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Solar Panel Inverters

Learn more about what Solar Panel Inverters do

What are solar panel inverters? What are they good for?

Solar Panel inverters are used primarily to change direct current to alternating current via
an electrical switching process. You can think of inverters used with solar panels as
electronically synthesized alternators.

Types of Solar Panel Inverters

There are three types of solar panel inverters:

• Stand-Alone Solar Panel Inverters

• Synchronous Solar Panel Inverters
• Multi-function Solar Panel Inverters

Stand-Alone Solar Panel Inverters

Stand Alone solar panel inverters function to change direct current (DC) from a battery to
Alternating Current (AC). Stand alone inverters, which range from around 100 watts to as
much as 8000 watts, are used to power a vast variety of personal or small business
projects. Lower watt stand-alone inverters are often used to power laptop computers,
whereas high-watt stand-alone inverters could be used to help power an entire household.
In order to calculate what class of inverter you need for use with your solar panel, you
will first have to determine the maximum sum of all of the Alternating Current loads in
your project (or home).

How to calculate the wattage you need from your stand-alone solar panel inverter

=Total AC Load

This is the wattage you need from your stand alone solar panel inverter.

You can usually find the wattage rating on your home appliances by checking the power
cable. The sum of these wattage ratings is what you need to determine the wattage you
need from your solar panel stand-alone inverter.

Surge-Compliant Stand-Alone Inverters

It is important to purchase a quality stand-alone inverter that has a built-in ability to surge
if you are using heavy equipment, power tools, or automatic washers, dryers, and
dishwashers. These appliances and equipment require a surge on startup, which your
stand-alone inverter must be able to supply if you are planning to use these appliances.

Synchronous Solar Panel Inverters

The term Synchronous Solar Panel Inverters arises from the synchronous dynamic that
such a system creates between the utility company and a personal solar-panel installation.
Synchronous Solar Panel Inverters allow power generated by your solar panels to be
stored in battery. If there is an excess (meaning you did not use as much power as you
produced), the power is sold back to the utility company at the same rate at which you are

On the other hand, if your solar panels are unable to provide you with the power you
need, your Synchronous Solar Panel Inverter will allow the utility company to supply
power to make up the difference. The advantages of a Synchronous Solar Panel Inverter
are many, as you can see. This Synchronous Solar Panel Inverter system is quite useful -
your batteries will provide you with energy during the utility company's power outages,
and on bleak, rainy days, you won't have to worry about your solar panels performance,
because any power you need will be supplied by the utility company via your
Synchronous Solar Panel Inverter.

A final advantage of Synchronous Solar Panel Inverters is that you will not have to
precisely calculate your Alternating Current load in order to set up the system. It is only
necessary if you want to have complete reliance on solar panel in most scenarios, but if
you are comfortable with buying a steady but small portion of power from the utility
company, a rough estimation of wattage from your solar panel system should suffice with
the Synchronous Inverter.

Multifunction Solar Panel Inverters

Multifunction Solar Panel Inverters combine the best of both worlds, and they are usually
the best choice for your solar panel system. While more expensive, multifunction
inverters may be your best choice. Contact your solar panel dealer for more specific
information on Multifunction Solar Panel Inverters.

True and Modified Sine Wave Inverters

An inverter converts a direct current to an alternating current through a delicate electrical
switching process. This process makes an inverter function as a synthesized alternator,
which are typically used to produce AC current by creating a smooth alternation, similar
to a pendulum gently swinging. This alternation takes the form of a sine wave, which is
the ideal wave pattern for transmitting AC power.
Modified Sine Wave Inverters

Modified Sine Wave inverters are better in typical solar applications when electric motors
are not involved. They are not quite as efficient as true sine wave inverters, but you'll find
that they are much more affordable. Unlike true sine wave inverters, modified sine wave
intverters produce a stepped waveform, which isn't really a sine wave at all.

Because the current is not alternating perfectly, the stepped waveform of the modified
sine wave inverter causes the inverter to generate an irritating buzz. Take this into careful
consideration when purchasing an inverter.

True Sine Wave Inverters

True sine wave inverters are very efficient and have a very accurate waveform to the true
sine wave. True sine wave inverters are a little more pricey than modified sine wave
inverters because of the reduced noise and their strong compatibility with certain devices,
such as electric motors. This is the better option if you value silence, or want optimal
performance from electric motors, such as those found in an electric water pump.

