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M/s D&L LIMETED AE/092/2018/2019/LND/W/20


1.1. Introduction.

This work plan applies to all types sub grade layers like G3, G7 &G15.

The works will be divided into four activities as follows;

 Preparation works.

 Mixing with water.

 Leveling, reshaping and compaction.



 Preparation will included the machines which will be used in this exercise
which are motor grader, vibration roller, water bowser, dump trucks, wheel
loader, plate compactor, and hand tools.

 The personnel who will be involved in this exercise are Engineers, surveyor,
foreman, operators, drivers and labourers.


 Designed materials by earthworks from Liwale Borrow pits.

 Water for mixing from bore holes and river water located in Liwale District.

 Before preparation works can start on any layer; the layer below will have to be
inspected and approved by Engineer; after the approval been obtained for next
layer; the preparation works will be started.

The preparation works will include the following;

 Dumping on the road the approved gravel materials from borrow pit.

 Spreading and leveling and shaping.

 Determining the natural moisture content (NMC) of borrow materials.

 If necessary water will be spread on materials by using bowser this will depend
the NMC of materials.


M/s D&L LIMETED AE/092/2018/2019/LND/W/20

 After stage one above has been completed the materials will be mixed by
motor grader to bring it to uniform moisture content.

 The aim of this stage is to bring the uniform moisture content of materials to
optimum moisture content or close to OMC.

 After being satisfied with moisture content of materials the layer will be
shaped to the required levels that will give required depth when full


 Level control checks during operation will be taken by surface leveling.

 During compaction and shaping if there is loss of moisture due to evaporation,

the lost moisture will be added by light application of water.

 Field density test will be carried out after compaction by sand replacement
method to obtain the compaction requirements.


When the layer will be processed to the Earthworks, sub base layer and surface
dressing; Traffic will be not allowed to flow on pavement.


M/s D&L LIMETED AE/092/2018/2019/LND/W/20

2.1 Introduction

This work plan applies for pavement structure having sub base will be layed as one
layer (CM)

The works will be divided into four activities as follows:

 Preparation works.

 Mixing with water.

 Mixing cement, leveling, shaping and compaction.

 Curing.



 Preparation will include the machines which will be used in the exercise which
are motor grader, vibration roller, water bowser, dump trucks, and excavator
and hand tools.

 The personnel who will be involved in this exercise are Engineers, Surveyor,
Foreman, operators, Drivers and Labourers.


 Designed materials by cement content from Liwale District Borrow pits

through stockpile.

 Ordinary Portland cement (4% mixing with materials stockpile.

 Water for mixing from bore holes and River water located in Liwale District.

 Before preparation works can start on any layer, the layer below will have
to be inspected and approved by Engineer. After the approval been
obtained for the next layer, the preparation works will be started.

The preparation works will include the following;

 Dumping on the road the approved gravel materials from borrow pit.

M/s D&L LIMETED AE/092/2018/2019/LND/W/20

 Spreading and leveling and shaping.

 Determining the natural moisture content (NMC) of borrow materials.

 If necessary water will be spread on materials by using bowser this will depend the
NMC of materials.


 After stage one above has been completed the materials will be mixed by motor
grader to bring it to uniform moisture content.

 The aim of this stage is to bring the uniform moisture content of materials to
optimum moisture content or close to OMC before cement stabilization.

 After being satisfied with moisture content of materials the layer will be shaped to
the required levels that will give required depth when full compacted.


 After stage two above is completed, the area to be stabilized will be marked into
small rectangular areas, each of the rectangles representing an area for area for one
50kg bag of ordinary Portland cement (see computation for cement distribution boxes
herein contained)

 Cement will then be manually spread uniformly over marked rectangles.

 Immediately after cement has been spread over enough area (length and width) to
keep space between mixing and spreading, mixing by motor grader will be started.

 Cement spreading and mixing will be then be carried out consecutively up to the end
of the day’s work. Shaping and compaction will follow behind mixing.

 Full pavement width cement spreading, mixing, shaping and compaction are to be
done in sections of lengths to be determined on site from time to time depending on

 For each full pavement width section, time taken from mixing to final shaping and
compaction is be limited to a maximum of four (4) hours as specified in standard
specification section 3803 table 3803/1


M/s D&L LIMETED AE/092/2018/2019/LND/W/20

 Cement stage, if moisture cement of materials, to be stabilized is below OMC,

then additional water to bring it to OMC will be added by water bowser.

