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Staff Addendum


Tyler Way
2018- 2019

431 TYLER DRIVE HERMITAGE TN 37076 615.332.3011

DuPont Tyler Middle
Faculty and Staff Handbook

DuPont Tyler’s Vision Statement

A learning community that supports, engages and inspires us all.

DuPont Tyler’s Mission Statement

To provide an inclusive community that is safe, supportive, resourceful, and student centered.

Administrative Team
Administrative Responsibilities
Arrival/Dismissal of Students
Attendance / Absences at work
Attendance Recording Procedures
Business Items “Who’s Who” listing
Cafeteria Rules and Expectations
Cell Phone Use by Employees
Child Abuse Investigations
Classroom Maintenance
Communication with Parents
Collaborative Planning
Computer Usage
Copier Access
Cumulative Records (FERPA Compliance) and Data Warehouse
Custodial Services
Data Walls
Disciplinary Referrals
Dress/Appearance of Staff
Door and Window Coverings
Extracurricular Events
Faculty Meetings
Field Trips
Grade Books
Hall Supervision
Hours of Operation
Leaving Campus
Leaving Campus with Students
On the Job Injury
Planning: Lesson Plans and MYP Unit Plans
Positive Behavior Reinforcement/Incentives
Posting Lesson/Unit Objectives
Professional Development
Requesting Leave
Safety & Security
School Counselor
Spirit of Cooperation
Student Intervention Process
Teacher Absence, Unexpected
Teacher Liability
Telephone and Voice Mails
Administrative Team
Dr. Bianca Jefferson, Executive Principal Bianca.jefferson@mnps.org
Mr. Andres Rischer, 7th & 8th Asst. Principal Andres.Rischer@mnps.org
Dr. Darcia DeLoach, 5th & 6th Asst. Principal Darcia.Deloach@mnps.org

Administrative Dept. Responsibilities

The administrative duties within the school are divided among grade-level administrators.
Dr. Jefferson: Exceptional Education, English Learners, ELA, MTSS, & Community Partnerships
Mr. Rischer: Athletics, Related Arts, Social Studies & Science, Side Office area, & General Facilities
Dr. DeLoach: Math, Counseling, Restorative, Front Office, & Virtual online classes

Teachers are expected to have planned morning and afternoon advisory lessons. Advisory should be not
utilized as free time or study hall.

• Each morning will begin with the moment of silence, Pledge of Allegiance, and announcements.
Announcements will also be available to view online with students.
• Classrooms need to be quiet and students attentive during the announcements.
• To submit announcements please put them in the basket at the front office 15 minutes prior to
the beginning on announcements
• Announcements during the day will only be made in extenuating circumstances so as to protect
instructional time.
• Afternoon announcements are made after 3:50 and should include only information pertinent
to that afternoon.

Attendance/ Absences at work

• Teachers will use SmartFind to report their absence and request a substitute teacher. They will
report their absence via email (preferred) or phone/text to their grade level administrator and
team leader
• Emergency Absences: If you are out sick, inform your team leader as well as your grade level
administrator. Request a sub in Smartfind as soon as possible! Please report your absence in
SmartFind before 6:00a.m. if at all possible. The earlier you report the absence the more likely
that you will get a good substitute.
• Lesson Plans During Absences: Teachers should prepare lesson plans suitable for use by subs of
varying abilities. In addition, teachers should prepare a folder with class and school information.
Do not leave lesson plans on voice mail. Contact your team leader or another teacher to send
updated lesson plans. Each teacher is also required to prepare a minimum of 2 days for
emergency lesson plans that may be generic to any day of teaching that particular grade level or
subject area (due by 8/25) (i.e. family medical emergency, car accident, uncontrollable acts of
nature). These plans will be used in the event that daily plans are not available due to an
emergency. Substitute folders must be turned in to Ms. Crawford by August 31, 2018. They will
then be stored in the Front Office. If emergency plans are used, they must then be updated so
that 2 days of plans are always available.
• Prearranged Annual or Professional Leave: Teachers are responsible for arranging for
professional leave at least one week in advance. The forms requesting professional leave are
available in the Faculty and Staff Guidelines. The completed forms are returned to Mrs. Blevins
to obtain Dr. Jefferson’s approval (or disapproval). Please check prior to your prearranged leave
to be sure your request has been approved. Be sure to make arrangements for a substitute.

