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Journal of Behavior, Health & Social Issues vol. 6 num. 1 Pp.

107-117 MAY-2014 / OCT-2014

DOI: 10.5460/jbhsi.v6.1.47607





Recieved: Septiembre 6, 2013

Mario Alberto Trógolo Revised: Marzo 25, 2013
Franco Melchior Accepted: Abril 2, 2014
Leonardo Adrián Medrano
Universidad Empresarial Siglo 21. Córdoba, Argentina. Las contribuciones de MT estuvieron relacionadas con la
concepción y diseño del trabajo, la revisión de la literatura,
el análisis y la interpretación de los datos y la redacción del
manuscrito. Las contribuciones de FM estuvieron relacionadas
con la concepción y diseño de trabajo, la recolección de
datos y la revisión sintáctica y ortográfica de la redacción.
Las contribuciones de LAM estuvieron relacionadas con la
recolección de datos, la asesoría estadística y la revisión final
del manuscrito. Dirigir la correspondencia al primer autor,
correo electrónico mariopsicounc@gmail.com


The present study tested associations among difficulties in emotion regulation and driving styles.
One-hundred and thirty seven Argentinean drivers completed self-report measures of difficulties in
emotion regulation and driving styles. As expected, greater difficulties in different types of emotion
regulation abilities were related to anxious, angry, dissociative and risky driving. By contrast, lesser
difficulties in regulating emotions were associated with careful driving. Stepwise multiple regres-
sion analysis revealed a differential contribution of specific types of emotion regulation abilities to
each driving style. Importance of assessing emotional skills in candidates’ examination to obtain/
renewal driving license and emotion regulation based-interventions for drivers with maladaptive
driving behaviors is emphasized. Limitations and future directions are also discussed.
Keywords: Difficulties in emotion regulation, driving styles, Traffic Psychology.

Journal of Behavior, Health & Social Issues vol. 6 num. 1 MAY-2014 / OCT-2014 107
Trógolo, Melchior & Medrano


El objetivo del presente estudio consistió en evaluar la relación entre las dificultades en la regula-
ción de las emociones y los estilos de conducción vehicular. Se aplicaron medidas de autoinforme
a una muestra de 137 conductores argentinos que conducían vehículos regularmente. Conforme a
las hipótesis que sustentaron este trabajo, se observó que aquellos conductores que presentaban
mayores dificultades en diferentes dimensiones de regulación emocional presentaron un estilo
de conducción más ansioso, agresivo, disociativo y riesgoso. Por el contrario, los conductores con
menores dificultades para regular sus emociones evidenciaron un estilo de conducción más cor-
dial y prudente. Por otra parte, análisis de regresión múltiple (método stepwise) revelaron que las
dimensiones de regulación emocional realizaron una contribución diferencial en la predicción de
los diferentes estilos de conducción. Se destaca la importancia de incluir en la evaluación no sólo
las aptitudes psico-físicas sino también emocionales tanto en los aspirantes a la obtención como
en la renovación del permiso de conducir y se ofrecen algunas propuestas para el desarrollo de
programas de entrenamiento en regulación emocional para conductores con estilos de manejo
desadaptativos. Finalmente, se exponen las limitaciones de este trabajo y se recomiendan futuras
líneas de investigación.
Palabras clave: Dificultades en la regulación emocional, estilos de conducción, Psicología del Tránsito.


