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Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 1473 (1999) 108^122


Physiological aspects of chitin catabolism in marine bacteria1
Nemat O. Keyhani *, Saul Roseman
Department of Biology and the McCollum-Pratt Institute, The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD 21218, USA

Received 31 May 1999; received in revised form 2 August 1999; accepted 4 August 1999


Chitin, a carbohydrate polymer composed of alternating L-1,4-linked N-acetylglucosamine residues is the second most
abundant organic compound in nature. In the aquatic biosphere alone, it is estimated that more than 1011 metric tons of
chitin are produced annually. If this enormous quantity of insoluble carbon and nitrogen was not converted to biologically
useful material, the oceans would be depleted of these elements in a matter of decades. In fact, marine sediments contain only
traces of chitin, and the turnover of the polysaccharide is attributed primarily to marine bacteria, but the overall process
involves many steps, most of which remain to be elucidated. Marine bacteria possess complex signal transduction systems
for: (1) finding chitin, (2) adhering to chitinaceous substrata, (3) degrading the chitin to oligosaccharides, (4) transporting the
oligosaccharides to the cytoplasm, and (5) catabolizing the transport products to fructose-6-P, acetate and NH3 . The proteins
and enzymes are located extracellularly, in the cell envelope, the periplasmic space, the inner membrane and the cytoplasm.
In addition to these levels of complexity, the various components of these systems appear to be carefully coordinated by
intricate regulatory mechanisms. ß 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109

2. Sensing and moving towards the food source . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109

3. Adhesion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112

4. The enzymology of chitin degradation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115

5. Regulation of the chitin catabolic cascade . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116

6. Concluding remarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119

* Corresponding author..
This paper is publication 521 from the McCollum-Pratt Institute.
It is a great pleasure to dedicate this article to two close friends and two outstanding pioneers in glycobiology, Harry Schachter and
Akira Kobata. Harry taught us all about the intricacies of glycosyltransferases and what they mean to cell surfaces, and also desperately
(and despairingly) tried to teach me enzyme kinetics. Akira showed us that there is an underlying unity and theme in the apparent chaos
of glycoprotein structures.

0304-4165 / 99 / $ ^ see front matter ß 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 3 0 4 - 4 1 6 5 ( 9 9 ) 0 0 1 7 2 - 5

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Acknowledgements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120

References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120

1. Introduction chitin catabolism in chitinolytic organisms such as

marine bacteria. The present review will focus on
Chitin, a highly insoluble biopolymer, is one of the these phenomena and will emphasize results obtained
most abundant organic compounds in nature. The with one marine bacterium, Vibrio furnissii. Vibrios
polysaccharide is composed of linear chains of L- are Gram-negative facultative anaerobes, closely re-
(1,4)-linked N-acetylglucosamine (GlcNAc) residues lated to Escherichia coli, and are the most abundant
that are highly cross-linked by hydrogen bonds, sim- microbes in the marine biosphere [22].
ilar to cellulose. There is a growing literature on the Chitin degradation in the marine environment
uses of chitin and chitosan (deacetylated chitin) and comprises at least four major steps (Fig. 1): (1) sens-
their derivatives for biomedical, agricultural and ing of chitin either by random collision or by chemo-
even cosmetic purposes [1,2]. These polysaccharides taxis as explained below; (2) attachment to the chitin
are distributed throughout all kingdoms, Fungi, to stay in close proximity to the nutrient; (3) expres-
Plantae and Animalia [3^5]. Chitin is a crucial com- sion of a multitude of enzymes and other proteins
ponent of the cell walls of molds, mushrooms, cer- required for catabolism of the polymer; (4) uptake
tain green algae and is a major constituent of the and catabolism of the hydrolysis products of the gly-
cuticles and exoskeletons of worms, mollusks and cosidases.
arthropods. Chemically detectable chitin has been
found in 25 million year old fossilized insects [6].
Chitin production in the aquatic biosphere is enor- 2. Sensing and moving towards the food source
mous; estimates of the annual quantity of chitin gen-
erated by a single genus of marine zooplankton (co- How does a free swimming bacterium sense an
pepods) exceeds billions of tons [5,7]. Dynamic insoluble polymer such as chitin? One possibility is
processes such as molting of cuticles as well as sen- by a passive mechanism, such as random collision.
escence results in a continuous rain of chitin to the Measurements of bacterial biomass in the water col-
ocean £oors known as `marine snow' [8,9]. Despite umn, however, indicate that only a small fraction of
this continuous deposition of a highly insoluble pol- microbial populations are free-living [23,24], which
ymer, ocean sediments contain only traces of chitin. reduces the probability of random collision. The
This apparent anomaly was resolved by the discovery vast majority of marine bacteria are associated with
that chitinolytic bacteria are ubiquitous in the marine other organisms, forming predatory or commensal
environment [10] and it is a¤rmed that these micro- communities with microalgae, protozoans, inverte-
organisms are responsible for a signi¢cant portion, brates such as crustaceans and even with marine ver-
perhaps the bulk, of the chitin recycling process. tebrates [24]. The concentrations of bacteria in algae
Measurements on the dissolution of crab shells im- and marine snow are two to ¢ve orders of magnitude
mersed in sea water, for example, showed that the greater than the concentrations in the surrounding
half-life of a shell is approximately 2 weeks [11]. waters [25]. Simulations on the clustering of motile
The hydrolysis of chitin to GlcNAc and GlcNAc bacteria around planktonic cells in moderate to high
oligosaccharides has been studied for many decades turbulence levels in a mixed aquatic layer indicate
[12^15]. The glycosidases are distributed in organ- that chemotactic bacteria have a signi¢cant advant-
isms ranging from bacteria and plants to man [14^ age over non-chemotactic bacteria in exposure and
17]. Many recent reviews have covered the classi¢ca- access to nutrient sources [26,27]. These analyses on
tion, distribution, molecular biology and structures the e¡ects of chemosensory motility of bacteria to-
of various chitinases [18^21], but there are few re- wards or within a cloud of `leaked material' around
ports on the physiological processes that mediate planktonic algae or marine snow underscores the im-

