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Mohini:>> Hi Everyone and welcome to this special
Google Hangout for Dr. Pillai's Asian
Community and, of course, we very much welcome
everyone who is joining us around the world.
Today, Dr. Pillai will be joining us as a special guest
because he won't be coming to
Singapore for quite some time. So, he wanted to bless all
of you with a special message
and -- most importantly -- his darshan, or energy
transmission today. So the topic for
today's Hangout is Dr. Pillai's latest techniques on the
Light Body.
Dr. Pillai will be joining us in about 15 minutes and he'll
be sharing about the practical
benefits that you can experience when you totally
transform every aspect of your life
with light. Now before Dr. Pillai comes, I wanted to teach
you a very simplified and
easy version of the foundational techniques that Dr. Pillai
has freely given, so that
everyone can experience the benefits of using the power
of light to transform your life.
Recently, in Dr. Pillai's Light Body global forum, he gave
two powerful techniques to
bring more light into the body. And then back in January
of this year, Dr. Pillai taught
two mantras that can be used together in order to give
you a 100% spiritual and 100% material
life. Now before we start the practice, I just wanted
to talk about the relevancy of the light body for everyone,
because it seems like a very
intangible concept. But as Dr. Pillai says, the light body is
your true nature—this
physical body is just an illusion. Your true nature is that
you are pure light: the light
of God. And this light of God can practically change
every aspect of your life. Now many
of you have heard that recently I had a big "wakeup call"
regarding the critical need,
actually, to do change the body into light, due to a recent
accident that I had.
Now at any time, we are vulnerable to injury, disease,
decay or death. But when we're healthy
we don't really think deeply about the need to change the
body into light, or we don't
really see the need to avoid the suffering that can
happen when we lose our health.
But when we have a health problem we definitely know
that life really loses its joy when the
body has no health. And the problem is that with the
body there is no permanent solution for good health—
you can go to doctors and you can
have procedures and surgeries and take medicines, but
in the end the body is still decaying.
So, for those of you who want to avoid this suffering of
the body and to attain a perfect
state of permanent joy and bliss, and a disease-free
body, then Dr. Pillai's Light Body techniques
are very practical for your life. I also know that many of
you have expressed to me that
you have a heart sorrow or you want to heal your family
relationships--bringing light
into the body can work miracles to heal the heart and to
miraculously heal relationships
in your life. Many of you are also working on attaining
more money and material comforts.
And Dr. Pillai explains that when we bring light into the
body, then we gain super intelligence
and we can manifest at speed of light. So, as Dr. Pillai
says, light body is not an off-the-wall
concept. It's practical and it pertains to every aspects of
So, now I'd like to teach you this short five minute
meditation, which is a combination
of all the recent techniques that Dr. Pillai has freely
given. And let me just explain
a few simple principles first.
Light equals life. When we bring more life into the body,
then we have a greater life
force. Now, light and life are represented by the sound
OM. When we put the sound OM
into the body, the sound OM can literally restructure the
cells of the body and turn
the body into light. The sound OM is the ultimate sound
because the sound OM is God. So the
first step in the technique will be putting OM into your
body. The next step in the technique
is calling upon the God of light. And this technique was
given by Swami Ramalingam—he
was the great saint that disappeared into light in 1874--
and this was actually Dr. Pillai's
previous birth. Ramalingam taught us that the brain can
be visualized as a 'golden lotus'
and this golden lotus oozes out a sweet nectar, which is
like a honey. And when this nectar
spreads all throughout the body, it transforms the body
into light. And then we'll be calling
upon the God of light to enter our body and we'll be using
a mantra that many of you already
know, Arut Perum Jyoti, which Dr. Pillai explains as: 'God
is immeasurable shiny white light.'
Then, the final step in the practice will be to call upon the
most powerful archetype
for money and material comforts. His name is Vishnu
and the sound to call Vishnu is:
Om Namo Narayanaya.
So we'll begin the practice now--keep your eyes closed.
First we are going to acknowledge Dr. Pillai who freely
shared these powerful techniques
to turn us into light. The power of the power of the
techniques comes from his blessings.
Guru Brahma Guru Vishnu Guru Devo Maheswaraha Guru
Shakshat Para Brahma
Tasmai Sree Gurave Namaha
Now receive the sound OM into every cell of the body.
OM. The entire body is filled with the sound OM. OM. OM
is light, life, God and consciousness.
