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Hans Kayser

the "acoustic" perception of the world

Translation from the English original

by Fabio Gasparri

© 2004-2006 by Project Esonet - http://www.esonet.it



HANS KAYSER ................................................ .................................................. .................................................. 4

Preface ................................................. .................................................. ................................................. 12

THE................................................. .................................................. .................................................. ........................ 14

The current situation ............................................... .................................................. .................................................. ............................ 14

................................................. II .................................................. .................................................. ...................... 15

The word "harmony"; the concept of Harmonic in classical Greece; in ancient times; Pythagoreanism and science; Pythagorean the two approaches; evaluation of these
approaches in antiquity; today; justification for today ............................................... ........ 15

III ................................................. .................................................. .................................................. ..................... 21

Pythagoras and his teachings; secret teaching in antiquity; Seventh Letter of Plato; teaching of wisdom in ancient character; the Pythagorean table; the "coordinates of the
partial tone"; some Pythagorean fragments. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .......................................... 21

IV ................................................. .................................................. .................................................. ..................... 30

Background Harmonic ancient wisdom teachings; A. von Thimus; 3000 years of Harmonic tradition; prerequisites survey Harmonic (historical); new fundamentals of
harmonics; "The Man Listen"; "The Sound of the World"; "Essays on the Harmonious Understanding Value"; "Fundamentals of a values ​system harmonics"; "Harmonia
Plantarum"; "Harmonics Manual"; "Harmonic Studies"; brief survey Harmonic current. ................................... 30

V ................................................. .................................................. .................................................. ....................... 38

From harmonious laboratory; the tone spectra; crystals; geology; the earth, only one string; primordial generation; harmony of the spheres; Kepler; Kepler's third law.
.................................................. .................................................. ..................... 38

VI ................................................. .................................................. .................................................. ..................... 44

Botany; growth of branches; spectra of the leaves; prototype of Goethe on the shape of the leaves; Linnaeus; sexuality; the three kingdoms in nature; the ear; the shell of
the spiral; the ear canals; the ear as organ of time and space; sensitivity of the ear for the time intervals; reciprocity of eye and ear. ..................................................
...................... 44

VII ................................................. .................................................. .................................................. ................... 54

A. Stifter; proportions; architecture; balanced dividing fee; modern architecture; acoustics of the auditorium; painting and sculpture; Lepsius; Albrecht Dürer; importance of
the study of proportions; Wyneken; modern painting; relevant symmetries in classical works; music theory; harmonious education in conservatories; modern music; "The
shape of the Violin" ............................................ .................................................. .................................................. ................................... 54

VIII ................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................. 69

Humanistic Studies; mathematics; Gestalt mathematics; speech, language, poetry; akróasis of the word; the language of poetry; J. Burckhardt; notes and rhythm;
philosophy; Schopenhauer; mythology; symbolism; two concepts of Deity. ................. 69

IX ................................................. .................................................. .................................................. ..................... 78

The position of the harmonics in contemporary thought; E. Cassirer, mythical thinking; Modern naturalistic thought;
CG Jung; the collective unconscious; the position of the harmonics; a) mythical thought; b) the collective unconscious and archetypes; prototypes and archetypes; c) modern
scientific thought. .................................................. .................................................. ...................... 78

X ................................................. .................................................. .................................................. ....................... 89

Limit and reflection. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. ........................... 89

XI ................................................. .................................................. .................................................. ..................... ninety two

The thought: one of the senses; the philosophy; origins of philosophy in mysticism; the spirit; degrees of knowledge. .............................. ninety two

XII ................................................. .................................................. .................................................. ................... 95

Activation of the soul; the individual and the community; to have time; the dangers of mass culture; position of existence values; tolerance; humanity; objectivity;
universality................................................. .................................................. ............. 95

XIII ................................................. .................................................. .................................................. ................ 104

Harmonics, a theory of correspondences; J. Gebser; the general validity of tonal relationships; the law of quantum harmonic; science and freedom; the "uncertainty
principle" of Heisenberg; B. Bavink. .................................................. ..................... 104

XIV ................................................. .................................................. .................................................. ................ 112

Harmony; harmonics, a theory of consonance and dissonance of the world; Harmonic interpretation; planetary intervals; cosmological interpretations of the diagrams, the
darkness and the light; The "Golden Age"; reincarnation; the metaphysical residue ............................................... ..................................................
.................................................. ............................... 112

NOTES TO TABLE I .............................................. .................................................. ................................. 124

NOTES TO TABLE II .............................................. .................................................. ............................... 125

NOTES TO TABLE II .............................................. .................................................. ............................... 126

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ADDITIONS TO THE TEXT ............................................... .................................................. ................................. 128

ADDITIONS TO THE TEXT ............................................... .................................................. ................................. 129

BIBLIOGRAPHY................................................. .................................................. ............................................ 131

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Hans Kayser, rediscovered the ancient discipline of harmonics, died on April 15, 1964. With his

relentless and original work that lasted for decades was the only representative of its time to this

science with multiple ramifications.

Kayser did not come from any existing school nor a circle of colleagues with the same ideas. His

immediate predecessors and teachers - Albert von Thimus and Johannes Kepler (not to mention

the Neo-Platonic and the Pythagoreans) lived and worked decades and even centuries before him.

He will go down in the spiritual history of our century as a gifted individual and unique as a pioneer

and rediscovered for which the spiritual attitude was important

As the scientific one. He was a man who never lost

sight of everything for love of detail.

Akróasis In any page of the meaning and nature

of the harmonics. Every other word here on the doctrine

and worldview it avvallerebbe meaning. Instead let me

in the following few pages to trace the course of the

author's life and briefly mention the work published in

1946, so as to update the same list of Kayser.

Hans Kayser was born April 21, 1891 in Buchau (Upper Danube Valley), son of a pharmacist.

How important was the example of his father for his life and his work it can be deducted from the

following excerpt taken from the dedication to

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late father's will Harmonia Plantarum:

"The music and the plants are presented to you as the two gates through which the divine

light shines upon our souls, the one as a proclaimer of the eternal laws, the other as a detector of

the immutable laws of the origins of life. The tone and the form for you were the proof that being a

citizen of this land had meaning and that our desire to belong is fulfilled by listening.

How many times you brought me with you in search of plants, even when I was still a child.

Barely a valley, a hill, a rock in the Alb region, the richest from floral perspective on German soil,

was safe from us. Even in small amounts and only occasionally brought home some loot. We

brought the real booty in our minds and the sight of countless rare expanses and beautiful flowers,

shrubs and bushes is preserved indelibly in my thoughts, even today, as precious ancient paintings

... And often, when we returned home tired and you were closed the shop, another kingdom awaited

us, an inner, music. When you were forty years, in the small town far from any music center, he

learned to play the viola, and you started me, age ten, to the cello. Along with other fans played

quartets by Haydn, more or less well, and we finished playing Beethoven and Schubert. The ancient

stone statue that stood beside the bubbling fountain in the market square in front of our house must

have felt a strange sensation in his chest for our heartbreaking notes. It looked nice then and still

seems so. "

For a long time the versatile young man was undecided whether or not to develop his talent for

painting. But in the end the willingness to listen prevailed in him. At the age of twenty years Kayser

studied music and natural sciences in Berlin and after many challenging experiences and intense study

he obtained a degree in History,

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Philosophy and Art History at the University of Erlangen. First he made a name as an editor of the

series Dom-Bücher deutscher Mystik ( Series of CattedraleLibri German Mysticism), published by

Insel Publisher, an assignment that coincided with his most intimate inclination towards natural

philosophy and mysticism. In this series he reserved to himself the volumes of Paracelsus and


In 1920, after studying Harmonice mundi Kepler and Harmonikale Symbolik des Altertums ( Harmonic

Symbolism in Antiquity) Albert von Thimus, he devoted himself to science Harmonic, a

breakthrough which will be decisive for his life. In the esoteric fundamental diagram of Pythagoras,

known as Lambdoma, it took possession of the key that for the first time opened the door to

understanding the mysteries of minerals and plants, their proportions and their growth rates through

the musical number. Von Thimus had approached the Lambdoma mainly in retrospect as a

philologist and antiquarian, using it as a cultural symbol. Kayser took him beyond the simple

framework outlined by Iamblichus and turned it into an instrument for its new research harmonicas

in the natural sciences.

The first work along this line, Orpheus, a bibliophile edition in folio (Potsdam 1924) was

published in only 200 copies and now has great value as a rare edition. Eight years later followed Hörende

Der Mensch ( The man who listens), whose deep introduction tackles in particular the biased attitude

of modern science and philosophy to want to quantify everything and make tangible, admitting and

thus justifying - from the philosophical point of view - a new conception of the world founded the

higher senses of hearing and sight.

Kayser married Clara Ruda in Berlin before World War II. This happy marriage brought three

children; Clara was a partner understanding and sincere to the end of the life of Dr. Kayser. The

ascent to power of Hitler

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Kayser led him to accept an invitation of his friends in Bern in 1933. Subsequently in Switzerland

not only found more followers and assistants 1 but he had the rare good fortune to find people who

through their readiness to make sacrifices, allowed him and his family to settle down and live

permanently in Switzerland. Thus freed from the worries of making a living devoted all his energies

to his research as an independent scholar. In the small house in Bern Ostermundigen that friends

arrayed available and the most spacious country house, beautifully built by him in 1952 in Bolligen,

all his later works were written.

It was considered not suitable to hold conferences and lectures and allowed them reluctantly

"after a hard inner struggle." A series of lectures in his early years in Bern (Winter 1935-36) was an

opportunity for a good book, Vom Klang der Welt ( The World Sound), which probably leads to more

immediate and easy way towards the facts and the particular problems of harmonics than most of

his writings. After an interval of about twenty years I managed twice to bring the lectern Kayser

conference on the symbolism in Basel (1955 and 1957). The rewarding welcome that found her

there later encouraged him to hold a course of harmonics at the Academy of Music in Basel

(1956-57) and two lectures at the Academy of Music in Vienna (1959). Also he took part actively in

a Eranos Conference in 1958.

The aversion to public speaking, which Kayser was never able to win outright, was the result

of his not having had students in the true sense

1 Gustave Fueter, the first student in the accordion Kayser, owner of a famous company of clothing in Bern, although older and
suffering from heart ailments, he built an archive for harmonic research on the top floor of his company, with a valuable
specialized library and several instruments of optical and acoustic research, including a grand piano and an organ. For many
years he worked Fueter with the care and precision of a draftsman expert to complete hundreds of diagrams that were used to
Kayser. Also it is said to have made numerous discoveries from his own research. The archives, which are now entrusted to the
daughter Sonja Fueter, could one day with the scientific legacy of Kayser and his library provide a valuable foundation for a larger

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the word 1 although individual researchers, including myself, have taken from him the symbols and

concepts of harmonic and then worked on them on their own.

If I spoke of rare fortune of friends ready to sacrifice themselves and things like that, you

should not think that Kayser had an existence completely safe and carefree. Not at all. He had to

immediately experience the ups and downs of fortune. The lenders which determined its subsistence

died suddenly and, despite his natural enthusiasm, he, proud and sensitive, walked away from the

others. More than once he found himself without financial means.

" Concerns, worries, concerns! All life is nothing but a concern, and it becomes more uncertain

in any direction you look and larger you become. Only the spiritual world rings and shines in the

primitive and eternal glory. "( by a letter, April 5, 1955).

Neither antisocial or closed - for his reluctance to public life - Kayser, however, he considered

his main task to influence his contemporaries and those who would come after him through the

medium of the written word. His major works were carried out that task with increasing success.

Their influence was much stronger, the inspiration that comes from his vivid insights goes

considerably beyond what was previously known or hypothesized 2. And this is probably just the

beginning. What characterizes our century, the tendency to crush and destroy all forms and

traditional orders (in political and social life, in religion, poetry, arts and music) becomes

increasingly futile and meaningless, and makes for a empty

Archive for Research Harmonica.

1 An exception is the musician and harmonist Dr. Rudolf Haase of Wuppertal-Elberfeld who considered himself a student Kayser

and is, in a sense, believed to be his successor. It is waiting for a biography of Kayser by Haase, who had commissioned the
same Kayser.
2According to a statement verbal R. Haase, who is now collecting and classifying all the writings inspired or influenced by Kayser.

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desolate until its inglorious end. Sooner or later the pendulum of Western cultural development

must swing in the opposite direction. Kayser believed what the end and his belief that, according to

an inner law, the perverse and absurd that offended her eye, ear and feeling, they would die

naturally, kept him from openly stigmatize. Harmonics, this universal and eternal teachings of order,

they would take one day a decisive role in the task of reconstruction and a pre-eminent power as a

philosophy in which extent, value and quality were again honored.

Of Kayser works which were being prepared when Akróasis was published, the two harmonic

studies, Der harmonikale Teilungskanon ( The Canon Harmonious Division) and Die Form der Geige

( The violin shape) appeared in 1946 and 1947. Lehrbuch der Harmonik ( Fundamentals of

Harmonics), monumental in every respect, was published in late 1950. For the student of Science

Harmonic working scientifically this will always be the fundamental and indispensable work of


Meanwhile matured the project of a new comprehensive,

Harmonikalen Symbolik ( Symbolism Harmonic), designed in three parts under the general title Orphikon.

In seven years (1949-1956) Kayser managed to finish the first of the three parts, Die Welt der

Götter ( The World of the Gods) which was ready for printing in a manuscript of 720 pages 3. It is

hoped that this work is complete in itself could be made public in the next few years. The material

had exceeded all expectations while the author was working, so after completing Part 1, he decided

not to publish it immediately, but before you publish as an independent work something that was


3 The other two main parties in the general project the following titles: Die Welt des Menschen ( The World of Men) and Die Welt
des Heils ( The Redemption of the World). They were planned nine chapters for each of the three sections.

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only a digression, ie a study of Paestum and the harmonics of its Doric temples. The good work Paestum,

completed at the end of 1954, it was published in Heidelberg in 1958. Kayser called it "in a sense a

counterpart of

Harmonia Plantarum. As in the realm of the plant kingdom, so here in the sphere of architecture, is

shown as actually implement Research and Harmonic Analysis ". Paestum He was the last of his

books that Kayser saw in print. If and to what extent it had added to its Orphikon ( which no doubt

occupied his thoughts constantly), it remains an open question, since it was not yet possible to

make a comprehensive review of its spiritual heritage. However it is certain that, apparently, the last

year of his life began to make another copy by hand the part of already over ' Orphikon: a copy rather

amazing. When I saw Potetti not avoid thinking about the pious work of medieval monks who spent

months and years of their lives to copy a precious manuscript. I wondered if this document could be

considered a copy for typesetter. Kayser he planned to dedicate it to someone? Or was it only

started for the joy and the author's moral benefit, already near death, and that he had always loved

a generous size, beautiful paper, wide margins, well-proportioned page design and quite a

character or handwriting? According to Dr. Hermann Augustin Basel, a friend of Kayser who visited

him a few weeks before his death in Bolligen, Kayser had not hitherto considered a print edition of

the manuscript in the immediate future and began copying so accurately to facilitate its distribution

in microfilm. However, Kayser was far from complete copy. It includes only one-fifth of the original

manuscript and stops with prophetic words:

"This world is not a vale of tears, but it is full of terrible dangers and magnificent beauty at the

same time. Each of us governs his small

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Boat of life between Scylla and Charybdis that exist both inside and outside of us. But if we maintain

our course and pursue our mission from heaven to the maximum of our forces, the sky is blue on us

and the goal of our homeland calls us again. And if misfortune befalls us, we know that in another

existence is no compensation. And when we take the path that leads to the door through which

everyone must pass one day, we will enter eternity where, in the great stillness of the Source, we

will find refuge and peace, free from earthly limitations. So we rely on the great mystery, the good

without end, in the light of eternity and harmony. "

Julius Schwabe

Basel, September 1964

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Hans Kayser

This book offers a brief and understandable survey of harmonic theory, a new field of

research and at the same time very old. And, where it is possible, without tables, numbers and

diagrams within the text. This is hardly comparable to an investigation on math problems or relativity

made without the help of formulas and mathematical diagrams. The danger of that undertaking is


For years I have been asked many times to write on such research, but only now do I start

looking back at my harmonica work completed in the meantime. My books were meant to show the

harmonics from different points of view, so as to provide a foundation for this new theory. Now you

can consult the appropriate step in those books; you do not need to plan on an empty assertions.

So the text is devoid of numbers and formulas. Technical terms and those of foreign origin are

explained in brackets. The footnotes referring to passages in my works and those of others in which

the related issues are exhaustively discussed. A few pages in this book intentionally treat certain

problems in a more technical way, in part to give the most accurate material scientist, in part to

provide the reader with no knowledge about some important theorems harmonics that can try the


The title Akróasis ( the greek άκρόασις, to listen; in contrast with aesthesis, άίσθεσις, see or

feel) it can not be understood as an attempt to introduce a new concept in philosophical or scientific

terminology. For practical reasons it was thought best to choose simple and concrete expression to

an unknown topic for many people. And so it did

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tribute to the spirit of the ancient Greeks, choosing the word Akroasis. But there was also another

reason for choosing a new expression. The term "harmonic" is known as a classic concept of

Pythagoras, which was taken up by Kepler in his Harmonice Mundi. It should not be confused with

the familiar term "harmonics" used in music, which means agreements or refers to the fingering

technique for playing string instruments.

Our "harmonics" are, in contrast to the term used in music, a more universal kind. They say

the ancient but ever new, theory

of '' Harmony of the Spheres, "a spiritual attitude referred to by Dante in Purgatory, XXX, v. ninety


"The song of the angels, which is only the echo of the song

of the eternal spheres,"

and Shakespeare, it The merchant of Venice He puts into the mouth of Lorenzo:

"Look how the floor of heaven is thick and shiny patina

inlaid with gold; there is the smallest star that you

contemplate if not in his motion like an angel sings,

singing in the choir at young cherubim that is in harmony

immortal souls;

But, whilst this muddy forfeiture coating encloses it crudely, we can not

hear it. "

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The current situation

In the middle of historical disasters, such as those in whose symbolic shadow we stand, the

human soul seeks a stronghold in the dangerous fluctuations that apparently shake all solid

foundation. The reflective nature take refuge in an interior world and seek their salvation in religion,

mysticism or even in the occult sciences. The revolutionary spirits perceive a new dawn and put

their trust in a reversal of all the established values ​and a completely new approach in the realm of

thought, feeling and inspiration. However, those for which the efforts of humanity in the past are just

junk, do not wait for a possible way forward in meditation or in the revolution, but rather a

regeneration of what was considered true so far. First of all look for in themselves a state of mind

from which this regeneration may be possible.

If we listen ourselves and we tried many feelings, desires and thoughts of our psychic power,

in a state of mind, he left the old in its authenticity and to join again in a natural continuation, we

could find, I think, two spiritual forms where the old can be revived and the new can be generated in

the womb of past cultures. These two forms of the spirit, so I look like, we can name them better

with the terms measure is value: measure as a deadline for the order of things, value as a term for the

laws of things. However, measurement and value are two psychic principles, two spiritual

categories in which, since ancient times, has moved a very particular way of thinking: that of


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The word "harmony"; the concept of Harmonic in classical Greece; in ancient times; Pythagoreanism and
science; Pythagorean the two approaches; evaluation of these
approaches in antiquity; today; justification for today.

"Harmonics" comes from the greek harmonikos: relevant to music. With the ancient Greeks

this term had a broader scope and meant, especially in defining Pythagorean, a science measure ( number)


value ( tone). His assessment was beneficial not only for the scientific thought of the ancient Greeks,

but also for all their culture, in its broadest scope. On the Pythagorean thinking harmonica

background is as a summary, the term harmony. [1] Today we have tremendous effect as soon as

an adequate knowledge of this idea would go on thinking and Greek creativity.

We only need to remember the importance of music in the first Greek education and the close

relationship of music with Pythagorean mathematics to understand that the first pedagogical effect

philosophical theory of music derives from the knowledge of the law of numbers in the music world.

The connection between music and mathematics that Pythagoras had established since then has

remained a firm foundation of greek spirit.

Precisely from this marriage were born those more profitable concepts and wide scope for

artistic thought of the Greeks. Suddenly he merged within all sectors of a stream-oriented

perceptions in a new way and who were obviously fed from this source. The sixth century BC

witnessed the birth of all those wonderful basic concepts of the greek spirit who became for us a

symbol of his deepest individuality and inseparable from its essence. There was no beginning, but

came to light in a sequence historically necessary. A new understanding of the structure of music is

one of the decisive moments in this development. Only the knowledge

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the essence of harmony and rhythm, developed by that perception, the Greeks would guarantee

their immortality in the history of human culture; the possibility of applying this insight to every

sphere of life was almost limited. It opens a new world in strict conformity to the dominant laws,

comparable to the disk of Solon's law system. There where Anaximander had regarded the world as

a cosmos of things, the Pythagorean vision of the world considered the principle the harmony of the

cosmos. There where Anaximander had grasped the necessity of causal time events so the idea of

​harmonics is clear the structural aspect of the cosmic laws. " [2]

Almost all Greek thinkers had understood the concept of harmonics if not in their works, at

least in principle. I know the conclusions of Plato on the educational effects of music, as well as his

interest in Pythagoreanism in his last philosophy (see the musical scale Timaeus as the core of

Platonic cosmology); Democritus and Archita wrote works on the harmonics [3] that have been lost

and the whole Pythagorean tradition is full of references on Harmonics. In De Architectura [ 4] of

Vitruvius, the Roman architectural writer, echoed a lost knowledge of the art of building harmonious

proportions, the Renaissance Leon Battista Alberti largest builder [5] tried to catch. Harmonics

astronomer Ptolemy and his comment by Porfirio inspired Kepler in his Harmonice mundi [ 6] in

which he incorporates the discovery of his famous Third Law through typically harmonics


Pythagoreanism is of vital importance to present the current scientific thinking; Western

science was born with the discovery of the relationship between the pitch of a note and the chord

length, which can be determined numerically. [7] The qualities (tones) are derived from the

quantities (lengths of rope or wave) exactly. So the harmonics are at the beginning of scientific


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Who is usually think according to the Pythagorean way must still make an important caveat

here. Although Pythagoras, some followers of much older traditions, became audible (quality) into

numbers (quantity) for him and for those who thought and worked like him, the other was at least

equally important: quantity, material things, measurable through the number (lengths of rope,

monochord), acquired a spiritual significance, a psychic value (intervals, tones), for those who were

able to hear in fact numerical proportions. You should try to enter the soul of an ancient Greek to

understand what this meant to him.

In front of him was the monochord, a simple wooden box with a pull rope on it, both material

objects. A certain part of this rope, a particular piece of material, producing a tone, a larger or

smaller piece of the same material produced other tones. It is not revealed to us the essence of the

matter and the reports of the string numbers did not show a deep internal correspondence between

the '' I 'and' you '? The principles of the measurement of the value here merged into a miraculous

union: everyone recognized another, the extent of the rope could be seen reflected in the

experienced and perceived tone value and the value of this tone could be seen reflected in the

measured length of the rope.

Especially the latter aspect of Pythagoreanism 1 He must have inspired and deeply shaken his

followers. Through the experience of sound numbers, the world started to play. The matter acquired

a structural counterpart anchored in the psyche, and the spiritual, the realm of ideas, was anchored

in the form of harmonics. There was a bridge between being and value, world and soul, matter and

spirit. Only from this point of view you can begin to understand the great

1 The reflection of the value (tone) in the number (measure).

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meaning of the idea of ​harmony in classical antiquity. The intellectual and spiritual side of

Pythagoreanism was grown only as esoteric knowledge; therefore he went quickly lost, and only the

other, the material side (the reduction of quality to quantity) remained and was further deepened.