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on surfaces or in high-viscosity solutions and appear

to use the H‡ motive force as an energy source [32].
Expression of lateral £agella is also regulated by the
polar £agellar motor [33] and these systems may act
synergistically, mediating functionally di¡erent che-
motactic responses to either attractants or repellents
[30]. In marine bacterial systems, chemotaxis and
motility are closely linked to invasion of hosts by
pathogenic strains and to the association of bacteria
with mucosal surfaces. For example, loss of motility
resulted in a 500-fold decrease in the virulence of
Vibrio anguillarum to its ¢sh host [34]. Additionally,
V. cholerae exhibited chemotaxis to a wide variety of
Fig. 1. Chitin degradation by marine Vibrios. The drawing sum- compounds including most L-amino acids as well as
marizes the physiological responses involved in chitin degrada- to digests of rabbit mucosa [35]. Although not re-
tion. Marine bacteria are able to: (1) sense and move towards quired for the latter stages of infection, V. cholerae
nutrient (chitin) sources, (2) attach to the chitinaceous substra- chemotaxis is thought to be necessary for reaching
tum, (3) produce a battery of enzyme for the hydrolysis and
mucosal cell surfaces and motility may be needed for
uptake of the resultant oligosaccharides. In V. furnissii, these
processes involve at least three signal transduction pathways the penetration of the mucus gel [35]. V. anguillarum
and are carefully regulated. and V. alginolyticus also exhibit chemotaxis (and ad-
hesion) toward skin, gill and intestinal mucus derived
from the gilt-head sea bream [36]. It should be noted
portance of this physiological response. It seems that the motile nature of natural microbial commun-
likely, therefore, that chitinoclastic bacteria possess ities may be quite di¡erent from that observed using
active methods for seeking the chitin, i.e., chemo- cultured bacteria. A bacterial isolate from one ma-
taxis. As noted by Jackson [27]: `Chemotaxis should rine community was shown to form natural assem-
enhance interactions with large marine snow aggre- blages (or microswarms) that exhibited motility ac-
gates, both by allowing bacteria to stay for signi¢- celeration speeds 10^20-fold greater than cultured
cant periods around them and by enhancing the rates bacteria [37].
at which bacteria attach to the aggregate surfaces.' There have been several reports characterizing che-
Bacterial chemotaxis has been extensively studied motaxis to degradative products of carbohydrate
in E. coli and Salmonella typhimurium, and many of polymers such as cellulose and chitin. Chemotaxis
the proteins, including the £agella, the chemorecep- to cellobiose and hydrolytic products of plant or
tors and the signal transducing pathways have been fungal cell wall polysaccharides has been shown in
characterized [28]. In these organisms, the chemoat- the cellulolytic bacterium Cellulomonas gelida and a
tractant forms a complex with its receptor in the predatory Pseudomonas which degrades the fungus
periplasmic space or the cytoplasmic membrane, Pythium debaryanum [38,39].
and the signal is then transferred to the £agellar mo- Insofar as chitin degradation is concerned, teleo-
tor by a sequential series of phosphotransfer reac- logical reasoning suggests that chitin oligosacchar-
tions from one che (chemotaxis) protein to the next. ides should play a major role in chemotaxis. Aside
Marine bacteria such as Vibrio alginolyticus and from the studies described below, the only other re-
Vibrio parahaemolyticus have been shown to possess ports of chemotaxis to chitin oligosaccharides are by
two distinct motility organelles: (1) polar £agella for human neutrophils and phagocytes [40,41]. The func-
swimming in an aqueous environment and (2) lateral tions of these chemotactic systems are not known,
£agella for swarming across solid surfaces [29^31]. In but may be surmised since bacteria are targets of
these organisms, polar £agella are constitutively ex- phagocytes, and the polysaccharide component of
pressed and use the Na‡ motive force as an energy bacterial cell walls (peptidoglycan) is closely related
source whereas lateral £agella are induced by growth to that of chitin. Degradation of the cell wall would

