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Introduction to Neuroanatomy
F O R I N D I V I D U A L S W I T H M S , T H E I R FA M I LY , A N D T H E I R F R I E N D S
Jennifer Tobin is currently a Ph.D. candidate in
Anatomy and Neurobiology at Boston University School
of Medicine. She has been a supporter of and a
volunteer for the Accelerated Cure Project since 2003.
After multiple sclerosis affected the lives of people
close to her, Jennifer wanted to use her neuroscience
training to help individuals with MS to better
understand the disease. She realized that a diagnosis
of MS can leave many people with questions about
their bodies, the disease, new terminology, and
treatment choices. Jennifer wrote this document with
the hope that it would help individuals with MS and
their loved ones to better understand the central
nervous system and how it can be affected by MS.
In turn, this knowledge may enable people to
communicate better with their doctors and become
more active participants in their treatment.

Table of Contents

4 I N T R O D U CT I O N

6 PA R T 1 : M I C R O S C O P I C A N ATO M Y

10 PA R T 2 : S I G N A L I N G B Y N E U R O N S

PA R T 3 : G R O S S A N ATO M Y O F T H E C E N T R A L
11 N E R VO U S SY S T E M

17 PA R T 4 : M AG N E T I C R E S O N A N C E I M AG I N G


Introduction to

After being diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis (MS), many

people find themselves in a world of uncertainty and new
terminology. You may feel like you don’t want to ask “stupid”
questions about concepts that seem so simple and clear to
medical professionals or maybe you don’t even know where
to begin asking questions. The goal of this booklet is to provide
a clear and complete introduction to neuroanatomy so that
individuals with MS, along with their family and friends, may
better understand their disease.

This document is divided into four parts. Part 1, Microscopic

Anatomy, introduces the different cell types found in the
nervous system. The cells are the building blocks for all of the
more complex structures in the nervous system. Signaling by
Neurons, Part 2, describes how nerve cells communicate with
one another, which is the basis for all functions of the nervous
system. Part 3, Gross Anatomy of the Central Nervous System,
describes the structure and function of the spinal cord and
brain. Finally, Part 4 provides a brief introduction to magnetic
resonance imaging, which is commonly used to diagnose and
track the progression of MS by producing images of the brain
and spinal cord.

The nervous system is the control center of the The final division is that of the somatic and
body. It allows us to touch, see, smell, taste, autonomic nervous systems. Each of these sys-
and hear. It collects and integrates this sensory tems has both sensory and motor components.
information, allowing us to have awareness of The somatic motor system sends impulses to
ourselves and of our surroundings. The nervous skeletal, or voluntary, muscles and the somatic
system initiates voluntary movements and regu- sensory system transmits information from
lates involuntary ones. It is also responsible for touch, pain, temperature and position receptors
memory, consciousness, emotion, and regula- throughout the body. The autonomic motor system
tion of the body’s internal clock. conducts motor impulses to the heart, smooth
muscles of body organs, and glands, which are
The functional unit of the nervous system is the collectively called the viscera. The autonomic
neuron (nerve cell or nerve fiber), a specialized sensory system receives pain and other feed-
cell that has the ability to carry electrical back from the viscera.
impulses. The supporting cells of the nervous
system are collectively called glia, or neuroglia.
The cells of the nervous system will be dis-
cussed in more detail in the following section.

There are three ways in which the nervous

system is commonly divided. The first division
is based on location: the central nervous system
(CNS) is composed exclusively of the brain and
spinal cord; the peripheral nervous system
(PNS) includes all of the other nervous tissue
in the body.

The second division is based on the type of sig-

nal that a given nerve fiber carries: the sensory
nervous system carries information from a
remote site to the brain, while the motor nerv-
ous system carries impulses from the brain to
muscles of the body. Neurons that carry senso-
ry information are often called ascending fibers
because the signal travels “up” to the brain, and
motor neurons are considered descending
fibers because the signal originates in the brain
and travels “downward”.

“Like all expecting parents, we have many concerns

about the kind of world we’re bringing our daughter
into. As a parent with MS experience, we hope to see
the day that MS isn’t one of those concerns.”

— Stephanie Sisto with her husband Frank

and their dog Gracie
6 PA R T 1 : M I C R O S C O P I C A N ATO M Y

N e u ro n s : The specialized regions of contact between neu-

The neuron [Greek: neuron, nerve or string] is rons (most commonly between an axon and a
the primary functional unit of the nervous sys- dendritic spine) are called synapses [Greek:
tem. The cell body, commonly called the soma synapsis, point of contact]. Synapses permit the
[Greek: soma, body], is the metabolic center of one-way transmission of neural signals from
the neuron. The majority of the cell’s energy pro- one cell to another. The mechanism of synaptic
duction and protein synthesis takes place here. transmission will be discussed in Part 2.
The cell body is also home to the nucleus, a
small organelle that contains the neuron’s DNA.

