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A 'n e w ' w a y t o p r o g r a m d y n a m ic w e b a p p lic a t io n s

-U s m a n
-P a v a n
- R a ja k u m a r

 Overview of AJAX development

 Problems with AJAX
 What is GWT ?
 Why GWT ?
 Sample application
 User Interface with GWT
 Cons
C la s s ic w e b a p p lic a t io n m o d e l
(s y n c h r o n o u s )
A ja x w e b a p p lic a t io n m o d e l
(a s y n c h r o n o u s )
A s y n c h r o n o u s Ja v a S c r ip t a n d X M L
(A JAClient
X ) – side Server - side

Javascript JAVA

+ no page transition, no blocking + eclipse: debugging, easy

- No IDE
- good IDE’s
- Debugging is difficult
- Debugging is easy
- weakly typed
- strongly typed
 Asynchronous JavaScript and XML.

 Clientside javascript to asynchronously fetch

the data

 Using the DOM API dynamically modify the


 Based on javascript,html,xml,css.xhtml,DOM.

 Web browser UI to be more interactive and to

respond quickly to inputs
D ra w b a ck s
 Multiple languages and framework across
 Mixing the js,jsp,xml,java leads maintenance
 Less modularization
 Less reusable code
 Breaks MVC principle.
 Complicated debugging and testing with
different browsers.
 Browsers back button and history maintains
W h a t is G W T ?
A FrameWork for building highly perfomant, Ajax
enabled , Javascript front-end web applications .

 Provides Java-to-javaScirpt Compiler .

 Allow to use the java development tools like
netbeans and eclipse.
 Shell to test and debug modules without compilation
 Simple asynchronous browser-to-server RPC
Why GWT ?

 Rich user Interface

 Open source
 No need to learn Javascript language
 No need to learn DOM Api( use java Api)
 No plugIns required in client side
 Junit integration
Why GWT ? (Cont ... )

 Asynchronous Calls
 To share load between client and server
 Keeping only insensitive data on client side
 Not for validation but for the better and rich user
G W T A p p lic a t io n A r c h it e c t u r e
M o d e s o f R u n n in g G w t a p p lic a t io n
 Gwt Application can run in two modes .
Host Mode
 Hosted Mode is a 'simulated' mode
 Run entirely from Eclipse using the GWT Shell.
* Consists of a customized Tomcat Web container.
* Makes debugging easier .
Web Mode
 Run as pure JavaScript and HTML,compiled from
your original Java source code with the GWT
G o o g le W e b To o lk it (G W T)
@ development time @ deployment time
Compile to



<script type="text/javascript">
xmlhttp.open("POST", url, true);
xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = function(func) {
if (xmlhttp.readyState == 4) {
xmlhttp.setRequestHeader('MessageType', 'CALL');
xmlhttp.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'text/xml');

e </script>
A b ile t o
JAV omp

Hosted mode
G W T: p r o je c t s t r u c t u r e
Package Purpose
it/sella/gwt/ The project root
package contains
module XML files

it/sella/gwt/client/ Client-side source files

and subpackages
it/sella/gwt/server/ Server-side code and

it/sella/gwt/public/ Static resources that can

be served publicly
G W T M o d u le s
 *.gwt.xml

 Jsp,Html, ...

 Entry point class (java class)

 Css , Images ,other xmls …

 External java script file

U I w id g e t lib r a r y
 These are Asynchronous Calls.

 A framework used to exchange java objects .

 Based on the java servlet architecture .

 GWT handle the serialization of java objects.

 GWT-RPC services are not same as web

services . .
R P C p lu m b in g d ia g r a m
Co rn s o f GW T
 Browser compatibility pretty good but issues
with some browsers.
 Although java to javascript convertion takes
place, not all features of java can be
implemented .eg multi threading,Calender etc
 Gwt generated javascript and html are very
difficult to understand .
 Layouts,panels and some widgets have bugs .
C o r n s o f G W T ( C o n t ... )

 The appearance of the application depends

on the browser.
 Take long time to load and heavily uses the
client resources.
R e fe re n ce
Documentation & Tutorial :
 http://code.google.com/webtoolkit/
 http://code.google.com/webtoolkit/tutorials/1.6/ind

 http://gwt-ext.com/
 http://extjs.com/products/gxt/
 http://gwt.google.com/samples/Showcase/Showc
 http://www.gwt-ext.com/demo/#credits

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