Attendance Recording Procedures

• Teachers are responsible for entering attendance within the first ten minutes of class begins in
Infinite Campus.
• It is the parent’s responsibility to send a note with the child on the day the child returns but no
later than five school days after an illness.
• After 3 unexcused absences, the parent must obtain a note from a doctor for each absence or a
letter documenting an ongoing medical condition.
• Parents will be notified by the principal in writing. After 5 unexcused absences, the assistant will
refer the student in writing to the attendance worker. The attendance worker will notify the
teacher that she/he is working to improve the child’s presence in school. This will occur at the
end of every quarter.

Bell ringers
Every class needs to begin with be a Bellringer. A class bellringer should be utilized as time for teachers
to continue to proactively manage students in the hallways, take attendance, and should not last longer
than 10 minutes.
Business “Who’s Who” listing

Category Contact Information Standards

• Athletics/ Tickets/ & other
• Collecting Monies
• Field Trips
Bookkeeping Penny.Blevins@mnps.org
• Fundraising
• Classroom or ordering supplies
Penny Blevins Ext. 2020
• Payroll/ Benefits/ Sick/ Leave
Days/ Smartfind
• AC/ Classroom/ desk/repair
tickets (SchoolDude)
• Attendance duties (Sick notes,
Attendance/ Side Constance.Poulos- doctor’s excuses)
Office Gavin@mnps.org • Reports (Attendance- Truancy)
• Cumulative Record
Connie Gavin Ext. 2001 • Front Office duties at beginning
of day
• Cafeteria logistics
• Field trip food (must be
Cafeteria Madeline.Hewitt@mnps.org
contacted in writing three weeks
prior to a field trip)
Madeline Hewitt Ext. 2300
• Front Office duties (Greet
parents, Sign-In/Sign-Out)
Front Office Lisa.Crawford@mnps.org
• Reports (School facility needs,
bugs, etc.)
Lisa Crawford Ext. 2000
• Substitute Teacher Check-In
• Telephone Inquiries
• 5th/6th Grade level textbooks
Grade Level • Grading Book (IC)
Administrator Darcia.Deloach@mnps.org • Lockers
Darcia DeLoach • Virtual School
5th/6th Ext. 2501 • Child abuse/neglect
• Discipline Issues
• Safety and Security Procedures
• 7th/8th Grade-level textbooks
Grade- Level • Athletics
Administrator • Related Arts dept.
Andres Rischer • Child abuse/neglect
Ext. 2505
7th/8th • Discipline Issues

• S-Team Coordinator/ 504

• Counseling
Guidance Ginger.Etheridge@mnps.org • Collaborative referrals to outside
Ginger Etheridge Ext. 1214 • Student Character Education
• Peer Group activities
• Child Abuse/ neglect
Instructional • Literacy Instructional support
Dawn.Roberts@mnps.org • Analyzing MAP ELA data
Support: ELA
• Wed. PLC
Ext. 1112 • Classroom support
Dawn Roberts
• Manipulatives
Darcie.Finch@mnps.org • Math Talks
Support: Numeracy
• Analyzing MAP-M data
Ext. 1112 • Wed. PLC
Darcie Finch
• Classroom support
Instructional • EE
Support: • IEP
Exceptional • Present levels of Performance
Education • MTSS assessments
Ext. 1112
Lucas King
• Restorative conferences
Lekeisha.Harding@mnps.org • Pre-referral form
Restorative • Intervention strategies in the
Ext. 1100 classroom
Lekeisha Harding
Team Leads: Brittany.Vaulx@mnps.org Ext. • Grade level team meeting
1166 • Grade level procedures
Brittany Dirl, 5th Jennifer.Bohan@mnps.org Ext. P • Grade level incentives
Jennifer Bohan, 6th Lolita.Pride@mnps.org Ext. 1205 • Grade level field trips
Lolita Pride, 7th Anthony.Sandoval@mnps.org
Anthony Sandoval, Ext.1222
8th Lisa.Jones@mnps.org Ext.1110
Lisa Jones, RA Tuana.White@mnps.org Ext.
Tuana White, EL 1201

• Students may enter the school building at 8:35.
• All children eating breakfast should report immediately to their homeroom. Breakfast in the
classroom should begin at 8:55 and end no later than 9:00.