From here the scholar

contemporary Harmonic will not be entirely surprised by the uncontrolled madness of a natural

science and technology, which is why, if not offset by psychological and ethical values, ends up

losing his head. And for its part, as far as possible, he has to prepare for the task of finding a new

approach based on dell'autentiche old "harmonics", making justice even within the current view of

the world to both those Pythagorean approaches and revitalizing modern thinking in a new way. The

Pythagorean approach is twofold: the first is the quality derivation (tone sensation) by the amount

(number); Pythagorean This approach is the basis of the current exact sciences. The second

approach is the assessment of quantity (numbers, all that is material) through the quality

(psychological feeling of numbers as tones). This latter approach was, in the next age antiquity,

further deepened only in exceptional cases. Both of these approaches Pythagoreans have suffered

a substantial change in the course of European development. It is extremely important to

understand this point correctly, because beyond it can be conquered, in a sense, a new validation

of the harmonics for our times.

The question is why the "quality" aspect of Pythagoreanism, even before the time of Aristotle,

was no longer understood or simply refused, and pursued only

its "quantitative" (ie the derivation

qualitative impression of what can be measured quantitatively and calculated numerically),

especially in the natural sciences? It is now the reason when one identifies herself in the perception

and in thought

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Greek. The inner world of the Greeks, especially the early classical and pre-classical men, was so

full, even overflowing, mythological and symbolic concepts, purely psychic forms and experiences

that needed absolutely a foothold in the exact basic concepts. In intelligible forms and

understandable in a precise manner it was given a balance against the mythologies (representation

of gods and heroes), which threatened to overwhelm their souls. The theory of knowledge of Plato

is the first European attempt to contain fixed forms within the lush jungle of psychic life, that even in

his time was splintering into hundreds of religions, cosmologies, mysteries and mythologies in order

to understand the ideas that are lying pure and simple before the mind, and that withstand critical

analysis. The experiment Pythagorean monochord experience the transformation of tone in

measurable quantities and countable, in "numbers", gave to the natural philosophy newborn support

he needed at that time, so as not to sink into the empty assertions (everything is water, everything

is fire, air, etc.). It is thus understandable that only the quantitative, calculable aspect of

Pythagoreanism was further deepened, undergoing a further decisive development, especially in

the Renaissance.

After the obvious collapse of a civilization based around the pure logic (philosophy as a

science) and the quantitative and tangible thought, it is currently facing a completely different

situation. For hundreds of years, our thinking has been increasingly brought to work and investigate

in a logical, accurate, objective, critical. The entire realm of psychic life, although it has maintained

its autonomy in religion and the arts, went on his way, separate from logic and science; It is freed in

the same way with which the "science" became independent and absolute. So now we are in the

exact opposite position to that of the ancients, with their soul, the heart, the psychic powers of

imagination threatened to

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overflow and asked to be delimited by reason, the size and the number. Today you are poor in spirit

and in spite of religion, art and philosophy, it is so completely dominated by science and his

legitimate daughter - technology - that you need and you should still seek inner turning point,

immersion in the meditative powers of the soul, to give a new value aspect logical and tangible

image of the world.

Harmonics can show a path toward what if you again considers Pythagorism in its full sense

as a starting point. This means that the harmonics must again recognize the tone and the number

as having equal value, the tone including, first of all, and then concretely in its broadest sense, as a

psychic experience capacity; the number first and then practice in the broadest sense as a rational

aspect symbol, measurable and understandable materially in the world. Seats next to each other as

equals, they would bring modern thinking to build a new spiritual world, that of ' akróasis.

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Pythagoras and his teachings; secret teaching in antiquity; Seventh Letter of Plato;
teaching of wisdom in ancient character; the table
Pythagorean; the "coordinates of the partial tone"; some Pythagorean fragments.

Since ancient harmonics, as you will observe, give honor to Pythagoras as one of the first

ancestors, will now be offered the reader a more detailed account of the events of his life and his

teachings. [8]

Pythagoras was born in the sixth century BC to Samos, one of the Ionian Islands off the

coast of Asia Minor, which is thought to have been founded by the Athenians. While Pythagoras

lived there, the tyrant Polycrates seized power, and Pythagoras, who opposed any dictatorial

regime, left the island and traveled for many years, probably before in Egypt with whom Samos at

that time had strong business relations. It seems here that Pythagoras was initiated into the

mysteries of the teachings of Egyptian priests, or, in any case, he has brought with him the only

thing that current science still attaches to him and that certainly was not his own invention: theorem

Pythagoras. The only name historically confirmed that it can be related to Pythagoras is to

Pherecydes, a contemporary of Thales from the island of Syros and one of the wise old men of

Greece. Since he thinks that Pythagoras has drawn the famous origin teaching things to a triadic

units: Cronus (time), chthonic (earth, that space), and ether or Zeus as the educational and

legislative principle. This was 2500 years before an anticipation of the doctrine of causality

space-time of Kant and Schopenhauer. It is also believed that Pythagoras suddenly from

Pherecydes doctrine of reincarnation which in turn started up again with his teaching on the Trinity

from Eastern sources. At the age of forty 'years, after long rides through the ancient world of that

time, Pythagoras reappeared in Crotone in southern Italy.

In his maturity, charming man for his personality and his luggage

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cultural, amazing for its time, soon he managed to gather around him an enthusiastic group. He was

the founder and the center of the so-called Pythagorean school and among his followers there were

some who occupied influential positions. Probably because of the tight rules of this exclusive

society for a conscious influence in political and ethical activities, the Pythagoreans were suspected

of subversive activities. And 'reasonable to assume that envy for their spiritual stature freed against

their vile instincts of those who held power, and soon after the persecution began. These

culminated in the attempted murder of Cylon, an influential city of Crotone, at a meeting of the

Pythagoreans in the house of Milon. Cylon set fire to the house and killed forty people including,

according to some accounts, Pythagoras himself. According to other accounts, Pythagoras fled to

Locri, where he was denied access. According to this version, he died in Metaponto. The Cylon

attack was the signal for a general persecution not only in southern Italy, but in all the Greek

colonies, where the Pythagoreans spread. The power of the school was apparently broken, but we

can say with certainty that there were followers hundreds of years after they communicated with

each other secretly. So reads an excerpt of a traditional biography of Pythagoras of life and

Pythagorean society.

What Pythagoras taught?

No authentic fragment was handed down by Pythagoras himself, but on the other hand a

considerable number came from the Pythagoreans. These have been attacked in recent times

hyper-arrogance, based on the fact that they can only be dated from the time of Plato and even

later. Oddly enough, most of these skeptics agree on the high value of these fragments and

interdependence among most of them. If Pythagoras himself had not existed and Pythagorism was

born with or after Plato,

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contents of this teaching Pythagorean would be so interesting in itself that a serious investigation

would be rewarding, as it demonstrates the rich literature on this topic. The hypothesis that the

Pythagoreans appeared only with and after Plato is absurd to anyone familiar with the concept and

the Pythagorean thought, especially considering the peculiar resemblance to Chinese and other

archaic sources that go back in time.

For a complete understanding necessary to explain a point that has been avoided in the

most recent works in Pythagoreanism, a point which in any case is crucial for a correct judgment

and evaluation of the traditions of this type. The fact is the deliberate secret and oral tradition of the

central theorems of Pythagoreanism, attested by so many stories emphatic that only a palpable

disappointment can go over or dismissed as unimportant or as a fraud. The reason is easily

understood. Since the rational man as a philologist can only recognize as "authentic" what is in the

written documents, the level of the oral tradition seems very dangerous and unreliable. But in this

regard the case of Pythagoreanism is precisely the opposite. What has really been preserved,

few scraps and reliable information

teaching, was written by those who were outside the esoteric society of the Pythagoreans or even

by real initiates who purposely hid what had been said. There is in every way a whole series of

theorems, in itself incomprehensible, sometimes even trivial, that this harmonic analysis finds a

surprising solution. This analysis had never been tested until the undertaken for the first time in my

essay on Pythagoras. [8]

Many of the so-called "authentic" fragments can pass as transcripts or evidence of true

Pythagorean theorem, but never as authentic remnants of the Pythagorean investigations.

There are numerous steps well documented in ancient literature

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attest to the practice of deliberate secrecy. A. von Thimus, in the first volume of his work on ancient

symbolism [11] presents these sources with detailed comments and Plato emphasizes the need for

their privacy in the Seventh Letter, one of the most interesting documents of that era that could be

placed beginning of every translation of the works of Plato: "I do not think an advantage disclose

those secrets to men, except to initiates who are able to discover a single clue. For others such

disclosure would produce a stupid mockery or even un'autogratificazione in the mistaken belief that

he fed infinite wisdom " 1.

Now arises the question for us: why the ancients could have to put the "light under a

bushel"? For example, the Greeks did not hide their philosophical ideas, artistic or scientific work,

because those very harmonic? The only personal experience can not provide convincing reasons.

Anyone dealing with harmonic problems for a long time will notice immediately that something

decisive is at stake: first, the observation of the world and the richness of its aspects in their time

the most important and sensitive; second, the application of '' I 'to establish an unmistakable internal

relationship and an assessment with "You." Nature is not simply "recognized" in its differentiation

and then claimed as a unit, but at all times puts the '' I 'before the decision: You belong to me and

my needs, or you are able to conquer your freedom? It 'clear the extraordinary obligation arising

therefrom. The urgent inner logic of harmonic deductions in any way rule out the ability to act, but

rather enhances the ability of initiative and also of humility, since it is a re-orientation of man toward

God, influenced by the perception of harmonic laws .

But this particular reorientation requires distinct guidelines and

1 The epistles platonic, translation of J. Harward, Cambridge University Press, 1932, p. 135.

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ethical; Only in this light can we understand the fidelity to the secrecy in ancient times.

All the teaching of ancient wisdom was aimed not only knowledge, but also scientific and

religious symbolism and especially the application of such symbolism. On the one hand the

numerical content of those mysterious and harmonious teachings, especially the Pythagorean was

what you could teach and demonstrate. On the other hand this same content was also the

morphological element used by teachers and priests in their dogmas and it is understandable that

only Harmonic symbolism was kept away from profane eyes and probably used to be the most

important pedagogical tool in ' "initiation" into the mysteries and the priestly caste of the esoteric


Therefore please adhere strongly to this statement: in ancient literature and the traditional

teaching Pythagorean theorems are only clues, circumlocuzioni, an old and concrete symbolism

whose core must be revealed first of all if you want to understand the Pythagorean teaching in its

true meaning.

"Plato teaches theology in the form of numbers and mathematical figures, as did the sacred

word Pythagorean Philolaus and in The Bacchae", so it reads in a Pythagorean fragment. [9] In all

antiquity there is a tradition of mysterious symbols and Pythagorean origin diagrams, which have

never been definitively known or, in the contrary case, as obvious falsifications or absurd

distortions. But today you can deal with this point more clearly. For example, the conclusion of the

first book of Boethius on geometry says: "The Pythagoreans, to avoid errors in their multiplications,

divisions and measures, as usually come with inventiveness and ingenuity, had invented a formula

for their use that they called multiplication table, in

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honor of their teacher, because they had learned what they drew from the explanations of their own

teacher. This table was called Abaco by their successors. " 2

Eberhard Hommel [10] writes on the Pythagorean Harmonics technique as follows: "The

Pythagorean school, as is known, postulated a close relationship between numbers and tones

through the demonstration of simple existing proportions between the lengths of the strings. These

searches were made on the monochord, a simple table or chest with a single rope, a jumper and a

graduated scale. The string tension was variable through the use of different weights. The

instrument, used by music teachers from early antiquity until the time of Guido d'Arezzo to teach the

correct pitch to singers, was called

canon. The use of this same canon ( Katatome tou Kanonos) It was explained by Euclid of Alexandria

that left a special case. After that the relations of lengths of the rope or of the air vibrating bodies (as

in the flutes) were discovered through experiments and simple linear proportions were

demonstrated, he went further and geometric figures were built and a coordinate system, ie a

system of lines parallel and intersecting, the "Diagram" (literally lines) intersections where they were

represented the relationship between tone and number through the lengths and simple

mathematical operations. Eventually he came to circular and spherical systems with which the

tones were no longer represented by simple straight lines, but also by arcs and angles. Here is part

of the spherical-kinetic system of Jewish-Arabic grammarians, the inclination and declination

teaching tone in the terminology of the Latin grammarians and phonetic Syrian and Arabic. There

are clear indications of the same thought in ancient teachings

2 "Pythagorici true nor in multiplicationibus et et partionibus in podismis aliquando fallerentur, ut in omnibus et erant ingeniosissimi
subtilissimi, descripserunt sibi quam ab honorary quondam formulam on praeceptoris Mensam Pythagoream nominabant, quia
hoc quod depinxerant magistro praemonstrante cognoverant at posterioribus appelabatur Abacus ..." Euclides Geometric, lib. 1

p.1334, by Boeth. Opera Omnia, in Patrologiae Cursus Completus LXIII tome, Paris 1847

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astrology, in which aspects or star configurations were equaled as the angular size of the scale

intervals, which is also the theory in Kepler ' Harmonice Mundi ".

A. von Thimus, to whom we owe the reconstruction of the "Pythagorean table" or

"Lambdoma" which he defined as after Iamblichus, discovered nothing new, but interpreted properly

a part of the Pythagorean completely neglected research in the commentary Giamblico less

arithmetic of Nicomachus which says, "Let's take a drive and draw a a corner of the same figure in

the form of Lambda Λ (L Greek), we fill a part of the line with numbers approaching unity

proceeding, for example, in the following manner 2 3 4 5 6 etc. Then we fill the other hand, starting

from the widest part, which corresponds to its half, 1/3 1/4 1/5, 1/6 etc. We can observe in this way

the interaction of the corresponding reciprocal and see the balance of the interconnected

relationship and well-ordered, relationship that we just described. "[11]

In the text of Iamblichus we have an unusual and unique indication of the number system of

the ancient Pythagorean literature. If you follow these instructions and you add the tone values, you

get a structure of an extraordinarily interesting group of tonal numbers, "the coordinates of the

partial tone" that are shown in Tab. II at the end of the book. To convert this diagram in the

"Lambdoma" Pythagorean it should be placed with the tip upwards, ie turn it to the right until the

monochord is oblique and the diagonal (the line that generates the tone) is perpendicular 3. This

group of tones is called "partial tone coordinates" because coordination means "put in order" or

"order" and why the tone logarithms the pinnacle of

3 This description is very simplified. To obtain the true Lambdoma not only the main diagonal must be perpendicular, but the two

most external lines should form an angle of 45 degrees.

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1/1 system tends to 0 and the relationship of the tones above the tone generator (1/1 with logarithm

to the base 2 = 0.000) become positive (+) and the lower half becomes negative (-). This statement

meant only for those who, instructed by the mathematical point of view, do not consider 1/1 as the

starting point of a coordinate system. It would be appropriate to copy the diagram II on a larger

scale and scandagliarlo for discoveries that surely will be in abundance. A brief analysis of the

diagram on the page next to the diagram. I will illustrate its usefulness for the interpretation of many

details about Pythagoras in a few examples.

For example, there is a Pythagorean fragment considered by Aristotle: "The whole world is

only harmony and number" [12] and one of Philolaus: "No falsehood can be attributed to the number

and harmony because it is not contained in their "[13], fragments that were always superficially

interpreted according to the general concepts of harmony and number. For a scholar of Science

Harmonic is clear that here "" and "number" mean something very concrete tone, that "the

number-tone" as the basis of everything Pythagorism. It reflects on the story that Pythagoras,

shortly before his death, he asked his favorite pupil to play the monochord even once; Consider

also the traditional tone-number in Pythagorism in particular technique. Another fragment says:

"Harmony is the union of different things and harmonization of things differently tuned. E 'completely

it made of opposites ". [14] It can be read directly from this theorem "Tabula pythagorica" ​in our

second diagram; here the shortest vertical series and the greater horizontal series intersect; ie the

tones and their value of agreement derive only from a "combination and union of opposites." The

theorems on limited and sull'illimitato, or as we would say today, on the limitation and the infinity of

the universe, are famous. "From the limited dall'illimitato and derives the world and all

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what is in it, "says Philolaus. [15] This can also be read directly from both main lines above and left

of the diagram II. Line 1 2 3 ... n / 1 ... ∞ / 1 tends limitless, the other line 1 1/2 1/3 ... 1 / n 1 / ∞

It tends towards the limit-value 1 / = ∞ 0 and is limiting (not "limited", as it is usually translated); Note

how closely the Pythagoreans had expressed here. The most interesting of all is the following

fragment preserved by Iamblichus: "Above the limitation of the unlimited and there is God, the first

cause-not created by any cause, as the cause of these two causes of created things." [16] If you re

looking Diagram II and considering the value 0/0 as a symbol of the mysterious God, understood

through a non-rational approach, and you notice how precisely this symbol is "the root cause of

non-created of all causes "ie," the cause of the two causes of the unlimited and limiting ", it will be

understood the importance of this" theology in the form of "Pythagorean mathematics and because

they protected so strictly the numerical content of their esoteric teaching. [17]

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Background Harmonic ancient wisdom teachings; A. von Thimus; 3000 years of Harmonic
tradition; prerequisites survey Harmonic (historical); new fundamentals of harmonics; "The Man
Listen"; "The Sound of the World"; "Essays on the Harmonious Understanding Value";
"Fundamentals of a values ​system harmonics"; "Harmonia Plantarum"; "Harmonics Manual";
"Do you study
Harmonics "; brief survey Harmonic current.

You can obtain training from Pythagorean philosophical and historical treatises of Pythagoras,

in part because they fail to understand the true harmonic motivation, partly cheapen and partly not

treat it at all.

But if you receive training Pythagorean in the only way possible, by working with the

Pythagorean research tool, the monochord, and the theorems derived from it [8], we note that this

distinctive way of thinking is completely linked not only to early Greeks, but in almost all ancient

mythology and wisdom teachings in any form. This way of thinking is based on a more or less

enigmatic symbols as numbers, colors, "star" and the like have a crucial role and often the darkness

of these remarkable harmonic number is unveiled for the first time through the harmonic analysis.

So he cites, for example, an excerpt of a 3000 year old hymn ago, the ancient Indian Rigveda (1164


C.), which belongs not only to the class of '' dark and enigmatic ", but to that of the" most strange

and more difficult to understand "[18]:" With the Gayatri-meter he gives shape to the verse of the

song, with the verse, to the melody; Trishtubhmetro with the song; with the song of two feet, four

feet, to another song; with the syllable, creates the seven notes "[19], so, from the point of view of

harmonious, it is significant that the diatonic scale of seven notes had already been clearly

understood even in those ancient times. At the same hymn Verse Eleven says: "The wheel of the

course of nature, with twelve rays, turns in Heaven without ever perish; on it, oh Agni, there are

children in pairs, seven hundred and twenty. " Of course you can interpret this text in accordance

with the

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astronomical symbolism and say, "The wheel is the year, the twelve rays are the twelve months,

children seven hundred and twenty days and nights a year, considering three hundred and sixty

days." [20] But if you understand the passage in his formavalore 1 recognizing in it the psychic

background of harmonic theorems of the chromatic scale of twelve notes and the "senario", the

sequence of numbers 1-6, and the product of their factors (1x2x3x4x5x6 = 720), said passage

acquires a much more generic meaning.

Today it is known that in particular at the time of Pythagoras, that is, in the sixth century. AC,

a close relation, or rather an alliance existed between the Greek sailors of the Ionian Sea and the

Egyptian seafarers. Surely it is not just a legend that Pythagoras and Herodotus was in Egypt and

received an education in the priestly schools there. Moreover, if we consider the connections

between ancient Egypt and Babylon, and from here with India [21], then it is more plausible that

precise archaic elements of Pythagoreanism (symbolism of colors and numbers, the doctrine of

reincarnation and more) sink roots in antiquity, and probably the monochord, as the simplest

"scientific experimental tool", was already in use in ancient times of humankind in the priests and

mystery schools as a demonstration tool of spiritual images and symbolic. The construction of the

ancient Egyptian and Babylonian harps, shown in surveys received to date, it would not have been

possible without an accurate knowledge of the tone proportions (monochord) and the remains of

ancient Indian and Chinese music theory [22] and philosophy clearly testify that even in the early

periods of East Asian culture, studying and investigating on "harmonics." What is interesting about

the Pythagorean harmonics and makes their important reconstruction is the first appearance of the

harmonic method darkness

1 Wertform It is the term used by Hans Kayser for merging into a single entity -the number of tone--value (the acoustic meaning of

a tone) and the form (its numerical correlative).

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that veiled (partly intentionally and partly through the harmonics which symbolically adorned

emblems) in light of a language closer to us in the West. Here also it was necessary to get rid of the

superfluous before discovering the real core of Pythagoreanism. For this job you have to thank the

Baron von Thimus that, through its immense capacity philological and its culture, this nucleus

examined in his book "Harmonic Symbolism in Antiquity" ( Harmonikale Symbolik des Altertums) [ 11]

already mentioned. He relied mainly on a text already cited the Commentary lamblichus Minor

arithmetic of Nicomachus [23] which until then had been overlooked or not recognized in its full

meaning. He will found a theoretical scheme for combining colors and numbers, which I have

already called "partial tone coordinates," and that no doubt should be considered as the real

technical and harmonic background of the Pythagorean symbolism of numbers. The work of von

Thimus is basically retrospective, oriented toward a philological and historical vision. He tried first of

all to show that the old algebraic content and proportion of harmonics-number is the background for

various ancient teachings of wisdom and their symbolism (China, Egypt, the ancient Hebrew book Jetzirah,

and others) and to trace the relationships so ascertained with the teachings of Moses (Thimus was

a devout Catholic). To this end, he made a study on "Enarmonia" Greek, which, in contrast to the

musicological attempts until its time, proved to be as complete as new. "Enarmonia" today means

identity of pitch (height): for example, levels of I and F tone flat or Si and C flat. But the ancient

Greeks worked with whole-tone, mid tones, and a third tone, and so on of different duration, which

in the C major scale were different heights, Re, Mi, La and Si, all belonging to a ' unique harmony, that

is, to a degree of the diatonic scale, but that could be distinguished by small variations in height. So

l ' "Enarmonia" was an exceptional

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pure tones of differentiation, which is a natural consequence of the Pythagorean combinations of

tones and numbers. Thimus not then thought to harmonics as an independent science to revive.

Only rarely in his work are references to other issues; These were probably reserved for a third

volume that was never published. It was enough to make accessible the huge classic and

pre-classic material evidence which showed the spiritual bond that linked all antiquity. Partly this is

a typical and characteristic spiritual attitude of a tradition of over 3,000 years, resulting from the

beginnings of human culture. The harmonic-the harmonic number or symbolism have been

completely neglected by modern historical and philological sciences or at most have been relegated

to specialized neighboring areas, such as musicology, astronomy, symbolism, etc., To be treated

more or less randomly . But even if you do not consider the work of von Thimus, names such as

Pythagoras, Plato, Ptolemy, Kepler, and Vitruvius, in whose writings the harmonics have a role not

only regulating but also dominant, they would surely have drawn attention to the harmonics as an

independent search field. And if you realize that the great Newton [24] recognized his great interest

in the harmonic and Leibnitz [25] took care of harmonic research, you may well express

astonishment that age so aware from the historical point of view, and as the philological 'existing've

completely overlooked a characteristic field of study such as harmonics and have not noticed as it

will be the most original and interesting research field.

Even from a strictly historical point of view it is faced with a virgin land; historians and linguists

interested in harmonics problems are here a wide field to plow, plant and harvest. Surely you need

a background appropriate: humanities education with mastery of Latin, greek and at least a basic

knowledge of Oriental languages;

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familiar with religion, mythology and symbolism of ancient peoples; a knowledge of music theory,

the history of science, especially mathematics and astronomy, and the history of architecture;

Grammar (rhythm, art of poetry). The laboratory of a historic harmonics needs to be better equipped

than a maybe ordinary historical and the request can be one of the reasons why so little has been

done in the history of the harmonics so far.

It is evident that this is only intended for researchers who have an interest in

history of the harmonics. As prerequisites for a knowledge of the basic elements of the properly

so-called harmonics, it is sufficient, in addition to knowledge of the experimental tool, the

monochord, have simple familiar with the basic theory of music, with the arithmetic and with the

geometry and an inner predisposition to results spiritual and psychic experiment harmonious.

Here is a significant question: harmonics have, beyond their historical, yet practical, scientific,

philosophical and also for us in the West?

