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Cabin Services Department – Cabin Safety

1 Can you donate blood prior to operating a flight? (CSPM 1.9.7)

A crew member shall not donate blood within 24 hours before reporting for a flight

2 What is the policy with regards to consumption of alcohol prior to duty? (CSPM

Alcoholic drinks must not be consumed 12 hours before reporting for duty and only in moderation 24 hours
preceding the duty

3 What are the legal documents you must carry when operating a flight? (CSPM 1.6.1)

Crew Member Certificate (CMC), Competence Card, Company Identity Card, Passport (with valid visas),
Vaccination Card (if required)

Standard Operating Procedures

1 How will you know that take-off is imminent? (CSPM

Flight Crew will cycle the seat belt sign ON-OFF-ON

2 What must cabin crew ensure before closing any door from the inside? (CSPM

Floor brackets and door sill are free from any debris/obstruction, safety strap is fully retracted, no objects
attached to the door frame

3 What are the requirements to open a door for passenger disembarkation? (CSPM

Confirmation from the Flight Crew that all doors have been disarmed, witness, and positive clearance

4 Provide examples of passengers who cannot be seated next to an emergency exit? (CSPM

PRM's, elderly, children/infants, pregnant women, deportees, INAD or passengers in custody

5 What must you check on a passenger’s boarding card? (CSPM

Flight number, date, and destination

6 In-flight, Cabin crew must check the Flight Crew every? (CSPM

30 minutes

Cabin Crew cannot make calls to the flight deck during the "sterile flight deck" period. True or False?
(CSPM 2.2.8)

False. Crew can make calls in case of an abnormal/emergency situation

8 30 min prior to arrival (TOD), what is your action? (CSPM

Commence semi-securing of the cabin; secure galleys/open cabin dividers, remove bassinets, ensure exits,
aisles and cross aisles are clear of any obstructions, hand luggage is stowed

9 How will you secure the lavatory for taxi, take-off and landing? (CSPM

Lavatories are free from passengers, no baggage or loose articles are stowed inside, doors are locked

What five points must be covered during a Manual Demonstration when the safety video is not
available/inoperative? (CSPM

Seat belts, oxygen masks, exits, life jackets, safety instructions card

11 What should be done if a cart/trolley is found to be inoperable/defective? (CSPM 2.5.4)

Any defects must be reported to CSD/CS, defective sticker applied and must not be used for the service; the
defect must be recorded (e-VR) and catering staff must be informed

12 What is your action upon hearing “Cabin Crew Disarm Doors for Arrival and Cross-Check"? (CSPM

First proceed to the right hand side (RHS) door. The crew responsible for the RHS door will disarm their door.
Once the door has been disarmed the opposite crew member will cross check by visually observing and
verbally confirming as follows "cross check and confirmed door is disarmed". This process is then repeated for
the left hand side (LHS) door

Prior to take off roll if you notice ice/snow build up on the wing surface, what will be your action?

Inform the Flight Crew

Prior to operating the door crew must be alert and conduct a mental review of procedures. What is the
practice they must adopt? (CSPM

Stop, Drop, Review

15 What is the maximum number of infants that can be carried on-board a wide body aircraft? (CSPM 2.3.4)

30 infants

16 What is the maximum number of infants that can be carried on-board a narrow body aircraft? (CSPM 2.3.4)

20 infants

In the case of inadvertent oxygen mask deployment and oxygen flow is NOT activated, will cabin crew
re-stow the masks? (CSPM

Cabin crew must not attempt to re-stow the masks

18 When does the sterile flight deck policy apply for departure? (CSPM 2.2.8)

From the time the flight deck door is closed until 20,000 feet (or cruise level if lower than 20,000 feet)

19 During a prepared emergency, where must falcons be placed? (CSPM

Secured area for landing i.e. lavatory or empty catering cart

During turbulence when the seat belt sign comes ON the PA made by the CSD/CS will be: "Ladies and
20 gentlemen, the Captain has turned on the seat belt sign, please return to your seat and keep your seat belt
fastened. Thank you". True or False? (CSPM 2.4)


21 What is the post turbulence management? (CSPM 2.4)

Check other crew, passengers and administer first aid if necessary; check cabin, lavatories, galleys for damages;
Report to CSD/CS injuries/damage

22 What are the cabin crew responsibilities stated in the door ownership policy? (CSPM

Crew are responsible for the pre-flight check (as per respective aircraft type), arming and disarming, and
opening and closing

23 What is meant by the term 'cabin secure'? (CSPM

All passengers received safety briefing/demonstration, the entire cabin including passengers, galleys,
lavatories, lounges (if applicable), crew rest compartment (if applicable) are secured, all cabin crew are seated
and secured in their assigned seats, all doors are armed (pre-takeoff), cabin lights are dimmed (for night time
take-off and landing)

24 What are the safety related duties during passenger boarding? (CSPM

Monitor baggage, ensure exits aisles/cross aisles are clear, manage passenger flow, assist PRM's, families with
infants (distribute ISB/ILJ, ensure exit row briefing is conducted (if applicable), and ensure no smoking rules
are observed

25 What is the silent review? (CSPM

A - Aircraft Type
L - Location of cabin crew jump seat
E - Equipment available
R - Responsibilities and duties
T - Threat, possible situation and how to deal with it

26 When must you adopt the semi-brace position? (CSPM

As soon as cabin crew are seated in their jump seats and have passed "cabin secure" for take-off and landing

27 What is the semi-brace position? (CSPM

Seat belt and shoulder harnesses tightly fastened with back firmly against the seat, knees together, feet firmly
on the floor, slightly apart to stabilize the body, hands placed firmly on top of the thighs

Whenever a crew member/authorized person requires to enter/exit the flight deck, what must be
observed? (CSPM 2.2.9)

Ensure there are no passengers in the clear zone (area around the flight deck) and cabin curtains are drawn.
Lavatory adjacent to the flight deck is not occupied

First Aid
What is the medical condition when the body cells do not receive enough oxygen or cannot use oxygen
effectively? (CSPM


2 How do you reduce the risks of fatigue? (CSPM

Exercise good rest and drink plenty of fluids particularly when operating flights

3 Which pulse do you check if the casualty is a child? (CSPM

Radial pulse

What are the steps you must follow when handling passengers onboard with a suspected communicable
disease? CSPM

Implement reasonable measures like offering the affected passenger a face mask and limit the number of crew
dealing with the affected passenger

What is the chain of communication that must be followed in order to effectively manage any medical
situation on board? (CSPM 3.4.2)

CSD/CS - Commander - MedLink - PA for a Medical Personnel

6 What will be your immediate management for Hypoxia? (CSPM

Administer oxygen and advise the Commander as the cabin pressurisation may need to be adjusted

What are the common effects of the body caused by changes in the atmospheric pressure during ascent or
descent? (CSPM 3.2.4)

Pressure changes in the ear and sinuses resulting in blocked ears, and feeling bloated due to the trapped gas in
the stomach and lungs

8 What is the management to release pressure in the middle ear? (CSPM

Yawning, swallowing (if yawning or swallowing does not unblock the ears, Valsalva Manoeuvre can be used)

9 How do you prevent airborne diseases? (CSPM

Avoid close contact with infected persons, adhere to proper hygiene measures and vaccination

10 How do you prevent the possible spread of infection when dealing with bleeding wounds? (CSPM

Use the biohazard bag to keep blood soaked dressings

11 Where would you dispose a blood soaked dressing/gauze? (CSPM

Biohazard bag

12 Who initiates the call to MedLink when the aircraft is equipped with in-seat phones? (CSPM

CSD/CS from the cabin

13 What does SAMPLE stand for? (CSPM

Signs and symptoms - Allergies - Medication - Previous history/medical problems - Last meal/food or
drinks - Events

14 What will you use to measure body temperature? (CSPM

Fever scan or strip thermometer from the Basic First Aid Kit

15 Which AED can be used for an adult, child, and infant? (CSPM


16 How many stretchers can be carried on board a narrow bodied aircraft? (CSPM

If a medical situation arises in-flight, who must be informed if the Aeromedic Kit needs to be opened?


