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Liturgical Leaflet for an Active Participation in the Celebration of the Eucharist

15 July 2018 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B



oday we are reminded that the Church is missionary by nature. From
the very beginning, the Lord sent his apostles to preach the Gospel,
drive out demons, and take care of the weak and the sick.
This is an enormous task which sometimes may even be met with rejec-
tion and opposition. But this should not be a reason for discouragement,
but rather a stimulus to do our very best, while trusting only in the power
of God’s grace and of His Word. The weakness of the Cross is much more
powerful than all the resources of this world.
Let us keep this in mind as we are about to start the Eucharistic celebra-
tion and offer it in a special manner for all those involved in apostolic works.

apostles to preach the Good hand of the Father, have mercy

News to all nations. Christ, on us. For you alone are the Holy
have mercy! One, you alone are the Lord, you
All –Christ, have mercy! alone are the Most High, Jesus
Entrance Antiphon P –Lord Jesus, you want your Christ, with the Holy Spirit, in the
(To be recited only when no Entrance glory of God the Father. Amen!
disciples and apostles to
Hymn is sung.)
trust only in the power of
As for me, in justice I shall your word and your grace. Collect (Opening Prayer)
behold your face; I shall be Lord, have mercy! P –O God, who show the light
filled with the vision of your All – Lord, have mercy! of your truth to those who go
glory. astray, so that they may return
P –May almighty God have to the right path, give all, who
Greeting mercy on us, forgive us our sins, for the faith they profess are ac-
P –Blessed be Jesus, who sends and bring us to everlasting life. counted Christians, the grace to
us on mission to the world. May All – Amen! reject whatever is contrary to the
his grace and peace be with you name of Christ and to strive after
all! Gloria all that does it honor.
All – And with your spirit! All – Glory to God in the high- Through our Lord Jesus
est, and on earth peace to people Christ, your Son, who lives and
Penitential Act of good will. We praise you, reigns with you in the unity of
we bless you, we adore you, we the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever
P –As we prepare ourselves
glorify you, we give you thanks and ever.
to celebrate the sacred myster-
for your great glory, Lord God, All – Amen!
ies, let us call to mind our sins
and ask the Lord for pardon and heavenly King, O God, almighty
strength. (Pause) Father.
Lord Jesus Christ, Only Be-
P –Lord Jesus, you are the gotten Son, Lord God, Lamb of
prophet sent by the Father God, Son of the Father, you take
to call all peoples to conver- away the sins of the world, have 1st Reading Am 7:12-15
sion. Lord, have mercy! mercy on us; you take away the Amos, a former shepherd
All –Lord, have mercy! sins of the world, receive our from Tekoa in Judah, proved to
P –Lord Jesus, you sent your prayer; you are seated at the right be a disturbing prophet in the
Northern Kingdom where the 2nd Reading Eph 1:3-14 en the eyes of our hearts,
Lord had sent him. His faith- In a few powerful strokes, that we may know what
fulness to his God-given mis- and in prayer form, St. Paul is the hope that belongs to
sion cost him the unceremoni- states that all blessings have our call.”
ous expulsion we hear about in their origin in God the Father, Alleluia! Alleluia!
today’s reading. their center in Jesus Christ, and
R –A proclamation from the their pledge of fulfillment in the Gospel Mk 6:7-13
Book of the Prophet Amos Holy Spirit. The activity of the apostles
R –A proclamation from the has to be characterized by to-