To answer this question, we need a new preparation of harmonics founded on its foundations.

It seemed obvious, first of all, connect the fragments of the Pythagoreans and start rebuilding from

there. But as the archaeologist or historian can not rebuild the beauty of an entire building without

the vestiges of a temple or without some fragments of sculpture, so you can not rebuild the old

harmonics from fragmentary material available. There remained only one way: to descend again

into the depths of Pythagorean thought, experiment with the venerable monochord draw with

scrupulous accuracy the laws of number and tone as well learned and interpret their meaning with

the help of modern scientific techniques. In my book

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Hörende Der Mensch ( The Man Who Listen) [26] conducted the first comprehensive attempt. In the

early chapters of the book they were developed laws of numbers and harmonic tone and in the

following sections were supplied characteristic harmonic data from the most diverse spheres of

human culture. His character here was purely pragmatic, that is, with certain harmonic instruments

were explored outside the most varied fields. The same can be said for the series of conferences Vom

Klang der Welt ( The Sound of the World), which provides an easier way a brief survey of harmonics

and its issues of interest to us today. Meanwhile they became highly important fields, in which the

harmonic analyzes promised a special achievement or some historical arguments could be treated

or revised. This was done in my treatise

Abhandlungen zur Ektypik 2 Harmonikaler Wertformen ( Essays on

Understanding Forms-value Harmonics), a series of essays that deal with, among others, by A. von

Thimus and its Harmonic Symbolism, and examine for the first time the theorems of Pythagoras from

them harmonious appearance, demonstrating new relationships, previously unknown, between

optical and acoustic principles in tone spectra. Neither The Diary of Binntal The essays also

investigate on the harmonic aspects of the problems in geology and crystallography, for which the

same efforts of crystallographer Heidelberg, Viktor Goldschmidt, can be used as a starting point.

More increases the number of subjects treated or treatable by the harmonic point of view, the

emerging multiple discoveries harmonics from diverse backgrounds, the more it seemed to be a

musician who has mastered his instrument up to a certain point to interpret literature, but that to you

beyond a first theoretical knowledge still has only a vague idea of ​the laws by which "becomes

music". It became prevalent the need to develop and present

2 Understanding or penetration of each realm of existence.

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separately of harmonics foundations, its theorems and forms-value that are derived from these.

Only then could be sustained understanding of the variety, never explained, the nature and his

spiritual manifestations of a higher, more universal point of view. I undertook this task it

Grundiss eines Systems der harminikalen Wertformen ( Fundamentals of a Harmonious Values

​System) where only an uncertain and, in many cases, unsuccessful start was made to set up from a

theoretical point of view a completely new field, and not addressed by previous work. This attempt

was useful for a further harmonic research, because it was possible only with the help of technical

and conceptual tools developed in Fundamentals,

treating another specialized field, that of plants, in the book Harmonia Plantarum. The discussion

could be much more comprehensive and research in the individual issues more complete than ever


Since there had been many requests to develop an instructional manual for beginners

seemed desirable to correlate, in a systematic and educational, all the facts and Harmonic laws that

were scattered in earlier books. Therefore it appeared Lehrbuch der Harmonik ( Harmonics Manual)

which, using the guideline of harmonic theorems, addresses the full range of harmonics, announced

a series of new discoveries and above all gives a wider scope than in the past, the relationship

between harmonics, mythology and religion. A series of writings, Harmonikale Studien ( Studies on

Harmonics), it makes it possible through individual essays select certain issues from different fields

and submit harmonic analysis. Immediately the first two studies were published, the Harmonikaler

Teilungskanon ( Canon Harmonious Division) from the collection of sketches of the architect and

master builder Villard de Honnecourt (XIII sec.) And Die Form der Geige, aus dem Tongesetz

entwickelt ( The Shape of Violin,

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Developed by Music Read). 3

I would like to trace the course of my previous research on the harmonica in a brief summary:

the basic phenomenon of the tone-issue contains within itself the synthesis of two worlds: that of

nature and the soul. This phenomenon has its own laws. Beyond them there are the harmonic

theories, a formal syntax of the harmonic language. These theorems, in turn, include the basic

material for "the harmonic values", a kind of psycho-physical architecture, such as the unique

background on which the harmonics are possible as a science. Besides the visual perception of the

world ( aesthesis) harmonics with the same concern consider something previously unknown, acoustic

perception of the world ( akróasis). Since the harmonics forms can be experienced inwardly, they

can be verified for their precision (27) from the psyche which is here judge and interpreter, there

where the mind with its logical approach can only be a mediator. The large unconscious kingdom

does not belong directly to the discursive thought (conceptual), but can be understood by

appropriate forms of harmonics, then modulated understandably in various fields and examined in

those forms that emerge. In the harmonic ear how the mind plays the role of sensory mediator, a

decisive role. Because the ear has, compared to all the other senses, the advantage of a direct, first

( existing) perception of numbers, we can hear the numbers as tones. Accordingly, since all the

number of harmonic relationships they are proportions, and since each proportion can be

represented visually, there is the possibility of a direct transposition dell'uditivo in visual. This visual

hearing It is the kingdom of a harmonious symbolism in which the harmonic forms become spiritual.

3 Both of these studies were published in German.

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From harmonious laboratory; the tone spectra; crystals; geology; the earth, only one string;
primordial generation; harmony of the spheres; Kepler; Third Law

As a quick look in the harmonic lab, I would like to briefly mention some of the research

concrete results. Of course these can be mentioned only quickly in their final stage of development,

for further consideration will be given references to the sources.

Anyone who has seen through a spectroscope (an optical instrument with a glass prism that splits

light in a color band, the spectrum) or those who have seen the figures of those colored bands of

linear optical spectra with their bold black lines, rarely forget the stunning track imprinted in the eye

and mind. Each chemical element, each compound, each material placed in front of a light source,

even to the fixed stars and nebulae, has its own unique and characteristic spectrum. It 'something

like musical notation on the color of the rainbow-like band, who aimed a mysterious individuality in

the material world where there seems to be no internal relationship. The mathematical laws of

spectral lines were examined in detail and the entire modern theory of the atom is based on these

laws. But even before Newton warned that other aspects beyond the mathematical relationships

had a role in all this and tried to compare the most important lines of the sun's spectrum using the

musical scale.

This attempt was later repeated many times, without success; it is only through the harmonics

that you are able, by means of the tone spectrum, to cope with the complicated laws of optical

spectra, to explain and make understandable through the harmonic analysis of the tone spectra

some significant phenomena, so far unexplained, spectrum optical. The basic result of this analysis

is not only the mathematical discovery, but also the tone, that is,

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recognition that in these first important steps in this matter and in their essence are no special

spiritual forms that each of us has in his unconscious and that allow you to experience the world of

tone in joy and in sorrow. From this starting point of this knowledge it might consider so relevant an

issue as the splitting of the atom and its first concrete result: the atomic bomb. This concerns not

only the reason, technology, economics and politics, but also our soul and therefore our

responsibility towards these big problems increases by far. [28]

The harmonics of the crystals, in the study of CS Weiss [29] and V. Goldschmidt [30] have

more than a simple aesthetic value [31] If the same-value forms with which the currency mind the

tone relationships are present in the structure of crystals, you can immediately understand the

curious psychological affinities that man feels for precious stones, which are nothing more than rare

crystallizations, and superstitions associated with them appear under a different light. There are

psychic resonances between man and matter that can be understood through the harmonics.

The harmonics of the crystals are concentrated formally in the "cadence" 1

the development of crystal surfaces. The typical three-fold degree of musical intervals, on which

classical and pre-classical music, and can be read directly from the harmonious diagram [32], it is

identical to the three degrees of dialectics (thesis, antithesis, synthesis) known to our faculty logic. 2 Thus

in three different kingdoms: music, crystallography and logic finds the series of correspondences

that is characteristic of the harmonics, whose reference point in the depths of the

1 The author here has made certain claims on the musical knowledge of the average reader. In music, a cadence means a type of
chord progression which serves a formal order: mark the end of a musical phrase or a musical period, or the conclusion of a
piece or a larger section. The numerical proportions of these cadences are here related to those observed in the formation of

2 See. Dialectics of Plato, Hegel's dialectical method.

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our minds we designate as the corresponding shape-value, here called "dialectic of degree" [33].

One of the most characteristic phenomena in geology is the layered structure of the inside of

the earth. The body of the earth does not consist of a thin solid skin and the rest in a fluid mass, as

had been assumed previously, but it is structured according to its density and probably also

according to his substance into distinct layers, which are clearly separated from each other. At this

surprising finding he was reached by observing the earthquake waves; within the earth they were

found several areas where the waves were reflected in different ways. If we compare the radii of

these zones with the measures of the chord length of the series of harmonics (or overtones) of the

first greater rope, which is also a physical phenomenon (ie natural), you get a "structure of the

indoor triadic earth "[34] in which the measurements of the different terrestrial layers show a

remarkable resemblance to those of the string numbers. Similarly the solid Earth's crust is divided

into the seventh octave (The Week of Creation) and it is understandable from the morphological

point of view as the "condensation" of the rhythms that advance from that point, the earth, one big

string! An image that probably says little to our intellect but speaks loudly to our hearts.

Even the primordial generation of the elements of life and the development of new forms

appear in a new light in the analogy harmonica. How can it be explained by the emergence of new

things? The theory of evolution states simple facts and does not provide any interpretation of them,

of how and why new forms suddenly appear from pre-existing matter, either "dead" or "alive."

"Differentiation" of primordial matter? "Mutation" of living matter? These are just names, statements,

but no interpretations.

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In simple series of harmonics there is an interesting analogy has never before been

considered in this respect. If you consider the number base of the series of harmonic sounds 1Do

2Dor '3Sol' 4Do '' 5mi '' ... which is identical to the set of integers 3 or their mutual 4 You will

immediately notice just a set of units, all similar and in no way distinguishable from one another, in

each case the unit of a vibration (cfr. Table I).

This is the numerical discovery material. But this series is presented in a completely different

way if it is not measured, but listening. In the first example we note only the continuous adding of

the units and the same thing, namely, the unit vibration or 1/1 wavelength. In the latter case you

listen to something completely new, the ever recurring emergence of new tone values. Obviously as

it may seem that the sum a vibration in more than five vibrations per unit of time, will be six

vibrations per unit of time, it will look magnificent and at the same time mysterious listen once (when

1/1 = Do) Note I and 'other time the note Sol. it turns out the same thing in all differentiations partial

tone as one experiences an understandable increase from a quantitative point of view in the

numbers 1 + 1 = 2; 2 + 1 = 3, etc., So it turns out a surprising generation of new values: 1Do 2Dor

'3Sol' 4Do '' 5mi '' etc ..

Although this basic generation is always based on perfect mathematical dimensions and

materials is, however, understandable in a broader sense. This means you have the theoretical

representation, long sought and never before achieved, a summary of material progress and the

emergence of new values. [35]

The concept of harmony of the spheres [36] is as old as the first awakening of humanity to

consciousness. First myth, then in astral symbolism, and how

3 In terms of vibration frequencies.

4 1Do 1 / 2Dor '1 / 3Sol' 1 / 4Do '' 1 / 5mi '' in terms of lengths of rope or wave.

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an integral part of the poetry of almost all mankind, this concept became the basis for astrology and

the first astronomical research of all ancient peoples.

However, Kepler was the first to confer the foundation that raises it from mere belief and puts

it in line with modern scientific thought. In his main work, Harmonice Mundi [ 37], a work that Kepler

described as its most important and for which nurtured a particular affection for his entire life, he

shows, with a vast amount of valuable material even today, among the mutual speeds of the planets

there is a large number of musical harmonies. He discovered his famous Third Law of Motion of the

Planets, which is contained in this work, through a typical harmonic thought, the so-called drop an


It is significant to Kepler that just this discovery, still considered the only important part of ' Harmonice

Mundi, It refers in his work as one of the many other "harmonies." It is an injustice to Kepler and

there is excluded from a deeper understanding of him and of his intention, if we consider its

harmonics only as an incentive, to be analyzed as quickly as possible to the normal order of the


For Kepler's Third Law of the Planets formula (the square of the revolution of planetary

periods behave as cubes of major routes, ³: b² = 1) was not the most important thing, but l ' Harmonices

Mundi, the harmony of the universe, in which the Third Law has only the role of one of many

confirmations. Of course you can use the Third Law to predict astronomical events, but for anyone

who has read the works of Kepler and allowed to be carried by his enthusiasm, harmonics Kepler

proportions are spiritual realities. Here you do not have to do with mere formulas and practical

applications, but with extraordinary experience Tat twam asi: This is you.

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Up there there are powers and forms written in the sky that resonate in your soul, that concern you

with more enthusiasm, and which belong to God as for you in the deepest intimacy.

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Botany; growth of branches; spectra of the leaves; prototype of Goethe on the form of
leaves; Linnaeus; sexuality; the three kingdoms in nature; the ear; the shell of the spiral;
the ear canals; the ear as organ of time and space; sensitivity of the ear for the time
intervals; reciprocity of eye and ear.

We continue our hike in the harmonic laboratory with the results of some research in

biology, physiology and psychology.

In botany contemporary, the morphology, ie the theory of the form of plants, has been very

obscured by physiology, the theory of plant functions. There are also important and mysterious laws

of chromosomes, those singular combinations of smaller particles within the cells of plants, of the

core particles and the cell carriers of hereditary traits, they have more or less had only a utilitarian

purpose. Chromosomes are considered for breeding purposes such as functional laws and

chemical plants, where the main interest is focused on the use of vitamins and other properties.

However, a look in nature shows that the Creator deemed more important than the terrific variety of

forms in the world of plants rather than the question of their usefulness to humans and animals.

What are the forms of plants and what explains their great variability? What are the fundamental

laws of plant forms? How do they differ from those of minerals and those of the animals?

I tried for years the answer to these questions and are able to discover some parallels

through the harmonic concepts. Although these have not helped me solve some mysteries, they

have led me to a deeper understanding and allowed to "interpret" these mysteries in terms "human".

[38] To begin with, there are the laws that govern the process of branching (branches of the growth)

in plants, laws that, in most of the examples, explain the variety of external shapes, the so-called

dichotomy which operates from the stem to the

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veins of leaves. If you draw a graph of the length of the strings used for the division of the

monochord, you can turn the notes into corners. (For example, 2/3 of the length of the rope, with the

note Sol, are connected to the entire length of the rope to its 1/1 and note C, as 2/3 of the

circumference of a circle = 240 ° is connected the entire circumference, 360 °. Thus the note Sol is

transformed into a 240 ° angle). In this way, it immediately acquires a multitude of morphological

types of plants that differ from each other only for the provisions of their known spectra and angles,

provisions which are not arbitrary, but subject to precise harmonic principles of selection. The

"spectra of the leaves" explain the internal structure and the formation of the edges of the leaves;

they are identical to the spectra of the notes, and then indicate a match with the elementary structure

of matter. If projecting all notes within the space of one octave (the same operation applied by

Kepler in his Harmonice Mundi) with their corners designed in a specific way, you get the prototype of

the shape of the leaf: this means that the constituent of the eighth interval, which is the basis of

music and sensitivity towards it, contains within itself the shape of the leaf . This provides a new

support "psychological" the metamorphosis of plants Goethe who tries to explain the development of

the plants by the shape of the leaf. Many forms of flowers, 2 (4, 8 ...), 3 (6, 12 ...), 5 (10 ...) can be

understood from the harmonic point of view as morphological parallel to the triad numbers, 1Do 2Dor

'4Do' '8DO' '' ..., 3Sol '6Sol' '12Sol' '' ... and 5mi '' 10mi '' '... (cfr. Table I). Sometimes it happens that

different types of aspect ratios are within the same flower, an example is the granadilla with the

arrangement of the petal and stamen and pistil into five parts into three parts. Consider the implicit

meaning in the exact division into three, and at the same time in five of a flower in-house. If you do

not want to accept a logical reason for this, however, one must admit that the soul

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the plants are present certain prototypes bearers of the form (in this case the third and musical

scenes) that, as in music, give shape to the flower as the musical intervals. From this point of view,

the ingenious system of plants Linnaeus, so often derided, acquires a "psychic" rehabilitation.

With its classification scheme Linnaeus found the psychic rib plant. There is nothing artificial

or abstract in the number of stamens and pistils, but, on the contrary, the most intimate psychic

impulse of the shape of the plant comes to the fore, it is something that is often described by the

poets who speak creative intuition the wonderful music of the flower. Nature has created gender,

sexuality, for the first time inside and on a plant. In harmonics there is a strange and instructive

interpretation of the sex problem that at first may seem abstract, but if you know how to experience

it and "feel", an explanation will be given to the mystery of sex and its first appearance in the plant

kingdom . In each string the third (the "third" degree of the diatonic scale, which is the "fifth"

proportion according to the vibration or the rope lengths) is the "sex note", which depends on the

fact whether it is a major third on a major chord or a minor third on a minor chord. The two modern

systems, the major and the minor scale scale, are based on this difference. Thus, the third is

accomplished through the fifth or vibration of the string length of a given unit. In the plant kingdom

this five is significant not only because a large number of flowers have five leaves, but it is also

important from a morphological point of view. Contrary to the mineral world, the five for the first time

appears as a constant morphological in the plant kingdom, not only in the number of flowers, but

also in the main series of laws of the leaves spacing (the phenomenon of the third musical). Of

course, there are some with five faces crystals (pyrite and others), but in the internal structure of the

crystal axes of the number five missing as a formative principle of

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proportions. So the number five appears in the plant kingdom as a constant isolated. In the

harmonic terminology is the "sex note" and in this triumph of the third and its division into major third

and minor third there is one of the fundamental reasons, hitherto unknown, for which sex is

manifested for the first time in the plant kingdom .

Who has a musical tendency that not only distinguish between a major third a minor third, but

to recognize the sound of both the character of desire, lying in the innermost nature of this range

(for example, sing in third in popular songs, or the third as the true mediator romantic harmony, and

so on), acquires a deeper understanding. The sexual aspect receives its relationship with the

essence of life itself; the "desire", which is latent in the depths of the atom and inorganic matter, for

the first time expressed in terms of sensitivity in plants and, necessarily, gives life to the gender

polarity. So sexuality is decisive in two ways for living creatures: the first as a physiological factor in

the push toward a higher development of the forms and the second as a psychic recognition and,

finally, spiritual erotic as an impulse toward the divine, to which everything the living world is


The harmonics provide a vision in ascending degrees of nature in its three kingdoms, mineral,

vegetable and animal. To understand what you should at least know the acoustic images of the

harmonics, better described as diagrams dell ' visual listening. So we can say that the harmonics in

the crystals grow outward from and around a center; in the plant there is a polar division of this

center that explains the limit, that is, the higher the death of all life and, above all, to reach this limit

as the purpose of all living matter. Thus death receives its meaning as an intrinsic power of each

living being, tending to the realization of the absolute,

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returns to the material and the spirit, this being its purpose, namely the creation of new forms. In

animals two independent harmonic systems meet in a tonal center generator and the "scaling

circles" have an important role in the location of the organs and forms limit. Consequently the

animal leaves the ground and the voice was born. These conclusions are the result of harmonic

analysis of the leading representatives of the three kingdoms of nature. [39]

The ear as a sensory organ is the most important as physiological basis of the harmonics. In

terms of evolution of the ear as a developed organ is a relatively recent creation. Not so for the

listening faculty, the acoustic sensitivity of the creatures, which dates from the beginning of the

animal kingdom. If to this we add the latest results of research on ultrasound waves, you can move

forward and assume a common sensitivity of the subject to acoustic stimuli in general. With regard

to the ear in itself, in its highest development it remains an extremely complicated mechanism,

whose specific functions have not yet been completely understood. Considering few but clear

examples, it is known that the so-called the basilar membrane, a small 0.8 square millimeters

structure, is a miracle of technology, in comparison with which our highly sensitive acoustic

membranes that are not primitive artifacts. The basilar membrane vibrations leading tone, which are

filtered by the external tympanum and the window "vestibular" middle ear, the auditory nerve. The

center of the inner ear, the cochlea (Latin word which means conch shell), has the shape of a spiral.

For the first time in the history of physiology, the harmonics are able to explain why this central

structure has precisely the form of a conch shell. The harmonic tone spiral [40] and its spatial

development show that the ear does not have the precise shape of a conch shell for the case, but it

was so ordered by the power

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Creative according to the laws of tone.

What still remains obscure to physiology is because the semicircular canals are placed in the

ear. They serve primarily as organs of balance, but what does that have to do the balance, that is,

the orientation in space, with the acoustics? Again, these harmonics provide an explanation in tertium

comparationis ( the third of the comparison) of the spatial coordinates of tone, since the tone space

[41] is constructed by the law of the series of harmonic sounds, whose three coordinates

correspond to the three spatial directions of the ear semicircular canals. Anyone familiar with the

development of the parabolas of the partial tones [42] will be struck by the idea that also the curve

shape of individual channels may be a rudimentary geometrical-spatial expression of these

parabolas tone. In summary, it can be said that the ear was created by the tone as the eye from

light; the wonderful poem by Goethe:

"If the eye were not like the sun, how could
we see the light?" 1

It is valid even if it is transposed to the ear shape.

It seems that nature has placed a special inner ear protection; it is surrounded by bone

inside the skull, hence the difficulty in treating pathological conditions. In addition, the acoustic

nerve is in a closer and more direct relationship with the entire nervous system and sensory

spheres with respect to the optic nerve. The latter is directly connected to the brain and so is linked

to the sphere of reason. To this it is connected the fact that generally those who have hearing

problems has psychic disorders before those who have defects at the sight; this is well known to

every psychiatrist. The physiologist E. von Cyon, a contemporary of Helmholtz, referring to the ear

as a spatial and temporal sense organ

1 "Wär nicht das Auge sonnenhaft, könnten Wie wir

das Licht erblicken?"

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[43], he called it "the most important sensory organs". From the point of view of ' akróasis not only

you can share what, but it provides an explanation highlighting the details of the ear structure.

In the true sense of "harmonic techniques", the healthy ear sensitivity to time differences is of

decisive importance, a psychological fact upon which the entire harmonic system of numbers-tone.

This sensitivity is expressed primarily in the accuracy with which distinguishes and recognizes the

important intervals (octave, fifth, fourth, third, whole-tone) and numerical proportions linked to them.

Of course, the ear is here only a mediator and without the prototypes in the psyche, the eighth, the

fifth, and so on. would not be complete forms. But the ear provides the ability to precisely

distinguish the time differences (vibration numbers) and, with regard to the intervals, to proceed

spontaneously numerical proportions as tone relations. So you are able to recognize psychic forms

directly, otherwise you might feel right or wrong only later through measurements or other tangible

manipulations. About sensitivity to time differences, Helmholtz says:

"Compared with other nervous apparatus, the ear shows a great

superiority; It is extremely suitable for small differences in time and was long used by astronomers.

It is known that if two pendulums are fighting one another, the ear can distinguish up to about 1/200

of a second if their strokes coincide or not. The eye mistaken 1/24 second or more fractions of a

second if it were to decide whether two flashes of light coincide or not. "

Of course, the ear has its limits like everything else in the world. But whoever did experiments

on the monochord and be able to easily distinguish hundreds of shades and tones proportions as

psychic forms within an octave, and not just as the twelve notes in music today,

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confirm the claim of the Helmholtz Association. The great mathematician Euler [45] speaks similarly

of a "sense of order" of the tone scale. The ear is a special organ for the spontaneous perception of

the specific numerical proportions of vibrations and psychic forms (intervals) linked to them in

advance. This power is exercised and practiced by every piano tuner, from every player of a

stringed instrument, as every musician who performs, listeners and, especially, by all composers.

Clarifying the principles that predominate this phenomenon and interpret their meaning is the real

purpose of the harmonics. So the harmonics exceed the boundaries of music and extend to ' akróasis,

all ' "listen" universe (for the universal validity of tone proportions generally refer to Chapter XIII).

