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TEACHERS:  Miss Chloe Boykett and Miss Chloe Campbell

UNIT: Life Cycles YEAR LEVEL: Year 4 BAND: Years 3 and 4
DUE DATE: Friday 1st June, Week 9
TASK: In a group of 4, you will create a stop-motion video which demonstrates your
understanding of the life-cycle of a plant or animal. You will then individually make a
statement that explains how and why your group used the media arts elements in
response to the letter from Australia Zoo.  

INSTRUCTIONS: Your teacher will guide you through the following steps. 
Pre-Production (Weeks 3 and 4)
1. C r e a t e a g r o u p o f 4 . W r i t e y o u r g r o u p m e m b e r s n a m e s b e l o w :
1. ___________________________ 2. ___________________________
3. ___________________________ 4. ___________________________
2.   A s a g r o u p , d e c i d e t h e f o l l o w i n g d e t a i l s :
• What plant or animal you will be choosing? It must have at least 4 stages
• How you are going to create your stop motion video? (Drawing, collaging, plasticise,             
   digital technologies etc.)
• What software will you use?
• What materials you will need?
3. C r e a t e a s t o r y b o a r d , t h a t i n c l u d e s 4 - 6 f r a m e s o f y o u r s t o p - m o t i o n v i d e o . T h e s e s h o u l d m a k e
up the different stages of your chosen life cycle. Each frame of the storyboard should include
a description of what is happening in that stage. Remember to use the scientific terms you
have learnt over the past term.

Production (Weeks 5 and 6)

4. O n c e this has been approved by your teacher, you must now locate and prepare the materials
you need to create the stop-motion video.
5. S e t u p y o u r b a c k d r o p , a n d u s e t h e i P a d ’ s t a k e p h o t o s o f t h e d e v e l o p i n g l i f e c y c l e .

Post-Production (Week 7)
6. O n c e you have finished photographing the growth of your living thing, you must now use your
chosen software to create the stop-motion video. The video must include:
• Images – These will be the photos you take
• Sound – Voice-overs explaining what is happening at each phase of the life cycle. You may   
   include background music if you please
• Text – Stating what the phase is called, and any further information you think is                     
Remember to think about the audience you are creating this video for, and how you will use
time, space and sound to make this appropriate for this audience.
7. P r e s e n t y o u r v i d e o t o t h e c l a s s .

Reflection (Week 8)
8. I n d i v i d u a l l y
write a paragraph that explains how and why your group has used Media Arts
elements within these images, sounds and text to meet the requirements from Australia Zoo. 
• You will work in group of 4 to complete this task
• Your final video should be 1-2 minutes in length
• Your statement will be done individually, and must be at least 100 words in length
• You may use materials from the classroom to create your stop-motion. If you require   
   materials from home, you have to check with your teacher before bringing them
• Your group will be given 6 lessons to work on this video. You may not work on it at       

Student signature:
All of the work included in this assignment is my own:

1. ____________________________

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