admission and 8,3
the pathogenesis of AF. In the present study, we aimed to inves-
post-discharge. Between the two periods, the median age increased
tigate the relationship between inflammation and oxidative stress
from 78,5 years to 80,6 years, the mean length of stay decreased
markers and the prevalence of AF in elderly.
16% (2 days less), the number of diagnoses per patient increased
Methods.– Two thousand three hundred and thirty-six elderly
28% (from 5.7 to7.9) and dementia increased by 55%.
patients (≥ 65 years old) admitted to our hospital were included
Conclusions.– Comparing with the study made 13 years ago,
in the study. Data including age, sex, body mass index (BMI),
the admitted patients are older now, the number of diagnoses
comorbidities, serum uric acid (UA), albumin, homocysteine, total
increased substantially and dementia has duplicated but interest-
bilirubin, eryhtrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) and C-reactive pro-
ingly, the length of stay became 2 days shorter. This recalls for the
tein (CRP) were evaluated. AF was diagnosed from medical history
urgent need of a new paradigm concerning the approach of the
and using 12-lead electrocardiogram. Statistical analysis were per-
older patient in the internal medicine wards.
formed using SPSS version 15.0 programme. Statistical significance
http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.eurger.2013.07.080 was accepted as P < 0.05.
Results.– The mean age was 72.1 ± 6.26. The prevalence of AF was
P017 %5. On the univariate analysis, the means of albumin and BMI were
significantly lower, the prevalence of coronary heart disease (CHD)
Risk factors for complications of and congestive heart failure (CHF) and the mean of UA were signif-
osteoporosis in older people icantly higher in patients with AF. Multivariate regression analysis
G.I. Prada , I.G. Fita , R. Nacu , I. Ignat , R. Petrescu , revealed that UA (OR: 0.875, 95% CI: 0.793–0.966, P: 0.008) and
O. Jugravu , A. Catar , A.M. Herghelegiu , S.P. Prada albumin (OR: 2.801, 95% CI: 1.695–4.626, P < 0.001) levels are inde-
“Ana Aslan” National Institute of Gerontology and Geriatrics, pendent variables predicting the occurrence of AF.
Romania Conclusions.– Higher UA levels and lower albumin levels in elderly
patients with AF may suggest the role of oxidative stress and inflam-
Objective.– Aim of this study was to analyze risk factors for compli-
mation in the pathogenesis of AF.
cations of osteoporosis in older patients.
Patients and methods.– We evaluated 295 older patients with osteo- http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.eurger.2013.07.082
porosis, consecutively admitted to our Institute, 79% women, 21%
men, age range 65 to 89, mean age 75 years. Three age groups were P019
considered: young-old (65-74 years), old-old (75–84 years), very
The determinants of muscle strength
old (85 years and older). Osteoporosis was diagnosed by analysis of
bone density using DXA in all patients. in Parkinson’s disease
Results.– Vertebral fractures were most prevalent in men (55%), H.C. Roberts a , H.E. Syddall b , J.W. Butchart c ,
while hip fractures were more frequent in women (38%). In E.L. Stack a , C. Cooper b , A. Aihie Sayer a,b
a Academic Geriatric Medicine, University of Southampton,
younger age groups Pouteau-Colles fractures were most preva-
lent (32%), older age groups were affected mainly by hip fractures Southampton, UK
b MRC Lifecourse Epidemiology Unit, University of Southampton,
(42%). Regarding risk factors for complications in older age group,
dementia was most significant (RR = 5.3), together with decreased Southampton, UK
c Medicine for Older People; Southampton General Hospital,
physical activity (RR = 1.65), medication use (RR = 1.77), high frailty
index (RR = 1.69), poor visual acuity (RR = 1.47), lower body weight Southampton, UK
(RR = 1.38). In younger age groups, most significant risk factors were
Introduction.– Muscle weakness is a common complaint in Parkin-
arterial hypotension (RR = 1.9), smoking (RR = 1.65), estrogen deficit
son’s disease (PD). Research studies have produced conflicting
at younger age (RR = 1.46). In patients with high frailty index, hip
results on whether there is true muscle weakness in PD but have not
fracture was most prevalent (59.38%), followed by vertebral frac-
accounted for known influences of age, gender, body size, physical

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