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Ser una institución educativa vanguardista e innovadora que incorpora la gestión de la
tecnología de la información y comunicación en sus procesos de enseñanza – aprendizaje.

Desarrollar una oferta educativa integral basada en los procesos de calidad y equidad
social para la formación del talento humano y la gestión del conocimiento, capaz de
insertarse en la sociedad.


 Ética.
 Calidad
 Credibilidad
 Confiabilidad
 Diversidad
 Competitividad
 Equidad


Informática Secretariado
(Tecnologías y Extracurriculares) Idiomas (Inglés)
(Comercial / Negocios)

 Técnico en Informática  Secretariado Ejecutivo  Inglés Regular

 Diseño Gráfico Adobe  Técnico Digitación  Inglés Intensivo
 Diseño Páginas Web  Mercadeo y Ventas  Niños y Adolescentes
 Contabilidad Auxiliar  Conversación
 Programación Páginas Web
 Auxiliar de Inventarios  Gramática inglesa
 Programación .NET  Cajero Comercial
 Desarrollo Web Avanzado  Técnico en Publicidad
 Técnico Soporte Tecnologías
 Redes Cisco (CCNA)
 Hardware (Reparación PC)
 Reparación Celulares

1. Un examen de medio tiempo (Midterm): Que comprende las tres primeras

unidades impartidas.

2. Un examen final: Que comprende las tres últimas unidades correspondientes su


3. Un examen oral: que esta compuestos por la preguntas contenidas en el cuestión

bank (banco de preguntas)

4. Nota de práctica: que la componen los ejercicios de las unidades vistas, realizadas
en el libro de trabajo.

5. Participación: Es tomado del desempeño del /la estudiante en cada encuentro de


6. Asistencia: Se toma de cada encuentro en el que el/la estudiante este presente.

7. Resultados Final: Es el promedio total de todas las notas.


El pago debe realizarse antes de la fecha de los exámenes, parciales o finales, en casos de
no poder realizar el pago en la fecha indica, puede tomar un examen diferido por el cual
tendrá que pagar una penalidad de RD$300.00 por no haber realizado el pago en la fecha
Interchange Book 1
Question Bank for the Final Exam (Level 4 /FIN )
 Unit 7 We had a great time!
 How did you spend yesterday? Where did you go? Did you have a good time?
 What did you do last weekend? Did you [activity]?
 Did you go out on Friday night? Did you meet any friends? When did you go to bed?
 Did you work on Saturday/Sunday? What time did you get up? Was the weather OK?
What was the best thing about your weekend?
 Did you see a movie last week? What did you see? How did you like it?
 Did you [activity] last month? Were your classmates with you? Who was with you?
 Where did you spend your last vacation? How long were you there? Who were you
with? What did you do there? How was the weather? How was the food?
 Ask me about my last vacation, or Ask [classmate] about his/her weekend or last

 Unit 8 What's your neighborhood like?

 What’s a [place name]?
 Is there a [place name] in your neighborhood?
 Is there a [place name] near here? Where is it?
 Are there any [place names] in your neighborhood?
 Are there any [place names] in this neighborhood? Where is one near here?
 Is there much crime/noise/parking/pollution/public transportation/traffic in your
neighborhood? How much is there?
 Are there many schools/traffic lights/parking garages/pay phones in your
neighborhood? How many are there around here? Where is one?
 Ask me about my neighborhood or Ask [classmate] about his/her neighborhood.

 Unit 9 What does she look like?

