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Biophysical Chemistry 111 (2004) 43 – 52


ESR studies on the effect of cholesterol on chlorpromazine interaction

with saturated and unsaturated liposome membranes
Anna Wisniewska *, Agnieszka Wolnicka-Glubisz 1
Department of Biophysics, Faculty of Biotechnology, Jagiellonian University, Gronostajowa 7, 30-387 Cracow, Poland

Received in revised form 12 April 2004; accepted 14 April 2004

Available online 6 May 2004


In this study, the effects of chlorpromazine (CPZ) on lipid order and motion in saturated (DMPC, DMPG) and unsaturated (SOPC)
liposome membranes were investigated by electron spin resonance (ESR) spin labeling technique. We have shown that above the main phase
transition temperature of membrane lipids (TM), CPZ slightly increases lipid order in membranes without cholesterol, whereas below TM it
has a strong opposite effect. Addition of 30 mol% of cholesterol into DMPC and SOPC membranes changes significantly the CPZ effects
both above and below TM. Additionally, above TM, the ordering effect of CPZ on pure SOPC membrane is stronger at pH 7.4 than at pH 9.0,
whereas below TM, as well as in the presence of cholesterol, pH does not seem to play a role in CPZ effect on both membranes. Because of
the strong influence of membrane composition on CPZ effect on membranes, the use of cholesterol as a marker of CPZ photosensitized
reactions has been discussed.
D 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Chlorpromazine; Phospholipid membrane; Cholesterol; Spin label; ESR

1. Introduction 6], and perturbs the membrane structure. CPZ, as a basic

molecule with pK = 8.6 [7], remains mostly protonated and
Chlorpromazine (CPZ) is a neuroleptic drug of the positively charged at physiological pH, which makes it
phenothiazine group, widely used in the treatment of certain locate preferably in the membrane – water interface [8]. Its
psychiatric disorders. Its amphipathic character enables it to binding sites (such as negatively charged carboxyl groups)
partition into the lipid bilayer of cell membranes, and to are localized near the surface of the membrane, as shown by
reach in this way the central nervous system. Interactions of the ESR study of Louro et al. [9]. Some data, however,
CPZ with biological membranes are linked to the numerous suggest that CPZ may also penetrate into the acyl chain
effects in cellular systems, such as a well-known protective region of phospholipid membranes affecting the acyl chain
effect on red cells osmolysis [1] and redirecting de novo order [10] and lipid phase transition [4,11]. It has been
synthesis from neutral to acidic glycerophospholipids by shown that the partition coefficient (kp) of CPZ into the
inhibition of PA phosphatase in hepatocytes [2]. Further- lipid membrane decreases with the increasing phospholipid
more, it has been shown that neuroleptic drugs affect alkyl chain length [12], and can be additionally reduced by
the function of various receptors including adrenergic, the presence of cholesterol [12,13].
muscarinic, histamine, 5-hydroxytryptamine and dopamine The understanding of CPZ localization and behavior in
receptor families [3]. Numerous experiments on model membranes is interesting also from the photochemical point
membranes have shown that CPZ interacts with membrane of view, since its application combined with sunlight expo-
phospholipids, especially with negatively charged ones [4 – sure can cause side effects including numerous ocular
complications [14] and photoalergy [15,16]. Photochemistry
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +48-12-664-63-55; fax: +48-12-664- of CPZ is rather complicated and strongly depends on
69-02. wavelength [17,18]. Although studies by Ljunggren and
E-mail address: wisnia@mol.uj.edu.pl (A. Wisniewska).
Present address: Department of Environmental and Occupational
Moller [19] and Schoonderwoerd et al. [20] indicated that
Health, School of Public Health and Health Services, The George dechloration is responsible for phototoxicity of CPZ, free
Washington University, Medical Center, Washington, DC, USA. radicals and singlet oxygen (1O2) also appear to play an

