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This report should include a detailed description of the selected topic with the explanation of
mechanical properties, structure, strengthening mechanism, applications etc.

The paper should commence with an abstract which summarizes the entire paper and a final
section which states the more important conclusions. Both should be less than one page. There
should be an introduction which gives historical background or related the subject to high
strength materials. The text should be illustrated with suitable diagrams and tables. The paper
will be considered with both content and presentation. Atrocious grammar and spelling which
hinders comprehension will lead to a loss of marks.

The paper is to be submitted on Thursday, August 2nd, 2018.

The report is retained by the instructor.

The material for the essay can be drawn from handbooks, textbooks and journal articles. The
latter usually gives information about recent improvements in the subject.

Every paragraph in the report, every table and figure must be referenced.

The references should appear at the end and should be numbered. It is permissible to use
diagrams and tables from the references but the source of each illustration should be indicated
with the number of reference. Pertinent sentences or paragraphs can be quoted from references;
however, they must be set off in quotation mark and the number of reference and the page must
be indicated. The copying of material from a publication without acknowledgement is plagiarism
and is an offence under the student code. The student should realize that there can be erroneous
materials and books and periodicals. He is responsible for avoiding the repetition of such errors
in the paper by consulting several sources. As a first step in searching information, it is
suggested that the student consult the Bibliography on Metals, Materials and Manufacturing in
the Library.

The report should be 3000-3500 words; this specification indicates the depth of analysis
expected. In other words if one has difficulty getting 3000 words, there simply hasn’t been
sufficient research. Padding of the report is no solution because it is exposed by the boredom it
induces. Furthermore, it is important to start at a suitable level; it may be may be assumed that
the reader has followed the course in high strength materials. If the report is over 3500 words
then revision of the manuscript is required to make it more concise. An excess of words will
result in a reduction of marks. The student must indicate the total number of pages on the report
cover. There should be 1 inch margin around each page. The report should be typed with Times
New Roman font, size 12, double spaced with no extra space between paragraphs but with 4

spaces between sections. List of figures should be omitted. Each figure should have an
explanatory caption.


The abstract, table of contents and introduction should avoid repetition. The abstract should give the main
points contained in the paper in sentence form and lie between 150-200 words. (Use passive form, present
tense; avoid the words “The objective of this paper….”. The table of content presents the main topics and
subtopics in order of presentation and arranged in chapters, sections and subjections. The introduction
does not need to give the topics covered since that is done in the abstract and table of contents.

The body of the paper should include the following:

- Description
- Materials limitations and advantages
- Microstructure, properties and applications
- Etc.

The conclusion must be limited to summarizing material presented. If the writer feels he (she) has new
information to present, he (she) should move it to an appropriate place in the body of the paper.

The references should follow the format below:

a) Author and title of paper or chapter

b) Name of journal or book
c) Year of publication
d) Volume number
e) Numbers of initial and final pages
f) Publisher and city (for a book)

The title, the authors name and the course number must appear on the outer cover

A list of topics follows; further suggestions by students are invited.


Major Report Topics

1. Precipitation Hardening of austenitic stainless

2. Mechanical Alloying
3. Thermomechanical Processing and Applications
4. High Strength Materials Fatigue Applications
5. High Toughness Metal Matrix Composite
6. Corrosion Resistance of Super Alloys
7. Machining High Strength Materials
8. High Strength High Temperature Materials
9. High Strength Materials for Aerospatiale
10. High Temperature Materials for turbine engine
11. Ultra High Strength materials
12. Deformation of metals at High Temperatures
13. Creep Resistance of Nickel Alloys
14. Powder Metallurgy
15. Dislocation and Plastic Deformation
16. Nickel Based Super Alloys
17. Solid Solution Strengthening
18. Ferritic Superalloys
19. Dual Phase Steel
20. Austenitic Stainless Steel
21. Fatigue resistance of Nickel Alloys
22. Ferritic Stainless Steel
23. Aluminum Alloys for aerospace applications
24. Ti Alloys Manufacturing and Applications
25. Metal alloys for aircraft structures
26. High Strength Low- Alloy (HSLA) Steel
27. Single crystals processing and application in aerospace
28. Thermal Barrier Coating
29. Advances in aerospace materials and structures
30. Materials for supersonic aircraft


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