 .Voter Bring in pictures of people from a magazine to class. Add names.)
 What does [name] look like?
 How long is his/her hair? What color is his/her hair? What color are his/her eyes?
 Does [name] wear glasses? How old is [name]? How tall is [name]?
 Does [name] wear contact lenses/have curly blond hair/have a beard?
 Is [male name] handsome/middle-aged/very tall?
 Is [female name] pretty/elderly/fairly short?
 Who/Which one is [name]? Who’s the man/woman/one [participle or preposition +...]?
Which ones are [two names]? Who are the ones [participle or preposition + ...]?
 Is [name] the man/woman/one [participle or preposition + . . . ] ?
 Are [two names] the men/women/ones [participle or preposition + . . . ] ?
 Ask me about [classmate’s] appearance or Ask [classmate] about my appearance.
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Unit 7 Language summary

Nouns Kinds of homes Appliances Adjectives
Parts of houses and cabin microwave oven another
apartment buildings houseboat refrigerator big
bathroom penthouse stove dream (home)
bedroom villa Other expensive
closet Furniture computer lucky
dining room armchair difference small
elevator bed drive
bookcase forest
(first/second) floor love
garage curtain(s) store
hall dresser view
kitchen lamp Adverbs
mirror Determiners
laundry room just (one room)
living room picture next (weekend)
lots of
lobby rug
room sofa

Asking about and describing a home
What’s the house/apartment like?
It’s beautiful.
It has . . . .
Does it have . . . ?
Yes, it does.
No, it doesn’t.
There’s a/an . . . .
There’s no . . . .
There isn’t a/an . . . .
There are some . . . .
There aren’t any . . . .
There are no . . . .
Expressing approval
(Oh,) nice.
That’s great.
This . . . is great.
That’s super.
That sounds nice.
Giving surprising information
Guess what?

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Unit 8 Language summary

Nouns police officer Adjectives guess
Jobs receptionist boring handle
athlete salesperson dangerous sit
cashier security guard difficult stand
chef/cook singer easy talk
doctor waiter/waitress exciting teach
firefighter Workplaces interesting write
flight attendant high school perfect
front desk agent hospital relaxing
after (work)
judge hotel safe
lawyer office stressful
manager Other terrific
pretty (plus adjective)
musician money
photographer person (plural: people)
pilot uniform

Exchanging information about work Exchanging personal information
Where do you work? How are things (with you)?
I work in a/an . . . . Not bad.
What do you do there? I hear . . . .
I’m a/an . . . . Giving more information
When do you start/finish work? . . . , you know.
I start/finish work at . . . . Giving surprising information
What do you do after work? Actually, . . . .
I.... Expressing interest
Where does your brother work? That’s funny.
He works . . . . That’s interesting.
What does he do? Expressing uncertainty
He . . . . I guess . . . .
Talking about likes and dislikes
How do you like it?
Not very much.
I really like it.
It’s OK.
They hate it.
I like it/them a lot.

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Unit 9 Language summary

Nouns Grains Vegetables Verbs
Meals bread broccoli buy
breakfast cereal carrot(s) come
lunch cracker(s) celery drink
dinner noodles lettuce put
snack pasta tomato(es) try
Dairy (foods) rice onion(s) want
cheese toast potato(es)
tortilla(s) Other foods Adverbs
Fruit jam Adverbs of frequency
apple(s) jelly always
Desserts hardly ever
cake banana(s) pickle(s)
mango(es) picnic often
orange(s) (potato) salad sometimes
fruit salad
strawberries (singular: sandwich(es) usually
ice cream
strawberry) soup never
Meat and other protein Other Other
Drinks (Japanese-) style
coffee bacon habit
(orange) juice bean(s) Prepositions
beef Determiner
lemonade very little at (my desk)
(green) tea chicken for (breakfast/the picnic)
Fat, oil, sugar egg(s) Adjectives
butter fish awful
candy hamburger(s) bad
cream nuts good
mayonnaise mealtime
oil other
potato chips sweet

Talking about likes and dislikes Talking about health
I like . . . . . . . is/are good for you.
I don’t like . . . . . . . is/are bad for you.
I don’t want . . . . Making a suggestion
I hate . . . . How about . . . ?
That sounds awful! Agreeing to do something
Talking about things you need All right.
Do we have any . . . ? OK.
Yes, we do. Sure!
No, we don’t. We need some. Disagreeing with an opinion
Do you need any . . . ? I think . . . .
Yes, we need some . . . . Are you sure? I think . . . .
No, we don’t need any . . . . Thinking before responding

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Interchange Book 1
Question Bank for the Final Exam (Level 5 /MED )

 Unit 10 Have you ever ridden a camel?