OM. When we put OM into the body we are putting light,
life, God and consciousness into our
body. OM. When we put OM into the body, we transform
the body into light. OM. Visualize
your body as light. Now focus attention on your brain.
Visualize the brain as a golden
lotus. The golden lotus oozes out a sweet nectar like a
honey. Feel the sweet nectar
oozing out from the brain. There is a Moon, which is a
the right brain, that secretes
another nectar. All the nectar is flowing into the mid
brain—the space in the center
of your head. The third eye secretes a milky substance.
The five parts of the brain secrete
another nectar. All the nectar combines together into a
divine elixir, which turns the body
into light. Elixir drips inside the body and you can taste
the sweet taste of the elixir
on your tongue. The elixir spreads throughout the body
and turns the body into light. Now
we are going to call upon the God of light to enter our
Arut Perum Jyoti. God is immeasurable shiny white light.
Arut Perum Jyoti. God is immeasurable shiny white light.
Now we are going to alternate between calling upon the
God of light to enter our body and
the God of materiality.
Arut Perum Jyoti. God is immeasurable shiny white light.
I am immeasurable shiny white
light. Om Namo Narayanaya. I am total wealth
Arut Perum Jyoti. I am immeasurable shiny white light.
Om Namo Narayanaya. I am total wealth consciousness.
Relax and slowly open your eyes.
So, this very short technique can give you tremendous
benefits everyday by helping you
to absorb more light, and to bring the light into your life,
into every area of your life—and
transform your entire life for you, your loved ones and
the world.
So, now I'd just like to check if Dr. Pillai is ready to join
us...it looks like he needs
more time. So now I'm going to start answer some of the
great questions that you sent
in prior to this Hangout. So, the first question is: "Dear
Baba, it was so kind of you to share
the light body techniques last week." And now, as we talk
about Dr.Pillai he appears.
So, that's a blessing. Thank you so much Dr. Pillai for
joining us on the Hangout today,
and we look forward to the blessings and the teachings
that you are here to share with
Dr. Pillai:>> I'm delighted to be speaking to you of...my
Mohini:>> Dr. Pillai, can we hold on just a moment? Your
volume is very low. Can someone
help Dr. Pillai with his volume?
Dr. Pillai:>> How is it now? Is it OK?
Mohini:>> It's a little better.
Dr. Pillai:>> Is it OK?
Mohini:>> It's a little soft.
Dr. Pillai:>> I can increase my voice.
Mohini:>> OK. Thank you so much.
Dr. Pillai:>> Is it OK now?
Mohini:>> It's very good, thank you.
Dr. Pillai:>> There is a saying that I received from my
Guru. And that is: "If the mountain
doesn't come to Mohammed, Mohammed goes to the
mountain." For some reason I remembered
that—it has a lot of relevance in what I am doing in terms
of my teaching. You don't
wait for the mountain to come to you--if the mountain
does not come to you, you have to
go to the mountain. That's all that the light body is about.
The light body is about taking
action, because action is everything. You may have great
ideas, but if you don't know
how to implement those ideas, you are not going to get
there. But the implementation
itself, an action by itself, they are not enough. So you
need grace. And if you have
grace, then you can accomplish everything. Then your
brain will work in a very different
way. I have studied that in depth two individuals: one is
Bill Gates and the other is Richard
How does the brain of these two people work and what
do they think, "Business at the speed
of light." That's what the light body is about. The light
body is about increasing the speed.
We have been condemned, humanity as a whole, to 'slow
time'. And time is money. Everybody
is paid according to their time. But then you have to have
a proper relationship with
time. "Business at the speed of light." And time and light
are synonyms. "The time will
stop and you'll vibrate at the speed of light." Who said
that? Einstein. So you have to increase
the level of your light vibration. That's what the light body
is doing. So, most people
think the Light Body program is for the people who want
to turn their body into light. Yes—that's
the ultimate. But it is not a losing proposition that, you
know, when you get the light body
you will be very spiritual and not take care of your
material life. The light body will
give you a tremendous amount of alertness, intelligence,
awareness, so that you'll be
able to conceive business at the speed of light. Or if you
want to substitute the word
'business' with the word 'money'—money at the speed of
light. That's all possible.
And the second person that I mentioned to you is
Richard Branson. When Bill Gates was
talking about business at the speed of light, Branson
goes to talk about money. When "Fortune
500" companies met Branson, he was a high school
dropout. "How did you become so successful?"