18 Who initiates the call to MedLink when the aircraft is NOT equipped with in-seat phones? (CSPM

Commander from the flight deck

19 What is the normal resting pulse rate of an adult? (CSPM

60-90 beats per minute

20 What do you record when checking a pulse? (CSPM

Rate, rhythm, strength

21 What is the normal resting breathing rate of an adult? (CSPM

12-20 respirations per minute

22 What does the secondary survey comprise of? (CSPM

History taking – obtain SAMPLE and DOTS for traumatic injuries

Vital signs – check pulse and breathing

23 What does DOTS stand for when assessing for injury related situations? (CSPM

Deformity/swelling –
Open injuries/bruising/bleeding/fractures –
Tenderness/pain loss of sensation or movement –
Skin colour (flushed or pale), temperature (hot or cold), condition (dry or sweaty)

24 What is the normal resting pulse rate of an infant? (CSPM


25 What is the normal human body temperature (Celsius)? (CSPM

37 degrees Celsius

26 What is the normal resting pulse rate of a child? (CSPM


27 What is the normal resting breathing rate for a child? (CSPM


28 What is the normal resting breathing rate for an infant? (CSPM


29 How would you care for the body after a death on board? (CSPM

If the flight is full and no alternative area is available, in economy class put the casualty back into their seat; if
travelling in premium class, the seat must be fully reclined. Any attached medical devices such as, AED pads,
catheters or intravenous cannulas on the body must be left in place

An adult casualty is complaining of heaviness and cramping pain in the centre of the chest resulting from
increased activity during the day. The casualty is most likely suffering from? (CSPM

Angina pectoris

31 What is the First Aid chain of survival? (CSPM 3.6.6)

Early access, early CPR, early defibrillation, and early advanced care

32 What does CPR stand for? (CSPM

Cardio pulmonary resuscitation

33 What is your immediate action if an adult casualty is suffering from severe choking? (CSPM

Abdominal thrusts

34 Where will you find the Epi-pen or Anakit for severe allergic reaction/anaphylaxis? (CSPM

Passengers own hand luggage, if carried

35 What must you ensure prior to opening the Emergency Medical Kit? (CSPM

Commander’s permission and MedLink/on-board medical personnel advice

36 What is the ratio of chest compressions and rescue breaths during CPR? (CSPM

30 chest compressions, 2 rescue breaths

37 When do you start CPR? (CSPM

Unconscious, gasping or no breathing

38 During CPR, when will the AED be used? (CSPM 3.6.4)

As soon as it’s available or brought to the passenger’s side

When conducting CPR, a casualty must be lying on a hard flat surface in order to effectively perform chest
compressions. True or False? (CSPM


Aside from pushing the chest hard and fast, the chest should come back up to its normal position after every
chest compression. True or False? (CSPM


A brief period of unconsciousness that occurs when the brain temporarily receives very little blood/oxygen
supply is known as? (CSPM


What is your immediate management for a casualty suffering from chest pain (heart attack/angina
pectoris)? (CSPM

Administer oxygen on HI flow (4 litres/min), assist casualty to a comfortable sitting position and contact
MedLink for further advice

43 What are the types of First Aid Kits you can will on board? (CSPM

Basic First Aid Kit, Aeromedic First Aid Kit, Emergency Medical Kit

Prior to dispensing any medication from the Basic First Aid Kit, who must the cabin crew inform?


Whose permission do you require to obtain the clinical waste box from the crew section of the EMK?

Commander’s permission

46 What form must you fill after using the Basic First Aid Kit? (CSPM 3.4.8)

Control form

47 Which first aid kit will you find the Ventolin inhaler? (CSPM

Basic First Aid Kit and Emergency First Aid Kit

48 What is the management for hypoglycaemia? (CSPM

Provide a glass of juice with sugar followed by a light meal, if needed

When assessing a casualty, you observe slurred speech, severe headache and paralysis of the right upper
limb. This is most likely a case of? (CSPM


50 What are the two types of AED's (Automated External Defibrillator) found on board? (CSPM

Lifepak 500, Innovint

51 Where will you find the on board wheelchair on a narrow bodied aircraft? (CSPM

There is no on board wheelchair on narrow bodied aircrafts

What is the device used to treat the most common cause (ventricular fibrillation/abnormal heart rhythm) of
sudden cardiac arrest (SCA)? (CSPM 3.6.4)


Aviation Security
What are the three conventions that provide the basis for majority of security measures in Aviation?
(CSPM 5.1.1)

Tokyo Convention, Hague Convention, Montreal Convention

2 In-flight, INAD documents will be with whom? (CSPM 5.7.8)


3 Where will you find the Aircraft Security Search Checklist on board the aircraft (CSPM

Security Forms Envelope located at L1 station.

4 Alcohol must not be served to a passenger less than the age of? (CSPM

18 years of age

5 Can a DEPU be served alcohol? (CSPM 5.7.8)


6 When offloading a passenger, what procedure must be followed? (CSPM 5.7.5)

Baggage identification and aircraft security of the areas to which the passenger in question had access to

7 What is the limitation when carrying accompanied deportees (DEPA)? (CSPM 5.7.8)


8 What is the limitation when carrying unaccompanied deportees (DEPU)? (CSPM 5.7.8)

No limit

9 From a security perspective, what must you check on the customers boarding pass? (CSPM 5.2.3)

Correct flight number, Date and destination

10 Which technique can you use when a passenger is showing signs of intoxication? (CSPM

4D's technique (delay, distract, dilute, deny)

11 Which technique can you use when a passenger is showing signs of disruptive behaviour? (CSPM 5.4.3)

Listen actively
Ask open ended questions

12 If a suspicious article is found during the pre-flight security search, what will be your action? (CSPM 5.5.3)

Do not touch it, never leave it unattended and inform the Commander immediately who will inform Security

13 What are the security forms that are used for on-board incidents? (CSPM

Crew Statement Form, Passenger Disturbance Report, Prosecution Form

14 What are the levels of unruly/disruptive behaviour? (CSPM 5.4.2)

Level 1 - Disruptive behaviour (suspicious or verbally threatening)

Level 2 - Physically/verbally abusive behaviour
Level 3 - Level 1 or 2 behaviour continues after warnings given or an escalation to life threatening behaviour
Level 4 - Attempted breach or actual breach of the flight crew compartment in-flight

15 How will you conduct a post disembarkation lost and found check? (CSPM 5.3.4)

By the means of a walk through the cabin and a visual inspection of overhead compartments, seats and floor
areas; this also includes moving any blankets, pillows and other items that may be concealing left-behind

16 Who will conduct the catering seals verification procedure for flights departing to USA? 9 (CSPM 5.3.3)

Group Security

17 What does the pre-flight security search of the cabin include? (CSPM 5.3.1)

Passenger cabin that includes seats (special attention to the space between seats and between the window
seats and fuselage as well as all compartments in the cabin), seat pockets (must be emptied; the compartment
and the contents must be physically examined), tray tables must be opened, arm rests, life jacket stowage,
overhead stowage, jump seats, safety equipment compartments, cupboards, galleys, toilets and lounge (if

What is the percentage of carts/containers seals to be checked for flights departing to UK, Canada and
Australia? (CSPM 5.3.3)


Who responsible for conducting the aircraft security search during transit with passengers onboard?

Outbound Crew

20 What is the objective of the pre-flight security search? (CSPM 5.3.1)

To ensure there are no unauthorized personnel on board or prohibited items on board the aircraft

Who responsible for conducting the baggage identification during transit with passengers onboard?

Inbound Crew

What is the catering seal verification procedure in DOH (all flights - except USA, UK, Australia and Canada)?
(CSPM 5.3.3)

It is not a mandatory security requirement to tally seal numbers and break seals on carts/containers

23 What is the catering seal verification procedure outstation? (CSPM 5.3.3)

10%; 4 carts/containers per form to check before breaking any of the seals

24 When will you restrain a passenger? (CSPM 5.4.4)

Only as a last resort and where all de-escalation techniques have been exhausted and passenger behaviour is
likely to endanger themselves or the aircraft or its occupants

25 What should cabin crew do during a hijacking situation? (CSPM 5.6)

Stay calm, reassure passengers, do not antagonise the hijacker(s)

26 What are the four syndromes you must be aware of during a hijacking situation? (CSPM 5.6)

Stockholm Syndrome, Lima Syndrome, London Syndrome, John Wayne Syndrome

27 Can INAD passengers be served alcohol? (CSPM 5.7.8)


28 What procedure must be followed if a bomb can be moved (no anti-lift device)? (CSPM 5.5)

With the Commanders permission, carefully carry the bomb to the Least Risk Bomb Location (LRBL) and
continue building the LRBL

29 What is the location of the Least Risk Bomb Location (LRBL)? (CSPM 5.5)

Last cabin door on the right hand side

30 What are the four hijacker profiles? (CSPM 5.6)

Criminals, mentally unbalanced, refugees, terrorists

31 How will the cabin crew inform the Flight Crew of a hijacker presence? (CSPM 5.6)

Via interphone using the code word "Commander I must come to the flight deck immediately"

32 Is it permitted for catering operations to be conducted during the Aircraft Security Search? 9CSPM 5.3.1)

Yes, provided caterers are searched prior to accessing the aircraft and the operation is monitored to ensure
caterers do not introduce prohibited items into the cabin of the aircraft.