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Fig. 2. Bacterial chemotaxis to chitin oligosaccharides in swarm plates. Soft agar plates were prepared containing the following carbon
sources in 50% bu¡ered arti¢cial sea water supplemented with NH3 and Pi. Column (A) (GlcNAc)6 at initial concentrations of 10 WM
(row 1), 50 WM (row 2), and 100 WM (row 3). Column (B) no carbon source (control, row 1), 1 mM (GlcNAc)2 (row 2), 1 mM
(GlcNAc)4 (row 3). Column (C) 10 mM lactate (row 1), 1 mM (GlcNAc)3 (row 2), and 1 mM (GlcNAc)5 (row 3). V. furnissii was in-
oculated into the center of each plate and allowed to swarm for 30^40 h at room temperature. The concentration of sugar in Column
A was too low to easily visualize the swarm rings, so in these experiments the cells were stained with methylumbelliferyl-GlcNAc
which is cleaved to GlcNAc and the £uorescent product. It should be noted that the cells do not swarm to lactate (Column C, row
1), although it is an excellent source for growth. An additional control, not shown, was to study taxis with a mutant de¢cient in the
GlcNAc transporter. The mutant did not exhibit chemotaxis to GlcNAc, as expected, but showed normal taxis to the oligosacchar-

therefore yield fragments similar or even identical to terium V. furnissii [42^44]. V. furnissii exhibited che-
chitin oligosaccharides. motaxis to all the chitin oligosaccharides tested,
The most extensively studied chemotaxis system (GlcNAc)n , n = 1^6, forming characteristic rings in
toward chitin oligomers has been in the marine bac- swarm plate assays using concentrations of the hexa-

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saccharide as low as 10 mM (Fig. 2). Capillary as- resistance of V. cholerae to stomach acid, normally a
says quantitatively con¢rmed the swarm plate results highly e¡ective barrier against infection. The organ-
and showed the following: (a) In V. furnissii the ism `burrows' into copepod carapaces, where the in-
monosaccharide, GlcNAc, is one of the most potent soluble matrix apparently a¡ords protection against
chemoattractants reported in bacteria. (b) Chemo- its microenvironment [49,50]. Furthermore, it has
taxis to (GlcNAc)n , n = 2^6, requires induction. (c) been shown that certain `non-cultivatable' pathogen-
V. furnissii expresses at least three inducible chemo- ic strains of Vibrio and Aeromonas can be resusci-
receptors having overlapping speci¢cities for chitin tated from the exoskeletons of aquatic arthropods
oligomers. (d) Induced levels of chemotaxis are stable [51]. These data suggest that various species of zoo-
for at least 21 h of starvation and increased chemo- and phytoplankton may act as reservoirs of potential
taxis is evident at early starvation time points (2^5 toxigenic bacterial species. Thus, along with the sea
h). (e) Metabolic intermediates such as lactate, pyr- £oor and microorganisms in the planktonic environ-
uvate, succinate and fumarate inhibit chemotaxis. (f) ment, bacterial micro£ora associated on the surfaces
Of other chemoattractants tested, glucose and treha- of other creatures probably represents one of the
lose were as potent as attractants as GlcNAc. Treha- major microbial environments in the sea [24,52]. Bac-
lose is of note because it is a major carbohydrate teria are capable of attaching to and degrading dis-
storage product in fungi and along with glucose carded molts and the exoskeletons of dead animals
(sometimes without glucose) is the sugar found in (Fig. 3). In addition, crustacean surfaces of living
the hemolymph of insects and crustaceae [45,46]. creatures and their chitinous components in particu-
Thus, the free-swimming cells in the environment lar, are noted for supporting extensive bacterial at-
can be attracted to these organisms when they leak tachment and growth. Such epibiosis or `living-on'
soluble chitin oligosaccharides during molting or relationships are increasingly regarded as playing
from exudates (e.g. hemolymph), particularly from key roles in nutrient recycling and maintenance of
sick or dying organisms. Chitinases (discussed below) ecosystem balances [52].
produced either by the bacteria or by the chitin con- Adhesion can be separated into two broad catego-
taining organism itself would be largely responsible ries; speci¢c and nonspeci¢c. Speci¢c adhesion im-
for the production of soluble chitin oligosaccharide plies that the bacteria produce receptor proteins with
gradients. speci¢city for particular sets of ligands, such as car-
bohydrates. Examples are also known where the li-
gand (e.g. carbohydrate) is produced by the bacte-
3. Adhesion rium and the receptor protein is expressed by the
target cell or cell product. Speci¢c attachment often
Microbial adhesion to solid surfaces plays an im- involves ¢mbrial proteins or adhesins found at the
portant role in diverse phenomena including infec- tips of pili which recognize and anchor the bacterium
tion of tissues, biofouling and biodegradation. In to carbohydrate containing surfaces [53]. In some
the marine environment, microbial adhesion may cases, non-¢mbrial outer membrane proteins also
¢ll a special requirement essential for survival. Aside are known to participate in speci¢c adhesion. Non-
from coastal zones and sediments, marine waters are speci¢c adhesion can be mediated by proteins but
essentially a desert for chemoorganotrophs such as typically involves a variety of polymers and/or exo-
Vibrios. These waters contain no phosphate and little polysaccharides that result in adhesion via hydro-
to no organic nitrogen or ammonia [47]. Survival phobic or ionic interactions. Several genes have
therefore requires special adaptation. One classic ex- been isolated [54] that are responsible for the syn-
ample is the observation that endemic cholera epi- thesis of a polysaccharide secreted by Staphylococcus
demics along the Ganges river coincide with copepod epidermis; the polysaccharide is required for bio¢lm
blooms [48], which in turn coincides with V. cholerae formation on polystyrene and glass surfaces. Inter-
blooms. Only 10^20% of the bacterial population estingly, the synthesized polymer was shown to con-
was free swimming, the remainder was found associ- sist of linear chains containing at least 130 residues
ated with the copepods. This association explains the of L-1^4 linked GlcNAc.