Cell Phone Use by Employees

Personal use of cellular phones shall be limited to off-duty time. Employees may use cellular phones for
job related communication during work hours provided such use does not disrupt the learning
environment. Employees should not use cell phones during the course of the work day (i.e. during
instructional time or while on post of duty).

Classroom Maintenance
Many people view the appearance of the classroom as a strong indication of the effectiveness of the
teacher. Before a teacher leaves their room at the end of the day, s/he should turn off the lights, lock
the door and make sure windows are locked. Please have students pick up after themselves at the end
of every class. Classrooms should continue to reflect the standards upheld by the classroom rubric
utilized at the beginning of the school year.
Requests for repairs should be made to Mrs. Blevins. If your requests are not taken care of in a
reasonable time or if your room is not being cleaned regularly or thoroughly, please email Mr. Rischer.

Collaborative Planning
Collaborative Planning with be held every Wednesday of the week led by instructional coaches. The
purpose of collaborative planning is to provide time for teachers to collaborate with one another to:
• Determine specific instructional needs of their students
• Identify differentiated instructional strategies to meet those needs
• Develop common assessments to ensure progress in student achievement
• Evaluate effectiveness of actions taken

Computer Usage
Each classroom has a computer for teachers to use for management purposes during planning periods.
Teachers should ensure that students do not have access to the computer.
Laptop Cart Use
Laptop Carts should be used for educational purposes-not as a "reward" or "fun time." It is expected
that this equipment will be used in your classroom to enhance the learning environment by use of the
appropriate technology available to each subject area. With limited computer resources, it is vital that
the carts be left open for projects, research, online lessons, etc. Proper care of each laptop is essential;
please treat it in the same manner you would treat your own equipment. If a laptop needs repair please
submit a helpticket immediately. Email helpdesk@mnps.org. enter in the subject line our school code:
275- and the name of the item broke. Include in the body of the email the nature of the problem and
your contact information.
Substitutes are not to use laptop carts. They are not trained to use the carts with care.

Communication with Parents

• Positive parent communication is extremely important. Be sure to talk with all parents and not
only those parents of students having difficulty.
• Graded papers should be sent home and 2 grades entered into Infinite Campus weekly.
• Grade level teams must do a weekly newsletter containing the learning and planned homework
assignments for the upcoming week. Teachers should utilize the Remind 101 app and Kickboard
app at least once a week.
• Reply to parent emails and phone messages within 48 hours.

Copier Access
All teachers will have access to the faculty copiers located in the front office and in rm 218 A. You will
need to use your employee number when copying. If you are making more than 25 copies please use
the Risograph not the Ricoh printers. Please be proactive and notify Ms. Penny Blevins if problems

Cumulative Records (FERPA Compliance) and Data Warehouse

• Cumulative records must be signed out on a log in the Records Room and must be turned back
in by the end of the day. Cumulative records cannot remain in your classroom overnight.
• No cumulative records may be removed from the school.
• At the beginning of the year, the homeroom teacher is responsible for completing a form
reviewing the student data of each of their homeroom students. Turn these in to the asst.
principal no later than August 31st.
• The front office has keys to the records room.
• It is the teachers’ responsibility to keep these records complete, current, and organized.

Custodial Services
Please send an email to Mr. Andres Rischer and copy Ms. Connie Gavin when custodial services are not
done in your classroom. Ms. Gavin will print your email and put it in the Reynolds and Reynolds binder
for documentation. The school will work to correct the situation immediately.

Data walls
Every teacher is expected to have an updated data in their classroom. Data should be updated every 3
weeks and should be easily interpreted by all stakeholders (i.e. students, parents, staff).

Disciplinary Referrals
Please refer to the schoolwide discipline plan presented by Ms. Harding. Immediate questions and
concerns need to be referred to your team’s discipline representative.
Dress/Appearance of Staff
All staff members are expected to dress in an appropriate and professional manner at all times.
All faculty and staff should be dressed in standard school attire or better. Only P.E. teachers
may wear appropriate shorts and shirts for their activities, unless approved by administration
prior to. Office staff is to dress professionally.
On spirit days (we will announce and post them on the school calendar), staff members may
wear school or college t-shirts or sweatshirts with khakis or appropriately fitting jeans. Clothing
and/or appearance of a distracting nature is not considered professional dress.

