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<kÙte : Je. yum.


<kÙte : Je. yum. dZJe J[to - 25 ] <t. 1 - 7 yurºj, 2003 [ ykf lk. 18

mkvt¥f : ºftN jtjt ftgoJtnf mkvt¥f : bnuNfwbth htKt mnmkvt¥f : Je. su. bumhegt
mkvt¥f : ºftN jtjt ftgoJtnf mkvt¥f : bnuNfwbth htKt mnmkvt¥f : Je. su. bumhegt

Ó»sht< htusdth mbtathL»k Jtr[tof jJtsb Y. 30 Au. jJtsb btrn<e rlgtbfle fauhe, rnmtce NtFt, çjtuf lk. 7/3, ztp. SJhts bnu<t CJl, dtkHeldh, Wvhtk< rs§jt-<t§»ft
Ft<ule btrn<e fauheyu MJefthJtbtk ytJu Au. jJtsb WDhtJJt btxu yt fauheyu ftuE yrHf$< yusLxle rlbóËf fhe l&e. [R.N.I. No : 33297 / 78] [Regd. No. G /GNR / 47 / 78]

l c<tJtE ntug <tu vK fuxjef Nh<tulu ytrHl yum.yum.me.

fBctELz rzVuLm mrJormm yuÓÍtrbluNl (II)- 2003 btxu dK<hebtk jE ctujtJe NftNu.
(1) yt ºfthlt Wbu¥Jthtule dK<he ct¥ <qx ytJNu
<tu yum.yum.me. ftumo vhe]ttbtk cuXujt Wbu¥Jthtulu <f yvtNu.
fuL…eg ïnuh muJt ytgtud (2) <tjeb btxu rlgwƒ< &gujt Wbu¥Jthtu fu suytuyu
yum.yum.me. btxule vmk¥de Ôgƒ< l fhuj ntug <tu vK yt
yhSvÙtf btufjJtle Au§je <theF : 14 - 4 - 2003 vhe]ttle <theF : 17 - 8 - 2003 yÇgtm¢b btxu vmk ¥ &gu j Au § jt Wbu ¥ Jth vAe
dwKJÃtt¢bbtk bqfJtbtk ytJNu ylu ytJt Wbu¥Jthtulu vmk¥de
sdtytule fwj mkÏgt : 477 lturxm lkch yuV - 8/4/2002-E-I-(ce)-yu Ôgƒ< fhuj l&e <uJt yÇgtm¢btubtk ºJuN b¤e NfNu.
leau ¥NtoJujt yÇgtm¢btubtk ºJuN btxu gwrlgl vÂçjf @ ytbtk 10 xft x#uÀld JuMxusltu mbtJuN &tg Au. (3) yuf btÙt yuhVtumole vmk¥deJt¤t Wbu¥Jthtu ïu
mrJom frbNl <t. 17-8-2003lt htus fBctRLz rzVuLm ltUH (1) <uytu vtgjtux yuÂûxx©qz cuxhe fmtuxebtk ltvtm &Nu <tu
mrJormm vhe]ttlwk ytgtusl fhlth Au. (yu) : vtu<tle vmk¥delt ¢bbtk fE ltufhe fhJt btdu yum.yum.me. (ytuxeyu) btxu btLg fhJt RÉA<t ntug <uytuyu
(1) yÇgtm¢blwk ltb ylu sdtytule mkÏgt : Au <u Wbu¥Jthu yhSvÙtflt ftujb lk. 22btk Mv™ he<u vK “ytuxeyu” ltu s rJf§v MJefthJtltu hnuNu.
(1) Cth<eg mkh]tK yuf|zube, ¥nuht¥ql Ft<u swjtE, ltbltu W§juF fhJtu sYhe Au. Vfht (ce)le leau ytvuj ltUH - 1 : ytbeo ÀJd / rmrlgh rzrJÍl yuh ÀJd
2004btk NY &<tu 117btu yÇgtm¢b (yul.me.me. ‘me’ Nh<lu ytrHl, Wbu ¥ Jth su x je vmk ¥ deytu EÉAu <u <&t luJj ÀJdbtk yul.me.me. “me” mrxorVfux HhtJlthtytu
(ytbeo ÀJd) mrxorVfux HhtJlthtytu btxu ythr]t< 32 ¥NtoJJtle vK <ublu mjtn ytvJtbtk ytJu Au. su&e rlbKqf frbNl muJtltk xqkft yÇgtm¢bbtk MvHto fhe NfNu. vhk<w
sdtytu mrn<) - fwj sdtytu 250.@ fh<e JF<u gtuÓg<tlt ¢bbtk <ublt ntuÆtlu ylwYv <uble yt yÇgtm¢btk <uytu btxu sdtytulwk yth]tK l ntuJt&e yt
(2) luJj yuf|zube ftumo - dtuJt Ft<u swjtE, 2004&e vmk¥de ºbtKu gtuÓg ft¤S htFe Nftg. yÇgtm¢bbtk sdtytu ChJtlt nu<w&e <uytulu mtbtLg
(ce) : su Wbu¥Jthtu yuhVtumo yuf|zubebtk ïuztJt btd<t Wbu¥Jth dKJtbtk ytJNu. Wbu¥Jthtu fu suytulu ytbeo ÀJd,
NY &<tu yuƒ̓GËrxJ (ntEz#tu slhj mrJom ) (yul.me.me.
ntug <uytuyu yuyuVyulu <uble º&b vmk¥de ¥NtoJJtle hnuNu. rmrlyh rzrJÍl yuh ÀJd <&t luJj ÀJdle vhe]tt btxu
‘me’ (luJj ÀJd) mrxorVfux HhtJlthtytu btxu ythr]t< 6
ïu Wbu¥Jth “ytuxeyu” <&t ceï yÇgtm¢btu suJt fu yul.me.me. “me” mrxorVfux bu¤JJtlwk ctfe ntug vhk<w ceS
sdtytu mrn<) fwj sdtytu - 20. cHe he<u ythr]t< sdtytu btxu gtuÓg ntug <uytu yhS fhe
ytE.yub.yu., luJj yuf|zube ylu yuhVtumo yuf|zube btxu MvHto
(3) yuhVtumo yuf|zube ni¥htct¥ Ft<u swjtE, 2004&e NfNu. vhk<w <uytuyu leaultk mhltbu yt vhe]tt vtm fgtolwk
fh<t nNu «gthu “ytuxeyu” nbuNtk <uble Au§je vmk¥de hnuNu
NY &<tu vqJo Wñgl <tjeb yÇgtm¢b, yuxju fu yÇgtm¢b ºbtKvÙt ytvJwk sYhe Au.
su&e ytJt rfMmtytubtk Wbu¥Jthu ``ytuxeyu''lu <uble Au§je
lk. 176btu yuV(ve) fwj sdtytu - 32. vmk¥debtk s bqfJwk lrn<h, Wbu¥Jthu ``ytuxeyu''lu º&b *ytE.yub.yu. / yum.yum.me.le º&b vmk¥deJt¤t
(4) yrHfthe <tjeb yuf|zube, auLltE (b…tm) Ft<u vmk¥debtk bqƒG»k nNu <tu vK <ulu Au§je vmk¥de btlJtbtk Wbu¥Jthtu btxu :
yt| f xtu c h - 2004&e NY &<tu 80btu yu m .yu m .me. ytJNu. ïu “ytuxeyu” yufbtÙt vmk¥de nNu <tu <ulu º&b ARMY HQ / Rtg, CDSE ENTRY
yÇgtm¢b fwj sdtytu - 175. vmk¥de dKe NftNu. NEW DELHI - 110 066.
Wvh ¥NtoJuje sdtytule mkÏgtytubtk VuhVth Nƒg Au. (me) : leau ¥NtoJuj ltUH - 2btk ¥NtoÔgt rmJtglt *luJj yuf|zubele º&b vmk¥deJt¤t Wbu¥Jthtu btxu:
yd«glwk Wbu¥Jthtuyu âgtlbtk htFJwk ïuEyu fu <uytuyu vmk¥delt su
ROOM NO.-204, ‘C’ WING,
yÇgtm¢btu btxu yhS fhe nNu <u s yÇgtm¢btubtk <ublu SENA BHAVAN, NEW DELHI - 110 011.
gw r lgl vÂçjf mrJo m frbNllu yhS hsq btLg dKJtbtk ytJNu. yLg yÇgtm¢btubtk <ublu btLg
fhJtle Au§je <theF 14-4-2003 hnuNu. yk<rhgt¤ * yuhVtumole º&b vmk¥deJt¤t Wbu¥Jthtu btxu :
dKJtbtk ytJNu lné. PO-3 (A) / AIR HEADQUARTERS, ‘J’ BLOCK,
rJM<th / rs§jtbtk Jm<t Wbu¥Jthtu sultu W§juF lturxmlt (ze) : Wbu¥Jthu yhSvÙtfbtk ¥NtoJuj vmk¥de rmJtg ROOM NO-17, OPP. VAYU BHAVAN, MOTILAL
vuht-6btk &gujtu Au ylu <uytule yhS xvtj muJt ‡tht <ubtk JHthtu y&Jt VuhVthle rJlk<e frbNl ‡tht btLg NEHRU MARG, NEW DELHI - 110 011. lu
b¤e ntug <uJt Wbu¥Jthtu btxu yhS fhJtle Au§je htFJtbtk ytJNu lné. yuf JF< fhuj vmk¥debtk VuhVthlu <t. 15be bu - 2004 mwHebtk btufjJtk.
<theF : 21-4-2003 hnuNu. yhS nt&tu nt& y&Jt ftuE s yJftN l&e. ceS vmk¥delu Vƒ< «gthu s btLg<t ythr]t< sdtytule MvHtobtk gtuÓg<t ºtä fhJt btxu
fqrhgh muJt ‡tht b¤e ntug <ult btxu JHthtlt mbgltu ytvJtbtk ytJNu Ûgthu Wbu¥Jth ‡tht ltufhe btxu º&b Wbu¥Jthtuyu rmrlgh rzrJÍl ytbeo ÀJdbtk cu yuf|zubef J[to&e
jtC b¤Nu lné, vAe Cju Wbu¥Jth Wvhtuƒ< rJM<thbtk vmk¥de ytvJtbtk ytJe ntug ylu <ultu RLfth fhu «gthu ytuAe lné yuxje ylu rmrlgh rzrJÍl yuhÀJdbtk ÙtK
Jm<t ntug. ctfele cHe s vmk¥deytu btxule Wbu¥Jthe frbNl ‡tht yu f | z u b ef J[to l e mu J t cïJu j ntu J e ïu E yu ylu
Wbu¥Jthtulu mjtn ytvJtbtk ytJu Au fu <uytuyu h¥ fhJtbtk ytJNu. ytE.yub.yu./ luJj ÀJd / yuh Vtumo yuf|zube yÇgtm¢btu
yhS hsq fhJtle Au§je <theFle htn ïugt rmJtg ltUH (2) btxu frbNl yt|rVmlu yhSvÙtf bõgtle Au§je <theFu
Nƒg <uxje Jnuje yhS hsq fhe ¥uJe su&e gwrlgl vÂçjf ytE.yub.yu. / luJj yuf|zube / yuhVtumo yuf|zube ftumo yul.me.me.btk&e 24 btm&e JHthu mbg btxu Aqxt &gujt l
mrJom frbNlle fauhebtk yhS mbgmh b¤e ïg. Atuze dgujtytulu vhe]ttlt ytFhe vrhKtblt HtuhKu gwrlgl ntuJt ïuEyu.
xvtjlt rJjkc btxu gwrlgl vÂçjf mrJom frbNl ftuE vÂçjf mrJom frbNl vbuolLx frbNl btxu CjtbK fhNu, ltUH - 2 : ytbeo ÀJd / luJj ÀJd / rmrlgh rzrJÍl yuh
sJtc¥the MJefthNu lné ylu Wvhtuƒ< rlg< Au§je vhk<w ftuRvK fthKmh yt yÇgtm¢bbtk ºJuN sublu ytve ÀJdle vhe]ttlt vrhKtb JF<u yul.me.me. ‘me’ mrxorVfux
<theF vAe b¤uj yhS h¥ct<j dKtNu. l Nftg <u cHtlu <uble yhSbtk yt yÇgtm¢b btxu vmk¥de HhtJ<t Wbu¥Jthtu vqh<e mkÏgtbtk l b¤u <tu ÙtKu à
2 <t. 1 - 7 yurºj, 2003, Ó»sht< htusdth mbtath
à yÇgtm¢btu l e yt sdtytu mtbtLg Wbu ¥ Jthtu & e dKtNu. (4) Ve :
ChJtbtk ytJNu. ltUH : yum.yum.me. / ntgh mufLzhe y&Jt mbf]t vhe]ttbtk ºJuN RÉA<t Wbu¥Jthtuyu mkvqKo Chujt
Wvhtuƒ< yÇgtm¢btult ºJuN btxu jurF< vhe]tt vtm vhe]ttlt ºbtKvÙttu b tk ltU H tgu j sLb<theFlu s yhSvÙtftu mt&u Y. 100 Ve Vƒ< yuf s muLx#j rh¢qxbuLx Ve
fgto ct¥ frbNl ‡tht cwrغr<Ctle fmtuxe <&t Ôgƒ<«J MJefthJtbtk ytJNu. MxuBûm MJYvu frbNllu aqfJJtle hnuNu.