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Most experiments on marine bacterial adhesion have also been reported in V. alginolyticus [61]. Sar-
have been concerned with bio¢lm formation on a cosyl solubilized membrane fractions contained four
variety of substrata including glass, wood and vari- peptides of 53, 35, 20, and 14 kDa, although the
ous polyesters, and typically have involved non-spe- quantities of the latter three proteins was lower
ci¢c adhesion [55]. Other types of marine adhesives than the 53 kDa protein and di¡ered amongst vari-
or composites have been described in organisms such ous strains. Expression of the V. alginolyticus pro-
as barnacles, mussels and oysters [56]. These com- teins appeared to be constitutive and no di¡erence
pounds often contain ¢bers of collagen, ¢broin or was observed between extracts derived from adhering
chitin dispersed in a crosslinked resin. Although the or non-adhering cells.
role of bacterial exopolymers during attachment to Studies on the adhesion of V. furnissii to carbohy-
various substrata during bio¢lm formation is un- drate derivatized beads, as analogues of polymers,
clear, for purposes of this review those interactions showed speci¢c attachment to GlcNAc [62,63]. Ad-
would be termed as non-speci¢c. hesion of the cells to the beads was exceedingly and
Possibly, the term `non-speci¢c' is a misnomer. speci¢cally sensitive to chitin oligosaccharides. The
One can imagine that the formation of the bio¢lm latter not only inhibited the binding of the cells to
involves two steps: (1) deposition of an extracellular the beads, but when added to beads that contained
polymer, such as a polysaccharide, on the surface; adherent cells, caused the cells to `deadhere'.
(2) binding of the cells to the ¢rst ¢lm via cell surface Perhaps the most interesting ¢nding in these stud-
proteins such as lectins. ies were the requirements for adhesion. Cells in bu¡-
It should be noted, however, whether speci¢c or ered arti¢cial sea water did not bind to the beads,
not, there is growing evidence that bacteria attached whereas cells in complete growth medium (lactate for
to surfaces are metabolically distinct from those in energy, NH3 , phosphate and bu¡ered 50% arti¢cial
the free-swimming state and that adhesive properties sea water) did adhere. Removing lactate prevented
are closely linked to availability of other nutrients binding. When phosphate or NH3 were omitted,
and cellular metabolism [55]. For example, studies the cells at ¢rst bound to the beads, but after a brief
on a mesophilic marine Vibrio species has shown period they deadhered. The explanation for these
that starvation increases (non-speci¢c) adhesiveness results came from studies with mutants, amino acid
to siliconized glass surfaces [57]. auxotrophs, of V. furnissii. In complete medium, but
Although a few microbial lectins with speci¢city to lacking the required amino acid, no binding was de-
the monosaccharide GlcNAc have been reported tected. When the required amino acid was present,
[53], the molecular details of bacterial attachment normal adhesion resulted. However, when small
to chitin has only been studied during the past few amounts of the amino acid were added, the cells
years. Studies on a chitinolytic strain of Vibrio har- would bind, and then deadhere as the amino acid
veyi, revealed speci¢city of binding to chitin [58,59]. was depleted from the medium. This process, adhe-
Detergent-extracted membranes from the organism sion/deadhesion could be repeated many times by
inhibited attachment and contained two peptides repetitively adding the required amino acid.
(53 kDa and 150 kDa) which bound to chitin, but To summarize, all required nutrients (lactate,
displayed no enzymatic activities (i.e. no chitinase phosphate, NH3 , and in the case of the auxotrophs,
activity). The 53 kDa protein was constitutively ex- the necessary amino acid) were found to be necessary
pressed whereas the 150 kDa protein was inducible to both permit and to maintain cell adhesion. The
by chitin and/or chitin oligosaccharides. A 134 kDa implication is that there is a rapid turnover of lectin
secreted protein termed `chitovibrin', which bound activity and that lectin expression is a priority for
chitin in a calcium-independent manner was reported these cells. This adhesion/deadhesion apparatus per-
from V. parahemolyticus [60]. Chitovibrin expression mits constant monitoring of the surrounding envi-
was induced by chitin and chitin oligosaccharides ronment and has been termed a `nutrient sensorium'.
and the puri¢ed protein displayed no apparent enzy- It is a device for assaying the environment and de-
matic activity, but showed strong a¤nity for chitin termining whether it can or cannot support survival
and chitin-oligomers s dp 9. Chitin binding proteins of this organism. If the microenvironment is inad-