He bought hundreds of companies. He said, "In my
personal life, as well as in my business
life, every second counts!" That is the true case: every
second counts. For most of us,
not even years count. Just look how you have lived. Most
people--I'd say almost the entire
world--everybody lives a very slow time reality. Not even
years matter. We are satisfied with
our salary frame for years, making 50 K a year. Would
that be acceptable to Richard
Branson, who also started out perhaps in even more
humble setting than most of us? But still
he came out. It's because his concepts were correct.
Every second counts. So you have
to vibrate with it! So time and light—I spoke about it a
moment ago—are synonyms.
But this light, this beam of light, the light of God—if you
want to believe in God, or
if you don't want to believe in God, it's the light of the
Universe. It is the burning
bush according to Moses, who saw God as light. For that
matter every prophet, every God saw
this light. Light is intelligence. We succeed in life
because of our level of intelligence.
Intelligence is light and light is intelligence.
What I'm trying to do here is to create a society in which
human beings will have abundant
intelligence. But this intelligence is not the cortex
intelligence. Cortex intelligence
is science and mathematics—that is no time. That's
going to take forever! But the intelligence
I'm talking about is the intelligence that Einstein talked
about. And I remember that
he was very poor in his studies. Even his mathematics
was not great. Even before his
death he said: "I know so many realities now, but I don't
have enough math to put them into
an equation." This is what he said about two hours
before his death. But where did he get
his answers? He also said, "My success is due to
intuition. Whatever I have discovered
came upon me, not through the rational process." So,
although the mind is telling you, you
are not spiritual, you're yellow, you're black, white, or
green, it doesn't really matter.
What matters is if you are able to access the divine
intelligence within you...now I
am precisely defining it into this mid brain area. So, we
are going to concentrate a lot
on the mid brain area with those people who have done
the mid brain area and also want
to join the Light Body program. So, the Light Body
program is not just for people who want
to turn the body into light—although it is the ultimate
goal--I don't want to compromise
on that. But that doesn't really mean that you won't
achieve materially. You'll have
business at the speed of light and the intelligence comes
from...not from your strategic planning,
not from your neo-cortex, not the chunk of the brain here.
But it is from two things:
One is the midbrain—and that gets activated with Arut
Perum Jyoti.
Arut Perum Jyoti Tanni Perum Karunai Arut Perum Jyoti.
I'll explain all these things to you during the formal
program. I invite all of you to
take this message seriously. This is an investment that
you'll make to not only enhance your
material life, but also your spiritual life. The spiritual life
is the ultimate goal that
everyone should aspire to. But, then, money becomes a
necessity so that you can find time
to go to India and stay there for a few months in a resort
—and you need money. But I am
a realist: I am not saying forget everything and live like a
gypsy. You have to live respectfully
both on the material level and the spiritual level.
So I know that I have not been coming to Singapore
because I'm moving around all over because
I have now begun to go taking this concept of Richard
Branson seriously: "Every second
counts." So I have to do my job. But I'll be available to
you on the Google Hangout
or in another form—streaming. I'm glad that I've been
able to talk to you. Mohini, who
lives in Singapore, will take care of you and give you
guidance, so that you stay on
the path. God bless you.
Mohini:>> Thank you so much, Dr. Pillai. We're so
grateful to have your blessings and presence
with us today.
So, everyone, let me go back and answer the questions
that you sent. So, the first question
was about: "Will the light body techniques activate my
light body?"
Yes, very much. Activating the third eye is a foundational
step in bringing more light
into the body and transforming the body into light. So,
that will definitely happen as
you use the light body techniques you will surely activate
the light body. Now, I have
a question here from a dear lady who explains that she
has complicated relationship problems
and financial problems, and what can she do about that.
Now, this is very common to human life. So, Dr. Pillai is
very practical. For those of
you who have a relationship problem or financial
problems, first of all everyday, you can practice
the short technique that I gave today—it's the simplified
version of all of Dr. Pillai's
foundational light body techniques. We'll be excerpting
that from the Hangout today
and posting that on our blog:
shreemarakara dot wordpress dot com
In addition to that, it's very important that all of you that
want to overcome relationship
problems and financial problems, everyday do a very
karma-busting practice, which only takes one minute.
And again if you go to the Asian blog
and then type in the key word, 'Karma busting' you'll
come up with videos where I tell you
exactly how to do the technique—and that only takes one
minute. Also, the most important
practice to bring into daily practice is Tarpanam. And
Tarpanam is an offering to your ancestors.