fmtu x e ju J tbtk ytJNu . (yu ) vhe]ttle vØr<, Htu h K, (me) Ni]trKf jtgft<tu : y.ï. / y.s.ï.lt Wbu¥Jthtulu Ve bwƒ< hnuNu.
yÇgtm¢b (ce) yhSvÙtf ChJt btxu btdo¥Nol. (me) (1) ytE.yub.yu. ylu yt|rVmhtule <tjeb yuf|zube ltUH - 1 : muLx#j rh¢qxbuLx Ve MxuBûm (vtuMxus MxuBûm lné.)
btxu : btLg gwrlJrmoxele rzd{e y&Jt mbf]t jtgft<. vtuMx yt|rVmbtk&e bu¤Je NftNu. yhSvÙtfbtk ytvuje rlg<
yuf|zubebtk ºJuN btxulwk Ntherhf HtuhK ylu (ze) muJtle xqkfbtk
(2) luJj yuf|zube btxu : rVrÍfm ylu buÚmlt rJ[tgtu
rJd<tu Jduhu. (E) fuL…eg ïnuh muJtle vhe]ttlt yhSvÙtftu sdtyu yt MxuBûm atUxtzJtltu hnuNu. ºtä muLx#j rh¢qxbuLx Ve
mt&u ce.yumme. y&Jt Rsluhe Mlt<f.
fE vtuMx yt|rVmtu / nuz vtuMx yt|rVmbtk&e ºtä &Nu <ule gt¥e MxuBûm vtuMx yt|rVmbtk&e h¥ &gtu ntuJtu ïuEyu ylu yu
(3) Jtgw mkh]tK yuf|zube btxu : 10 + 2 ºJtnbtk
Jduhu btxu <ubs RÂLzgl rbrjxhe yuf|zube, luJj yuf|zube, yhSvÙtf Wvh su <u fauhe ylu h¥ &gtle <theF Mv™
rVrÍfm ylu bu&uburxfmlt rJ[tgtu mt&u btLg gwrl.le
yuhVtumo yuf|zube ylu yt|rVmmole <tjeb yuf|zubebtk ïuzt<t ce.yumme.le rzd{e y&Jt Rsluhe Mlt<f. Jtkae Nft<e ntuJe ïuEyu.
Wbu¥Jthtuyu ylw¢bu yuvuÂLzfm I, II, III, IV ylu V ïuJwk. mkh]tK / Jtgw mkh]tK / yuhVtumo le º&b vmk¥deJt¤t muLx#j rh¢qxbuLx Ve MxuBûm rmJtgltk vtuMxus MxuBûm ftuE
(2) vhe]tt fuL…tu : Wbu¥Jthtuyu <ublt Mlt<f ºbtKvÙttultu vwhtJtu MvHto«bf vK rfMmtbtk MJefthJtbtk ytJNu lné.
yb¥tJt¥, ydh<jt, yiÍJtj, y§ntct¥, cUÓjtuh, vhe]ttlt yum.yum.ce. RLxhÔGË JF<u yum.yum.ce. mb]t ytE.ve.ytu., cUf z#tVTx, ble yt|zoh, ¢tuMz auf, ajKe
chuje, Ctuvtj, bwkcE (ctuBcu), ftujfÃtt (fjfÃtt), akzedZ, hsq fhJtltu hnuNu. ltux fu x#uÍhe ajl, Jduhu MJYvu Ve MJefthtNu lné ylu ytJe
ftuae (ftuael), fxf, r¥§ne, HthJtz, r¥mvwh (dtin<e), Wbu¥Jthtu fu suytulu Mlt<fle ykr<b vhe]tt ytvJtle yhSytu Ve Jdhle Au yub dKe h¥ct<j fhtNu.
dkdxtuf, ni¥htct¥, EBVtj, Extldh, sgvwh, sBbw, ïuhnx, ctfe ntug <uytu vK yt vhe]ttbtk cume NfNu. Wbu¥Jthtuyu yuf JF< Chuje Ve vtAe ytvJtbtk ytJNu lné.
ftunebt, jFlti, auLltE (b…tm), b¥whtE, ltdvwh, vKS Mlt<f vhe]tt vtm fhe Au <ule mtce<ele ïK sdtle y&Jt ceS vhe]tt btxu <cr¥j fhJtbtk ytJNu lné.
(dtuJt), vxKt, vtuxoçjuh, htgvwh, mtkcjvwh, rNjtUd, rmbjt, vmk¥de ºbtKu leault mhltbu fhJtle hnuNu. 5. yhS fuJe he<u fhNtu ?
ãeldh, r<Yvr<, r&ÁJk&vwhb (rÙtJuL…b), W¥uvwh ylu ytE.yub.yu. / yum.yum.me. º&b vmk¥de fuL…eg ïnuh muJt ytgtud ‡tht gtuï<e <btb vhe]ttytu
ARMY HQ / Rtg. btxu Vƒ< yuf s yhSvÙtf ft|BûG»xhtEÍz vØr<&e <igth
CDSE ENTRY, fhuj Au. yufltujusbuLx ftzo, yhSvÙtf btufjJt btxulwk
frbNlle blMËVe bwsc Wvhtuƒ< vhe]ttlt fuL…tu <&t
NEW DELHI - 110 066. vhcerzgwk <ubs yhSvÙtf ChJt btxule mtbtLg mqaltytu
<theFtu c¥jJtvtÙt Au. Wbu¥Jthtulu <ubKu vmk¥ fhujt fuL…
luJj yuf|zubele º&b vmk¥de rlr¥o™ fhuj btrn<evÙtf mt&ulwk yhSvÙtf yt rJ¿ttvl
Vt¤JJtltu cHtu s ºg«l fhJtbtk ytJNu, A<tk mkïudtuJmt< NAVAL HQ DMPR (R & R SECTION)
frbNl Wbu¥Jthtulu ceswk fuL… ytve NfNu. vhe]tt btxu jtgf mqaltltk yuvuÂLz]t-IIIbtk ¥NtoJuj gt¥e ylwmth mbd{ ¥uNbtk
ROOM NO.-204, ‘C’ WING,
Wbu¥Jthtulu mbgvÙtf <&t vhe]tt / vhe]ttytult M&¤le nuz vtuMx yt|rVmtu / vtuMx yt|rVmtubtk&e Y. 20 htufzt ytve
ïKfthe ytvJtbtk ytJNu. bu¤Je NftNu.yt yhSvÙtf rlr¥o™ fhuje vtuMx yt|rVmtubtk&e
NEW DELHI - 110 011.
Wbu ¥ Jthtu y u âgtlbtk htFJw k fu mtbtLg he<u fu L … yuhVtumolu º&b vmk¥de s bu¤JJwk, ftuE vK yusLme vtmu&e bu¤JJwk lné. yt
c¥jJtle <uytule rJlk<elu âgtlbtk juJtNu lné. <ub A<tk PO-3 (A)/ AIR HEAD QUARTERS, yhSvÙtf Vƒ< yuf s Jth ylu Vƒ< yuf s vhe]tt btxu
Wbu¥Jth <ubKu yhSvÙtfbtk ¥NtoJuj fuL… rmJtg yLg fuL… ‘J’ BLOCK, R0OM NO. 17, Wvgtud fhe NftNu. Wbu¥Jthtuyu btrn<evÙtf mt&u ytvujt
vmk¥ fhJt RÉAu <tu <ubKu gtuÓg fthK ¥NtoJe mu¢uxhe, gwrlgl OPP. VAYU BHAVAN, yhSvÙtfltu s Wvgtud fhJtu, yhSvÙtfle Íuhtu]t lfj /
vÂçjf mrJom frbNllu hrsMxzo yu.ze.&e vÙt jFJtu. yt MOTILAL NEHRU MARG, Vhe&e rºLx fhuj yhSvÙtf / ylyrHf$< he<u Atvujtk
rJlk<e gtuÓg<tlu âgtlbtk jE btLg fhJtbtk ytJNu vhk<w NEW DELHI - 110 011. yhSvÙtfltu Wvgtud fhJtu lné.
<t. 14-5-2003 vAe b¤uj vÙtlu ftuE vK mkïudtubtk btLg leau ¥NtoJuj <theF mwHebtk ïK fhJtbtk lné ytJu yhSvÙtf Ch<e JF<u Wbu¥Jthtuyu rJNu[t ft¤S
fhJtbtk ytJNu lné. <tu <uytule Wbu¥Jthe h¥ct<j XhNu. htFJe. Wbu¥Jthtuyu yhSvÙtf Ch<tk vnujtk yt rJ¿ttvllt
(i) ytE.yub.yu., luJj ylu yuhVtumo yuf|zubebtk ºJuN yuvuÂLz]t-IIbtk ytvuj mqaltytultu ft¤SvqJof yÇgtm fhJtu
(3) gtuÓg<tle Nh<tu :
btxu <t. 15be bu, 2004lt htus y&Jt <tu <u vnujtk yhS ylu <u vAe s yhSvÙtf ChJwk. Wbu¥Jthtuyu yufltujusbuLx
(yu) ht™#eg<t :
fhJe. ftzole mkckrH< ctc<tu ChJe <ubs <ubtk yhSvÙtf lkch
Wbu¥Jth vtmu leaultbtk&e ftuE vK yuf jtgft< ntuJe
(ii) yt|rVmmo <tjeb yuf|zubebtk ºJuN btxu Wbu¥Jthtuyu (8 lkch mwHe) ylu vhe]ttlwk ltb ¥NtoJJwk. yufltujusbuLx
ïuEyu : (1) Cth<ltu ltdrhf y&Jt (2) Cq<tlbtk&e <t. 15be yt|dMx, 2004lt htus y&Jt <tu <u vnujtk yhS
ytJuj y&Jt (3) luvt¤btk&e ytJuj y&Jt (4) r<cuxbtk&e ftzo Wvh Y. 6le xvtj rxrfx atUxtzJe. yhSvÙtf ylu
fhJe. yufltujusbuLx ftzo gtuÓg he<u Cgto vAe <u btrn<evÙtf mrn<
Cth<btk <t. 1je ïLG»ythe, 1962 vnujtk Cth<btk ftgbe mhfth ‡tht btLg ÔgJmtrgf ylu xufrlfj jtgft<
JmJtxlt Rht¥t&e ytJuj y&Jt (5) bq¤ Cth<ltu ltdrhf ytvujt vhcerzgtbtk s btufjJtlwk hnuNu ylu vhcerzgtk Wvh
HhtJ<t Wbu¥Jthtu vK ÔgJmtrgf ylu xufrlfj rzd{e
fu subKu Cth<btk ftgbe JmJtx btxu vtrfM<tl, cbto, ãejkft vhe]ttlwk ltb sub fu ``Combined Defence Services
HhtJlth Wbu¥Jthtule sub s vhe]ttbtk ºJuN btxu vtÙt
<&t vqJo ytr£ftlt ¥uNtu suJt fu, furlgt, gwdtLzt, gwltxuz Examination (II) - 2003'' yub ¥NtoJe leault mhltbu
rhvÂçjf ytuV <tLÍtrlgt (vqJuolwk xtLdtrlft ylu ÍtkÍecth), vhe]ttbtk ltvtm &<tk <uytule Wbu¥Jthe h¥ dKtNu <t. 14-4-2003lt htus fu <u vnujtk vntUau <u he<u btufje
ÍtBcegt, btjtJe, Íih, fu E&turvgt, ylu rJguxltbbtk&e yt ctc<le su <u rJCtdlu ïK fhJtle hnuNu. ytvJtlwk hnuNu.