 Level control checks during this operation will be taken by surface leveling.

 Samples for UCS will be taken immediately after cement mixing.

 During compaction and shaping if there is loss of moisture due to evaporation, the
lost moisture will be added by light application of water.

 Field density test will be carried out after compaction by sand replacement
method and nuclear density meter method the compaction required is 97% BS-

1.6. CURING:

 The materials required for next layer (at least 50mm thick) will be used to cover the
stabilized layer while stabilized layer is still in wet or dump condition.

 Curing by water stabilized layer will be carried out for minimum of seven days and
base course layer (CRS) will be followed up after stabilization.

 During curing period no traffic will be allowed to pass on for stabilized layer, except
only that required for curing.



3.1 Introduction

This work plan applies for pavement structure having base course layer (CRS) will be
layed as one layer

M/s D&L LIMETED AE/092/2018/2019/LND/W/20

The works will be divided into four activities as follows:

 Preparation works.

 Mixing with water.

 Mixing CRS materials, leveling, shaping and compaction.

 Slushing



 Preparation will include the machines which will be used in the exercise which
are motor grader, vibration roller, water browser, dump trucks, Tyre roller and
excavator and hand tools.

 The personnel who will be involved in this exercise are Engineers, Surveyor,
Foreman, operators, Drivers and Labourers.


 CRS class of crushed aggregate Crushed aggregate class CRS shall be made
of hard, durable and un-weathered fragments made by the crushing of stones,
boulders, oversize from borrow pits or quarried rock from chippite Quarry or
from hotel tatu quarry.

 Minimum 50% by mass of particles larger than 5 mm shall have at least one
crushed face. Maximum 30% by mass of material passing 5 mm can be
approved soil fines

The preparation works will include the following;

(a) Preparation of the base course layer

 No base course shall be placed until approval is obtained from the Engineer
and the sub-base is placed, compacted and finished in accordance with the
Specifications and is tested and found acceptable to the full satisfaction of the

 Before placing the base course, the sub-base shall be inspected and proof
rolled as required by the Engineer in order to establish whether there is any
damage, wet spots or other defects.
M/s D&L LIMETED AE/092/2018/2019/LND/W/20

 Any such defect shall be rectified to the satisfaction of the Engineer before the
next layer is placed. Crushed aggregate base course class CRR shall on all
accounts be placed on a cemented sub-base.

(b) Spreading and mixing

Crushed aggregate complying with the requirements specified above shall be
placed in quantities sufficient to ensure that the completed layer will comply
with all the requirements in regard to layer thickness, level,
cross-section and density.

 Segregation of the aggregate during spreading shall be prevented by

appropriate choice of working method to the satisfaction of the Engineer.

 Allowance shall be made for sufficient extra

material to enable the layer to be properly trimmed. The maximum nominal
compacted thickness of any layer of crushed aggregate base course
compacted in one process shall be 150 mm, unless otherwise
specified or permitted by the Engineer.

 The dumps of material shall be spread out to a flat surfaced layer with a
thickness which will be suitable for mixing. The required quantity of water shall
then be added and the material mixed until a homogeneous mixture is

 CRR crushed aggregate base material shall if so instructed in the Special

Specifications be laid by an approved type of self-propelled mechanical
spreader and finisher capable of laying to the required widths, thicknesses,
profile, camber or cross-fall, without causing segregation, dragging or other

(i) General

 After mixing, the crushed aggregate material shall be placed to the correct
thickness and level and thoroughly compacted by suitable equipment so
that the specified density is obtained throughout the entire layer.

 The finally compacted layer shall be free from surface laminations, portions
exhibiting segregation of the fine and coarse aggregate, corrugations, or other
defects that may adversely affect the performance of the layer.

M/s D&L LIMETED AE/092/2018/2019/LND/W/20

(ii) Compaction requirements

 The minimum required compacted density for pavement layers made of

crushed aggregate shall be as given in TABLE 3903/1.

 The Contractor’s attention is drawn to the high density requirements for class
CRR materials and the required high standards of workmanship necessary to
these on sit

 The Engineer may allow that the BS-Heavy compaction is used as reference
value for class CRR materials. In such case the minimum nominal field density
requirement shall be 104% MDD of
BS-Heavy. Compaction method specifications shall not be used for compaction
control of crushed aggregate base course.

(iii) Processing of class CRR materials

 Class CRR shall be slushed as described herein to achieve the required

field density.