Solar power and voltage inverters

One of the things I love about solar power is not only the clean, green renewable energy
aspect and gaining independence from the grid, but also their relative simplicity in terms
of the number of components needed to create electricity.

All you need is a solar panel, some wiring, a solar regulator (aka charge controller) and a
deep cycle battery for storage in some cases - and an inverter, which is a critical
component in turning power from the panel into juice you can use in the home.

What is an inverter?

The output from a solar panel is usually 12 or 24 volts direct current (DC). While there's
many appliances on the market that can run on 12 volts (mainly camping and off road
gadgets), the "normal" appliances in our homes need a different type of juice - 110 or 240
volt alternating current (AC) depending on the country you live in. The magic box that
can achieve this conversion is the inverter.

AC? DC? What's the difference?

My understanding is essentially it's in the movement of electrons. A flow of direct current

(DC) electricity is continuous in one direction, the current in AC electricity alternates in
Past that explanation, you'll need to consult someone more familiar with electricity than
me, but AC is used for mains supply primarily because the voltage can be transformed
and carried over a longer distance with less energy loss.

The odd thing is that many AC appliances actually run on DC. While they plug into an
AC outlet the internal circuitry converts this into DC.

I'll leave it at that before I confuse myself (and you). The bottom line is, you need an
inverter to run appliances designed to work with mains electricity :).

A note on cheap inverters

I bought a cheap inverter for my trips into the outback. It's only rated at 150 watts, but
that's enough to power a notebook and lights running off 240 volt (mains supply current
in Australia).

However, the inverter gets quite warm, even when running a 5 watt fluorescent and that
heat represents energy loss and wasted deep cycle battery draw. Plugging in my notebook
really makes it heat up and in summer it will often trip out the inverter.

I discovered that this is common when running appliances that have adaptors off cheap
inverters. Mine is ok in a pinch, but for serious off grid work such as powering a house
where you'll be using more than a couple of hundred watts at any given time, don't skimp
on an inverter as it will cost you more in the long run; go for a true sine wave inverter.

Bear in mind too that if you're buying a full solar power system, renewable energy
rebates offered by many governments can substantially reduce the cost.

True sine wave

Sounds like surfing jargon doesn't it? A true sine wave inverter is the best choice if you're
powering sensitive electronic equipment or reliant on a steady flow of "clean" electricity.
True-sine wave inverters crank out electricity that is identical in quality (and sometimes
better) than the power you draw from a mains supply.

The other type of inverter, and it's the type I have, is a modified-sine wave. Unlike true
sine wave, which appears as a smooth set of waves when viewed with an oscilloscope, a
modified sine wave appears as being choppy and squared - and that represents the quality
of the power. It's the poor cousin of true sine wave.
Mains grid vs. SAPs inverters

When selecting a true sine wave inverter, you also need to ensure you buy the right one
and depending on the type, you may need an appropriately accredited installer to do the

A mains grid inverter is one where you'll not only be drawing power from the panels, but
any excess juice being produced at a particular point in time is fed back into the grid - i.e
a mains grid connect solar power system. You'll definitely need a licensed installer to
perform the work given the voltages involved.

A SAPS inverter is one for a Stand Alone Power System - i.e. an off grid system. These
basically just plug into your deep cycle battery bank, so you can install them yourself;
just take heed of the instructions to prevent any nasty, ahem, shocks.

What size inverter?

The size of the inverter you'll need depends upon your peak power loads. If you add up
the wattage of all the appliances you'd be using at the same time, that will give you an
indicator. You can also use this solar power system builder - based on your input, it will
tell you the size inverter, panels, batteries etc. you'll require based on your needs.

Important note - electrical appliances often use far more juice when they are firing up
than in normal operation; up to 3x as much. For example, a 200 watt rated appliance
might use up to 600 watts for a few seconds when it is switched on; so you'll need to
ensure the inverter you buy can handle high draws briefly.

If you're buying an inverter for anything else apart from light use, it's really best to talk to
an expert in renewable energy first - guessing what you'll need can wind up being very
costly exercise.

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