M&¤tk<h fgwo ntug. Ftm rfMmtytubtk Wvhtuƒ< rlgb ºbtKu Ni]trKf
Union Public Service Commission,
Wvhtu ƒ < fu x u d he (2), (3), (4) ylu (5) btxu jtgft< l HhtJ<t Wbu¥Jthtulu <uytu ºJuNlwk yLg jtgft<lwk Dholpur House,
Wbu¥Jthle jtgft<lwk ºbtKvÙt Cth< mhfth ‡tht yvtguj HtuhK HhtJ<t nNu <tu frbNl <ublu vhe]ttlt ºJuN btxu New Delhi - 110 069.
ntuJwk ïuEyu. gtuÓg XhtJe NfNu. cHt s Wbu¥Jthtuyu, ïu <uytu mhfthe ltufhebtk y&Jt
ytb A<tk luvt¤lt dwhFt Wbu¥Jthtult rfMmtbtk ltUH - 1 : su Wbu¥Jthtuyu <uble rzd{e vhe]tt vmth fhJtle mhfthe ytiŸturdf mtnmbtk y&Jt ytJe s yLg mbf]t
jtgft<lt ºbtKvÙtle sYh hnu<e l&e. ctfe ntug <ublu <uytu ïu <uble rzd{e vhe]ttlt Au§jt J[tobtk
mkM&tytubtk y&Jt Ftlde muJtbtk ntug <uytuyu frbNllu meHe
yÇgtm fh<t nNu <tu s vtÙt dKJtbtk ytJNu.su Wbu¥Jthtuyu
(ce) Jgbgto¥t, ïr<, ylu JiJtrnf ¥hÛïu : s yhS fhJtle hnuNu. ïu Wbu¥Jth <uble yhS Ft<t
<uble rzd{e vhe]ttlt Au§jt J[tobtk gtuÓg<t bu¤JJtle ctfe
(1) ytE.yu b .yu . btxu : Vƒ< yvherK< vw h w [ t bthV< btufjtJNu vAe Cju <ubKu Au§je <theF vnujtk
ntug ylu gw.ve.yum.me.le vhe]ttbtk cumJtle Aqx bu¤Je
Wbu¥Jthtu fu suytu <t. 2S swjtE, 1980 ylu <t. 1je ntug <ubKu <u ctc<le ltUH juJe fu yt btÙt <ublu yvtguje btufjtJe nNu vK frbNllu btuze b¤Nu <tu <u âgtlbtk juJtNu
swjtE, 1985le JÉau sLbujt ntug <uytu s jtgf dKtNu. yuf Ftm AqxAtx Au. rlg< <theF mwHebtk <ubKu rzd{e vhe]tt lrn.
(2) Jtgw mkh]tK yuf|zube btxu : Vƒ< yvherK< vwhw[t vtm fgtole mtce<e hsq fhJe. ylu gwrlJrmoxele vhe]tt su Wbu¥Jthtu ftgbe he<u y&Jt ftbajtW he<u mhfthe
Wbu¥Jthtu fu suytu <t. 2S swjtE, 1981 ylu 1je swjtE, btuze juJtbtk ytJu fu vrhKtb l ytJÔ»k fu yuJtk yLg ftuE muJtbtk ntug y&Jt Jfoatso fboathe fu fuÛG»yj y&Jt
1985le JÉau sLbujt ntug <uytu s jtgf dKtNu. fthKmh <theF jkctJJtle btdKe j]tbtk juJtbtk ytJNu htu s b¥th fbo a the ylu ïnu h mtnmbtk ftb fh<t
(3) yt|rVmhtule <tjeb yuf|zube btxu : vherK< y&Jt lné. fboatheytuyu <ublt Ft<t / rJCtdlt Jztlu <uytu yt vhe]tt
yvherK< vwhw[t Wbu¥Jthtu cklu fu suytu <t. 2S swjtE, ltUH - 2 : mkh]tK bkÙttjg ‡tht ftZe bwftgujt Wbu¥Jthtu ytvJt RÉAu Au <ule ïK jurF<btk yJ~g fhJe.
1979 ylu 1je swjtE, 1985le JÉau sLbujt ntug <uytu yhS lné fhe Nfu ylu <uJe yhSytu h¥ &Jtlu vtÙt Au. ïu Wbu¥Jthtult ydtWlt ltufhe¥t<t <hV&e frbNllu
s jtgf dKtNu. ltUH - 3 : Jtgw mkh]tK Wñgl <tjebbtk Wñgl NeFJtbtk vhe]ttlt ºJuN ykdule yhS M&rd< fhJtltu vÙt b¤Nu <tu
(4) ltift¥¤ yuf|zube btxu : Vƒ< yvherK< vwhw[t rl[V¤ &gu j t Wbu ¥ Jthtu l u ytE.yu . yu V .le NtFtbtk <uytule yhS h¥ fhJtbtk ytJNu / <uble Wbu¥Jthe h¥
Wbu¥Jthtu fu suytu <t. 2S swjtE, 1982 (luJuj ÀJd ‘me’ lurJduNl / yuzTrbrlMx#uNl / jturdÂMxf c{tLabtk mbtJe fhJtbtk ytJNu.
mrxorVfux HhtJ<t Wbu¥Jthtu btxu <t. 2S swjtE, 1980) juJtbtk ytJNu. ytJt rfMmtbtk sdtytule Nƒg<t <&t gtuÓg ltUH : Wbu¥Jthu yhSvÙtf Ch<e JF<u gtuÓg ft¤S
ylu 1je swjtE, 1985le JÉau sLbujt ntug <uytu s jtgf Ni]trKf jtgft< sYhe dKtg Au. htFJe, yhSvÙtfle ftuE vK ftujb Cgto Jdhle à
Ó»sht< htusdth mbtath, <t. 1 - 7 yurºj, 2003 3
à ctfe hne l ïg <u l w k âgtl htFJw k . yHq h e ylu jtntuj ylu ÂMvr< rs§jtytu ylu rnbtaj º¥uNlt atkct PO-3 (A)/AIR HEAD QUARTERS
FtbeJt¤e yhS h¥ct<j fhtNu. ftuE vK mkïudtubtk yt rs§jtlwk vtkde mc rzrJÍl, ytk¥tbtl ylu rlftucth xtvwytu ‘J’ BLOCK, ROOM NO-17,
ctc< ykdult vÙtÔgJnth fu hsqyt<lu ºtu«mtnl ytvJtbtk y&Jt j]t‡ev y&Jt vh¥uNbtk Jm<t ntug ylu yhS xvtj
ytJNu lné. muJt ‡tht btufjJtle ntug <tu <uJt Wbu¥Jthtu btxu yhS
NEW DELHI - 110 011.
ôbh, Ni]trKf jtgft<, ylu y.ï., y.s.ï. ylu fhJtle Au§je <theF 21-4-2003 dKJe. Wvh ¥NtoJujt
yu m .yu m .ce. RLxhÔGË JF<u ftu j yv ju x hbtk
y.v.J. ykdult ºbtKvÙttu yhSvÙtf mt&u btufjJtle sYh rJM<th / rs§jtbtk Jm<t Wbu¥Jthtuyu ïu xvtj muJt ‡tht s
¥NtoJJtbtk ytJuje <theFu Wbu¥Jthu ntsh hnuJwk. FhuFh gtuÓg
l&e. Wbu¥Jthtuyu yu Jt<le Ft<he fhe juJe fu <uytu vhe]tt yhS btufje nNu <tu s JHthtlt mbgltu jtC b¤Nu.
fthK ntug <tu ylu JneJxe he<u mwdb vzu <ub ntug <tu RLxhÔGË
ykdule gtuÓg<tle Nh<tu vrhvqKo fhu Au fu fub ? ïu fu <uytultu nt&tunt& y&Jt fwrhgh muJt ‡tht yhS btufje nNu <tu
bw j «Je htFJtle ytFhe mÃtt ytbeo , lu J j ylu yu h
ºJuN ftbajtW s dKJtbtk ytJNu. gtuÓg<tle Nh<tubtk JHthtlt mbgltu jtC b¤Nu lrn. vAe Cju <uytu Wvhtuƒ<
nuzfJtxomole hnuNu.
vtA¤&e ftuE VuhVth sKtNu <tu <uytuyu gtuÓg<tle Nh<tu vqKo rJM<th / rs§jtbtk hnu<t ntug.
*ltUH :
fhe Au <ub bltNu lrn ylu vhe]tt btxule <uytule Wbu¥Jthe su Wbu¥Jthtuyu JHthtlt mbglt jtCle btdKe fhe
yum.yum.ce.lt ytE.yub.yu. btxult RLxhÔGË btxu
h¥ct<j dKJtbtk ytJNu. ntug <uytuyu yhSvÙtflt ftujb 13 (II)btk vtu<u su rJM<th
Wbu¥Jthlu btao - 2004lt atu&t yXJtrzgt mwHe ylu
y&Jt rs§jtlt hnuJtme Au. (W.¥t. ytmtb, buDtjg, sBbw
Wbu¥Jthtulu rJlk<e fhJtbtk ytJu Au fu <uytuyu leaultk ytuxeyu btxu swl-2004lt atu&t yXJtrzgt mwHe ylu luJj,
ylu ftÂ~bh Jduhu.) <u rJM<thbtk&e yhS vtuMx fhJe ylu
ºbtKvÙttu ºbtrK< fhtJelu <igth htFJt ylu jurF< yuhVtumolu º&b vmk¥de ¥NtoJe ntug <uJt Wbu¥Jthtulu Vuc{wythe-
ytb fhJtbtk rl[V¤ sNu <tu Wbu¥Jthtulu JHthtlt mbgltu
vhe]ttlt vrhKtb vAe (ytbeo / luJj ylu yuhVtumo nuzfJtxomo 2004lt atu&t yXJtrzgt mwHebtk RLxhÔGË ftuj l bõgtu
jtC b¤Nu lné.
mb]t hsq fhJt) mtbtLg he<u vrhKtb lJuBch, 2003btk ntug <tu Wbu¥Jthu (ftuj yv juxh) ytE.yub.yu. ylu
ltU H - 1 : yhSvÙtfle gtu Ó g vntU a Jdhlt
ïnuh &Nu. ytu.xe.yu.lu º&b vmk¥de <hefu ¥NtoÔgt ntug <uJt rfMmtbtk
yhSvÙtftule ctc<btk ylu hme¥ lt ntug <uJt yhSvÙtftule
(1) sLb<theFlt vwhtJt btxu burx#f / ntgh mufLzhe Mfqj leault mhltbu ïK fhJe.
ctc<btk frbNlle ftuE sJtc¥the hnuNu lrn, ftuE vK
ºbtKvÙt y&Jt <ulwk mbf]t ºbtKvÙt. THE ARMY HEAD QUARTERS,
mkïudtubtk rlg< Au§je <theF vAe b¤uj yhS MJefthJtbtk
(2) rzd{e vhe]tt vtm fhe Au <u ykdulwk rzd{e / ftbajtW ytJNu lné ylu btuze b¤uj <btb yhSytu h¥ct<j
rzd{e ºbtKvÙt / dwKvÙtf. fhJtbtk ytJNu, Wbu¥Jthu yu Jt<le Ft<he fhe juJe fu rlg<
NEW DELHI - 110066.
bq¤ ºbtKvÙttu RLxhÔGË mbgu hsq fhJtltk hnuNu. Au§je <theF vnujtk frbNlle yt|rVmu <uytule yhS vntUae
ltUH : luJj yuf|zube ylu yuhVtumo yuf|zubele º&b
Wbu¥Jthtuyu fhuj ¥tJtytu ïu Ftuxt sKtNu <tu duÍux ytuV Au fu fub ?
vmk¥de <hefu ¥NtoJuj ntug <tu yt btxu Wvh rlr¥o™ luJj
RÂLzgtbtk ¥Nto Ô gt ºbtKu fBctRLz rzVu L m mrJo r mm ltUH - 2 : Wbu¥Jth gtuÓg hme¥ (vntUa) lt c¥jtbtk
ylu yuhVtumo nuz fJtxomolt mhltbu ïK fhJtle hnuNu.
yu Ó Ítrblu N l 2003lt rlgb-11 ylw m th ylu frbNllt ftWLxh Wvh yhSvÙtf ytve Nfu Au, frbNlle
yLg ftuE fauhebtk Wbu¥Jthu yhS vntUatze nNu <tu <ult
(7) bq¤ ºbtKvÙttu hsq fhJt :
<t. 15-3-2003lt yuBûjtugbuLx LG»Íbtk vwl: ¥NtoJuj su Wbu¥Jthtu yum.yum.ce.lt RLxhÔGË btxu gtuÓg<t
lturxm ylwmth rNM<Ckdlt vdjtk juJtbtk ytJNu. btxu frbNl sJtc¥th l&e.
HhtJ<t ntug <uytuyu s bq¤ ºbtKvÙttu mt&u <uble Ni]trKf
Wbu¥Jthtuyu yhSvÙtf, rlgbtu, yÇgtm¢b Jduhu btxu ltUH - 3 : fwrhgh y&Jt fwrhgh muJt ‡tht yhS
jtgft<tu yk d u l t ºbtrK< ºbtKvÙttu cu lfjtu b tk
frbNlle yt|rVmu vntUatzJtbtk ytJe nNu <tu <ulu nt&tunt&
gw.ve.yum.me.lu vÙtÔgJnth fhJtu lné. yum.yum.ce.lt RLxhÔGË vnujtk mrJom rmjufNl muLxhlu
b¤uj yhSle sub dKJtbtk ytJNu.
yhSvÙtftu vtuMx yt|rVmtubtk&e ºtä &Nu btufjJtk.