 Have you been to [place]? How many times?
 Have you ever eaten [type of cuisine]?
 Have you ever [activity]? When did you . . . ?
 Have you [activity] yet today? Have you [activity] lately/recently?
 How many times have you [activity] this week?
 Has your [family member] called you this week?
 Has your [family member or friend] had a vacation this year?
 Where have you lived for six months or more?
 How long have you lived in this [town or city]? How long did you live in [town or
city]? How long were you in elementary/high school?
 How long have you studied English?
 How long have you been here today?
 How long have you had that [object]?
 Ask me about what I’ve done recently, or Ask [classmate] about what he/she has done

 Unit 11 It's a very exciting place!

 What’s your hometown like? How big is it? Is it [adjective]? Are there any [attractions]?
 What’s the weather like in the [season]?
 What’s the shopping like in your hometown? What are the prices like? What can you do
in the evenings? How about the weekends?
 What shouldn’t I miss in your hometown? What should I see there? What can’t I do
 Is [attraction] open every day? How much does it cost?
 What’s the public transportation like in this [town or city]? Should I take the buses?
 Should I rent a car?
 Ask me about my hometown or Ask [classmate] about his/her hometown.

 Unit 12 It really works!

 How are you? How are you feeling today?
 What should you do for [health problem]?
 What do you do when you can’t sleep/feel very stressed/can’t concentrate?
 What can you buy in a [name of container]?
 Imagine you have [health problem] and I’m a pharmacist. Ask me for something.
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Unit 10 Language summary

Nouns Other Determiner fix
Sports ability all paint
baseball beach practice
chess Adjectives sing
contest artistic surf
bike riding
free time athletic tell
horse hidden
golf Adverb
joke mechanical
gymnastics about
piano musical
show technical
hockey Time expressions
ice-skating song Verbs once/twice a month
skiing talent act tomorrow
volleyball team bake
TV design
violin draw
Web page enter

Talking about sports Giving a compliment
What sports do you like/play/watch? You can . . . really well!
I love/play/watch (soccer). You’re a really good . . . !
I don’t like/play (golf). Thanks.
I (really) love (tennis). Introducing a topic
Who do you play/watch soccer with? So, . . . .
With some friends from work. Expressing interest
When does your team practice? Really?
We practice on Sundays. Oh, yeah?
What time do you start practice? Agreeing to do something
We start practice at noon. Sure. Why not?
Where do you play?
We play in the park at the beach.
Talking about abilities and talents
What can I do?
Can you sing?
Yes, I can.
No, I can’t.
Can they sing?
Yes, they can sing very well.
No, they can’t sing at all.

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Unit 11 Language summary

Nouns Christmas Pronoun send
Months Father’s Day anything stay home
January graduation take (me) out
Halloween Adjectives take pictures
March Independence Day Dates
Mother’s Day (1st–31st) Adverbs
New Year’s Day See Exercise 1 on Time expressions
Thanksgiving page 62. next month
Valentine’s Day Other next summer
wedding embarrassing next week
special this weekend
September Other
October card Verbs tomorrow night
November dance ask tonight
December girlfriend celebrate
parade Other
Holidays, festivals, and end
party so (= very)
special occasions get married
anniversary pictures invite
birthday present order

Talking about future plans Talking about dates
Are you going to do anything exciting this weekend? When is your birthday?
Yes, I am. I’m going to . . . . It’s September 5th.
No, I’m not. I’m going to . . . . Wishing someone a good holiday
What are your plans? Happy birthday!
What are you going to do? Thanks.
I’m going to . . . . Have a good Valentine’s Day!
Where are you going to go? Thanks. You, too.
I’m going to go to . . . . Exchanging information
How are you going to get there? How about you?
We’re going to . . . . Expressing approval
Who’s going to be there? (That) sounds like fun.
. . . is/are going to be there. Fabulous!
When/What time are you going to . . . ?
We’re going to . . . at . . . .