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Fig. 3. Electron micrographs: (A) V. furnissii, showing two polar £agella and numerous very thin ¢mbriae. Cells are bound to a chitin
strip. (B) Bacterial degradation of chitin. Areas of chitin digestion resemble pits or craters. (C) Bacterial association with a marine
snow aggregate. (photograph in panel A courtesy of Dr. Charles Yu, Johns Hopkins University, photographs in panels B and C,
courtesy of Dr. Kevin Carmen, Louisiana State University)

equate to allow protein synthesis, the organism de- these two groups, usually by similarity in amino
parts in a search for a nutrient rich environment. acid sequence. The literature describes a large num-
ber of `chitinases', although in many cases degrada-
tion of chitin itself was not even tested. Furthermore,
4. The enzymology of chitin degradation erroneous conclusions have been repeatedly reached
by the use of substrate analogues (discussed brie£y
Insofar as a bacterium in concerned, the ultimate below). However, it is slowly being recognized that
goal of chitin degradation is to convert the polymer, several di¡erent classes of these enzymes exist, with
(GlcNAc)n , to acetate, NH3 and fructose-6-P. The some having overlapping speci¢cities. It is likely that
last two steps of this sequence were established many of these enzymes play unique and important
many years ago [64,65] and the relevant enzymes roles in the physiology of chitin degradation in their
are found in V. furnissii [64^66]. (a) GlcNAc-6- respective organisms. Various enzymes may, for ex-
P+H2 OCAcetate+GlcNH2 -6-P; (b) GlcNH2 -6- ample, link degradation to processes such as adhe-
P+H2 OCNH3 +Fru-6-P. The problem is therefore sion and chemotaxis by their e¡ects on the concen-
to de¢ne the pathway from chitin to GlcNAc-6-P. tration of substrate(s) and/or product(s) and these in
It has been almost a century since the ¢rst chiti- turn can act as inducers and/or repressors of the
nase was described [67]. Since then, an extensive and di¡erent pathways.
still expanding literature has developed on hexosami- The use of synthetic analogues, where GlcNAc or
nidases, chitinases and chitosanases [12^17,20,21]. chitin oligosaccharides are derivatized with nitrophe-
Many of the structural genes that encode these en- nol (para- or ortho-NP) or 4-methylumbelliferyl
zymes have been cloned and characterized, the pro- (MUF) moieties has greatly facilitated the study of
teins over-produced, and the crystal structures of many of these enzymes. These chromogenic and £u-
some resolved [68^71]. Based on a re¢nement of orogenic substrate analogues have been widely em-
the crystal structure of a native chitinase (ChiA) ployed in the screening of recombinant libraries and
from Serratia marcesens to 2.3 A resolution, it has as substrates for puri¢cation and characterization of
been suggested that the substrate binding site of this many of these enzymes. Although much information
enzyme consists of a long groove composed of six can be gained from the use of substrate analogues,
subunits [72]. Each subunit (named A^F) is capable they can lead to mistaken conclusions if enzyme ac-
of binding a single sugar residue similar to the sit- tivity is not measured using the natural substrates. It
uation described for lysozyme [73]. Furthermore, the has long been recognized that the activities of many
reaction mechanism of the Serratia chitinase appears hydrolases when measured with synthetic substrate
to be analogous to lysozyme as well as most other analogues can be as much as a 1000-fold greater
glycosidases, proceeding by general acid-base cataly- than that observed with the natural substrate. Di¡er-
sis [72]. ent pH and temperature optima for arti¢cial versus
Since 1939, the dogma in this ¢eld has held that natural substrates have been reported for chitinases
chitin hydrolysis requires only two enzymes, a chiti- isolated from Streptomyces [74] and Bacillus [75]. In
nase that cleaves the polysaccharide to the disacchar- V. furnissii there are at least four enzymes which do
ide (GlcNAc)2 , and a L-N-acetylhexosaminidases (L- not belong to the classical chitinase/chitobiase en-
GlcNAcidase or chitobiase), responsible for the hy- zyme de¢nitions [76^78]: (1) An enzyme, designated
drolysis of (GlcNAc)2 to GlcNAc. An unfortunate a chitodextrinase, whose amino acid sequence shares
consequence has been that many researchers have signi¢cant homology to chitinases but is essential-
categorized newly discovered enzymes into one of ly incapable of hydrolyzing chitin. The chitodex-