Traffic accidents constitute a global social and driving skill and driving style. Driving skill refers
economic problem; around 1.24 million people to the capability of drivers to maintain control
die every year on the world’s roads and another over the vehicle and respond in an adaptively
20 to 50 million suffer nonfatal injuries due road way to complex traffic situations. This skill is
traffic crashes. Road traffic injuries are currently assumed to increase with practice or training.
the eighth leading cause of death around the By style they referred to the ways drivers choo-
world, the first cause of death for young people se to drive or to their habitual driving mode,
aged 15-29 years old and result in considerable including features such as speed, headway, and
financial costs, especially to developing econo- trait levels of attentiveness and assertiveness,
mies. In this regard, the devastating effects of and is expected to be influenced by attitudes
traffic crashes are concerned not only with global and beliefs regarding driving, as well as by more
public health but also with sustainable develop- general needs and values.
ment (World Health Organization [WHO], 2013). In an effort to provide a conceptualization
Although certainly there are many factors and measurement of a person’s habitual driving
that cause traffic crashes (see Haddon, 1980), it style, Taubman-Ben-Ari, Mikulincer and Gillath
has been commonly acknowledged that human (2004) distinguished among eight different dri-
factor plays a more important role beyond other ving styles in which individuals may usually
factors such as vehicle, road, etc (Rumar, 1990; engage in: (1) the dissociative driving style,
United States General Accounting Office, 2003; which reflects the tendency to be distracted
Wang, 1995). Consequently, a particular inter- while driving and to commit driving errors due
est has been shown to drivers’ behaviors (AAA to this distraction; (2) the anxious driving style,
Foundation for Traffic Safety, 1997). Research which refers to the proneness to feel anxiety
in this domain has been primarily concerned and distress during driving and to express lack
in identifying variables which may influence of security about his or her driving skills; (3)
accident involvement and risk-taking behavior the risky driving style, which relates to thrill
in traffic (Ulleberg & Rundmo, 2003). seeking while driving, deliberate violation of
In this context, Elander, West and French (1993) safe driving norms and the tendency to engage
argued that car accident liability is associated with in risky behaviors such as tailgate other drivers,

108 Journal of Behavior, Health & Social Issues vol. 6 num. 1 MAY-2014 / OCT-2014
Emotion regulation on driving behavior

race with other cars, illegal passing, and so on; Additionally, recent studies revealed the impact
(4) the angry driving style, which consists of the of emotions on drivers’ attitudes and behaviors.
tendency to feel irritable, angry and to behave For instance, anxiety was significantly associated
aggressively towards other drivers, such as with excitement-seeking and risky driving beha-
cursing or flashing lights; (5) the high-velocity vior (Oltedal & Rundmo, 2006). Moreover, driver
driving style, which involves the tendency to rage was significantly related to speeding (Begg
drive fast and to express signs of time pressure & Langley, 2004; Deffenbacher, Deffenbacher,
during driving; (6) the distress-reduction driving Lynch & Richards, 2003). In addition, negative
style, which refers to the tendency to engage emotions while driving were associated with
in relaxing activities during driving in order to elevated risk perception, while positive ones
reduce distress feelings, such as meditate; (7) were linked to lower risk perception (Hu, Xie
the patient driving style, which reflects the ten- & Li, 2013). Finally, Chan and Singhal (2013) de-
dency to be courteous and respectful towards monstrated that emotions modulated drivers’
other drivers, to feel no time pressure during attention reorienting away from task driving to
driving, and to display calmness while driving; emotional stimuli, resulting in decreased attention
and (8) the careful driving style, which repre- and information processing critical for driving
sents the tendency to be careful while driving performance. Clearly, these findings suggest that
including planning ahead, attention to road, emotions can be detrimental for safe driving,
and keeping the traffic rules. Further empirical being necessary to regulate them.
researches (Poó, Taubman-Ben-Ari, Ledesma It is widely assumed that emotions are not
& Díaz-Lázaro, 2013; Taubman-Ben-Ari & Yehil, irresistible forces that exert a sweeping influence
2012) showed that were more appropriate to on behavior. Rather, people can regulate their
consider the risky and the high-velocity styles emotions and actually they engage in some
into a single driving style, namely, the risky style. form of emotion regulation almost all the time
In a similar vein, the patient and careful driving (Davidson, 1998). Emotion regulation refers to
were merged together to represent the careful the different set of automatic and controlled
style. Accordingly, the construct of driving style processes through emotions are regulated (Gross
was defined by six different dimensions that & Thompson, 2007). These processes may target
are, however, theoretically consistent with the emotions at different points in the emotion-
broad domains originally proposed. generative process, such us situation, attention,
Accumulate research (Groeger & Rothengatter, appraisal and emotions response components,
1998; Harré, 2000; Miller & Taubman-Ben-Ari, 2010; and diminish, increase or maintain emotion,
Poó et al., 2013; Taubman-Ben-Ari et al., 2004; depending on an individual`s goals.
Ulleberg & Rundmo 2003) indicates that there An alternative model of emotion regulation
are a host of factors influencing on driving styles, based on emotional responses was developed
including personality (e.g., sensation seeking, by Gratz and Roemer (2004). According to this
anxiety, aggression), cognitive (e.g., risk percep- model, emotion regulation can be defined as a
tion, self-efficacy), attitudinal (e.g., risk seeking), set of different, albeit interrelated, abilities in-
social (e.g., intergenerational transmission) and cluding emotional awareness, emotional clarity,
demographic variables (e.g., age and gender). emotional acceptance, impulse control, ability
With regard to the latter, is has been consistently to engage in desired goals while experiencing
demonstrated that women tend to exhibit more negative emotions and the ability to use flexi-
dissociative, anxious, and careful driving, while bly and situationally appropriate strategies to
men tend to display higher risky and angry dri- modulate emotional responses as desired. The
ving. Moreover, less adaptively driving styles relative absence of any or all of these abilities
(i.e., risky, dissociative, anxious and aggressive) would indicate the presence of difficulties in
were consistently found to diminish with age emotion regulation.
and, conversely, more adaptive ways of driving Emotion regulation is essential to effective hu-
(i.e., careful) were positively associated with age. man functioning (see Gross, 1998; Koole 2009, for

