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A r t F o unda ti o ns

R i gh t / Le ft B ra i n ; E c h o e s

Learning Goals: RIGHT/ LEFT BRAIN
You will learn about the Your brain has two differ- and likes the job the image!
different hemispheres of ent hemispheres that con- least)
your brain and how it af-  Do Not Trace!
trol different actions
fects learning.  Step by step slowly!
You will use this knowledge
How does your brain decide  In your sketchbook try to Drawing is largely perceived
which mode will take up the draw the Picasso image
to practice basic drawing to be a Right Brain function
job? on one full page in your
skills using the art element but the Left Brain is dominate
 Speed; which hemi- sketchbook. You will
line. and speedy and very prone to
sphere gets to the job have 30 minutes. rush in with words and sym-
the quickest  Turn the handout upside bols , even taking over jobs
You will use line to create
 Motivation; which hemi- down and cover it all but that it is not good at.
movement. and inch. Draw the lines
sphere cares most or
likes the task the best you see. When you finish
that section, uncover Exercises like this will help
(conversely, which hemi-
another inch, etc. you tune out the left side
sphere cares the least
of your brain in order to
 Do Not look at the entire
Line Vocabulary: create better drawings!

• Directional: Vertical, hori-

zontal, diagonal
• Contour: Defines the edg-
es of shape in space

• Cross-contour: Defines Begin by drawing an ab-

the edges of forms in stract, free-form line on
space the page. Then use oth-
er lines to echo the origi-
• Geometric: Angular lines
nal line, flowing with it,
• Curvilinear: Lines which into it, and away from it.
cure in space; devoid of Even very young children
angles can merely trace outside You will notice that the with organic forms you’ve
• Organic: Lines which re-
a line. You must create effect of waves is created
new variations away got it. Remember to vary
minds us of contours by varying three things: your lines in the three ways
found in nature from your first lines to
 Direction of the line described above.
make it look different!
• Quality: Thickness or thin-  Darkness of the line Do a full page of echoes,
ness of a line filling it with undulated
This is an exercise using  Density of the line
forms. Keep you pencil
• Implied line: Disconnect- only line to create a sensa- sharp and make clean,
ed segments or points, tion of bulging, three- Practice your echoes on sharp, smooth and contin-
which appear to be one dimensional form and sketch paper until you uous lines. Trace over your
connected line movement. Look at the seem to get it right….when lines with sharpie and add
samples of warping and the page seems to ripple color if you desire.
examine the technique.

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