In that regard is the ear with the other important sense organ, the eye? It can be observed

from a harmonic relation to one another which in itself is so simple that it is surprised by the fact of

not finding mentioned in the relevant technical literature. It is the function of these two ways that you

get the confirmation of an exact reciprocity and then is clarified in at least one aspect, the

relationship of these organs between them. [46] Here we expose the reasons briefly.

If we listen to a series of tones, for example, the eighth, and the write according to their

frequency (vibration), ie, according to their material and tangible origin:

1 2 4 .8 ...... ...... ... 16

Do Do 'Do' 'Do' '' Do''''

you can clearly see a perspective of this tone sequence, in this case a geometric series. This is just

a material discovery, because you do not "hear" those tones. It is known that they feel or listens to

different octaves not as irregular intervals, but as regular intervals, so:

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1 2 4 8 16

Do Do 'Do' 'Do' '' Do''''

In other words, the measurable and tangible aspect of the tone phenomenon, the tononumero,

appears as a prospect, but the tone value experienced acoustically appears as equidistant, as

evidenced by the space of octaves on the keyboard. With the eye the same phenomenon is

reversed. We know that we see in the future, but you will immediately sense a prospect especially

when the distances between objects are the same (rails, telegraph poles, avenues of trees, etc.). In

other words, the tangible and measurable appearance of optical phenomenon, what we see, it is

similar, equidistant; the other side of the visual impression, as

we see, it is in prospect.

Eye: Ear:

Vista = perspective Listening = equidistant

What you see = What do you listen =

equidistant perspective

From the functional point of view eye and ear they are in a reciprocal relationship between

them. To say that two things are reciprocal means that are complementary. So 3/4 and 4/3 are

mutual and multiplied, giving 1. The ear is what is missing from the tangible to the eye point of view

and vice versa. That the ear has what it lacks in eye sensitivity Kingdom (see, hear) and vice versa.

Unveiling the report we are faced with a

of the major reasons for the existence of such bodies as the most important organs sensors. Since

the reciprocity between perspective and equidistance is the fundamental polarity of the partial tone


5The b '' ' 1 / 4Do '' 1 / 3FA '' 1 / 2D, ' 1 / 1Do 2 / 1Do '3 / 1sol' 4 / 1Do '' 5 / 1Likes ''

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perspective equidistant

it becomes one of the most important forms-value harmonics, that of "incipient report" 2 and that of

"ambivalence harmonics" 3 that have a direct relationship with both the perception of greater and

lesser than with the space-time problem 4. This reciprocity is part of a series of important matches

that actually seem to vindicate the eye and ear training because most essential sensory organs.

2 Gundriss eines Systems der harmonikalen Wertformen ( Fundamentals of a Forme-value harmonics System), p. 213 and later.

3 ibid., p. 304 and following.

4 ibid., p. 305 and following.

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A. Stifter; proportions; architecture; balanced dividing fee; modern architecture; acoustics of the
auditorium; painting and sculpture; Lepsius; Albrecht Dürer; importance of the study of proportions;
Wyneken; modern painting; symmetries
relevant in classical works; music theory; harmonious education in
conservatives; modern music; "The shape of the violin."

In the story of Adalbert Stifter Brigitta There is a hymn to the beauty that always moves me

every time I read it:

" In human nature there is that marvelous thing that is beauty. We are always attracted by

the appearance of sweetness and we can not always say what makes it nice. It is in the universe, is

in the eye, but not always in the features designed according to what is considered attractive. Often

the beauty is not perceived because it is in the desert or why the eye does not see, it is often

implored and idolized, but it is not there: not lacking in any place beats the heart of ecstasy and joy

or where two souls light, because the heart is otherwise still and the love of souls died. But any

terrain cues this flower, in a hundred cases is different hundredfold; but when there is, any place

where you develop can be destroyed, but it pops up somewhere else, where no one could be

expected. It is innate in man alone and ennobles the man, so that he bows to it and it fills his heart

trembling and full of joy all that is worthy and valuable in life. "

The fact that always usually associate the concept of beauty with an artistic work seems to

show that in every work of art is being dealt with a matter of the heart, next to which reason, intellect

and faith have only one role secondary. But it is possible to completely separate the different

faculties related to each subject? Are they somehow deeply anchored in ourselves as human


Speaking about the nature of beauty, this becomes evident. Reflect on

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As purely intellectual work, and also a mathematician, is required to construct a building, how

accurately a painter must take into account the harmony of form and color, how carefully a

composer has to think about the structure of his score before his idea becomes a reality, not to

mention the art of poetry, where the idea, the words and thoughts of a poem, a play, an epic poem,

are welded together into a unit.

Therefore there must be a core inside of humans where the heart and reason come

together, some indivisible whole in the depths of the unconscious and subconscious beyond

measure and whose value is the "wonderful thing" that's the beauty.

In such a core limbs of the harmonics it is found in the shape-value of the "proportion", and

in the proportions of acoustic numbers there is the prototype of the possibility of their (the arts)

harmonic analysis, in which the idea of ​harmonic proportions should not be taken as a small

musical sense, but in its wider meaning of "right fit" (Dürer).

The link between music and architecture is very old. It has already been mentioned Vitruvius

(Chapter IV) as the classic architecture writer who has provided reliable explanations of the

harmonics of the ancient architecture, although this theory seemed ancient at the same Vitruvius,

by his own admission, a dark field. He was unable to understand his background tecnicoarmonico.

Starting with the measures provided in its buildings De Architectura,

which is totally harmonic character, although there is no mention of the tone values, seems like

Eichorn (47) assumes that the ancient builders were using only the proportions of the monochord

corresponding to consonant intervals. These were pleasing to the soul as it is mainly based on

triadic 1Do 3Sol 5The proportions or multiples. In

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During my work on the study of Villard (48) I was convinced that in all antiquity must have known a

harmonic division canon was obviously of Pythagorean origin. This fee was based on the so-called

"harmonious proportion" and was used not only as one of the monochord division scheme, but, in

general, as a rational division of each unit to the Middle Ages, when there were no measures in

inches or centimeters (the right fit for the stonemason: the "form", the "Gründlein", etc.). However,

this canon of harmonic division had not only an arithmetic and harmonic meaning (as determined by

the tone-numbers), but a much more important significance for architecture visual appearance.

Within its linear structure many different types and styles of construction can be drawn or,

conversely, extracts and proceeds from this fee, so I suppose that we are facing a "key" still

unknown in art history, through which many mysteries can be revealed. In addition, there is always

the spiritual and symbolic content of this harmonic division canon which, like all the harmonic

diagrams, is based on an indisputable mental and physical abilities of perception, that is, l ' "listen"

to all the fee proportions through relative lengths of the monochord and the spiritual interpretation of

this visual listening.

Modern architecture can be inspired by the harmonics. Very often I hear the grievances of

architects who are still attracted by the non-arbitrary proportions, that the extent and value lacking in

architecture today and it would be nice to have a fee to go by. Many think they have found the

"Golden Section", as I have shown [49], it is a phenomenon of the third and sixth and is just a small

special case of the general theory of harmonic proportions. The partiality of the work only with the

Golden Section is immediately obvious, so it is desirable system of proportions that leaves full

freedom to individual desires and will not be binding on

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sketches and the artist's creativity in a unique kind of proportions. Very rich possibilities are found in

harmonic division canon [50], also in the division coordinates and in range of proportions [51]

resulting therefrom. So for example, you can develop the entire project of a building or an urban

center on the basis of a structure at the third, fifth, eighth and get the advantage of giving a very

defined characteristic in these projects. At the same time we know that these proportions are not

from nothing, but are anchored, from the psychological point of view, through the number-tone, and

thus are part of our thinking and our feeling. In addition, the ability to vary these proportions through

the three-dimensional combinations is so high that, although the main thing remains constant,

ample opportunity is left to the imagination that, through the game of such combinations, will inspire

other ever new combinations.

Harmonics can be important also for architectural acoustics problems of today. Anyone who

knows the shortcomings of many concert halls and auditoriums will be amazed by the fact that it

was not yet found any essential remedy, despite the physical acoustics is highly developed as a

science. Eichorn [47], which I already mentioned, pointed out how the ancients they built according

to the triadic proportions, and it seems that the miracle of good acoustics in the classical

amphitheatres, as Eichorn showed, was based on an exact theory of harmonic proportions

construction that is very different from the current acoustic conception. Ernst Schiess, the organ

expert and Berne architectural acoustics, cyanotype collected material to most of Europe on

auditoriums efficient from an acoustic point of view; from this it is evident that the measures of these

rooms have a completely harmonic character. Nevertheless architects happily continue to build as if

the notes had nothing to do with the space

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in which they must resonate, as if they were only important external phenomena such as echo,

killing (sound) etc. and not the basic relationship between the acoustic proportions and spatial


In painting the proportional motivation it is not as obvious as in the architecture, because,

apart from the balance of the amount, both the stretch that the color play a role of primary

importance. But the motivation is still there, consciously or unconsciously. Lepsius [52]

Egyptologist, he says

referring to an ancient Egyptian wall painting:

"In the Manofer tomb near Saqqara, they were found samples of all the phases of mural

painting and bas-relief. Many points were recently drawn by the chisel, other points still not

completely etched, but only sketched in the stretch. On the wall opposite the entrance is a row of

figures that still retain the original lines of proportion. One of these cut lines the entire body from top

to bottom; the other six lines cut horizontally and are designed more or less in a visible along the

entire row of figures so. These were first outlined in red, then repainted in black, because of which

the original mathematical design proportions turned obscured. "

Lepsius describes how he composed the figure by the various remains found and says the foot

It was taken as a unit of measurement for the construction of the form that, according to the foot

size, provided the various proportions. The individual values ​proportional that Lepsius scored, for

example 1/2, 4/3, 2/5, 4/5, 1/3, 2/2, 5/6, 2/9, etc., As the basic subdivision based on senario 1 They

can already be considered as an indication of the harmonic background of these Egyptian

proportions, which were unknown to Lepsius. He continues: "So here we find a right fee completely

from six dates lines", and ends with the statement: "It is very interesting that through this


1 That is based on the numbers 1 to 6.

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found in a tomb dating back to the times of the pyramids we have proof that all these divisions

derived from the Egyptians to the Greeks and Romans had been improved since the time of

Egyptian civilization (2700 to. C.). "

Although it is known that Policleto of the fifth century. C., after Phidias, the greatest greek

sculptor, was the author of a theoretical work, the so-called Canon,

the proportions of the human body, nothing concrete is known about this Canon.

One of the statues Policleto, the famous Doriforo, was also simply called the Canon for the

proportions of this sculpture, still preserved in many ancient copies. Perhaps one day it will be

possible to build Canon Policleto from those copies.

Almost all the great painters and sculptors of the Renaissance intensely devoted to the study

of proportions in general and, in particular, to those of the human body. Leonardo Studies in this

area, a depiction of the human body into squares and triangles of Venice edition of Vitruvius and

others are a visual proof of that. However, the author of the most important work in this area is

Albrecht Dürer. [53] of his life, the most mature period from the artistic point of view, Dürer wrote a

number of theoretical writings which were published only in part after his death and immediately

reprinted in new editions in Germany in recent years and in France: 1 ) The art of measurement, a

kind of flat practical geometry and space with an interesting attempt to build the rudiments; 2) Instructions

for the Defense of a Town, military architecture in the style of that time; and especially 3) The Four

Books on Human Proportions, a volume of 250 pages with hundreds of engravings that the same

Dürer modeled with extreme precision. The most important of these writings about the theory of the

human body proportions and anyone who reads this book will be surprised by the spirit with which

Dürer tried to get to know this topic. His method is simple and harmonious, even if he never speaks


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Numbers-tone. Dürer always consider head as the primary units of measurement and constructs

bodies whose measures are seven, eight, nine and even ten times that of the heads. From this

measurement result completely different types, whose internal proportions, however, remain

approximately the same. Head, foot and hand are entirely proportionate to the last detail, and at the

end of the book there is an attempt of abstraction of the human body that could not be done better

in a modern book constructivist.

These works by Dürer (there are many individual pages on the proportions written by Dürer

and a great deal of unpublished material is or was in Nuremberg) are a key reference point for the

art historian. It is clear that a doctrine which does not recognize absolute laws and declare the will

of arbitrary staff as the greatest artistic creation is of no use to these formal studies. One historian

went further and wrote: "Who can deny that the measure of form limited the instinctive powers of his

nature (Dürer)". 2 But the sublime works of the latter period of the life of Dürer, when he was taken

from the study of proportions (the Hans Imhof in the Prado, Madrid; the Jacob Muffel in the Kaiser

Friedrich Museum, Berlin; the engravings on copper and many Willibald Pirkheimer others) may be

understood as "restriction of instinctive powers (and therefore creative)"? There is something wrong,

not at the work of Dürer, but the head of the art historian mentioned above. This man does not

understand, and like many others in its sector, will not recognize the truth that for every lover of the

sole authority of great men like Leonardo and Dürer says enough merit, significance and dignity of

such investigations laws . Only these names are a sufficient guarantee that behind the desire to find

laws of artistic creation there must be something

2 Beth J. Die Deutsche Malerei ( Painting German) Handbuch der Kunstwissenschaft ( Art History Manual).

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totally more than the fun pastime of large now elderly artists. But this "other" is the spiritual reflection

of the creator on the creative artistic process, not the artists attempt to become unable to regain their

strength of intellect artificially through a deviation. It's never happened to these great men to work

on these studies with the aim of giving to themselves and to others "art recipes" manual, which

every beginner can make something for himself. The laws are never instructions for creating artistic

works or for the attainment of happiness, but education on How and What of an artistic and

philosophical creation. In addition, they lead to the understanding of the spiritual relationship

between the substance and the different kingdoms physical, psychic and spiritual. I am convinced

that Dürer, Leonardo and other great masters only exceptionally forged their creations in awareness

of being "canonical" and, in general, freely created their projects. But what they discovered through

their studies on proportion in their works and those of others gave them the awareness that

certainly existed in all the craftsmen a principle of which they were only servants. This awareness,

in turn, gave them the breadth of mind, consider the spiritual support for their efforts not only as a

personal game with colors and shapes, but as a necessity in view of the absolute, the divine. Dürer

had spoken on this topic clearly, how he wanted to see applied "law and regulation", "If you have

learned to measure and understand the tradition, then you will be able to create certainty in free and

do justice to all. No need to measure everything. Because art acquired provides you with a good

eye and experienced hand he is obedient. " "Free certainty", no one can define in a more beautiful

and simple creative security achieved through the study of the laws.

I'm busy, as did Wyneken (54), harmonic analysis of the human body and found that the

proportions of the tone-numbers seem to actually

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the most important formal element that describes measures and joints. Of course, such attempts are

accompanied by the inevitable difficulty of having to start from a "normal size" defined. But the

analysis through the harmonic division canon is so elastic that it is possible to devise a specific tone

curve for each human figure. Contrary to all previous thoughts on proportions, you can arrive at a

personal plot of tones and numbers, even for the single figure of a human being, which, however, can

always be integrated with the overall fee of harmonic division.

Most important of this type of proportional analysis is a fundamental harmonic knowledge

regarding the understanding of the so-called "abstract" modern painting, that is, only those paintings

that allude to objects or where objects are entirely lacking. Here the fundamental elements of

painting, that is, line and color, are combined in an artistic synthesis. If one compares the design to

the melody and the colors on the ropes (an analogy used for a long time by art historians and

musicologists), and if it further turns out that harmonic analysis here two important forms-value (the

linear-temporalemelodica and that surface-area-string) are an abstract relationship between them,

unencumbered by any "object", this type of painting can not be judged with the wrong criteria: "What

do you think that this painting represents and means?". Rather we must allow that this painting has

an effect on us, you see whether or not the play of colors, lines and shapes created in an artistic

independently by the artist in question. However, this requires a special feel for the stroke and color

shades as such, and this sensitivity is still rare in the average value of non-employees.

It would be surprising if the harmonics had nothing to say or nothing new to offer more akin to

art, music. As for the music theory the reader is likely to include what has been said and

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what is yet to say that through the harmonics some things like the old harmonic number, the ancient

Greek theory dell'enarmonia, their relationship with Pythagoreanism, the relationship of music to

philosophy, mythology and symbolism, etc. , for the first time acquire a new light; Otherwise, as in

the case dell'enarmonia, a first recognition. Also, there are great works of curious music regularities

that have so far been little investigated. It notes analysis of The Art of Fugue Bach by Wolfgang

Graser who died at a young age. Professor Kathriner Freiburg pointed out to me a large number of

important symmetries that characterize many works by Bach. In addition, Wyneken [54] had already

discovered, among other things, a strict proportionality of the ranges measures in the first

movement of Beethoven's Fifth Symphony, which can be seen a secret measuring architecture and

value that these teachers unknowingly followed (or consciously?). This is a completely new field for

music search, but what has been mentioned in relation to Dürer studies on proportion is also valid

here. All these demonstrations can not and should not lead to false considerations, as if these

teachers had prepared their works with predefined criteria, but the opposite: if you are busy

consciously proportions, then they applied the knowledge gained through intellectual reflection on

laws of their art. If, however, they had unknowingly applied those laws, it would be further proof that

certain proportions and symmetry are constituent elements of the existing structure in any artistic

work. If searches reveal these antecedents, it is not a vain game of numbers, but it is evidence of

increasingly good systems of which we can not free and that we must carefully study and


Of particular interest are the results of research relating to harmonica music theory

fundamentals [57]. Why does music with the whole tone

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which is a definite proportion of 9/8 or 10/9 frequency? Why not with a greater or lesser interval?

How can you explain the significance of major and minor as a basic harmonic polarity appeared in

the music of past centuries? Where and why the diatonic scale (Do, Re, Mi, Fa, Sol, La, Si or D, E,

F #, G, A, Si, C #, always with full three intervals, half interval, full three intervals, then with seven

tone intervals) is regarded as the measure for all other scales? What significance does the concept

of cadence, like a constantly moving force, determined the music during the time of Bach to today?

(For example, a cadence in C major is based on low-Do-Fa-Sol-Do notes, with the corresponding

harmonies: greater-Fa C major (or minor) -Sol greater-C major). Where and why the phenomenon

exists counterpoint? As there are linear intervals of oriental music finely differentiated and placed in

the shade? These and other questions are answered by the harmonics for the first time, not from

the aesthetic point of view ( "the old masters did so, so it is right") or as a historical consequence (

"evolved that way over time" ), but in a way objective through the analysis of the same harmonic law

of the tone, which has its foundation in the nature (the harmonics, the partial tone coordinates) and

at the same time in the soul (tone sensation) and is common to all people and races. Of course the

universality of this harmonic law of the tone does not exclude the fact that different people and

cultures selected by this law that is most appropriate to their needs. For example, the Greeks

basically favored the linear dimension, developing up to the most sublime enharmonic ramifications,

using different heights for the same notes D, E flat, E, A, A flat, B flat (with 1/1 = Do), while today we

are pleased with the tempered scale of twelve notes. But we use the harmony in an unknown

abundance to the ancients. The Orientals and peoples

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primitives are far superior to us in terms of rhythmic sensitivity and only jazz has enriched modern

music from the rhythmic point of view. Harmonically speaking, all of these "historical" variants can

be placed under the same denominator of harmonic tone system and can be proven that it is

primordial and unknowingly latent soul. This is the decisive point.

As a result, you can create a broad theory of musical laws which could include previous

courses in harmony, counterpoint and rhythm and to be introduced later in conservative instead of

theoretical studies now prevailing.

Who knows the current theoretical teachings knows what ails them, despite all efforts by the

teacher; knows the arbitrariness of basic statements, the dryness of the material and as a result, the

indifference of the majority of students. In this stale atmosphere harmonics could bring a breath of

fresh air. With the monochord as a basic tool, music students could learn to exercise their ears to a

hitherto unknown sensitivity. The questions posed above would answer the tone laws deriving from

the numerical proportions of the monochord. The individual would develop forms of harmonic

diagrams in these students a completely new psychic powers: the ' visual hearing and soon the

simple number matches the tone in different spheres of science and intellectual life would show

them the great backstory of their musical vocation and would arouse their amazement and their fear

to the divine. Even those people with an elementary education, in my experience, have no difficulty

understanding what and especially those who are not spoiled can be aroused enthusiasm. A

Utopia? Surely not.

Many directors of music schools make the mistake of underestimating the

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intellectual receptivity of their students. Of course the introduction of the study of harmonics would

have meaning only if it was a required course. In a sense, it should be a major department, since it

would drive the theoretical and general education of the musician on the rise, thus equipping

students of high responsibility, even the highest, which would have to do as a musician. A

responsibility not simply to make music (strumming, playing wind instruments or strings), but

against the music itself and the laws related to the tones, the only ones that make the music

possible. For the future development of the entire music profession today is prepared to the highest

possible technical sophistication, a harmonic counterpart seems indispensable. How many times

you return home completely dissatisfied of the performances of the best known artists in excellent

programs, just because you feel that it was just technical execution without any spiritual content;

everything worked perfectly, all the notes were correct and the correct dynamic, yet everything was

false and artificial. This is mainly due to the reluctance, so widespread today in musical circles, not

to show her feelings. The suspicion is justified by the fact that there is no deep feeling and, in the

first place, no authentic musicality. Technical Skill and sophisticated execution make a virtue of

necessity. This combination of technology and ambition denies, and sometimes ridicules, the fact

that you do something that you do not know in depth. Of course this should not be considered as an

excuse to emotional excess of amateur, but is expected to focus on a particularly weak point in the

music profession today, in connection with the interpretation of the classic and romantic, which is

obvious to every music lover. At this level, nothing can be changed. The change must come from

the bottom all the way up to the surface through education. Here a new spirit can grow and become

a reality here and harmonics could play their part in sowing

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this new spirit in the minds of students.

As for modern music, harmonics assume that every creative person should have the

opportunity to hear their works, regardless if you take pattern Bach, Beethoven or some other

ultra-modern composer. Among percent, or maybe five hundred years the production of today will

be so close to that of 1700 or 1800 that no one will care if it was "modern", though he struggled

against problems or if it was somehow "interesting", but only and simply if He speaks to the souls of

men, if it comes from that deep well of creativity that marks all the major production. But this is also

the basis for the production of our days. People who applaud indiscriminately to all that served in

the auditorium because it is "modern", show the same lack of intelligence, lack of criticism and the

same inertia of mind of those who remain faithful to nothing but the classics and what it is

experienced. Since the majority of the public has no point of view and sometimes would like to be

educated, critics should set the standards. But this is another chapter and all critical able to define

them know what would happen if they freely express their opinions.

It seems appropriate here to quote my harmonic study Die Form der Geige, aus dem Gesetz

der Töne gedeutet ( The shape of the violin tone derived from the Act). [59] Soon after the

development of this miraculous tool, it was done several times trying to build the particular shape of

the violin case (or part thereof resonant) according to this or that mathematical law. Surely there is a

big difference between a mediocre bill violin and a Stradivarius or Guarneri, but it is clear that these

famous violin makers would have lived in vain and would have been unable to equip their

masterpieces of such a sweetness of tone, if the violin shape it had suddenly appeared in the

middle of the sixteenth century as

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fall from the sky. The violin shape is critical to its existence and it is useful to investigate this

mystery. The solution was found in the peculiar medium axis harmonic subdivision, as in sextuple

application of "partial tone curve", which is graphic expression of all shades, projected in an octave.

For the first time in the history of musical instruments it was demonstrated that the shape of the

violin was the exact expression of the same law tone and so was explained its characteristic shape.

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Humanistic Studies; mathematics; Gestalt mathematics; speech, language, poetry; akróasis of the
word; the language of poetry; J. Burckhardt; notes and rhythm; philosophy; Schopenhauer;
mythology; symbolism; two concepts of Deity.