Journal of Behavior, Health & Social Issues vol. 6 num. 1 MAY-2014 / OCT-2014 109
Trógolo, Melchior & Medrano

a comprehensive review). In addition, difficulties ple consisted of 80 men and 57 women ranging
in emotion regulation are associated with poorer from 18 to 65 years old (M= 36.82; SD= 12.57).
self-regulation leading to maladaptive behaviors The majority of participants were employees
such as substance abuse, binge eating and the (88.2%). Three inclusion criteria were considered:
tendency to risk taking (Cooper, Shaver & Collins, (1) participants had to be eighteen years old or
1998; Haves, Wilson, Gifford, Follette, & Strosahl, over, (2) to have had driver’s license and (3) to
1996; Whiteside et al., 2007). Related to driving be- drive regularly for at least a year. All participants
havior, these findings could suggest that difficulties agreed voluntarily to complete the measures
in emotion regulation may influence on maladap- and no reward was offered for participation in
tive driving behaviors (e.g., aggressive, risky) and, the study.
conversely, the ability to regulate emotions may
be involved in more adjusted driving behaviors Materials and instruments
(e.g., careful). In line with these assumptions, Difficulties in emotion regulation were assessed
Feldman, Greeson, Renna and Robbins-Monteith with the Argentine version of the Difficulties in
(2011) found that difficulties in emotion regula- Emotion Regulation Scale, DERS (Medrano &
tion were associated with greater frequency of Trógolo, in press). The original DERS (Gratz &
text-messaging while driving. By contrast, Arnau- Roemer, 2004) is a 36-items, self-report measure
Sabatés, Sala-Roca & Jariot-Garcia (2012) reported that assesses difficulties in different abilities in-
that emotion regulation abilities were negatively volved in regulating emotions: lack of emotional
related to risky driving behaviors such speeding, awareness (6 items), lack of emotional clarity (5
taking alcohol and drugs, distraction and fatigue, items), nonacceptance of emotional responses
and risk-taking tendency. (6 items), difficulties engaging in goal-directed
behavior (5 items), impulse control difficulties (6
The current research items) and limited access to emotion regulation
According to previous review difficulties in emo- strategies (8 items). Participants are asked to in-
tion regulation appears to be related to risky dicate how often the items apply to themselves,
driving. However, to our best knowledge no using a five-point Likert scale, from 1 (“almost
study has yet systematically and comprehensively never”) to 5 (“almost always”). Exploratory fac-
explored the association between difficulties in tor analysis in Argentine population yielded six
emotion regulation and different driving styles. underlying factors that explained 50.79% of the
Thus, the goals of the current study were to: 1) total variance. Complementary studies using
examine the relationships between difficulties in confirmatory factor analysis (Medrano & Trógolo,
emotion regulation and driving styles; 2) ascertain 2012) demonstrated that six-factor model had
the difficulties in emotion regulation abilities better fix to the data (Ƶ2 dif = 84.7, p<.001; ∆CFI
that better predict each driving style. = .04; ∆GFI = .04; ∆RMSEA = .01) than alternative
Based on both theoretical assumptions and five-factor model proposed by Hervás and Jódar
prior research, we hypothesized that higher (2008). Internal consistency showed good relia-
difficulties in emotion regulation are positively bility for all subscales with alpha coefficients
and significantly related to risky, angry, disso- ranging from .70 to .87, except for limited access
ciative and anxious driving. In opposition, we to emotion regulation strategies (Cronbach’s
hypothesized that lower difficulties in regulating alpha = .54). Lastly, correlations theoretically
emotions are positively associated to distress consistent of several DERS subscales and neuro-
reduction and careful driving. ticism and extraversion traits provided evidence
for concurrent validity.
Method Driving styles were measured with the Mul-
tidimensional Driving Style Inventory Spanish-
Participants language version, MDSI-S (Poó et al., 2013). The
A total of 137 participants recruited from Cor- MDSI-S is a 40-items self-report measure that
doba, Argentine, took part in this study. The sam- evaluates six different types of driving behaviors