33 Can DEPA/passengers in lawful custody be served alcohol? (CSPM 5.7.8)


34 What is the limitation when carrying INAD passengers? (CSPM 5.7.8)

No limit

35 Lawful custody passenger documents will be with whom? (CSPM 5.7.8)


36 DEPA documents will be with whom? (CSPM 5.7.8)


37 Will passengers in lawful custody be escorted? (CSPM 5.7.8)

Always escorted

38 What is the limitation when carrying passengers in lawful custody? (CSPM 5.7.8)


39 What is the minimum number of crew to be present in the flight deck at all times?

Two, out of which at least one is an operating flight deck crew

40 Prior to offloading cabin baggage what must you advise the passenger? (CSPM 5.7.5)

Remove valuables, documents, medication, lithium-ion batteries

Safety Equipment
1 What is the pre-flight check of the Type 1 Emergency Flashlight? (CSPM

Correct stowage and quantity, LED light flashes every 5 seconds, protective tape intact

2 How will you operate the Kiddie BCF? (CSPM

Pull out safety pin, hold the unit upright, aim nozzle at the base of the fire (when visible), squeeze both the
handle and lever together and discharge using a side to side sweeping motion

3 Baby bassinets can be used for taxi, take off, landing and during turbulence. True or False? (CSPM 6.5.8)


4 What are the contents of the Demo Kit? (CSPM 6.5.3)

1 demo life jacket, 1 demo oxygen mask, 1 demo seat belt, 1 safety instructions card

5 What is the pre-flight check of the ELT ADT 406? (CSPM

Correct stowage, quantity and check validity, toggle switch is in the "ARMED" position

6 How long will the Type 1 Emergency Flashlight last for? (CSPM

4 hours

7 What are the contents of the Polar Kit? (CSPM

Polar suit, striker, solo pot, space blankets

8 What is the pre-flight check of the Megaphone/Loudhailer? (CSPM

Correct stowage, quantity and check validity, press the PTT button, tap the microphone to hear an amplified

9 When will you distribute infant life jackets? (CSPM

Post customer boarding and prior to take off

10 What is the duration of the ELT Rescu 406? (CSPM

Transmission will last for approximately 48 hours on civil and military frequencies, however, for the first 24
hours, the ELT will also transmit on satellite frequency

11 How will you operate the Kannad 406 ELT on land? (CSPM

Release the antenna from the float, pull and slide the toggle switch to ON position, place the ELT upright in an
area free of obstructions on the highest ground

12 What is the pre-flight check of the ELT SO6 (ELTA)? (CSPM

Correct stowage, quantity and check validity, toggle switch is in the "OFF" position

13 What is the pre-flight check of the AVOX (Scott) PBE? (CSPM

Correct stowage, quantity and validity, humidity indictor is blue/white/grey, if the humidity indicator is not
visible; open the box and check that the transparent bag is sealed and tight around the contents

14 What is the pre-flight check of the AVOX (Scott) PO? (CSPM

Correct stowage, quantity and check validity (if applicable), pressure gauge has a minimum of 1500 psi, mask
in a pouch attached to the bottle or connected, carrying strap is available

15 What is the duration of the AVOX (Scott) PBE? (CSPM

15 minutes

16 What is the pre-flight check of the Air Total BCF? (CSPM

Correct stowage, quantity and check validity, pressure gauge needle is the green zone, black safety catch
secure and seal intact

When conducting pre-flight safety equipment checks, you must adhere to; availability, serviceability, and
accessibility. True or False?


Emergency Procedures
1 What are the three elements of a fire triangle? (CSPM

Oxygen, heat, fuel

2 What is the procedure for a lithium battery fire in the cabin? (CSPM

Where possible remove external electrical power from device; obtain nearest BCF and fight the fire; after
extinguishing the fire, monitor the device for re-ignition; after device has cooled , use protective cloves to
move item to a metal container; douse device with water or other non-alcoholic liquids to cool the device

3 How would you fight a lavatory fire hot door? (CSPM

Keep low to minimise the threat of fire and smoke; open door slowly, just enough to insert nozzle using the
door as a shield; fully discharge the BCF and close the door; allow 60 seconds for BCF to work

4 How would you fight an oven fire? (CSPM

Keep door closed; switch off galley power or pull out CB; open oven door enough to insert nozzle, using the
door as a shield use BCF if necessary; close over door; check and repeat if necessary; when fire is out
investigate source and check surrounding areas and monitor

5 What is your action in case of smoke in the cabin? (CSPM 7.9.4)

Move passengers away, Inform the Commander immediately (source, color, quantity, smell, and the effects on
passengers), advise passengers to cover their nose and mouth and bend low

6 What is the three 'A' approach that the fire fighter will use? (CSPM

A - Alarm someone about the situation as soon as possible

A - Assess the situation in hand (how big is the fire, class of fire)
A - Act accordingly to your assessment

7 What is the role of the back-up? (CSPM

Provide extra firefighting equipment, be prepared to take over from the first fire fighter, remove any
flammable material from the area

What PA will the Commander make once the aircraft reaches a safe altitude post decompression?

"We have reached a safe altitude, cabin crew and passengers may remove your oxygen mask"

What will be your first action post decompression after the aircraft has reached a safe altitude?

Obtain nearest portable oxygen bottle and MRT

10 What are the cabin effects (objective signs) in the event of a slow decompression? (CSPM

There will usually be no obvious cabin changes until the masks drop or the altitude warnings in the flight deck
activate. If a leak or crack on the fuselage is discovered, crew may observe that there will be an audible hissing
and/or whistling sound

11 What are some of the physiological effects (subjective signs) of a rapid decompression? (CSPM

Hypoxia, headache, dizziness, poor co-ordination, impaired judgment and vision

12 What are the main exit ground evacuation commands during an emergency? (CSPM

"Open seat belts, leave everything, come this way, jump and slide"

13 What does NITS stand for? (CSPM 7.2.1)

Nature of the situation - brief description of the problem

Intention - intention of the Commander
Time - time remaining until landing
Specific - specific instructions or any other relevant information

14 What are the main exit ditching evacuation commands during a planned emergency? (CSPM

"Open seat belts, leave everything, come this way, inflate life jackets, hands and knees"

15 What do you understand by the term ‘decompression’? (CSPM 7.8.4)

Loss of cabin pressure

16 When will the flight crew give the brace signal command? (CSPM

30 seconds before touch down (approx. 500ft)

17 What PA will the Commander make to inform the crew to initiate a controlled disembarkation? (CSPM 7.3.3)

"Cabin crew initiate controlled disembarkation"

What will be your action when the aircraft has finally stopped and you hear the PA "Attention Crew at
Stations"? (CSPM 7.3.1)

Release self from jump seat and standby at stations, check inside/outside conditions, await further

19 What is the cabin crew action during a high speed rejected take-off? (CSPM 7.3.1)

Adopt appropriate brace position, instruct passengers to adopt brace position by shouting: "Heads down, stay
down - Heads down, stay down" and keep shouting until the aircraft has finally stopped

20 What are the critical phases of a flight? (CSPM 7.2)

Take-off, approach, and landing

21 What are the cabin crew brace commands during an unplanned emergency? (CSPM

"Heads down, stay down"

How will the flight crew give the brace signal command at approximately 500 ft./30 seconds prior to
impact? (CSPM

By the PA "BRACE, BRACE" or by flashing the seat belt sign

1 What position should you adopt to preserve body temperature if you are in water? (CSPM 8.4.2)

HELP position

2 What are the four principles of survival? (CSPM 8.2)

Protection, location, water, and food

Aircraft Common Features

1 What is the pre-flight check of a passenger seat? (CSPM 9.3.3)

Seat belt is serviceable, seat is operational, safety card for aircraft type

2 How would you operate the flight deck oxygen system? (9.2.6)

Squeeze the red grips, remove the mask from the container, keep pressing the red grips to keep the harness
inflated, don the mask over the head, release the red grips, the harness deflates securing the mask over the
head and the face, breathe normally

3 What is the cabin crew policy regarding circuit breakers? (CSPM 9.11.3)

Cabin crew are not allowed to reset any circuit breaker, should a circuit breaker pop out, cabin crew must
inform the Commander and an entry must be made in the Cabin Discrepancy Log (CDL)

4 What is the pre-flight check of a jump seat? (CSPM 9.3.2)

Seat folds satisfactory, harness fits correctly and is free of twists and, inertial lock and quick release is

Airbus A320-200
1 How would you detach the Type I door slide/raft on the A320-200? (CSPM

Lift the girt cover to expose the white detach handle, pull the white detach handle completely free of the slide

2 What are the three ways the cabin oxygen system can be activated on the A320-200? (CSPM

Automatically, electrically and manually

What are the audio/visual indications in the cabin when smoke is detected in the lavatory on the A320-200?

