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Article: TME200196 Date: January 23, 2013 Time: 16:32

Advanced Emergency Nursing Journal

Vol. 35, No. 1, pp. 16–25
C 2013 Wolters Kluwer Health | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins


Column Editor: Kyle A. Weant, PharmD, BCPS

Rapid Sequence Intubation

Medication Therapies
A Review in Light of Recent Drug Shortages
Molly A. Mason, PharmD, BCPS
Kyle A. Weant, PharmD, BCPS
Stephanie N. Baker, PharmD, BCPS

Rapid sequence intubation is a stepwise process developed to assist health care providers in
placing emergent artificial airways for patients requiring assisted ventilation. This practice includes
routine administration of sedative and neuromuscular blocking agent (NMBA) medications for pa-
tient comfort during endotracheal tube placement. Members of the multidisciplinary team should
be well educated about the various medications used during this process to ensure safe medication
practices in an emergent situation. Recent drug shortages have forced many health care profes-
sionals to use alternative medications with which they are less familiar. The intent of this review
is to familiarize health care providers with the pharmacology and adverse effect profiles of alterna-
tive sedative and NMBA medications used in emergent airway placement in light of recent drug
shortages. Key words: endotracheal intubation, neuromuscular blocking agent, rapid sequence
intubation, sedation, sedative

Author Affiliations: Department of Pharmacy Ser- IRWAY MANAGEMENT is one of the
vices, Indiana University Health Methodist Hospital, In-
dianapolis, Indiana (Dr Mason); North Carolina Public primary roles of emergency person-
Health Preparedness and Response, Raleigh, North Car- nel when critically ill patients present
olina (Dr Weant); North Carolina Department of Pub- to the emergency department (ED). One
lic Health, Raleigh, North Carolina (Dr Weant); Depart-
ment of Pharmacy Services, UK Health Care, Lexington, way to ensure appropriate airway manage-
Kentucky (Dr Baker); and Department of Pharmacy ment in these patients is to place an en-
Practice and Science, University of Kentucky College of dotracheal tube or other artificial airway to
Pharmacy, Lexington, Kentucky (Dr Baker).
assist with ventilation. Indications for en-
Disclosure: The authors report no conflicts of interest.
dotracheal intubation may include airway
Corresponding Author: Molly A. Mason, PharmD,
BCPS, Department of Pharmacy Services, Indiana protection for patients with an inability to
University Health Methodist Hospital, 1701 North maintain airway patency, respiratory distress,
Senate Blvd, AG401, Indianapolis, IN 46202 (mma- undergoing sedation for medical and surgi-
cal procedures, trauma, and neuromuscular
DOI: 10.1097/TME.0b013e31827fb706


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Article: TME200196 Date: January 23, 2013 Time: 16:32