0301-4622/$ - see front matter D 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
44 A. Wisniewska, A. Wolnicka-Glubisz / Biophysical Chemistry 111 (2004) 43–52

important role in CPZ photosensitization. Interestingly, CPZ pared according to Ref. [25]. All compounds were dissolved
photogenerates 1O2 in organic solvents, whereas in aqueous in chloroform, which was subsequently evaporated under
solutions does not [21]. The interaction of CPZ with mem- stream of nitrogen to form a lipid film, which was then put
branes and the extent of its partition into the membrane is under vacuum for at least 14 h. The dried lipids were
then important, since CPZ may play a role of a photosensi- suspended either in 0.1 M PBS (pH 7.4) or in 0.1 M borate
tizer in the membrane interior by being able to generate 1O2 buffer (pH 9.0) and vortexed vigorously. The multilamellar
in its hydrophobic surroundings. Additionally, unsaturated liposome suspension was centrifuged at 7000 rpm, for 15
phospholipids and cholesterol in cell membranes are suscep- min at 4 jC and the pellet (about 30 Al) was used as the
tible to reactive oxygen species being generated during sample for ESR measurements.
photosensitized reactions. Like phospholipids, cholesterol
is an important constituent of animal membranes, where it 2.2. ESR measurements of lipid bilayer fluidity
comprises 40 – 45 mol% of the total lipid, but because it
exists as a single molecular species in natural membranes, it The ESR measurements were performed on a Varian E-3
presents much fewer oxidation products. In cells under spectrometer at 10 mW of microwave power. Liposome
oxidative stress, membranous cholesterol, through the for- samples were deoxygenated under argon flow, placed in the
mation of its signature hydroperoxide and diol products Pasteur pipettes (Medlab Products, Raszyn, Poland; length
serves as a unique marker in situ, allowing discrimination 230 mm, / = 1 mm) and centered in the resonant cavity. The
between 1O2 and free radical intermediacy [22 – 24]. measurements were carried out above and below TM of the
On the other hand, it is well known that cholesterol lipid membranes (at 37 and 15 jC in case of the saturated
strongly affects various membrane properties, among which DMPC and DMPG membranes, and at 15 and 2 jC in case of
its effects on membrane fluidity, phase transition and pene- the unsaturated SOPC membrane). SOPC has been chosen
tration of polar and non-polar molecules have been most for ESR measurements because its TM is + 6 jC, whereas
extensively studied [25 –28]. Also, it has been shown that the more frequently used unsaturated lipids such as POPC or egg
presence of unsaturated double bonds in the phospholipid yolk PC (EYPC) have TM well below 0 jC [31]. Therefore it
alkyl chain strongly affects membrane properties [27,29] and was possible to do measurements below TM of SOPC for still
the penetration of different drugs, such as tetracycline [30]. not frozen samples. ESR spectra of n-doxylstearic acid spin
We have been therefore interested in two main problems: (1) labels (n-SASL, where n = 5 or 16) or cholestane spin label
how does the membrane composition (especially lipid alkyl (CSL) incorporated into DMPC, DMPG or SOPC liposomes
chain unsaturation and the presence of cholesterol) influence were analyzed in terms of the order parameter (S), correlation
the CPZ effect on membranes, and (2) how relevant is the use times and maximum splitting parameter (Amax).
of cholesterol as a marker of CPZ photosensitized reactions Above TM, to monitor the lipid order and motion the order
in case of altered membrane properties. parameter (S) was used. It was calculated using the equations
To address these issues we have undertaken an investi- [32]:
gation of the CPZ effect on lipid order and motion in
S ¼ 0:5407ðTII  T? Þ=ao Þ for n  SASL ð1Þ
different liposome membranes. The factors analyzed in the
present work were (1) the presence of unsaturated double or
bonds in lipid alkyl chains; (2) the presence of cholesterol; S ¼ 1:131ðTII  T? Þ=ao Þ for CSL ð2Þ
(3) temperature (as a factor causing the membrane phase where
transition); (4) pH (affecting CPZ charge); and (5) the
surface charge of the membrane. ao ¼ ðTII þ 2T? Þ=3 ð3Þ
and TII and T? were measured directly from the ESR spectra.
S parameter as well as TII and T? values are in principle
2. Materials and methods static parameters. 16-SASL exhibits however so much
motion that a different analysis can also be used [33]. The
2.1. Preparation of liposomes effective correlation times s2B and s2C assuming isotropic
rotational diffusion of 16-SASL, were calculated according
L-a phosphatidylcholine, dimyristoyl (DMPC), L-a phos- to the formulas [34]:
phatidyl-DL-glycerol, dimyristoyl (DMPG), L-a phosphati-
dylcholine-h-oleoyl-g-stearyoyl (SOPC) and cholesterol s2B ¼ 6:51  1010 DHo ½ðho =h Þ1=2  ½ðho =hþ Þ1=2 s ð4Þ
were purchased from Sigma (Germany), L-a phosphatidyl- s2C ¼ 6:51  10 10 1=2
DHo ½ðho =h Þ þ ½ðho =hþ Þ 1=2
 2 s
choline-h-oleoyl-g-palmitoyl (POPC) from Avanti Polar
Lipids (USA), CPZ from Sigma Aldrich (Belgium), and ð5Þ
spin labels from Molecular Probes (USA). The membranes where: DHo is the peak-to-peak width of the central line in
used in this work were multilamellar liposomes containing 0 gauss and h+, ho and h are heights of the low, central and
or 30 mol% of cholesterol; 0, 10 or 30 mol% of CPZ and 1 high field peaks, respectively. When s2B and s2C are similar,
mol% of spin label (in case of ESR measurements), pre- the motion is considered to be isotropic.
A. Wisniewska, A. Wolnicka-Glubisz / Biophysical Chemistry 111 (2004) 43–52 45