Neurons have two types of processes, tube-like

extensions from the cell body, called axons and
dendrites. Axons [Greek: axon, axis] are process-
es that transmit signals away from the soma to
target cells, which include muscle cells and
other neurons. As an axon approaches its target,
it divides to form smaller branches, called axon
collaterals. These collaterals allow the axon to
form contacts with many different sites on a sin-
gle target cell or with several nearby target
cells. A single axon can range in length from Figure 1: Neuron Types
This is an illustration of three common types of neurons:
about 100μm (1 μm = 1 micron = one 1,000,000th
mutipolar, pseudounipolar, and bipolar. They are oriented sim-
of a meter) to a few feet, depending on the loca- ilarly for ease of comparison, but this side-by-side orientation
tion of its target structure. does not occur in the body. Note that each neuron has one
axon and at least one dendrite. (image credit: Patricia Smith)
Dendrites [Greek: dendrites, relating to a tree]
receive signals from axons and relay them to Glia:
the soma where they are integrated with other The supporting cells of the nervous system are
incoming signals. In addition to receiving sig- collectively called glia [Greek: glia, glue]. Three
nals, a second important function of dendrites types of glia are found in the central nervous
is to increase the receptive surface area of the system: astrocytes, microglia, and oligodendro-
neuron. This is achieved through the extensive cytes. Astrocytes [Greek: astron, star; kytos, hol-
branching pattern of most dendrites and the low] are star-shaped cells that lie in the spaces
small projections called spines that are found between neurons. These cells provide a rigid
along the length of the dendrite. support structure for neurons and make sure
that the only points of contact between neurons
Each neuron has exactly one axon and at least are at synapses. Astrocytes also form “scars”
one dendrite. Neurons are often characterized after the loss of or damage to CNS tissue,
by the number of processes originating from the which prevents the regeneration of lost synaps-
cell body. For example, a pseudounipolar neuron es. The sclerosis [Greek: sklerosis, hardening],
has a single process that almost immediately or scarring, that occurs in MS is a result of the
branches into an axon and a dendrite. A bipolar astrocytic response to damaged CNS neurons.
neuron has two processes: one axon and one (Interestingly, embryonic astrocytes seem to
dendrite. Multipolar neurons have one axon and assist in the formation of synapses and promote
several dendrites. neuronal growth.)
PA R T 1 : M I C R O S C O P I C A N ATO M Y 7

Microglia [Greek: mikro-, small] are small cells

that are not normally abundant in the central
nervous system. Microglia remain quiescent (at
rest) until they are stimulated by the presence of
an antigen, a substance that the body recognizes
as foreign or damaged. Once activated, the
microglia bind to the antigen and “present” it to
a subset of immune system cells produced in
the thymus gland, called T cells. Together the
T cells and microglia initiate an immune response
against the antigen, in order to protect the CNS.
Activated microglia can engulf and phagocytize
[Greek: phagein, to eat], or digest, cellular Figure 2 – Oligodendrocytes and myelin
debris, fragments, and even injured neurons. The processes of oligodendrocytes produce the myelin
sheaths of the CNS. Processes are shown wrapping around
an axon several times to form a segment of myelin (orange).
The third type of glial cell found in the CNS is The unmyelinated regions (purple) between segments of
the oligodendrocyte [Greek: oligos, little, few], myelin are the nodes of Ranvier. One segment of myelin in the
often called “oligo” for short. Oligos have many upper left of the figure has been shown in cross-section to
demonstrate the layered structure of myelin. (image credit:
processes, or “arms,” extending from the cell Yuko Rodriguez)
body, which form segments of myelin along
axons in the CNS, as described below. Since oli- MS lesions are sites of inflammation in the CNS
gos do not exist outside of the CNS, myelin in where myelin is damaged and stripped away
the PNS is formed by another type of glial cell, from the axons of neurons, resulting in demyeli-
the Schwann cell. nated axons and damage to the nearby oligo-
dendrocytes and/or axons. As further described
M ye l i n : in Part 3, the location of the lesion will deter-
Myelin [Greek: myelos, marrow] is a lipid-rich mine what type of symptoms, if any, may result.
substance that is composed of concentric layers
of glial cell membrane, the “skin” that sur- Meninges:
rounds each cell. In the CNS, one process from The central nervous system is enclosed by a
an oligodendrocyte wraps around a single series of three membranes: the dura mater,
portion of an axon several times to form a arachnoid mater, and pia mater. These mem-
segment of myelin. Each oligo may send out branes are collectively called the meninges
several extensions to form several segments of [Greek: meninx, membrane]. The main functions
myelin on multiple axons. Small, unmyelinated of the meninges are to protect the brain and
regions, called nodes of Ranvier, separate myelin spinal cord, provide structural support to large
segments from each other. The term “myelin blood vessels that supply the CNS, and physi-
sheath” collectively refers to all the segments of cally anchor the brain to the skull.
myelin surrounding a given axon. The segment-
ed nature of the myelin sheath is important for
the conduction of neuronal signals down the
axon, which will be discussed in Part 2.
8 PA R T 1 : M I C R O S C O P I C A N ATO M Y

The intermediate membrane, the arachnoid

mater [Greek: arachne, spider], is a thin sheet of
tissue that loosely surrounds the brain and
spinal cord. The arachnoid mater envelops
nerves that arise directly from the brain or
spinal cord, until they exit the skull or vertebral
column. The arachnoid membrane also sends a
network of delicate, web-like fibers towards the
underlying pia mater.

