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Name: ____________________ Presentation Date: ________________

Criteria Expectations Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 80

NOT Met 50-59% 60-69% 70-79% 80-100% Marks

Knowledge & No artifacts. Artifacts and work samples Some artifacts and Most artifacts and work All artifacts and work
Understanding do not relate to the purpose work samples are samples are related to samples are clearly and
of the eportfolio. related to the purpose the purpose of the directly related to the
All 4 inquiry of the eportfolio. eportfolio. purpose of the eportfolio.
Selection of artifacts: questions not Minimal variety of artifacts
Related to purpose addressed. included. Some variety of A variety of artifacts are A wide variety of artifacts
of eportfolio & artifacts included. included. are included.
variety of artifacts Inquiry questions are /20
(visuals, docs, video, minimally addressed. Limited At least 2-3 essential All 4 essential questions
audio, written, etc) depth for most. questions are are addressed well. All 4 essential questions
Connection to the 4 addressed well. are thoroughly addressed.
essential career/life
planning questions

Thinking/Inquiry Reflection not Final reflection question Final reflection Final reflection question Final reflection question is
included. minimal. question is fair. is answered well. clearly and thoroughly
Final Reflection answered.
Response is lacking breadth Response Response demonstrates
and depth of thinking about demonstrates some good level of breadth Response has excellent
the portfolio and the faith thinking about the and depth of thinking breadth and depth of
journey. portfolio and the faith about the portfolio and thinking about the portfolio /15
journey. the faith journey. and the faith journey.

Communication No images. The portfolio is difficult to The portfolio is often The e-portfolio is easy The e-portfolio is very
Written/Visual navigate and is lacking visual difficult to navigate and to navigate and is easy to navigate and is
Ease of Use appeal. is somewhat visually visually appealing. extremely visually
appealing. appealing.
Demonstrates minimal/no Good level of creative
Visual Appeal - creative effort to make Some creative effort effort made to make High degree of creative
layout, background, portfolio unique. made to make portfolio portfolio unique. effort to make portfolio
colours, images, font No written unique. unique and stand out.
choice information. Many errors in grammar, There are few errors in Student went above the
capitalization, punctuation grammar, capitalization, expectations. /15
and/or spelling. Some errors in punctuation, and
grammar, spelling.
Writing Conventions capitalization, There are no errors in
punctuation and/or grammar, capitalization,
spelling. punctuation, and spelling.

Communication Student did not Students cannot easily Students can Students can articulate Students can clearly
Oral present the articulate why their selection somewhat articulate why most of their articulate why all their
portfolio. of artifacts were chosen or why some of their artifacts were chosen artifacts were chosen and
how they are representative artifacts were chosen and how they are how the artifacts are
Presentation of of their Co op Curriculum. or how they are representative of the Co representative of the Co /10
Portfolio representative of the op curriculum.. op curriculum.
Co op curriculum..
Verbal articulation of

Application Course content Minimal content from the Co Some content from the Content from the Co op Exceptional amount of
Inclusion of co op (as directed by op course included. Co op course included. course included. content from Co op
course content as the teacher) is course included.
not included. Few to no connections are Few connections are Connections are made
directed by the made between the curriculum made between the between the curriculum A variety of connections
teacher. Makes and other parts of the curriculum and other and other parts of the are made between the
connections between student’s life. parts of the student’s student’s life. curriculum and other parts /15
curriculum and self life. of the student’s life.
throughout (artifact


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