7. yhSvÙtfle vntUa : (8) Wbu¥Jth vtmu&e yhSvÙtf bõgt ct¥ ftuE vK
yhSvÙtftule mh¤efhKle ºr¢gt btxu fuL…eg Wbu ¥ Jthtu vtmu & e yu f ltu j u s bu L x ftzo mt&u l t
mkïudtubtk Wbu¥Jthe vtAe FUaJt btxule rJlk<e âgtlbtk
ïnuh muJt ytgtud ‡tht gtuï<e <btb vhe]ttytu btxu yhSvÙtftu ºtä &gt ct¥ yhSvÙtf bõgtle hme¥lt ºr<f
juJtbtk ytJNu lné.
Vƒ< yuf s MJYvlwk yhSvÙtf <igth fhuj Au. Yvu yufltujusbuLx ftzo Wvh frbNl fauhe ‡tht bntuh bthelu
fuL…eg ïnuh muJt ytgtudu <ult fuBûmlt me-duEx
yufltujusbuLx ftzo, yhSvÙtf btufjJt btxulwk Wbu¥Jthtulu vh< fhJtbtk ytJNu. Wbu¥Jthtulu yufltujusbuLx
lSf mw r JHt fu L … NY fhu j Au . Wbu ¥ Jthtu y u
vhcerzgwk <ubs yhSvÙtf ChJt btxule mtbtLg mqalt ftzo vhe]ttlt ÙtK yXJtrzgt vnujt ºtä l &tg <tu <ubKu
yhSvÙtf / Wbu ¥ Jthe mk c k H JHw rJd<tu /
Jduhu rlr¥o™ fhuj btrn<evÙtf mt&ulwk yhSvÙtf yt yhSvÙtf lkch (8 ytkfztytu mwHe) ylu vhe]ttlwk ltb
Mv™efhKle sYh ntu g <tu fau h elt ftbftslt
rJ¿ttvl mq a ltltk yu v u  Lz]t - III btk ¥Nto J u j gt¥e ylu J[to mt&u frbNlltu YcYbtk y&Jt <tu fuL…eg ïnuh
r¥Jmtubtk 10 &e 5 fjtf ¥hrbgtl yt fuL…ltu mkvfo
ylw m thle nu z vtu M x yt| r Vmtu / vtu M x yt| r Vmtu b tk & e muJt ytgtudlt M»rJHt fuL…ltu Vtul lk. 011-23381125/
fhJtu. yt mkvfo YcYbtk y&Jt 011-23385271/
Y. 20 htufzt ytve bu¤Je NftNu. 23385271 Wvh mkvfo fhJtu.
011-23381125 Vtul ‡tht fhe Nftg Au.
Wbu ¥ Jthtu y u btrn<evÙtf mt&u ytvu j t
yd«glwk ltUH : Wbu¥Jthtulu yt rJ¿ttvl mqaltbtk rlr¥o™
frbNl mt&ult cHt vÙtÔgJnthbtk leaule rJd<tu
yhSvÙtfltu s Wvgtud fhJtu. yhSvÙtftu rlr¥o™ fhuj fhu j nu z vtu M x yt| r Vm / vtu M x yt| r Vmtu b tk & e
ntuJe ïuEyu.
vtuMx yt|rVmtubtk&e s bu¤JJt yLg ftuE vK yusLme yhSvÙtf / muLx#j rh¢qxbuLx Ve MxuBv ºtä fhJtbtk
(1) vhe]ttlwk ltb ylu J[to :
‡tht Atvu j t yhSvÙtfltu Wvgtu d fhJtu lrn. ftuE bw~fuje QCe &tg <tu Wbu¥Jthtuyu mkckrH< vtuMx
(2) yhSvÙtf lkch (8 lkch mwHe) :
yhSvÙtftu l e Íu h tu ] t lfjtu / Vhe&e rºLx fhu j btM<h slhj y&Jt gw.ve.yum.me.lt mûjtÕd
(3) htuj lkch (ïu ºtä &gtu ntug <tu)
yhSvÙtf / ylyrHf$< he<u Atvuj yhSvÙtfltu btu l exÀhd mu j ltu Vtu l lk . 23389366 /
(4) Wbu¥Jthlwk ltb (vqhwk ltb çjtuf juxmobtk)
Wvgtud fhJtu lrn. yt he<lt yhSvÙtfltu Wbu¥Jth Vufm lk. 23387310 Wvh mkvfo fhJtu.
(5) yhSvÙtfbtk ¥NtoJujwk xvtjlwk mhltbwk :
Wbu¥Jthtuyu yt rJ¿ttvlle rJd<Jth ïKfthe
Wvgtud fhNu <tu <u h¥ct<j fhtNu. ¥huf yhSvÙtf Vƒ< v Wvhle rJd<tu Jdhlt vÙtÔgJnthlu ºtu«mtnl yvtNu
yuf s Jth ylu Vƒ< yuf s vhe]tt btxu Wvgtud fhJtu. btxu r¥§ne&e ºrmØ &gu j <t. 15-3-2003lw k
yuBûjtugbuLx LGËÍ ïuE sJwk.
Wbu¥Jthtuyu vhe]tt btxu rlr¥o™ fhuj jtgft<tule v yhS fgto ct¥ Wbu¥Jthlt mhltbtbtk VuhVth &tg
Nh<tu ft¤SvqJof JtkaJe. Wbu¥Jthtuyu yhSvÙtf Ch<tk yub. ve. Àmd
<tu m«Jhu ytgtudlu ïK fhJtle hnuNu.
vnujtk rJ¿ttvl mqaltlt yuvuÂLz]t-IIbtk ytvuj mqaltytu v Wbu¥Jthlt ltble CjtbK &E ntug <ublt mhltbt zuûG»xe mu¢uxhe, gw.ve.yum.me.
ïuE sJe. ykdu vqAvhA fu rJlk<e ykdu ytE.yub.yu. ylu The Scheme Standard and Syllabus of Examina-
Wvh vuht-5btk rlr¥o™ fgtO bwsc yt rJ¿ttvl ytu.xe.yu. º&b vmk¥de <hefu ¥NtoÔgt ntug <uJt tion
mqaltlt yuvuÂLz]t-IIIbtk rlr¥o™ fhuj gt¥e bwscle nuz rfMmtbtk meHw leault mhltbu jFJwk. 1. The competitive examination comprises :
vtu M x yt| r Vmtu / vtu M x yt| r Vmtu b tk & e s yhSvÙtf THE ARMY HEAD QUARTERS, (a) Written examination as shown in para 2
Fhe¥Jtltk hnuNu. yt btxule JHw rJd<Jth btrn<e btxu (b) Interview for intelligance and personality test (vide
<t. 15-3-2003lw k yu B ûjtu g bu L x LGËÍ / htu s dth Part ‘B’ of this Appendix) of such candidates as may be
RAMAKRISHNAPURAM, NEW DELHI - 110066. called for interview at one of the Services Selection
mbtath ïuE sJwk.
luJj yuf|zubele º&b vmk¥deJt¤t Wbu¥Jthtuyu Centres.
6. yhSvÙtftu MJefthJtle Au§je <theF : leault mhltbu ïK fhJtle hnuNu. 2. The subjects of the written examination, the time
allowed and the maximum marks allotted to each sub-
mk v q K o Chu j tk yhSvÙtftu leau l t mhltbu NAVAL HQ (R & R SECTION) ject will be as follows :
<t. 14-4-2003 vnujtk vntUaJt ïuEyu. ROOM NO.-204, ‘C’ WING, (a) For admission to Indian military Academy,
SENA BHAVAN, Naval Academy and Air Force Academy.
NEW DELHI - 110 011. Subject Duration Maximum
Union Public Service Commission, Marks
Dholpur House, New Delhi - 110011 yuhVtumolu º&b vmk¥de <hefu ¥NtoÔG» ntug <uJt 1. English 2 Hours 100
ïu Wbu¥Jthtu ytmtb, buDtjg, yYKtaj º¥uN, rfMmtbtk mhltbtbtk VuhVth ykdule ïK leault mhltbu 2. General Knowledge 2 Hours 100
3. Elementary Mathematics 2 Hours 100
rbÍtuhb, brKvwh ylu rÙtvwht, rmråb, sBbw ylu ft~behlt fhJe. à
4 <t. 1 - 7 yurºj, 2003, Ó»sht< htusdth mbtath
à (b) For Admission to Officers Training of angles, sides and diagonals of a parallelogram ELIGIBILITY CONDITIONS (in brief)
Academy rectangle and square, (viii) Circles and their (a) Age Limits, Sex and marital Status
Subject Duration Maximum properties including tangents and normals, (ix) Ioci. (i) For IMA-Unmarried male candidates born
Marks MENSURATION : Areas of squares, rectngles, par- not earlier than 2nd July, 1980 and not later
allelograms, triangle and circle. Areas of figures which than 1st July, 1985 only are eligible.
1. English 2 Hours 100
can be split up into these figures (Field Book). Surface (ii) For Naval Academy-Unmarried male
2. General Knowledge 2 Hours 100
area and volume of cuboids, lateral surface and vol- candidates born not earlier than 2nd
The maximum marks allotted to the written exami- ume of right circular cones and cylinders. Surface area July, 1982 (2nd July, 1980 in case of Naval
nation and to the interviews will be equal for each course and volume of spheres. Wing ‘C’ Certificate holders) and not later than
i.e. the maximum marks allotted to the written examina- STATISTICS : Collection and tabulation of 1st July, 1985 only are eligible.
tion and to the interviews will be 300, 300, 300 and 200 statistical date, Graphical representation - frequency (iii) For Air Force Academy-Unmarried male
each for admission to the indian Military Academy, Na- ploegons, istograms, bar charts, pie charts etc. candidates born not earlier than 2nd
val Academy, Air Force Academy and Officers Training Measures of Central Tendency. July, 1981 and not later than 1st
Academy respectively. INTELLIGENCE AND PERSONALITY TEST July, 1985 only are eligible.
3. THE PAPERS IN ALL THE SUBJECTS WILL CON- In addition to the interview, the candidates will be (iv) For Officers’ Training Academy-Male Can-
SIST OF OBJECTIVE TYPE QUESTIONS ONLY. THE put to intelligence Test both verbal and non-verbal didates (married or unmarried) born not earlier
QUESTION PAPERS (TEST BOOKLETS) WILL BE SET designed to assess their basic intelligence. They will than 2nd July, 1979 and not later than 1st July,
IN ENGLISH ONLY. also be put to Group Tests such as group discussions, 1985 only are eligible.
4. In the question papers, wherever necessary, ques- group planning, out-door group tasks and asked to give (b) Educational Qualifications :
tions involving the Metric Systems of Weights and Mea- brief lectures on specified subjects. All these tests are (i) For I.M.A. and Officers’Training Academy:
sures only will be set. intended to judge the mental calibre of a candidate. In Degree of a recognised University or
5. Candidates must write the papers in their own broad terms this is really an assessment of not only his equivalent.
hand. In no circumstances will they be allowed the help intellectual qualities but also his social traits and inter- (ii) For Navel Academy : B.Sc. (with
of a scribe to write the answers for them. est in current affairs. Physics and Mathematics) or Bachelor of
6. The Commission have discretion to fix qualifying APPENDIX II Engineering.
marks in any or all the subjects of the examination. General Instructions (iii) For Air Force Academy : Degree of a
7. The candidates are not permitted to use calcula- 1. Candidates must use only the form suppled with recognised university with Physics and
tors for answering objective type papers (Test Book- Information Brochure purchased from any of the des- Mathematics at 10+2 level or Bachelor of En-
lets). They should not, therefore, bring the same inside gineering.
ignated Head Post Offices/Post Offices listed in Ap-
examination hall. (c) Fee : Rs. 100 (Rs. One hundred only) (No fee
pendix III. Form should be purchased from designated
post offices only and not from any other agency. candi-
EXAMINATION Instructions to candidates for filling up the
dates must use the form supplied with the Information
Standard : The standard of the papers in Elemen- Application Form for the Combined Defence
Brochure only and they should in no case use photo-
tary Mathematics will be of Matriculation level. The stan- Services Examination (II), 2003.
copy/reproduction/unauthorisedly printed copy of the
dard of papers in other subjects will approximately be Side 1 of Application Form
Form. The form will NOT be supplied by the
such as may be expected of a graduate of an indian Column 1 : Examination for which applying
Commission’s office.