The pia mater [Latin: pia mater, tender mother] is

the most delicate of the meninges and lies
directly on the surface of the spinal cord and
Figure 3: Meninges
In this illustration of the human skull, part of the forehead brain. Unlike the dura and arachnoid, the pia
has been “opened up” to show the underlying meninges and mater follows the convoluted surface of the brain
brain. Starting on the outside, the layers are: bone, dura
closely, dipping down in to the many folds of the
mater, arachnoid mater, subarachnoid space, pia mater, gray
matter of brain, white matter of brain. (image credit: Fiona cerebral cortex. The pia is also the most vascular
Graeme-Cook) (i.e. contains the most blood vessels) of the
meninges. The small blood vessels that lie in the
The outermost membrane is the dura mater pia mater supply the brain and spinal cord.
[Latin: dura mater, hard mother], which is a very
tough two-layered sheet of tissue. In many There are small spaces separated by the layers
places the two layers of dura are closely of meninges. The epidural space [Greek: epi-,
attached to one another, but in the skull the upon] lies between the outer/endosteal layer of
layers can separate to form venous sinuses, the dura mater and the skull or vertebrae. This
large blood vessel-like openings that drain space is extremely narrow and contains the
deoxygenated blood from the brain. The outer middle meningeal artery, which supplies blood
layer of the dura is tightly adhered to the inter- to most of the dura mater. A rupture in the mid-
nal surface of the skull, while the inner layer is dle meningeal artery will result in an epidural
more closely associated with the underlying hematoma, a localized swelling filled with
arachnoid mater. In certain areas of the skull,
blood. Between the dura and arachnoid mater is
where more support is required, the inner layer
the subdural space [Latin: sub-, beneath]. This
of the dura folds over on itself to create a 4-lay-
space contains a minute amount of fluid as well
ered structure, commonly called a fold or
as some cerebral veins. Damage to one of these
“reflection.” One such reflection is the tentorium
veins will lead to a subdural hematoma. The
cerebelli [Latin: tentorium, tent], which supports
subarachnoid space, which lies between the
the occipital lobes of the cerebral cortex and
arachnoid and pial membranes, is filled with
prevents the weight of the cerebrum from
pressing on the cerebellum. See Part 3 for a cerebrospinal fluid. This fluid provides some
description of these brain regions. The dura nutrients to the CNS, acts as a protective barri-
mater contains a few blood vessels that gener- er against infection, and cushions the CNS from
ally supply the bones of the skull. impact with its bony covering.
PA R T 1 : M I C R O S C O P I C A N ATO M Y 9

C e re b ro s p i n a l f l u i d : skull. This can cause the brain to pull on the

Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) is a clear, colorless dura mater and irritate the nerves and vessels
fluid that circulates around the brain and spinal associated with it.
cord. CSF has a similar composition to blood
serum, the fluid left behind when cells and clot- B lo o d - b ra i n b a r r i e r :
ting factors are removed from whole blood. CSF Endothelial cells [Greek: endon, within; thele,
protects the brain from damage against the nipple] are the specialized cells that line the
skull and provides a “bath” for the brain to float inside of all the blood vessels in the body. In
in, decreasing its effective weight. Approximately most regions of the body, there are tiny open-
400-500 milliliters (about a pint) of cerebrospinal ings between the endothelial cells allowing cer-
fluid is produced each day by the choroid plexus tain nutrients, enzymes, and bacteria in the
[Greek: chorioeides, skinlike; Latin: plectere, to bloodstream to enter the surrounding tissue. In
weave], a highly vascularized tissue that lines the CNS, the seal between adjacent endothelial
some of the ventricles, or cavities, within the cells is especially tight, forming the blood-brain
brain. CSF flows through the four brain ventri- barrier (BBB). Additional structural support for
cles then continues into the subarachnoid space, the BBB is provided by astrocytes that lie along
where it is eventually reabsorbed into the venous the outside of the blood vessels. The BBB is
sinuses by small structures known as arachnoid technically a blood-CNS barrier as it is present
villi [Greek: arachne, spider; Latin: villus, hair]. in the spinal cord as well as the brain.
The absorbed CSF then continues through the
blood circulation. The BBB is a physical barrier that prevents
many substances in the blood from entering the
The subarachnoid space is not uniform in size CNS. Molecules that are lipid, or fat, soluble
throughout the CNS. The space in the lumbar (such as oxygen, carbon dioxide, ethanol, and
portion (lower back) of the vertebral column is steroid hormones) can pass through the BBB
so large that it is known as the lumbar cistern. by dissolving through the membrane of the
A lumbar puncture takes advantage of this large endothelial cells. Also, certain essential cellular
reserve of CSF. In a lumbar puncture a needle is nutrients, such as amino acids, have specialized
inserted between two lumbar vertebrae into the transport mechanisms by which they are able to
subarachnoid space in order to obtain a small leave the blood and enter the brain. Astrocytes,
sample of cerebrospinal fluid for testing. CSF in addition to their structural role, are involved
analysis can aid in the diagnosis of MS by ruling in maintaining a balance of ions (charged parti-
out the presence of acute infections that may cles such as sodium, calcium, and potassium)
not show up on a blood test and by enabling the between the blood and the CNS.
detection of oligoclonal bands. Oligoclonal
bands are immunoglobulins (antibodies) found The BBB is advantageous because it prevents
in the cerebrospinal fluid. Multiple oligoclonal toxins and infectious agents from entering the
bands in the CSF suggest inflammation in the central nervous system. However, this tight
central nervous system and support a diagnosis seal has made treating diseases of the CNS
of MS. A headache may result after a lumbar more difficult because it also prevents antibi-
puncture if the patient tries to get up too quickly otics and other medications normally delivered
or move too much because the loss of CSF through the blood from entering the brain and
causes the brain to become more “heavy” in the spinal cord.
10 PA R T 2 : S I G N A L I N G B Y N E U R O N S