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Unit 12 Language summary

Nouns Health problems Adjectives Verbs
Parts of the body backache Positive feelings give
ankle cough better hurt
arm earache fantastic point
back fever fine rest
chest the flu great stay up
chin headache terrific take a look
ear sore eyes/throat Negative feelings
stomachache Adverbs
elbow awful
toothache already
eye exhausted much
finger(s) Medications homesick well
foot (plural: feet) antacid miserable
hand aspirin sick
head (cold) pills sore
heel cough drops terrible
knee cough syrup tired
leg eye drops Other
mouth muscle cream common
neck Other wrong
nose dentist
shoulder hour
stomach part
throat patient
thumb soda
tooth (plural: teeth)

Talking about health problems Giving a suggestion
How are you? Maybe I can help.
How do you feel (today)? I have an idea.
Not so good. Take/Don’t take . . . .
What the matter? Eat/Don’t eat . . . .
What’s wrong? Agreeing with a suggestion
I feel sick. That’s a great idea!
I don’t feel well. Asking for more information
Expressing sympathy Anything else?
That’s too bad.
I’m sorry to hear that.
That’s good.
I’m glad to hear that.

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Vocabulary 10. Who works in a store?
Choose the correct answer. a) a judge
b) a nurse
1. Who makes food? c) a salesperson
a) a waiter
b) a security guard 11. A receptionist works _______.
c) a chef a) on a plane
b) in the beach
2. The chef cooks fish in very hot _____ . c) in an office
a) potato chips
b) oil 12. A musician _______.
c) lettuce a) drives a taxi
b) plays music
3. _____ is a green vegetable.
c) cashes checks
a) Broccoli
b) Beef
13. A doctor works with _______.
c) Rice
a) animals
4. It's cold in the_____. b) people
a) dresser c) cars
b) bookcase
c) refrigerator 14. A person sleeps _______.
a) on a coffee table
5. A judge works with_____. b) in the refrigerators
a) lawyers c) on a bed
b) receptionists
c) waitresses 15. Beds are normally _______.
a) In the bathroom
6. Jane is using the_____. She's making b) in the dining room
dinner. c) in the bedroom
a) stove
b) mirror 16. I like_____ with my cereal.
c) curtains a) milk
b) fish
7. Who works in a restaurant? c) pasta
a) a lawyer
b) a nurse 17. There are four people on the_____.
c) a waitress a) clock
b) sofa
8. Who works in a hospital? c) lamp
a) a lawyer
b) a nurse 18. I like_____ in my coffee.
c) a waitress a) eggs
b) tomatoes
9. Who works on a plane? c) cream
a) a chef
b) a nurse
c) a pilot
19. Who works in a store?
a) a lawyer 29. Lisa is making _____. She is using
b) a waitress potatoes and oil.
c) a salesperson a) candy
b) cereal
20. The_____ is in front of the sofa in the c) potato chips
living room.
a) refrigerator 30. A pilot works with a _____.
b) coffee table a) waitress
c) microwave oven b) flight attendant
c) chef
21. Tony is sleeping in his_____.
a) rug 31. _____ are orange vegetables.
b) table a) Oranges
c) bed b) Carrots
c) Mangoes
22. Who works behind a desk?
a) a receptionist 32. Who works in a hospital?
b) a flight attendant a) a nurse
c) a chef b) a judge
c) a musician
23. Miguel's clothes are in the_____.
a) rug Grammar
b) dresser Choose the correct answer.
c) coffee table
33. I_____ eat breakfast at work. I have
24. Who works with money? breakfast there every day.
a) a police officer a) sometimes
b) a singer b) hardly ever
c) a cashier c) always

25. I don't want any _____ I hate fruit. 34. A policeman has _____.
a) apples a) dangerous
b) butter b) dangerous job
c) noodles c) a dangerous job

26. Meg does her homework at her_____. 35. A: Do your sister and brother study
a) desk English?
b) mirror B: No, _____.
c) picture a) they do
b) he studies
c) they don't
27. In the evening, I watch _____. 36. _____ curtains in the windows.
a) pictures a) There's a
b) mirrors b) There aren’t any
c) television c) There's no