• Everyone needs to check their email twice daily.
• E-mail and Internet-generated electronic records that are created in the normal course of
official business and retained as evidence of official policies, actions, decisions, or transactions
may be a public records subject to public inspection. These records are subject to records
management requirements under Metro Code 2.140 and Tenn. Code Ann. 10-7-503.
• In the course of their work, system administrators or other authorized individuals may monitor
users’ internet and e-mail activities at any time without the user’s permission or notification.
Additionally, the content of these activities may be monitored during investigations of
inappropriate use or non-compliance with this Policy.
• As with any MNPS-provided resource, the use of the Internet and e-mail should be limited to
legitimate MNPS business and is governed by rules of conduct similar to those applicable to the
use of other resources.
• Please be careful with what you say in e-mails or email threads. Such information can be held
against you if you are involved with a legal issue regarding a student or parent.

Extracurricular Events Before & After School

We expect everyone to be a part of the school community, to participate in after school programs and
attend extracurricular activities. Sponsorship of some club or activity is necessary for every faculty
member in our school. If you are interested in helping sponsor an activity or coach see the principal. All
teachers are expected to attend at least 2 activities per semester, Fine Arts programs, or Community
Engagement event such as literacy night etc. during the school year. It is suggested you choose events
in which your students participate. Be sure to keep up with the events that you attend for your
Professionalism Reflection at the end of the school year.

Door and window coverings

Classroom doors should remain unlocked or locked at the teacher’s discretion. All staff are expected to
be keep their windows uncovered at all times with the exception of conducting an emergency drill.

Faculty Meetings
Faculty Meetings during the 2018-2019 school year will occur twice a month, unless we are out of school
on that date. The meetings will be held in at 7:45. All Faculty Meetings are mandatory. Everyone needs
to arrive on time as we will begin and end on time. Additional faculty meetings will be scheduled as
needed. Please refer to the document below for DuPont Tyler Middle calendar dates:
DuPont Tyler Middle Staff Meeting Dates


8- Dept. Meeting 7- Dept. Meeting**
20- New Teacher Network 14- Leadership Team
22 – Leadership Initiative 23- Leadership Initiative


10- Leadership Team 1- Common Assessment Data
12- Dept. Meeting 11- Leadership Team
14- Common Assessment Data 19- New Teacher Network
17- New Teacher Network 25- Common Assessment Data
26- Leadership Initiative 27- Leadership Initiative

5- Common Assessment Data MARCH 2019
8- Leadership Team 18- New Teacher Network
12- Dept. Meeting* 27- Leadership Initiative***
22- New Teacher Network
24- Leadership Initiative APRIL 2019
2- Common Assessment Data
NOVEMBER 2018 8- Leadership Team
5- Common Assessment Data 10- Dept. Meeting
12- Leadership Team 24- Leadership Initiative
14- Dept. Meeting
28- Leadership Initiative MAY 2019
8- Dept. Meeting
DECEMBER 2018 13- Leadership Team
4- Common Assessment Data 20- New Teacher Network
10- Leadership Team
12- Leadership Initiative

Unless otherwise noted, Dept. Meetings and Leadership Initiative meetings will be held the second and fourth Wed.
of every month at 7:45.

*Moved to accommodate Fall Break Start Time 9:00 for Oct. 12, 2018 only.
**Moved to accommodate Winter Break
*** One meeting in March due to Spring Break

Leadership Team meetings every 2nd Monday of the month @ 4:10

New Teacher Network every 3rd Monday of the month @ 4:10
Every 15 days we will have a common assessment and immediately following a data meeting
Field Trips
• Field trips are direct extensions of units of study in the curriculum. Please limit field trips to one per calendar
month. Please refer to the forms section for the appropriate forms to complete when planning a field trip. (Field
trips must be approved before transportation can be scheduled. Please allow at least one month for the
approval process.)
• Buses are leased for 3 hours. Any time over 3 hours will be billed as overtime.
• The cafeteria manager must be notified in writing at least three weeks prior to any trip which will alter the lunch
menu or number of lunches needed.
• All field trip money must be turned in 24 hours prior to the trip. The secretary will write the check on the day
prior to the field trip. No additional money will be accepted on the day of the trip.
• All necessary field trip forms must be submitted to the appropriate principal and or Executive Director at the
same time.
• Field trip requests may be denied if all stipulations listed above are not followed.