Every neuron is primed with an imbalance of decreasing the actual distance that the signal
ions between the surrounding extracellular fluid must travel and thereby speeding up the rate
and the inside of the cell. This imbalance of of neuronal signaling. This is called saltatory
charged particles, or polarity, is essential for conduction [Latin: saltatore, to jump, dance].
the neuron’s ability to produce signals. Neurons Additionally, myelin has a high lipid content
also have the ability to synthesize neurotrans- which allows it to act as insulation for the axon,
mitters, chemical molecules that are released similar to the rubber coating that surrounds
from the axon terminal of one neuron upon electrical wires keeping the electrical charge
stimulation and bind to receptor sites on the contained within the wire.
surface of neighboring neurons. This causes
small channels on the surface of the neighbor-
ing neuron to open, allowing specific ions to
enter or exit the cell in order to equalize the
imbalance in charge, or depolarize the cell.

A neurotransmitter molecule binding to its

receptor produces a characteristic “stop” or “go”
response in the neuron. Each neuron sums up all
of the individual “stop” and “go” signals to deter-
mine if the overall input to the cell is greater
than a critical level, called threshold. If threshold
is met or exceeded, the neuron generates an Figure 4: Saltatory conduction
output signal called an action potential. Action This figure demonstrates saltatory conduction using a dia-
gram of three myelinated axons. At Point A, ion channels
potentials are electrical signals that propagate
open, ions rush into the axon, and an action potential is gen-
down the entire length of an axon through the erated. The action potential then jumps to the next node of
opening and subsequent closing of adjacent ion Ranvier, Point B (middle axon), followed by Point C (right
channels. Upon reaching the axon terminal, the axon). After the action potential moves to the next node the
axon returns to its rest state as ions leave the axon. (image
action potential stimulates the release of neuro- credit: Claudia Wolf)
transmitters into the synapse, which will bind to
receptors on nearby neurons. If threshold is not
Myelinated segments of axons do contain ion
reached, no action potential will be generated.
channels, but fewer than about 25 per square
micron. When an axon is demyelinated as
In unmyelinated axons, ion channels are distrib- occurs in MS, the rate of conduction slows
uted evenly along the entire length of the axon, down because the action potential can no
100-200 per square micron. The act of opening longer “jump” down the axon. Action potentials
and closing ion channels to conduct the action must then be propagated using active transmis-
potential down an axon takes time. The longer sion, but with fewer ion channels than would be
the axon, the more time it will take for the found in unmyelinated axons.
action potential to reach the synapse. This
process is called active transmission.
Both myelinated and unmyelinated axons are
present in the CNS. Certain types of pain and
In myelinated axons, the ion channels are highly temperature receptors send their information
concentrated in the unmyelinated nodes of along unmyelinated axons. However, the majority
Ranvier, roughly 1000-2000 per square micron. of motor and other types of sensory signals are
Action potentials therefore “jump” down the carried predominantly along myelinated axons.
axon from one node of Ranvier to the next,
PA R T 3 : G R O S S A N AT O M Y O F T H E C E N T R A L N E R V O U S S Y S T E M 11

The central nervous system is composed of the functions. It receives and begins to process
brain and the spinal cord. The CNS is covered sensory information from nerves throughout
by meninges and protected by bony structures, the body. All of the motor neurons that control
the skull and vertebrae. The tissue of the cen- voluntary movements are located in the spinal
tral nervous system can be subdivided into gray cord. The spinal cord is also responsible for
matter and white matter, a classification that is most reflexes, including the knee-jerk reflex
based on the appearance of the tissue to the and the withdrawal reflex when one encounters
naked eye. Gray matter is primarily composed a painful stimulus.
of neuronal cell bodies and dendrites. White
matter is characterized by an abundance of The central portion of the spinal cord is com-
axons, whose fatty myelin sheath gives the posed of gray matter surrounded by white mat-
tissue its white appearance. ter. In a cross-section, the gray matter is easily
identified by its characteristic butterfly, or “H”
An important distinction to make at this point is shape. The tips of the H (or the tips of the but-
that between a neuron and a nerve. These terfly’s wings) are called horns. There are 2 dor-
terms are not interchangeable, however some- sal horns and 2 ventral horns. Somatic motor
times you will hear a neuron referred to as a neurons that supply skeletal muscles are locat-
nerve cell or fiber. A nerve is made up of many ed in the ventral horn. The motor neurons that
axons, originating from many different neurons, are closest to the midline of the spinal cord
which are held together in a fibrous sheath innervate muscles of the trunk, while those that
called the epineurium [Greek: epi-, upon; neuron, are more lateral innervate the extremities
nerve]. In this sense several neurons contribute (arms, legs, fingers, toes). The cells in the dor-
to the formation of a single nerve. sal horn are generally small “interneurons” that
relay incoming sensory signals to both motor
Other terms used in the description of neu- neurons and other sensory neurons.
roanatomy indicate the positional relationship of
one structure to another: Dorsal and posterior
mean behind, or towards the back; ventral and
anterior mean towards the front or in front of.
Medial indicates that a structure is close or
closer to the midline of the body, while lateral
means that a structure is farther away from the
midline, towards the right or left. Finally, superior
means above and inferior means below.

