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EXNO:14 PL/SQL code to display employee details

SQL> create table empp(emp_no number(4),emp_name varchar2(30),street varchar2(20),city varchar2(20));

Table created.

SQL> insert into empp values(&emp_no,'&emp_name','&street','&city');

Enter value for emp_no: 1000
Enter value for emp_name: rajesh
Enter value for street: first cross
Enter value for city: vellore
old 1: insert into empp values(&emp_no,'&emp_name','&street','&city')
new 1: insert into empp values(1000,'rajesh','first cross','vellore')

1 row created.

SQL> /
Enter value for emp_no: 1001
Enter value for emp_name: paramesh
Enter value for street: second cross
Enter value for city: vellore
old 1: insert into empp values(&emp_no,'&emp_name','&street','&city')
new 1: insert into empp values(1001,'paramesh','second cross','vellore')

1 row created.

SQL> /
Enter value for emp_no: 1002
Enter value for emp_name: prasad
Enter value for street: third cross
Enter value for city: plk
old 1: insert into empp values(&emp_no,'&emp_name','&street','&city')
new 1: insert into empp values(1002,'prasad','third cross','plk')

1 row created.

SQL> /
Enter value for emp_no: 1003
Enter value for emp_name: vijay
Enter value for street: shivaji nagar
Enter value for city: banglore
old 1: insert into empp values(&emp_no,'&emp_name','&street','&city')
new 1: insert into empp values(1003,'vijay','shivaji nagar','banglore')

1 row created.

SQL> /
Enter value for emp_no: 1004
Enter value for emp_name: karthick
Enter value for street: Mgr nagar
Enter value for city: chennai

old 1: insert into empp values(&emp_no,'&emp_name','&street','&city')
new 1: insert into empp values(1004,'karthick','Mgr nagar','chennai')

1 row created.

SQL> select * from empp;


---------- ------------------------------ -------------------- --------------------
1000 rajesh first cross vellore
1001 paramesh second cross vellore
1002 prasad third cross plk
1003 vijay shivaji nagar banglore
1004 karthick Mgr nagar chennai

SQL> set serveroutput on

SQL> declare
2 eno empp.emp_no%type;
3 ename empp.emp_name%type;
4 begin
5 eno:=&eno;
6 select emp_no,emp_name into eno,ename from empp where emp_no=eno;
7 dbms_output.put_line('----------------------OUTPUT----------------------');
8 dbms_output.put_line('Employee No:'||eno);
9 dbms_output.put_line('Employee Name:'||ename);
10 end;
11 /

Enter value for eno: 1000

old 5: eno:=&eno;
new 5: eno:=1000;
Employee No:1000
Employee Name:rajesh

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

SQL> /
Enter value for eno: 1004
old 5: eno:=&eno;
new 5: eno:=1004;
Employee No:1004
Employee Name:karthick

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.


SQL>create table eb_bill(name varchar2(10), e_id number(5), pre_reading number(5),curr_reading number(5));

Table created.
SQL>insert into eb_bill values ('&name', &e_id, &pre_reading, &curr_reading);

SQL> select *from eb_bill;


---------- ---------- ----------- ------------ ----------- ------------
sudan 1001 103 250
Jana 1002 500 750
kishore 1003 430 690
Arun 1004 340 400
Kumaran 1005 750 1050

SQL> set serveroutput on

SQL> declare
2 e_name varchar2(10);
3 start_id number(5):=&start_id;
4 end_id number(5):=&end_id;
5 e_pre_reading number(5);
6 e_curr_reading number(5);
7 units number(5);
8 amount number(5);
9 x number;
10 begin
11 for x in start_id..end_id loop
12 select name,pre_reading,curr_reading into e_name,e_pre_reading,e_curr_reading from eb_bill where
13 units:=e_curr_reading-e_pre_reading;
14 if units>='100' then
15 amount:=units*1.75;
16 end if;
17 if (units>'100' and units<='200') then
18 amount:=units*3;
19 end if;
20 if(units>'200') then
21 amount:=units*4;
22 end if;
23 dbms_output.put_line('Name:'||e_name||'ID:'||x||'Units:'||units||'Amount:'||amount);
24 end loop;
25 end;
26 /
Enter value for start_id: 1001
old 3: start_id number(5):=&start_id;
new 3: start_id number(5):=1001;
Enter value for end_id: 1005
old 4: end_id number(5):=&end_id;

new 4: end_id number(5):=1005;

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

EXNO-16 PL/SQL Block to handle Built-In function

SQL> create table alumni(name varchar2(10), address varchar2(10), degree varchar2(10), batch

Table created.

SQL> insert into alumni values('&name','&address','&degree',&batch);

Enter value for name: babu
Enter value for address: pcm
Enter value for degree: BE
Enter value for batch: 2002
old 1: insert into alumni values('&name','&address','&degree',&batch)
new 1: insert into alumni values('babu','pcm','BE',2002)

1 row created.

SQL> /
Enter value for name: christy
Enter value for address: kerela
Enter value for degree: MCA
Enter value for batch: 2000
old 1: insert into alumni values('&name','&address','&degree',&batch)
new 1: insert into alumni values('christy','kerela','MCA',2000)

1 row created.

SQL> /
Enter value for name: Malar
Enter value for address: chennai
Enter value for degree: Mphil
Enter value for batch: 2003
old 1: insert into alumni values('&name','&address','&degree',&batch)
new 1: insert into alumni values('Malar','chennai','Mphil',2003)

1 row created.

SQL> select *from alumni;


---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
babu pcm BE 2002

christy kerela MCA 2000
Malar chennai Mphil 2003

To handle built-in exception like NO_DATA_FOUND, TOO_MANY_ROWS.