Triple chime, repeated every 30 seconds, amber flashing on closest ACP, amber flashing light outside affected
lavatory, red light flashing indicator light and a text message indicating smoke location, SMOKE RESET p/b
illuminates on FAP/AAP, smoke detection page on FAP

4 How will you activate the flow of oxygen to the drop out mask on the A320-200? (CSPM

Pulling one of the mask

What will be the audio/visual indications in the cabin when the evacuation signaling system is activated on
the A320-200? (CSPM

EVAC CMD illuminates when pressed, red light flashing and message EVAC ALERT on all AIPs, Horn sounds at
all crew stations and emergency exits, EVAC RESET flashes red on FAP and AAPs

Where can the emergency evacuation signaling system be activated from on the A320-200?

Flight Deck and FAP

7 Where can the emergency lights be activated from on the A320-200? (CSPM

Flight deck and FAP (L1)

8 How will you silence the evacuation horn in each respective area on the A320-200? (CSPM

Press EVAC RESET on the FAP or AAP

What are the audio/visual indications in the cabin when the flight deck initiates an emergency call on the
A320-200? (CSPM

Triple HI-LO chime, flashing pink at all ACP, flashing red light at all AIP and text message "EMERGENCY CALL"

10 How will you call the Commander in an emergency situation on the A320-200? (CSPM


11 How will you call the Commander in a normal situation on the A320-200? (CSPM

Lift the cabin interphone handset and press CAPT

12 Where is the manual inflation handle located on the Type I door on the A320-200? (CSPM

RHS of the girt bar

13 How would you close the Type I door on the A320-200? (CSPM

Ensure no debris or obstruction around the exit, grasp assist handle on the door frame, press gust lock release
button, pull door rearwards by door assist handle and pull into frame, lower door control handle, check door
locking indicator is green and locked

14 What is the pre-flight check of the lavatory automatic fire extinguisher on the A320-200? (CSPM

The needle of the pressure gauge must be in the green zone

15 How would you separate the slide/raft on the A320-200? (CSPM

Cut with the hook knife, the mooring line will break if the aircraft sinks before it can be cut

16 How would you open the Type I door in an emergency on the A320-200? (CSPM

Check door is armed, check outside conditions, grasp assist handle on the door frame, lift door control handle
fully up and release it, pull the red manual inflation handle on right hand side of the girt bar, monitor slide/raft

17 What is the pre-flight check of the Type I door on the A320? (CSPM

Check door locking indicator is green and locked, door is disarmed - safety pin is fitted, red flag is visible and
the slide control lever window reads disarmed; slide raft - pressure gauge needle is in the green zone,
observation widow is clean and clear

18 What is the total number of emergency exits on the A320-200? (CSPM 10.5)


19 What is the minimum crew complement on the A320-200? (CSPM 10.3)

20 What is the total number of Type III exits on the A320-200, and where are they located? (CSPM 10.3)

4 Type III - L2, R2, L3, R3

21 What is the total number of Type I exits on the A320-200, and where are they located? (CSPM 10.3)

4 Type I - L1, R1, L4, R4

22 Additional (5th and 6th) cabin crew will occupy which seats on the A320-200? (CSPM 10.2)

R4, R4A respectively

23 How will you open the flight deck sliding windows on the A320-200? (CSPM

Simultaneously press the red unlocking push button and rotate the operating handle rearward; Push the
operating handle backward to move the window until it locks

24 What is the pre-flight check of the lavatory on the A320-200? (CSPM

Smoke detector is unobstructed, waste bin is spring loaded, automatic fire extinguisher (needle in green zone),
and passenger call switch operational

How would you operate the over-wing exit in an emergency from the inside on the A320-200?

Remove and discard cover flap, grasp grip mould (assist handle), pull down exit control handle, pull exit hatch
inside, lift out of frame, throw hatch outside aircraft, monitor ramp slide inflation

26 What is the pre-flight check of the Type III over-wing emergency exit on the A320-200? (CSPM

Cover flap fitted and secure, slide armed indicator not illuminated, and check the 'exit opening instructions'
placard is present on the exit and the seat backs

27 What is the pre-flight check of the GSM smoke detection system on the A320-200? (CSPM

Check that the MAIN POWER SWITCH button is not illuminated, check that the LED SMOKE ON is illuminated
(green), check that the SMOKE TEST button is illuminated, check that all other buttons are OFF

28 What type of slide is the Type I door equipped with on the A320-200 LA series? (CSPM 10A.5)

Single lane escape slide

29 How would you operate the R4 swivel crew seat on the A320-200 LA series? (CSPM 10A.5.1)

Turn the latch counter clockwise to the unlocked position, rotate the crew seat, and push the crew seat until it

Airbus A319-100 Differences
1 What are the total number of emergency exits on the A319-100? (CSPM 10B.5)

2 What is the minimum cabin crew complement for the A319-100? (CSPM 10B.2)

The minimum cabin crew complement on the A319-100 is 4 Cabin Crew. L1, R1, L3 and R3.

3 Which row of seats is designated as the Exit Row seats on the A319-100? (CSPM 10B.6.1)

Seat Row 12 ABC and DEF are designated as the Exit Row seats..

4 Which are the Primary Escape routes in the event of a Ground Evacuation on the A319-100? (CSPM 10B.5.2)

All Cabin Exits.

5 Which are the Primary Escape routes in the event of a Ditching on the A319-100? (CSPM 10B.5.2)

All Cabin Exits.

6 What is the pre-flight check of the Over-wing Exit on the A319-100? (CSPM 10B.5.1)

 Cover flap is fitted and secured

 Slide armed warning indicator light is not illuminated
 Inflation cylinder pressure gauge which is stowed in the over head stowage is in the green zone
 Check the "exit opening instructions" placard is present on the exit

7 How would you detach the Type I door slide/raft? (CSPM

Lift the girt cover to expose the white detach handle, pull the white detach handle completely free of the slide

8 What are the three ways the cabin oxygen system can be activated? (CSPM

Automatically, electrically and manually

9 How will you activate the flow of oxygen to the drop out mask? (CSPM

Pulling one of the mask

Where can the emergency evacuation signaling system be activated from on the A319-100?

Flight Deck and FAP

11 Where can the emergency lights be activated from on the A319-100? (CSPM

Flight deck and FAP (L1)

12 How will you call the Commander in an emergency situation? (CSPM


13 How will you call the Commander in a normal situation? (CSPM

Lift the cabin interphone handset and press CAPT

14 Where is the manual inflation handle located on the Type I door? (CSPM

RHS of the girt bar

15 How would you close the Type I door? (CSPM

Ensure no debris or obstruction around the exit, grasp assist handle on the door frame, press gust lock release
button, pull door rearwards by door assist handle and pull into frame, lower door control handle, check door
locking indicator is green and locked

16 What is the pre-flight check of the lavatory automatic fire extinguisher? (CSPM

The needle of the pressure gauge must be in the green zone

17 How would you separate the slide/raft? (CSPM

Cut with the hook knife, the mooring line will break if the aircraft sinks before it can be cut

18 How would you open the Type I door in an emergency? (CSPM

Check door is armed, check outside conditions, grasp assist handle on the door frame, lift door control handle
fully up and release it, pull the red manual inflation handle on right hand side of the girt bar, monitor slide/raft

19 What is the pre-flight check of the Type I door? (CSPM

Check door locking indicator is green and locked, door is disarmed - safety pin is fitted, red flag is visible and
the slide control lever window reads disarmed; slide raft - pressure gauge needle is in the green zone,
observation widow is clean and clear

20 How will you open the flight deck sliding windows? (CSPM

Simultaneously press the red unlocking push button and rotate the operating handle rearward; Push the
operating handle backward to move the window until it locks

21 What is the pre-flight check of the lavatory? (CSPM

Smoke detector is unobstructed, waste bin is spring loaded, automatic fire extinguisher (needle in green zone),
and passenger call switch operational

How would you operate the over-wing exit in an emergency from the inside?

Remove and discard cover flap, grasp grip mould (assist handle), pull down exit control handle, pull exit hatch
inside, lift out of frame, throw hatch outside aircraft, monitor ramp slide inflation

Airbus A321-200 Differences
1 Where will you check the slide pressure on the Type C exit on the A321-200? (CSPM 10C.5.2.1)

Check the inflation cylinder in the overhead stowage, pressure gauge needle is in the green zone

2 What is the pre-flight check of the Type C Door? (CSPM 10C.5.2)

 Check door locking indicator is GREEN and LOCKED.

 Door is disarmed - Safety pin is fitted, red flag is visible and the slide control lever window reads
 Observation window is clean and clear.
 Protective Cover on the Control Handle is present.
 Check inflation cylinder in the overhead stowage, pressure gauge needle is in the green zone.