S p i n a l C o rd :
The spinal cord is a bundle of nervous tissue
that extends down the back through the verte-
bral column. It is continuous with the brain- Figure 5: Spinal cord cross-section
The somae of sensory neurons (blue) are found in the dorsal
stem at the base of the skull and terminates a root ganglia. Sensory axons enter the spinal cord through the
few inches below the ribcage. The adult spinal dorsal root and often synapse on interneurons (green) in the
cord is 42-45 centimeters long on average gray matter. Motor neuron cell bodies are located in the gray
and only about 1 centimeter in diameter at its matter and the axons leave the spinal cord through the ven-
tral root. Spinal nerves are formed when the dorsal and ven-
widest point. Don’t let the small size fool you; tral roots join together. (image credit: Jennifer Tobin)
the spinal cord has several very important
12 PA R T 3 : G R O S S A N AT O M Y O F T H E C E N T R A L N E R V O U S S Y S T E M

The functional organization of the spinal cord is sacral and coccygeal segments of the spinal cord
based on the pairs of spinal nerves that emerge and vertebrae referred to as the sacrococcygeal
from the cord at regular intervals. Each spinal region. The levels of the spinal cord are abbrevi-
nerve is made from the union of a ventral motor ated by using the first letter of the name of the
root and a dorsal sensory root. The axons of vertebral type associated with the nerves. For
motor neurons leave the spinal cord through example, C-spine refers to the cervical segments
the ventral motor root and then travel in the of the spinal cord, while T-spine refers to the
spinal nerve until reaching their target muscle. thoracic segments. Also, C5 refers to the 5th
Sensory cell bodies are not located in the spinal spinal nerve in the cervical region.
cord, but in small aggregations along the dorsal
root of the spinal nerve, called dorsal root gan- If you were to look at the entire length of the
glia [Greek: ganglion, nerve bundle]. The spinal cord, you would notice that there are two
processes of sensory neurons travel through regions that are slightly larger in diameter than
the spinal nerve to specialized sensory recep- the rest of the cord. These are the cervical and
tors located throughout the body. lumbar enlargements that contain the motor neu-
rons that supply the arms and legs, respectively.
The portion of the spinal cord associated with a
given pair of spinal nerves is known as a seg-
ment. Spinal nerves exit the vertebral column
through small openings called intervertebral fora-
men [Latin: foramen, opening]. Since each pair
of spinal nerves leaves the vertebral column
through a specific vertebra (one of the bones that
make up the vertebral column), the spinal nerves
are named after their associated vertebra.

The vertebral column is divided into 5 regions

based on the physical characteristics of the indi-
vidual vertebrae. The cervical [Latin: cervix, neck] Figure 6: Spinal cord
vertebrae are located in the neck and are the This is a profile of the spinal cord within the vertebral col-
umn. Each region of the spinal cord (cervical, thoracic, lum-
smallest of the vertebrae. The thoracic [Latin:
bar, sacrococcygeal) is a different color. The spinal nerves are
thorax, chest] vertebrae are associated with the seen exiting the vertebral column on the right. (image credit:
ribs. Lumbar [Latin: lumbaris, loin] vertebrae are James Steinberg)
found in the lower back and are thick in order to
support the body. The sacral [Latin: sacer, As you can see in Figure 6, the spinal cord does
sacred] vertebrae are fused together to form a not extend the full length of the vertebral column.
structure called the sacrum, which is located The spinal cord normally terminates at around L1
behind the pelvis. Finally, the coccygeal [Greek: to L2 (lumbar vertebrae 1 to 2). The roots of lum-
kokkux, cuckoo, resembling a cuckoo’s beak] ver- bar, sacral, and coccygeal spinal nerves must
tebrae are small, incompletely formed bones just descend beyond the end of the spinal cord to
inferior to the sacrum. The 31 pairs of spinal reach their exit point. Collectively these nerve
nerves and their corresponding spinal segments roots are known as the cauda equina (Latin:
are as follows: 8 cervical, 12 thoracic, 5 lumbar, horse’s tail).
5 sacral, and 1 coccygeal. You may hear the
PA R T 3 : G R O S S A N AT O M Y O F T H E C E N T R A L N E R V O U S S Y S T E M 13

Each spinal nerve carries sensory information cephalon [Greek: telos, end; encephalon, in the
from a specific region of the body. The area of head] gives rise to the cerebral cortex and a
skin that is innervated, or supplied, by a single collection of structures known as the basal
spinal nerve is called a dermatome. MS lesions in ganglia. The diencephalon [Greek: dia, through;
the spinal cord can produce sensory symptoms encephalon, in the head] forms several struc-
that feel like “bands” of altered sensation tures including the thalamus, hypothalamus, and
around the body. These bands correspond to the optic nerves.
dermatomes (see Figure 7) supplied by spinal
nerves. Sensory nerves above the level of the Telencephalon – cerebral cortex
lesion are not affected, but those below the level The surface of the cerebral cortex [Latin: cortex,
of the lesion are affected. Since sensory infor- bark or rind] is very convoluted, allowing for a
mation travels up the spinal cord to the brain, greater area of cortex to fit inside the skull.
the lesion acts like a roadblock to these signals, The folds of tissue that project outwards are
preventing them from continuing onto the brain. called gyri (singular: gyrus) [Greek: gyros, cir-
Similarly, motor symptoms also occur below cle] and the grooves between the folds are
the level of the spinal lesion. In this case the called sulci (singular: sulcus) [Latin: sulcus,
“roadblock” prevents the signals from the brain ditch]. The pattern of gyri and sulci in a brain
from traveling down the spinal cord. is characteristically arranged and can be used
as anatomical landmarks for certain functional
areas of the brain.