Hall Supervision
When students are in the hallway they are to have a teacher issued hall pass.

Taking Students to/from Lunch

• 5th and 6th grade students walk in lines supervised by teachers to their classes, lunch, physical activity, and
related arts.
• 7th and 8th grade students walk independently to classes on their hallway during class change, but walk in
lines supervised by teachers to lunch, physical activity, and related arts.

• Homework can be an extension of classroom learning. It is suggested the amount of homework is the number
10 multiplied by the grade level (5th grade x 10= 50 minutes).
• Homework is expected by parents and positively affects student achievement. Homework should be given
multiple times per weekly at the discretion of the teacher.

Hours of Operation
• The teacher’s work day is 7 ½ hours in length. All teachers are expected to be in their classrooms at 8:40AM and
complete their dismissal duties daily. The conclusion of the workday is at 4:10. Unless you have late duty which
at 4:30.
• As a team please make sure all classrooms are covered.
• Planning and PD day hours are 9:00 - 4:00

Leaving Campus
There is a sign-out/sign-in notebook in the office. This must be used when leaving and upon returning to school during
the instructional day. Also, please inform your team leader and the front office secretary.

Leaving Campus with Students

No staff person may leave school grounds with a child unless an administrator and the parent have given permission and
know where you are going and when you will return. Being alone with a child has many possible legal ramifications.

Homeroom teachers are responsible for keeping an updated list of assigned lockers and combination locks during the
school year. Team leaders should ensure the locker excel spreadsheet is updated in a timely manner. Teachers should
email Ms. Crawford with an email of all new students who need a combination lock, have lost their lock, or turning in
locks if the student is no longer enrolled at DuPont Tyler.
Teachers should collect items from their physical mailboxes on the first floor daily.

PLT: All teachers are expected to build Until data is received teachers will utilize team building and procedures and
appropriate interventions and activities

Post of Duty

Arrival and Dismissal Plan

Transition Plans

Morning Transition
Teachers Students
1. Stand at classroom door at 8:40 am to 1. Enter building, level 1 acceptable
greet students 2. Walk to the right of the hallways
2. Monitor hallway, restroom and locker 3. Be in SSA
transitions 4. Report to lockers
3. Greet students as they enter classroom 5. Report to class on time
4. Check SSA and electronics
5. Be positive and restorative

Locker Transition
Teachers Students
1. Stand at classroom door and/or move 1. Organize books and notebooks into locker
about hallway 2. Place electronic devices in locker
2. Ensure students are moving quickly and 3. Secure locker to prevent theft
timely to class 4. Gather materials for class
3. Continue to greet students 5. Secure locker
6. Report to class on time

Teachers Students
1. Ensure that students are quiet at the start 1. Be quiet
of announcements 2. No talking or movement during Pledge of
2. No talking or movement during Pledge of Allegiance
Allegiance 3. Recite the School Pledge
3. Recite the School Pledge 4. If in the hallway, be silent until Pledge and
Moment of Silence is complete

Teachers Students
1. Start on time 1. Get in circle
2. Be prepared for the lesson 2. Follow advisor’s instruction
3. Assemble students in a circle 3. Participate by listening, sharing, and being
4. Advise respectful
5. Bring closure
6. “Teach to the bell”

Lunch drop-off/lunch time

Teachers Students
1. Escort students inside the cafeteria doors 1. Students should enter cafeteria in an
and ensure students are seated at their orderly manner and seat in their assigned
designated table area or where their teacher assigns them.
2. Should remain in cafeteria until all 2. Students should proceed quickly and
students are seated quietly to their designated cafeteria line
3. Keep hands and feet to self.
4. No throwing food or other objects
5. Do not leave the cafeteria without
permission without being escorted by a
class room teacher or a pass from the
cafeteria monitor
6. Must remain seated unless given
permission to move
7. Maintain Level 1 voices
8. Students should ensure all trash is cleared
from table and placed in appropriate trash