3 How would you detach the Type I door slide/raft? (CSPM

Lift the girt cover to expose the white detach handle, pull the white detach handle completely free of the slide

4 What are the three ways the cabin oxygen system can be activated? (CSPM

Automatically, electrically and manually

5 How will you activate the flow of oxygen to the drop out mask? (CSPM

Pulling one of the mask

Where can the emergency evacuation signaling system be activated from on the A321?

Flight Deck and FAP

7 Where can the emergency lights be activated from on the A321? (CSPM

Flight deck and FAP (L1)

8 How will you call the Commander in an emergency situation? (CSPM


9 How will you call the Commander in a normal situation? (CSPM

Lift the cabin interphone handset and press CAPT

10 Where is the manual inflation handle located on the Type I door? (CSPM

RHS of the girt bar

11 How would you close the Type I door? (CSPM

Ensure no debris or obstruction around the exit, grasp assist handle on the door frame, press gust lock release
button, pull door rearwards by door assist handle and pull into frame, lower door control handle, check door
locking indicator is green and locked

12 What is the pre-flight check of the lavatory automatic fire extinguisher? (CSPM

The needle of the pressure gauge must be in the green zone

13 How would you separate the slide/raft? (CSPM

Cut with the hook knife, the mooring line will break if the aircraft sinks before it can be cut

14 How would you open the Type I door in an emergency? (CSPM

Check door is armed, check outside conditions, grasp assist handle on the door frame, lift door control handle
fully up and release it, pull the red manual inflation handle on right hand side of the girt bar, monitor slide/raft

15 What is the pre-flight check of the Type I door? (CSPM

Check door locking indicator is green and locked, door is disarmed - safety pin is fitted, red flag is visible and
the slide control lever window reads disarmed; slide raft - pressure gauge needle is in the green zone,
observation widow is clean and clear

16 How will you open the flight deck sliding windows? (CSPM

Simultaneously press the red unlocking push button and rotate the operating handle rearward; Push the
operating handle backward to move the window until it locks

17 What is the pre-flight check of the lavatory? (CSPM

Smoke detector is unobstructed, waste bin is spring loaded, automatic fire extinguisher (needle in green zone),
and passenger call switch operational

Airbus A330-200/300
1 Where are the Type I exits located on the A330? (CSPM 11.5)

L3, R3

2 What is the total number of emergency exits on the A330? (CSPM 11.5)

• 2 flight deck sliding windows

• 6 type A exits. Doors L1, R1, L2, R2, L4, R4
• 2 type I exits. L3, R3
• A7-ACH, AED, AEE, AEF, AEG, AEH, AEI, AEJ, AEM, AEN, AEO are equipped with 8 type A exits

What are the primary cabin emergency evacuation routes during a ditching with Type "A" doors and Type I
exits on the A330? (CSPM 11A.5.3)

All Type A doors

What is your immediate action should the pneumatic system fail when operating a door in an emergency?
On the A330? (CSPM

Push the door open manually by using the door assist handle

5 What is the pre-flight check of the Type A door on the A330? (CSPM

Check door locking indicator is GREEN and LOCKED, door is disarmed - safety pin is fitted, red flag is visible,
slide/raft - pressure gauge needle is in the green zone, observation window is clean and clear

On an A330 aircraft that has both Type A and Type (1) exits, where are the Type A doors located?
(CSPM 11.5)

L1, R1, L2, R2, L4, R4

7 How would you open the flight deck sliding window on the A330? (CSM

Press down the operating lever to disengage the locking pins from their latches; as soon as the operating lever
is pressed, a red indicator appears to show that the window is unlocked; continue pressing down on the
operating lever, while simultaneously rotating it and pulling it downward to move the window backward

8 What is the preflight check of the lavatory? (CSPM

 Smoke detector is unobstructed

 Waste bin flap is spring loaded
 Automatic waste bin extinguisher – needle in the green zone
 Passenger call switch operational

9 When does the Slide Armed indicator illuminate white steady (Type A Door)? (CSPM

The Slide Armed Indicator illuminates white steady when:

• Slide raft is armed
• Door control handle is lifted up

10 How would you Arm the Type ‘A’ Door? (CSPM

 Open the protective cover

 Remove the safety pin
 Move the lever forward to the ARMED position.
 Stow the safety pin and hide the red flag
 Close the protective cover

11 How would you Disarm the Type ‘A’ Door? (CSPM

 Open the protective cover

 Remove the safety pin
 Move the lever aft to the DISARMED position
 Refit the safety pin and ensure the red flag is visible
 Close the protective cover

12 How would you open the Type ‘A’ Door in an Emergency? (CSPM

• Check door is ARMED.

• Check outside conditions.
• Grasp assist handle on the door frame.
• Lift door control handle fully up and release it.
• Pull the red manual inflation handle on right hand side of the girt bar.
• Monitor slide/raft inflation.

13 Where is the red manual inflation handle located at the Type A Door? (CSPM

The Manual Inflation Handle is located at the right hand side of the girt bar.

14 How would you detach and separate the Slide Raft? (CSPM

• Lift the girt cover to expose the white detach handle.

• Pull the white DETACH HANDLE completely free of the slide raft.
• Pull the manual release handle
• Cut mooring with the hook knife.
• The mooring line will break if the aircraft sinks before it can be cut.

15 Where would you find the Survival Kits? (CSPM

Survival Kits are attached to each slide raft.

16 Where are the Type I Door located? (CSPM 11.5.3)

For aircrafts equipped with Type I Doors, they are located at L3 and R3.

17 What is the pre-flight check of the Type I Door? (CSPM

 Check door locking indicator read LOCKED (green).

 Door is Disarmed, safety pin is fitted and red flag is visible.
 Observation window is clean and clear.
 Protective cover on the control handle is present.
 Slide pressure gauge needle is in the green zone.

18 How would you operate the Type I Door in an Emergency? (CSPM

 Check door is ARMED

 Check outside conditions
 Grasp assist handle on the door frame
 Open the protective cover on the door control handle
 Lift door control handle fully up and release it
 Pull the red manual inflation handle on right hand side of the girt bar
 Monitor escape slide inflation

19 Which exits are designated as primary exits in a ground evacuation? (CSPM 11.5.4)

All cabin exits.

20 Which exits are designated as primary exits in a ditching evacuation? (CSPM 11.5.4)

All Type A doors.

21 If L3/R3 doors are opened in a ditching evacuation what precaution must you take? (CSPM 11.5.4)

Open the exits in the “armed” mode and detach slides (flotation aids) from the aircraft.

22 How would you identify a passenger call from seat? (CSPM 11.6.3)

Single chime accompanied by a Blue steady light on the ACP.

23 How would you identify an emergency call from the Flight Deck? (CSPM 11.6.3)

Triple Hi-Lo chimes accompanied by a Pink flashing light on the ACP.

Airbus A340-600 Differences
What will be your action if the over-wing emergency exit ramp slide does not automatically inflate on the

Redirect passengers to other useable exit as there is no manual inflation of the ramp slide

2 How will you detach and separate the over-wing emergency exit ramp slide on the A340-600?

The ramp slide cannot be detached and separated

3 How will you know that the over-wing ramp slide is not fully inflated on the A340-600? (CSPM 11A.

A fluorescent “STOP" flag, located at the top of the slide indicates that the slide is not fully inflated

What are the audio/visual indications in the cabin when at least one engine is running and the protective
cover is removed from the over-wing emergency exit on the A340-600? (CSPM 11A.5.1.5)

Lo-Hi-LO triple chime is broadcasted at doors 2 and 3, FAP DOORS SLIDE page is automatically activated with
the message CHECK SAFE GUARD is given for the related over-wing emergency exit, AIPs at doors 2 and 3
display the message EXIT L GUARD or EXIT R GUARD and the red indicator light will flash

5 What are the total number of emergency exits on the A340-600? (CSPM 11A.5)


6 What is the pre-flight check of the over-wing emergency exit on the A340-600? (CSPM 11A.5.1.2)

Check the door locking indicator is GREEN and LOCKED, ensure exit is ARMED, protective cover on the control
handle is fitted and secured, and exit operating instructions are available on the exit

7 What is the pre-flight check of the Type A door on the A330? (CSPM

Check door locking indicator is GREEN and LOCKED, door is disarmed - safety pin is fitted, red flag is visible,
slide/raft - pressure gauge needle is in the green zone, observation window is clean and clear

8 How would you open the flight deck sliding window on the A340-600? (CSM

Press down the operating lever to disengage the locking pins from their latches; as soon as the operating lever
is pressed, a red indicator appears to show that the window is unlocked; continue pressing down on the
operating lever, while simultaneously rotating it and pulling it downward to move the window backward

9 What is the preflight check of the lavatory? (CSPM

 Smoke detector is unobstructed

 Waste bin flap is spring loaded
 Automatic waste bin extinguisher – needle in the green zone
 Passenger call switch operational

10 When does the Slide Armed indicator illuminate white steady (Type A Door)? (CSPM

The Slide Armed Indicator illuminates white steady when:

• Slide raft is armed
• Door control handle is lifted up

11 How would you Arm the Type ‘A’ Door? (CSPM

 Open the protective cover

 Remove the safety pin
 Move the lever forward to the ARMED position.
 Stow the safety pin and hide the red flag
 Close the protective cover

12 How would you Disarm the Type ‘A’ Door? (CSPM

 Open the protective cover

 Remove the safety pin
 Move the lever aft to the DISARMED position
 Refit the safety pin and ensure the red flag is visible
 Close the protective cover

13 How would you open the Type ‘A’ Door in an Emergency? (CSPM

• Check door is ARMED.