Amaziah, priest of Bethel, tal detachment from material
said to Amos, “Off with you, Letter of Paul to the Ephe-
sians things and readiness to suffer
visionary, flee to the land of Ju- rejection like their Master.
dah! There earn your bread by Blessed be the God and Fa-
prophesying, but never again ther of our Lord Jesus Christ, P –The Lord be with you!
prophesy in Bethel; for it is the who has blessed us in Christ All –And with your spirit!
king’s sanctuary and a royal with every spiritual blessing in P – A proclamation from the
temple.” the heavens, as he chose us in holy Gospel according to
Amos answered Amaziah, him, before the foundation of Mark
“I was no prophet, nor have the world, to be holy and with- All – Glory to you, O Lord!
I belonged to a company of out blemish before him. In love Jesus summoned the
prophets. I was a shepherd and he destined us for adoption to Twelve and began to send them
a dresser of sycamores. The himself through Jesus Christ, out two by two and gave them
Lord took me from following in accord with the favor of his authority over unclean spirits.
the flock, and said to me, ‘Go, will, for the praise of the glory He instructed them to take
prophesy to my people Israel.’ ” of his grace that he granted us nothing for the journey but
The Word of the Lord! in the beloved. a walking stick – no food, no
All – Thanks be to God! In him we have redemption sack, no money in their belts.
by his blood, the forgiveness of They were, however, to wear
Responsorial Psalm Ps 85 transgressions, in accord with sandals but not a second tunic.
the riches of his grace that he He said to them, “Wherever
R –Lord, let us see your kind- lavished upon us. In all wisdom you enter a house, stay there
ness, and grant us your sal- and insight, he has made known until you leave. Whatever
vation! to us the mystery of his will in place does not welcome you or
accord with his favor that he listen to you, leave there and
set forth in him as a plan for shake the dust off your feet in
the fullness of time, to sum up testimony against them.”
all things in Christ, in heaven So they went off and
and on earth. In him we were preached repentance. The
also chosen, destined in accord Twelve drove out many de-
with the purpose of the One mons, and they anointed with
who accomplishes all things ac- oil many who were sick and
cording to the intention of his cured them.
will, so that we might exist for The Gospel of the Lord!
the praise of his glory, we who All – Praise to you, Lord Jesus
first hoped in Christ. Christ!
* I will hear what God In him you also, who have
proclaims; the Lord – for he heard the word of truth, the Homily
proclaims peace. Near indeed gospel of your salvation, and
is his salvation to those who have believed in him, were Profession of Faith
fear him, glory dwelling in our sealed with the promised Holy (Nicene-Constantinopolitan Creed)
land. R. Spirit, which is the first install-
ment of our inheritance toward All –I believe in one God, the Fa-
* Kindness and truth shall ther almighty, maker of heaven
meet; justice and peace shall redemption as God’s posses-
sion, to the praise of his glory. and earth, of all things visible
kiss. Truth shall spring out of and invisible.
the earth, and justice shall look The Word of the Lord! I believe in one Lord Jesus
down from heaven. R. All – Thanks be to God! Christ, the Only Begotten Son
* The Lord himself will give of God, born of the Father be-
his benefits; our land shall Gospel Acclamation fore all ages. God from God,
yield its increase. Justice shall All – Alleluia! Alleluia! Light from Light, true God from
walk before him, and prepare “May the Father of our true God, begotten, not made,
the way of his steps. R. Lord Jesus Christ enlight- consubstantial with the Father;