28. A: Let's make some sandwiches! 37. A: Does your father drive to work every day?
B: Sorry. We don't have any _____. B: Yes, _____.
a) bread a) he does
b) candy b) he is
c) oranges c) he drive
47. A: _____ like your job?
38. _____ chairs under the kitchen table. B: It's great. I'm very happy there.
a) There is a) How are you
b) There are no b) What do you
c) There's no c) How do you

39. Do you want a_____? 48. A: _____ your doctor work?

a) butter B: He works at City Hospital.
b) cheese a) Where does
c) mango b) Where do
c) Where is
40. A photographer has_____.
49. A: Do you and your friends like to study?
a) an interesting job
B: Yes, _____. We study every day.
b) is interesting
a) they do
c) interesting job
b) we do
c) I study
41. _____ rug under the sofa.
a) There is 50. I'm eating some_____.
b) There aren't any a) carrot
c) There's no b) nut
c) cheese
42. Mike_____ gets up early. On weekdays he
gets up at 6:00 A.M., but on Sunday he 51. _____ refrigerator in the kitchen.
sleeps late. a) There's
a) never b) There are no
b) usually c) There isn't a
c) sometimes
52. I'm making a salad, but we don't have any __.
43. I _____ drink tea in the morning, but on a) lettuce
Fridays I drink coffee. b) egg
a) never c) potato
b) hardly ever
c) usually 53. _____ Aiko eats breakfast.
a) Sometimes
44. A: Does the kitchen have a microwave oven? b) Never
B: Yes, _____ . c) Always
a) you do
b) it does 54. A: _____ go in the evening?
B: I go to my friend's house.
c) doesn't it
a) Where are you
b) Where do you
c) What do you
45. Do we need any_____?
55. A: _____ study?
a) beef
B: They study in the classroom.
b) orange
a) Where do they
c) tomato
b) How do they
46. _____ English book in the bookcase. c) When do they
a) There is
56. My mother's job_____.
b) There aren't any
a) her stressful
c) There's an
b) stressful
c) is stressful
57. A: Does your house have six rooms? 67. An athlete has_____.
B: No, _____. It has five rooms. a) exciting job
a) it doesn't b) job is exciting
b) it isn't c) an exciting job
c) it's not
68. A: Do you ever eat cake?
58. _____ pictures on the wall. B: No, I _____ do.
a) There are some a) never
b) There isn't a b) always
c) There is c) often
59. We don't need_____. 69. A: _____ do?
a) some bread B: I'm a receptionist.
b) any milk a) What do you
c) some yogurt b) How do you
c) How are you
60. A security guard has_____.
a) boring job
70. Is _____ good for you?
b) boring
a) tomato
c) a boring job
b) oil
61. I think a receptionist's job_____. c) bean
a) easy
b) has easy 71. Does Tom want a _____?
c) is easy a) strawberry
b) egg
62. Maria doesn't want _____. c) orange
a) noodle
b) some candy 72. A: Do you have a cap?
c) any cream B: Yes, _____.
a) I do
63. A: I'm a teacher. b) I have
B: Oh? _____ you teach? c) I wear
a) What do
b) Where does 73. A: _____ brother like school?
c) Where are B: He likes it very much.
a) How do you
64. _____ isn't good for you. b) How do your
a) Potato chips c) How does your
b) Candy
c) Noodles
74. A: Do you live in an apartment?
B: Yes, _____ .
65. A: Does Alex live with his parents? a) he does
B: Yes, _____. b) I do
a) does he c) do I
b) he does
c) doesn't he 75. A: _____ run?
B: She runs in the morning.
66. A: _____ your parents get up? a) How does she
B: They get up at 6:00 A.M. b) When does she
a) How do c) When is she
b) When do
c) When are
76. A: Do I need a clock? 85. “Is there a dog in the house?” “No,___ .”
B: No, _____. You have eight clocks! a) there isn’t
a) you don't need b) is there
b) don't need c) there aren’t
c) you don't
86. _____ two little trees in the garden.
77. Carmen doesn't like grapes. She _____ a) Are there
eats them, but she eats them on New b) There is
Year's Day. c) There are
a) always
b) often 87. “Is there_____ tea in this kitchen?”
c) hardly ever a) any
b) some
78. A: Do you play tennis on Sunday? c) a
B: No, _____. We ride our bikes.
a) don't I 88. Sorry, there isn’t _____ more tea.
b) you don't a) any
c) we don't b) some
c) a
79. _____ are good for you.
a) Egg 89. “Are there any girls in your class?” “No,
b) Beans there aren´t _____ “
c) Bread a) any
b) some
80. A: What_____? c) a
B: She's a nurse.
a) do you do 90. Are there _____ lamps in the house?
b) does Alice do a) any
c) does she b) some
c) a
81. _____ are good for you.
a) Egg 91. Is there _____ book on the table?
b) Beans a) any
c) Bread b) some
c) a
82. _____ a lamp in the room.
a) There is 92. Is there … beer in the glasses?
b) There are a) any
c) Is there b) some
c) a
83. Susan, _____ a chair in the garden?
a) there is
b) is there
c) are there