Concluding the exploration of the seminar on the harmonics with a brief review of the results

and problems of harmonics in the arts and humanities, you notice that mathematics [60] occupies a

prominent position, not least, but as basic logic of all harmonic forms. You could divide the

problems and mathematical theorems harmonics in three categories:

a) historical category, b) category interpreted by the harmonic point of view, c) category resulting

from harmonics as a new mathematical problem. Historically speaking, the harmonics allow to

consider the ancient numerical symbolism (astral symbolism; the acoustic principle of arithmetic and

Greek geometry; certain spheres of Gnosticism; the so-called superstitions of number, etc.) From a

single point of view. Many problems and mathematical theorems (the set of the theory of

proportions, especially the harmonic proportions, as the basis of new projective geometry: the

Golden Section as a musical phenomenon of the third and sixth and the various concepts of infinity,

the "substrate metaphysical" [61] of the monochord division as the true basis of the derived

quotient, etc.) purchasing through the harmonic analysis of a new class features, a psychological

basis in addition to that logic. In addition, there are other mathematical problems entirely new, as

the investigation of the theoretical content of the plan of tone and space coordinates, a number of

new mathematical curves (tone curves), the formulas of which have yet to be established, and so

on . But it seems that the most important and essential task of the future harmonious mathematical

investigation is the possibility of a gestalt mathematics based on the tone number and configuration.

This concept was suggested by H. Friedmann [62] and can be explicitly and implicitly track

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through modern Gestalt theory. Since the Gestalt has not only a logical aspect, but also a spiritual

and psychic, is just the application of the numbers-harmonic tone, which was found the only way to

create a gestalt mathematics through the forms of ' visual listening. Because here, inside of the

shapes of the numbers-tone, logical and psychic values ​are combined a priori in the right way. If a

mathematical equipped cared about these things, I am convinced that it would have suffered

surprising results. "Perceptible Images harmoniously" (as defined diagrams of ' Visual Listening) They

are of fundamental importance for the mathematical understanding of organic forms; but audible

integrate these images into a mathematical system would require a new branch of this science, a

gestalt mathematics, which of course should devise its own symbolic language, no sound symbols

and create their own symbols and formulas.

In word and language, listening and thinking they are united in a bond that results from what

is called knowledge, whose most beautiful expressions are the works of philosophers and poets.

Here, after the previous Herder [63] and Humboldt [64] harmonics pose again the problem with the

categorical system of word and language in spiritual communication between people. They answer

to this problem with the acceptance of the universal significance of hearing and dell'acustico with ' akroátic.

If you demonstrate (and harmonica survey is proof since ancient) that the audible times, the noise

factor with its peculiar laws and principles, regulates the forms of nature and the soul, then you will

have the explanation the fact is not very evident that we humans communicate by word and

discourse and not through visual or tactile means (as they are able to make even the blind and

dumb) and the acoustics are also a means of expression of our spirit and our reason.

THE' akróasis the speech appears in the language details. The Greeks used

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"Logos" as the general concept to indicate word, speech, responsibility and reason. The "person"

"Personal" as a sign of

recognition of the uniqueness of the human being, comes from the Latin personare

(Ringing, call, proclaim); the word fatum ( fate or destiny) comes from fas

(Called divine order, dogma, right) and the greek φάω, φημί ( say, speak loudly). To notice ( notes)

means designating, write, resonate. In German there is the word Vernunft ( reason, intelligence) to vernehmen,

to listen; Verantwortung

(Liability) from verantworten, answer; gehören ( belong) from gehören, to listen; Beruf ( vocation, call)

from berufen, They are called;

entsprechen ( match) by ent-sprechen, co-responding, and many others. These examples, which

could be easily multiplied, should be considered, not as a mere enumeration of "acoustic" language,

but as evidence of the fundamentally auditory inclination of some of our most important concepts.

The ancients had more knowledge about the relationship of harmonics with speech and

poetry. From quote Hommel in chapter III it shows that the ancient philologists investigated the

"inclination and declination of tones" and made exhaustive investigations on the numeric-harmonic

substrate of the verse rhythm. In addition, nell'interessantissimo Book De Musica ( 65) of the father of

St. Augustine church, there are extraordinarily investigations related to the substrate of the

tone-numbers of the metric of the verse greek, which occupies almost one third of the entire work.

Jacob Burchkardt, in its History of Greek Culture ( History of Greek Culture) (66), says the ancient

Greek tragedy: "As for the construction of the plot, in the last tragedies you can discover secrets

that you can not see or observe in the same theater, but which must have had the their meaning.


tragedies of Sophocles and Euripides are built

quantitatively, according to the number of lines in the dialogue, in such a way that

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the main scene is in the middle, which must uniformly stretch or other scenes from which to derive,

in such a way that they converge symmetrically towards the center, as figures grouped into a gable.

No human eye or ear could see or hear anything, even if it is tried; these are things that have not

been explained, but which demonstrate the supreme artistic value of the poets. "

At this point it is necessary to recall the basic Pythagorean diagram, the "Lambdoma"

(Chapter III), which was designed in the shape of Greek L (lambda = Λ) and as esoteric symbol was

known to those great poets. In this way the secrets of symmetry of the tragedies are revealed as the

exact expression of ' visual hearing Pythagorean origin and harmonica.

The ancients knew that the laws of tone and rhythm were the same: now we can easily prove

it through the siren (which for once can serve as a research tool for physics). Each rhythm, with

increasing frequency, can be transformed into a tone or in a range of two or more tones. If a string

vibrates so slowly you can see his regular movements back and forth, and they can count as a rate

per second, you might feel a buzz, but not a tone. Only when the rhythmic cadence accelerated our

ears hear the tones. The same goes for the different rates per unit of time. From this knowledge the

rhythmic measures of verse in poetry and drama are not considered mere accessories of the

language, but parallel forms for creating words born from hearing the laws of language. So the pace

elevates the discourse in poetry and drama not the simple addition of a strange new element; When

the rhythmic speech approaches the musical tone, the spiritual powers become doubly rooted in

that mysterious realm of sound shapes that form and regulate the world in its core. In the poem ' akróasis

the word reaches the highest performance,

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and I am of the opinion that it is the stamp of ' akróasis, not the concept or the linguistic expression

only, which gives to poetry its loftiness. For example, a verse of Hölderlin:

"Als wie ein Ruhetag, so ist des Jahres Ende, wie einer Frage Ton, dass dieser sich

vollende ..." (As a day of rest, is a year that is ending, it's like a questioning tone,

which longs for its completion ...)

can be analyzed, explained and interpreted in terms of thought, speech and rhythm. But the result

of this analysis will always be poor when compared to the magnificent impression that here

highlights a profound synthesis of origin ' akróasis, the soul where the sound of the world shrinks into

a mysterious focal point.

What harmonics can offer to philosophy or modern thought it depends mainly on the

consideration given to them in the current view of the world. The attempt to define this account will

be done in the next chapter. To my knowledge, the possibility of restoring the harmonics as a

science was only expected to be one of the greatest modern philosophers, Schopenhauer. In the

third book of his major work, The World as Will and Idea, 1 after a deep meditation on the essence of

music, says: "The world can be called concrete music will", concrete, and concludes that "the world

of appearance or nature, and" music are "two different expressions of the same thing" 2. Sums up

towards the end as follows: "By presenting these aspects of music I tried to clarify that express, with

the greatest certainty and authenticity, in a universal language, through a unique substance, that is,

the tones, the very essence of the world we think for

1 Publisher Insel, Vol. I, p. 353

2 Ibid, p. 352

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means the concept of will. In addition, it is my opinion that philosophy is nothing but a complete

repetition of the essence and expression of the world in very general terms. Only what you can and

apply a comprehensive investigation of the essence. Anyone who has followed me in my way of

thinking will not find paradoxical that if we were able to give an exact and complete explanation of

music, that is to say with the language what the music says, we will have a sufficient explanation of

the world. This would be pure philosophy and we could change a Leibnitz quote that is correct on a

lower level, in the sense of our highest idea of ​music. Leibnitz says: 3 'Music is a mysterious soul

mathematical exercise'. But I say, music is a mysterious metaphysical exercise of the spirit that

subconsciously makes philosophy. " 4

The verb scire ( know) means have come to abstract concepts. As in the truth often confirmed

the Leibnitz quote, music, except for its aesthetic importance and intrinsic, can be considered

empirically as the means to perceive, immediately and concretely, numbers and number

relationships that we recognize less spontaneously with conceptual means. With the combination of

these two different yet correct ideas of music, you can get to the possibility of a philosophy of

numbers, such as Pythagoras or the Chinese I Ching and interpret in this way the sayings of

Pythagoras quoted by Sextus (Adv. Math. L, VII): τώ άριθμώ δέ τά πάντ έπέοικεν which means, by

the number everything is assimilated. 5 It should consider music not in its usual sense, but in its

broadest sense, as did Schopenhauer.

They will be shown here other historically important survey results. All

3 Music east exercitium arithmeticae occultum nescientis if numbering minds. (Leibnitii epistolae, collection Kortholti, p. 154.)

4 Music east exercitium metaphysices occultum nescientis if philosophari minds. See. P. 172 Supplement to the translation of
Edward Dannreuther of Wagner's essay, Beethoven, London 1880. The supplement is entitled On the Metaphysics of Music from Die
Welt als Wille und Ideas A. Schopenhauer, Vol. I, 52 (1818)

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the ancient mythologies, religions and doctrines of wisdom teachings are full of "concepts" image.

[67] The first attempts (Creuzer) served to explain and interpret them as forms of psychic ability,

later through the historical evolution based on comparative studies of religion and myth, and finally

in terms of psychological archetypes (modern psychology deep).

Anyone who has read not only works on the harmonics but also explored the numbers-tone

charts in all their variations, will be amazed how conceptual images of these charts is accurate

when you connect to the most profound symbols of religion and mythology. When you then consider

that all these diagrams are not mere abstract structures of numbers, but arithmetic and geometric

images that suggest certain natural laws (number of harmonics) and soul as well as certain forms

(tone sensations) and, considering that what these harmonic diagrams express is based on the dual

emphasis in external nature and, internally, in our soul, then their message acquires existential

weight, as much as we can talk about concrete criteria.

For example, you meet here two different ideas of divinity prevalent in all religions: first, that

of God, as an unknown God, the Nirvana of the Buddhists, the Ensoph of the Kabbalah, the

Brahmin Indians, the absence of mystics, etc. - in harmonious symbolism the sign 0/0 (Table II);

second, the subjective idea of ​God the Father, the Demiurge, the Logos, the One, etc.- in

harmonious symbolism the sign 1/1 (Table II). Each value of existence in the harmonic system is

"born" from a double boost from the unit, but it is reconnected ( re-ligio, tight wire), under the

direction of the same tone values, not at 1/1 but at 0/0. This simply means that the world is all that is

in it, began with an act of creation (1/1), was developed later (evolution),

5 Publisher Insel, Vol. I, pp. 355-356.

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but always through the emanation of all being part of the Godhead, the universal spirit, or however

you interpret the symbol 0/0 according to their point of view. At the beginning of each harmonic

development is a pure world of interpenetration of the major and minor chords, with six "guards left

and right"; only with the seventh report, specifically with the dominant seventh in the music

arrangement, begins the modulation; ceases ie the world of consonance and dissonance begins,

with its characteristic ambition of development. Here is a clear correspondence with different ideas

of Paradise, with biblical six days of creation, and so on. For all harmonic systems uses the

so-called "tonal generatrix line", that is, the creative impulse drive chain, which is self-fulfilling

consistently (1/1, 2/2, 3/3 ...) - it should be noted here prototype of all the images of the Redeemer,

of the perennial personification of the creative (0/0 ... 1/1, 2/2, 3/3 ...) manifests itself in the entire

structure of space and time, without which the values ​of 'existence would not exist.

These are just a few examples of harmonious symbolism, showing how meditation on the

harmonic diagrams [68] lead to significant issues. Each person can see for itself that its deployment

interpretation or regulative (according to Kant's philosophy). You do not want that the harmonics

interfere with matters of faith, who for a perorino religio

without dogma or a religion that offer a hardened materialists and doctors who believe only in the

pure reality. However, there is no question the still rooted psychological and physical of all the

harmonic charts and their "concepts" image. From now on it will be possible for the first time to

adequately explain why such important concepts as the two different representations of God, the

dream of Paradise, the creation in six days, the idea of ​the Redeemer and many others arise in '

spirit of man at all times and in different cultures. All of these "concepts-images", harmonic

archetypes, with the addition of the dogma of

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Trinity, of reincarnation, the existence of a world of dark and light already present in the womb of

God (Chapter XIV), are naturally in the extreme abstraction of harmonic diagrams (in number, tone

and geometric shape), and for that reason they are an extreme precision. They express the

existence of defined-value and basic forms that lie latent in the "outside world"; show in a sense a

common structure to the nature and the soul. These "concepts" image harmonic speak of those

forms, prototypes of those whose visible achievement is possible to investigate, without the

obstacle of rigid systems and preconceived opinions. They can be found in different eras and

peoples and can be traced to the models of the common spiritual life to all men.

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The position of the harmonics in contemporary thought; E. Cassirer, mythical thinking; Modern naturalistic
thought; CG Jung; the collective unconscious; the position of the harmonics; a) mythical thought; b) the
collective unconscious and archetypes;
prototypes and archetypes; c) modern scientific thought.

After this analysis of the problems and results achievable by the harmonic research, both the

reader that the author could ask the question: Where do the harmonics in the contemporary world

can actually be placed, and how they should be classified in the current system of science?

The easiest way to extricate himself from the embarrassment created by this application (and I

speak from experience) is to explain that harmonics are a science and a way of thinking; have in

themselves justification, and in due time it will be apparent as the other disciplines are connected to


But this should not be at the heart of the question, which should really be: how the harmonic

thinking is distinguished from modern scientific thought, and where are their points of contact?

I will try to answer this question, referring to two current approaches that can at least suggest

what are the differences.

The philosopher Ernst Cassirer [69] opposes the concept of mythical thought to the modern

scientific thought. It features the first as a way of thought that establishes correspondences, within

which individual analogies are related in an outward manner often arbitrary. The oldest form is

totemism. The tribe of the Zunis, for example, has a system based on the number seven, a division

in seven of their thinking and way of life. "The Zunis village is divided into seven parts,

corresponding to the seven directions of space: north, west, south, east, upper and lower world, and

finally the center of the world. Not only each clan of the tribe, but even every creature, whether or

not it soul, everything, every event, every element and every particular period

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time, belongs to one of these seven shares ... Each environment has a specific color and number,

etc. ". [70] Moreover, Cassirer claims that in theory astrological thinking is not "different", and

neither is the realm of myth, which is always linked to a "tangible part" of the world, like the

world-egg of the Orphic, the world- ash of primitive tribes Germanic, etc., and then connects one

correspondence in a chain by means of which the causality (cause and effect) plays a purely

external role in relation to each other. The idea of ​the mythical world, says Cassirer, is static,

oriented in space, and therefore predestined to become rigid images and symbols.

The picture of the world of natural science is quite different, and Cassirer characterizes as

follows: "The formula of the scientific explanation of the nature, firmly established since the

Renaissance, since Galileo and Kepler, is essentially this: all existence is It defines a becoming, a

space-time relationship, and it is based on the laws of this report. " [71] In addition, "In the

mathematical theory of natural processes, which expresses this thought more clearly and

completely, every content and every event has to, to make completely understandable explanation,

first of all be converted into an amount complex that must be considered generally changing from

moment to moment. The purpose of the theory then consists in finding out how all these changes

act each other and condition each other [72], but this implies at the same time that our modern

scientific thought, to understand everything that exists, has to relate to elementary changes and , so

to speak, break it down into these. The shape of all, as soon as it presents itself to the senses or to

the perception, disappears; in its place, the thought's launch of a special act of becoming. " [73] And

now Cassirer puts modern thought against astrology, which is a model of the mythical thought: "For

modern science, the unit that seeks is unity of natural law as

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purely functional; for astrology, it is the unit of a permanent stability and integrated, a structure of

the universe. [74] The logical thinking of science can not find such a report in the place where the

myth enables elements to correspond to each other, and being ordered according to a certain

scheme. Modern science determines how, according to a general law, certain changes of an

element influencing the other. " [75] It should take account of this last sentence. What Cassirer

defines as scientific thinking, of course, it applies not only to natural science but, mutatis mutandis, the

whole thought of our time, including philosophy (as a science), art and theology, since the

causal-functional thinking plays a major role in these fields.

Before stating the position of the harmonics according to Cassirer's statements, we should

mention exactly another phenomenon, that of the so-called "archetypes" of depth psychology of

Jung. Here, thanks to the clear and concise expression of CG Jung, we can be brief. In the book on

which he worked with R. Wilhelm, The Secret of the Golden Flower 1 [ 76] he writes: "... just like the

human body shows an anatomy common to all regardless of racial differences, even the psyche

has a common substrate, beyond all cultures and awareness of difference. I called this collective

unconscious. This unconscious psyche, common to all human beings, not just in content that can

become conscious, but hidden to certain provisions identical reactions. " This explains the "analogy,

even the identity of reasons-myth and in general the possibility of human communication." At the

center of these latent provisions to identical reactions are archetypes, psychic forms and

concepts-image, allowing you to interpret and understand particular mythologies, psychic

configurations, etc.

1 Translated and annotated by Richard Wilhelm, with a European commentary by CG Jung. Translated into English by Cary F.
Baynes. New York, Harcourt Brace & Co., 1938. Fourth Edition. This step varies slightly from that of Kayser.

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As for the relationship of harmonics with mythical thought, it would seem at first that there are

close connections. In harmonics there are the correspondences; each shape-harmonic value is, so

to speak, a lens that condenses a series of correspondences, that outside of the lens have little or

nothing in common. But it is precisely the image of the lens that allows us to understand the basic

difference between the mythical and harmonious thinking. According to Cassirer, mythical thinking

begins in each case with a certain concept-real image as that of the world-egg, or the world-ash,

and then adds these additional concepts-image symbols, such as the start symbol, appearing to

modern thought more or less arbitrary or at least external correspondences. The harmonics, on the

other hand, begin their series of correspondences not with an arbitrary symbol (world-egg etc.) But

with a form-harmonic value or prototype, whose initial theorem is anchored by the psycho-physical

point of view to nature and psyche. As such, they are accessible to the reason criteria (number) and

feeling (tone), and so can be evaluated and judged on the abstract and concrete manner. Since

these lenses formevalore harmonics of the respective correspondences spread outside as towards

the circumference of a circle. On their own, consider without the lens, seem arbitrary mythical

thought as outlined by Cassirer, but all ' indoor

of that lens they are incorporated in the causal thought and are a function of those prototypes or

forms-value. We illustrate with an example: that of the Trinity. In harmonics exist various theorems of

this concept, theorems that are all united in the same prototype. Here they will be mentioned only

two, which can be verified with the Table II at the end of the book. We find the very beginning of the

system (top left) diagonal values ​0/0 → 1/1 → 2/2 3/3 4/4 ..., which we identify in harmonious

symbolism as the Holy Spirit (0/0) the Father (1/1), and the Son (2/2 3/3 4/4 ...). Although different in


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external, in their internal values, however, are equivalent; because they all have the same note

generating Do (Do 1/1 can be considered, but in theory any other note can be the note-generating

1/1. The pitch of the note generatrix is ​not important, what matters is the relationship of all the other

notes with their note generatrix. This relationship remains constant regardless of the note considered

as 1/1. to achieve the correct height should be 1/1 Do multiply by 256 because they are requests 256

vibrations per second). 0/0 The symbol represents God, the Christian symbolism of the Holy Spirit;

1/1 represents the creative principle in the Christian symbolism of God the Father; subsequent

reincarnations 2/2 3/3 4/4 ... represent the line of the Redeemer, in the Christian symbolism of God

the Son, which manifests itself several times in the world of reality. Follows another form of the

Trinity, which is also the origin of the partial tone coordinate system: here are 1 / 2Dor '1/2 1Do / 1Do'

- in the triangular shape of the

available multiplication of Lambdoma:

1/1 Do

1/2 Do ' 2/1 Do '

Here the different values ​of C (eighth) with the same meaning (only the values ​of C), reveal the secret

of a dogma that is beyond reason, that is, three are one, but still very different.

"The three are one! You know

how? No! Only the secret knows.


All this appears in a mystical hymn of Dionysus the Areopagite thought [77]. But in harmonics

we find the dogma of the Trinity in a clear and understandable form at the beginning of the tonal

development. Since this tonal development is not an arbitrary image theoretical but, as you should

always remember, it is made in nature [78] as well as in the human soul, the harmonic prototype

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Trinity takes on a concrete and mandatory content: we understand now that this prototype as a

functional-value form must realize and create its forms visible in the external nature and in human

thought and feeling. I defined the prototype of harmonious trinity shape-value of "triadic revelation"

[79] and I presented some of his accomplishments as visible forms-value of "step-dialectic". [80] The

following matches are apparent: the mythological symbols, alchemical Trinity (the development of

the crystal surface rhythm) [81], the musical rhythm (the triptych painting and sculpture), the three

dialectical stages of the thesis, antithesis and synthesis of logic (which of course further

matches may be added). All these matches, which at first glance seem to have nothing

in common with each other, can be read according to the tonal system visually and logically, and be

reduced to the prototype of the theorems of harmonic trinity. They are arranged, using the previous

image, as "visible" achievements on the circumference of a circle, whose center is the harmonic

trinity. They are not, as in the mythical thinking, arbitrary correspondences, but they show to be

causal functions of a precise mental and physical shape, that is, precisely that of the corresponding

formavalore harmonic. When you think about the problem and then considers once again the

definition of mythical thought of Cassirer, we are faced with the following question: would it be

possible to miss all these correspondences of symbols and mythological images directly as

forms-value prototypes, if not they are obvious nonsense but truth and universal images? The

harmonics recognize a kingdom extended to the so-called numerical superstitions as determined

psychologically, as a result of certain figures of the tone number present in the soul. [82] The system

based on the division in seven of the Zunis, cited above, and which appears on the surface as an

"arbitrary" matching totemic hierarchy, it can be psychologically

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based on the harmonics, and proved to have its roots in the musical system of seven as the first

number that creates dissonance, and later in the seven degrees of the scale prototypes. The same

thing applies to the astrological theory of aspects, known since ancient times and again not far from

Kepler times [83], by means of musical intervals, or psychic forms. Also you can try harmoniously

that the "concept-object" Cassirer ( Dingbegriff) the world-ash mentioned earlier concept dates back

to the common image of the tree in almost all mythologies and religions, the tree of heaven, etc. All

this can be inferred from the dichotomy (the division of the partial tone coordinates) which

corresponds to a defined basic structure and soul of thought (see diaresis 5 of Platonic ideas). [84]

Accordingly, the mythical thought is not simply an incomplete precursor of the current scientific

thought, but human effort towards truth, fully established, although structured differently. On the

basis of his thesis about the different modes of human thinking skills, Cassirer arrives at similar

deductions, attributing a value equal to the different forms of thought. Moreover, he clearly indicates

the pros and cons of two ways of thinking; The current thinking is to, first of all, "breaking things"

before you can rebuild, and even then only get "certain rules of becoming" that "set a certain

amount of one thing determine those of another according to a rule general"; and also the "shape

entirely how it looks to pure sensory perception disappears." In the end, Cassirer, like other thinkers

of his field, he is convinced that modern science has passed mythical thought, but a real

overcoming of the latter should be based on his recognition and acceptance, because it is still alive

in the consciousness .

Here, therefore, the harmonics are faced with an important task, the

5 Diaresis: practice division. For Plato the dialectic must be understood as a method of knowledge, capable of

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reintroduction of forms-harmonic value in scientific thought, not as a "mythology" antiquated that

should be overcome, but as a new spiritual structure verified with the number and the causality of

the scientific method. It then shows that the mythology is much more than just a thing of the past

and without an actual current value. Rather, it will prove how important they are for contemporary

thought, given that they can be understood in their causation and incorporated in existing methods

of thought. First of all the mythology danger threatening consciousness, is warned; you can

dominate the ghosts calling, and the harmonics in the realm of science can fulfill a function similar

to that of depth psychology and related disciplines.

This equivalence of mythical thinking with current thinking appears to be substantiated by the

findings of modern psychology, in a particular way to CG Jung. The discovery of the collective

unconscious and the archetypes that have accrued, integrates the mythical consciousness in our

causal thinking, as far as psychology is involved. In fact, it notes that the latter depends in many

respects from the concepts-image archetypes that are latent in the collective unconscious, and

through the activity of the soul in some way take shape, bearing fruit and determining the full course

of causal thinking .