GLOSSARY: • Fullness of time: The culmination of God’s plan for the salvation of mankind.

15 July 2018
through him all things were promptly and wholeheartedly. the glory of being now called a
made. For us men and for our Let us pray! R. chosen race, a royal priesthood,
salvation he came down from C –For all the missionaries who a holy nation, a people for your
heaven, (bow)* and by the Holy experience rejection, that they own possession, to proclaim ev-
Spirit was incarnate of the Vir- may not be discouraged, but ac- erywhere your mighty works, for
gin Mary, and became man.* For tually rejoice in seeing them- you have called us out of dark-
our sake he was crucified under selves treated the same way as ness into your own wonderful
Pontius Pilate, he suffered death Jesus was. Let us pray! R. light.
and was buried, and rose again And so, with Angels and
on the third day in accordance C –Let us pray in silence for our Archangels, with Thrones and
with the Scriptures. He ascended personal intentions. (Pause) Dominions, and with all the
into heaven and is seated at the Let us pray! R. hosts and Powers of heaven, we
right hand of the Father. He will sing the hymn of your glory as
come again in glory to judge P –Lord Jesus Christ, Apostle without end we acclaim:
the living and the dead and his of the Father, make us brave and All – Holy, holy, holy Lord, God
kingdom will have no end. holy so that we may spread your of hosts. Heaven and earth are
I believe in the Holy Spirit, Kingdom in our society. You full of your glory. Hosanna in
the Lord, the giver of life, who who live and reign for ever and the highest!
proceeds from the Father and ever. Blessed is he who comes in
the Son, who with the Father All – Amen! the name of the Lord. Hosanna
and the Son is adored and glori- in the highest!
fied, who has spoken through
the prophets. Memorial Acclamation
I believe in one, holy, cath- P –The mystery of faith!
olic and apostolic Church. I All –When we eat this Bread
confess one Baptism for the Preparation of the Gifts and drink this Cup, we pro-
forgiveness of sins and I look P –Pray, brethren . . . claim your Death, O Lord,
forward to the resurrection of All – May the Lord accept the until you come again!
the dead and the life of the world sacrifice at your hands, for the
to come. Amen! praise and glory of his name,
for our good and the good of all
Prayer of the Faithful his holy Church.
P –As a sign of his love and
concern for all mankind, Jesus Prayer over the Offerings All – Our Father . . .
keeps calling to active aposto- P –Deliver us, Lord . . .
late people of all ages and from P –Look upon the offerings All –For the kingdom, the
all walks of life. Let us pray for of the Church, O Lord, as she power, and the glory are
them and for the beneficiaries of makes her prayer to you, and yours, now and for ever.
their apostolic labors by saying: grant that, when consumed by
those who believe, they may Sign of Peace
All –King of apostles, hear us! bring ever greater holiness.
C –For the whole Christian Through Christ our Lord. Breaking of the Bread
community, that it may remain All – Amen!
faithful to its mission to preach All – Lamb of God . . .
repentance and fight evil in all Preface I
its forms. Let us pray! R. Communion
P –The Lord be with you!
C –For all the recipients of the All –And with your spirit! P –This is Jesus, the Lamb of
message of salvation, that they P –Lift up your hearts! God who takes away the sins
may open their hearts to the Lord All – We lift them up to the Lord! of the world. Blessed are those
and pattern their behavior after P –Let us give thanks to the called to his Supper.
his example. Let us pray! R. Lord our God! All –Lord, I am not worthy
All –It is right and just! that you should enter under
C –For those who are tempted my roof, but only say the word
to rely on material resources, P –It is truly right and just, our
and my soul shall be healed.
prestige or political power rath- duty and our salvation, always
er than moral values, that they and everywhere to give you
thanks, Lord, holy Father, al-
Communion Antiphon
may always remember that Je- (To be recited only when no
sus saved the world through the mighty and eternal God, through
Christ our Lord. Communion Hymn is sung.)
humiliation of the cross. Let us
pray! R. For through his Paschal The sparrow finds a home,
Mystery, he accomplished the and the swallow a nest for her
C –For all those called to a life marvelous deed, by which he young: by your altars, O Lord
of total dedication in the foreign has freed us from the yoke of of hosts, my King and my God.
missions, that they may respond sin and death, summoning us to Blessed are they who dwell in

15th Sunday in Ordinary Time (B)

your house, for ever singing people or beyond the borders of
your praise. Trusting Israel, two things were to character-
ize them: poverty and detachment.
Prayer after Communion in God Alone (See Mk 6:8.) After all, they were
the disciples and ambassadors
P –Having consumed these

gifts, we pray, O Lord, that, by he sending of the Twelve was of the One who chose to possess
our participation in this mystery, an act of tremendous impor- not even a stone on which to lay
its saving effects upon us may tance in Jesus’ apostolic life. his head. Their only assets were
grow. After a whole night spent in prayer, expected to be the “Message” they
Through Christ our Lord. he called them one by one (see Lk were bringing, and the power to
All – Amen! 6:12f.), from various walks of life, to expel demons and to cure the sick.
be his assistants, the “core group” For all their “power,” however,
among his disciples. they would always remain vulner-
Their assignment was to go able people. Poverty and the danger
and do what Jesus himself had of being rejected would accompany
been doing in his apostolic life: them at all times. In this also they
P –The Lord be with you! to preach repentance, to cast out would resemble the prophets of old
All – And with your spirit! demons, and to heal the sick. (See (see the First Reading) and Jesus
Mk 6:12 ff.) Jesus took the initia- himself who had been rejected by
P –Bow your heads and pray
tive of sharing with them his own his very townsfolk.
for God’s blessing. (Pause)
mission. For the time being, their And yet, in spite of their per-
May almighty God protect
apostolic activity would be limited sonal weaknesses and the external
you from all evil and make
to the people of Israel, but after oppositions, their mission would
you always aware of His
the Ascension, their field of action go on until the end of time. And
saving wisdom.
would be widened to encompass they would overcome all obstacles,
All – Amen!
the whole world. (See Mk 16:15.) thanks to the continuous presence
P –May He strengthen your But whether they exercised and assistance of the One who has
faith with proofs of His their mission among their own overcome the world. (See Jn 16:33.)
love, so that you will perse-
vere in good works.
All – Amen! Enjoy Pope Francis’ heart-warming
P –May He direct your steps latest Apostolic Exhortation:
to Himself, and show you
how to walk in charity and
All – Amen!
P –May almighty God bless
you: the Father, and the
Son, and the Holy Spirit.
All – Amen!
P –Go in peace and be prophets
of the Lord in your daily
All – Thanks be to God!

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