So again, on our blog you will type in the word Tarpanam,
and again I have a video where
I walk you step by step through the practice of giving
offerings to your ancestors, which
can dramatically transform your life, because we are
often experiencing the problems that
our ancestors had because our ancestors are close at
hand near us. And they are wanting
to be liberated into light. When you do Tarpanam you can
also your ancestors to leave this
plane and to have release into light. So, that's a very
practical question.
Now, I have another question about how is the practice
of working with the midbrain
related to the light body techniques. So, the midbrain will
definitely be activated
by light body techniques. And for an example, in the
short, condensed practice that I gave
you today the midbrain was activated by the nectar that
oozed out from the golden lotus.
So, even if you use the short, simple technique that I
taught today that will help you to
activate the midbrain. If you want additional techniques
on activating the midbrain, Dr.
Pillai gave an excellent program on Midbrain Miracle
Method and you can find those videos
on the Pillai Center YouTube Channel—you would just
type Pillai Center and all of Dr.
Pillai's videos are there.
Now, here is a question from a person that recently had
surgery and they want to know
if the light body technique can heal the disease behind
the surgery. This is a very important,
practical question and it's something that I expressed
previously and that I'm very passionate
about. Yes, the foundational stage of the light body is the
disease-free body. Until
we are free of diseases we cannot permanently
transition to a state of utter bliss and joy
and light. And especially this year, Dr. Pillai will be
focusing very specifically on sending
blessings to everyone for a disease-free body. So, this is
a critical year to really focus
on the body and remove the diseases from the body so
we can avoid the future suffering
hat is yet to come. And this will be an important stage in
Dr. Pillai's Light Body Mastery program,
which I'll speak about later on.
Then we have a person here who says that she loves our
techniques and all of the trainings,
but she feels herself stuck in a low-resonating fear
patterns. And she can literally feel
a vortex around her. Again, I would highly recommend
that in addition to the condensed
light body that I gave earlier on the Google Hangout
today, it's so important everyday
for everyone to do a simple karma-busting practice and a
simple Tarpanam practice. Each
one of those practices only take one minute. And you
can clear yourself, at the beginning
of the day, from the stuck patterns that are holding you
back—that's your karma. So you
clear it up at the beginning of a day with a one-minute
technique and then you offer
an offering to your ancestors that feeds their souls—and
this technique is very powerful
so that you don't have the problems emanating from
your ancestors hanging around you during
the day. You can clear yourself at the beginning of the
day in very simple ways.
Now, I'd like to take some questions from those of you
that are watching the program
live. So, you'll see near your viewing window, there
should be a chat component and you can
just enter your questions into the chat. So, I'll just give
you a minute now so you can
enter your questions there. And in meantime, I'd like to
mention that Dr. Pillai Light
Body Mastery program starts May 4th. Again, I'll be
speaking about that later, because
this is really the most incredible and precious
opportunity that Dr. Pillai has ever offered
for people to study with him in a way that he hasn't
offered in the entire 20 years that
I have been studying with him. So, this year marks a very
important phase in Dr. Pillai
inviting people into his private universe of his own
transformation of his body into
light. He'll be doing that in the Light Body Mastery
program. So, now I'll just take those
few questions live that are with us.
So, I'm just checking if there are any questions. Jai
Radha, if you are there. Can you see the
questions on the chat?
Jai Radha:>> I am here.
Mohini:>> So, everyone, many of you know Jai Radha
who serves Piali Center and is a teacher
for Pillai Center. She's been so kind to start this Hangout.
And, Jai Radha, you can join
us now. If you can give us some of the questions from
our people with us live on chat.
Jai Radha:>> Fine.
Mohini:>> If you'd like to come on screen, we'd love to
see your face too. Everyone,
just one more minute, bear with us.
Jai Radha:>> Hello, everyone.
Mohini:>> Hi, how's San Diego today.
Jai Radha:>> I am not in San Diego. I am sure San Diego
is lovely. I'm in New Jersey.
Mohini:>> Thanks for joining us and thanks for operating
this Hangout for us. It is so
precious for people to have this opportunity to see Dr.
Pillai in Asia. Of course, we have
many other people in the Hangout today. It was a
fantastic experience today.
Jai Radha:>> Yeah, it's always an honor that Dr. Pillai can
join us and especially so impromptu.