Accordingly, the objectives of the harmonics and those of modern psychology go hand in

hand, but there is a difference between the harmonic prototype (or value-form) and the archetype of

Jung's psychology. First of all, the prototype is anchored from the point of view of both physical and

psychological nature that the psyche, not only psychologically as the archetype. Therefore the

prototype because of its tone synthesis and number, can be treated with care, first, in a scientific

manner, and it can be made directly accessible to the perception

bring together more things under one idea and practice division (diaresis). NdT

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Intellectual (cfr. the intellectual archetype of Kant) through visual hearing and its diagrams. In this

way the soul meditative powers receive concrete support making possible the formation of an

auditory attitude (akroatico) that is not based on mere supposition of some primordial images, but is

aware of how these primordial images or prototypes are reality truth inside and outside of us, as far

as we can speak of evidence. And finally, the path, or more precisely, the direction in which

prototypes and archetypes are achieved, is different from the psychology courses. The perception

of depth psychology proceeds from outside to inside. From the experiences of psychologists and

the analyzes, data are presented whose meanings lead to the affirmation of the archetypes. The

harmonics, on the other hand, before investigating the laws of numbers-tone configurations,

discovering here some prototypes and then proceeding from these prototypes or forms-value,

visible discover similarities in the external world, that is, in the forms of nature, mood and spirit

which correspond to those forms-value. It can be argued in general that the archetypes only

empirically and deductively were discovered by psychologists, and that their number varies

according to the interpretations of each of them. For example, the archetypal image of the "Great

Mother" can be divided into independent aspects such as the Virgin Mary, Sophia, witch, prostitute,

etc. These findings are reflected only through the discovery of the facts and the comparison of

psychic products-image of the individual with those of the tribes and peoples, which are manifest in

their myths and legends. The procedure of harmonics, in contrast, is more defined: instead of the

simple collection of data, the discovery of certain archetypes, harmonics offer prototypes

(forms-value) that can be interpreted not only in psychological and empirical way, who have the

their concrete and demonstrable matches not only in parallel images (such as the myth is regarding

dreams), but also psychic facts,

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demonstrable and measurable from the material point of view. So it is removed every arbitrariness of

interpretation and appears in its place a tangible and concrete correspondence.

As for the modern scientific thought, first of all you should be clear about its origins. Starting

from the results of Herman Friedmann work, it is clear that this kind of thinking is tangible in its

fundamental structure, especially since the Renaissance, and is oriented towards the way of

thinking of the natural sciences. In harmonics there is a reason for this tangible thought, with his

support of the measure and the number (Chapter II) in the same Pythagoreanism, of which two

original tone approaches and number, only the number and tangible aspect was later developed as

the basis of subsequent scientific investigation. Religion, philosophy and art, with their various

manifestations, of course there were excluded. But the characteristic mode of thought of natural

science, especially to have crystallized over the last two hundred years in the exact sciences par

excellence, physics and technology, has become so huge influence in all spheres of knowledge,

and most of the structure of thought and attitude towards life (culture, health, etc.), that you could

not ignore such a realization. It should be recognized for what it is: a forward projection completely

unnatural, which violates every human proportion, of a unilateral tendency, which diabolical

virulence seems to have sounded the warning signal in the atomic bomb. If you return to the human

aspect, it may be the last warning, the final writing on the wall.

The thought of this concrete structure is clearly expressed in the quote Cassirer, which

should be taken into due account: logical thinking of science is a connection between the elements

of existence, just there where "certain quantitative changes of one determine those of a another,

according to a

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general rule". The best summary of this "general rule" is therefore the

the laws of nature system, an undeniable entire world unity achieved by means of logic and reason,

and based on the measurement on the number, and obtained only through the "break" preliminary

existence, making it a matter totally indifferent to spiritual health if this so-called unit is checked by

static or dynamic formulas.

The report of the harmonic science with current science can be summed up in the simple

proposition: does not measure and number, but size and value. And 'what the present civilization

should recognize if ever it were to become a culture. And here we do not intend to measure

(science) and there values ​(religion, philosophy, art, etc.), But a regeneration of the scientific way of

thinking by the Pythagoreans approaches, then a reintroduction of spiritual principles and laws

(Tone!) In the way of thought so far purely tangible (number). This scientific thinking not only

acquire warmth and once more responsibility, but the kingdoms outside of this kind of thinking, like

religion and the arts, will be again linked to scientific thought through the forms-value symbols

harmonics, and removed from their regal isolation that made their arguments only to parties and

"entertainment". The possibility of this regeneration is given by the primary phenomenon of

numerotono and the laws and principles that derive from it and the harmonics are the method by

which this possibility can be transformed into reality.

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Limit and reflection.

For a researcher whose interests also include humanistic research, the harmonics could be a

popular destination, as they give new value to scientific thought and replenish the individual

scientific disciplines with the sap of harmonic prototypes, bringing them closer to the man as a

whole. However, this endeavor may seem completely useless in a pragmatic scientist.

It follows that, along with harmonics, you could develop a new science of rather poor quality

that would be tolerated as long as you occupy only what is of interest. As has been so far, the

harmonics survive, aware of the great importance of the specialist research, without which no

particular progress could be achieved.

But these sciences are they not enough? It makes sense to look at the world once again from

a new perspective "listening", and again for the umpteenth time to reach more or less interesting

results, which would not improve a bit the world, at least from the current position on ' edge of the


Although not been discovered only by the harmonics, the measurement and the value

principles are gorgeous. Harmonics can fertilize all fields of human knowledge at the origin, in the

clear succession of his theorems and formevalore. All the great minds of the past, all the major

promoters of religion, all the artists and poets of genius, have dealt in some way to these two

principles of humanity in their work and actions. For them, the extent and value were two large

poles, the two fundamental boundaries within which it is allowed to be a man. However, today we

are witnessing an absolute bankruptcy of humanity itself.

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Just a little farther, and these reflections lead to nihilism or the religious or cultural skepticism

of a Pascal or Shestov. [86] Only a small step further, and despairs of everything or you see their

salvation in a grace that does not belong to this world, a world where everything seems doomed to

madness and insanity.

But it is allowed to take that step? There are moments in everyone's life, though difficult,

unbearable, though it may have been seemingly meaningless, which recognizes: it is now

something wonderful happened - perhaps the experience of beauty, the inspiration of a good deed,

the innermost joy in work, create, divine spark from person to person? It was just a nobody, an

error, a folly? And even if these times were reduced in the memory of something rare and

precious: they would not be a real time, there would shine in them a reflection of the divine light?

Whether you admit it only for a while '(and I believe that there is no man who can fully deny it) and

you will not need to do that "small step." In truth, you can not and should not do, because it is now

in the most profound soul: those deep experiences, moving and exciting even now, were a sign

that human life has a purpose. They tell us that we have granted our mission to be a world of laws,

whose message we were allowed to get in life. It is the responsibility of each of us to realize the

meaning of this message.

To achieve this you need a great self-renunciation, given the horrific events of the recent

past. You should remember the glorious periods of human life, as well as the brilliant charges of

humanity, the great achievements and values ​established in science, art and religion. They were

messages of a higher power of good to the man who donate authentic rights to existence.

More has searched the depths of horror, had deeper and you're trapped in them, the more we

cling to these flashes of light in human history. But today,

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after the dreadful experiences of the man, we pose the question with more intensity and

understanding about the meaning of existence, more than he was used to doing in the past. It is

natural that in this respect the People today look for new directions, which is why we return to the

considerations mentioned in Chapter I.

Despite the abysses that surround us, we still believe in the good in this world. But this trust in

the good will always have to fight in a new way; the extent and value are not things that are given to

us for free. A new era will not remain satisfied orienting of indestructible models of the past but will

have to re-establish those great principles as a new experience arising from their thoughts and


The harmonics have not presume to be the path towards this orientation, but only one of

many, that they all tend towards the same goal, giving at a certain point in one direction among the

most serious problems today.

In later chapters we will attempt to summarize the results of the harmonic about some

important issues.

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The thought: one of the senses; the philosophy; origins of philosophy in mysticism; the spirit;
degrees of knowledge.

The thought is a sense, like all our other senses. Thought has its physiological basis in the

brain as well as the view in the eye, hearing ear. Consequently there is a sense of thought, as well

as there is a view of one hearing, one of touch, etc.

A fundamental error of all philosophy (love of wisdom) since the time of Socrates was the

belief that philosophy was only possible by means of thought and its logical forms. Consider this

misconception seems at first a paradox: what else if not the reason you might use to make of


But it is not the knowledge of the spirit the goal of philosophy in the broadest meaning of the

term? Reflect on the following: besides having a realm of being, every sense of the value also has a

kingdom. So the thought of value can be based on reason, the value of the view of the spatial arts,

the value of hearing the music. But to claim that only the reason has access to the spirit is Western

arrogance. "Music is a science superior to all philosophy", he would say even Beethoven in just

defense and who would deny that all the other senses, once duly proven their worth, lead to the

doors of the spirit, the "wisdom."

Our ears, our eyes, our sense of touch (Eros) makes all of its own philosophy as our thinking.

You should therefore limit the idea of ​only logical thinking philosophy, and boldly go where modern

philosophy has arrived, the "nothing" of existentialism, with the acrobatics of his brain

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followers who give themselves airs?

All great philosophy of reason is nourished by mysticism [87] which embraces the whole

human being, although this impression of wholeness can be expressed only in part. With mysticism,

of course I do not mean a confused babble of romantic revelers and sleepwalkers, but all those

great ideas and creative trends born from common primary ground in the world and man. I mean

the breast down in the depths 1 It is rooted every creative thing, and it grows and flourishes.

L ' "idea" of Plato is a mystical concept. THE' Absolute and the Good Plotinus are mystical

concepts. The "monads" of Leibnitz, those unity of soul and body to which the world is created, the

"thing itself" of Kant, even the '' idea 'of Hegel, the "will and idea" of Schopenhauer, they are

similarly mystical, which can only be experienced with a human being effort as a totality, and not

through formulations that are the result of logical disjunction (pedantry); all touches something of

the spirit, everything shares the most of what man can attain: interpretation of the meaning of the

world. Even art, poetry, music, religion, science, technology, and even every human life are part of

it, as long as the experience of the asset is preserved and the "original phenomenon" is honored

and not simply used. It is no accident that people have called the man with such an attitude


The philosophy, love of wisdom in its broadest meaning, can be made from a variety of

expressions and human activities, and "spirit" as the last outpost, can be achieved in various ways,

not only through our thinking and its logical forms. This spirit is no longer subject to space, time and

causality. It is completely irrelevant if you reach it in

1 Mysticism comes from μυστικόѕ which means hidden.

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static or dynamic manner, cosmological or biological, through art or science, because it is outside of

all these things: rather lies outside of consciousness itself. This spirit is a state of the soul purely

meditative immersion in the peace of God.

By means of our sense organs: brain, eye, ear, sense of touch, etc. initially we receive only

material impressions. All these impressions are actually recorded, and ordered according to the

structure of the senses of each individual. Now he operates a psychic faculties because all the

impressions remain chaotic if there was "something" in our blood to collect in the consciousness

and give them a form.

But this "something" lies in prototypes of the soul and not in the logical forms of our reason.

The synthesis of these perceptions is defined in the harmonics of the human kingdom. If the

different realms: that of thinking, hearing, sight, touch, etc. are activated from inside to outside, that

is lit by a point in the soul we feel as the deepest and best in us, and through which suddenly

experience its realm of being in its "primordial" sound, light, or tone , then we have reached the

realm-value. We go by the laws of logic to arrive at those intellect, those thought to those of poetry,

from noise to the music world, the sight of every day in the world of visual arts. And if we have the

power and the secret attitude, diligence, spiritual fire to transform the high-value experiences of this

kingdom in a state of rest, of meditation, of "introspection" in the sense of Goethe, then we have

achieved what the akróasis interprets as "listen and to belong," what we must define how the spirit

and spiritual.

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Activation of the soul; the individual and the community; to have time; the dangers of mass culture;
position of existence values; tolerance; humanity; objectivity;

For the reasons just established, one of the main tasks of the harmonics must be to enable

the ability to experience within each of the fields of human knowledge, especially that of the sphere

of Western civilization. The events in recent history have shown, if anything, that Europe is

spiritually impoverished. But the spiritual impoverishment is the fallout from the realm-value to the

realm of being, the extinction of the ability to experience, a turning of the latter into fanaticism, and

the inability linked to it, to feel with other people, to live with them their fortunes and misfortunes. In

the theorem of numbers-tone harmonics are the means to rekindle the spark that ignites the

experience of beauty, goodness and truth. From experience to estimate, to subjection, it is only a

small step as the hold their breath before the greatness of the divine. But first it is necessary that

the heart burn with enthusiasm and love, before they can receive the grace to contemplate the

divine, listen to the melody of creation. Nothing significant has ever come out of a moderate thinking

ever since the world was created. On the contrary, any lack of love, arrogance, take the law itself,

the "ownership", the mania for objectivity, for the over-organization, and even the intolerant bigotry

disguised by the false enthusiasm, have their true motivation unable to sympathize with

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others in joy and in sorrow. This sober soul is but a compensation for the reluctance and spiritual


Linked to this is the problem of the individual and his relationship with the community. It is

easy to predict that humanity will multiply quantitatively to such a degree that individuals are unlikely

to be able to be moved again. The individual danger dissolved in the masses is not only a threat

about quantity but also about quality. Already, we are now exposed to a whole series of

collectivism, "claims" that absorb the mind and spirit in the professions, in sports, in politics,

broadcast by all possible media to influence the masses (radio, press, theater, clubs, conferences,

concerts, television) so that it would take a magnifying glass to find people who "time". Anyone with

common occupation should ask how long he has for himself, not selfishly, but for the salvation of

the soul; How long has to reflect on why it is in the world, what is the meaning of his existence, what

sense does his work except to earn a living and, above all, consider the only certainty in life, the

only point the distance: that is, death. But these questions do not have "time", there is entrenched

behind the work, work and only work, and you notice that in this way you will not run away just by

yourself. Without fear of loneliness, there is always rushes more, it screams in a flurry of activity as

if guided by the devil.

Finally, they adore demons of Ambition, Assertiveness, and Power. But in the end, when

literally "you do not have time", when the clock stands still: the hour of death, it is then that you

would want to "have time". Pray and work, he says, and not Labora et labora. And with Now ( Please)

means meditation and recognition of the highest values ​and powers. Just so

labora ( works) It has made sacred, and not through a magna Carta purely utilitarian promises that

only oppress more the mood with increased

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fury for work, and increase the outer well-being beyond measure. You can read for example an ad

that begins: "This young woman knows that every woman should own actually three watches; one

for work, another for sports, and a third for the evening gown? "Anyone who buys the three clocks

must work harder, earn more money and should" have less time ", to buy three watches. Forgive

me this trivial example, it is only a symbol of the hundreds of other "three clocks", as a reminder of

our conviction that we can buy more than three times the time, and it is through these purchases

that escapes from our hands and our lives.

"But alas! Our generation walking in the night, it resides in Hell, without the

divine. Everyone is chained only to their actions, and in the noisy workshop

Listen to nothing but itself, and the unfortunate work hard with powerful

arms, and on, but often the struggle of the poor remains useless as the

Furies. "

Hörderlin, The Archipelagus

Thus the masses are pushing modern man in every way, so threatening pressures that there

remains no power to him for private life. It is certain that we can not escape this trend toward mass

culture, but it is equally certain that this trend could dissolve in the communities where the individual

will not only be able to be moved again, but will also have "time" to reflect on the said γνωθι

σεαυτόν, know thyself. Here lies the problem of freedom. Anyone who lives only externally, with the

constant fear of being alone with himself, can imagine doing useful things, but it's like a chained dog

kept on a leash by thousands of necessity, he does not know

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nothing of freedom, which can only be generated in the free space around the soul to themselves

and to others. Man can only prosper in a peaceful and meditative state, from which only a sincere

humanity will come of thought, purpose and feeling.

In harmonics there are some important theorems and forms-value on this issue, showing that

even in the laws of nature and the structure of the soul, there are prototypes that, according to the

sense of metaphor for this case, "have time".

Each harmonious existence-value has its own unique place in the system, and I have to

respond to it. You can, indeed, choose the resonance with the other values ​of existence, can lessen

the dissonance and consonance strengthen; but must for good or for evil to adapt to a given

community. Because of its uniqueness, its special quality, not depends on the environment, even at

its birth (1/1 = origin), but only by the world's highest principle (0/0 = archetype), the spirit of the

world, God . Here does not obey any more collective system, it is no longer "important" as a

member of the social order, but it is equivalent in full autonomy to every other value-existence 1 thus

it is directed toward the highest principle of the original source of all things. Humanly speaking, this

means that we are incorporated with the birth and the environment in a kind of social community

where somehow we have to adapt; but in our innermost nature in the heart of 'individuality, we are

completely free, and responsible only to an authority: God. And the interrelationship between man

and man means: respect and fear in front of every human life, in front of each human individuality.

No hypocritical tendency to blame all, in the eye of the beam which obstructs the view, but a

sympathy toward the positive side of our neighbor, which the Creator has fashioned its own good or


1 Harmonically, through the rays of identity. See. Table II

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like us. So in ' akrόasis individual and community are not opposed, but connected to one another in

a natural way and dependent on each other. [88]

It is to understand more about harmonic prototypes. Each existence-value lies in a particular

relationship of interval compared to what is around, that is in a particular proportion. But all

proportion can operate only within certain "tolerance", or position or individual value. In other words,

each value-existence has its "atmosphere" that rises above its consolidation rigid and leaves some

freedom to report. At this point, based on the harmonic research, we see the first glimmer of the

principle of tolerance. It's up to the man to become aware of this principle, experience it, and drive it

into a humanity that becomes a reality that now exists in nature and in the soul, impressed by the

creative spirit. [89]

In summary, we find that this attitude of man towards himself and his surroundings differs

fundamentally from what is going on today. Anyone accustomed to think and feel in a akrόatica,

knows that there is no objectivity in a world of facts posted by humans; also know that we can think,

feel and judge only "in a antropormofa," ie, controlled by a human point of view, sub specie

aeternitatis .

At first this sounds scary, especially for scientific thought, and is equivalent in a sense to the

abandonment of the claim to knowledge.

But we look at the problem the other side. This so-called "objectivity" has not brought us

where we are today, the posting of man and humanity from reality, which is now becoming a habit

inhuman? What was easy in difficult times hide behind the "Science", "Art", "Politics", etc .., and

shake every human responsibility for anything. Also: you can not think, judge, and feel

anthropomorphic way, in other words

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no human balance? Even the most "objective science", mathematics and physics, depend on the

logical forms of thought from which the laws of nature. You are not denying objectivity in the sense

of general validity of scientific research. Harmonics are claiming that objectivity for themselves, just

like every other studio, and without it even the concept of harmonic prototypes would be

meaningless. But it was specifically formulated earlier: "objectivity in the sense of a world of facts

posted by humans." Wherever in ambiguous ways, is recognized, there is the human separation

from the world of facts. Then appears the irresponsibility, especially in the areas of science and

those of art and research, which has bitterly impressed in past decades.

The harmonics do not allow any illusions about that; in fact they go even further. Their

findings show that everything, from an atom to the system of planets, from biological forms the

images of the soul, of thought and feeling, concern us closely. The forms that we carry refer to the

"you" of the nature that surrounds us; even the pain and joy, the dark side and happy soul, resonate

in the structure and in the development of the atom and crystal. The whole world is nothing but a big

warning: Τat twam asi! - You're it! From this response comes a huge responsibility for us humans, an

awareness of a mission whose dubious achievement so far should not deprive us of the courage

necessary, since it is a task for which we were created as human beings. First of all I can not do as

I please with material things, whatever my advantage. It is known, and the harmonics will give a

clear evidence [90], which already in the first unit of matter (atoms, crystals) physical forms of the

dark and light, minor and major, are made latent sounds, but they are imprisoned there from the

inexorable laws of nature, unable to "get rid" unless it is not the man to redeem them. San

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Paul says that creation waits longingly redemption at the hands of men. 2 So I should commit a crime

against this argument if only I used to make it simple, and would violate the good not only for myself,

but also helpless in nature. Of course, with this perspective, there is located in a ridiculous

disproportion between what should be and what it is. Imagine a student of science harmonic

traveling for physics laboratories of the present world, which seeks to spread its ideas in these

forges Devil. There should be far away and would likely be "institutionalized" at the first attempt.

Precisely in this disproportion was the example of Kant's essay On Eternal Peace. It would not be

cheerful for humanity, and especially for the country of origin of Kant, if they obeyed since then the

maximum of the philosopher?

Personal responsibility therefore to the values ​of humanity and tolerance, is what the

harmonics must demand today, if a request can be made.

This responsibility, however, should be managed by educators and scientists, it should be

linked with a certain universality. This idea has been discredited and is believed by many to be

impossible. As things stand in reality? It is really impossible today to be "universal" in the sense of

Leibniz or Goethe?

It has already noted that the specialized sciences, necessarily unilateral, have their

justification, and no one who understands the need of specialization the dispute. For example, the

University of Geneva has recently introduced the "General Courses" as an antidote to the

exaggerated specialization in academic life. These courses have been established for all

departments, and intended to treat topics that interest

2 Romans VIII: 19 & 21: To the ardent expectation of the creature expects the appearance of God's children ... .Because the creature
itself shall be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God. King James Version.

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all educated people. It's something commendable, but also the admission that something is wrong

with the "Universitas", which means the totality of all things. It is also the admission of the failure of

modern philosophy, precisely because it has become "scientific" and therefore specialized, can not

and will not fulfill its real task, which is to deal with what is "common to all" departments. But the

"general courses" are an alternative? If you would remove the cream of all the departments, it is

poured into the churn of such "general courses" and he ricavasse a sort of university butter, all

amount to an interesting and welcome attempt to provide spiritual nourishment. For real healing the

damage caused by the excessive specialization, however, little has been achieved. This result must

come from within and not from outside, through the discovery and investigation of those forms and

prototypes common to all sciences, through a sensitive relationship of these forms with the soul,

that is, with the moral realm of ' man, and through a humanitarian understanding of knowledge he

gained in this way. The harmonics show a path: could, if you find the right performers and

collaborators, working as a "synthetic bacillus" in existing universities without disturbing

departments and disciplines in their fields. But for the interpretation and collaboration it requires a

certain universality, and if you would put the question of whether universality is possible, I would

answer with a "yes," even for our day.

What does universality? Certainly not a zealous global knowledge, but a knowledge and an

interest in the essential.

It is easy to prove that the first examples of universality in the past as Aristotle, Thomas

Aquinas, Leibniz, Goethe and others, often did not know or did not show interest in things not at all

negligible. They do not bother to analysis of encyclopedic knowledge but strove for a summary of

the essential knowledge of exhibitions and events

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of their times. But all this is possible today. For example, anyone who reads German and has

worked in his own way with the book of Bavink on the results and problems of the natural sciences

for a semester, will know the essence of the whole realm of modern natural science. Similar works

are possible in major world languages ​for all fields of knowledge. Instead of "specialists",

universities should educate "universalists" in the future. These young people, eclectic in their

interests and therefore eminently suitable, they would become in ten semesters "universally"

educated to the same level of students of single formats vocations in their "specific" fields, and

therefore they would get a job in the culture ministries, universities , etc. Of course at the beginning

should be a mind that drive; However, I would not recommend the harmonics in this case for fear

that it gives the impression that the author is talking about pro domo. Until the end of his life, the

author will have enough to do with the construction of the "house of harmonics".

As for the universality of the harmonics as a research field, harmonics, like any other

philosophy, make such a claim without, however, imagine being able to solve "universally" the riddle

of the world. A theory may very well touch all or most of the fields with his approach, throwing a new

light on them, here and there giving suggestions and making discoveries, thus having universal

perspectives without forgetting that proceed from a unique approach, by one point of view. More

this point of view will be located in an original and favorable manner, (in the case of harmonics, the

"point of listening") better, and will be the most original and unusual aspects.