• Check outside conditions.
• Grasp assist handle on the door frame.
• Lift door control handle fully up and release it.
• Pull the red manual inflation handle on right hand side of the girt bar.
• Monitor slide/raft inflation.

14 Where is the red manual inflation handle located at the Type A Door? (CSPM

The Manual Inflation Handle is located at the right hand side of the girt bar.

15 How would you detach and separate the Slide Raft? (CSPM

• Lift the girt cover to expose the white detach handle.

• Pull the white DETACH HANDLE completely free of the slide raft.
• Pull the manual release handle
• Cut mooring with the hook knife.
• The mooring line will break if the aircraft sinks before it can be cut.

16 Where would you find the Survival Kits? (CSPM

Survival Kits are attached to each slide raft.

17 Where are the Type I Door located? (CSPM 11.5.3)

For aircrafts equipped with Type I Doors, they are located at L3 and R3.

18 What is the pre-flight check of the Type I Door? (CSPM

 Check door locking indicator read LOCKED (green).

 Door is Disarmed, safety pin is fitted and red flag is visible.
 Observation window is clean and clear.
 Protective cover on the control handle is present.
 Slide pressure gauge needle is in the green zone.

19 Which exits are designated as primary exits in a ground evacuation? (CSPM 11.5.4)

All cabin exits.

20 How would you identify a passenger call from seat? (CSPM 11.6.3)

Single chime accompanied by a Blue steady light on the ACP.

21 How would you identify an emergency call from the Flight Deck? (CSPM 11.6.3)

Triple Hi-Lo chimes accompanied by a Pink flashing light on the ACP.

22 What is the total number of exits on the Airbus A340-600 and where are they located? (CSPM 11A.5)

The total number of Exits on the Airbus A340-600 is 12.

 2 flight deck sliding windows
 8 Type A exits. Doors L1, R1, L2, R2, L3, R3 ,L4, R4.
 2 Type III over wing exits

23 How to open OVERWING EXIT in an emergency? (CSPM

 Check slide is ARMED.

 Check outside conditions.
 Open the door control handle protective cover.
 Lift door control handle fully up and release it.
 Monitor ramp slide inflation.

Airbus A350-900
1 What is the total number of emergency exits on the A350-900? (CSPM 11B.5)

2 What type of slides are installed in the Type C doors on the A350-900? (CSPM 11B.5.2)

Single lane slide rafts

3 What is the purpose of the inflatable free aisle restrictor IFAR on the A350-900? (CSPM 11B.5.2.1)

To ensure that only one person can access the slide raft to evacuate at a time

Where can the electromechanical window shades be controlled from (EMWS) on the A350-900?
(CSPM 11B.1.5.1)

FAP (L1) and AAP (L2)

5 How would you arm the door on the A350-900? (CSPM 11B.5.1.3)

Slide the protective cover open, remove the safety pin, push the lever FWD to the ARMED position, close the
protective cover, stow the safety pin in its designated stowage

6 Where is the inflatable free aisle restrictor (IFAR) located on the A350-900? (CSPM 11B.5.2.1)

L1, R1, L3, R3

7 How would you operate the flight deck emergency hatch on the A350-900? (CSPM 11B.

Press the release handle accessible through the dedicated recess, move the hatch handle to the open position
until the locking indicator turns red. The hatch open towards the flight deck

8 What is the duration of the cabin oxygen system on the A350-900? (CSPM 11B.

22 minutes

Green Light Steady on the Flight Deck Door Locked / Unlocked Indicator indicates that the Flight Deck Door
is not locked and cab be opened – True / False (CSPM 11B.


10 What is the Primary Escape route from the Flight Deck? (CSPM 11B1.2.6)

The Primary Escape route from the Flight Deck is through the Flight Deck Door and then any of the Cabin Exits.

11 In the event of a Decompression, the Flight Deck Door opens automatically – True / False (CSPM 11B1.2.2)


12 What is the Secondary Escape route from the Flight Deck? (CSPM 11B1.2.6)

The Secondary Escape route from the Flight Deck is is via the Flight Deck Emergency Hatch.

13 What is the Pre-Flight Check of the Lavatory? (CSPM 11B.1.3.2)

Pre-Flight Check of the Lavatory is:

1. Smoke detector is unobstructed
2. Waste bin flap is spring loaded
3. Automatic waste bin extinguisher – needle in the green zone
4. Passenger call push button operational

14 Where is the Manual Water Shut-Off Valve located in the Lavatory? (CSPM 11B.1.3.5)

A manual shut off valve is located under each wash basin.

15 What is the pre-flight check of the Lavatory Automatic Fire Extinguisher? (CSPM 11B1.3.7)

The needle of the pressure gauge must be in the GREEN zone.


16 What is the Pre-Flight Check of the Smoke Detector in the Lavatory? (CSPM 11B1.3.8)

Pre-Flight Check of the Smoke Detector in the Lavatory is:

 Cabin crew will check that the smoke detector is not tampered with or obstructed.
 CSD/CS to check serviceability of the smoke detectors of all lavatories by selecting the SMOKE
DETECT page on the FAP.

17 In the event of an Emergency situation (fire) in the Galley, what is your first action? (CSPM 11B.1.4.1)

If there is an emergency situation (fire), the Isolator switch should be turned OFF.

18 What is the Minimum Cabin Crew for the A350? (CSPM 11B.2)

The Minimum Cabin Crew for the A350 is 08 cabin crew and is as follows L1, R1, L2, R2, L3, R3, L4 and R4.

19 What is the Minimum Cabin Crew for the A350 in the event of transit passengers on board? (CSPM 11B.2.1)

Whenever there are transit passengers on board, the minimum Cabin Crew and one Flight Deck crew member
must be present.

20 Which Cabin Exits are designated as Type A doors? (CSPM 11B.5)

L2, R2, L4 and R4 are designated as Type A Doors.

21 Which Cabin Exits are designated as Type C doors? (CSPM 11B.5)

L1, R1, L3 and R3 are designated as Type C Doors.

22 When will the Slide Armed Warning Light illuminate and the buzzer sound on the door? (CSPM 11B.5.1.1)

The SLIDE ARMED illuminates WHITE (steady) and the buzzer sounds when the slide raft is armed and the door
control handle is lifted.

23 When will the Cabin Pressure Warning Light flash? (CSPM 11B.5.1.1)

“CABIN PRESSURE” flashes RED, when the aircraft is on ground, the slides are DISARMED and there is a
difference in the cabin pressure.

24 What is the Pre-Flight Check of the Door? (CSPM 11B.5.1.2)

1. Check door locking indicators are GREEN and LOCKED.

2. Door is disarmed- Safety pin is fitted,red flag is visible.
3. Slide raft - pressure gauge needle is in the green zone.
4. Observation window is clean and clear.

25 How would you DISARM the Door? (CSPM 11B.5.1.3)

1. Remove the safety pin from its stowage

2. Slide the protective cover open
3. Push the arming lever AFT to the DISARMED position
4. Refit the safety pin and ensure the red flag is visible
5. Close the protective cover

26 How would you Open the Door from the inside? (CSPM 11B.

1. Grasp assist handle on the door frame

2. Check door is DISARMED and safety pin is installed
3. Lift the door control handle gradually and keep watch on the slide armed warning light. If it does not
illuminate, continue lifting it up to the open position
4. Grasp the Door Assist Handle and push the door outwards and forward
5. Ensure the Gust Lock is engaged

27 How would you Close the Door from the inside? (CSPM 11B.

1. Ensure no debris or obstruction around the exit

2. Grasp assist handle on the door frame
3. Press the Gust Lock Release push button on the Door Assist Handle
4. Grasp one of the DOOR ASSIST HANDLES and pull the door aft and inwards into the door frame
5. Fully lower the door control handle
6. Check door locking indicators read “LOCKED” (green)

28 How would you open the Door in an Emergency? (CSPM 11B.5.1.5)

1. Check door is ARMED.

2. Check outside conditions.
3. Grasp assist handle on the door frame.
4. Lift door control handle fully up and release it.
5. Pull the red manual inflation handle on right hand side of the girt bar.
6. Monitor slide / raft inflation.