SQL> set serveroutput on

SQL> declare
2 a_batch number(10);
3 a_name varchar2(10);
4 ad varchar2(10);
5 a_degree varchar2(10);
6 begin
7 a_batch:=&batch;
8 select name, address, degree into a_name, ad, a_degree from alumni where batch= a_batch;
9 dbms_output.put_line('Alumni_Name: ' || a_name || ' Batch : ' || a_batch );
10 exception
11 when no_data_found then
12 dbms_output.put_line('The ' || a_batch || ' Record Not Found. Please Insert.');
13 when too_many_rows then
14 dbms_output.put_line('The ' || a_batch ||' Occurs Two Times. Please Select One Row Record.');
15 end;
16 /

Enter value for batch: 2003

old 7: a_batch:=&batch;
new 7: a_batch:=2003;
Alumni_Name: Malar Batch : 2003

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

SQL> /
Enter value for batch: 2004
old 7: a_batch:=&batch;
new 7: a_batch:=2004;
The 2004 Record Not Found. Please Insert.

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.


SQL> set serveroutput on

SQL> declare
2 a number(3);
3 b number(3);
4 c number(3);
5 divide_error exception;
6 begin
7 a:=&a;
8 b:=&b;
9 if(b=0)then
10 raise divide_error;
11 end if;

12 c:=a/b;
13 dbms_output.put_line('The value of '||a||'/'||b||'is'||c);
14 exception
15 when divide_error then
16 dbms_output.put_line('A Number cannot be divide by Zero');
17 end;
18 /
Enter value for a: 10
old 7: a:=&a;
new 7: a:=10;
Enter value for b: 2
old 8: b:=&b;
new 8: b:=2;
The value of 10/2is5

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

SQL> /
Enter value for a: 5
old 7: a:=&a;
new 7: a:=5;
Enter value for b: 0
old 8: b:=&b;
new 8: b:=0;
A Number cannot be divide by Zero

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.



To write a program in PL/SQL using procedure and functions.

SQL> create table pay(eno number(4),name varchar2(25),bpay number(5),hra number(3),da number(3),lic
number(3),npay number(5));

Table created.

SQL> insert into pay values(&eno,'&name',&bpay,&hra,&da,&lic,&npay);

Enter value for eno: 1001
Enter value for name: kumar
Enter value for bpay: 6000
Enter value for hra: 60
Enter value for da: 40
Enter value for lic: 30
Enter value for npay: 0
old 1: insert into pay values(&eno,'&name',&bpay,&hra,&da,&lic,&npay)
new 1: insert into pay values(1001,'kumar',6000,60,40,30,0)

1 row created.
SQL> /
Enter value for eno: 1002
Enter value for name: prabhu
Enter value for bpay: 5500
Enter value for hra: 55
Enter value for da: 35
Enter value for lic: 25
Enter value for npay: 0
old 1: insert into pay values(&eno,'&name',&bpay,&hra,&da,&lic,&npay)
new 1: insert into pay values(1002,'prabhu',5500,55,35,25,0)
1 row created.
SQL> /
Enter value for eno: 1003
Enter value for name: stalin
Enter value for bpay: 5000
Enter value for hra: 50
Enter value for da: 30
Enter value for lic: 20
Enter value for npay: 0
old 1: insert into pay values(&eno,'&name',&bpay,&hra,&da,&lic,&npay)
new 1: insert into pay values(1003,'stalin',5000,50,30,20,0)
1 row created.
SQL> /
Enter value for eno: 1004
Enter value for name: parthi
Enter value for bpay: 7000
Enter value for hra: 70
Enter value for da: 45
Enter value for lic: 40
Enter value for npay: 0
old 1: insert into pay values(&eno,'&name',&bpay,&hra,&da,&lic,&npay)
new 1: insert into pay values(1004,'parthi',7000,70,45,40,0)
1 row created.

SQL> select *from pay;

1001 kumar 6000 60 40 30 0
1002 prabhu 5500 55 35 25 0
1003 stalin 5000 50 30 20 0
1004 parthi 7000 70 45 40 0

SQL> create or replace procedure calc(en in number) is

2 begin
3 update pay set npay=bpay+hra+da-lic;
4 exception
5 when no_data_found then
6 dbms_output.put_line('Employee number doesnot Exist');
7 end;
8 /
Procedure created.
SQL> exec calc(1001);

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
SQL> exec calc(1002);
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
SQL> exec calc(1003);
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
SQL> exec calc(1004);
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

SQL> select *from pay;

---------- ------------------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
1001 kumar 6000 60 40 30 6070
1002 prabhu 5500 55 35 25 5565
1003 stalin 5000 50 30 20 5060
1004 parthi 7000 70 45 40 7075

Find the given input is character or digit using functions

SQL> create or replace function is_digit(inchar varchar2)return boolean is
2 begin
3 if(substr(inchar,1,1)in('0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9'))
4 then
5 return true;
6 else
7 return false;
8 end if;
9 exception
10 when others then
11 return false;
12 end;
13 /
Function created.

SQL> set serveroutput on

SQL> declare
2 ch char:='&in';
3 begin
4 if is_digit(ch)=true
5 then
6 dbms_output.put_line('Is a Digit');
7 else
8 dbms_output.put_line('Is a character');
9 end if;
10 end;
11 /

Enter value for in: a

old 2: ch char:='&in';
new 2: ch char:='a';
Is a character
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

SQL> /
Enter value for in: 1
old 2: ch char:='&in';
new 2: ch char:='1';
Is a Digit
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
Find factorial using functions

SQL> create or replace function fac(n integer)return integer is

2 f number;
3 begin
4 f:=1;
5 for i in 1..n
6 loop
7 f:=f*i;
8 end loop;
9 return f;
10 end;
11 /

Function created.

SQL> select fac(5) from dual;


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