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“It is important to celebrate the end of things, and not just the

Good morning my dear brothers and sisters in Christ!

Today, we gather once again to celebrate the Holy
Eucharist. We are now in the 34th Week in Ordinary time, and it
is the last day of the present Liturgical year.
In today’s Gospel, St. Luke narrated that Jesus said, “ Be
on your guard, let not your hearts be weighed down with a life
of pleasure, drunkenness and wordly cares.” It has not come
upon us suddenly for a while, now the readings have had an
onimous note, a kind of foreboding. If we do not celebrate the
end, it will not the fully end, and therefore there will be no fresh
Please all stand and let us joyfully sing our entrance hymn,
together with our mass presider,
Rev. Fr. Rey Amora.

Prayer of the Faithful

Coming together as God’s people we confidently bring our needs before
the father, confident that he will grant our request.


1. That leaders, prophets, witnesses of the faith and all others whose
task it is to stir our hope in a better world may be guided by the
holy spirit of hope. Let us pray to the Lord.
2. That we may revive the faith and trust of people without courage
and hope by building a fairer and more merciful world with them.
Let us pray to the Lord.
3. That the sick specially Mrs. Jean Cabra, may see God’s special
love and care through the concern of her family. Let us pray to the
4. That birthday celebrators for the month of december, especially
___________, may always be persons of hope and great joy. Let us
pray to the Lord.
5. That all of us in this community may be inspired by one another in
living our faith, and that by our love and service, the Lord may live
among us. Let us pray to the Lord.
6. That those who have died specially Ansilma, Romeo, Euly, Merlyn
and Jaimy may have hope in the Resurrection of Jesus. Let us pray
to the Lord.

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