Below TM, a maximum splitting parameter (Amax) mea- using three spin labels incorporated into DMPC or DMPG
sured directly from the ESR spectra as the separation liposomes at pH 9.0. A sterol-type CSL (with the nitroxide
between the outer hyperfine lines, was used to monitor the free radical moiety located very close to the polar head
lipid alkyl chain order [32]. Amax value decreases as mo- groups) is a probe reflecting the behavior of the whole rigid
tional freedom increases. lipid molecules such as cholesterol, whereas 5-SASL and
16-SASL (with the nitroxide moiety close to the polar head
2.3. Spectrophotometric measurements of chlorpromazine groups and at the membrane center, respectively) are good
partition into liposomes probes of the segmental motion of phospholipid alkyl chains
[25]. The ESR spectra were collected both above and below
The studies were performed on DMPC and POPC TM of DMPC and DMPG membranes (at 37 and 15 jC,
membranes in the presence and absence of 5 mM choles- respectively).
terol and at the CPZ concentration of 0.5 mM at pH 7.4.
POPC has been chosen instead of SOPC because at 4 jC, 3.1.1. Measurements above TM
which is the temperature required to separating the liposome Table 1 shows the values of S parameter calculated from
and buffer phases by centrifugation [25], and at which the ESR spectra of CSL, 5-SASL and 16-SASL incorporated
equilibrium between these two phases has been achieved, into DMPC and DMPG membranes, in the absence and in
POPC is in the liquid-crystalline state (its TM is below zero), the presence of 10 mol% of CPZ. A slight increase in S
whereas both DMPC and SOPC are in the gel state parameter can be seen in the presence of 10 mol% of CPZ,
(additionally, 4 jC is not a convenient temperature for but the differences between pure membranes and those
SOPC, because it is very close to its TM).. Therefore, using containing CPZ are in most cases very small. The ordering
of POPC gave us an insight into the CPZ partition into effect of CPZ is very low in all regions of DMPC mem-
liposome membranes also above TM. The supernatants of brane, unlike in DMPG, where it is stronger for CSL (close
centrifuged multilamellar liposome suspensions were care- to the polar headgroups).
fully collected and transferred to new eppendorf tubes and In Table 2 the effect of 10 mol% of CPZ on rotational
their absorbance was measured. All absorption spectra were motion of 16-SASL in DMPC and DMPG membranes is
recorded on an UV – Vis HP 8452 (Hewlett Packard) diode presented. Again, the ordering effect of CPZ (expressed as a
spectrophotometer in the range 200 –800 nm with a spectral decrease in motional freedom of 16-SASL free radical
resolution 2 nm. The supernatants of CPZ containing lip- moiety) in both membranes is very low, being slightly
osomes were measured versus the supernatants of stronger for DMPG. In both cases, the addition of 10
corresponding pure liposomes, whereas the absorption of mol% of CPZ does not affect the isotropy of the motion.
CPZ in the buffer was measured versus the buffer alone. The The stronger effect of CPZ on DMPG liposomes com-
calculation was done by normalization at k = 308 nm, which pared to DMPC ones shows that the negative charge at the
is the third CPZ absorption peak. The absorbance of the membrane surface enhances to some extent the interaction of
CPZ buffer solution (0.5 mM) was set as 100%. The CPZ with the membrane and its penetration through it. This
percentage of CPZ which incorporated into or associated result agrees with most literature data [4,6,35], according to
with lipid membrane was calculated by comparing the which CPZ interacts stronger with negatively charged mem-
absorbance of the supernatant with the absorbance of the branes. However, the differences are not significant.
CPZ buffer solution. The measurements at pH 9.0 were
impossible due to high scattering effects of the CPZ buffer 3.1.2. Measurements below TM
solution itself. Fig. 1 shows the effect of 10 mol% of CPZ on motional
freedom of CSL and SASL incorporated into DMPC and
2.4. Statistical analysis DMPG membranes at 15 jC. DAmax is a difference
between the Amax value in the presence of 10 mol%
The bars represent the mean value, and the errors were CPZ and the control (unperturbed) value of Amax in pure
calculated as standard deviation (SD) of at least four liposomes. The figure clearly demonstrates that below TM
independent measurements. Samples were statistically ana-
lyzed by the Student’s t-test ( p V 0.05). Table 1
Order parameter (S) obtained from ESR spectra of CSL, 5-SASL and 16-
SASL incorporated into DMPC and DMPG liposomes at 37 jC, in the
3. Results presence and in the absence of 10 mol% of CPZ, at pH 9.0
Lipid Order parameter S of spin labels
3.1. Comparison of chlorpromazine effects on lipid order CSL 5-SAL 16-SASL
and motion in DMPC and DMPG membranes DMPC 0.41 0.57 0.08
DMPC + CPZ 0.42 0.58 0.09
The effect of CPZ on lipid order and motion in neutral DMPG 0.39 0.54 0.08
DMPG + CPZ 0.46 0.55 0.08
and negatively charged membranes was investigated by
46 A. Wisniewska, A. Wolnicka-Glubisz / Biophysical Chemistry 111 (2004) 43–52