We have one question. And it says...I hope these are the
questions...it looks like these
are the comments today. And this person is ...I can't
pronounce that...Taneshwari? "I
took 'Light Body Blessings' in Singapore two years ago.
Do I still need to take this program
Mohini:>> Well, Taneshwari, thank you for sending in
your question...you are dearly
loved member of our community. That's a good
question. Yes, many of you have had the blessings
to learn light body techniques both from Dr. Pillai on
Hangouts and free calls—he gives
many free techniques. In Singapore, he gave a very
powerful program to many people. However,
the "Light Body Mastery" program is entirely different. So,
all of the free techniques
that Dr. Pillai has given or the techniques that you have
learned so far from Dr. Pillai's
Singapore programs—those will do a very great good
transforming your life and helping
you to absorb more light so that you can experience the
power of light in every aspect of your
life. However, the Light Body Mastery program is really
for people that want to experience
the highest in their spiritual evolution and the highest in
material achievements. Or maybe,
these are people that have disease or have a problem
that they really want to overcome
in a total way, in a permanent way. So, this program is
entirely different in the fact
that it's a one-year program where you'll be studying live
with Dr. Pillai. And in this
program, once a month, he'll meditate live with everyone.
What that means is that in
that meditation he'll be sending out all the blessings and
the darshan and the transmission
of energy that comes with that and the empowerment.
And those blessings are targeted to reach
you in a very profound way, which can easily be
transmitted by webcast. And then, throughout
the program, everyday, 24/7, Dr. Pillai will be targeting
everyone in the program with
these special blessings and protection and
transmissions and empowerments. And the teachings
will be building month by month, because he wants
people to make fast progress and to
see real results in every area of your life. Now, beyond
the tremendous blessings of being
embodied into Dr. Pillai's personal space to transform
yourself with light with his
personal guidance and his personal transmissions, the
program has daily rituals that are done
for you in India are extremely powerful—you will actually
be present at the rituals in
a way. There is a plate called a yantra—many of you are
familiar with it—and your birth
details, your birth chart will be inscribed on this yantra.
So, it is a surrogate form
of you. So, you yourself will be carried around to all these
daily karma-removal rituals in
India that will be done for you in order to remove
practical problems from your life to
help you, to have your ancestor be totally liberated and to
free yourself from the problems
that the ancestors may be giving you. And also there are
very profound light body temples.
Where these yantras will be energized in order to actually
transfer the power of that vortex
to you directly as your yantra is offered directly to the
sanctum sanctorum of the temples.
So, the rituals are extremely powerful. And another
benefit of the Light Body program
is that there is a weekly call where you will be guided by
teachers to practice Dr. Pillai's
light body techniques. And then they can help you to
understand how you can practically
integrate that into every aspect of your life, take
questions. You can share your experiences,
so everyone can learn from one another on this
incredible journey. That was a long answer
to the question, Jai Radha. But I really want people to
understand that, yes, everyone can
benefit from Dr. Pillai's light body techniques. He is so
gracious—he is giving free techniques
on Google Hangouts, on phone calls. If you sign up to
our list on the website: www.lightbodymastery.com
you'll receive free teachings of the light body. Is that
right, Jai Radha?
Jai Radha:>> Yes, Thant's correct. It would be the Moola
Mantra and the Sivaya Nama meditation.
Mohini:>> Fantastic: So, you can sign up on our
And I think it's called 'join now' button and you'll be on
our list and you'll receive
free teachings. Dr. Pillai will be giving free teaching all
throughout the year. He
loves people so much and wants everybody to
experience the light. However, for those of
you who really want to take this precious opportunity: we
don't know if
it's going to happen again. We don't know if Dr. Pillai is
going to invite people to
study with him in this very precious manner, where he is
inviting people into his own transformation
of his body into light; and to receive his blessings every
moment of everyday—his highest
teachings and have all these rituals done for you.
So, there are different levels—there is something for
everyone so that everyone can
experience the joy, the bliss and the transformation of
bringing light into your life. So, Jai
Radha, are there any more questions?
Jai Radha:>> You actually answered the next one
already, before I asked. It's been happening
today a lot. It's really a great Hangout. Lorie asks: "For
those of us who have not
manifested money yet, will there be videos shared during
the year so that we can still
practice. So, the answer is, yes.
Mohini:>> Yes, yes. And for those of you who need to
manifest more money, again, in that
short, condensed meditation I gave today, you also can
work with the archetype of money.