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Harmonics, a theory of correspondences; J. Gebser; the general validity of the
tonal relationships; the law of quantum harmonic; science and freedom; the "principle
uncertainty "Heisenberg; B. Bavink.

Bearing in mind the restrictive and additional observations chapter IX,

X, and XII, the harmonics can be defined as a theory of correspondences. causal connections are

supported by correspondences, which are increasingly focused on natural and psychological

prototypes. But this transition, or, rather, transvaluation of cause and effect chain in a "Gestalt

series" of matches is an event that is not concerned only the harmonics, but that can be observed

and followed everywhere in the changing shapes of the modern worldview, if only we were focusing

attention on it. A J. Gebser has the merit of having made it clear for the first time this very

interesting metamorphosis of thought and modern sensibilities. Already in its

Abendländische Wandlung ( West and change) [92], and in short but concise essay Der Spiegel

grammatische ( The Mirror Grammatical) he shows by means of the latest developments in the

various fields of research, especially by means of poetry and language, which, symbolically

speaking, "and" is going to replace the "why." From the moral point of view, to give just one

example among many, that means that while "Crime and punishment are in a concrete causal

relationship, the atonement is not the consequence of a fault but his remission: a match". Between

crime and punishment, therefore, there is a "why" logic: he was punished because he has

committed a crime; while between guilt and penalty exists a corresponding "and"; both refer to the

link between sin

is grace in the religious experience. Harmonics so unwittingly appear automatically adapt to a new

image of the developing world, in which a thought like "legendary" (whose grammar symbol is "e")

will be put on the same level of type thinking scientific (whose symbol

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Grammar is "why"). This can be observed in the fields of physics, biology, poetry, humanities, and

even in the language itself. To avoid misunderstandings, remember that "mythical" is not used in

the essential sense of Cassirer, now dated, but rather as a restoration of the correspondence

theory, which rose from the fire strainer of causality and is therefore now able to demonstrate his

reintegration through causal thinking.

Harmonics have their mental and physical science base in the universal validity of the

principle of the intervals, eighth, fifth, fourth, third and the whole tone. The physical paradigm (the

model, the example) is the natural law of the series of harmonic sounds, 1DO '2DO' 3SOL '4DO'

'5mi' '(according to the frequencies). The physical paradigm is the common sensitivity of all the

nations in different periods in these intervals as such, which must correspond to the common

spiritual forms in all ages and nations. The universal validity of this sensitivity to major tonal

intervals has often been attacked, although without success. For example, tests were made on the

accuracy of the eighth sensitivity, and it was observed that a certain percentage of people believed

to be able to hear only one octave, the length of two ropes in the proportion of 1: 2 or 1: 1 / 2,

"namely", "properly," if the lengths of the rope not exactly respected the numerical proportion, but

had agreed imprecisely. Anyone repeat this experiment with friends not particularly "music lovers",

you will find the solution to the mystery immediately; many fail to distinguish at all octave tuned

exactly like two notes; they feel as if it were a single tone. If the eighth on the other side is not

perfect, many noted that there are actually two tones, that is, a range, and excited cry: Now I hear

the octave! The universal validity of the sensitivity of the intervals between the different populations

has been questioned especially because

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groups belonging to the primitive and oriental cultures using the stairs so complicated that it was

believed that these people possessed a sensitivity to tones very different from ours. But anyone

who hears this music carefully will notice that even the seemingly complicated melodic progression

revolves around perfectly distinct diatonic hinges; that even here the main intervals are the decisive

moments of melodic structure. 1 Regardless of the activity musical practice, the third, eighth and fifth

are considered to be the foundations of any theory of music from the earliest times. These intervals

should be examined by ancient theorists, as evidenced by the Chinese and Indian traditions, as well

as by the Pythagoreans who used the monochord as an experimental tool for the investigation of

tones, as the Chinese have done before them with great probability. And if we learned [93] that in a

prehistoric hunting station in Mammoth Unter-Wisternitz in Bohemia were unearthed flutes whose

holes are drilled with such precision that you can still play the third, we would be really stubborn, if

He doubted even the prevalence of sensitivity at least in major tonal intervals. (The scale is another

issue). That doubt is equal for questioning the laws of logical thinking for the sake of a few fools and

idiots. There will always be people that lacks an accurate perception of hues, and others, so rare,

that they can not even distinguish a range. They are like those who are color blind so that he could

not distinguish red from green; but it would be so absurd to question the norm for some exceptional


Therefore, it can accept as a matter of fact, without any doubt, the psychophysical basis of

the main intervals on which is built the harmonic structure.

If you summed up in one word harmonic forms comprehensible through

1 This was confirmed by Dr. Jaap Kunst. See. Also The Nuclear Theme as a Determinant in Patet in Javanese Music, Dr Mantle

Hood (Groningen, Wolters).

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the causal scientific thought, one can speak of a law of quantum harmonic. [94] This law is in a

sense a structure, a general scheme, which is divided into two individual special laws, entirely

adequate, however, to the general structure and capable of being detached from it for each

particular purpose. The general law of quantum harmonic is symbolized by the series of harmonics

and its roots in the psychophysical. Perceptually it can be represented in different ways. Physically,

with a pulse of force "perspective", of a type in increasing or decreasing (think of a ball that falls

whose rebounds decrease, or to the law of falling bodies where spaces increase. There is also the

specter optical, etc.). Psychologically, it may be represented by intervals that shrink the subsequent

harmonic sounds, the energy "perspective" curves, the pulses of life, etc. Biologically, through the

initial virulence and the subsequent weakening and also through the curve of the logarithmic growth.

Historically, there are correspondences in the decline of cultures after their highlights (highlights), the

turns of decisive cultural moments, etc. These few examples may only suggest common arguments

succinctly expressed by the general law of quantum harmonic. In further research, appear particular

laws, such as the partial tone coordinates based on the series of harmonic sounds. The

establishment of this general law of quantum harmonic and its special laws, such as the harmonic

theorems and forms-value add now, everything that could be tried in a theoretical, a new factor that

is generally referred to as a psychic and it belongs to what has been called the world of matches.

This shift from "why" to "and" it's so crucial that you need to review it and reflect on it in a new

way, shedding new light from different perspectives.

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It is now widespread opinion, especially in natural science circles, that the same scientific

thought in modern physics in particular, due to the consequences of his method of research, come

to grips with the problem of freedom, one of the highest concepts the value of humanity. This issue

depends on the so-called "uncertainty principle" of Heisenberg that, based on some introspection

theoretical-physics, recognizes the importance of free behavior no longer subject to causation. It is

easy to assess what feeling has sparked this discovery into a science as physics. Right here, where

so far prevailed with the strictest laws of causality supported by the extent and number, it is

believed that light burn freedom suddenly, meaning that once was reserved only to life and his

greatest accomplishment: Awareness man.

But what kind of freedom is that which is said to show the behavior of the atom? I grant you

here some observations inspired by a lecture on November 25, 1943 in Bern, Switzerland B. Bavink

previously mentioned.

If modern physics, as a consequence of the uncertainty principle, recognized importance to

the "freedom", a certain behavior is not dependent on the principle of causality, in my opinion this

freedom, it would immediately be imprisoned again in causality and the old determinism by the laws

of chance. Freedom, therefore, in the true sense of this concept, it has no meaning in nature. It is

like the freedom of a man in prison who can go around his cell as they like, eat, sleep, etc., But can

not get out. If the further question, in the opinion of Bavink, it's just a trick of the mathematical

formula, it produced a so-called "spiritual" (it would be more correct "logical"),

then this alleged

spiritualization is actually just a picture of a product that has been

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He grasped concretely in some experiments, a pure logical formulation that has nothing to do with

the physical experience and the real spirituality and is of little help to 'man in the current physical

and spiritual unrest. Bavink supposed confirmation of experimental discoveries through complicated

mathematical formulas that put a strain on the power of thought, you could get a meeting similar to

the contemplation of an alpine landscape, or listening to the music of Bach Passion of Christ. If the

top of the mountain this reasoning may be accepted, but hardly with regard to Christ's Passion by

Bach or a religious experience. The physical-mathematical formulas for how they are used today,

are considerations, not prototypes; are images of causal laws, space-time nature, which are subject

to probability and statistics; in other words, inclinations leveling. mathematics also has its

prototypes: the ones, however, do not consist of "stones" and logical conclusions, but by perception,

especially in geometry, as demonstrated by the meaning increasingly larger mathematical axioms

the so-called projective geometry. "Μηδείς

άγεωμέτρητος είσίτω μοΰ τήν στέγην "(" Do not let an ignorant in geometry sets foot under my roof.

") [95] was the statement by Plato greeted academic potential. Exactly within the original

phenomenon of geometry reigns "and" not the "why"; namely a series of correspondences. And how

will have access to the soul ordinary mathematics, as well as having meaning and not be "purely

formal" (as is often emphasized by professional mathematicians, especially the "formalists") if

consciously eliminates the prototypical experience of the number originates from cha rules of

perception? With this elimination, mathematics dissolves in a purely logical rationality of the system.

[96]. The only think is not creative but rule builder. And ricollegandoci to what has been said before


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as a sense whose organ is the brain ", means to connect, select, tidying up, develop thanks to

someone else, find their own direction. The way of thinking is the regulator of our other three most

important senses: touch, sight and hearing. Touch has a knack for material things and corporeal; its

access to the divine is registered as Eros. The eye sees colors and shapes; his approach to the

divine is through the arts. The ear captures the sound and the silence of the world; his approach to

the divine takes place through language, poetry and music. All three senses, touch, sight and

hearing are directed by the mind; the latter access to the divine is the reason. It's true: not only the

believer is "religious", but also the intellectual; the spirit is searching the depths of God, says St.

Paul. 2 But in that case the knowledge should not only be a matter of right, but also a matter of the

heart; that is, all of the senses channels through which the intellect makes us insightful, they should

be oriented towards the divine; and only with these divine data (in the sense of R. Otto, namely:

beatifying, tied to the divine) knowledge can penetrate the depth of the divine and not with abstruse

concepts of a purely logical thinking. For this reason, the central problem of evil in the world must

go beyond the ability to be understood by the so-called scientific thought. A mathematical formula is

never "exact" in the strictest sense, only equal - ie replaces - a logical equivalent to a fact. But

equation is not a match to "facts" spiritual, images, symbols, but a έν διά δνοιν, which means the

same thing replaced by a logic equation. The mind, which not only think but also feels, experiences,

rejoices and suffers, requires a "right" or "wrong" for the reason is the heart. To attribute the origin of

the evil of selfishness world of creatures, as does

2 The Cor.2; 10: "... .because the Spirit searches all things, yes, the deep things of God." King James Version.

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Bavink, it is too simple, or at least secondary. You must seek the reason of good and evil in the

beginning of creation, even previous to nature "dead" and "alive", and original sin as well lambasted

by Bavink is not the first humans appeared on earth indeed, but the primordial image of man, in ''

Adam kadmon ". 3 If this idea seems too mystical, one might think of an inherent possibility of existing

decay in the act of creation, whether it be the "what h" operating or the world fiat

(so be it). Not only his life, but all nature is subject to this decadence in advance and the ancients

knew better than us. The survey on because is probably the only enigma of the world that we

humans will never be able to solve, because we ourselves are already saturated in the negative,

somewhat like one wearing blue goggles and therefore no longer able to see and recognize the

blue sky and landscape.

3 According to the Kabbalah, the primordial Adam, the archetype of humanity.

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Harmony; harmonics, a theory of consonance and dissonance of the world; Harmonic interpretation;
planetary intervals; cosmological interpretations of the diagrams, the darkness and the light; The
"Golden Age"; reincarnation; the remaining

These observations, generated by a lecture by B. Bavink, leading to the last topics of this

book. Those who, having never read a book about the harmonics or having never dealt with

harmonic problems, and in whose echoes mind only the word "harmony", often criticized that this

theory deals with an old-fashioned shooting a harmonious past concept , claiming that after all the

world is quite wonderful and good, and that God, after six days of hard work, the seventh said with

satisfaction: it is good. Even Leibnitz thought of the world as the most beautiful and wonderful of all.

As for the meaning of Genesis, of course, it is the story of the Fall and as for Leibnitz are convinced

that this great man, when questioned in private, would surely have added considerable appendix to

his statement.

Anyone who has read this far this book will know at least one thing: that harmonics are not

concerned only a quiet "harmonization" but, first, I'm looking for an understanding of the world

through the mind and the heart, and an understanding of consonance is dissonances of this world

based on an activation of the blood's ability to renewed experience and enthusiasm. Certainly akrόasis

It has the signs of a "universal harmony", a thought that is basically behind every question and

human certainty, without which our lives would be very hard to bear. But after the experiences of

the past decades we have become much more aware of the lack of harmony, the negative, the

demonic, the non-value of the "world"; any investigation as to the understanding of the world must

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address this problem, even if you are convinced of his irresolubilità. I think you can quite get to if

you raised the issue from the sphere of "why" than the "e", if causally talking you recognize the

decay rate as a ricostituivo element, it is understood as an active force, it were observed "mythically

", recognizing him with his correspondence as an innate complete negation of the will. The pure

chords and melodies of the good, the beautiful and the true then appear larger in comparison.

In this regard, there is in harmonic theorems, a important evidence in this case of course can

only be proposed in its main features, and revealed in its results.

First of all an astronomical question. If you compare the logarithms (base 10) of the medium

distances of the planets with the logarithms of the partial tones (based

2) of the rope lengths, the result is a series of notes which appear as follows: [97]

If you reduce them to an octave, and you omit the number of pianetoidi no longer exist (as

one big planet), the result is as follows:

This curious scale shows a clear in the first half increased pulse, in the second a lesser light

pulse. If you examine the tonal material of Example I, there is a clearly larger font in the intervals Do


It makes even the most important segments, third, fourth, fifth and

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second, leading to the conclusion that the inner planets, Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars, showing

a positional unity and harmony. As for the outer planets, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune, there

is a succession non harmonic notes B flat, G, I, D flat, with a main trend to lead to Gd, that is, the

basic distance of 1 / 1 = the distance from the sun. Now, it is true that the positions of these planets

[98], are not identical to the corresponding numbers-tone, but are so close that the morphological

correlation is clearly evident. It is comparable to a chess board where you are given a little push,

that the chess pieces are not exactly in the middle of their squares but could immediately be shown

in their correct position as an experienced player.

But I learn by Example I the other. The values ​of B flat and Re (when 1/1 = Do) shall appear

in tonal harmonic development, not separately as the rest of senari values, but doubled

enharmonically 1. Science has always asked the question because pianetoidi, who evidently were

formed from a shattered planet, appear just between Mars and Jupiter, and if you really originally

formed a planet. Harmonic analysis is in a position to give an explanation.

A fair comparison between the numbers of planets and numbers-tone shows that on the one

hand the hypothetical Planet X was within the division area of ​the two enharmonic degrees between

King and King; but at the same time it is in the "best" position of the combination of the planets,

because they occupied the central point (the third) of the only major chord that is here-Bb King Fa. It

seems that Jupiter, which represents the note B flat, has been "smart enough" to be positioned just

outside of the second pair of the two enharmonic B flat, but in a position that, however, according to


1 Cfr.Tavola II and relationships: value of the notes 8 / 9RE, 9 / 10RE and 9 / 8si flat, 10 / 9The flat

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sound, still belongs to the sphere of B flat. For anyone accustomed to thinking in a akroatica, there

is no doubt that the division of King and King notes has proved fatal for the Planet X; because as

long occupied the most "beautiful place" interplanetary space, this was also the most dangerous.

My thoughts turn at this point to the ancient mythological idea of ​Lucifer, who was the most beautiful

angel of God the Creator, but too weak to serve the creator with true humility, and rebelled, and

therefore he was expelled from the divine company. The problem of Lucifer reappears in several

respects in almost all religions and mythologies, and is nothing more than the mythological

interpretation of the element of forfeiture. In harmonics, however, it has psychological and physical

interpretation: the decay rate is fixed not only in the soul but in the constitution of nature, and

therefore of creation itself. It is evident for the harmonic scholar that exists here one of the most

profound reasons, in terms of shape-value, both internal and external, of the tragic decay of which

suffers our planetary system and all that is in it. The law of the original planetary harmony is still

recognizable, but each of the individual heavenly bodies no longer occupies exactly the place

assigned to him by this law. It must have been a tremendous disaster that goes beyond imagination

and shocks the solar system at the time of the cosmos was untouched. Given the recent history,

perhaps it is not far-fetched to say that Planet X has hosted a race of creatures that lost all

understanding and accountability measures, and that ultimately was destroyed with the planet. In

any case it seems inevitable that this disaster has upset the balance of the entire planetary

configuration, and has affected the individuality of all the planets, contaminating them in the

nucleus. Against this, there is a comforting fact that disharmony can only be judged by the harmony,

that there is a criterion for the disorder just because you know and you can feel when you are in the

presence of order. It must therefore exist in each of us, so

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as in nature, a direct law towards the divine; otherwise we would not have a standard for judging

whether the consonance that dissonance.

There is also a type of evidence "cosmological" on this issue, based on the soundboard of the

partial tone coordinates. 2 But you need to remember again that this, like all images-sound harmonics

of ' visual hearing It is not a simple logical mathematical representation. On the contrary, it has a

mental and physical validity, that is, it can be shown that its elements in nature (the series of

harmonics) and soul (tone sensations) are real. The diagram on the other hand, as has been noted

before [98], has its roots in nature. In addition, from a mathematical point of view, the table has

been recently used as a diagram for the representation of the totality of rational numbers, having

the "paradoxical properties that each of its points is an accumulation point." 3 And yet were not even

considered some tonal and other properties of the diagram for example, its rational division of

property fees. [102] We now isolate the following three aspects of the diagram: 1) Sector 1 / NEN /

1 4 ... ..sopra and below the generating line tone 1/1 2/2 ... ..n / n; 2) the field of major and minor

chords that intersect in the squares of the first six degrees, as well as the dissonance that appear

for the first time in seventh grade (1/7 or 7/1 B flat Re); 3) the "reincarnation" of identity rays (rays of

Table II) and their orientation towards the value 0/0.

With regard to the first case (the sector 1 / NEN / 1) we can speak, from the point of view of

content and the number, of one polarity of dark and light, of contraction and expansion, depth and

height, and if you increase the field in an indefinite way, of an extraordinary tension and

impediment, but at

2 See. Table II
3 F. Waismann, Introduction to Mathematical Thinking (Introduction to Mathematical Thinking) Vienna

1936, p.107
4 See. Table II

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the same time a huge expansion without obstacles. In other words, there are two opposite and

divergent pulses which consequently are already preset in the original structure of the order of the

harmonic psycho-physical system. Since the entire harmonic evolution back to the generator tone

value 1/1, and it is, however, oriented towards the emanation from 0/0, there is here an exact

interpretation of the presented point of view in different mythological systems, religious and

philosophical, which such as "light" of the world, even the "darkness" of the world must live as a

resource potential within the creative principle (1/1). Just recall the dualistic mythologies of the old

religions, such as the Persian Ormuzd-Ahriman, the teachings of Jacob Boehme of the first three

modellers principles of nature, hard, dark; of warm, light; and "fear" that comes from contrasting

opposing tendencies of these two principles, and which makes clear the problem. [99] In that

relationship you might remember what Schelling says in his The Ages of the World 5 ( The World

Age): "Thus, there are two principles convincing even in God, an essence that is given, which opens,

that blooms and a power in the same way eternal return itself, to be itself. That essence and that

power both have origin in God himself. " [100]

In the second aspect, which relates to the intersection of the major and minor chords in part

senaria (proportions 1-6; 1-1 / 6), it turns out that the principle of light-and-dark soul is reflected by

the perception of the dualism of the major and the minor. These strings are not yet ruined by

discord, but they represent a pure polarity world. Only with this proportion seven appears here a

stranger moment that no longer belongs to the pure tone system, and from this point onwards the

dissonance so increase in number with a subsequent development, which in relation to the senari

their values ​decrease. I'm

5 Weltalter of FWJvon Schelling, translated by Frederick de Wolfe Bolman, Jr., New York, Morningside Heights, Columbia

University Press, 1942

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so many relevant examples from mythology, religion and philosophy that we should be satisfied by

mentioning the representation of Heaven or the Golden Age as a symbol of the field closer to the

strings senarie just after the Creation (1/1); the "six right and six to the left" of religious symbolism;

the representation of Judgment, where the power that judges (the harmonically generating tone line

that goes from 0/0 to 1/1) divides the light from the darkness of the world, and so on.

As to the third example, the reincarnation of identity rays (Table II), harmonic analysis gives

you an idea that for the first time satisfies the heart and mind about why this strange theory could be

born. All tone values ​occur often somewhere in the harmonic system but what is around them is

always different. If you connect them with lines, these identity rays converge in a particular way, not

the demiurge (1/1), but by the supreme spiritual principle (0/0). He lives here, in the symbolism of

harmonics, a comforting certainty. Instead of being worn by the conflict between light and dark,

despite the consonance and dissonance, each individual value of existence with its incarnations is

directed towards the divine, from which it receives its most intimate value.

And finally, a certain harmonic theorem - I would call theorem of metaphysical residue - can

teach us something about the problems of perfect and imperfect, about the interpretation of the

negative in the world. By consulting once again the table II, it focuses attention on three phenomena

in particular: 1) the vertical monochord, route to the right; 2) the imaginary line that exits from 0/0,

the line which limits the monochord above -0/0

0/1 0/2 ...... 0 / ∞; 3) the

according to the series of harmonics higher than the lengths of the rope 1 / Do 1 / 2Dor '

1 / 3Sol '... ..1 / ∞. The distance that these two lines trace the

monochord is the metaphysical residue. Do not try to do more clarity on

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significance of this residue, which could be at the same time an example of a typical

harmonic-symbolic analysis. For a scholar harmony monochord is the symbol of the realization of the

values ​of existence. [101]. The order of these values ​is represented by our diagram. If you draw a

straight line from the 0/0 point for each field, for example 11 / 14FA flat, this line not only marks on the

monochord string exactly 11/14 (11/14 3/14 above and below), but pinching 11 / 14 he feels the note

F flat, which belongs to the sphere F flat-Mi. The same is true in every sense for each field. It should

be noted that these configurations of the diagram number-tone's harmonics in successive divisions

from which it derives their ability to divide rationally, that is, make rational divisions without a

preliminary measurement. [102]. Now consider the following more carefully. The 0/0 ratio with the last

field in the next to the highest line (series of sounds armoni) truncates 1/16 of the rope and plays the

fourth octave C '' '' If now it increases the index of the field over 16 , then of course also the

monochord rope (that portion between the line 0/1 0/2 0/3 ... ..0 / w and the tone generating line 1/1

2/2 3/3 ... ..n / n) It must become longer. The distance from 1/16 to the upper part of the monochord

however, the absolute measurement of this distance, will always remain the same, while the

relationship of this residue with the whole monochord rope becomes much smaller, since the greater

the coordinate fields . If now I position the infinity of the field index (0/0), that is, when I say that all

possible values ​of existence are made, that the differentiation is pushed forward to the maximum, then

the end point of the imaginary horizontal series higher 0/0 0/1 0/2 ... ..prende 0 / symbol ∞, the end

point of the second imaginary horizontal series of higher 1/1 1/2

1/3 ... ..prende the symbol 1 / ∞, and the end point of the imaginary line generating tone

that limits the monochord below, 1/1 2/2 3/3 ..prende the ...

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symbol ∞ / ∞. Now, while the absolute distance between 0 / and 1 ∞ / ∞ always remains the same, and

while the metaphysical residue remains identical even if the index, as determined by the two symbols

0 / ∞ and 1 / ∞, is infinity, the residual virtually disappears with respect to the monochord increased to

infinity (∞ / ∞), so that actually loses its reality. The same thing applies in a reciprocal manner for the

other side of the diagram.

And what does that mean?