Table 2 investigated, not its interaction with the spin label carboxyl
Correlation times of 16-SASL incorporated into DMPC and DMPG
groups, which was proved to occur [9].
liposomes at 37 jC, in the presence and in the absence of 10 mol% of CPZ,
at pH 9.0
Lipid Correlation time of 16-SASL (ns) 3.2. Effect of chlorpromazine on lipid order and motion in
s2B s2C DMPC and SOPC membranes in the presence of cholesterol
DMPC 0.61 0.59
DMPC + CPZ 0.64 0.65 It is well known that cholesterol strongly affects mem-
DMPG 0.67 0.69 brane fluidity. At the concentration of 30 mol%, cholesterol
DMPG + CPZ 0.76 0.78 abolishes the main phase transition rigidifying membranes
above TM and increasing lipid motion below TM [25,36,37],
the addition of 10 mol% of CPZ strongly increases but lipid unsaturation moderates this effect [25,26,29]. We
motional freedom of lipid molecules. The effects are have been interested in how the presence of cholesterol in
similar in both membranes and much stronger for CSL both saturated and unsaturated membranes may change the
than for SASL. This can be explained as follows. First, it CPZ effect on lipid order and motion. The measurements
may suggest that a rigid molecule of CSL is more sensitive were carried out above and below TM of both membranes (at
to the CPZ effect than lipid alkyl chains of SASL. It was 37 and 15 jC in case of DMPC, and at 15 and 2 jC in case
shown before that the effect of some membrane modifiers, of SOPC). Because of a possible role of the positive charge
such as cholesterol or carotenoids, on steroid-type spin of CPZ, we studied its interaction with the membranes at
labels (like CSL or ASL) was much larger than their effect two pH: at pH 9.0, in which CPZ is present predominantly
on SASL, because CSL is more sensitive to the sum of in neutral form and at pH 7.4 when it should be protonated
changes at various depths in the membrane, while SASL and positively charged [35].
reflects the local change [33]. Another explanation for the
observed difference between both types of spin labels can 3.2.1. Chlorpromazine in DMPC-cholesterol membranes
also be taken into consideration, namely the localization of Fig. 2 shows the effect of 10 and 30 mol% of CPZ on
their nitroxide groups. If CPZ is present mostly at the order parameter S (Fig. 2A) and Amax parameter (Fig. 2B) of
membrane – water interface, its strong effect in this region CSL incorporated into DMPC membranes containing 0 and
may be best probed by the nitroxide free radical moiety of 30 mol% of cholesterol.
CSL, which is located very close to the membrane head- DS is a difference between the S values for the mem-
group region. branes in the presence of 10 or 30 mol% of CPZ and the
Because of the strongest effect, CSL has been used in control values of S (obtained from the membranes with 0
further experiments on the CPZ-membrane interactions. and 30 mol% cholesterol, respectively). It is clear that for
Moreover, CSL has no surface charge, unlike n-SASLs, DMPC membranes without cholesterol the ordering effect
which are negatively charged at pH used. Therefore the of CPZ (above TM) becomes noticeable for the higher CPZ
real interaction of CPZ with DMPC or DMPG has been concentration, and at pH 7.4. Interestingly, in the presence