And Dr. Pillai recommends for those of you who don't
have any resources right now, just
do these simple techniques. And you can use the
benefits so practically: you can bring
light into your life, and you can gain wealth
consciousness. And also I'd like to mention
that we had a Hangout last week, Jai Radha and I, and
Jai Radha was sharing how you can
get creative in your life in order to generate more
finances. Sometimes, people don't think
about the fact that maybe they could take up a second
job or do a small business at
home. Right, Jai Radha? There's other ways, there's all
kinds of ways to create money.
Jai Radha:>> Absolutely. And some people have likened
this course to a Master's program,
which I thought was great. How much do people pay to
go to college and get Master's degrees?
Unfortunately people take out loans and they are in debt
for their entire life. So, if
someone wanted this training in this life badly enough,
I'm sure there is a way to make
it work.
Mohini:>> And I'd also like to mention that those of you
that need special payment arrangements
you can email us at: support@lightbodymastery.com
Right, Jai Radha? Is that the right email?
Jai Radha:>> That's right.
Mohini:>> Ok, so just contact us and we'll work with you
as we can. We want everyone,
as much as possible to take advantage of this incredible
program. So just send us your email.
You can also email us at the email address that many of
you know personally:
Shivababa108 at gmail dot com
And we'll forward that onto the Team that supports the
Light Body Mastery program. Are
there any other questions?
Jai Radha:>> Yes, the next question is: "Do we need to
burn 50% of karma before we can
take Light Body program successfully? Thank you."
Mohini:>> Was that 50% of the karma?
Jai Radha:>> Yes.
Mohini:>> That's good that you are thinking in precise
terms. So, it's not necessary to
have to burn a certain amount of karma before you join
the Light Body Mastery program. Actually,
the important component of the program is: when you
bring more light into your life,
you gradually evolve into a state where you have no
karma. Because that is essential in
turning the body into light. Body is karma. So, karma
removal will be an important element
of the Light Body program. I want to mention, as well,
that there is no prerequisite needed
to join the Light Body Mastery program. Dr. Pillai is a
master of the highest level and
he can transmit any form of empowerment to anyone,
very directly—instantaneously like
that! So, I mentioned in the Hangout last week with Jai
Radha, that when I met Dr. Pillai,
I didn't know any Eastern practices; I had never
meditated in my life and he just gave
me one transmission just when I was talking to him. And
when I sat in meditation by myself,
my entire universe opened up into all the previous births I
had had. And the meditation
experiences that I had just came upon me and the I
followed the journey from there. So,
for those of you who are worried about: Is this program
too advanced for me? Or maybe
I need to complete a certain level of evolution before I
join the program—it's not needed
at all. In fact, there is something called 'the beginner's
mind', which is actually very
helpful, because when you are totally open and when you
have no pre-conceived opinions
about, How can you turn the body into light? Then the
Master can directly transmit the
light to you like a laser beam. And he can do that all
throughout the day. Day and night:
he will just load your body with light. And that's the
blessings of the Light Body program.
There is the spoken teachings and there is the silent
teachings—which are much more
powerful. And that will be going on every moment of
everyday, as Dr. Pillai sends you
transmissions and the rituals are performed for you in
India. So, also I want to mention
for those of you who have very busy lives, it's just a very
powerful question. I know
many of you have many family commitments, have your
jobs: with the Light Body program
you don't need to take that much time. Every month, Dr.
Pillai will be giving a live meditation
as I mentioned. This meditation will be excerpted into an
audio clip that you can easily download
into your iPhone or into any other device. Or even if you
play that meditation during
the night, while you're sleeping, you are opening yourself
up in a very simple and easy
way, so that Dr. Pillai's blessings can flow into you. All
you have to do is be a receptive
channel and he does the work for you. So for those of
you who live in Asia, many of you
know that when you come to Dr. Pillai's events...he
always says, people approach him and they
say, "I just need your blessings," and he loves that
because Asians understand that
the blessings of the Master are everything. The blessings
do miracles and you don't need
to do anything, except just open up to the blessings. Are
there any other questions,
Jai Radha?