 After completion of the compaction described above, short sections of

the surface shall be thoroughly watered, rolled and slushed by means of
steel-wheeled rollers with a mass of not less than 12 tonnes each, or
with pneumatic-tyre rollers.

 The process shall continue until all excess fines are brought to the
surface. The grout thus formed shall be uniformly broomed over the
surface with stiff brooms to correct any areas still deficient in fines.

 Where upon the excess fines shall be broomed from the surface of the
layer. This process shall continue until all excess fines in the mixture
have been brought to the surface of the layer and its specified density
has been reached.

 Excess fines and loose aggregate shall then be swept from the surface
while the surface is still damp. The layer shall then receive final rolling
with pneumatic-tyre rollers and the layer shall then be
allowed to dry out. During slushing operations, care shall be taken not to
roll the surface out of shape.

M/s D&L LIMETED AE/092/2018/2019/LND/W/20

 The slushing process shall be carried out on each section in one

continuous process, and each section shall be completed before the
next is proceeded.

 The completed layer shall be firm and stable with a closely-knit surface
of aggregate exposed in mosaic and free from nests of segregated
material, laminations or corrugations.

 Excess crushed aggregate shall not be spread over the shoulders or

side fills, but shall be loaded and removed from the road. It shall not be
re-used unless it has been re-screened, re-tested and again
approved for use.

 It shall not be mixed with approved material unless screened, tested and
again approved for use on its own.


(a) Bituminous binders
The bituminous binder shall consist of one of the
following binders, whichever is specified in the Special
Specifications or the Bill of Quantities or ordered by the
- 80/100 penetration-grade bitumen;

M/s D&L LIMETED AE/092/2018/2019/LND/W/20

- MC-30 cut-back bitumen;

- Modified binder as specified.

(i) Bitumen coats

The specified bituminous binders shall comply with the conditions of
(b) Aggregate
Aggregate for surface dressing shall consist of clean, tough, durable
fragments of crushed stone free from any deleterious matter and shall
comply with the requirements given in TABLES 4502/1 and 4502/2.


(a) Preparation of the surface

Surface treatment shall not commence until the existing surface has
been repaired of any defects and cleaned to the satisfaction of the
Engineer by the use of brooms, water, compressed air or any other
method required to give a satisfactory result

(b) Nominal rates of application of binder and aggregate

The bitumen coat and aggregate, of the types and sizes given in the
Special Specifications, or ordered by the Engineer, shall be applied
as specified in SUBCLAUSE 4307(b). Nominal rates of application of
binder and aggregate are given in TABLES 4503/1 4503/2 4503/3
and 4503/4. The given nominal rates of application of binder and
aggregate are for information only. The
application rates for which payment shall be calculated are given in
the Bill of Quantities. If, however, no application rates are given in the
Bill of Quantities, then the rates in TABLES 4503/1 and 4503/2 shall
be used for bidding purposes.

(c) Actual rates of application of binder and aggregate

The actual rates of application for use on site on any part of the
Works shall be as determined on site, on approval of the Engineer.
The difference in actual rates of application compared to the rates for

M/s D&L LIMETED AE/092/2018/2019/LND/W/20

bidding purposes are paid for separately in variation rates measured

in cubic metres and litres (hot sprayed) for aggregate and binder
respectively, as specified in CLAUSE 4504.
(d) First layer of double surface dressings
(i) Nominal rates of binder and aggregate.

The nominal rates of binder and aggregate shall be as given in

TABLE 4503/1 for the first layer of double surface dressings

(ii) Rolling
initial rolling shall be carried out as specified in CLAUSE 4308. Any
areas deficient in aggregate shall have additional material added so
as to leave the carpet with a single layer of chippings lying shoulder
to shoulder. It is essential to ensure that only one layer of chippings is
applied and every care shall be taken to avoid over-application of

(e) Second layer of double surface dressings

(i) Nominal rates of binder and aggregate
The bituminous binder specified by the Engineer shall be applied and
followed by the second layer of aggregate of the size specified in the
Special Specifications or as ordered by the Engineer. The nominal
rates of binder and aggregate shall be as
given in TABLE 4503/2 for the second layer of double surface
dressings. The second application of binder shall preferably take
place within 48 hours of the application of the first coat when
penetration grade bitumen is used for the first coat and not less than
ten days of the application of the fist coat when cutback bitumen is
used in the first coat.


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