Fig. 1. [DAmax] values (in gauss) of CSL, 5-SASL and 16-SASL in DMPC (black bars) and DMPG (gray bars) membranes at 15 jC, pH 9.0. DAmax was
calculated as a difference between the values of Amax in the membranes containing 10 mol% CPZ and the control values of Amax in pure membranes. The bars
indicate mean F SD of at least four independent measurements; * indicates a statistically significant difference (the Student’s t-test, p V 0.05) relative to DMPC
membrane, ** indicates a significant difference relative to CSL.
A. Wisniewska, A. Wolnicka-Glubisz / Biophysical Chemistry 111 (2004) 43–52 47

Fig. 2. [DS] values (A) and [DAmax] values (in gauss; B) of CSL in DMPC membranes at pH 7.4 (black bars) and pH 9.0 (gray bars). DS and DAmax are the
differences between the values of S and Amax parameters, respectively, obtained from the membranes in the presence of 10 or 30 mol% CPZ and their control
values (obtained from the membranes without cholesterol-left panel, and containing 30 mol% cholesterol-right panel of the graph). S values were obtained at
37 jC and Amax values at 15 jC. The bars indicate mean F SD, and ** indicates a statistically significant difference (the Student’s t-test, p V 0.05) relative to
10 mol% CPZ, *** indicates a significant difference relative to 0 mol% cholesterol.

of 30 mol% of cholesterol, CPZ has the opposite effect on branes containing 0 and 30 mol% of cholesterol. Above TM,
DMPC membrane. Instead of the slight ordering effect, a the ordering effect of CPZ can be seen in pure SOPC
clear increase in lipid motion has been observed at CPZ membranes. This effect increases with CPZ concentration
concentration of 10 mol%. This effect was observed at both and is stronger at pH 7.4 than at pH 9.0. The ordering effect
pH with no significant difference. of CPZ observed in pure SOPC membrane has been
Below TM, DAmax was measured as a difference between completely reduced at the presence of 30 mol% cholesterol,
the values of Amax for the membranes in the presence of 10 but unlike in DMPC-cholesterol membrane, no fluidizing
or 30 mol% of CPZ and Amax control values (obtained from effect has been observed instead.
the membranes with 0 and 30 mol% cholesterol, respective- Below TM, at both pH, a strong increase in lipid motion
ly). A strong increase in lipid motion was seen for pure has been seen for pure SOPC membranes in the presence of
DMPC membranes in the presence of CPZ, at both concen- CPZ. In the presence of 30 mol% of cholesterol, the
trations and regardless of pH. In the presence of 30 mol% of fluidizing effect of 10 mol% of CPZ was smaller than in
cholesterol, CPZ also increased lipid motion, but the effect pure membranes, but still observed.
was smaller than in pure membranes.
3.3. Spectrophotometric measurements of the partition of
3.2.2. Chlorpromazine in SOPC-cholesterol membranes chlorpromazine into saturated and unsaturated membranes
Similar experiments were performed on unsaturated containing cholesterol
SOPC membranes. Fig. 3 shows the effect of 10 and 30
mol% of CPZ on order parameter S (Fig. 3A) and Amax To better understand the cholesterol effect on CPZ
parameter (Fig. 3B) of CSL incorporated into SOPC mem- penetration into both membrane types, spectrophotometric
48 A. Wisniewska, A. Wolnicka-Glubisz / Biophysical Chemistry 111 (2004) 43–52

Fig. 3. [DS] values (A) and [DAmax] values (in gauss; B) of CSL in SOPC membranes at pH 7.4 (black bars) and pH 9.0 (gray bars). DS and DAmax are the
differences between the values of S and Amax parameters, respectively, obtained from the membranes in the presence of 10 or 30 mol% CPZ and their control
values (obtained from the membranes without cholesterol-left panel, and containing 30 mol% cholesterol-right panel of the graph). S values were obtained at
15 jC and Amax values at 2 jC. The bars indicate mean F SD and * indicates a statistically significant difference (the Student’s t-test, p V 0.05) relative to pH
7.4, ** indicates a significant difference relative to 10 mol% CPZ, *** indicates a significant difference relative to 0 mol% cholesterol.

