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Student name: Carisha Hanahunu

Student ID: s11152007

Course code: PLFO1
Course title: Issues in pacific politics
Assignment one (1): Embark on inquiry and find or generate
needed information.
Theme: challenges to sovereignty.

PLFO1 topic: Global issues.

Topic: Global warming and its impacts on Ontong Java Island.

“Global warming and its impact on Ontong Java Island in the Solomon’s” is the chosen
topic for this research project. This topic falls within the theme in unit three “challenges to
sovereignty” specifically on global issues. This issue will be studied in terms of its impact on
the environment; the government and its assistances towards the issue and the people
themselves and their livelihood.

This topic is of importance to me because I have seen and known that global warming
(climate change) has destroyed many living organism and their environment. The government
and the victims themselves find it hard to being self-determining or self-governing. Ontong
Java is really in a very hardship situation. Thus as a very concern student, this issue must be
addressed in order to limit the challenges on sovereignty faced.

In addition, it is also important to my community and the nation. Ontong Java community has
been the victim of climate change for many years; the hardship faced is of huge challenge to
them. Hence this topic will actually help them to realise how badly they have been affected
and ways to overcome the hardships and challenges faced. On the other hand, the nation as
well will know and feel the challenges faced by the victims and assistance to be provided to
help the Ontong Java Islanders.

The following will be the main sub topics that will be answered in this research task;

1. Government’s assistances towards the issue on climate change at Ontong Java.

Facts finding on primary sources will be analysed on the assistances given by the
government and other funding projects towards the issue.
2. Education, awareness and information on climate change for the Ontong Java
Islanders. Investigations and findings will be evaluated on education and awareness
programmes on the impacts to the people of Ontong Java.
3. Human settlements for the Ontong Java people on the impacts of climate change.
Some primary and secondary sources will be examined to know the some settlements
accommodated for the victims.
4. Human health for the victims of Ontong Java on the impacts of climate change.
Primary and secondary sources on health services will be carried out and interviewing
of natives of Ontong Java to complement their health conditions.
5. Agriculture and food security to the impacts of climate change on Ontong Java
Island. Investigations will be examined to find some challenges faced in terms on
agriculture and food security to the Ontong Java people.

Therefore, in this assignment on the unit challenges to sovereignty on global issue, I will
investigate some facts findings, examine and analyse the issue on climate change at Ontong
Java from primary, secondary and other relevant sources. Hence this assignment intends to
find out the impacts of global warming (climate change) on Ontong Java Island, the
government assistances towards the issue and the people and their livelihood.
Part B: Source Grid

Source Bibliography details Brief explanation

1 Junior Suhara to be interviewed by Carisha This source is the mitigation officer

Hanahunu, mitigation officer, 29 years of who knows relevant information
age, proposed date: 10 august 2017 about climate change occurring at
Ontong Java. His knowledge about
the issue is important.
2 Thaddeus Siota to be interviewed by Carisha This source is the chief adaptation
Hanahunu, chief adaptation officer, 31 years officer whose insight knowledge
old, proposed date: 12 august 2017 about the issue and adaptation
methods is of relevant in this task.
3 Casper Supa to be interviewed Carisha The source is the village elder of
Hanahunu , village elder of Ontong Java, 45 Ontong Java who is the victim of
years of age, proposed date: 15 august 2017 climate change. His experience on the
impacts is of very resourceful in this
4 Mr Sore, climate change and vulnerability in This author is the victim of climate
Solomon Islands, Sunday isles newspaper, change. His concern towards the issue
23 may 2010, Honiara Solomon Islands is of significance to this research task.

5 Maelin pickering – bhagwan, Issues in This source introduces some basic

pacific politics(PLFO1) course book, concepts relevant to the global issue
university of the south pacific, 2017, Fiji on the task. These concepts will guide
the research that will be undertaken.
6 Fred Talo, Solomon islands national The source carries useful first-hand
adaptation programmes of action (NAPA), information particularly on some of
ministry of environment, conservation and the adaptation programmes of action.
meteorology, November 2008, Honiara This useful source is relevant for the
Solomon Islands assignment.
7 David Hiriasia, climate change and sea level The source is one of the concerned
rise in the happy isles, Solomon Islands people who know such bad effects on
meteorological service, 2017, Honiara the issue. His concerned on the news
Solomon Islands is really effective.
8 Robert frawith, climate change: a crisis for This source shows some important
state sovereignty, crisis on state sovereignty. This
www.chimalaya.org source may be useful for the task.
assessed 27/07/17
9 Erica Dingman, Does climate change This source carries useful information
redefine sovereignty on some challenges on sovereignty on
www.uqat.ca/isc- climate change. This source is very
2010/publications/Dingman-CEI-ISC important for the assignment.
Assessed 27/07/17
10 W.Neil Adger and Jon Barnett, climate This source mentions some dangers
dangers and atoll countries, faced by atoll countries on climate
https://www.researchgate.net/publication/25 change. This is of relevant for the
9346529 undertaken task.

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