110 Journal of Behavior, Health & Social Issues vol. 6 num. 1 MAY-2014 / OCT-2014
Emotion regulation on driving behavior

in which people usually engage in: risky style (9 ness and lack of emotional clarity, while distress
items), dissociative style (10 items), angry style reduction driving did not show any significant
(6 items), careful style (6 items), anxious style relationship with DERS subscales. Finally, age
(4 items) and distress reduction style (5 items). negatively correlated with risky, dissociative and
Participants were asked to read each item and angry driving.
to rate the extent to which it reflected their fe- In order to analyze potential gender diffe-
elings, thoughts, and behaviors during driving rences, a one-way MANOVA was performed.
on a 6-point Likert scale, ranging from 1 (“not Results indicated a significant main effect of
at all”) to 6 (“very much”). Exploratory analy- gender; multivariate F (12, 133) = 2.00; p= .005;
sis revealed that MDSI-S factors were clearly Ʀ2= .16. More specifically, univariate analysis
interpretable and explained 46.9% of the total revealed gender main effect in risky (F (1, 133)
variance. Correlations between driving styles = 6.29, p = .002, Ʀ2 = .09; Ms = 22.62 and 17.40 for
and different measures of personality traits, males and females, respectively), anxious (F (1,
self-reported traffic crash and offenses provided 133) = 3.57, p = .031, Ʀ2 = .05; Ms = 8.08 and 9.43
external validity of the MDSI-S. With regard to for males and females, respectively) and distress
reliability, all MDSI-S subscales reported good reduction styles (F (1, 133) = 10.12; p =.000, Ʀ2 =
internal consistency (alpha values higher than .13; Ms = 15.53 and 13.16 for males and females,
.70) and participants responses under different respectively).
conditions (i.e., anonymous, non-anonymous, To examine most relevant predictors of di-
face-to-face and self-administered) did not show fferent driving styles, we conducted several
significant differences in MDSI-S scores, indicating stepwise multiple regression analysis with DERS
the robustness of the MDSI-S against possible subscales as predictors and driving styles as
effects due social desirability bias. dependent variables. We chose this method
because the present study had an exploratory
Procedure goal. Therefore, stepwise multiple regressions
A paper version of the questionnaires was admi- allow the exclusion of redundant variables and
nistered in this study. All participants agreed to the preservation of all significant variables (Co-
participate voluntarily and clearly information hen, Cohen, West & Aiken, 2003). Considering
about purposes of the study were provided that correlation and MANOVA analysis showed
before obtain consent. Finally, responses were a significant influence of age and gender on
analyzed using Statistical Package for Social various driving styles, these variables were in-
Sciences 17.0. troduced in first step as covariates. A model was
created for each dependent variable (Table 2).
Results Results showed that impulse control difficulties
(ơ = 49; p < .001) and limited access to emotion
Means, standard deviations and correlations regulation strategies (ơ = .23; p < .05) predicted
among variables are presented in Table 1. As risky driving. In addition, nonacceptance of
seen in the table, we found positive correlations emotional responses (ơ = .28; p <.01), difficulties
among all DERS subscales and angry driving, engaging in goal-directed behavior (ơ= .21; p
except for lack of emotional awareness. Both < .05) and lack of emotional awareness (ơ = .19;
dissociative and anxious driving also positively p <.05) predicted dissociative driving. On the
correlated with almost all DERS subscales; the other hand, lack of emotional awareness (ơ =
only exception was impulse control difficulties. In .27; p <.01) and nonacceptance of emotional
the same way, several positive correlations were responses (ơ= .26; p<.05) were involved in the
found between impulse control difficulties, non prediction of anxious driving, while impulse
acceptance of emotional responses, difficulties control difficulties (ơ = .41; p < .001) was involved
engaging in goal-directed behavior and risky in the prediction of aggressive driving. Finally,
driving. On the other hand, careful driving was lack of emotional awareness (ơ = -.29; p < .01)
negatively related with lack of emotional aware- negatively predicted careful driving.

