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 To study the planning and organisation of a health center.
 To suggest location, infrastructure, layout of various departments and services in a healthcare center
 To study the potential of a therapeutic environment
Physicians have viewed body and mind as separate and distinct components. However an increasing
number of physicians now recognize that treating the whole person , not just the diseased organ is
How to design a healing environment which would complement and enhance the healing effects of
drugs and medical technology.
Relationship between stress and illness and influence of positive attitudes on healing , more emphasis is
being placed on design of patient care environment.
 It represents a different class of building, which varies from the conventional general hospital.
In continuation of the trend in healthcare facility, it provides service to the category needing advance
care in clinical , diagnostic and nursing sector .
 So architecture being a major link in the growth chain , has changed accordingly.
Man has been in search of knowledge for improvised standard of living and comfort. This means he
must improvise physical condition and environment around him. Thus hospitals are a link between
the pure science of medicines and application of it to the masses.
 Hospital will have better space planning, circulation, infection control and healing environment.
 Better services to avoid cross contamination.
 By understanding patients pschological needs providing home like environment, fresh air, daylight,
views will help reduce recovery time of patients.
 Access to healing powers of nature.
 Separate all departments, yet keep them close.
 Elimination of long corridors.
 Segregation of public traffic - casualty, OPD, IPD, Patients, Visitors, doctors and staff.
 Residential apartments for doctors and staff quarters.
 Hospital with adequate facilities to cater to every minor and major health hazards.
 Seminar hall and exhibition center for medical exhibitions and seminars.
Thus, I want to achieve psychological well-being through my design by:
Functional Zoning: Taking care of sterility, segretation of work flow, unobstructed emergency routes,
nurse observation, patient and staff safety, infection control etc.
Innovate: Innovation has become radical but not incremental. By modern construction, faster and
more efficient forms of construction, constantly adapting to the changing needs coming mainly from
technological development.
Impact of new technologies on future: As pharmaceuticals relace procedures, decreased need of
admission, minimal invasive surgeries, robot assisted or voice assited procedures.
A design that would have positive impacts on work effectiveness and stress reductions.
Architects who are concerned in the planning of new buildings should find something of value here that
link in the chain or medical building evolution and contribution in some measure to the growing
efficiencies of medical facilities.
They should be able to create an environment that is comfortable for both staff and patients, should
make more positive contributions to successful treatment of human maladies
It is in this context of social necessity of well designed hospitals that this topic has been chosen for the
proposed thesis and to understand the complexities of hospital design.


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