January–March 2013 r Vol. 35, No. 1 Rapid Sequence Intubation 17

paralysis (Neumar et al., 2010). Rapid se- ate equipment is readily available at bedside,
quence intubation (RSI) is a streamlined, six- the patient is connected to necessary moni-
step process developed and used in most EDs toring devices, and all essential intravenous
to ensure each patient receives rapid airway lines are in place (Walls, 2012). At this time,
placement in a universally concise and con- the pharmacist or nurse responsible for med-
sistent manner (Reynolds & Heffner, 2005). ication therapy can verify which medications
These steps also allow for any patient requir- the intubator wishes to use for the proce-
ing advanced airway protection to be intu- dure, ensure appropriate dosing of the medi-
bated with a decreased risk of vomiting and as- cations based on patient-specific factors, and
piration regardless of their preparation prior prepare them at the bedside. Once the prepa-
to the procedure. The role of medication ther- ration step is complete, the team will work to
apy in RSI procedures is to provide adequate preoxygenate the patient with a tight-fitting,
sedation and paralysis in order to assist with nonrebreather oxygen mask for 3–5 min to
endotracheal tube placement. If done appro- achieve optimal oxygen stores. Bag mask ven-
priately, RSI results in a success rate of more tilation should be reserved for patients who
than 98.5% (Reynolds & Heffner, 2005). are not breathing spontaneously, because it
Health care institutions have faced chal- may lead to gastric insufflation, vomiting, and
lenges in recent years due to expected, and aspiration. Following pre-oxygenation, the
unexpected, drug shortages resulting in alter- team is ready for intubation. The next step
native drug utilization and changes to their is to administer pretreatment, if applicable,
RSI medication boxes to accommodate these and paralytic with induction medications
changes. Health care professionals may be (Caro & Bush, 2012; Caro & Laurin, 2012;
less familiar with these alternative therapies Caro & Tyler, 2012). At an appropriate inter-
in terms of their pharmacology and adverse val after medication administration, the intu-
effect profiles. It is imperative for pharma- bator will place the endotracheal tube, con-
cists and other health care professionals to nect the tube to the ventilator, and check
understand the dosing, onset of action, dura- for appropriate placement (listen for gastric
tion of action, and potential adverse effects of and breath sounds, watch for chest rise and
these medications to ensure continued safe fall, check for end-tidal CO2 via color change
practices in these critically ill patients. The detector or waveform capnography, obtain a
intent of this article is to provide a brief back- chest x-ray, etc.). The multidisciplinary team
ground review on the step-wise fashion of RSI will then work together to provide postin-
and to review the pharmacology of RSI medi- tubation management, which includes inflat-
cations to assist emergency care providers in ing the cuff, securing the tube, establishing
selecting and dosing appropriate agents and waveform capnography monitoring (if not al-
recognizing potential adverse effects. ready done), and continued pain and sedation
therapy to assist with mechanical ventilation
(Walls, 2012). See Table 1 for a summary of
these six steps and their associated processes.
Rapid sequence intubation is usually per- As outlined earlier, the purpose of RSI is to
formed in six concise steps that are often ensure concise and consistent management
referred to as the “6 Ps” of endotracheal in- for all patients requiring endotracheal intu-
tubation (Mace, 2008; Reynolds & Heffner, bation. It requires a multidisciplinary team
2005). First, a team of multidisciplinary health that may consist of a lead physician, poten-
care professionals prepares for RSI by assess- tially a resident physician, an intubator, nurs-
ing patients for potentially difficult airways ing staff, paramedics, a clinical pharmacist,
that may require advanced techniques for suc- and respiratory therapist to achieve this goal.
cessful intubation. The preparation step also The clinical pharmacist or nurse is usually
gives the team time to ensure the appropri- responsible for medication preparation and

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Article: TME200196 Date: January 23, 2013 Time: 16:32

18 Advanced Emergency Nursing Journal

Table 1. Six “Ps” of RSI procedures

Step Examples

Preparation Assess for difficult airway

Obtain appropriate equipment (ET tube, ventilator, etc.)
Place appropriate monitoring devices at the bedside
Place all necessary intravenous lines
Obtain and prepare appropriate RSI medications
Preoxygenation Build up oxygen stores with tight-fitting, nonbreather oxygen mask
for 3–5 min prior to the procedure
Pretreatment Administer any necessary pretreatment medications (e.g., fentanyl,
Paralytic (with sedative Administer sedative medication, followed by NMBA
prior to administration)
Placement Check for appropriate placement of ET tube
Listen for gastric and breath sounds
Watch for chest rise and fall
Check for end-tidal CO2 via color change or waveform capnography
Obtain a chest x-ray
Postintubation management Inflate and secure ET cuff after confirmation of appropriate ET tube
Establish continuous waveform capnography (if not already done)
Administer appropriate pain, sedation, and NMBA medications (e.g.,
boluses or continuous infusions)

Note. CO2 = carbon dioxide; ET = endotracheal tube; NMBA = neuromuscular blocking agent; RSI = rapid sequence
intubation. Information from Caro & Bush, 2012; Caro & Laurin, 2012; Caro & Tyler, 2012; Reynolds & Heffner, 2005;
Walls, 2012.