84. “Are there many windows in the house?”

“Yes, .......... many.”
a) there are
b) there is
c) are there
Vocabulary 9. My mother and father love to_____
Choose the correct answer. together. They're musical and athletic.
a) wear special clothes
1. Mike rides his bike every day. He has very b) dance
strong _____. c) take pictures
a) legs
b) ears 10. We always _____ on my birthday. My
c) teeth mother can bake very well.
a) wear special clothes
2. I have four fingers and one _____ on my b) eat cake
hand. c) take pictures
a) toe
b) thumb 11. My mother _____ in the kitchen every
c) neck Sunday.
a) surfs
3. I can't read this paper. My_____ are tired. b) rides a horse
a) eyes c) bakes a cake
b) ears
c) arms 12. I have ten _____ on my feet.
a) toes
4. Susan has an interesting job. She _____ b) wrists
Web pages. c) fingers
a) does
b) tells 13. Leila is funny. She _____ .
c) designs a) rides horses
b) tells good jokes
5. Tomorrow is graduation day! My parents are c) surfs
going to _____ For me at a nice restaurant.
a) have a party 14. My _____ are in my sneakers.
b) have a picnic a) legs
c) eat cake b) feet
c) knees
6. Diana is very musical. She can _____ .
a) play the violin 15. Michael is athletic. He can _____.
b) fix a car a) tell good jokes
c) do gymnastics b) do gymnastics
c) play chess
7. A: Are you going to _____ on New Year's Day?
B: Yes, I am. I'm going to wear a red cap, a 16. John can't swim, so he doesn't .
red coat, and red shoes! a) ride a horse
a) take pictures b) surf
b) wear special clothes c) play chess
c) eat special food
17. Jaime is a photographer. He _____.
8. Reiko is artistic. She _____ . a) sings songs
a) paints pictures b) has a party
b) bakes cakes c) takes pictures
c) tells good jokes
18. Your _____ is under your mouth. 27. A: Are you going to go swimming
a) head tomorrow?
b) nose B: No, I'm not. I'm _____ football.
c) chin a) playing to
b) go to play
19. Let’s _____ in the park. I can bring the c) going to play
a) have a picnic 28. Who do you go hiking ?
b) send cards a) on
c) give presents b) with
c) to
20. My brother is mechanical. He _____
motorcycles and cars. 29. A: How _____ ?
a) fixes B: I feel miserable.
b) paints a) 's the matter
c) plays b) 's wrong
c) do you feel
21. People usually _____ to their mother on
Mother's Day. 30. A: Is Philip going to read a book?
a) eat cake B: _____. He's going to watch television.
b) send cards a) He's not going
c) eat special food b) No, he isn't
c) Yes, he is
22. I have 32 _____ in my mouth.
a) teeth 31. A: _____ your sister run?
b) chins B: She runs at 6:30 P.M.
c) tooth a) What time does
b) When do
23. We use our _____ to listen. c) Why does
a) throat
b) stomach 32. Jimmy ate six apples. Now he has _____ .
c) ears a) a backache
b) an earache
24. Some people_____ to family and friends on c) a stomachache
their birthday.
a) give presents 33. A: _____ can Tony play?
b) take pictures B: Volleyball, baseball, and tennis.
c) dance a) What sports
b) Are sports
Grammar c) Can sports
Choose the correct answer.
34. A: Is Mary-Anne going _____ chess with you?
25. A: How do you feel? B: No, she isn't.
B: I don't feel well. I think I _____ the flu. a) play
a) feel b) plays
b) am c) to play
c) have
35. A: Doctor, I have _____ .
26. A: _____ Mitch and Carrie going to ride B: I see. Use this muscle cream twice a day.
their bikes? a) a backache
B: At the park. b) an earache
a) Where are c) a sore throat
b) How are
c) Where is
36. A: _____ does Jill watch television? 46. Can fix cars?
B: She never watches it. a) she
a) What b) you do
b) How c) do they
c) How often
47. A: _____ do you go bike riding with?
37. A: Dad, is it cold outside? B: I go with my husband.
B: Yes, it's very cold. _____ your coat and hat. a) What
a) Doesn't wear b) Why
b) Wear c) Who
c) Wears
48. A: Doctor, I can't sleep.
38. _____ a fever? B: _____ coffee at night.
a) Do you have a) Don't drink
b) Are you feeling b) Doesn’t drink
c) Are you having c) Drinks