Jai Radha:>> Yes. The next question is from Linda and
she is asking: "Will the light body
for medically incurable infections? "
Mohini:>> Well, I would like to say that light can definitely
help and it can lead to a disease-fee
body. Now, of course, we can't make any specific
promises about certain diseases that anyone
is experiencing, however, I can assure you that those of
you that are having a health
problem: my heart goes out to you. I know that that's
really very difficult. And we
know that modern medicine is impermanent—it only
gives us a solution that lasts for a
certain amount of time. And then the body will keep
moving towards decay. So, when you
hold on the solution of the light body, it gives us so much
hope because we all know
the nature of light. Everyone loves light. Light is God,
compassion. Light makes us feel
happy, blissful. So, even if you innately feel it within
yourselves, you feel as you
bring light into your body, naturally the body will gain
lightness and a joy and an
ecstasy. Dr. Pillai actually explains this as an elixir of joy
and bliss that transforms
the cells of the body. So, you can transform the cells of
the body with light with your
positive thinking. So, I really recommend any of you who
have a health problem, and
if you want to experience the benefits of light, this
program will be very powerful
and very targeted to help people as much as possible in
order to experience a rejuvenated
health in their body. Any other questions?
Jai Radha:>> This question is from Rohit.: "How long will
it take to completely transform
the body into light?" We got this question a couple of
times and we never had the chance
to answer when Dr. Pillai was here previously. Maybe you
Mohini:>> Ok, it's a good question. Now the length of
time varies from individual to individual.
However, I would like to say that sometimes when Dr.
Pillai talks about the light body,
some people get scared and think that they are just
going immediately disappear into
light. It won't be like that. There was a phone call that Dr.
Pillai had in January
and he explained in a very beautiful way how the process
is very gradual. And it's gradual
and simple according to your life. So for example, if you
a person who has a lot of
family commitments and you need to take care of these
commitments, yes. And of course,
in the light body there are many stages. So for example,
there is the body of love and
the body of bliss. So, you'll be going through these
various stages where you can feel the
transformation in the body. And maybe people will tell
you that they can see a halo around
you or they can see so much light around you. However,
it's a gradual process moving to
the point where you can transform the body into light.
However, I want to say for those
of you that have that as your highest goal—to transform
the body completely into light—that
can only be done with the transmission of a qualified and
that is Dr. Pillai is the
only qualified, now in the world, to do that and that can
be dome in the wink of an eye.
And that can be done instantaneously. However, that
means that those of you that want that
instantaneous transmission, then you have to really
devote yourself to the practices
and to Dr. Pillai's teachings. Because it's his blessings
that will give you that transmission.
That's why the Light Body Mastery Program is so
important. Good question.
Jai Radha:>> Thank you. I have one from Ragini and it
says: "I have taken the Midbrain Miracle
Method program." How different will this light body
program is going to be from that program?
Would you recommend joining the Light Body program
Mohini:>> Yes, I definitely would. But the MMM is an
incredible program, amazing and
I heard so many beautiful testimonials. And I know you
were teaching in that program.
I got a final call and so many people were sharing so
many miracles in their lives, right?
Jai Radha:>> I mean, after that call...that is the meaning
of life! Just hearing having
their lives change so many people in profound
ways...just one of the best things to do,
Mohini:>> So, yes, it's a fantastic program and you're
probably already experiencing the
benefits that activating your midbrain brings into your
life. This is the next step, I would
say. Definitely for you who have done the Midbrain
Miracle Method program this is the
next step to go to, because the Light Body program it
does contain Dr. Pillai's highest
teachings. His most powerful teachings and your work
with activating the midbrain will
actually bring tremendous benefit for you as you enter
the Light Body Mastery program
it's a very important foundation. It's not needed, however,
if you've done the program
you will definitely experience an acceleration as you
move from the MMM to LBM program. It's
different in any way, as I mentioned. The LBM program is
a one-year program. And you
will be meditating live with Dr. Pillai. That means when
he comes on the webcast, he is
transmitting that energy to you at that moment—and
that's very, very powerful to be in the Master's
presence. It doesn't matter if he is on video—it happens
very easily. So, not only does it
have you working live with Dr. Pillai teaching, as I
mentioned, it has the daily rituals in
India that are so powerful; weekly calls with teachers. So
it's a very comprehensive program
in every way and it's perfect in itself. So, we hope you can
Jai Radha:>> Ok, next question. Raj asked, "Does past
karma have on the time it will
take to achieve the light body? Is this the same as
Mohini:>> Yes, the light body is the same as ascension
because when you reach the final
stage to bring the body into light you do disappear. Dr.
