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Rights of Children

Etymologically the word comes from Latin word "infanc" which means "one cannot speak".
For the Romans, this term is designated to those childs which are of the age of 7 or from the
birth till 7. This concept of right has evolved over the period of time and within cultures. The
age, for someone to be called a child varies greatly. It was not fixed till 1989 convention on
the rights of child which set the age below 18.
Children's rights are the rights specially adapted for children according to their fragility and
age appropriate needs. They take into account the necessity of development of the child.
The children does have the right to live and develop physically and intellectually in a
befitting manner. They considered the vulnerability of children and employee the necessity
to protect them. It means to grant a particular assistance to them and to give a protection
adapted to their age and to the degree of maturity

Child Rights International Network

1) Economic, social and cultural rights related to the conditions necessary to meet basic
human needs such as food, shelter, education, health care and gainful employment.

2) Environmental, cultural and developmental right, which are sometimes called "third
generation rights"and including the right to live in a safe and healthy environment and their
groups of people have the rights to cultural ,political and economic development

Scholarly study generally focuses children's right by identifying individual rights.

1) freedom of speech

2) freedom of thought

3) freedom of choice

Recognition of Child Rights

First recognised after world war one with the adoption of declaration of Geneva in 1924.
This continued with the adoption of declaration of children's rights in 1959. Recognition of
the children's interest and rights became real on 20 November 1989 with the adoption of
the international convention on the rights of the child, which was the first international
legally binding text with recognizing all the fundamental rights of the child. Children rights
are human rights which protect child as a human being, like human rights children rights are
constituted by certain guarantees.

1) Recognises the fundamental rights relieving protection of dignity, no discrimination, the

right to life et etc.
2) Children's rights are Civil and political rights such as the right to identity the right to
nationality etc.

3) Children's rights are economic political, social and cultural rights, such as right to
education, right to a decent standard of living etc.

Rights of Women
These are the rights and entitlement for women and girls worldwide which were broached
as a result of women's movement and feminist Movement in 19th and 20th century
respectively. In some countries, these are protected by law, local customs and behaviours
whereas in other countries they are ignored and suppressed.

Equal Employment
This means that non-discriminatory access should be there for job opportunities and equal
pay for Stop This thing was openly and overly denied by British Hong Kong government till
1970s.Leslie Chong, President of Chinese Civil Servant Association contributed to demand
the convention and established equal pay rule.

Natural Rights
In 17th century natural law, philosophers in Britain and America such as Locke, Rousseau
and Hobbes develop a theory of natural rights. The belief that natural rights are not derived
from God rather they are present in nature. These are present in nature and are universal
self evident and intuitive. They considered man to be civilized and nice and lives in the
highest form of society. They believed women, along with children, to be uncivilized and
irrational. Natural law is regarded the inferior status of women meant to be common sense
and the matter of nature. Modern Human Rights philosophers debunted read this concept.

Right to Vote
In 19th century this problem heeded very much. Women first demanded and then
demonstrated from enfranchisement. The team and did they should be incorporated in the
policy making concerning one and. However, not a woman who are in favour of
women.Many argued that women can be given their due rights without giving them voting
power. During 19th century this movement expanded in many countries. In 1893 New
Zealand became the first country to give women the right to vote and then comes Australia
in 1902.

Rights of Property
During the 19th Century someone in USA and Britain begin to challenge the large against
women's property ownership once they are married. After marriage, the husband takes
control of their wages and property on the basis of doctrine of couverture. In 1840, state
legislature in the United States and the British Parliament passed statues which protected
women's property from their husbands. These laws were known as "Married Women's
Property Act".

Key Concepts
Universal and Inalienable
This is the cornerstone in international human rights law. This principle as first emphasised
in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948 has been restated in many human
rights conventions declarations, resolutions. In 1993 the Vienna world conference on human
rights, for example,noted that it is the duty of the state to promote and protect human
rights of the citizens regardless of their political, economic and cultural systems.All the
states have ratified 1 and in 80% of the states have ratified 4 of the core Human Rights
treaties reflecting consent of states which create legal obligations for them and giving
concrete expression to universality.Human rights are also in alienable, this means they
cannot be taken away except in specific situations and according to due processes.Rights to
Liberty, for instance, may be restricted if a person is found guilty of a crime by a court of

Interdependence and Indivisiblity

All human rights are indivisible and interrelated.For example the Civil or political rights
which is the right to life, equality before law and freedom of expression.

Equal and Non-discriminatory

This is the cross cutting principle in international human rights law. The principal is present
in all the major treaties and provides the cultural theme of some of international Human
Rights convention such as international convention on elimination of all forms of racial

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