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The purpose of this study was to prove and determine 1)Both Selliguea taeniata leaf and Elaeagnus philippinensis
antioxidant activity of leaf extracts from Pateteg (Selliguea SELLIGUEA TAENIATA (PATETEG) leaf contain flavonoids and they also both don’t contain alkaloids and
taeniata) and Behel api (Elaeagnus philippinensis) and compile anthraquinones. While Elaeagnus philippinensis leaf has tannins that
summary of their content substances and effects. Selliguea Selliguea taeniata leaf does not have.
taeniata and Elaeagnus philippinensis are often used in natural AND ELAEAGNUS PHILIPINNENSIS 2)There is a significant difference between the different
therapy and food industry. Method DPPH (2,2-difenyl-1- combinations of Elaeagnus philippinensis and Elaeagnus
pikrylhydrazyl) was used for determination antioxidant activity (BEHEL API) LEAF EXTRACTS philippinensis leaves and the positive control, wherein treatment 5 is
of methanolic leaf extracts. Results of antioxidant activity were higher than treatment 6 and 7 which are positive controls and
expressed as IC50 values (concentration of extract which causes treatment 4 and 3 are higher than treatment 6.
50% reduction of radical). The average observed value is 0.884 Methodology
3)There is a significant difference between the different
mg/ml. Deviations can be caused by ongoing synthesis of the treatments, wherein treatment 10, 9, and 8 are significantly different
secondary metabolites. Gathering of Materials Incubation of the treatments mixed with each other, but treatment 8 and 5 have the same effect; treatment
Background of the Study Preparation of Materials
with DPPH solution at 37° C for 30 5 has higher effect than treatments 11, 7, 6, 3, 2, 1, and has lower
Elaeagnus philippinensis is a large Philippine shrub often used as an minutes effect than treatments 10, and 9. Treatment 4 has lower effect than
ornamental in the south because of its lovely silver green leaf. Through
phytochemical test, it was discovered that it contains saponins, steroids, Preparation of Elaeagnus treatments 10, 9, 8, and has higher effect than treatments 2, 1, 11, but
Absorbance reading through
tannins, and flavonoids. Selliguea taeniata is an indigenous plant of philippinensis and Selliguea taeniata has the same effect as treatment 5; treatment 1 and 2 are not
spectrophotometer at 517 nm
Kankana-ey, Mt. Province. Through phytochemical test, it was leaf extracts significantly different than the treatment 11, which is the negative
discovered that Pateteg (Selliguea taeniata) leaf contains carbohydrates, Interpreting results in DPPH assay control.
phytosterols, phenolics, flavonoids and proteins. These plants contain Preparation of DPPH solution
flavonoid that is a source of antioxidant. This motivated the researchers Recommendation
Statistical Analysis 1)The phytochemical analysis/testing of Selliguea taeniata
to conduct a study to screen and evaluate the antioxidant activity of Mixing of Elaeagnus philippinensis
these two plants when mixed together. and Selliguea taeniata leaf extracts leaf and Elaeagnus philippinensis leaf should be repeated since the
Statement of the Problem and the controls to the DPPH solution constituents tested on the leaves were not the same.
This study aims to test the antioxidant property both 2)The experimentation between the different treatments of
plants combined. Selliguea taeniata leaf extract and Elaeagnus philippinensis leaf
1) How do the chemical components present in Selliguea taeniata leaf Results and Discussion
extract should be repeated to improve the consistency of results.
compare with that of Elaeagnus philippinensis leaf?
Selliguea taeniata leaf extract having flavonoids and phenolic proves that it 3)The computation of results should also be repeated to
2)Is there a significant difference between the different combinations of
Selliguea taeniata (Pateteg) and Elaeagnus philippinensis (Behel api) has antiviral, anti-allergic, antiplatelet, anti-inflammatory, antitumor, and antioxidant correct any mistakes on the DPPH absorbamce reading, ANOVA and
leaves extracts and the positive control through antioxidant activity activities. Elaeagnus philippinensis leaf extract has antiviral, anti-allergic, antiplatelet, Duncan reading.
based on DPPH absorbance readings? anti-inflammatory, antitumor, and antioxidant activities because of flavonoid. It is
3) Is there a significant difference among the treatments through capable of reducing inflammation because of steroids. And because of saponins it Bibliography
antioxidant activity based on DPPH absorbance readings? contains, it is capable of producing soap. treatment 10, ascorbic acid (100µg/ml), has Alindayo, A. C., & Daoay, S. Z. Antimicrobial and
the highest free radical inhibition of 94.598 % and lowest mean absorbance of 0.064. antioxidant potential of Selliguea taeniata (Pateteg) leaf extract. Baguio
Significance of the Study This means that it has the highest antioxidant activity, because the lesser the mean City National High School, Baguio City, 2013
In our present society, herbal medicines have become absorbance, the higher the activity in antioxidants. It is then followed by treatment 9, Capdos, Aaron A. Antioxidant property of Elaeagnus
increasingly popular. We know as used that medicinal herbs are the also ascorbic acid, which has 68.206 % free radical inhibition and 0.379 mean philippinensis leaf extract. Cordillera Regional High School, La
basis of the pharmaceutical industry, drugs can be derived from plants absorbance. Then followed by treatment 8, 5, 4, 7, 3, 6, 2, 1, and lastly treatment 11, Trinidad, Benguet, 2013
and it cannot deny the fact that it will always be useful in terms of the negative control, which don’t have a zone of inhibition. The computed f value, Fc =
therapeutic values. Many people especially old ones care so much of Photo Credits
50.571, is greater than the tabulated f value, which is 2.2967 at .05 level. This means
their health that they use medicines and vitamins to boost or maintain that there is a significant difference between the different treatments. The difference
their health and to avoid diseases. This study determines the antioxidant between T5 and T8 at 0.127 is lesser than the computed least significant range for two
potential of Elaeagnus philippinensis mixed with Selliguea taeniata samples, R2 at 0.139, it is concluded that there is no significant difference between the
leaf extract, so that it would be useful in making new herbal medicines. combination of extracts (1000µg/mL) and the positive control (100µg).

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