administration. It is important for these indi- to vagal nerve stimulation in pediatric pa-
viduals to be aware of the indications for each tients. After reviewing the need for prein-
medication based on patient-specific factors. duction therapy, the multidisciplinary team
Patient-specific factors that should be consid- should select appropriate sedatives and neu-
ered to ensure optimal therapy is adminis- romuscular blocking agents (NMBAs) based
tered include weight, medical history, and the on several patient-specific factors. The onset
patient’s current clinical picture including vi- of therapy should ideally be rapid to facilitate
tal signs. endotracheal tube placement, and the dura-
tion of action should also ideally be short to
ROLE OF MEDICATIONS IN RAPID SEQUENCE avoid prolonged paralysis. Depending on the
INTUBATION duration of action of the sedative and NMBA
medications selected for RSI, it is possible the
Patients requiring endotracheal intubation patient may experience prolonged paralysis
should be evaluated for appropriate RSI after the sedation medication wears off. This
medication therapy on the basis of their cur- is potentially more likely because drug short-
rent clinical status. Preinduction medications ages of shorter acting NMBAs may result in the
may be given to control the physiological use of longer acting NMBAs. Because of this,
catecholamine release associated with airway postintubation management with continuous
stimulation by the laryngoscope in select pa- pain and sedation medications is even more
tients (Reynolds & Heffner, 2005). This may imperative and should start immediately af-
include tachycardia from β-receptor activa- ter endotracheal intubation. See Table 2 for a
tion and hypertension from α-receptor acti- summary of dosing, onset of action, duration
vation in adult patients or bradycardia due of action, and common adverse effects seen

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Article: TME200196 Date: January 23, 2013 Time: 16:32

January–March 2013 r Vol. 35, No. 1 Rapid Sequence Intubation 19

Table 2. Pharmacology for rapid sequence intubation medications

Onset of Duration of Adverse Reversal

Medication Dosing action action effects agent

Atropine 0.02 mg/kg 1 min 30–60 min Dry mouth None
(min: 0.1 mg; Tachycardia
max: 0.5 mg) Hypertension
Pupil dilation
Fentanyl 2–3 mcg/kg Immediate 30–60 min Minimal Naloxone
(max: 0.4–2 mg
100 mcg) (adults) 0.1
Lidocaine 1.5 mg/kg 45–90 s 10–20 min Cardiac None
(max: dysrhythmias
100 mg)
Low-dose 0.01 mg/kg 2–4 min 30–90 min Bronchospasm None
ND NMBAs: (rocuronium) Respiratory
rocuronium, 30–45 min depression
vecuronium (vecuronium)
Sedative agents
Etomidate IV: 0.3 mg/kg 10–20 s 4–10 min Adrenal None
(max: 40 mg) suppression
Midazolam IV and IM: 2–5 min 30–80 min Hypotension Flumazenil 0.2
0.1–0.2 Respiratory mg (adults)
mg/kg depression 0.01 mg/kg
Ketamine IV: 1–2 mg/kg IV: 30–40 s IV: 5–10 min Hypertension None
IM: 4–10 mg/kg IM: 3–4 min IM: 12–25 min Cardiac
Increased ICP
Laryngeal spasm
Propofol IV: 1–2 mg/kg 10–50 s 3–10 min Hypotension None
Succiny- IV: 1.5 mg/kg IV: 30–60 s IV: 5–15 min Muscle None
choline fasciculations
IM: 3–4 mg/kg IM: 1–4 min IM: 15–20 min Increased ICP
(max: Hyperkalemia
150 mg) Respiratory

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20 Advanced Emergency Nursing Journal

Table 2. Pharmacology for rapid sequence intubation medications (Continued)

Onset of Duration of Adverse Reversal

Medication Dosing action action effects agent

Rocuronium IV: 0.6–1.2 1–2 min 30–90 min Respiratory None

mg/kg depression
Vecuronium IV: 0.1–0.2 2–4 min 30–45 min Bronchospasm None
mg/kg Respiratory

Note. ICP = intracranial pressure; IM = intramuscular; IV = intravenous; ND NMBAs = nondepolarizing neuromuscular

blocking agents (e.g., rocuronium, vecuronium). Information from Caro & Bush, 2012, Caro & Laurin, 2012; Caro &
Tyler, 2012; Chameides, Samson, Schexnayder, & Hazinski, 2011; Reynolds & Heffner, 2005.