39. When are_____ at Kevin's party? 49. A: _____ do gymnastics?

a) you going to go B: At school.
b) they going to be a) Where you
c) we going to have b) Where do you
c) Where are you
40. A: _____ play the piano?
B: No, he can't. 50. A: Are you sick?
a) Pedro B: Yes, I am. I feel _____.
b) Pedro does a) great
c) Can Pedro b) awful
c) terrific
41. Are the _____ baseball?
a) playing athletes 51. A: Are your parents going to go to Hawaii
b) going to play athletes on the 24th?
c) athletes going to play B: No, they aren't. They're _____ home.
a) going to stay
42. What _____ do tomorrow night? b) going to
a) you are going to c) stay
b) he's going to
c) are you going to 52. A: Good night, Al. _____ too hard.
B: Thanks, Peter.
43. A: Doctor, I have a headache. a) Work
B: _____ two aspirin. b) Working
a) Doesn't take c) Don't work
b) Take
c) Taking 53. A: _____ to the picnic?
B: Well, my sister's going to go, but I'm not.
44. Is your dog _____ my cap? a) How are you going to get
a) going b) Where are you going
b) going to eat c) Who's going to go
c) going to go
54. Ben has _____. He's going to go to the
45. Where _____ go next weekend? dentist.
a) is John going to a) a toothache
b) is John going b) a backache
c) John's going to c) a cold
55. A: Can Marty and Hiroshi cook? 65. A: _____ sing very well.
B: No, _____ . B: Thank you.
a) can't they a) You can't
b) they can't b) Can you
c) can they c) You can

