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ICD-9-CM Fast Finder 2014

ADHESIONS Compartment syndrome 530.19 Abscess, esophagus 455.5 External, w/other compli
729.73 Nontraumatic, abdomen Appendicitis (bleeding, strangulated,
Abdominal (postop) ulcerated, prolapsed)
729.72 Nontraumatic, lower 540.9 Acute
(postinf) w/o obstr extremity 455.0 Internal
580.0 Intestine 540.1 Acute w/peritoneal abscess
729.79 Nontraumat, other sites 540.0 Acute w/peritonitis 455.1 Internal, thrombosed
580.0 Mesenteric/omentum 729.71 Nontraumat, upper 455.2 Internal, w/other compli
580.0 Peritoneal 542 Other (chronic, recurr)
extremity 541 Unqualified (bleeding, strangulated,
Abdominal w/ obstr 958.90 NOS/unspecified 530.85 Barrett’s esophagus ulcerated, prolapsed)
537.3 Duodenum 958.93 Traumatic, abdomen 576.8 Bile duct torsion 751.3 Hirschsprung’s disease
580.81 Intestine 958.92 Traumatic, lower extremity 751.69 Bile duct torsion (congen) 536.41 Infection of gastrostomy
580.81 Peritoneal 958.99 Traumatic, other sites 578.1 Blood in stool 793.3 Nonspec abnorm findings
596.89 Bladder 958.91 Traumatic, upper extremity 560.2 Bowel/colon/intestinal radiological/other exam,
576.8 Common duct Complication torsion biliary
575.8 Gallbladder 995.24 Failed mod sedation 618.05 Perineocele
593.89 Kidney, perirenal Calculus 567.22 Peritoneal abscess
996.1 Mechanical 997.41 Gallbladder, retained s/p
572.8 Liver 996.74 Other complications 567.21 Pelvic peritonitis, male
614.6 Pelvic (female) cholecytectomy 567.89 Peritonitis due to urine
(embolism, thrombosis, 574.00 Gallbladder (cholelithiasis),
568.0 Pelvic (male) stenosis, occlusion) 569.0 Polyp, anal/rectal
593.89 Ureter/periureteral w/acute cholecystitis
996.62 Other vascular device/graft, 211.3 Polyp, colon
621.5 Uterus 574.01 Gallbladder w/acute 556.4 Pseudopolyposis of colon
infection/inflammatory cholecystitis w/obstr
596.89 Vesical 567.31 Psoas muscle abscess
Congenital anomalies 574.10 Gallbladder w/other
BREAST 756.73 Gastroschisis (chronic) cholecystitis 618.04 Rectocele
756.72 Omphalocele 574.11 Gallbladder w/other 567.38 Retroperiton abscess, oth
611.83 Capsular contraction of 567.39 Retroperiton infctns, oth
implant Embolism, thrombosis, (chronic) cholecystitis
w/obstruction 567.82 Sclerosing mesenteritis
612.0 Deform recnsrt breast artery 567.23 Spontan bacterial peritonitis
610.1 Diffuse cystic mastopathy 444.81 Iliac artery 574.20 Gallbladder w/o
cholecystitis/obstr 567.29 Suppurative peritonitis,
612.1 Disprop recnsrt breast 444.22 Lower extremity other
610.2 Fibroadenosis 444.21 Upper extremity 787.99 Change in bowel habits
Cholecystitis Ulcer
History, malignant Infection 532.90 Duodenum, acute/chronic,
neoplasm, breast 999.39 d/t infusion procedure 575.0 Acute
575.12 Acute and chronic NOS
V16.3 Family 996.62 Peripheral venous cath 531.90 Gastric, acute/chronic, NOS
V10.3 Personal 999.31 PICC, NOS 575.11 Chronic
567.81 Choleperitonitis 533.90 Gastroduodenal, acute/
611.1 Hypertrophy 999.34 Transfusion, acute chronic, NOS
611.82 Hypoplasia 999.39 Transfusion, unspec Complications, mechanical 534.90 Gastrojejunal, acute/
611.0 Inflammatory disease 433.10 Occlusion/stenosis carotid 569.62 Colostomy/enterostomy chronic, NOS
Mammogram artery w/o cerebral infarction 530.87 Esophagostomy 556.3 Ulcerative (chronic)
793.89 Abnormal, other 459.89 Other specified circulatory 539.09 Gastric band proctosigmoiditis
793.80 Abnormal, NOS system disorders 536.42 Gastrostomy 569.79 Vomiting fecal matter