measurements of CPZ content in liposomes have been cholesterol affects the CPZ content in DMPC membranes
performed. The absorption spectra of 0.5 mM CPZ dis- more than in POPC. In cholesterol-containing DMPC lip-
solved in the buffer (pH 7.4) were compared with the osomes the amount of CPZ associated with the membrane is
spectra of CPZ remaining in liposome supernatants after about 30% lower than in pure DMPC liposomes, whereas in
the centrifugation at 4 jC (liposomes made of DMPC, POPC liposomes this difference is only about 15%. It is
DMPC-cholesterol, POPC, and POPC-cholesterol were
employed), and the partition of CPZ into liposomes has
Table 3
been determined. In case of DMPC, the observed partition CPZ partition into DMPC and POPC liposomes in the presence and in the
referred to the gel phase of the membrane, whereas in case absence of 5 mM cholesterol, at pH 7.4; 4 jC. Data at pH 9.0 not available
of POPC, it concerned the liquid-crystalline phase. The data due to high scattering effects of CPZ buffer solution
are presented in Table 3. It can be seen that CPZ quite well Lipid CPZ partition into liposomes (%)
incorporates into liposomes, with no significant difference DMPC 78.9 F 7.03
between both membranes. However, a direct comparison DMPC + cholesterol 53.7*F 6.91
between the gel and liquid-crystalline phases cannot be POPC 86.8 F 1.76
done, since, for experimental reasons (mentioned in Materi- POPC + cholesterol 74.0*F 0.71
als and methods), we were not able to determine the CPZ The CPZ partition into liposomes has been calculated as follows:
100%  (A308 sup/A308 buf)*100%, where A308 sup is the absorbance
partition into the same membrane below and above TM. CPZ
value (at k = 308 nm) of CPZ in a given supernatant and A308 buf is the
Cholesterol reduces the CPZ content in the membranes of absorbance value of CPZ in the buffer. Errors have been calculated as SD,
both types, which is in agreement with the data on partition * indicates a statistically significant difference (the Student’s t-test, p V 0.05)
coefficient [12]. It is also clear from the data in Table 3 that relative to membranes without cholesterol.
A. Wisniewska, A. Wolnicka-Glubisz / Biophysical Chemistry 111 (2004) 43–52 49