University. Darken the circle against “CDS I”. In the box per-
2. The application form must be filled in by the can-
SYLLABUS taining to name of examination, write CDS I starting
didates in their own handwriting. Since this form will be
ENGLISH [Code No. 01] from the first box on the left. Also write 2003 in the boxes
processed on computerised machines, candidates
The question paper will be designed to test the can- meant for year of examination. Candidates are advised
should exercise due care in handling and filling up
didates understanding of English and workmanlike use to ensure that the name of Examinationa viz. CDS I is
the application form. They should use HB pencil only
of words. correctly written by them in the box. Any error in this
to darken circles. For writing in boxes, they should
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE [Code No. 02] regard may result in rejection of their application form.
use blue or black pen. Column 2 : Fee
General Knowledge including knowledge of cur-
Since the entries made by the candidates by dark- If you have paid the requisite fee of Rs. 100 (Ru-
rent events and of such matters of everyday observa-
ening the circles will be tanken into account while pro- pees one hundred). darken circle 1 and write 1 in the
tion and experience in their scientific aspects as may
cessing the aplications on computerised machines, they box; or
be expected of and educated person who has not made
should make these entries very carefully and accurately. If you have not paid the fee and are claiming fee
a special study of any scientific subject. The paper will
Entries in the boxes are meant for confirmatory pur- remission as SC, ST darken circle 2 and write 2 in the
also include questions on History of India and Geogra-
poses and these should also, therefore, be made cor- box.
phy of a nature which candidate should be able to an-
rectly. There should be no variation between the entires N.B. : Fee is payable only in the form of central
swer without special study.
ELEMENTARY MATHEMATICS [Code No. 03] made by the candidate by darkening the circles and Recruitment Fee Stamp, as per instructions against
Arithmatic : Number Systems-Natural numbers, those written in the accompanying boxes. column 12.
Integers, Rational and Real numbers, Fundamental 3. Candidates should ensure that the signatures Column 3 : (I) Whether Physically Handicapped?
operations - addition subtraction, Multiplication, appended by them in all the palsces viz. in their appli- As physically handicapped candidates are not eli-
division, square roots. Decimal fractions. cation form, Attendance list etc. and in all the corre- gible for Combined Defence Services Examination, this
Unitary methods - Time and distance, time and work, spondence with the Commission, should be identical column is not require to filled by the candidates for this
Percentage-applications to simple and and there should be no variation of any kind. if any examination. You should therefore, leave this column
compound interest, profit and loss, Ratio and variation is found in the signatures appended by him at blank.
proportion, variation. different places, his candidature will be liable to be can- Column 4 : Community
Elementary Number Theory. Division algorithm, celled by the Commission. If you belong to SC, darken circle 1 and write 1 in
Prime and composite numbers. Test of divisibility by 2, 4. No change in the entries made in original appli- the box; or
cation form will be allowed under any circumstances. If you belong to ST, darken circle 2 and write 2 in the
3, 4, 5, 9 and 11. Multiples and factors, Factorisation
5. the candidates are advised in their own interest box; or
Theorem, H.C.F. and L.C.M. Euclidean algorithem.
to ensure that the applications reach the If you belong to OBC, darken circle 3 and write 3 in
Logarithms to base 10, laws of logarithms. use of loga-
Commission’s Office on or before the closing date. the box; or
rithmic tables.
Applications received in the Commission’s Office after If you belong to General Category (Others), darken
ALGEBRA : Basic Operations, simple factors, Re-
the closing date will not be considered. circle 4 and write 4 in the box.
mainder therorem. H.C.F., L.C.M. Theory of polynomi-
6. While filling in his pallication form, the candidate NOTE : Candidates belonging to neither SC, ST nor
als. Soultions of quadratic equations. relation between
should carefully decide about his choice for the centre OBC communities should write code No. 4 (General
its roots and coefficients. (Only real roots to be consid-
for the examination. More than one application form a category) against the column for community and not
ered). Simultaneous linear equation in two unknown
candidate giving different centres will not be accepted leave it blank.
analytical and graphical sulutions. Practical problems
in any case. Even if a candidate sends nore than one Column 5 : Sex
leading to two simultaneous linear equation in two vari- Since only male candidates are eligible for this ex-
ables or quadratic quations in one variable and their completed application, the commission will accept only
amination, they (male candidates) should darken circle
solutions. Set language and set notation. Rational ex- one application at their descretion and Commission
1 and write 1 in the box;
pressions and conditional identities, Laws of indices. decision in this matter shall be final.
Note : Female candidates are not eligible for this
TRIGONOMETRY : Sine X, Cosine X, Tangent X 7. On the Acknowledgement Card, the candidates
examination. Therefore they should not apply for this
when O/O < x < 90/0 Value of sin X, cos X and tan X, for should write their appliation form No. (as printed
X = 0/0, 30/0, 45/0, 60/0 and 90/0. below bar code on the form) and the name of
Column 6 : Nationality
Simple trigonometric identities. Use of trigonometri- examination viz. “Combined Defence services
If you are an Indian national, darken circle 1 and
cal tables. Examination (II), 2003”. They Should also write clearly write 1 in the box; or
Simple cases of heights and distances. and legibly their mailing address on If you are not an Indian national, darken circle 2 and
GEOMETRY : Lines and angles. Plane and plane Ancknowledgement Card. A Postage stamp of write 2 in the box.
fiugures. Theorems on (i) Properties of angles at a point. Rs. 6 Should be affixed on the card. The Column 7 : Name of the Candidate
(ii) Parallel lines, (iii) Sides and angles of a triangles, Acknowledgement Card should not be stapled or For filling up this column, first write in the boxes your
(iv) Congruency of triangle, (v) Similar triangles, (vi) pinned or tagged or pasted with the full name (in English) in capital letters exactly as
Concurrence of medians and altitudes, (vii) Properties Application Form. recorded in your Matriculation / High School / à
Ó»sht< htusdth mbtath, <t. 1 - 7 yurºj, 2003 5
à Secondary or equivalent examination certificate. Column 14 : Examination Centre (IV) Whether serving in the Armed Forces ?
Write a single letter in a box. Leave a box blank be- Choose the examination Centre from the list given Darken circle 1 and write “1” in the box, if you are
tween any two parts of the name. Then darken the cor- below where you wish to appear and note its code. serving in the Armed Forces; or
responding circle below each letter. Do not darken a Darken the appropriate circles and then write the same Darken circle 2 and write “2” in the box, if you are
circle below a blank box. Do not overshoot the boxes. code in the boxes. Do not indicate more than one cen- not serving in the Armed Forces.
Abbreviate name only in necessary. Do not use any tre. Column 23 : Declaration
prefix such as Shri, Dr. etc. with your name. LIST OF CENTRES OF EXAMINATION The candidate must read the declaration carefully
Centre Code Center Code before signing. In sub-para (i), the candidates must fill
See sample filled up form in the Information bro- up the examination Notice number viz 08/2003 and date
chure for guidance. Ahmedabad 01 Luchnow 26
or publication of Notice in Employment News / Rozgar
Column 8 : Date of Birth Allahabad 02 Jammu 34 Samachar viz. 15-3-2003 in the spaces provided be-
Bangalore 03 Chandigarh 35 fore the asterisk marks.
darken the appropriate circles for the day, month
Bhopal 04 Panaji (Goa) 36 Column 24 : Signature of candidate
and year of your birth as recorded in your Matriculation/
Mumbai (Bombay) 05 Port Blair 37 Make your usual signature in blue or black ball pen
High School / Secondary or equivalent examination
Clacutta 06 Dharwar 39 within the box provided. Your signature must not over-
certificate. Then write in the boxes using numerals 01 to
Cuttack 07 Madurai 40 flow or touch the border of the box provided. Do not
31 for day; numerals 01 to 12 for month and the last two
Delhi 08 Gangtok 42 merely write your name in capital letters in place of
digits for the year of birth. Dispur (Guwahati) 09 Kohima 43 signature. Unsigned applications will be rejected.
See Sample filled up form in the Information bro- Hyderabad 10 Imphal 44 Also write the place and date of signing the form in
chure for guidance. Jaipur 11 Agartala 45 the spaces provided for the purpose.
Column 9 : Father’s Name Chennai (Madras) 12 Jorhat 46
Write your father’s name (in English) in capital let- Nagpur 13 Aizawl 47
ters. Write a single letter in each box. Leave a box blank Patna 15 Itanagar 48
1. That you have used the application form
between any two parts of the name. Do not use any Shillong 16 Raipur 49
purchased from tha designated Head Post Of-
prefix such as Shri, Dr. etc. Shimal 17 Tirupati 50
fices/Post Offices only.
Srinagar 18 Vishakhapatnam 51
Column 10 : Adddress 2. That you have filled in all the relevant
Thiruvananthapuram 19 Udaipur 52 columns of the application form by blackening
Write your complete mailing address including your (Trivandrum) Sambalpur 53 the appropriate circles and also writing the cor-
name in English capital letters or Hindi within the box Kochi (Cochin) 24 Bareilly 54 responding code(s) in boxes. It may be care-
provided for the purpose. Also write the PIN Code Column 15 : Educational Qualification Code fully checked that there is no varation between
therein. Write with blue or black ball pen only. Do not Codes prescribed for educational qualification are the entries made by you by
write outside the box. Please note that this address will as follows : darkening the circles and there written in the
be photocopied as such in all letters to be sent to you Code Educational Qualification accompanying boxes.
and therefore, it should be very clearly and legibly writ- 01. Passed/appeared/appearing the final year de- 3. That you have pasted your recent photograph
ten. If you make any mistake in writing the address, gree or equivalent examination (with Physics preferably in black & white (unsigned and
cover the whole box with an exact sized white paper or Mathematics at 10+2 level). unattested) in column 11 of the application form.
slip and rewrite our address on that. 02. Passed/appeared/appearing the final year de- 4. That in case you are required to pay fee, you
Column 11 : Photograph gree or equivalent examination with Physics have pasted a Central Recruitment Fee Stamp
Paste firmly in the space provided your recent pho- or Mathematics (both). of Rs. 100 denomination in column 12 of the
tograph of 4 cm. x 5 cm. size. (preferably in black & 03 Passed/appeared/appearing the fianl year of application form and have got it cancelled from
Engineering degree examination. the Post Office.
white). Do not staple the photograph. Photograph should
04 Passed/appeared/appearing the final year 5. That you have signed in column 24 of the appli-
neither be signed by you nor it should be got attested.
deree or equivalent examination with other cation form.
Column 12 : Space for CRF Stamp 6. That only one application form and one
subjects (i.e. other than those mentioned
Fee to be paid for the combined Defence Services against 01,02 and 03 above). acknowledgement card is being mailed in the
Examination is Rs. 100 (Rupees One Hundred only). Choose the correct code applicable in your case envelope supplied to you with the Brochure and
SC/ST candidates are not required to pay any fee. No and darken the appropriate circles. Write the same code no other enclosure is attached therewith.
fee exemption is however, available to OBC candidates in the boxes. 7. That you have written the name of examination
and they are required to pay the full prescribed fee. Column 16 : viz. “Combined Defence Services Examina-
tion (II), 2003” on the envelope meant for des-
Fee is payble only through Central Recruitment Fee As there is no provision of age-relaxation for any of
patch or application form and
Stamp (Not postage stamps). No other mode of the categories at the combined Defence Services
acknowledgement card.
payment is acceptable. Obtain one single CRF Stamp Examiation, this column should be left blank.
of Rs. 100 denomination from the post office and paste Columns 17 to 21 : Appendix III
firmly within the box. After pasting the CRF Stamp on Candidates applying for the Combined Defence List of Head Post Offices / Post Offices where
the form, get it cancelled from the post office of Services Exaniation are not required to fill any of these UPSC application forms are available
purchase in the space provided. Do not staple the CRF columns. They should, therefore, leave these columns Gujarat Circle : Gandhinagar, Ahmedabad,
Stamp. blank. Amreli, Anand, Bharuch, Bhavnagar, Bhuj, Dahod,
Column 22 : Godhra, Himatnagar, Jamnagar, Junagadh,
Side 2 of Application Form
For filling up this column, refer to detailed instruc- Kheda, Mehesana, Navrangpura, Navsari,
Column 13 : (I) Are you residing in a remote area or tions given in the Notice. Palanpur, Patan, Porbandar, Rajkot, Revdi Bazar,
abroad ? (I) Prefereces Surat, Surendranagar, Valsad, Vadodara.
If you are residing in a remote area specified in Darken the appropriate circle for preference
Para 6 of the Notice of the Examination or abroad, number provided under each service and also write the Madhya Pradesh Circle : Bhopal GPO, Bilaspur,
darken circle 1 against Yes and write 1 in the box; or same preference number in the box provided for each Ambikapur, Balaghat, Betul, Bhind, Chhatarpur,
If you are not residing in a specified remote area/ service. For example, if Naval Academy is your first Chhindwara, Damoh, Dewas, Dhar, Durg, Guna,
abroad, darken circle 2 against No and write 2 in the preference, then darken circle 1 and write ‘1’ in the box Hoshangabad, Indore, Jabalpur, Jagdalpur, Jhabua,
box. below (NA), similarly in IMA is your second Khandwa, Khargone, Lashkar, Mandla, Mandsaur,
preference, then darken the circle 2 and write ‘2’ in the Morena, Narsinghpur, Neemuch, Raigarh, Riapur,
N.B. : Candidates residing in a remote area speci-
box below (IMA). Raisen, Rajghar (Biora), Rajnandgaon, Ratlam, Rewa,
fied in the Notice of the Examination or abroad are en-
Sagar Cantt., Satna, Sehore, Seoni, Shahdol, Shajapur.