Lunch pick-up
Teachers Students
1. Be on-time for pick up 1. Clean up area upon completion of meal
2. Escort students back to classroom 2. Trash to be dispensed 5-10 minutes prior
to end of lunch
3. Students will settle down 2 minutes prior to
4. Upon arrival of teacher, students will be
released upon monitor’s permission

Teachers Students
1. Close out lesson 1. Listen quietly to announcements
2. Listen quietly to announcements 2. Adhere to teacher’s instructions for
3. Organize locker time (no movement in the dismissal
hallways until AFTER announcements 3. Students will go to lockers at dismissal. No
4. Dismiss students students are permitted to be at their
5. Monitor your students and other in the lockers during announcements
hallway 4. Listen for your transportation group
6. Walk with your students to bus or car rider 5. Dismiss with your group, level 0 or 1 voice
zones 6. Go directly to your mode of transportation
7. Stand and monitor student behaviors at 7. Walk to the right side of the hallway
your assigned zones



Additional AM Posts Locations:

Mrs. Pratt: Bus, front lobby greeter
Ms. Brooks: Bus (recorder)
Ms. Fleming/Mrs. Kelly: Bus, outside
Mr. Humm: Front side hallway
Mrs. Box: cafeteria, patio
Ms. Burke: car rider, doorway
Mrs. Raines: library door
Mr. King: 6th grade RR, boys
Mrs. L. Jones: 6th grade RR, girls
Coach Scurlock: 5th grade intersection
Coach Whitaker: 5th grade RR, boys
Ms. Miller: 5th grade RR, girls
Ms. Norman: classroom door and 6th grade lockers
Dr. Finch/Mrs. Roberts: Guidance hallway/Floaters
Mrs. Juneau/Mrs. Jolley: car riders/portables

Ms. White: Middle stairway
Mr. Reaves: 7th/8th grade RR, boys
Mrs. Turner: 7th/8th grade RR, girls
Ms. Etheridge: Top of stairs
Ms. Jones: Middle Hallway
Jarmon: 7th grade hallway floater
Magyar: 8th grade hallway floater
STARS: Building floater
Mr. Bolton: Building floater

Afternoon Duty Responsibilities (report to duty location at time of announcements):

Announcement call schedule:

1st Car riders (released to the side parking lot)
2 Bus riders (teachers will escort their homeroom students to the bus)
3rd Walkers (one teacher on the grade level will host Walkers in classroom until dismissed)

Main Responsibilities:
End of school duty is critical to ensure that students are safe and acting responsibly as they exit the building.
It is each and every faculty and staff’s responsibility to:
• Be on time to your duty post!
• Monitor halls, transition of students. Position yourself in place to monitor large groups and noise levels
• Teachers should not be cluttered in groups, but in single pockets monitoring students
• Be in position to monitor students in a 360-degree rotation
• Communicate with peers regarding concerns and potential danger risks
• Ensure that students are at least 10 feet from the nearest vehicle (car riders)
• Do not leave students outside without adult supervision
• Release students only when their group is called to be released
• One teacher per grade level will be assigned to “Walkers” at the end of the day

Car Rider Procedures (PM): Related Arts teachers will cover the car rider dismissal zone. Teachers will report
to the (north)west side parking lot at 3:55 PM.

• Car rider students will be dismissed first after announcements. They will leave the building through the
side doors (staff parking lot)
• Whittaker – Ensure parents pull their cars all the way around the driveway as though they were leaving
(cones will identify where to stop)
• Burke – Ensure parents stay in their cars
• Norman – Will call students to their cars with the bullhorn if they are unable to see their cars. Will let
parents know when they can proceed out of the driveway
• Box/L. Jones/Fleming – Ensure students are standing still in the designated wait area until instructed to
proceed to their cars
• Juneau/Jolley – Monitor student traffic and transition from building to car rider zone

Bus riders (PM)

Teachers in grades 5th – 8th will cover the bus rider transition. After escorting students outside, teachers will
post outside at their assigned bus monitor location. Teachers should not be clustered in groups. Teachers are
to monitor transition, watch for conflict and address an urgent need immediately. Teachers are dismissed once
all buses exit campus. If there is a LATE BUS, then assigned staff will remain with students until pick up. See
Late Duty Rotation table.

