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The „Ego-Network“ of Metropolitan Matthaios Gabalas of Ephesos within the network

of interaction between bishops in the Synod of Constantinople for the period 1329-1349
CE, reconstructed on the basis of document from the 14th century “Register of the
Patriarchate of Constantinople”; two individuals are linked if they took part together in
at least one session of the synod, nodes are scaled according to the number of synodal
sessions they took part in during this period and coloured according to the geographical
region of their episcopal see. This network graph combines the three dimensions of
visualisation explained above: the links of interaction between the Metropolitan and the
other hierarchs within the synodal assembly during a specific period of time,
quantitative differences between the actors (here: the frequency of their presence in the
synod) and qualitative attributes (geographical region of their sees). On this basis, we
detect for instance a dense core of interaction of frequent participants in the Synod
around Matthaios and a periphery of significantly less present hierarchs; the “social
ecology” of the activity of Matthaios within the central decision-making institution of
the Byzantine church becomes visible (graph from: J. Preiser-Kapeller, Calculating the
Synod? New quantitative and qualitative approaches for the analysis of the Patriarchate
and the Synod of Constantinople in the 14th century, in: Proceedings of the Round
Table Le Patriarcat Oecuménique de Constantinople et Byzance “hors frontières” of the
22nd International Congress of Byzantine Studies in Sofia (Bulgaria), August 2011
[Paris, 2013; in press]) For more examples of network visualisation visit:
(PDF) The „Ego-Network“ of Metropolitan Matthaios Gabalas of Ephesos within the
network of interaction between bishops in the Synod of Constantinople for the period
1329-1349 CE. Available from:
1349_CE [accessed Jul 03 2018].

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