The cerebral cortex is divided vertically into

two hemispheres, which are generally physi-
cally symmetrical but have some important
differences in function. The left hemisphere is
responsible for logic, mathematics, language,
reasoning, storage of language-based memo-
ries, and the right side of the body. The right
hemisphere integrates input from all of the
senses and is responsible for visual-spatial
skills, art, music, storage of sensory-based
Figure 7: Dermatome map memories, and the left side of the body. Both
Spinal nerves are listed next to the area of skin that they hemispheres are able to interpret sensory
innervate. The colors used in this figure correspond to the
regions of the spinal cord in Figure 6. (image credit: James
information, make decisions, and play a part in
Steinberg) learning and memory functions. The primary
means of communication between the right
and left cerebral hemispheres is through a
B ra i n :
structure known as the corpus callosum [Latin:
The brain has three major subdivisions: the
corpus, body; callosus, hard]. The corpus callo-
cerebrum, the cerebellum, and the brain stem.
sum is a large bundle of axons that transmits
signals from one hemisphere to the other, so
that the cerebral cortex is able to function as a
The cerebrum [Latin: cerebrum, brain] is derived
single unit.
from two embryologic structures: the telen-
cephalon and the diencephalon. The telen-
14 PA R T 3 : G R O S S A N AT O M Y O F T H E C E N T R A L N E R V O U S S Y S T E M

Figure 8: Corpus callosum Figure 9: Lobes of cerebral cortex

This is a top-down view of the cerebral cortex with the right The lobes of the cerebral cortex, as well as the cerebellum
hemisphere in gray and the left hemisphere in white. The and brain stem are shown in relation to the head and face.
right hemisphere is slightly “cut away” to reveal the corpus The limbic lobe can not be seen here because it is internal to
callosum, bands of nerve fibers extended between the two the other lobes of the cortex. (image credit: Claudia Wolf)
hemispheres. The green arrows represent the exchange of
information between the hemispheres. (image credit: Joel
Jacobs, Ph.D.) While MS lesions in the cerebral cortex are quite
common, they do not usually produce major symp-
Each cerebral hemisphere is divided into 5 toms. One reason for this is that adjacent cortical
lobes, or sections: frontal, parietal, temporal, regions often have very similar or redundant func-
occipital, and limbic. The lobes have distinct tions, making it more difficult for a lesion to have a
functional characteristics that are described great effect on any particular function. Large cere-
briefly in Table 1. bral lesions may cause general weakness or
numbness, and in rare circumstances can result
in aphasia [Greek: aphatos, speechless], memory
difficulties, or other cognitive problems.

Table 1: Lobes of the Cerebral Cortex

Cortical Lobe Location Primary Functions
Frontal lobe Roughly the anterior ⁄3 of the
• initiation of voluntary movements
cerebral cortex • production of written and spoken language
• personality and “executive” function
Parietal lobe Superior half of the middle 1⁄3 of the • processing of tactile information, perception of
cortex movement and awareness of the body’s orientation
in space (proprioception)
• comprehension of language
• spatial organization and perception
Temporal lobe Inferior half of the middle 1⁄3 of • processing of auditory information
the cortex • comprehension of language
• visual processing
• learning and memory
Occipital lobe Posterior 1⁄3 of the cerebral cortex processing of visual information
Limbic lobe Internal aspect of the cortex • emotion
• drive-related behavior
• memory
PA R T 3 : G R O S S A N AT O M Y O F T H E C E N T R A L N E R V O U S S Y S T E M 15

Telencephalon – basal ganglia thalamos, chamber]. The thalamus is a bilateral

The basal ganglia [Latin: basis, base] are a col- collection of nuclei located in the center of the
lection of bilateral nuclei (in the central nervous brain that functions as a processing and relay
system, the term nuclei refers to a collection of center for the cerebral cortex. It receives input
neuronal cell bodies) that are located internal to from the other areas of the CNS, integrates
the cerebral cortex. They are often referred to them, and subsequently sends signals to vari-
as “sub-cortical” nuclei. The nuclei that com- ous regions of the cerebral cortex.
prise the basal ganglia are the caudate nucleus,
putamen, globus pallidus and the substantia The hypothalamus [Greek: hypo-, under] is a
nigra. Some texts will also include the subthal- small bilateral structure just inferior to the
amic nucleus, amygdala, and the claustrum in thalamus. The hypothalamus contains the
their description of the basal ganglia. appetite and thirst centers of the brain and
plays a role in emotional and drive-related
behaviors. It controls many of the body’s auto-
nomic functions and hormone levels through
the pituitary gland. (This is why you will often
hear the term hypothalamic-pituitary axis.) The
pituitary gland has a wide variety of functions
including control of growth, metabolism, blood
pressure, sexual function, and thyroid function,
as well as mediating the body’s response to