possible that cholesterol in DMPC membranes makes CPZ We presume that the opposite effects of CPZ above and
partition into the membrane more difficult, and in unsatu- below TM can be explained by different membrane physical
rated membranes, in which lipid alkyl chains are not easily state, and, consequently, by the various location of this
miscible with rigid cholesterol molecules [28], CPZ can be molecule in membranes of different phases. There are data
better accommodated. Additionally, the difference in the suggesting that the mechanisms of LA interaction with
physical states of both membranes is important. The spec- membranes above and below TM may be different. The
trophotometric measurements, however, do not allow telling fluorescence quenching measurements of Hutterer et al. [47]
in what region of the membrane CPZ is located. We assume showed that the interaction of tetracaine with lipid mem-
that during liposome centrifugation all CPZ not associated branes above TM is mostly a partitioning process, whereas
with the membrane remains in the buffer, and the rest can be below TM a saturable binding one. We think that this can be
either inside the membrane, or at the membrane – water valid also for CPZ. Above TM, a membrane can be pene-
interface, or even bound to the membrane surface. trated by CPZ, whose rigid phenothiazine ring system
increases the alkyl chain packing and enhances their ex-
tended trans conformation in a manner similar to cholesterol
4. Discussion or polar carotenoids [33,48]. This suggestion can be sup-
ported by molecular dynamics simulation data, according to
4.1. Comparison of the effects of chlorpromazine above and which the alignment of POPC chain along an LA side chain
below TM of the membranes resembled that between DMPC alkyl chains and cholesterol
in DMPC-cholesterol membrane [43]. However, it has to be
In the present work we have shown that the effects of pointed out that the ordering effect of CPZ is much smaller
CPZ on membranes above and below the main phase than the one caused by cholesterol. Below TM, the mem-
transition temperature (TM) are the opposite, namely order- brane penetration by CPZ is much more difficult [12]. CPZ
ing and disordering, respectively. remains mostly at the membrane surface, or at the mem-
In literature, there is no consistent data on the effect of brane –water interface, where its polar groups may separate
local anesthetics (LA), tertiary amine amphipathic mole- the phospholipid headgroups and decrease the interaction
cules, on bilayer order at temperatures above TM. There are between them. This may lead to increasing mobility of alkyl
some data showing that LA such as benzocaine, lidocaine chains, which enter the gauche conformation [4]. The
and tetracaine decrease molecular organization in EYPC comparison of CPZ effect to that of cholesterol was done
membranes [38,39]. Also, CPZ was found to increase by Hendrich et al. [42] also for membranes below TM. It
mobility of acyl methyl groups of phospholipids in DPPC/ seems however that the mechanisms of the action of both
PS membranes [4]. On the other hand, some reports indicate compounds must be different, because cholesterol, as a
that CPZ, cannabinol and pentobarbital increase the order of much bigger and more hydrophobic molecule, in contrast
egg PC-PA membranes [40] and tetracaine increases the to CPZ, intercalates into membranes also below TM.
organization of micelles [41]. The fluorescence polarization
data of Hendrich et al. [42] have shown that another 4.2. Role of cholesterol and unsaturation
phenothiazine derivative (FPhMS) makes EYPC, DMPC
and DPPC bilayers in a liquid-crystalline phase more rigid. Addition of 30 mol% of cholesterol into DMPC and
Also, molecular dynamics simulation data of Pasenkiewicz- SOPC membranes changes significantly the CPZ effects
Gierula et al [43] have proved that the order of lipid chains both above and below TM. The most striking result is the
in POPC membranes penetrated by another LA (a carane increase in lipid motion observed above TM in DMPC-
derivative) was higher than in the pure POPC bilayers. The cholesterol membrane in the presence of 10 mol% CPZ (Fig.
ordering effect of CPZ observed by us above TM is stronger 2A). Similar results were obtained by Pang and Miller [40],
in SOPC membrane than in DMPC where it is nearly who showed that CPZ ordered egg-PC-PA bilayers with
negligible, especially at lower CPZ concentration. The lack cholesterol content up to 20 mol%, but disordered those
of noticeable effect of 10 mol% CPZ at 37 jC can be with greater than 25 mol%. This can be explained by the
explained by fast motion of lipid molecules and high fluidity well known fact that cholesterol strongly rigidifies the
of the membrane at this temperature. It has been shown DMPC membrane above TM [25,37] and changes its phase
before that lipid matrices can accommodate rather high from liquid-crystalline into less fluid, called liquid-ordered,
concentrations of LA without aggravating the disordered as illustrated by the DMPC/cholesterol phase diagram [49].
motion of lipid chains. [44]. SOPC, which has much lower As shown above in the present work, in membranes with
TM than DMPC [31], was possible to be investigated in ordered lipid chains CPZ may act as a fluidizer, increasing
liquid-crystalline phase at lower temperature (15 jC), in lipid motion (Figs. 1 and 2B). In SOPC-cholesterol mem-
which lipid chains are less mobile and ordering effects may brane no increase in lipid motion was observed in the
be better seen. presence of CPZ, but still the CPZ effect on this membrane
A decrease in lipid order caused by CPZ or some LA remained significantly different from its effect on pure
below TM was observed by most authors [4,12,45,46]. SOPC (Fig. 3A). Cholesterol seems to affect the CPZ-
50 A. Wisniewska, A. Wolnicka-Glubisz / Biophysical Chemistry 111 (2004) 43–52