(II) Marital Status
titled to one week’s additional time for submission of
If you are unmarried, darken circle 1 and write 1 in Shivpuri, Sidhi, Tikamgarh, Ujjain, Vidisha.
application form. Maharashtra Circel : Mumbai GPO, Andheri,
the box; or
(II) If yes, indicate area code : Borivili, Chembur, Chinehbunder, Dadar, Girgaon,
If you are married / widower/ divorcee, darken circle
Darken the appropriate circles for the area code as 2 and write 2 in the box; or Kalbadevi, Mahim, Mandvi, Mumbai Central,
given below and then write the same code in the boxes. (III) Whether having /likely to have NCC ‘C’ Certificate Ahmednagar, Akola, Alibag, Amravati, Aurangabad,
AREA CODE FOR REMOTE AREAS AND ABROAD Senior Division ? Beed, Bhandara, Buldhana, Chandrapur, Dhule,
Area Code Area Code If you have or likely to have NCC ‘C’ certificate Se- Jalgaon, Jalna, Karad, Kolhapur, Latur, Nagpur GPO,
nior Division by the prescribed date (viz. 15th Novem- Nanded, Nasik, Osmanabad, Parbhani, Pune, Ratnagiri,
Assam 01 Lahaul and Spiti
ber-2003), then; Sangli, Satara, Sawantwadi, Solapur, Thane, Wardha,
Meghalaya 02 District and Pangi Yeotmal, Margaon (Goa), Panji (Goa).
Darken circle 1 and write “1” in the box for army
Arunachal Pradesh 03 Sub-Division of Wing; or Rajasthan Circle : Jaipur GPO, Jawhar Nagar,
Mizoram 04 Chamba District of Darken circle 2 and write “2” in the box for naval Shastri Nagar, Ajmer, Alwar, Banswara, Baran, Barmer,
Manipur 05 Himachal Pradesh 10 Wing; or Bharatpur, Bhilwanra, Bikaner, Bundi, Chittorgarh, Churu,
Darken circle 3 and write “3” in the box for Air Wing; Dausa, Dholpur, Dungarpur, Hanumangarh, Hindaun,
Nagaland 06 Andaman & Nicobar
or Jaisalmer, Jalore, Jhalawar, Jhunjhunu, Jodhpur,
Tripura 07 Island 11 Kankroli, Kota, Nagaur, Pali Marwar, Swaimadhopur,
Darken circle 4 and write “4” in the box if you do not
Sikkim 08 Lakshadweep 12 have/not likely to have the above certificate by the Shastri Circle Udaipur, Siker, Sirohi, Sriganganagar,
Jammu & Kashmir 09 Abroad 13 prescribed date. Tonk. l
6 <t. 1 - 7 yurºj, 2003, Ó»sht< htusdth mbtath
13. rnhógbg c§fN mhtuJhle JÉaultu 21. leault Ôgksltubtk&e bqHoLg ºfthltu
W<htkaj - yu fgt htÛgbtk&e º¥uN yuxju...... Ôgksl fgtu ?
yjd vzelu clujwk lJwk htÛg Au ? (1) Ejt J$Ãt (3) WÃth fwY (1) ¥ (3) x
(2) Cth< (4) hBgf (2) s (4) d
ytslt sbtltbtk mtbtLg¿ttl ntuJwk, 6. W<htkaj - yu fgt htÛgbtk&e yjd 22. Nhehbtk ftuct§x <ÃJ sht vK l ntug
rJfmtJJwk, ï¤Je htFJwk yu y«gk< ytJ~gf 14. ºu h f ymh&e W«vLl &<e ÂM&<
vzelu clujwk lJwk htÛg Au ? <tu fgtu htud &tg ?
Au. MvHto«bf gwdbtk ƒgthuflu ƒgthuf Wvgtude rJŸ$<le ntshe sKtJ<wk gkÙt fgwk ?
(1) bâgº¥uN (3) ytkH{º¥uN (1) ftuZ (3) bt§xt rVJh
leJze vz<wk yt ¿ttl bdsbtk mkd{ne htFJt (1) Rjuƒx#tuVtuhtuym
(2) WÃthº¥uN (4) rnbtaj º¥uN (2) Jt (4) yurlrbgt
su J w k Au . leau ytvu j t ºòtu l t ath (2) gwrzgtubexh
rJf§vtu b tk & e yu f vmk ¥ fhe, sJtc 7. ‘rmludtud’ yu Nwk Au ? 23. yt r¥Jmu, Jtghjumle b¥¥&e ytFt
(3) ftujtuhebexh rJæbtk mk¥uNtÔgJnth Nƒg cLgtu.
låe fhtu. (1) gnw¥eytulwk HboM&tl
(2) rmlubt yumtu.le fauhe (4) ztgltbtubexh (1) 11, ïLG»ythe-1902
fmtuxe 15. ãe nubk< ¥umtE mtrn«glt fgt ]tuÙt
(3) ^~glwk rJnkdtJjtufl (2) 11, rzmuBch - 1901
1. fgtu ¥uN gwhtuv Fkzbtk ytJujtu Au ? mt&u mkf¤tgujt Au ?
(4) rvfahlwk Nwxéd (3) 11,swl - 1902
(1) y§Srhgt (3) MJezl
(1) ltxf (3) lJjf&t (4) 11, mûxuBch - 1901
(2) vuY (4) burfmftu
slhj (2) dÍj (4) ftÔg 24. <t. 5be sq l lu fgt r¥l <hefu
2. mUx rfxTm xtvwytu fgt mbw…btk ytJujt
Au ? 16. ¡ÓjuLzlwk yir<ntrmf r¢fux Mxurzgb fgwk WsJJtbtk ytJu Au ?
lt|jus ƒJÍ
(1) fuhurcgl mbw… Au ? (1) rJæ ythtuÓg r¥l
ftuloh (2) rJæ ïd$r< r¥l
(2) ºNtk< bntmtdh (1) yusctMxl (3) ntuJ
(3) ht<tu mbw…
- nubk< vxuj (2) Âc{Mxj (4) ytu§z x#uVzo (3) rJæ vgtoJhK r¥l
(4) Àn¥ bntmtdh 8. ‘dtuhtlwk MbNtl’ yuxju .......... 17. 1955btk mtufu Ntle RLsufxucj hme (4) rJæ Ntkr< r¥l
3. aesJM<wle dwKJÃtt btxu Jvht<t ISI (1) rdle (3) zuLbtfo NtuHe ? 25. f<th ¥uNle htsHtlelwk ltb Nwk Au ?
btfto l w k ytFw k ltb : RÂLzgl (2) ESä (4) ÍtkÍecth (1) vturjgtule (3) ytuhele (1) ¥tunt (3) ciY<
_________ RÂLMxx©qx Au. 9. ytEmjuLzle htsHtle fntu. (2) ftujuhtle (4) ce.me.S.le (2) rhgtH (4) rcNfuf
(1) Mvum (3) mcMftgch (1) yjbt<e (3) rhfgtrJf 18. ‘ntJht c{es’ - fgtk ytÔgtu ?
(2) mrJom (4) MxtLzzo
ƒJÍlt sJtctu :
(2) htub (4) ctudtuxt (1) bwkcE (3) fjfÃtt
4. ïLG»ythe btmbtk ytJ<tu l ntug <uJtu 10. Cth<btk mJthu mtzt ¥m JtÓgt nNu, sJtctu : (1) MJezl, (2) fuhurcgl
(2) r¥§ne (4) auLlE
<nuJth fgtu ? «gthu ytsuoÂLxltbtk fuxjt JtÓgt nNu ? mbw…, (3) MxtLzzo, (4) ¥wdtovqï, (5) vtkzJ
(1) ºïmÃttf r¥l 19. Ntneaqmbtk Ntne aqmJtle r¢gt Nulu vtkab, (6) WÃth º¥uN, (7) gnw¥eytulwk
(1) 8 - htÙte (3) 8 - mJth ytCthe Au ?
(2) vtUdj Hbo M &tl, (8) rdle, (9) rhfgtrJf,
(2) 5 - mJth (4) 5 - mtks
(3) bfhmk¢tkr< (1) fuNtf[toK (3) hmtf[toK (10) ytX htÙte, (11) £tLm,
11. ‘jt btmuoEju ........’ ht™#de< fgt (12) ctch, (13) hBgf,
(4) ¥wdtovqï (2) v$[Xc¤ (4) yvtf[toK
¥uNlwk ? (14) Rju ƒ x# t u V tu h tu y m, (15) ftÔg,
5. jtC vtkab yu yLg fgt ltbu vK (1) c{trÍj (3) £tLm 20. bw k c Elt mntht rJbtle b&flw k
vwl:ltbtkfl fhelu fgwk ltb hFtgwk ? (16) ytu § z x# u V zo , (17) vtu r jgtu l e,
ytu¤Ftg Au ? (2) LG»ÍejuLz (4) Âc{xl (18) fjfÃttbtk , (19) fu N tf[to K ,
(1) }r[t vtkab 12. fgt btudj ct¥Ntnu vtu<tle yt«bf&t (1) bnthtKt º<tv
(20) AÙtvr< rNJtS, (21) x,
(2) ¥wdto vtkab jFe Au ? (2) j]bectE (22) yurlrbgt, (23) 11, rzmuBch -
(3) f$[K vtkab (1) yfch (3) nwbtgw (3) <t«gtxtuvu 1901, (24) rJæ vgto J hK r¥l,
(4) vtkzJ vtkab (2) ctch (4) Ntnsntè (4) AÙtvr< rNJtS (25) ¥tunt. l

(û\[X - 8 L»k at§») He jtEV RLMgtuhLm fkvle rjrbxuz ..... trate / Collector / Deputy Commissioner / ytJt Wbu¥Jthtu sYhe Ve mt&ule yhSle yuzJtLm
Deputy Collector / First class Stipendary Mag-
u Wbu ¥ Jthtu y u rzbtLz z# t VT x le vtA¤ <u b lw k ltb / istrate / Sub-Divisional Magistrate / Taluka
ftuve rlg< Au§je <theF vnujtk b¤u <u he<u btufje
mhltbwk, d{qv ylu ftuz lkch ¥NtoJJtlt hnuNu. Magistrate / Executive Magistrate / Extra Nfu Au.
Assistant Commissioner (not below the rank u jurF< vhe]ttbtk Wbu¥Jthtult ¥uFtJ ylu sdtle
u Wbu¥Jthtuyu yuflt|jusbuLx btxu Y. 6ltu vtuMxus vuEz of First Class Stipendary Magistrate).
vtuMx ftzo vtu<tlwk ltb, mhltbwk ¥NtoJelu btufje b. Chief Presidency Magistrate / Addittional Chief
mk Ï gtlu ytHthu RLxhÔGË btxu fu x jt Wbu ¥ Jthtu l u
ytvJtltu hnuNu. Presidency Magistrate/ Presidency magistrate. ctujtJJt <ule mkÏgt låe fhJtltu fkvle / ftuvtuohuNl
c. Revenue Officer not below the rank of Tehsildar. yctrH< yrHfth HhtJu Au.
u Wbu¥Jthtulu Y. 5le xvtj rxrfx atUxtzuj 23 x 12 d. Sub-Divisional Officer of the area where the
candidate and/or his family normally resides. u OIC / GICle Cth<Chbtk fauheytu ytJuje Au ylu
mu.be. mtRÍlwk vtu<tlt ltb mhltbtJt¤wk vhcerzgwk
e. In so far as the Schedule Tibes community of vmk¥de vtbujt Wbu¥Jthle sYhegt< bwsc ftuE vK
btufjJtlwk hnuNu.
Tamil Nadu is concerned, the Certificate given fauhe Ft<u rlbKqf fu c¥je &E Nfu Au ylu yt
r yhSvÙtf mt&ultk rcztKtu : by the Revenue Divisional Officer instead of ctc<tubtk Wbu¥Jthtule rJlk<e fu vmk¥delu âgtlbtk
u sLb <theF ¥NtoJ<wk yum.yum.me.lwk ºbtKvÙt. Tehsildar would only be accepted.