The optic nerves [Greek: optikos, visible] carry

Figure 10: Basal ganglia. visual information from each eye to the occipital
The basal ganglia’s position within the brain is illustrated by lobe of the cortex where the majority of visual
the profile on the lower right The upper left image is an
enlarged version of the basal ganglia. The dotted lines indi- processing takes place. Inflammation of the
cate that part of the caudate nucleus has been removed to optic nerve results in optic neuritis, a relatively
make other structures, such as the putamen and globus pal- common condition in MS. This can result in
lidus, visible. (image credit: Joel Jacobs, Ph.D.)
visual disturbances including blurred or double
vision, loss of sight, pain, and/or headaches.
The basal ganglia initiate and help control vol-
untary movements. They also have an important
role in balance and postural reflexes. The neu-
C e re b e l l u m :
The cerebellum [Latin: cerebellum, little brain] is
rodegenerative disorders Parkinson’s disease
located beneath the cerebral hemispheres on
and Huntington disease are movement disor-
the posterior surface of the brain. The cerebel-
ders that result from dysregulation, or abnor-
lum communicates with the cerebral cortices
mal function, of the basal ganglia.
and brainstem through fiber bundles called the
cerebellar peduncles [Latin: pedunculus, foot],
which also anchor the cerebellum to the rest of
The structures that are located deep within the
the brain. The cerebellum is involved with the
cerebral cortex, in the center of the brain, are
processing of somatosensory (sensations from
collectively called the diencephalon. The largest
the body) information, balance, control and
of these structures is the thalamus [Greek:
16 PA R T 3 : G R O S S A N AT O M Y O F T H E C E N T R A L N E R V O U S S Y S T E M

coordination of voluntary movements. Damage body functions such as respiration and heart
to the cerebellum can result in problems with rate. Nuclei in the brainstem communicate with
balance, control of posture, and coordination of the cerebral cortex, the cerebellum and the
movements. spinal cord. Most of the cranial nerves originate
in the brain stem.
B ra i n st e m :
The brain stem is continuous with the cerebrum Cranial nerves supply motor and sensory inner-
above and with the spinal cord below. The func- vation to the head, receive sensory information
tions of the brainstem are diverse. The upper- from the eyes, ears, nose and mouth, and pro-
most portion of the brainstem is the midbrain. vide autonomic innervation to the head and
The midbrain is involved with vision and hear- neck. These nerves are especially important
ing. The pons [Latin: pons, bridge], the middle because they control the “special senses” of
portion of the brain stem, controls conscious- vision, hearing, smell and taste.
ness and arousal, and aids in the coordination
of movement. The lower portion of the brain-
stem, the medulla oblongata, regulates vital

Table 2: Cranial Nerves

Nerve Name Functions
I Olfactory Smell
II Optic Vision
III Oculomotor Movement of the eyes, elevation of the eyelids, constriction of pupil in response
to light
IV Trochlear Inferior and lateral movement of the eyes
V Trigeminal Sensation from the face, control of the muscles involved in chewing
VI Abducent Lateral movement of the eye
VII Facial Control of the muscles involved in facial expression, taste, tear production,
VIII Vestibulocochlear Hearing and balance
IX Glossopharyngeal Salivation, taste, sensation from external ear
X Vagus Control of the muscles involved in swallowing, taste, autonomic innervation
of various organs including tongue, larynx (area of voice production), pharynx
(throat), heart, bronchi of lungs, esophagus
XI Accessory Control of the muscles of the palate, pharynx, larynx
XII Hypoglossal Control of the muscles of the tongue
PA R T 4 : M AG N E T I C R E S O N A N C E I M AG I N G 17

MRI: Another technique used with MRIs is the intra-

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) takes venous injection of a contrast agent called
advantage of the abundance of hydrogen atoms gadolinium (Gd or Gad). Gd is a chemical
in all of the body’s fluids and tissues. The pro- element with magnetic properties that shorten
tons that spin around the nucleus of hydrogen the relaxation time of nearby protons. On a
atoms produce tiny magnetic fields. When the T1-weighted image, areas rich in Gd appear
atoms enter a strong magnetic field, in this brighter than the surrounding tissue. After its
case because your body has entered the MRI injection, Gd remains in the blood vessels
scanner, the protons’ spins are forced into unless the blood-brain barrier is ruptured, as
alignment with the magnetic field. Radio fre- it is in cases of the acute inflammation seen in
quency pulses are sent into the magnetic field “active” MS lesions. In this situation, Gd leaks
by the MRI scanner, which transmits energy out into the nervous tissue around the lesion
waves to the protons, causing them to tilt out of resulting in a bright “spot” on the MRI. The Gd
alignment. As the protons fall out of alignment, solution used with MRIs is known to be very
they absorb some of the energy generated by safe and is excreted from the body in urine.
the scanner. When the radio pulse is turned off,
the protons relax and return to alignment with While bright (hyperintense) spots on a T1-
the magnetic field, transferring energy to their weighted MRI indicate active lesions that
surrounding environment (tissue). Each tissue enhance with Gd, hyperintense areas on T2-
has a characteristic “relaxation time”, which weighted images could be either acute lesions
is the time that it takes for a given tissue to or sites of chronic damage. Areas that appear
absorb the energy released by its protons. as hypointense (dark) spots for six or more
For example, myelin, which is rich in lipids, months on T1 images are called “persistent
absorbs energy faster than cerebrospinal fluid, black holes” and indicate sites where axons
which is mostly water. By measuring the have been damaged and tissue has been lost.
amount of energy in the scanner after each
radio pulse, a computer is able to construct For additional information on magnetic reso-
an image of the insides of the body. nance imaging, please refer to the Accelerated
Cure Project Newsletter, Fall 2004, Vol. 3 Issue
There are several techniques used by the scan- 3. This can be downloaded by visiting:
ner’s computer to construct these body images. www.acceleratedcure.org/news/newsletter.php.
T1-weighted images focus on the rate of relax-
ation as protons realign with the magnetic field. Summary
In this type of scan, white matter (myelin) The nervous system is very complex and scien-
appears lighter than gray matter, and bone, air, tists are still trying to solve many of its myster-
and fluids appear black. T2-weighted images are ies. Hopefully this paper has given you a better
based on the rate at which protons lose their tilt. understanding of basic neuroanatomy. Below is
In these images, white matter is darker than a list of websites that can give you some more
gray matter, fluid is white, and bone is black. information about the nervous system or MRI.
Tissue damage appears dark in T1-weighted Don’t be hesitant to ask your neurologist or
images and white in T2-weighted images. health care provider any questions you have
about MS and how it affects your body.