Dismissal (PM): Mrs. Pratt (Foyer hallway) & Mrs. Kelly (bus # recorder)

Additional PM Posts Locations:

Mrs. Evans: Announcements
Mrs. Crawford: Announcements and back up when Evans is absent
Coach Scurlock: 5th grade & gym hallway intersection, bus departure lead
Mrs. Miller: Rooms 174/176 (monitor student transitions)
Dr. Finch/Mrs. Roberts: first floor hallway floaters
Mr. King: 6th grade RR, boys
Ms. Etheridge: 6th grade RR, girls
Mrs. Raines: library door
Mr. Humm: Front side hallway
Ms. Harding: 6th grade hallway/locker floater
Ms. White: Middle stairway
STARS: 2nd floor, middle hallway
Mrs. Turner: 7th/8th grade RR area and confirm clearance of 2nd floor
Mrs. Magyar: car rider exit (inside)
Mr. Reaves: bus transition, outside
Ms. Jarmon: bus transition, outside
Mr. Bolton: Front office picnic tables
Mr. Gilliam: bus departure back up (1st)
Mr. Sitler: bus departure back up (2nd)

Bus departure communication trail: Turner to Humm to Reaves to Scurlock (buses depart)

Walkers: One teacher from each grade level team will host students that walk home. Walkers will be released
after buses depart the campus.

Bus: There will be two teachers assigned to each bus. Responsibilities include monitoring students as they
transition from the building to the bus and to quickly remedy any issues that may arise before the bus departs.

Late Duty
Two certified teachers are assigned to one week of “late pick up duty”. If a bus is late, adult(s) will remain
outside with students until bus(es) arrive. Car rider student(s) that have not been picked up by 4:10 pm, will
report to the DTMS Foyer area. The late duty teacher(s) will remain with the kid(s) until picked up by parent. If
car rider child has not been picked up by 4:30 pm, then teacher will contact administrator. Administrator will
relieve teacher if needed. Teacher is responsible for securing coverage in the event of absence during late
duty week.

August September October
6-10: Scurlock & Juneau 4-7: Pewitt & Snow 1-5: Barrett & L. Jones
13-17: Griggs & Miles 10-14: Trudel & Harding 8-12: Martinez & K. Jones
20-24: Culberson & Whitaker 17-21: Norman & Box 22-26: Duncan & Reaves
27-31: Voigt & Sitler 24-28: Embrey & Burke 29-2: Arnold & Uphoff
November December January
5-9: McGriff & Gilliam 3-7: Jarmon & White 2-4: Scurlock & Juneau
13-16: Humm & Campbell 10-14: Turner & Etheridge 7-11: King & Bohan
19-20: Roberts & Finch 17-21: Miller & Dirl 14-18: Griggs & Miles
26-30: Bryan & Magyar 22-25: Culberson & Whitaker
28-1: Voigt & Sitler
February March April
4-8: Pewitt & Snow 4-8: Barrett & L. Jones 1-5: Arnold & Uphoff
11-15: Trudel & Harding 18-22: Martinez & K. Jones 8-12: McGriff & Gilliam
19-22: Norman & Box 25-29: Duncan & Reaves 15-19: Humm & Campbell
25-1: Embrey & Burke 22-26: Byran & Magyar
29-3: Jarmon & White
6-10: Turner & Etheridge
13-17: Pride & Sandoval
20-23: Miller & Harding

Positive Behavior Rewards/Incentives

Grade level team leaders will plan and coordinate monthly and quarterly incentives to promote positive student
behavior. Incentive plans should be emailed in at least one week in advance to their grade level administrator for

Posting Lesson/Unit Objectives

Objectives for the lesson are required to be posted and visible during the lesson. These are often referred to as “I can”
statements or learning targets. It is important to state the intended learning for the class period to give you and the
students focus. Each class should also post the unit objective being worked on in addition to the lesson objective. This
gives students context for the lesson. You are not required to state or post the specific state standards because those
academic standards are embedded into your lesson objectives in student-friendly language.