56. A: _____ does Lauren go swimming? 66. A: When do you play chess?
B: She goes swimming on Mondays. B: We play_____ .
a) When a) with John and Sadao
b) Where b) at home
c) What time c) on Friday afternoons
57. _____ take me out for dinner?
a) Is he going 67. A: Are you sick?
B: No, I'm not. I feel _____ .
b) Are you going to
a) fine
c) Are they going
b) sick
58. A: Doctor, I have a cold. c) awful
B: _____ lots of juice, and call me in a week.
a) Don't drink 68. A: _____ to have a graduation party?
b) Drinking B: Yes, we are.
c) Drink a) You go
b) Are you having
59. A:_____ get to my graduation party? c) Are you going
B: By train.
a) How are you going to 69. A: Who can bake a cake?
b) Who's going to B: My father _____ .
c) Where are you going to a) does
b) can
60. A: Mom, I'm not tired. c) is
B: Ross, it's 10:00 P.M. _____.
a) Going to bed 70. A: Are Kevin and Jane going to sing songs?
b) Goes to bed B: Yes, they _____ .
c) Go to bed a) do
b) are
61. A: How often do you go swimming? c) going
B: I go_____.
a) at seven o'clock in the morning
71. A: What's the matter?
b) with some friends from school B: Nothing. Today I _____ .
c) once or twice a week a) feel better
b) feel homesick
62. A: _____ do?
B: He can act. c) have a headache
a) Can Bob
b) Who can Bob 72. A: _____ ?
B: Susan can.
c) What can Bob
a) Who can't draw
b) Who can ice-skate
63. A: What ______?
B: I have a cold. c) Susan draws
a) 's wrong
b) are you feeling 73. It __________________
c) do you feel a) is going to rain.
b) are going to rain.
64. How_____ get to the party? c) aren’t going to rain.
a) are we going to
b) you're going to
c) they're going to
74. They __________________ stew. 85. Is the tenth month of the year ______.
a) is going to eat a) April
b) are going to eat b) October
c) aren’t going to eat c) December

75. I __________________ blue shoes tonight. 86. Is the fourth month of the year ______.
a) is going to wear a) April
b) are going to wear b) November
c) am going to wear c) March

76. We __________________ you. 87. Is the seventh month of the year ______.
a) is going to help a) April
b) isn’t going to help b) Jun
c) aren’t going to help c) July

77. Jack and Jim __________________ home. 88. Is the first month of the year ______.
a) Is not going to walk a) April
b) are going to walk b) November
c) aren’t going to walk c) January

78. Lissette and Martha ______dinner? 89. Is the fifth month of the year ______.
a) is going to cook a) September
b) are going to cook b) August
c) isn’t going to cook c) May

79. Sue __________________ her biscuits. 90. Is the ninth month of the year ______.
a) is going to share a) August
b) are going to share b) September
c) aren’t going to share c) December

80. Hilary and her dog __________ the house? 91. In winter the weather is ______.
a) is going to leave a) Hot
b) are going to leave b) Cold
c) aren’t going to leave c) Fresh

81. she _________________ in the contest?

a) are going to take part
b) aren’t going to take part
c) is going to take part

82. I __________ my holiday abroad this year.

a) is going to spend
b) am going to spend
c) aren’t going to spend

83. Is the second month of the year ______.

a) April
b) June
c) February

84. Is the twelfth month of the year ______.

a) April
b) November
c) December
Evaluación para docentes del area de inglés
Fecha: Escala

Alguna veces
Casi siempre

Casi nunca
Nombre del profesor:


Nivel : Hora:
Marque con una X el cuadro de su elección 5 4 3 2 0
1) Asiste normalmente a clases y si falta lo justifica.
2) Cumple el horario de inicio y finalización de la clase.
3) Explica al inicio de la clase los objetivos y contenidos de la unidad a tratar.
4) Desarrolla en clase los contenidos de la unidad presentada.
5) Explica con claridad los conceptos de cada unidad.
6) Motiva la participacion activamente en el desarrollo de la clase.
7) La comunicación profesor-estudiante es fluida y espontánea,y en clima de confianza.
8) utiliza el idioma español para explicar las unidades.
9) Esta sentado mientras imparte la docencia.
10) Es amable y respetuoso con los alumnos.
11) Revisa con los alumnos los examenes despues de corregidos.
12) El prefesor corrige las tareas asignadas y el Workbook.
13) Acepta revisar la calificación en caso de posibles errores de evaluación .
14) Califica adecuadamente el desempeño de los alumnos en clase.
15) Entrega las notas en el plazo establecido.
Recurso Educativo
16) Los recursos didácticos utilizados ayudaron a comprender mejor las unidades .
17) El profesor imparte la docencia utilizando su libro guia para profesores.
18) Lo incentiva a participar en actividades complementarias en ingles.
Auto evaluación
19) Considero que con este profesor se aprende.
20) Estoy interesado/a en tomar otro nivel con este profesor(a).

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