H e l p f u l We b s i t e s : R e fe re n ce s :
A brief tour of the brain: This site is mostly text Moore, Keith L. and Agur, Anne M. R. (1995)
and offers a more historical account of what is Essential Clinical Anatomy. Lippincott Williams &
known about the brain. It also has a good descrip- Wilkins, Baltimore, MD.
tion of the communication between neurons.
www.nldontheweb.org/catterall.htm Kingsley, Robert E. (2000) Concise Text of
Neuroscience, second edition. Lippincott Williams
Medline Plus Medical Encyclopedia – MRI: & Wilkins, Baltimore, MD.
This site is maintained by the U.S. National
Academy of Health and the National Institute of Bashir, Khurram and Whitaker, John N. (2002)
Health. It provides links to a series of articles Handbook of Multiple Sclerosis. Lippincott
and tutorials about MRI. Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore, MD.
Gray, Henry (2003) Gray’s Anatomy 16th edition.
Society for Neuroscience: The society offers a Merchant Book Company, Finland.
variety of public resources on their website.The
Brain Briefings and Brain Backgrounders are
short online articles about a variety of topics.

While you are waiting… a guide to brain anatomy:

This website describes the parts of the brain,
their functions, and what symptoms may result
from damage to specific brain areas.
Accelerated Cure Project: This is a nonprofit
Whole Brain Atlas – Harvard University: This is organization dedicated to curing MS by
an interactive map (or atlas) of the human brain determining its causes.
using MRI images. You can look at the normal
brain or the brain with a variety of neurological Credits
conditions, including MS. Author: Jennifer Tobin
Artists: Patricia Smith, Yuko Rodriguez, Fiona
Graeme-Cook, Claudia Wolf, Jennifer Tobin,
Wikipedia: This online encyclopedia is a great
James Steinberg, Joel Jacobs, Ph.D.
resource if you are looking for some more
in-depth information on a specific brain area. Editors: Accelerated Cure Project Staff
en.wikipedia.org Design: Clockwork Design Group, Inc
The Accelerated Cure Project for Multiple Sclerosis is a national nonprofit organization
dedicated to curing MS by determining its causes. Focused primarily on accelerating
the pace of MS breakthroughs, the Accelerated Cure Project seeks to remove obstacles
to investigating the causes of MS and encourages collaboration between research
organizations and clinicians. It is developing a “Cure Map,” a systematic plan of research
into the causes of MS, and implementing a large-scale, multidisciplinary MS Sample
Repository to accelerate the search for environmental and genetic factors in MS.

Accelerated Cure Project provides the following MS resources and materials at no charge:

• MS News: One of the most popular, compre- • Quarterly Print Newsletter: Updates relating
hensive, and continuously updated sources to Accelerated Cure Project’s recent efforts
of MS-related news available today. It can be and research.
found at msnews.acceleratedcure.org.
• Email Announcements: Prompt notification
• MS Quickstart Guide: A booklet called, “So of upcoming events, breaking MS news, and
you have MS...What’s Next?” that tells you the availability of MS related resources.
all you’ll need to know when you or a loved
one is diagnosed with MS. Based on the • Healthcare Market Overview: Provides useful
experiences of people with MS, it’s a useful information for someone just diagnosed with
place to start your introduction to having MS. a chronic disease looking to understand how
everything interoperates. .
• Working with Multiple Sclerosis: A booklet to
guide you through the various problems that • Book Reviews: written by Accelerated Cure
can crop up when trying to manage a career Project volunteers about MS-related books.
and a chronic disease.
• Interviews with MS researchers: explaining
• Multiple Sclerosis Primer: Provides an their specific fields of study.
in-depth introduction to MS as a disease,
how it is diagnosed, and treated, and • Clinical Trials: links to online resources for
what’s involved. understanding and participating in studies.

Click on the “Sign Up” button at the top of every web page to receive all these benefits
and others at: www.acceleratedcure.org/offerings

Accelerated Cure Project is primarily supported by contributions from

individuals. Please make a gift to support the mission to cure
Multiple Sclerosis by determining its causes.

Contributions can be check, credit card, or stock. We are a 501(c)3

nonprofit so your contribution may be tax deductible.

Please make checks payable to:

Accelerated Cure Project
300 Fifth Avenue
Waltham, MA 02451

Tax ID: 04-3555864

Clockwork Design Group is proud to design and produce all marketing materials for Accelerated Cure Project for Multiple Sclerosis,
including this booklet. www.cdgi.com.

© Copyright Accelerated Cure Project for Multiple Sclerosis, January 2007

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