29 What does a flashing AMBER light on the ACP indicate? (CSPM 11B.6.3)

Smoke detected in the Lavatory

30 How would you conduct the Pre-Flight Check of the Interphone system? (CSPM 11B.6.6.2)

A PA check has to be made from each station. (press PA press PTT)

An interphone call to another station must be conducted. This must be carried out by each individual station.

Airbus A380-800
1 At which doors will you find the slide extension on the A380-800? (CSPM

M1 doors

If the slide armed indicator illuminates when opening the door manually on the A380-800, what will be your
action? (CSPM

Immediately re-stow the door control handle and ensure the door is correctly disarmed

3 What is the pre-flight check of the A380-800 cabin door? (CSPM

Check door locking indicator is green and locked, door is disarmed - safety pin is fitted, red flag is visible,
observation window is clean and clear

4 How will you inflate the slide rafts manually on the A380-800? (CSPM

Press the manual inflation push-button (MIP) in the upper RHS of the door frame

5 How will you confirm that the ramp slide at the M3 door is fully inflated? (CSPM

A barber pole is located on top of the ramp to indicate that the ramp/slide is ready to use

6 What is the total number of emergency exits on the A380-800? (CSPM 12.5)


7 How would you arm the cabin door on the A380? (CSPM

Slide the protective cover open, remove the safety pin, push the lever FWD to the ARMED position, close the
protective cover, stow the safety pin in the designated stowage

8 What is the door and slide indicator panel (DSIP) used for? (CSPM

To operate the door electrically

9 Where is the cabin pressure warning indicator located on M3 doors? (CSPM

Upper part of the observation window

10 Who will conduct the pre-flight check of the trolley lift on the A380-800? (CSPM 12.1.7)

Galley operator

11 When will the smoke curtain be used on the A380-800? (CSPM

On ground only

12 What is the pre-flight check of the trolley lift on the A380-800? (CSPM 12.1.7)

Security search of the interior of the trolley lift, check the inner cage door and trolley lift outer door on MD are
closed and latched, check the trolley lift outer door on UD is closed and latched and the trolley lift is on the

13 When must the AFT staircase barrier be installed on the A380-800? (CSPM

At all times, except for taxi, take-off and landing

14 How would you discharge the FES in the crew rest compartment in the A380-800? (CSPM

Remove the seal on the plastic cover, open the plastic cover, and set the FES SWITCH to the F.E.S discharge

When smoke is detected in the lavatory, pressing the SMOKE RESET button/light on the FAP, mini FAP or
AAP will do what on the A380-800? (CSPM 12.7.4)

Resets the aural and visual warnings in the entire cabin

16 Where are the AAP's located on the A380-800? (CSPM 12.6.3)

ML3, ML5, UL3

17 What is the duration of the emergency lighting system on the A380-800? (CSPM 12.7.2)

Minimum of 10 minutes

18 What will be the audio/visual indications in the LD-CRC when the air flow is too low? (CSPM

Continuous HI chime sounds for 30 seconds, lighting comes on 100% intensity, LEAVE COMPARTMENT sign
illuminates on the PSU in each bunk and in the changing area

19 What is the pre-flight check of the FCRC/LD-CRC on the A380-800? (CSPM 12.8)

Safety equipment - pre-flight check, stowage compartments - checked, locked and latched closed, crew
seats - pre-flight check, bunk belts - fitted and serviceable, interphone - pre-flight check

What will be the audio/visual indications in the cabin of a conference call on the A380-800?

1 HI-LO chime, green steady light on all AIPs, green steady on all ACPs, AIP message

21 What are the primary emergency evacuation routes in a ditching on the A380-800? (CSPM 12.5.3)

All cabin exits except M3 doors

22 How will you confirm oxygen is flowing to the mask on the A380-800? (CSPM

The flow line indicator turns green to confirm the flow of oxygen to the mask

23 How would you detach the upper deck slide raft? (CSPM

Lift the flap cover, remove the release handle form the pouch, and pull the release handle

24 Where can the evacuation signaling system be activated from on the A380-800? (CSPM 12.7.1)

Flight deck, FAP and Mini FAP (L1)

25 When will the LD-CRC entrance (stairwell hatch) be closed? (CSPM

Only in case of smoke or fire in the LD-CRC

What will be your action in case of smoke/fire in the LD-CRC and you are unable to extinguish the fire?

Cabin crew to evacuate the LD-CRC, close and lock exit hatch and emergency exit hatch, discharge FES

27 When can the trolley lift NOT be used on the A380-800? (CSPM

Take-off, initial climb, final approach and landing

Boeing 777-200 LR
1 How will you open the flight deck sliding window on the B777? (CSPM

Press the window lock lever release button, rotate the window lock lever aft to the open position; this unlocks
the window. Crank the window to the full open position

2 What is the pre-flight check of the lavatory smoke detector on the B777? (CSPM

Smoke detector is unobstructed and the green power indicator light illuminates

3 What are the primary exits during a ground evacuation on the B777-200? (CSPM 12.5.3)

All cabin exits

What happens when you press the WATER SYSTEM OFF switch at R4 ASP on the B777-200?

Shuts down the entire water system to the aircraft

5 How can the galley power be turned off in case of fire in the oven on a B777-200? (CSPM

Use the galley emergency power off switch

6 What is the pre-flight check of a main cabin door on the B777-200? 9CSPM

Door mode select lever is disarmed, the EPAS pressure gauge needle is in the green zone, slide raft pressure
gauge needle is in the green zone, the movable liner on the hinge arm must align with the fixed liner on the
hinge arm when the door is fully closed, latched, and locked, observation window is clean and clear, the girt
bar indicator flag viewing windows must show completely black

7 What are the lavatory smoke indications in the cabin on a B777-200? (CSPM

Lavatory call light/reset switch flashes amber which is mounted on the exterior wall above the lavatory door,
lavatory call light flashing amber on the respective MCLP, SMOKE DETECTED window pops up on the
CSCP/CACP, continuous chime is heard in the cabin near the affected lavatory

8 Where can the emergency lights be activated from on the B777-200? (CSPM

Flight deck and L1 ASP

9 What does a discontinuity in the red arrow on a main door on the B777 indicate? (CSPM

The EPAS system is deactivated

10 Once masks are deployed, how will the oxygen flow be initiated on the B777-200? (

Pull one mask sharply, oxygen will flow to all masks attached to the generator

11 Where can the evacuation alert signal be activated from on the B777-200? (CSPM 13.7.1)

Flight deck and L1 ASP

What is the number you will dial to make an emergency call to the Flight Deck on the B777-200?

Dial 99

13 What will be the indications of a Purser call on the B777-200? (CSPM

3 X HI chime and a pink steady light at the L1 MCLP

14 What are the indications of an emergency call from the Flight Deck on the B777-200? (CSPM

2 HI-LOW chimes, pink flashing on all stations

15 What must you crosscheck when arming a main door on a B777-200? (CSPM

That the Door mode select lever is fully in the red band, and the girt bar indicator flags are yellow

16 What is the pre-flight check of the lavatory automatic fire extinguisher on the B777-200? (CSPM

The temperature indicator dots on the placard are grey

17 In the event of a decompression in the OFAR, what will be your action? (CSPM

Immediately don an oxygen mask, move to an unoccupied position and fasten bunk lap belt

18 What are some of the OFAR smoke indications? (CSPM

The smoke detector alarm indicator light will illuminate (red), the crew rest area supply valves are closed and
the area smoke evacuation valves are opened, the AIR FLOW OFF light illuminates

Boeing 777-300 Differences
1 How will you confirm that dual lane ramp slide on the B777-300 is fully inflated? (CSPM 13A.5.1.5)

The barber pole is visible

2 How will you detach and separate the dual lane ramp slide at LR3 on the B777-300? (CSPM 13A5.1.5)

It cannot be detached

3 What are the total number of emergency exits on the B777-300? (CSPM 13A.5)

12 exits - 2 flight deck sliding windows + 8 cabin doors + 2 over-wing exits

4 How and when will the LR3 doors on a B777-300 aircraft be operated during a ditching? (CSPM 13A5.1.5)

Doors to be DISARMED prior to operating - secondary option

What will be your action immediately after operating the LR3 doors on a B777-300 during a ground
evacuation? (CSPM 13A.5.2)