Journal of Behavior, Health & Social Issues vol. 6 num. 1 MAY-2014 / OCT-2014 111
  M SD 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
1. Impulse control difficulties 12.31 5.65 -
2. Limited access to emotion

MAY-2014 / OCT-2014
19.27 6.46 .63** -
regulation strategies
3. Nonnaceptance of emotional 13.52 5.93 .48** .61** -
4. Difficulties engaging in goal- 13.25 4.56 .57** .56** .40** -
directed behavior
5. Lack of emotional awareness 22.00 4.70 .26** .14 .12 .09 -

vol. 6 num. 1
Trógolo, Melchior & Medrano

6. Lack of emotional clarity 10.01 3.70 .41** .44** .36** .33** .25** -
7. Risky style 20.41 9.35 .38** .10 .20* .17* .01 .12 -
Descriptive statistics and correlations among variables

Journal of Behavior, Health & Social Issues

8. Dissociative style 22.78 6.86 .13 .25** .29** .32** .22** .31** .24** -
9. Careful style 28.86 4.77 -.11 -.12 -.07 -.14 -.30** -.24** -.35** -.32** -
10. Anxious style 8.60 3.42 .12 .22** .26** .20* .22** .20* .11 .55** -.09 -
11. Distress reduction style 14.57 3.2 .11 -.05 -.02 .07 .07 .00 .42** .05 .02 -.07 -
12. Angry style 17.05 5.82 .41** .22** .26** .27** -.02 .22** .69** .25** -.40** .11 .31** -
13. Age 36.82 12.57 .02 .05 .17* -.15 .12 .01 -.21* -.25** .13 -.12 -.01 -.18*  -
Table 1.

Emotion regulation on driving behavior

Table 2.
Summary of regression models

Dependent variable: risky style

R2 ∆ R2 F p ơ p
Step 1 .138 .138 10.60 .000
Gender -.30 .000
Age -.23 .004
Step 2 .307 .169 5.17 .000
Impulse control difficulties .49 .000
Age -.26 .001
Gender -.24 .002
Limited access to emotion regulation .23 .019

Dependent variable: dissociative style

R2 ∆ R2 F p ơ p
Step 1 .067 .067 4.80 .010
Age -.24 .004
Step 2 .293 .226 6.76 .000
Nonnaceptance of emotional responses .28 .004
Age -.24 .003
Interference in goal-directed behavior .21 .033
Lack of emotional awareness .19 .028

Dependent variable: anxious style

R2 ∆ R2 F p ơ p
Step 2 .185 .161 4.19 .001
Lack of emotional awareness .27 .004
Nonnaceptance of emotional responses .26 .015
Note: age and gender covariates introduced in first step were not statistically significant (p>.05)

Dependent variable: angry style

R2 ∆ R2 F p ơ p
Step 1 .061 .061 4.31 .015 -.19 .025
Age .250 .189 5.32 .000 -.17 .046
Gender .41 .000
Step 2 -.20 .012
Impulse control difficulties

Dependent variable: careful style  

R2 ∆ R2 F p ơ p
Step2 .152 .129 3.21 .006 -.29 .002
Lack of Emotional awareness
Note: age and gender covariates introduced in first step were not statistically significant (p>.05)

Journal of Behavior, Health & Social Issues vol. 6 num. 1 MAY-2014 / OCT-2014 113
Trógolo, Melchior & Medrano