5. For claiming reservation under OBC category juJtbtk ytJNu lné.
u rzd{e ºbtKvÙt ylu dwKvÙtftu. candidate should belong to such Caste or Com- u cHe ctc<tubtk fkvleltu / ftuvtuohuNltu rlKog ytFhe
u ylwCJ ylu ydtWle ltufhelu jd<t ºbtKvÙttu. munity which is common to both the lists in ylu ¥huf Wbu¥Jthtulu ckHlf<to hnuNu. yhSJt¤e
respect of Mandal Commission and the State
u ïr<lwk ºbtKvÙt ïu jtdw vz<wk ntug <tu rlg< vÙtfbtk Government Lists from the State of his origin xvtjlt rJjkc fu xvtjle Ftuxe JnUaKe y&Jt FtuJtE
u btS mirlf Wbu¥Jthtu btxu herjÍ yt|zoh. (as per the list published by the Central Gov- sJt c¥j fkvle / ftuvtuohuNl sJtc¥th hnuNu lné.
ernment). The benefits of reservation shall not
u Nt.Ftu.Ftk.lt Wbu¥Jthtu btxu m]tb mÃttrHftheyu ytvuj u rlr¥o™ rcztKtu mt&ulwk mkvqKo Chujwk yhSvÙtf leault
apply to persons/section belonging to ‘Cramy
ºbtKvÙt. Layer” as specified vide Column 3 of the Sched- mhltbu <t. 10-4-2003lt htus fu <u vnujtk vntUau
ule of the Department of Personnel and Train- <u he<u btufje ytvJtlwk hnuNu.
u ft|BûG»xh yuÛG»fuNlL»k ºbtKvÙt ïu ntug <tu. ing OM No. 36012/22/93 - Estt (SCT) dated 8- Post Bag No - 2281,
u Jfejtu btxu cthbtk ltUHKeL»k ºbtKvÙt ylu m]tb 9-1993. Candidates should produce Certificate
Chanakuapuri Post Office,
as per Proforma prescribed by Ministry of Per-
mÃttrHftheyu ytvuj Jfejt< fh<t ntuJtL»k ºbtKvÙt. sonnel, Public Grievances and Pensions, Govt. New Delhi - 110021
y.ï. / y.s.ï. ylu y.v.J.lt Wbu¥Jthtuyu leau of India which should include that they do not Wbu¥Jth ‡tht ftuE jtdJdltu ºgtm fhtNu <tu <u <uble
¥NtoJuj m]tb mÃttrHftheyu ytvuj ïr< ykdulwk ºbtKvÙt belong to “Creamy Layer.” du h jtgft< dKtNu . gtu Ó g<tle Nh<tu vrhvq K o fh<t
hsq fhJtlwk hnuNu. u mhfthe / yHo mhfthe / ïnuh mtnmtubtk muJt cïJ<t Wbu¥Jthtuyu yhSvÙtflt lbqlt ºbtKu <uble yhS btufje
a. District Magistrate / Additional District Magis- Wbu¥Jthtuyu <uble yhS gtuÓghtnu btufjJtle hnuNu. ytvJtle hnuNu. à
Ó»sht< htusdth mbtath, <t. 1 - 7 yurºj, 2003 7
1. Group applied for_______________________ Group Code : _____________________ Affix yLg ïnuhFchtu Wvh yuf lsh...
Area of Specialization, if any : _____________________________________________ Size { f$ r [t rJ¿ttl fu L …, ve.S. ft| j u s , dtrÍû»h -
2. Choice of centre for Written examination : ______________ Code No _____________ Photograph 233001 (G»ve), sdtL»k ltb : x#uÀld yumturmgux,
3. Name in full : Shri / Smt / Kum : _______________________________________________________ yt| r Vm M»rºLxu L zu L x fb yu f tWLxLx, x# u À ld
(In block letters) Surname First Name ytrmMxLx Jduhu, sdtle mkÏgt : 5,
4. Father’s / Husband’s Name : ___________________________________________________________ yhS MJefthJtle Au§je <theF : 11-4-2003.
5. Address for correspondence : ______________________________________ pin Code ___________ { G»rlgl vÂçjf mrJom frbNl : lJe r¥§ne,
Nearest Railway Station : _____________________________________________________________ sdtL»k ltb : ºtuVumh El Rjuƒx#turlfm yuLz
6. Permanent Address : ____________________________________________ Pin Code ____________ Rjuƒx#fj ft|BG»rlfuNl yuÂLsrlgÀhd, swrlgh
7. Category : SC ( ) ST ( ) OBC ( ) ECO/SSRCO ( ) PHYSICALLY HANDICAPPED ( ) mtgÂLxrVf yt|rVmh (furbMx#e), rmrlgh Rftulturbf
UNRESERVED GENERAL ( ) Please tick whichever is applicable and attach an attested copy of the yuzTJtRÍh Jduhu, sdtle mkÏgt : 3,
Caste Certificate / Release Certificate as may be applicable. yhS MJefthJtle Au§je <theF : 13-4-2003.
Note : Candidates belonging to OBC but coming in the “Creamy Layer” and thus not entitle to OBC { G»rlJrmoxe d{tLxTm frbNl : lJe r¥§ne,
reservation should tick their category as GENERAL. sdtL»k ltb : sw r lgh rhmao Vu j tu N ev yu L z
8. Whether a resident of Assam, from 01.01.1980 to 15.08.1985 Yes ( ) No ( ) Please yurjrsrcrjxe Vtuh jufahhNev btxu luNlj
If yes, attach a copy of documentary evidence to that effect. tick in yuÛG»fuNl xuMxéd (lux), sql - 2003 vhe]tt
appropriate yhS MJefthJtle Au§je <theF : 25-4-2003.
9. Whether confirmed employee of GIC/Public Setcor General Yes ( ) No ( )
bracket { luNlj rhmao muLxh Vtuh bNYb aBctDtx : mtujl
Insurance Company / Corporation / TAC / LPA.
- 173213, sdtL»k ltb : rmrlgh rhmao Vujtu
If Yes, S. R. Number :_________________________________ Designation : ___________________
Jduh,u sdtle mkÏgt : 2,
Name of the Company/Corporation : _________________ Place of Posting : ____________________ yhS MJefthJtle Au§je <theF : 7-4-2003.
Date of Confirmation : ________________________________________________________________ { sglthtgK Ôgtm G»rlJrmoxe : ïuHû»h
10. Date of Birth : ______________________ Age in completed years : ___________ (as on 31-03-2003) sdtL»k ltb : htsM&tl bulusbuLx yuzTrbNl xuMx
11. Place of Birth : __________________________ State of domicile : ___________________________ (RMAT) 2003,
12. Marital Status : Married ( ) Unmarried ( ). (Please tick whichever is applicable) yhS MJefthJtle Au§je <theF : 5-5-2003.
13. Qualifications : { slhj bulush (yuaythyum) yuayum.meme
Name of Exam Year of Aggregate Class/ Specialization (RÂLzgt) rjrbxuzu, ltuEzt (G»ve) 201301,
University/ Passed Passing Marks (%) Division sdtL»k ltb : ft|BûG»xh ytrmMxLx Jduhu,
Institution Exam or Rank yhS MJefthJtle Au§je <theF : 11-4-2003.
1. Graduation { ytuzuolLm Vufxhe, Exthme (yubve) - 461122
2. Post Graduation
sdtL»k ltb : rmrlgh lmo d{uz - II (rVbuj),
Mxtuhrfvh, Vtgh yuÂLsl z#tgJh d{uz-yu Jduhu,
3. Any other
sdtle mkÏgt : 16,
14. Non Life insurance Qualification Please tick
yhS MJefthJtle Au§je <theF : 7-4-2003.
(i) Insurance Institute of India : (Associate ( ) Fellow ( )
{ bNel xq j ºtu N u x tEv Vu f xhe : yck h ltb -
(ii) Chartered Insurance Institute : Associate ( ) Fellow ( ) 421502, sdtL»k ltb : bNerl™ (murbMfe§z),
(iii) General Insurance Vocational Course at 10+2 level : Yes ( ) No ( ) bejhtEx (murbMfe§z) Jduhu, sdtle mkÏgt : 4,
(iv) Graduate with Insurance as optional subject : Yes ( ) No ( ) yhS MJefthJtle Au§je <theF : 11-4-2003.
15. Particulars of post qualification previous and present employment / experience, if any. (Attach { muLx#j çGËhtu ytuV RÂLJMxeduNl, jtu¥e htuz : lJe
separate sheet if necessary). r¥§ne - 110003, sdtL»k ltb : ftuLMxucj (buj-
Previous Present rVbuj) Jduhu, sdtle mkÏgt : 101,
a. Name of the employer/s yhS MJefthJtle Au§je <theF : 10-4-2003.
b. Date of joining ltUH : Wvhle ïnuhFchle JHw rJd<tu btxu r¥§ne&e
c. Posts held ºrmØ &guj <t. 15 - 21 btao, ylu <t. 22 -
d. Salary last drawn 28 btao, 2003lwk yuBûjtugbuLx LGËÍ ïuJt rJlk<e.
e. Nature of work M&¤ mkftualt fthKu su ïnuhFchtultu mbtJuN fhe
f. Number of completed years of experience
Nftgtu l&e <uJe Wvh rlr¥o™ ïnuhFchtule xqkfe rJd<tu
Wbu¥Jthtule ïKfthe btxu ºM<w< fhe Au. Wbu¥Jthtuyu JHw
g. Date of leaving
rJd<tu btxu su <u rlr¥o™ fhuj mbtathvÙttu fu yuBûjtugbuLx
h. Reason for leaving
LGËÍbtk ºrmØ &guj ïnuhFch ïuJt rJlk<e Au. l
16. Examination fee of Rs. 250/- : Demand Draft No. ___________ Date ___________ Complete address
of issuing of the Bank from where the Bank Draft is purchased. (No examination fee is required for
SC/ST/PH/EXSM Candidates applying for the post, and for confirmed employees of GIC and General
ins. Public sector Company or LPA or TAC). ykf lk. 17, <t. 25 - 31 btao, 2003btk
º&b vtl Wvh juJtguj Ó»sht< ïnuh muJt ytgtudle
I hereby declare that all the statements made in this application are true and correct to the best of my
rJ¿ttvllt ï.¢btkf 79btk Nh<ÉËf&e Ni]trKf jtgft<
knowledge and belief.
hne dguj Au <tu yt Ni]trKf jtgft< yt B»sc Au.
I understand that in the event of any information being found false or incorrect, my candidature for the Ni]trKf jtgft< : btLg G»rlJrmoxele rbfulefj
applied post is liable to be cancelled/rejected at any stage without notice to me. yuÂLs. y&Jt ºtuzfNl yuÂLs.le º&b Jdole Mlt<fle
Date :____________________ __________________ v¥Je y&Jt <ule mbf]t jtgft<.
Place :___________________ Signature of Applicant ctfele rJd<tu g&tJ< Au.
8 Regd. No. G/GNR/47/78, R.N.I. No. 33297/78 Licensed to post without prepayment Licence No.001 <t. 1 - 7 yurºj, 2003, Ó»sht< htusdth mbtath

Centre Code Centre Code

ytrmMxLx yuzTrbrlMx#urxJ yt|rVmhle Ch<e Agartala
Allahabad 03 Madurai 17
H yturhyuLxj RLMgtuhLm fkvle rjrbxuz, lJe r¥§ne yuLz H slhj RLMgtuhLm ftuvtuohuNl ytuV RÂLzgt, B»kcE ‡tht Bangalore 04 Mumbai 18
rlr¥o™ sdtytu btxu jtgft< HhtJ<t Cth<eg ltdrhf Wbu¥Jthtu vtmu&e yhSytu bdtJtbtk ytJu Au. Bhopal 05 Nagpur 19
yhS MJefthJtle Au§je <theF : 10-4-2003 yu z TJtEÍhe frbxelt ftgbe fbo a theytu l u Wvje Bhubaneshwar 06 New Delhi 20
Jgbgto¥tbtk vtka J[tole AqxAtx ytvJtbtk ytJNu. Kolkata 07 Panaji 21
r sdtlw k ltb : ytrmMxLx yu z T r brlMx# u r xJ Chandigarh 08 Patna 22
yt|rVmh r vdth ylu yLg jtCtu : Chennai 09 Pune 23
sdtytule fwj mkÏgt : 85. su vife y.ï.-8, Y. 7,535 - 360 - 14,015 vdth Htu hKbtk Dehradun 10 Ranchi 24
y.s.ï.-7, y.v.J.-23 ylu rc.y.-47 Au. Y. 7,535 bq¤ vdth Wvhtk< yLg CÚ&tk b¤JtvtÙt. Guwahati 11 Shillong 25
bux#tuvturjxl Nnuhtubtk NYyt<btk ºr<btm b¤JtvtÙt fwj Hyderabad 12 Thiruvananthapuram 26
EbsoLme frbNLz yt|rVmh / Ntuxo mrJom hex#uLa
vdth ytNhu Y. 10,930. yLg jtCtubtk fLx#eçG»xhe ºturJzkz Jaipur 13 Vadodara 27
frbNLz yt|rVmh ylu rVrÍfje nuLzefuûz Wbu¥Jthtu btxu
Vkz, vuLNl, d{uÉG»Exe, yujxeme, <cece mJj<, sq& Jebtu Jammu 14 Vijayawada 28
rlgbtlwmth sdtytu yltb< hnuNu.