793.82 Inconclusive mammogram 443.81 Peripheral angiopathy (Code 997.49 Other digestive system
793.81 Microcalcification first underlying disease such as 996.56 Peritoneal dialysis cath DISRUPTION, OPERATIVE
611.71 Mastodynia diabetes mellitus, 249.7_, 569.71 Pouchitis WOUND
996.54 Mech comp d/t breast 250.7_) 569.79 Pouch, other 998.32 External
prosthesis Phlebitis/thrombophlebitis 562.11 Diverticulitis, colon 998.31 Internal
611.79 Nipple inversion 451.11 Femoral vein 562.10 Diverticulosis, colon 998.30 Unspecified
611.79 Nipple retraction 451.2 Lower extremities, NOS 537.3 Duodenum torsion 998.33 Wound repair, traumatic
611.89 Other specified disorder 451.19 Lower extremities, other Dysphagia
V50.41 Prophylactic breast removal deep vessels 787.21 Oral phase ENDOCRINE/METABOLIC
611.81 Ptosis 451.0 Lower extremities, 787.22 Oropharyngeal phase Goiter
610.0 Solitary cyst superficial vessels 787.29 Other 241.1 Nontoxic multinodular
451.9 Unspecified 787.23 Pharyngeal phase 241.0 Nontoxic uninodular
CENTRAL VENOUS CATH INFECT 443.0 Raynaud’s syndrome 787.24 Pharyngoesophageal phase 240.0 Simple
999.32 Bloodstream 787.20 Unspecified 242.00 Toxic diffuse, w/o thyrotoxic
999.33 Local Varicose veins, legs
454.9 Unspecified Enteritis, regional crisis/storm (Graves’ disease)
999.31 Other/unspecified 555.1 Large intestine (Crohn’s dz) 272.4 Hyperlipidemia, NOS
454.1 w/inflammation
CIRCULATORY SYSTEM 454.0 w/ulcer 555.9 NOS (Crohn’s disease) Hyperparathyroidism
454.2 w/ulcer and inflammation 555.0 Small intestine (Crohn’s dz) 252.01 Primary
Aortic Ectasia 997.72 Vasc comp, renal artery 530.10 Esophagitis, NOS
447.72 Abdominal 252.02 Secondary (non renal)
459.81 Venous insufficiency, 530.11 Esophagitis, reflux 252.08 Other
447.71 Thoracic peripheral, NOS 565.0 Fissure, anal
447.73 Thoracoabdominal 278.01 Obesity, morbid
565.1 Fistula, anal 278.00 Obesity, unspecified
447.70 Unspecified site DIABETES MELLITUS 575.8 Gallbladder torsion
414.00 Atherosclerosis, coronary, Requires the use of a fifth digit: 751.69 Gallbladder torsion EXTREMITIES
unsp native/graft 0 type II or unspec type, NOS (congenital) 996.52 Complication due to graft of
414.01 Atherosclerosis, coronary, 1 type I, NOS 537.89 Gastric torsion other tissue, NEC
native artery 2 type II or unspec type, uncontrolled 535.00 Gastritis, acute, w/o 996.40 Mechanical complication of
Atherosclerosis, native 3 type I, uncontrolled hemorrhage internal orthopedic device,
arteries of extremities 250.9_ w/complication, NOS 530.81 Gastroesophageal reflux implant, graft
440.20 Unspecified 250.0_ w/o complication (GERD) 729.5 Pain in soft tissues of limb
440.24 w/gangrene 250.8_ w/oth spec manifestations 536.3 Gastroparesis (Code first 729.81 Swelling of limb
440.21 w/intermittent claudication (Code also manifestation) underlying disease)
440.22 w/rest pain 569.3 Hemorrhage, anal/rectal
440.23 w/ulceration DIGESTIVE SYSTEM 998.4 Accidentally left during a
578.9 Hemorrhage, GI tract, NOS
459.9 Circulatory disorder, NOS 787.5 Abnormal bowel sounds procedure
792.1 Abnorm stool contents, NOS Hemorrhoids 937 Anus
566 Abscess, anal/rectal 455.3 External 939.0 Bladder
455.4 External, thrombosed

General Surgery
936 Cecum Intestine, small 865.00 w/o open wound into cavity 701.4 Keloid scar
939.1 Cervix (canal) uterine 152.9 Malignant site NOS Stomach 702.0 Keratosis, actinic
936 Colon 235.2 Uncertain behavior 863.1 w/open wound into cavity 702.1 Keratosis, seborrheic