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trinase actively hydrolyzes chitin oligosaccharides, in the cell envelope, non-speci¢c and sugar speci¢c
(GlcNAc)n , n s 3. Furthermore, although this en- [79]. Non-speci¢c porins will admit a di- or perhaps a
zyme is capable of hydrolyzing the arti¢cial sub- trisaccharide to the periplasm. The speci¢c porins,
strates pNP-(GlcNAc)2 and MUF-(GlcNAc)2 , it such as the one that functions in the uptake of mal-
does not show any activity towards the natural di- todextrins, permit the di¡usion of much larger
or tri-saccharides, (GlcNAc)2 and (GlcNAc)3 . (2) A oligomers. At this time, there is no published litera-
L-N-acetylhexosaminidase, which hydrolyzes pNP- ture on whether there is or is not a porin that is
GlcNAc and MUF-GlcNAc, but which has no de- speci¢c for chitin oligomers. (2) Within the periplas-
tectable activity with chitin, chitin oligosaccharides mic space, the oligomers are hydrolyzed to the
or any natural substrate tested. The physiological mono- and disaccharides and these are taken up by
function of this protein is not known but it is specu- distinct transport systems [66,80]. The monosacchar-
lated that it may play a role in the hydrolysis of ide transporter is driven by the phosphoenolpyruva-
phenolic L-GlcNAc derivatives and in signal trans- te:glycose phosphotransferase system [44], so that
duction between invertebrate hosts and V. furnissii. the product of translocation is GlcNAc-6-P. As
(3) A periplasmic L-N-acetylglucosaminidase. This noted above, this compound is converted in two
enzyme is highly speci¢c for the non-reducing termi- steps to fructose-6-P, acetate and ammonia. In V.
nal GlcNAc in chitin oligosaccharides, and even furnissii, (GlcNAc)2 is accumulated at high levels,
more interestingly, changes its speci¢city towards unchanged, probably via an ATP binding cassette
one of these, the disaccharide, with a change in (ABC) type transporter [80]. The cytoplasmic disac-
pH. Thus, it hydrolyzes (GlcNAc)n , n = 2^6 at pH charide is thought to be hydrolyzed to the monosac-
5.8, but the activity with (GlcNAc)n , n = 3^6 in- charide, which is then phosphorylated by an ATP-
creases many-fold with increasing pH, while the ac- dependent kinase [66], giving GlcNAc-6-P, thus join-
tivity with (GlcNAc)2 decreases. At the pH of sea ing the monosaccharide pathway. Interestingly, a
water (8.0^8.3), the enzymatic activity towards the (GlcNAc)2 transporter and utilization operon has
disaccharide was virtually undetectable. Thus, careful also been identi¢ed in wild type strains of E. coli,
kinetic analysis of the enzymatic activity explained although this organism is not chitinolytic [81].
the apparent stability of the disaccharide in the peri-
plasmic space and its subsequent uptake and induc-
tion e¡ects (see below). Interestingly, this enzyme has 5. Regulation of the chitin catabolic cascade
substantial identity in its amino acid sequence to
human and mouse lysosomal L-N-acetylhexosamin- The degradation of chitin is highly regulated in
idases, although these enzymes have a far di¡erent marine bacteria, such as V. furnissii. One example
substrate speci¢city and pH optimum than does the of this regulation is easily visualized (Fig. 4). In
V. furnissii periplasmic L-N-acetylhexosaminidase. this Figure, cells are plated at low density on chi-
The human enzyme is defective in Tay-Sachs' dis- tin/agar containing various nutrients. Expression of
ease. (4) Finally, a novel cytoplasmic enzyme, in- the chitinase is evident by `clearing' of the chitin as it
capable of hydrolyzing pNP-GlcNAc or MUF- is hydrolyzed. In rich broth (A), there is no clear
GlcNAc, but which hydrolyzes (GlcNAc)2 . (J.K. zone surrounding the very heavy colonies. In some-
Park and N. Keyhani, unpublished observations) what less rich broth (B), chitinase activity was ob-
Two key steps in the catabolism of the oligosac- served around small, but not large colonies. Similar
charides is how they get from the extracellular space results were obtained in synthetic medium. In 0.5%
to the periplasmic space, and how the ¢nal hydrolysis lactate (C), there are clear zones around some of the
products in the periplasm, GlcNAc and (GlcNAc)2 , colonies, and in 0.05% lactate medium (D), growth is
are transported across the cytoplasmic membrane. restricted (because of the limiting carbon), and there
While these subjects are beyond the scope of this are large clear zones. Finally, in the absence of all
review, the complexity of the problem can be brie£y other carbon sources except chitin (E), there is ex-
summarized as follows: (1) In general, Gram-nega- tensive secretion of chitinase although the colonies
tive bacteria express two types of porins, or openings are barely visible to the naked eye.