Wbu¥Jthtuyu leau rlr¥o™ Vƒ< yuf s d{qv btxu yhS
Jduhu rlgbtlwmth b¤JtvtÙt. r ysbtgNe mbg ylu <tjeb :
fhJe. r muJtle Nh<tu : vmk¥de vtbujt Wbu¥Jthtu ïu <cece he<u gtuÓg sKtNu
r gtu Ó g<tle Nh<tu : (<t. 1-3-2003lt yt sdtytu ftgbe Au. rlbKqf vtbujt Wbu¥Jthtule <tu <ublu yuf J[tolt mbgdt¤t btxu ytrmMxLx yuzTrbrlMx#urxJ
htusle) fkvle/ ftuvtuohuNl nM<fle Cth<Chle NtFtytubtk ftuE vK yt|rVmh <hefu ysbtgNe HtuhKu rlbKqf ytvJtbtk ytJNu.
r Ni]trKf jtgft< : M&¤u c¥je &E Nfu Au. sultu mbg 6 btm mwHe jkctJe NftNu. Wbu¥Jth ysbtgNe
d{qv-yu-ftuz lk.-1 : yub.me.yu. (btMxh El ft|BûG»xh r vmk¥de vØr< : y&Jt JHthtlt ysbtgNe mbgdt¤tbtk ygtuÓg btjqb
yuÂûjfuNl) / yubytExe (btMxh ytuV ft|BûG»xh xufltujtuS) jurF< vhe]tt : vzNu <tu <uble muJt ftuE vK ï<le ïK fgto rmJtg y&Jt
y&Jt ce.E. ft|BûG»xh / yubme.yub. (btMxh El ft|BûG»xh fthK ytûgt rmJtg mbtä fhJtltu fkvle / ftuvtuohuNl
jurF< vhe]tt <theF 29-6-2003lt htus gtuïNu. yctrH< yrHfth HhtJu Au. Wbu¥Jthtuyu fkvle / ftuvtuohuNl
bulusbuLx). Wbu¥thtuyu leau ¥NtoJujt. rJ[tgtule cluje nu<wj]te
d{qv-ce-ftuz lk.-2 : atxozo yuftWLxLx (ICAI) / ftuMx ‡tht fht<e jurF< ylu ºtgturdf <tjebbtk&e vmth &Jtlwk
ºfthle jurF< vhe]tt ytvJtle hnuNu. (i) heÍÀld (ii) hnuNu.
yu f tWLxLx (ICWAI) / atxo z o VtgltÂLmgj yu l trjMx ÕÓjeN j|ÓJus (iii) slhj yJuhluN (iv) ºtuVuNlj lt|jus.
(ICFAI). r ïbeldeheltu fhth :
º&b ÙtK rJ[tgtu xuMx ytuV heÍÀld, ÕÓjeN j|ÓJus ysbtgNe HtuhKu rlbKqf vnujtk vmk¥de vtbujt
d{qv-me-ftuz lk. 3 : yuÂLsrlgÀhdle Mlt<fle rzd{e
ylu slhj yJuhluN rJ[tgtule vhe]tt cHt Wbu¥Jthtu btxu Wbu¥Jthtuyu ysbtgNe HtuhKlt mbg mrn< ath J[to mwHe
y&Jt leau rlr¥o™ NtFtbtk <ule mbf]t jtgft<.
ftubl hnuNu Ûgthu ºtuVuNlj lt|juÍ xuMx ¥huf d{qv (A to E) fkvle / ftuvtuohuNlbtk Vhs cïJNu <u b<jcltu ctuLz
rmrJj, Rju  ƒx# f j, rbfu r lfj, Rju ƒ x# t u r lfm, btxu yjd yjd hnuNu.
furbfj, ft|BûG»xh mtgLm. ytvJtltu hnuNu. ctuLzlt mbg vnujtk htSltbwk ytvlth
d{qv-yuV : yt d{qv btxu Wbu¥Jthtuyu LG»burhfj yurcrjxe Wbu¥Jthtuyu yuf J[tole d{tum vdth suxje hfb lwfNtle vuxu
d{qv-ze-ftuz lk. 4 : yub.ce.yu. y&Jt leau rlr¥o™
mrn<le nu«»j]te ºfthle fmtuxe ytvJtle hnuNu. ÔgJmtrgf aqfJJtle hnuNu.
MvuNegtjtEÍuNlbtk ftuE yuf NtFtbtk <ule mbf]t jtgft<.
ºòvÙt hnuNu lné. JKtolt«bf ºfthL»k ºòvÙt yuf mhÏ»k ysbtgNe mbgdt¤t ¥hrbgtl htSltbwk ytv<t
Ìtwbl rhmturmom / vmtuolj / btfuoÀxd / xufltu-btfuoÀxd/
hnuNu. Wbu¥tJthtuyu <ublu bu¤Juj vdthle hfb Wvhtk< <tjeb
VtgltLm / VtgltÂLmgj mrJormm bulusbuLx.
JKolt«bf fmtuxe : Wbu¥Jthtuyu rlckH, ºumeÍ ylu Faolt Y. 10,000 JHthtlt aqfJJtlt hnuNu. yt ykdule
d{ q v -E- ftu z lk . 5 : ftg¥t Mlt<f (ÙtK J[to l tu
ftuÂBºnuLmlle cluje ykd{uS JKolt«bf ºfthle jurF< rJd<tu bxu Wbu¥Jthtuyu <t. 15-3-2003L»k r¥§ne&e ºrmØ
yÇgtm¢b) Jfej <hefultu ytuAtbtk ytuAtu ÙtK J[toltu
yL»CJ (y.ï. / y.s.ï.lt Wbu¥Jthtu btxu 2 J[toltu vhe]tt ytvJtle hnuNu. &guj yuBûjtugbuLx LGËÍ ïuEyu sÔ»k.
yL»CJ). vuvh I - III ylu IVlt vuvhtu ykd{uS ylu rnL¥e Ct[ttbtk r yhS fuJe he<u fhNtu ?
d{qv-yuV - ftuz lk. 6 : btLg G»rlJrmoxele Mlt<f / clujt nNu. Wbu¥Jthtuyu rJ¿ttvlbtk ytvujt yhSvÙtflt rlg<
yL»Mlt<fle rzd{e ytuAtbtk ytuAt 50 xft Ó»K mt&u (y.ï., jurF< vhe]tt <t. 29-6-2003lt htus gtuïNu. lbqlt ºbtKu VqjMfuv mtRÍlt ftd¤btk xtEv fhelu fu nt&u
y.s.ï.lt Wbu¥Jthtu btxu 40 xft Ó»K). Wbu¥Jthtuyu jurF< vhe]tt <ublt vtu<tlt Fao ytvJtle jFelu yhS fu v exj y]thtu b tk fhJtle hnu N u . rlg<
r ltUH : hnuNu. Wbu¥Jthtulu jurF< vhe]ttbtk <ublt ¥uFtJlt ytHthu yhSvÙtf rmJtgle yhSytu h¥ fhtNu.
u Wbu¥Jthu Wvh rlr¥o™ jtgft< btLg gwrlJrmoxe / RLxhÔGËbtk ctujtJtbtk ytJNu. Wbu¥Jthle ytFhe vmk¥de Wbu¥Jthtuyu yhSvÙtflt vhcerzgtklt ztct FqKt Wvh
gwSme / yuytEmexeE ‡tht btLg mkM&tbtk&e bu¤Juj jurF< vhe]tt ylu RLxhÔGËbtk <ublt ¥uFtJlt ytHthu fhtNu. ‘OIC/GIC - AAO (<ubs d{qv ftuz ¥NtoJJtltu hnuNu.) <ubs
ntuJe ïuEyu. r bwmtVhe CÚ&wk : S.T. / S.C. / O.B.C. / ECO y&Jt SSRCo, Physi-
u Wbu¥Jth yLg he<u mhFe jtgft< HhtJ<t nNu <tu su cnthdtblt Wbu¥Jthtulu RLxhÔGË btxu ctujtJtbtk cally Handicapped su jtdw vz<wk ntug <u ¥NtoJtlwk hnuNu.
Wbu¥Jthtu MvuNegtjtEÍuNl ]tuÙtu sdtlu ylwYv ylu / ytJNu <tu <ublt hnuXtKlt M&¤&e RLxhÔGËlt M&¤u mwHelwk r Ve :
y&Jt SJl Jebt rmJtglt ]tuÙtbtk ylwCJ HhtJ<t xqkftbtk xqkft yk<hlwk ytJJt-sJtlwk hujJu / cmlwk mufLz fjtmlwk u Wbu¥Jthtuyu Ve MJYvu ftuE vK ht™#egf$< y&Jt rNz©w§z
nNu <ublu vmk¥debtk yd{<t yvtNu. Ctzwk aqfJJtbtk ytJNu. yt btxu Wbu¥Jthtuyu bwmtVhe fgtoltu cUfltu Y. 250ltu ¢tuMz cUf rzbtLz z#tVTx ‘The Ori-
u cHe he<u mhFe jtgft< HhtJ<t Wbu¥Jthtule ctc<btk vwhtJtu hsq fhJtltu hnuNu. ental insurance Company Limited’lt ltbltu ylu
ft|BûG»xhle ïKfthe HhtJ<t Wbu¥Jthtulu vmk¥debtk Wbu¥Jthtuyu yhS fh<t vnujtk yu ctc<le Ft<he r¥§ne Ft<u aqfJJtvtÙt ntug <uJtu btufjJtltu hnuNu.
yd{<t yvtNu. fhe juJe fu <uytu sdt btxu rlr¥o™ fhuj <btb jtgft< HhtJu u y.ï. / y.s.ï. / Nt.Ftu.Ftk. / btS mirlf <ubs
Jgbgto¥t : <t. 1-3-2003lt htus Wbu¥Jth 21 Au ylu Ch<elt ftuE vK <cåu yuJwk btjwb vzNu fu Wbu¥Jth GIC ylu <ule <tctle NtFtytu y&Jt LPA / TAClt
J[to fh<t ytuAe ylu 30 J[to fh<t JHw Jg HhtJ<t l ntuJt rlr¥o™ jtgft< HhtJ<t l&e <tu <uble Wbu¥Jthe h¥ fhtNu. ftgbe Wbu¥Jth btxu Ve bwƒ< hnuNu. (swytu û\[X-6)
ïuEyu. r vhe]tt fuL…tu : swytu ytdtbe ykfbtk......
r Jgbgto¥tbtk AqxAtx : MvHto«bf jurF< vhe]tt Cth<Chlt 28 fuL…tu Ft<u
y.ï., y.s.ï. - 35 J[tole Jg mwHe juJtbtk ytJNu. v hu j Ju rh¢q x bu L x ctu z o au L ltE yu L z hu j Ju
y.v.J.- 33 J[tole Jg mwHe Wbu¥Jthtuyu <uble vmk¥de ºbtKu ftuE yuf vhe]tt
Emeytu / yum.yum.yth.me.ytu. / rh¢qxbuLx ctuzo rÙtJuL…b
fuL… vmk¥ fhJtlwk hnuNu ylu yhSvÙtfbtk rlg< sdtyu Mv™
btS mirlf Wbu¥Jthtu - 45 J[tole Jg mwHe ¥NtoJJtlwk hnuNu. vtA¤&e vhe]tt fuL… c¥jtJe NftNu lné. sdtle mkÏgt : 868
(rlgbtL»mth) Wbu¥Jthtuyu jurF< vhe]tt btxu vmk¥ fhuj fuL… rmJtg yLg yhS MJefthJtle Au§je <t. 21-4-2003
Nt.Ftu.Ftk. vhe]tt fuL… Vt¤JJtltu fkvle / ftuvtuohuNl yctrH< yrHfth
rclyltb< - 40 J[tole Jg mwHe HhtJu Au. yt btxu ftuE ltKtfeg b¥¥ b¤JtvtÙt l&e. dwsht< htusdth mbtath mtätrnflt Jtaf rbÙttu
y.ï. / y.s.ï. - 45 J[tole Jg mwHe fkvle / ftuvtuohuNl leau ¥NtoJuj ftuE yuf y&Jt cHt Ó»sht< htusdth mbtathbtk ytJ<e rJ¿ttvltu
y.v.J. - 43 J[tole Jg mwHe vhe]tt fu L …tu Ft<u l e vhe]tt, Wbu ¥ Jthtu l e mk Ï gt ylu WWW.GUJARAT INFORMATION.NET/ ltble
slhj ELMgtuhLm ftuvtuohuNl ytuV RÂLzgt y&Jt <ult yLg mkckrH< fthKtumh ckH htFJtltu yctrH< yrHfth JucmtEx Wvh vK ïuE NfNu.
nM<fle NtFt y&Jt yujveyu ytuV RÂLzgt y&Jt xurhV HhtJu Au.
B»…f, ºftNf, btrjf : btrn<e rlgtbf, Ó»sht< htÛg, çjtuf lk. 7, ztp. SJhts bnu<t CJl, dtkHeldh ‡tht ºftrN<, y]tht ytuVmux ºt. rj., yb¥tJt¥ Ft<u B»r…<.

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