Pillai has given the examples
of great saints and teachers of many religions that have
had this experience. Now, regarding
the past karma, I would not say...I'm not the world expert
on the light body. But let
me go ahead and answer this question. Does past karma
have an effect on how and when
you can transform the body into light? Yes and no. And
I'd like to give some examples
of that. According to our own karma, some people may
have more financial karma; some
people may have more health karma in their life; some
people may have more relationship
karma in their life. I've been with Dr. Pillai for 20 years—
I've seen so many thousands
and thousands and thousands of people coming with
every kind of karma. However, I will
say that no matter what the karmic load is, so to speak,
karmic weight of each person,
I have seen dramatic miracles from people using Dr.
Pillai's techniques to remove that
karma. And in fact, some of the people that come with a
very heavy karma in either, money,
relationship or health, when they totally devote
themselves to the practices they can
experience tremendous miracles, no matter how serious
the problem was, it can be resolved.
So, my answer to that is that regardless of how much
karma you have, it's really it's
really 'apples or oranges'—it's a mixture of karma. But the
most important thing is
that if you totally devote yourself to these techniques
and teachings, Dr. Pillai as the
most highly evolved Master, he has the power to actually
transmit karma eradication directly
to you. And when he gives his blessings for the karma to
be removed it can be removed
in miraculous ways. Jai Radha, you have experienced
that yourself
and so many people. So, the blessings of the Master—it
does not matter what we bring
to the Master, just so we bring our heart and our soul.
Jai Radha:>> And speaking of bringing the heart and
sould, I wanted to say that we are
getting really great comments. Lorie says, "This is my
highest goal. I saw visions of
this for years. Thank you. I should continue daily." We
have many thank you's and gratitude
to Mohini and Dr. Pillai. So, there is lots of love going on
the comments forwarded. It's
teaching us that our highest goal is great light. We have
a couple of questions from
people who have asked about the Moola Mantra, which
is pert of the free downloads when you
to Lightbodymastery.com
And one of the comments was that he is...I'm not quite
sure what it means: he is feeling
the Moola mantra move upward and should he continue
to do it?
Mohini:>> Maybe that means he feels the energy moving
up his spine? That could be. So, any
experience that you have from practicing the Moola
mantra, take that as a divine experience.
I just tell people, don't get too attached to the
experiences you have when you use a
mantra, because a mantra is going to work on your body
in a very profound way and you
may have physical sensations and spiritual experiences.
You'll see results in your life.
But it will keep changing as you keep using the mantra.
So the Moola Mantra is the mantra
that Dr. Pillai has given recently, in order to bring his
energy directly to you and to
manifest miracles in your life. So, yes, keep using it and
as I mentioned, as you sign up
to www.lightbodymastery.com
then you'll receive that mantra directly and you can start
practicing right away.
Jai Radha:>> The next question we have: " Can weSign
still in Create
use Sreem Brzee with this process?"
It's from Rishesh.
Mohini:>> Absolutely. And those of you who live in
Singapore know that we've had many
Shreem Brzee sessions and I've heard fantastic stories
about how people have manifested money
into their lives or a better job...anyway, yes. Shreem
Brzee can be
used with all these techniques and it's a very powerful
mantra for manifesting money
and material comforts for yourself and the world. So, I
think our time is almost up.
Is there any other question that you see, Jai Radha, that
needs to be answered?
Jai Radha:>> That's it.
Mohini:>> OK. Thank you, Jai Radha, for making this
happen today.
Jai Radha:>> My pleasure, thank you.
Mohini:>> Thank you, everyone. We'll be posting more
notices on the Asian blog about the Light
Body Mastery Program. And you probably have been
seeing all the wonderful short video
clips that Vijay, my husband, created of the recent
Hangouts that Jai Radha hosted with
Dr. Pillai for the Light Body Global Forum. And we
appreciated his work so much in order
to make these short digestible clips that you can get the
golden nuggets of that program
in an easy way. So, we'll continue as much as possible to
bring you Dr. Pillai's latest
teachings in a very easy way and we'll also be excerpting
the meditation that I gave you,
which is a very simple version of four techniques that Dr.
Pillai has freely shared with everyone.
So, we are here for you and we are very excited about
this coming year—Dr. Pillai will bring
so much light to the earth plane and help people to
experience the tremendous bliss
and joy and transformation of bringing light into the
body. So, until we see you next time,
may you be embraced by the light.

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Light Body Activation Hangout - Dr. pillai - Business at the
speed of light - & meditations by mohini

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