with the medications listed in the following Fentanyl

section that are commonly used during RSI
Fentanyl is used as a premedication in RSI
to blunt the catecholamine response associ-
ated with α-receptor stimulation (Reynolds &
Heffner, 2005). α-receptor stimulation results
PREINDUCTION MEDICATIONS in hypertension that can be problematic in
patients with cardiac disease. Fentanyl acts
Atropine to help decrease hypertension secondary to
Atropine may be used for pediatric patients RSI and has a lesser effect on heart rate or
who experience bradycardia associated with tachycardia (Caro & Bush, 2012). Patients to
vagal nerve stimulation during the passing of consider for premedication with fentanyl in
the laryngoscope or bradycardia induced by RSI include those with suspected intracranial
succinylcholine administration (Reynolds & hypertension, hypertensive emergency, and
Heffner, 2005). This reaction is more com- myocardial ischemia. When used as a prein-
mon in pediatric patients than in adult pa- duction agent, fentanyl is usually dosed at 2–3
tients because of the differences in their mcg/kg (maximum dose of 100 mcg) initially,
oropharynx and neck anatomy that allows for but doses may be repeated to achieve goal
easier stimulation of the vagal nerve in chil- response (Caro & Bush, 2012).
dren. Atropine also decreases oral secretions
that may provide easier viewing for endotra-
cheal tube placement. The American Heart
Association recommends the use of atropine Lidocaine can be given as a premedication for
with RSI in all patients younger than 1 year, RSI in patients with traumatic brain injuries
patients 1–5 years of age receiving succinyl- (TBIs) or reactive airway disease (Reynolds
choline, and pediatric patient older than 5 & Heffner, 2005). Elevated intracranial pres-
years who receive subsequent doses of suc- sure (ICP) is a concern in TBI patients, and
cinylcholine (Chameides, Samson, Schexnay- this can be exacerbated with endotracheal
der, & Hazinski, 2011). In these settings, at- suctioning as well as RSI because of cate-
ropine is dosed at 0.02 mg/kg (minimum dose cholamine release. The use of lidocaine is pos-
of 0.1 mg, maximum dose of 0.5 mg). Com- tulated to help blunt these effects and prevent
mon adverse effects associated with the use further elevations in ICP during RSI (Caro &
of atropine include dry mouth, tachycardia, Bush, 2012). It also acts to reduce airway re-
hypertension, and pupil dilation (Chameides activity and suppress a patient’s cough reflex
et al., 2011). to assist with endotracheal tube placement.

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Article: TME200196 Date: January 23, 2013 Time: 16:32

January–March 2013 r Vol. 35, No. 1 Rapid Sequence Intubation 21

Despite its presumed role based on the patho- & Shapiro, 1980; McLesky, Cullen, Kennedy,
physiology of patients presenting to the ED & Galindo, 1974). Because of the lack of data
requiring RSI, there is no evidence-based lit- in this patient population, a defasiculating
erature that supports the role of lidocaine dose of a non-depolarizing NMBA is not
in improving neurological outcomes. Three always recommended or used in the ED
studies looked at the use of lidocaine prior setting. If implemented as part of the RSI
to intubation in neurosurgical patients requir- procedure, a nondepolarizing NMBA such as
ing nonemergent elective procedures with rocuronium or vecuronium at one tenth of
no definitive answer regarding the ability of the intubation dose is administered 1–2 min
lidocaine to blunt increases in ICP during prior to RSI (Reynolds & Heffner, 2005).
intubation (Bedford, Winn, & Tyson, 1980;
Hamill, Bedford, Weaver, & Colohan, 1981;
Samaha, Ravussin, Claquin, & Ecoffey, 1996). SEDATIVE MEDICATIONS
One study looked at the use of either endo-
tracheal or intravenous lidocaine in patients
with severe head injuries, but it is unclear Etomidate is a short-acting sedative hypnotic
whether intubation took place emergently in with γ -aminobutyric acid (GABA)-like effects
the ED or intensive care unit. Neither study that lead to sedation. Its pharmacokinetic and
group proved the ability of lidocaine to lower adverse effect profiles explain its popularity
ICPs in this setting (Yano et al., 1986). No because it is estimated to be used in 70%–80%
studies looked directly at trauma patients pre- of emergent RSI procedures (Bergen & Smith,
senting to the ED who required RSI. Because 1997; Sagarin, Barton, Chng, & Walls, 2005).
of this, it is not always recommended, or used, Etomidate has a quick onset of action (5–15 s)
in ED settings because of lack of evidence in and moderate duration of action (5–15 min)
this specific patient population. The premed- that is well suited for successful intubation.
ication dose of lidocaine for RSI is 1.5 mg/kg It has a hemodynamically neutral adverse ef-
(maximum dose of 100 mg), and it should be fect profile, with a lack of cardiac and res-
given 3 min prior to RSI for full effect (Caro & piratory adverse effects compared with simi-
Bush, 2012). The major adverse effect to con- lar agents. Etomidate also has neuroprotective
sider with lidocaine use is cardiac dysrhyth- effects in trauma patients that result in a de-
mias (Reynolds & Heffner, 2005). creased cerebral metabolic rate and decreased
ICP (Caro & Tyler, 2012). Some health care
professionals question the use of etomidate
Low-Dose Nondepolarizing Neuromuscular
for RSI in certain patient populations (e.g.,
Blocking Agents
sepsis) because of its risk for adrenal suppres-
Succinylcholine, a depolarizing NMBA com- sion (Dmello, Taylor, O’Brien, & Matuschak,
monly used as a paralytic agent in RSI, can 2010; Edwin & Walker, 2010; Tekwani, Watts,
cause fasciculations, which are postulated to Sweis, Rzechula, & Kulstad, 2010). This con-
increase ICPs, in some patients (Reynolds & cern stems from the fact that etomidate blocks
Heffner, 2005). This is of particular concern 11-β-hydroxylase, an enzyme responsible for
in patients who present with TBI. Most in vivo stress steroid production, potentially
of the studies analyzing the incidence of resulting in decreased cortisol levels and di-
increased ICP associated with the use of minishing a septic patient’s ability to respond
succinylcholine were done in neurosurgical to hemodynamic changes and infection. De-
patients requiring elective procedures and spite this mechanism, studies to date have
not in the setting of RSI in patients with failed to determine a definitive conclusion
TBI (Brown, Parr, & Manara, 1996; Kovarik, to this hypothesis due in part to the various
Mayberg, Lam, Mathisen, & Winn, 1994; Lam, study designs and the emergent nature of its
Nicholas, & Manninen, 1984; Marsh, Dunlop, utilization (e.g., study consent, enrollment,

