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PLC Supervision Guidelines

 Supervision duty time begins at 7:30 a.m. and ends at 8:10 a.m.
 All staff supervising will carry a radio. Please pick up/return to Jennifer
 Students may enter the building from 7:30-8:15 a.m. through the following
locations: event entrance, aerospace/engineering entrance, north and south main
entrance, and southwest science doors.
 Students must remain in the commons, event entrance, and north/south gallery
areas until 8:10 a.m.
 Students are not allowed to go to lockers located on the west end of the building
or any classrooms.
 Students may put their instruments in assigned instrument lockers located
outside the Orchestra and Band rooms.
 Locker rooms will be unlocked at 8:00 a.m. to allow students to put up their
clothes and athletic gear in their PE lockers.
 Students may use the bathrooms located in the event entrance.
 Students should not be in the gyms, locker rooms, fitness center or weight room.
 The library is closed at 7:40 a.m. Students may not leave the library to return to
the commons. Supervisors at the grey doors may use discretion (work with
Karen) in allowing students who arrive late to enter the library.
 Southwest Science door (1 staff member): Direct students to the commons/north
and south galleries until 8:10 a.m. Please allow Life Skills students access to
their classrooms.
 North and South Gallery entrance (Security Guards): Grey doors closed from
7:30-8:10 a.m. No students allowed past the double grey doors until 8:10 a.m.
Security Guards will be stationed at the north and south double grey door area
near the library.
 Event Entrance & FACS/Theater area (2 staff members): No food on carpeted
area. Students may put their instruments in their locker but should not gather in
the hallways.
 PE/AE Hall area (1 staff member): Close the grey doors by the girls’ locker room
from 7:30- 8:00 a.m. Students can wait outside the grey doors until that time. A
PE Staff member will arrive at 8:00 to unlock the locker rooms and provide locker
room supervision from 8:00 – 8:15.
 Commons (Staff and Administrators): Students should remain in the commons
until 8:10 a.m.
 Library (1 staff member): The library is closed at 7:40 a.m. Students may not
leave the library to return to the Commons.
 Family & Consumer Sciences
 Business & Computers
 International Languages
 Performing Arts
 Physical Education
 Visual Arts
 Tech Ed
August 30 Visual & Performing Arts

September 6 International Languages

13 Physical Education & Tech Ed
20 FACS & Business-Computers
27 Visual & Performing Arts

October 4 Modern World/Pre-AP

25 International Languages

November 1 Physical Education & Tech Ed

8 FACS & Business-Computers
15 English Language Arts 9/12
29 Physical Education & Tech Ed

December 6 International Languages

13 Modern World/Pre-AP

January 10 FACS & Business-Computers

17 Visual & Performing Arts
24 International Languages
31 Physical Education & Tech Ed

February 14 FACS & Business-Computers

21 English Language Arts 11/12
28 Visual & Performing Arts

March 7 International Languages

21 Physical Education & Tech Ed
28 FACS & Business-Computers

April 4 Modern World/Pre-AP

11 International Languages
18 Visual & Performing Arts
25 Physical Education & Tech Ed

May 2 FACS & Business-Computers

9 International Languages
14 Physical Education & Tech Ed

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