Pull the manual inflation handle located on the upper AFT portion of the door frame

6 How will you open the flight deck sliding window on the B777? (CSPM

Press the window lock lever release button, rotate the window lock lever aft to the open position; this unlocks
the window. Crank the window to the full open position

7 What is the pre-flight check of the lavatory smoke detector on the B777? (CSPM

Smoke detector is unobstructed and the green power indicator light illuminates

8 What are the primary exits during a ground evacuation on the B777-300ER? (CSPM 13A.5.4)

All cabin exits

9 How can the galley power be turned off in case of fire in the oven on a B777-300ER? (CSPM

Use the galley emergency power off switch

6 What is the pre-flight check of a main cabin door on the B777-300ER? (CSPM 13A.5.1.2)

Door mode select lever is disarmed, the EPAS pressure gauge needle is in the green zone, slide raft pressure
gauge needle is in the green zone, the movable liner on the hinge arm must align with the fixed liner on the
hinge arm when the door is fully closed, latched, and locked, observation window is clean and clear, the girt
bar indicator flag viewing windows must show completely black

7 What are the lavatory smoke indications in the cabin on a B777-200? (CSPM

Lavatory call light/reset switch flashes amber which is mounted on the exterior wall above the lavatory door,
lavatory call light flashing amber on the respective MCLP, SMOKE DETECTED window pops up on the
CSCP/CACP, continuous chime is heard in the cabin near the affected lavatory

8 Where can the emergency lights be activated from on the B777-300ER? (CSPM

Flight deck and L1 ASP

9 What does a discontinuity in the red arrow on a main door on the B777 indicate? (CSPM

The EPAS system is deactivated

10 Once masks are deployed, how will the oxygen flow be initiated on the B777-300ER? (

Pull one mask sharply, oxygen will flow to all masks attached to the generator

11 Where can the evacuation alert signal be activated from on the B777-300ER? (CSPM 13.7.1)

Flight deck and L1 ASP

What is the number you will dial to make an emergency call to the Flight Deck on the B777-300ER?

Dial 99

13 What will be the indications of a Purser call on the B777-200? (CSPM

3 X HI chime and a pink steady light at the L1 MCLP

14 What are the indications of an emergency call from the Flight Deck on the B777-200? (CSPM

2 HI-LOW chimes, pink flashing on all stations

15 What must you crosscheck when arming a main door on a B777-200? (CSPM

That the Door mode select lever is fully in the red band, and the girt bar indicator flags are yellow

16 What is the pre-flight check of the lavatory automatic fire extinguisher on the B777-200? (CSPM

The temperature indicator dots on the placard are grey

17 In the event of a decompression in the OFAR, what will be your action? (CSPM

Immediately don an oxygen mask, move to an unoccupied position and fasten bunk lap belt

18 What are some of the OFAR smoke indications? (CSPM

The smoke detector alarm indicator light will illuminate (red), the crew rest area supply valves are closed and
the area smoke evacuation valves are opened, the AIR FLOW OFF light illuminates

Boeing 787-9
1 Where can the evacuation signaling system be activated from on the B787-8? (CSPM 13B.7.1)

Flight Deck & L1 ASP

2 What is the primary evacuation route from the flight deck on the B787-8? (CSPM 13B.5.3)

The Primary evacuation route is from the Flight Deck Door via the cabin exits

3 Where are the airbag seat belts located on the B787-8? (CSPM 13B.1.9)

Only Business class seats are equipped with airbag seatbelts

4 What does it mean when the armed/disarmed mode indicators flash on the B787-8? (CSPM 13B.5.1.3)

The mode select lever is in the unsafe band

5 How will you detach and separate the slide/raft on the B787-8? (CSPM 13B.5.2.4)

Lift the girt cover to expose the detach handle and PULL the detach handle completely free of the slide/raft,
and then by cutting the mooring line with a hook knife

6 What is the indication of an amber flashing light on the MCLP on the B787-8? (CSPM 13B.6.3)

Lavatory smoke detection

7 What is the purpose of the extended door lining hinge at the Type C doors on the B787-8? (CSPM 13B.5.2.1)

To guide passenger flow for a single lane slide/raft evacuation

8 What are the primary exits in a ditching on the B787-8? (CSPM 13B.5.3)

All cabin exits

9 How is the oxygen flow initiated from the cabin oxygen system on the B787-8? (CSPM 13B.

Breathe into the mask

10 What is the duration of the emergency lights on the B787-8? (CSPM 13B.7.2)

10 minutes

11 What does a Red Lavatory Call Light Indicator indicate? (CSPM 13B.1.3.1)

Red Lavatory Call Light Indicator indicates that the Lavatory is occupied (door is closed and latched).

12 What is the pre-flight check of the lavatory? (CSPM 13B.1.3.2)

1. Smoke detector is unobstructed and the green power indicator light illuminates
2. Waste bin flap is spring loaded
3. Automatic waste bin extinguisher – Temperature plate dots white
4. Passenger call bell operational

13 What is the pre-flight check of the Lavatory Automatic Fire Extinguishing system? (CSPM 13B.1.3.9)

Temperature indicator dots are white.

14 What is the pre-flight check of the Lavatory Smoke Detector? (CSPM 13B.1.3.10)

Smoke detector is unobstructed and the green status indicator light illuminates.

15 What is your first action in the event of an Emergency (Fire) in the Galley? (CSPM 13B.1.4.2)

If there is an emergency, the Red Guard should be lifted and the toggle switch placed to the OFF position.

16 What does a Red Lavatory Call Light Indicator indicate? (CSPM 13B.1.3.1)

Red Lavatory Call Light Indicator indicates that the Lavatory is occupied (door is closed and latched).

17 What is the minimum Cabin Crew complement on the B787-8? (CSPM 13B.2)

The minimum Cabin Crew complement on the B787 is 8. L1, R1, L2, R2, L3, R3, L4 and R4.

18 What is the total number of Emergency Exits on the B787-8? (CSPM 13B.5)

• Flight Deck Overhead Escape Hatch

• 4 Type C doors- L1,R1, L3, R3
• 4 Type A doors- L2, R2, L4, R4

19 Which exits are equipped with Single Lane Slide rafts on the B787-8? (CSPM 13B.5.1)

Type C Doors (L1, R1 and L3, R3) are equipped with a single lane slide/rafts.

19 Which exits are equipped with Dual Lane Slide rafts on the B787-8? (CSPM 13B.5.1)

Type A Doors (L2, R2 and L4, R4) are equipped with a dual lane slide/raft.

20 What is the Pre-flight Check of the Door on the B787-8? (CSPM 13B.5.2)

 Door Locked Indicator is illuminated Green.

 Door Mode Select lever is disarmed and the Manual Mode indicator light is illuminated
 Observation window is clean and set to CLEAR (no blue LED light).
 Slide raft - pressure gauge needle is in the green zone.

21 What is the Unsafe Band on the Door Mode Select Panel on the B787-8? (CSPM 13B.5.1.3)

The area between the Armed/Disarmed Mode (red/green band) is known as the Unsafe band.

22 How would you ARM the Door on the B787-8? (CSPM 13B.

 Slide the Door Mode Select Lever access cover

 Move the Mode Select Lever to ARMED position (RED Band)
 Ensure that the door Automatic Mode indicator is illuminated
 Slide the Door Mode Select lever access cover to the closed position

23 How would you DISARM the Door on the B787-8? (CSPM 13B.

 Slide the Door Mode Select Lever access cover open

 Move the Mode Select Lever to the DISARMED position (GREEN Band)
 Ensure that the door Manual Mode indicator is illuminated
 4. Slide the Door Mode Select Lever access cover closed

24 How would you CLOSE the Door on the B787-8? (CSPM 13B.

 Ensure no debris or obstruction around the exit.

 Grasp assist handle on the door frame.
 Pull the gust lock release handle to release the gust lock.
 Pull the door toward you and close the door slowly and firmly.
 When the door reaches the fully closed position, immediately begin rotating the door control handle
to lock the door.
 Check the door locking indicator is illuminated GREEN.

25 How would you OPEN the Door in an Emergency on the B787-8? (CSPM 13B.5.1.5)

 Check Mode Select lever is in the ARMED position.

 Check outside conditions.
 Grasp assist handle on door frame.
 Rotate the door control handle aft (open position) and release it.
 Pull red manual inflation handle on right hand side of the door girt.
 Monitor slide/raft inflation

26 How would you detach and separate the slide raft on the B787-8? (CSPM 13B.5.2.4)

To detach lift the girt cover and pull the DETACH HANDLE completely free of the slide raft. To separate the
mooring line/re-entry strap cut the mooring line with the hook knife. The mooring line will break if the aircraft
sinks before it can be cut as it has an automatic release point


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