938 Digestive organ/tract, NEC Liver 863.0 w/o mention of open wound 214.1 Lipoma skin/subcutaneous
935.1 Esophagus 155.2 Malignant, not specified as into cavity 709.2 Scar condition/fibrosis
939.9 Genitourinary tract, NOS primary or secondary 959.19 Trunk, other/NOS 729.91 Seroma, post-traumatic
933.1 Larynx 155.0 Malignant, primary Pressure ulcer
728.8 Muscle POSTOPERATIVE SHOCK Use add’l code to identify stage (707.2_)
932 Nasal/sinus/nose
Other sites 998.01 Cardiogenic
214.9 Lipoma, NOS 707.05 Buttock
939.3 Penis 998.09 Other 707.04 Hip
933.0 Pharynx
214.8 Lipoma, other specified sites 998.02 Septic
228.1 Lymphangioma, any site 707.03 Lower back/sacrum
937 Rectum 998.00 Unspecified 707.02 Upper back/shoulder
237.79 Other neurofibromatosis
729.6 Soft tissue
935.2 Stomach
237.73 Schwannomatosis RESPIRATORY Other ulcer
Pancreas 511.81 Pleural effusion, malig 707.10 Lower limb, NOS
934.0 Trachea
157.9 Malignant, part unspecified 511.9 Pleural effusion, NOS Stages, pressure ulcer
GENITALIA, FEMALE Skin 511.89 Pleural effusion, except TB Code first ulcer site
620.5 Torsion, adnexa 173.31 Basal cell, face 512.89 Pneumothorax, spont 707.21 Stage I
620.5 Torsion, fallopian tube 173.41 Basal cell, scalp 512.2 Postoperative air leak 707.22 Stage II
173.51 Basal cell, trunk, exc scrotum 416.2 Pulmonary embolism, chronic 707.23 Stage III
GENITALIA, MALE 518.52 Pulmonary insufficiency 707.24 Stage IV
216.3 Benign, face, other/NOS
752.51 Testis, undescended 216.4 Benign, scalp or neck following trauma/surgery 707.20 Unspecified stage
Torsion 216.5 Benign, trunk, exc scrotum 518.7 Transfusion related acute 707.25 Unstageable
608.24 Epididymis, appendix 172.3 Melanoma, face, NOS lung injury [TRALI]
172.9 Melanoma, in situ, skin SIGNS/SYMPTOMS
752.69 Penis (congenital) 172.4 Melanoma, scalp/neck 592.0 Calculus, kidney
608.21 Spermatic cord, extravaginal 172.5 Melanoma, trunk, except Abdominal pain 592.1 Calculus, ureter
608.22 Spermatic cord, intravaginal scrotum The following fifth digits are to be used for 585.6 End stage renal dz
608.23 Testis, appendix 173.32 Squam cell, face 789.0, 789.3, 789.4, and 789.6: 599.71 Hematuria, gross
608.20 Testis, unspecified 173.42 Squam cell, scalp 0 unspecified site 599.72 Hematuria, microscopic
173.52 Squam cell, trunk, exc 1 right upper quadrant 599.70 Hematuria, unspecified
HERNIA scrotum 2 left upper quadrant 996.64 Infection/inflammatory
553.21 Incisional 173.30 Unsp malignancy, face, oth 3 right lower quadrant reaction due to indwelling
Inguinal 173.40 Unsp malignancy, scalp/neck 4 left lower quadrant urinary catheter
Inguinal hernia requires fifth digit: 173.50 Unsp malig, trunk exc 5 periumbilic 585.9 Renal failure, chronic, NOS
0 unilateral/unspecified scrotum 6 epigastric 586 Renal failure, NOS
1 unilateral/unspecified recurrent 7 generalized 599.0 UTI, NOS
2 bilateral 151.0 Malignant, cardia 8 other specified sites, multiple sites V CODES
3 bilateral recurrent 151.1 Malignant, pylorus 789.0_ Pain
550.9_ Unspecified 789.4_ Rigidity Body mass index (adult)
151.3 Malignant, fundus V85.0 less than 19
550.0_ w/gangrene 151.4 Malignant, body 789.3_ Swelling/lump (pelvis or
550.1_ w/obstruction, w/o mention abd) V85.1 btn 19-24
of gangrene Thyroid 789.6_ Tenderness, rebound V85.21 25.0-25.9
553.29 Other (epigastric, spigelian) 226 Benign 285.9 Anemia, NOS V85.22 26.0-26.9
553.20 Ventral, NOS 193 Malignant 285.3 d/t antineoplastic V85.23 27.0-27.9