membrane interaction in both membrane types, but the effect at pH 7.4 than at pH 9.0 could suggest more
effect on saturated DMPC membrane is especially pro- membrane associated CPZ at pH 7.4, we cannot draw the
nounced. This result agrees with the known fact that same conclusion from the data obtained below TM, where
unsaturated membranes are less prone to the rigidifying we do not see differences in CPZ effects at both pH.
effect of cholesterol compared to saturated ones [25,26]. Another possible interpretation is that, due to bearing a
According to the DMPC/cholesterol phase diagram [49], positive charge at pH 7.4, a CPZ molecule cannot easily
below TM cholesterol affects membrane fluidity in the penetrate the membrane, and remains mainly at the interface
opposite way—it increases lipid motion, and the membrane or at the bilayer surface. The charged amine group of CPZ
is no more in a typical gel-phase, but in a liquid-ordered should be located around the phosphate atom of PC and the
one. This may be a reason for observed diminishing of the most perturbing phenothiazine ring system may go deeper
disordering effect of CPZ in both saturated and unsaturated into the interface region. Such a localization of CPZ affects
membranes containing cholesterol (Figs. 2B and 3B). The mostly this region of the membrane where the CSL free
lower disordering effect of CPZ in the presence of choles- radical moiety is placed. On the contrary, at pH 9.0 CPZ can
terol may also be caused by lower CPZ concentration in a easier penetrate the membrane because of losing its positive
cholesterol-containing membrane. Luxnat and Galla [12] charge. Therefore, it can be expected that in this case CPZ is
showed that cholesterol reduced CPZ partition coefficient more evenly distributed within the membrane and affects
into DMPC membrane quite significantly. Also, our spec- other regions as well. Also, the molecular dynamics simu-
trophotometric measurements of CPZ partition into lip- lation data confirm that carane derivative distribution in the
osomes demonstrated a lower CPZ content in cholesterol- membrane depends on its charge. A neutral form of LA was
containing membranes compared to the pure ones (Table 3). shown to cross the interfacial region and insert some frag-
However, the disordering effect observed in DMPC-choles- ments into the bilayer core, whereas the protonated LA
terol membrane above TM does not allow believing that CPZ molecules did not cross the membrane – water interface [43].
is not present in the membrane, at least at the region close to This interpretation is additionally supported by the data
the polar head groups. It seems more probable that for obtained below TM, where pH does not seem to play a role
observed effects and differences between both cholesterol in CPZ effect on both membranes (Figs. 2B and 3B). As
containing membranes their different phases are responsible. mentioned previously, in the gel-phase membrane CPZ
remains mainly at the surface or at the membrane – water
4.3. Role of pH interface, and cannot penetrate the membrane neither in
neutral nor in a positively charged form.
Chlorpromazine is a basic molecule with pK = 8.6 (in
water) [7] and 8.0 (in the presence of zwitterionic phospho-
lipid bilayers) [35]. Therefore, at pH 9.0 it is predominantly 5. Conclusions
unprotonated and neutral, and in pH 7.4-protonated with a
positive charge. Our results obtained for these two pH In conclusion, it should be emphasized that CPZ affects
values show that different forms of CPZ do not influence lipid order and motion in all investigated membranes and its
the membranes equally. effects depend first of all on the physical state of the
Above TM, the ordering effect of CPZ on pure SOPC membranes. In saturated membranes, the slight ordering
membrane is stronger at pH 7.4 than at pH 9.0 (Fig. 3A). We effect observed above TM becomes a fluidizing one below
suppose that for DMPC membrane the dependence should TM or in the presence of cholesterol. Cholesterol also
be similar, but because the ordering effect of CPZ in this reduces the CPZ partition into such membranes. In unsatu-
membrane is in general very small and calculated errors rated membranes, cholesterol influences the CPZ content in
comparably big, therefore we cannot draw a solid conclu- the membrane and its effects to less extent. The pH, which
sion about the pH dependent CPZ effect on DMPC. Any- affects the CPZ charge, is also important, but only for pure
how, bearing in mind the limitations of the ESR method at membranes in the liquid-crystalline phase.
this point, we suggest two possible explanations for ob- For further photochemical study of CPZ as a sensitizer,
served differences. The most obvious explanation may be liposomes made of unsaturated lipids and containing cho-
that the amount of membrane associated CPZ is pH depen- lesterol are needed to be employed. However, cholesterol as
dent. Unfortunately, our spectrophotometric measurements a molecule altering the state of membranes and the effect of
of CPZ partition into membranes did not give an answer at CPZ so strongly, does not seem to be a good probe for such
this point, because high scattering effects at pH 9.0 made the tests as iodometric assay and a HPLC-EC(Hg), where the
absorption measurements not reliable. Since CPZ is known low temperature of measurements is required. At low tem-
to affect the membrane phase transition (causing a slight perature, saturated membranes are usually in the gel phase,
shift of TM and decrease in cooperative unit) dependently on whereas unsaturated in the liquid-crystalline one. It has to be
its concentration [50], it may be helpful to use DSC as a pointed out that not only the localization and, consequently,
highly sensitive method to determine the amount of mem- the effectiveness of CPZ can be different in both membrane
brane associated CPZ. However, although a stronger CPZ types, but also the addition of cholesterol may influence the
A. Wisniewska, A. Wolnicka-Glubisz / Biophysical Chemistry 111 (2004) 43–52 51

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