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Fig. 4. Induction of extracellular chitinase activity in V. furnissii grown on solid media. Cells were streaked on agar containing bu¡-
ered 50% arti¢cial sea water, NH3 and Pi, supplemented with the indicated carbon sources, and overlayed with chitin/agar containing
the same components. Plates contained: (A) high salt Luria Broth (LMB); (B) 2216 (rich) marine broth; (C) minimal plates contain-
ing 0.5% lactate in bu¡ered arti¢cial sea water (ASW); (D) minimal plates containing 0.05% lactate in ASW; (E) minimal ASW, chi-
tin is the only carbon source. Chitinase activity is visualized as clear zones around colonies. (photograph courtesy of C. Rowe, Johns
Hopkins University).

This simple experiment shows that expression of tion of the respective reporter genes by GlcNAc, and
the extracellular chitinase is highly catabolite re- three-fold by chitin in minimal media [82]. Repres-
pressed and that cells secrete a maximum quantity sion was observed in rich media with and without
of the enzyme when they are starved for other car- chitin, but was not detected in minimal media con-
bon (and nitrogen?) sources. taining glucose. The chitinase gene promoter was,
Other proteins and enzymes in the chitin degrada- however, induced by starvation and high CO2 levels,
tion pathway in chitinoclastic bacteria are also under but not by metal ion, heat or cold shock or UV
stringent control. In V. furnissii, expression of several exposure.
hexosaminidases, the transport system and chemo- The mechanisms involved in catabolite (glucose)
taxis are induced 50^100-fold by chitin oligosacchar- repression of the chitinolytic pathways are poorly
ides but not by the monosaccharide, GlcNAc. These understood and often vary even between closely re-
systems are catabolite repressed by the addition of lated organisms. The glucokinase gene product
other carbon sources such as glucose and mannitol, a (glkA) has been shown to mediate chitinase produc-
process possibly mediated by cAMP levels. Further- tion in Streptomyces lividans, which is induced by
more, analysis of chitinase de¢cient (phenotype) chitin and repressed in the presence of glucose [83].
Tn10 transposon mutants in V. furnissii, revealed a In Streptomyces coelicolor, however, glkA is not re-
class of mutants that mapped to the rpoS gene, which quired for glucose repression of chitinase production
is the gamma subunit of RNA polymerase responsi- (chi63) but instead repression is mediated by the
ble for expression of late log or stationary phase ccrA1 (carbon catabolite repression) gene [84,85].
genes (Dr. Xibing Li, unpublished results) and this Many bacteria utilize a signaling system for detect-
observation is in accord with the experiment in Fig. ing the density of the cell population in their imme-
4. diate micro-environment. The signaling system is
Studies using lacZ or green £uorescence protein called `quorum sensing' and the signals (species spe-
(gfp) fusions to a chitinase gene promoter in a ma- ci¢c) are N-acylhomoserine lactones (AHL). Regula-
rine Pseudoalteromonas sp., reported a 10-fold induc- tion of chitinase expression by an AHL, N-hexanoyl-

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118 N.O. Keyhani, S. Roseman / Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 1473 (1999) 108^122

L-homoserine lactone (HHL), has been shown in though external chitin, GlcNAc, and/or (GlcNAc)n ,
Chromobacterium violaceum [86]. This bacterium n = 2^6, are known to induce various pathways in
uses HHL as a signal molecule to regulate a wide many organisms, the nature of the true inducer(s)
variety of gene expressions including production of remains to be elucidated.
antibiotics and exoproteases. Similar signals are used There are few reports of genes that speci¢cally
to control bioluminescence in V. ¢scheri [87]. A mu- regulate chitin degradation. Two putative regulatory
tant defective in HHL production was completely genes (chiD and chiE) were cloned as part of a chitin
de¢cient in chitinase activity when induced in the utilization regulon of Serratia liquefaciens [89].
presence of chitin. Addition of synthetic HHL re- Transposon insertion or deletion of chiD resulted
stored wild type chitinase production inducibility in higher expression of chitinase activity, while inac-
[86]. tivation of chiE resulted in lowered chitinase expres-
To date there have been no reports directly char- sion. The lowered chitinase expression observed in
acterizing the (substrate) molecule(s) and their e¡ec- chiE mutants could be alleviated if the strain was
tor(s) proteins responsible for induction of the vari- grown close to (i.e. streaked on the same agar plate)
ous enzymes and signaling pathways in chitin a near neighbor. These results suggested that chiD
degradation. Production of a transglycosylating en- may encode for a repressor and chiE may be in-
zyme in culture supernatants of an Alteromonas sp., volved in synthesis of an inducer.
which appeared to result in the production of Finally, a pleiotropic regulatory gene, reg1, was
GlcNAc-LC6-GlcNAc, has been described [88]. identi¢ed in Streptomyces lividans, which controlled
Whether or not this molecule interacts with the tran- both amylase and chitinase expression [90]. Chitinase
scriptional regulatory machinery (as an inducer or production in reg1 mutants was no longer induced
derepressor) remains to be determined. Thus, al- by chitin, but was also no longer catabolite repressed

