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Williams 16

BLURTING for Rapid Changes

3rd Grade
Undesirable Behavior Targeted​:
Students blurting out and not waiting the appropriate time to talk during whole group discussion can interrupt
learning and cause a huge distraction to peers.
Expected Behavior​:
Students are expected to raise their hand and be patient until the teacher calls on them or can answer them.
1. Breathe in your important words.
2. Keep your important words in your brain.
3. Raise your hand and be patient until your name is called.
4. When your name is called, breathe out your important words to speak.
Positive Reinforcements
1.​ ​Immediate R+ :
● Each time the teacher recognizes a student raising their hand before speaking, she will give that student
a bean. At the end of the week, the class will empty their beans collected into the graduated cylinder.
2. Ongoing R+ Displayed:
● A chart will be displayed with a picture of a graduated cylinder showing the amount of beans added each
week. As the class reaches each level, the students will participate in a class praise chant together.
​ x:​ “Good job, good job! Hey!”)
3. NAME the Fun-Interactive-Learning-Activity (overall R+)
● Blurting for Rapid Changes!
4.​ ​Easy Administration of R+
● Students will have ziplock bags to keep their beans in until the end of the day.
● The teacher will keep a container of beans to pass out at the front of the clas.
Interactive Learning Activity
7(B): Investigate rapid changes in the Earth’s such such as volcanic eruptions, landslides, and earthquakes (Sci)
8(A): Summarize a data set using a frequency chart, bar graph, dot plot, and pictograph (Math)
2(C): Produce drawings; paintings; and other art forms to show creative expression (Fine Arts)
Students will be learning about rapid changes to the Earth’s surface such as landslides, earthquakes and volcanic
eruptions. Students will work in groups to create model volcanoes and investigate the changes eruptions make to
the Earth’s surface. Finally, students will work in groups to create graphs and pictures of the data collected from
their eruptions. Students will also participate in a whole group discussion about their investigations.
Teaching the Expected Behaviors
The teacher will read ​My Mouth is A Volcano!​ by Julia Cook to discuss why it’s important to wait your turn to talk
with others. The teacher will model expected behaviors and the students will practice these steps with the
teacher. Students will complete the ​My Mouth is a Volcano​ worksheet to keep in their folders as a helpful
Teaching the Plan​:
The teacher will use beans referred to as “blurt beans” to help prevent students from blurting out during
discussions. Instead of blurting out in class, the beans will build up and eventually “erupt” in the graduated
cylinder (“the volcano”). Each time the teacher observes a student being patient and raising their hand to speak
in class, they will earn a blurt bean. Students will have ziplock bags with their names on it to store their beans.
As the class fill up the graduated cylinder and pass each level, they will earn a specific ingredient needed to build
their model volcano. Students will collect the beans all week and dispense them into the cylinder at the end of the
day every Friday. By the end of the 6 week timeframe, the graduated cylinder should “erupt” with the blurt beans.
Some Options Might Be:
Should the volcano erupt with blurt beans before the timeframe, students will use the remaining time working to
earn supplies to create model landslides to investigate the changes they make to the Earth’s surface.
Demonstrate all Necessary Items​ - ​ beans, graduated cylinder, eyedroppers, ​My Mouth is a Volcano​, vinegar
baking soda, funnels, clay, butcher paper​, My Mouth is A Volcano​ activity sheet, ZipLock bags
Williams 16

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