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Assalamualaikum wr.


Excellency KH Masruhan Choteb as the grand sheikh of Darul Hikam Islamic boarding

Respecfully Hj. Nur faizah,S.Ag as the chairman of Qurratuna El-Mazaya El-Islamy


Respectfully Drs.H.Ismuljantoro,M.Pd as the principle of Junior and senior high school.

(Yang terhormat Kepala SMP-SMA Darul Hikam, Drs.H.Ismuljantoro,M.Pd).

The honorable asatid/asatizah of junior and senior high school. (Yg terhormat dewan

And unforgettable all my beloved students.

Good morning Ladies and Gentlement, my name is ..… and me ..…

It is wonderful and precious chance for us, to be Master of Ceremony in this beautiful day on
Tuesday, 14th of January 2014 in our big event ‘Celebration of our prophet Muhammmad
SAW birthday’

First of all, let’s say thanks to Alloh the Al Mighty who has been giving us mercy and
blessing so we can attend this meeting without any obstacles in this great occasion.

Secondly, may shalawat and salam be with our prophet Muhammad SAW, who has guided us
from the darkness to the brightness era in this world as well as the next world.

Now let’s open our meeting today by reciting Al Fatikhah together….

Ok, thank you very much.

The first agenda is reciting holy qur’an which will be read by Ustadzah Nur. Time is yours.

Thank so much. The next agenda we will see the best performance of “sholawat” from all
teachers of Junior and Senior High School which will be lead by Ustadz Majid and Ustadz
Haiba. Give applause.

Thank you very much. The third agenda is opening our competition today and announcement
which will be delivered by Ustadz Majid. Time is yours.

Thank you .Ladies and gentlemen, we have enjoyed all agenda. Now we are going to listen
Maulidho Khasanah and closing as last agenda in this morning which will be delivered by
Ustadz Surur.

Ladies and gentlemen, before closing our meeting, we are as the master of ceremony, we
have made many mistakes during holding this agenda and we apologize for these.

Well ladies and gentlemen, thank’s for your attention. May we meet again in other meeting,
Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb

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