Fig. 5. The chitin catabolic cascade. Overall dynamics of chitin degradation by marine bacteria (see text for explanation). C is the
soluble extracellular chitinase (see Fig. 4).

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(by glucose). The RegI protein displayed similarity to attach to one (random collision? leaching of chitin
members of the lactose(LacI)/galactose(GalR) re- oligosaccharides?), grow and divide. The cuticle is
pressor family. digested, and the cells, ultimately deprived of nour-
ishment, begin to starve. The production of chi-
tinases and their occurrence in the water at various
6. Concluding remarks concentrations then plays a central role in locating
the next cuticle. One possibility is that `endogenous'
The quantity of chitin that is produced annually is chitinases produced by the chitin containing organ-
virtually beyond one's ability to conceptualize and ism at various life stages (i.e. during molting) will
yet only traces are present in marine sediments. result in the release of chitin oligosaccharides. Alter-
Although other organisms are capable of digesting nately, as the bacteria starve, expression of the ex-
chitin, it appears that the vast bulk of this highly tracellular chitinase, designated C in the Figure, is
insoluble polymer is turned over by bacteria, at least upregulated and chitinase is secreted. This soluble
in marine ecosystems. The detailed molecular mech- enzyme di¡uses away from the cells and a few mol-
anisms of many of these events remain to be eluci- ecules of C collide with the second cuticle. C begins
dated, however, the emerging picture shows that chi- to digest the chitin, forming a gradient of the prod-
tin degradation follows a highly sophisticated and uct (GlcNAc)2 . This gradient then attracts the starv-
complex series of coordinated processes, each involv- ing cells attached to the original cuticle and the proc-
ing many genes and gene products. For example, ess of chemotaxis ensues. Finally, a number of cells
expression of the lectin involved in the binding of ¢nd the second cuticle and the degradative process
V. furnissii to chitin, which also plays a key role in begins once again.
nutrient sensing, is likely to be similar to other bac- What is proposed here, in fact, is that a secreted
terial lectins. But expressing lectin activity is compli- extracellular chitinase may have two functions, one
cated, as was shown in a series of elegant studies by to provide the nutrient (GlcNAc)2 and the other to
Normark and his associates [91]. E. coli lectins are create a chemotactic path to a new source of chitin.
expressed at the tips of their pili and expression in- This picture predicts that such organisms must ex-
volved 11 genes in the pap operon. press other chitinases, possibly a cell-associated chi-
Assuming that V. furnissii is a paradigm for ma- tinase. Reasoning teleologically, the ideal arrange-
rine bacteria in general, we suppose that the entire ment in the marine environment is likely to be a
process of chitin degradation is triggered by the con- cell associated chitinase which would yield products
tinuous search for food. This is especially important that are immediately absorbed. This would be much
in the marine biosphere where phosphate is non-ex- more e¤cient than depending on the C enzyme
istent except in the sediments and perhaps along the which acts on chitin both near and far away, giving
coasts and where useful nitrogen is also exceedingly di¡usible products, some or most of which are likely
limited. In regions of the ocean waters where other to be lost to the environment. This idea suggests that
nutrients are plentiful, chitin degradation is probably a single cell, depending on the surrounding condi-
of little consequence to such organisms (see Fig. 4). tions can make one or more chitinases. Indeed, there
But as the food supply or any necessary component are frequent reports of multiple chitinases produced
in the supply dwindles, chitin becomes an excellent by a single bacterium [7,14,15,92^94,20] although to
food source. our knowledge there are no published explanations
The steps that were discussed above are schemati- for the physiological advantages of making more
cally illustrated in Fig. 5. One additional hypothesis than one enzyme.
is advanced in this scheme, and this is to answer one In sum, we have only begun to appreciate the com-
of the questions posed above, namely `how do these plexity, sophistication, and indeed, the elegance of
organisms ¢nd their targets?' In the cartoon, two the process by which marine bacteria catabolize
cuticles are depicted lying near each other. Bacteria this simple polymer called chitin.

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