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/tcb/doc description=htexti (no default, initially empty)

Sets a (short!) additional description htexti for docCommandÕ P. 459 or docEnvironmentÕ P. 460 .
Such a description is mandatory for docKeyÕ P. 461 .

\begin{docCommand*}[doc description=my description]{myCommandF}{\marg{argument}}

This is the documentation of \refCom{myCommandF} which takes one \meta{argument}.
\refCom{myCommandF} does some funny things with its \meta{argument}.

\myCommandF{hargumenti} (my description)

This is the documentation of \myCommandF which takes one hargumenti. \myCommandF does some
funny things with its hargumenti.

! long. Linebreaks can be used inside the htexti.

Note that the description htexti may overlap with the text on the left hand side if too

/tcb/doc into index=true|false (default true, initially true)

If set to false, no index entries are written for the main documentation environments. The
same effect is achieved by using e. g. docCommand*Õ P. 460 instead of docCommandÕ P. 459 .
N 2014-09-19 /tcb/doc marginnote=hoptionsi (no default, initially empty)
Sets style hoptionsi for the displayed box of the \tcbdocmarginnoteÕ P. 468 command.

\tcbset{doc marginnote={colframe=blue!50!white,colback=blue!5!white}}%
This is some text\tcbdocmarginnote{Note A}
which is commented by a note inside the margin.

Note A This is some text which is commented by a note inside the margin.

N 2014-09-19 /tcb/doc new=hdatei (style, no default)

Adds a a marginnote with a ’New: hdatai’ message at the beginning of the upper box part.
The intended use is inside the option list of docCommandÕ P. 459 , docEnvironmentÕ P. 460 , etc.

\begin{docCommand}[doc new=2000-01-01]{foosomething}{\marg{text}}
Some command for something.

New: \foosomething{htexti} (style, no default)

2000-01-01 Some command for something.

N 2014-09-19 /tcb/doc updated=hdatei (style, no default)

Adds a marginnote with a ’Updated: hdatai’ message at the beginning of the upper box
part. See /tcb/doc new.
N 2014-09-19 /tcb/doc new and updated={hnew datei}{hupdate datei} (style, no default)
Adds a marginnote with ’New: hnew datei’ and ’Updated: hupdate datai’ messages at the
beginning of the upper box part. See /tcb/doc new.

24.3 Predefined Colors of the Library

The following colors are predefined. They are used as default colors in some library commands.
Option , Definition , ExampleFrame , ExampleBack , Hyperlink .


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