The meaning can be clearly read in the harmonic discovery itself. The existence of the value

system, that could be identified with the configuration of the world, has a duration as long as the

"metaphysical residue" (the spiritual influence on the world of reality, symbolized by the monochord

string) then it has meaning as a measure and value in relation to the world itself. If participation with

the divine is minimized, then the three symbols 1 / ∞ 0 / ∞ and ∞ / ∞ with their mutual ∞ / 1 ∞ / 0 and ∞

/ ∞, that from the mathematical point of view have no meaning, I am for a acroatica mind a threefold

sign of the dissolution of the universe.

The metaphysical residue, the inherent of the absolute in the world of reality, then tells us that

when the differentiation and complication of the world have reached the points 1 / ∞ and ∞ / 1 in

convergence and divergence, with the disappearance of this compound is to get the "end of the

world" and will begin the great "conflagration" of which all mythologies speak. And consulting

harmonic theorems and forms-value also shows that this danger is only one remedy from the

human point of view: finding new behaviors and lifestyles easier and from there begin to build.

Today, presumably we are once again in front of one of the crucial turning points, allowing only two

alternatives: either the atomic bomb as a symbol of annihilation, or return to the simple principles

and normality, both material

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spiritual. The establishment of universal standards of human conduct will require great political and

social changes. History shows several reversals of the course, and it is hardly necessary to point

out that such a re-evaluation does not imply a retreat reactionary. On the contrary, it means

returning to the simple, large and permanent values ​of humanity, from which new roads could be

built into new territories still unknown.

It previously said that the question about the "why" of the evil in the world may never be

resolved and will likely remain the big final puzzle in the world. The harmonics do not have an

answer, nor will ever be able to give one. But one thing is to avoid this problem, consider it a fact or

even diminish, and another is to take a stand against it by the respective fields of research and

integrate so the implicit problem in the way we think and feel as well as to make the all aware that

we have to deal not with a pure fantasy and speculation but a reality that gives us a great

responsibility. And perhaps the deciding factor of the harmonic understanding is this: that at the

point where the causality is less and ceases the question of "why", says the correspondence in

concettiimmagine. The concept is transformed into an image, a prototype, a symbol, and we are

here in front of the original phenomenon that a connoisseur of Goethe [103] defines a "metaphysical

defense", before which we can only bend with wonder and awe.

Summing up the harmonic analysis meaning of evil in the world can you say there is a dark

world not only within man but the entire nature. You can follow this negative principle until the core

of creation, but here our wisdom ends: no god can explain why it was and it is. But we can and we

must also say: there is a world of light not only in humans but also in nature. And you must have the

grace to follow this positive beginning to the

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the basis of creation and experience its light, its colors, its melodies and sounds, in our hearts. Here

the "why" is not important; here there are more questions, here listen and belongs to the sound of

the universe, here you feel at one with the God who is beyond it, the yes and no; Here you join the

Unio Mystica and it is said by the poet Hölderlin [104]:

" So it is, as now, singing time. And here's the


Del singing, swaying down, Because nothing is

common. He awakens the dead, those still

imprisoned from the vulgarity. There, however,

expect many with fearful eyes, eager, Of ​.........

see the light "

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This diagram (designed by G. Fueter) presents the basic harmonic structure, the so-called

"series of harmonic sounds", in its dual aspect of physical and psychic phenomenon. The sequence

of notes shown above sounds whenever a wind instrument or string, tuned with the note C, is made

to vibrate. These notes should not be artificially produced; They occur naturally and in a staggered

order. While the first note Do a complete cycle of vibration, the other notes complete 2 3 4 ... .cicli,

as shown above in the row defined frequencies. While the entire string vibrates as a single unit,

generating the first note C, the other notes are generated by the subdivision of the length of the

rope 1/2

1/3 1/4 ... .. as shown in the defined line

lengths of rope. As can be seen from the figure, the lengths of the rope and the vibration

frequencies of each note are specific in relation to each other, that is, inverted, alternate, and

complement each other. For example, when 5/2 and 2/5 are multiplied, they are equal to 1. The

monochord in the bottom of the diagram shows where (in terms of length of the rope) the

corresponding notes are generated. (For the sake of clarity, the rope lengths corresponding to 1/9

1/11 1/13 1/14 and 1/15 are not shown)

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This very important harmonic diagram, of Pythagorean origin, is formed by horizontal

proportions of the rope lengths that are derived from 1/1, which is known generatrix. (The word proportion

It is used in the harmonics in the mathematical sense of rational, namely the rational aspect of tone

numbers, like the first, and their fractions numbers.) The lengths of the rope becomes a series of

harmonic sounds like this:

1 / 1Do 1 / 2D, ' 1/3 '.........

2 / 1Do ' 2 / 2D, 2 / 3Sol ......

3 / 1FA '' 3 / 2FA ' 3 / 3Do ......

The vertical row "of hypotonic" automatically appears as a product of the rope lengths

relationships. The diagram therefore is constituted by the intersection of overtones and hypotonic,

first in perfect major and minor, then in smaller intervals that diminish. If you put in relation to the

identical values ​(shown in bold) of the single note Do (tone values), all these lines refer to a point

outside of the system that, according to the proportions of the logic, is indicated by 0/0 . The same

procedure applies to all other tone values. The other imaginary relationships of the highest of the

first horizontal row and vertical row on the left evolve with the same logic. These "identity rays"

show on the string of the monochord the exact distance as shown in the corresponding tone

relations. The same thing applies to the sector under the generatrix line of the note, but here the

monochord must be of a length

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corresponding. There is here in numbers a rational division method otherwise known in

mathematics. Its interesting tonal laws are outside the scope of this book. All reports of the upper

sector 1 / n is less than 1 (<1); all reports of lower industry n / 1 are larger than 1 (> 1). The three

logarithms written under the note values ​are the logarithms of the rope lengths in base 2; they

represent the distribution of all notes within one octave between Gd and 1000 as you listen to them.

A strangely prophetic description of the spiritual content of the chart is in poem by Friedrich

Rückert, strange as it may Rückert not to have known the plot which was published for the first time

in the form of Lambdoma by A. von Thimus in 1868. 6

" As the rays are from the sun to the earth, so a ray goes from God

to the heart of everything. On our coverage it remains united with

God, and through it feels its origin from God. This range does not

go sideways from one thing to another, until many jitters


You may not know the thing with these dim lights, There will always

be in the middle of a black wall that divides. You must ascend to the

Lord on your radius, and back again on the radius of the thing. Then

you'll see it is, not as it seems, When you are in harmony with the


6 Weisheit der Brahmanen ( Wisdom of the Brahmans), fourth edition, 1857, p. 373

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(From personal copy of Kayser)

pag. 63 line 13:

When it comes to the final judgment in this matter, I have made my choice, if you think in terms of

evolution (development of the universe as the "h", which is the primordial cell) or teleological terms

(with a direct order from projects spiritual). Admitting that the world has developed from simple

forms, it must also recognize, though the metaphor is granted, that the "score" of this world existed

before it could play. I can not imagine that the building blocks of my house to join on their own until

the house is completed. Absurd would be the idea that the world with its infinite number of forms to

be developed as it is today if the atoms and cells have met by accident or chance. And what

meaning would have declared such "chance and probability" if they were able to produce all

existence? Puri mathematical calculations with their magnificent formulas can not be helpful if those

numbers, or logical forms derived therefrom, are not centered in the depths of our soul. Only in this

way we are able to discover their role, not only in physical science, but in all phenomena, and in

those of the soul and those of the world. This is the potential of the harmonic number-tone, which

will prove its usefulness in the same way in which the future colleagues in the harmonics will be

used in the right way.

pag. 71, line 3:

"Certain prototypes," the author says "this is not a system recovery first ( Hegel, etc.). Exactly, the

harmonic prototype is certainly first,

but at the same time it is understandable from a philosophical point of view. "

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pag. 78, line 3:

"In India, as in China, thinking is considered as the sixth sense: H. Hackmann: Chinesische

Philosophie, 1927, p. 124 ". B. Schwabe observes: In this connection the reader may refer to the

theory of Tantric Yoga, especially as presented by Arthur Avalon (Sir John Woodroffe) it The

Serpent Power ( The Serpent Power), V Edition, Madras, 1953. The theory states that there is a

system of six thin nerve centers in the trunk and in the human head, called "wheels" (chakras) or

"lotus." Counting from the bottom, the top five, which are located along the spine and arrive at throat

level, correspond to the five outer senses: smell, taste, touch and hearing (as the spiritual). The

sixth lotus between the eyebrows corresponds to the sense inner or

manas, it is thought, though that may not even be translated or confused with spirit.

pag. 97, line 11:

The excerpts from Der Mensch hörende and from Vom Klang der Welt mentioned in note 97 are of

particular importance here. Hörende Der Mensch, p. 196: "I myself am unable to answer the

question why the comparison of the logarithm to the base 2 (partial tone coordinates) has led to the

discovery of a morphological-harmonic law and I admit that this point, perhaps the most important,

leaves puzzled. The relationship between the two logarithms systems shows without a doubt that

they have a special morphological meaning, but a full explanation must wait for the future ".

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1. See. P. Bonaventura Meyer, OSB: Harmonia. Bedeutungsgeschichte des Wortes von

Homer bis Aristoteles ( Harmony. The story of his Meaning from Homer to Aristotle),

Zurich, 1932 (Thesis).

2. Werner Jaeger: Paideia. Die Formung griechischen des Menschen, * I, II Ed., Berlin, 1936,

pp.223-224. See. Erich Frank: Plato und die sogennanten Pythagoreer ( Plato and the

so-called Pythagoreans), Halle

1923, pp. 1 and later.

3. Andreas Speiser presents a fragment of the latter in its

Klassische Stücke der Mathematik ( Works of Mathematics Classics), Zurich 1925, pp.


4. Vitruvius: De Architectura, * Book V, Chapter II, 1.

5. LB Alberti: De re aedificatoria, Book IX, Chapter 5.

6. Kepler: Hamonice Mundi, Complete Works, Vol. VI, Monaco, 1940.

In German Weltharmonik, Monaco 1939.

7. Windelband: Lehrbuch der Geschichte derPhilosophie ( Treaty on

History of Philosophy), 1935, p.326.

8. See. Kayser, Abhandlungen zur Ektypik harmonikaler Wertformen

(Essay towards a typology of forms-value harmonics), the essay on Pythagoras, pp.

75-107, Zurich 1938.

9. Diels: Die Fragmente der Vorsokratiker ( Fragments of the Philosophers Pre-

Socratic) *, Vol. I, III Ed., Berlin, 1912, p. 317.

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10. E. Hommel: Untersuchungen zur hebräischen Lautlehre ( Investigations

Phonetics on Jewish), Part I: Der Akzent, Leipzig, 1917. In Latin, "formula" does not

refer to the formula or mathematical equation, but it does mean figure, rule, model,


11. Albert von Thimus: Die harmonikale Symbolik des Altertums ( The

Symbolism harmonious Antiquity), Cologne, 1868-76, two volumes; cfr. Vol. I, pp. 132

and later. See.'s essay on Kayser Thimus it


12. Aristotle: Metaphysics, I, 5. See. A. Boeckh: Philolaos, des

Pythagoreers Lehren ( Teachings of Philolaus the Pythagorean), Berlin,


13. Diels, op. cit., p. 314. Since the concept of the number-tone, so important for the

harmonics, here makes its first appearance, it can be explained briefly. Each tone

sounds on the basis of a fixed wavelength (length of the rope or measurement of organ

pipes; this is the spatial element) and to a fixed number of vibrations (frequency means

an equal forward and backward movement of the rope or of the columns of air: this is

the time element). Thus the measurements can be made in two ways: 1) through the

measurement of the frequencies of the rope lengths, and 2) through the measurement

of the vibration frequencies. If you take the steps either way, it turns out that the lengths

of the rope and the vibration frequencies are in a reciprocal relationship with each

other. If, for example, you take a second string tuned Do they vibrate and 2/3 of the

length of the rope, this rope segment will generate the note Sol. If you measure the

frequency of the note Sol, you

* Also available in English version.

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find that the frequencies of vibration are 3/2 of the original note frequencies Do (1/1).

2/3 is the reciprocal of 3/2. A tone number is no more than a number that denotes both

the length of the rope is the frequency of the vibrations, together with the note produced

by them; in this case there are 2/3 or 3/2 Sol Sol respectively. For "mutual" refers to the

fact that 2 / 3x3 / 2 = 1.

14. Diels, op. cit., p. 312.

15. Ibid. p.309.

16. Syrian, it Metaphysics Aristotle, XIV, 1, as quoted by Thimus, I,

p. 137.

17. See. Kayser of Pythagoras, footnote 8.

18. Haug: Wedische Rätselfragen und Rätselsprüche ( Riddles and

Vedic aphorisms), in "Sitzungsberichte der philos. philos. Philol. -host. Klasse d. Ak. d.

Wiss. ", Monaco, 1875. II, pp. 457 and following.

19. Ibid. p. 487.

20. Ibid. p. 475.

21 commitments. The new Weltgeschichte J. Pirenne, Bern, 1944, Vol. I.

22. See. Above: Die Philosophie der im Fortgang Weltgeschichte,

1827-34, Vol. I .; cfr. Even I related essays in the magazine Sinica.

23. Thimus, op. cit., Vol. I, Part 3. Main.

24. Ibid. Vol. I, pp. 46 and 48.

25. Ibid. Vol. I, pp. 50 and later, and Vol. II, p. 43 (footnote on page).

26. See. The list of harmonic writings of Kayser.

27. Here the term "soul" is used, like in all harmonic writings, as an antithesis to an end reason

( logic) of the one part, and matter

(Dead existence, devoid of life) on the other, around the way we digest a piece of music

or "subjectively" (see-Lisch)

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according to the spiritual and aesthetic content, both analytically, with regard to its logic

and material structure.

28. Abhandlungen, pp. 109-189, with nine tables.

29. CS Weiss: Betrachtung Dimensionsverhältnisse der in den

Hauptkörpern des sphäroedrischen Systems und im Vergleich mit ihren Gegenkörpern den

harmonischen Verhältnissen der Töne ( On the dimensional proportions of more bodies

in the spheres of the system compared to the tonal proportions), in Abh. Der Akademie,

Berlin, 1818-19, Physik-KIasse.

30. Viktor Goldschmidt, Uber Harmony and Complikation, Berlin,

Springer 1901, and later works, especially Complikation und Displikation, Heidelberg,


31. See. Tagebuch vom Binntal Kayser (The Journal of the Binn Valley), it

Abhandlungen, pp. 191-269.

32. See. Grundriss Kayser, pp. 106-7, and Lehrbuch, 42.

33. Grundriss, pp. 182 and following.

34. Abhandlungen, pp. 235 and following.

35. Harmonia Plantarum, pp. 228 and later.

36. See., In this case, J. Handschin; to) Ein Beitrag zur mittelalterlicher

Lehre von der Sphärenharmonie ( A Medieval Contribution to the Theory of Harmony of

the Spheres) Zeitschrift für Musikwissenschaft,

IX (1926-27), pp. 195 and following; b) Die Musikanschauung des Johannes Scotus (Erigena)

( The Opinions of John Scotus Musical [Erigena]), Viertel für Deutsche jakresschrift Literaturwissensch

und Geistes-geschichte, V (1927), pp. 316 and following.

37. See. Footnote 6; also Der Mensch hörende pp. 171 and above, and

Lehrbuch, 41, 6.

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38. For this and what follows see. Harmonia Plantarum and its index.

39. See. Harmonia Plantarum, p. 288; Vom Klang der Welt pp. 118-125 and

Der Mensch hörende p. 360.

40. Hörende Der Mensch, Tables IV and V; Abhandlungen, the spectra of

tone of Tables IV and VIII Lehrbuch 37.

41. Lehrbuch 37; Hörende Der Mensch, pp. 79 and above and Table III.

42. Hörende Der Mensch, Table I; Harmonia Plantarum, pp. 265


43. E. v. Cyon: Das Ohr als Organ für die math. Sinne Raum und Zeit

(The Ear as Body of Mathematical Ways of Space and Time), Berlin, Springer, 1908.

44. Helmholtz: Die Lehre von den Tonempfindungen *, VI Edition,.,

1913, p. 289.

45. L. Euler: Tentamen novae theoriae musicae, St. Petersburg, 1739,

p. 6.

46. Abhandlungen, pp. 56-57.

47. A. Eichorn: Die Akustik grosser Räume nach altgriech Theorie

(Acoustic Properties of Greater Outdoors according to the Theory of the Ancient Greeks),

Berlin, 1888; also Der Akustische Masstab ( The Canon Acoustic Construction), Berlin,


48. Ein Harmonikaler Teilungskanon.

49. Harmonia Plantarum, pp. 148 and following.

50. Ein Harmonikaler Teilungskanon.

51. Lehrbuch, 38.

52. Lepsius, Appendix II of its Denkmäler, Berlin, 1849/59, Folio I.

243 and later.

* Also available in English version.

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53. Grundriss eines Systems der harmonikalen Wertformen, pp. 280 and

successive, and Tables 11 and 12.

54. K. Wyneken: Aufbau der Form ( Formal Structure), Freiburg i. Br.

1903-1907, 2 volumes and boards.

55. See. Wyneken the illustrations he Grundriss, Table 29, also

Lehrbuch, 38.

56. Grundriss, pp. 171 and following, 175 and following.

57. Hörende Der Mensch, pp. 310 and successive; cfr. Also relevant

theorems it Grundriss.

58. See. Chapter XIII, "The universal validity of tone relations."

59. Ein Harmonikaler Teilungskanon.

60. See. Related chapters Hörende Der Mensch.

61. See. The ends of Chapter XIV, the cosmological meaning of the metaphysical residue.

62. Hermann Friedmann: Die Welt der Formen, Edition II, Monaco,

Beck, 1930.

63. Herder: Uber den Ursprung der Sprache, Preisschrift der Akad. d.

Wiss, Berlin, 1770.

64. MV Humboldt: Uber die Verschiedenheit des menschlichen

Sprachbaues, Berlin 1836 (The diversity of structures Language) reprint, Lambert

Schneider Publisher, Berlin 1935.

65. St. Augustine: De music, German translation by Joh. Perl,

Strasbourg 1937.

66. J. Burckhardt: Griechische Kulturgeschichte, kroners

Taschenausgabe, Vol. II, p. 298

67. See. Kayser on formal thought of Paracelsus: Das des Formdenken

Paracelsus, in Switzerland, Neuen Paracelsus Jahrbuch, 1944, in which it is

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explained the concept image of Paracelsus ( Bildbegriff).

68. See. Chapter XIV for further study on this topic.

69. Ernst Cassirer: Die im Begriffsform mystischen Denken ( The concept

in Mythical Thought), in vortragen der Bibl. Warburg, Leipzig 1922; also Philosophy of

Symbolic Forms, Vol. II, Berlin 1925.

70. Cassirer: Die Begriffsform, pp. 22-23.

71. Ibid. p. 32.

72. Ibid. p. 32.

73. Ibid. p. 33.

74. Ibid. p. 34.

75. Ibid. p. 44.

76. CG Jung and R. Wilhelm: Das Geheimnis der Goldenen Blüte * ( The

Secreto of the Golden Flower), Monaco, 1929, p. 16.

77. For the thirteenth century see material. the volume Mystische Dichtung, p.

57, in the collection edited by Kayser: Der Dom, Insel-Publisher, 1925.

78. Reference numerical illustration of the development of crystal surfaces it Viktor

Goldschmidt: Complikation und Displikation,

Heidelberg, 1921, p. 34, which is identical in its early stages to the partial tone

coordinates (cfr. Table II at the end of this book).

79. Grundriss, p. 269.

80. Ibid. pp. 182 and following.

81. See. Kayser: Tagebuch vom Binntal ( The Journal of the Binn Valley), it

Abhandlungen, pp.193 and following.

82. Lehrbuch 50.

83. See. Note 6.

84. See. Julius Stenzel: Zahl und Gehalt und bei Plato Aristoteles

* Also available in English version.

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(Number and Content in Plato and Aristotle), Berlin, Tenbner,

1924. pp. 30 and later.

85. See. Note 62 and the introduction de Hörende Der Mensch.

86. Leo Shestov: Auf Hiobs Waage ( On the scale of Jacob), Berlin,

Lambert Schneider Publisher, 1929.

87. Karl Joel: Der Ursprung der Naturphilosophie aus dem der Geiste

Mystik ( The Origin of Natural Philosophy from the Spirit of Mysticism), Jena, Diedrichs


88. Faced further and so different, see. Grundriss, pp. 326 and


89. See. The dialogue will Lehrbuch 51.

90. In the "spectra tone "as it Tagebuch vom Binntal in


91. VII Edition, Bern, 1945.

92. J. Gebser: Abendländische Wandlung ( The West Change), II

Edition, Oprecht-Zurich, 1945; Der Spiegel grammatische ( The Mirror of Grammar),

Oprecht-Zurich, 1944; the wise Die Drei Sphären ( The Three Spheres) in the translation

of TS Eliot's drama, The Family Reunion (Die Familienfeier) almanac of Oprecht, Für die

Bücherfreunde, 1945.

93. Grundriss, p.63.

94. Lehrbuch, 13. "Quantelung" comes from How many: dimensions closed and

fixed which, like the rungs of a ladder, integers, organic cells, etc., exist by itself as raw

units. The opposite concept is that of continuity.

95. M. Cantor: Vorlesungen über die Geschichte der Mathematik ( Lessons

of the History of Mathematics), Vol. I, Fourth Edition, 1922, p. 216.

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96. D. Hilbert: Grundlagen der Geometrie ( Fundamentals of Geometry), V

Edition, 1922.

97. See. Hörende Der Mensch, pp. 191 and subsequent, and Vom Klang der

Welt, Figure 8. Ne Der Mensch hörende all data reported here as results are explained


98. Hörende Der Mensch, Table p. 192.

99. Harmonia Plantarum, pp. 256 and subsequent, and Grundriss, pp. 312 and


100. Schelling: Die Weltalter ( The Age of the World) *, Reclam. Ausg., P. 32.

101. The "legend" of Pythagoras and the monochord, p. 22.

102. Details on the divisions are in the first two books of Ein Harmonikaler

Teilungskanon. The caption to Table II of this volume provides some brief details.

103. Hermann Augustin: Dante, Goethe, Stifter, Basel, 1944, p. 44.

104. Hölderlin: Patmos, first version.

Kayser works on Harmonics

1. Orpheus: Morphologische Fragmente einer allgemeinen Harmonik.

First in a series. Berlin 1924, Folio. Out of print. (It was not possible to continue this

series due to production difficulties).

2. Hörende Der Mensch, 1932, Lambert Schneider Publisher, Berlin. Out of print.

3. Vom Klang der Welt, 1937, Max Niehans Publisher, Zurich. Out

* Also available in English version.

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4. Abhandlungen zur Ektypik harmonikaler Wertformen, 1938, Max Niehans Publisher,

Zurich. Out of print.

5. Grundriss eines Systems der harmonikalen Wertformen, , Max

Niehans Publisher, Zurich. Out of print.

6. Harmonia Plantarum, 1943. Benno Schwabe Publisher, Basel. Out of print.

7. Akróasis: Die Lehre von der Harmonik der Welt, 1946 Benno Schwabe Publisher, Basel,

Second Edition, 1964.

8. Ein harmonikaler Teilungskanon: Analyze einer Figur im geometrischen Bauhuttenbuch

Villard de Honnecourts ( XIII century). Harmonikale Studien, Heft I. 1946. Benno

Schwabe Publisher, Basel; previously, Occident-Publisher, Zurich.

9. Die Form der Geige: Aus dem Gesetz der Töne gedeutet. Harmonikale

Studien, Heft II. 1947. Benno Schwabe Publisher, Basel; in

Previously, Occident-Publisher, Zurich.

10. Lehrbuch der Harmonik, 1950. Benno Schwabe Publisher, Basel; previously,

Occident-Publisher, Zurich.

11. Bevor die Engel sangen: Eine Anthologie harmonikale. 1953 Benno Schwabe Publisher,


12. Paestum, 1958. Publisher Lambert Schneider, Heidelberg.

Opera posthumous

13. Orphikon: Eine harmonikale Symbolik. Part I: Die Welt der Götter.

Manuscript completed in 1956, not published.

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