Professional Development
Staff development activities are planned to meet the objectives of the school and district. A calendar of school-based
staff development sessions will be provided throughout the year. Activities can be found on Performance Matters/True
North. Personal documentation of participation in sessions on a Professional Development Log will be requested of all
certified staff members on the Professionalism Reflection Form.

You are encouraged to attend and participate in monthly meetings of the PTO. Contact Name: Deanna Braden,
President. The PTA’s contact information: is: duponttylerpto@gmail.com

Requesting Leave
Leave forms must be submitted to the appropriate Executive Director’s office before the leave is taken. If a person takes
a leave before it is approved, he/she risk the possibility of pay being subtracted from his/her salary. Leave maybe denied
due to excessive teacher absence on any given day.

Professional leave: The Principal can approve professional leave for certificated and assistant principal (Educational
Agreement on page 28 under F, 1st paragraph). The Principal’s leave form must be submitted to the appropriate
Executive Director in Leadership and Learning office. If a person wants to take a professional leave for any reason in
paragraph 2 of the Educational Agreement on page 28 under F, then the principal must recommend, and the form
must be submitted to the Executive Director for approval. In this case the Principal and Assistant Principal must
submit their forms to the appropriate Executive Director’s office for signature and approval.

Personal leave: There are different yearly personal leave accumulations; refer to Educational Agreement on page 28
under E, #1. Application for leave must be made with the Principal at least 3 days in advance, except in cases of

emergency and approved by the Principal (Educational Agreement on page 28 under E, #5). A copy will remain at
the school.

During the first 2 weeks and the last 2 weeks of each semester, on the day prior to or immediately following
holidays, and on scheduled in-service/planning days, this privilege shall not be allowed unless recommended by the
principal with an explanation for the leave and approved by the appropriate Executive Director (Educational
Agreement on page 28 under E, #2). The form must be submitted to the appropriate Executive Director in
Leadership and Learning office. The Principal and Assistant Principal must send their forms to the appropriate
Executive Director for signature and approval.

Code 10 leave: Must have Principal’s signature, even if a letter has been sent to a participant stating that Code 10
will be granted. Only the principal’s Code 10 requests must come to the appropriate Executive Director in
Leadership and Learning office for approval. Please send the original and documentation form to the appropriate
Executive Director. When the approved Code 10 is returned to the school, it must be turned in to the timekeeper
who will submit it with the “Professional Leave Summary Report”.

Code 16 leave: Code 16 may only be granted by the principal.

Spirit of Cooperation
Teamwork and effective communication are essential to the operation of this school. Grade levels and departments are
expected to function cooperatively by arriving at consensus decisions after all ideas and opinions have been discussed.
The administration openly invites staff members to discuss ways to improve the operation of the school at any time. All
staff members are responsible for maintaining a positive environment and for presenting a positive image of our school
in the community and to stakeholders.

Student Intervention Process (504/IEP)

• Teams of teachers are responsible for identifying student interventions to target learning and behavior
deficiencies identified in multiple classes. If multiple team members find that a student is consistently below
standard in one or both areas, or for other good reason, the team may conduct a support team meeting. The
homeroom teacher is responsible for scheduling the meeting should invite the parents, counselor, teachers, and
grade-level asst. principal to the meeting.
• The school counselor conducts all 504 meetings for the school and is responsible for communicating 504
accommodations to teams.
• The Exceptional Ed teacher who is responsible for the IEP caseload of the student will be responsible for inviting
all necessary parties and conducting the IEP meetings.

DuPont Tyler Middle 2018-2019
Faculty Staff Signature Page

I understand that my work day is from _______ to_______.

I understand that unit plans are to be prepared using grade level standards/scope and sequence
and appropriate high-quality texts. These should be accessible at all times.

I understand that administrative duties (grading, records, attendance, schedule/arrival/dismissal

duties, etc) are to be completed in the time designated.

I have read and understand the 2018 - 2019 Faculty/Staff Guidelines in its entirety.

Teacher/Staff Signature________________________________________

Position___________________________ Date____________________

Administrator Signature________________________________________

This signature page should be turned into your administrator no later than August 10, 2018.

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