Discussion and multiple regression analysis, interventions

aimed to increase emotion regulation abilities may
The aim of the present study was to analyze the be potentially useful in decreasing maladjusted
relationship between difficulties in emotion driving behaviors such as risky, aggressive, disso-
regulation and driving styles. In general, re- ciative and anxious driving styles. It is important
sults support the assumption that difficulties in to note, however, that the influence of emotion
emotion regulation are significantly related to regulation on driving styles was assessed through
different driving behaviors. The only exception an ex post facto approach (Montero & León, 2007).
was distress reduction driving style, which did Therefore, we cannot discard potential confoun-
not display significant relationships with any of ding variables and, hence, causality effects cannot
the emotion regulation abilities. More specifi- be confirmed. Yet, findings from multiple regres-
cally, finding indicates that higher difficulties sion analysis showed that difficulties in emotion
in different emotion regulation abilities were regulation accounted for 16-20% of the variance
positively and significantly related to anxious, in maladaptive driving styles, above and beyond
dissociative, risky and angry driving. In con- demographic variables. In light of these results, it
trast, lower difficulties in emotion regulation would be valuable for further research to examine
were associated with more adaptive, careful using a more rigorous experimental design the
driving. Multiple regression analysis showed efficacy of emotion regulation based-interventions
a differential contribution of specific emotion with maladaptive drivers. Such approach could
regulation abilities in the prediction of driving provide strong evidence about direct causal effect
styles. Particularly, risky style was better predic- of emotion regulation on driving behavior and
ted by impulse control difficulties and limited support applied interventions.
access to emotion regulation strategies. Disso- Indeed, some experimental studies (e.g., De-
ciative style was significantly predicted by non ffenbacher, Huff, Lynch, Oetting & Salvatore,
acceptance of emotional responses, difficulties 2000; see also Deffenbacher, 2009) revealed that
engaging in goal-directed behavior and lack emotion regulation programs based on physical
of emotional awareness. In addition, anxious and cognitive relaxation strategies reduced road
style was mainly predicted by lack of emotional rage, aggressive expression of anger and risk be-
awareness and non acceptance of emotional haviors in angry drivers. Nonetheless, the results
responses. Moreover, angry style was uniquely of current research suggest that it may also be
predicted by impulse control difficulties. Finally, worthwhile to evaluate the efficacy of distinct
careful driving was negatively predicted by lack emotion regulation abilities (e.g. impulse control,
of emotional awareness. emotional acceptance and emotional awareness)
In accordance with previous literature (Arnau- in different maladaptive driving behaviors. By
Sabatés et al., 2012; Feldman et al., 2011), the way of example, it would be interesting to assess
present results highlight the role of emotion whether intervention strategies aimed to increa-
regulation abilities on drivers’ behavior. Howe- se emotional awareness (e.g., mindfulness) and
ver, prior studies solely focused in influences of emotional acceptance (e.g., acceptance-based
emotion regulation on risky driving behaviors. interventions) are helpful in reducing feelings of
In these sense, the current research goes a step anxiety and distress experienced by dissociative
forward by extending the scope to include the and anxious drivers.
relations between emotion regulation abilities Notwithstanding the implications listed above,
and various driving styles. the current study has several limitations. First,
From a practical perspective, the present results a small sample of participants was recruited
suggest that a relevant issue to consider when using a convenience sampling. In this sense,
assessing candidates to obtain/renew driving although we have included people of different
license may be to include not only physical and gender, ages and driving experience, it remains
psychological examination but also emotional necessary to replicate this study using a more
skills. Moreover, according to both correlational representative sample from general popula-

114 Journal of Behavior, Health & Social Issues vol. 6 num. 1 MAY-2014 / OCT-2014
Emotion regulation on driving behavior

tion in order to examine more rigorously the of risky driving behavior among a cohort
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Second, data was collected via self-report and Prevention, 45, 818-825. doi:10.1016/j.
measures and thus responses may suffer from aap.2011.07.021
social desirability and other self-serving biases. Begg, D., & Langley, J. (2004). Identifying predictors
However, it should be noted that recent studies of persistent non-alcohol or drug-related risky
comparing self-reports and actual driving found driving behaviours among a cohort of young
them to be strongly correlated (e.g., Boufous et adults. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 36,
al., 2010). Another studies found driving-related 1067-1071. doi:10.1016/j.aap.2004.03.001
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bility (Poó et al., 2013; Sullman & Taylor, 2010). Norton, R., & Williamson, A. (2010). Accuracy
Still, naturalistic driving studies could bring VM ZLSMYLWVY[ VM VUYVHK JYHZOLZ HUK [YHMÄJ
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Prior research revealed that positive emotions Cohen, J., Cohen, P., West, S., & Aiken, L. (2003).
while driving were significantly associated with Applied multiple regression/correlation analysis
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for intervention that could contribute to decrease Richards, T. (2003). Anger, aggression, and
unsafe driving, their must be regarded as prelimi- risky behaviour: A comparison of high and
nary in light of limitations. Future investigations low anger drivers. )LOH]PV\Y 9LZLHYJO HUK
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