OPEN WOUND/INJURY chemotherapy V85.24 28.0-28.9
NEOPLASM 300.00 Anxiety state, NOS V85.25 29.0-29.9
Anus/rectum Bladder and urethral 786.50 Chest pain, NOS V85.30 30.0-30.9
211.4 Benign 867.1 w/open wound 785.6 Enlargement of lymph nodes V85.31 31.0-31.9
154.0 Malig, rectosigmoid junct 867.0 w/o open wound 785.4 Gangrene (Code first any V85.32 32.0-32.9
154.1 Malignant, rectum Blood vessel associated underlying condition) V85.33 33.0-33.9
235.2 Uncertain behavior, rectum 902.0 Abdominal aorta 789.1 Hepatomegaly V85.34 34.0-34.9
903.1 Brachial 401.1 Hypertension, benign V85.35 35.0-35.9
Breast (female) V85.36 36.0-36.9
217 Benign 902.22 Hepatic artery 401.9 Hypertension, NOS
902.11 Hepatic veins 402.90 Hypertensive heart dz, NOS V85.37 37.0-37.9
233.0 Carcinoma in situ V85.38 38.0-38.9
174.1 Malignant, central portion 903.4 Palmar artery 782.2 Localized superficial
903.2 Radial swelling/mass/lump V85.39 39.0-39.9
174.5 Malig, lower-outer quad V85.41 40.0-44.9
174.0 Malignant, nipple/areola 902.41 Renal artery 289.3 Lymphadenitis, NOS
902.42 Renal vein 038.9 Septicemia, NOS V85.42 45.0-49.9
174.9 Malignant, NOS V85.43 50.0-59.9
174.8 Malignant, other spec sites 902.40 Renal vessel, NOS 789.2 Splenomegaly
902.9 Unsp vessel abd/pelvis 784.2 Swelling/mass/lump V85.44 60.0-69.9
174.4 Malig, upper-outer quad V85.45 70 and over
Breast (male) Face head/neck
750.0 Tongue tie V49.86 DNR status
217 Benign 873.50 NOS, complicated
873.40 Unspecified 463 Tonsillitis Encounter for
175.0 Malignant, nipple/areola V58.30 Change/removal of nonsurg
175.9 Malignant, other parts NOS Foot except toes SKIN/SOFT TISSUE wound dressing/packing
Bronchus, lung 892.1 Complicated
892.2 w/tendon involvement Cellulitis/abscess V58.31 Change/removal of surgical
162.9 Malignant, unspecified site 682.6 Leg, except foot wound dressing/packing
Esophagus Forearm 682.2 Trunk V58.32 Removal of sutures/staples
150.5 Malignant, lower third 881.20 w/tendon involvement V58.41 Planned postoperative
Cyst wound closure
150.9 Malignant site NOS Knee/leg (except 685.1 Pilonidal
Genitourinary thigh)/ankle 685.0 Pilonidal, w/abscess Exam
218.9 Leiomyoma, uterus 891.1 Complicated 706.2 Sebaceous V72.84 Preoperative, NOS
188.9 Malignant, bladder, NOS 891.2 w/tendon involvement 709.9 Disorder skin/subcutaneous V67.00 Surgical follow-up
183.0 Malignant, ovary Lip tissue, NOS unspecified
185 Malignant, prostate 873.53 w/complication 729.99 Disorders of soft tissue, other Fitting
Intestine, large 873.43 w/o complication 729.90 Disorders of soft tissue, V53.50 Intestinal device
211.3 Benign Liver unspecified V53.51 Lap band
153.4 Malignant, cecum 864.10 w/open wound into cavity 709.4 Foreign body granuloma V53.59 Other GI device
153.9 Malignant, NOS 864.00 w/o open wound into cavity skin/subcutaneous tissue Personal Hx (of)
153.8 Malignant, large intestine 959.8 Multiple sites 228.01 Hemangioma skin/subcu V15.07 Allergy to latex
other specified sites Scalp 729.92 Hematoma, soft tissue, V15.08 Allergy to radiographic dye
153.3 Malignant, sigmoid colon 873.1 Complicated nontraumatic V15.80 Failed moderate sedation
153.7 Malignant, splenic flexure 873.0 w/o complication 705.83 Hidradenitis V12.55 Pulmonary embolism
153.1 Malignant, transverse colon 701.9 Hypertrophic/atrophic V12.51 Venous thrombosis and

Spleen condition (skin tag)

865.10 w/open wound into cavity embolism
703.0 Ingrowing nail

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