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Article: TME200196 Date: January 23, 2013 Time: 16:32

22 Advanced Emergency Nursing Journal

randomization). Health care professionals thermore, it can be administered both intra-

must use clinical judgment in deciding muscularly and intravenously. It is less favor-
whether to use etomidate as the sedative able as a sedating agent for RSI than etomidate
agent for RSI in septic patients and other pa- and midazolam because of its adverse effect
tients at risk of adverse effects with induced profile (Sih, Campbell, Tallon, Magee, & Zed,
adrenal suppression. Doses of etomidate at 2011). It is not recommended for use in car-
0.3 mg/kg are sufficient to induce sedation in diac patients because of its risk of developing
the setting of RSI (Caro & Tyler, 2012). hypertension and arrhythmias, and it should
also be used with caution in TBI patients be-
Midazolam cause of its potential ability to increase ICP.
Caution regarding its use in TBI patients stems
Midazolam is a schedule IV benzodiazepine
from small sample size trials conducted in the
that also exhibits GABA-like effects for se-
1970s that demonstrated variable effects on
dation without causing adrenal suppression
ICP with ketamine administration. Increased
compared to etomidate (Reynolds & Heffner,
ICPs were observed in patients with abnor-
2005). In addition, it has amnestic properties
mal cerebrospinal fluid pathways (e.g., hydro-
that may further assist in making the proce-
cephalus, shunts; List, Crumrine, Cascorbi, &
dure more comfortable for the patient and
Weiss, 1972; Shapiro, Wyte, & Harris, 1972);
anticonvulsant properties for patients with
however, ICPs remained within normal range
seizure activity. Midazolam is a preferred seda-
in healthy individuals (Gardner, Olson, &
tive choice for patients without intravenous
Lichtiger, 1971; Gibbs, 1972). None of these
access because it can be administered intra-
studies were conducted in actual trauma pa-
muscularly as well as intravenously. Major ad-
tients. Studies conducted in TBI patients using
verse effects with midazolam therapy include
continuous infusions of ketamine found no
hypotension, with decreases in mean arte-
significant changes in ICP between the study
rial pressure by as much as 10% compared
groups (Bourgoin et al., 2003, 2005; Kolenda,
with etomidate, and respiratory depression
Gremmelt, Rading, Braun, & Markakis, 1996;
when combined with other central nervous
Schmittner et al., 2007). These studies, how-
system (CNS) depressing medications (Bergen
ever, have limited applicability to those re-
& Smith, 1997). It may also be a less desir-
ceiving single doses of ketamine for RSI.
able choice in patients who may have tol-
Ketamine has been shown to produce nys-
erance due to chronic benzodiazepine use.
tagmus as well as emergence phenomena in
However, it may be advantageous in those
adult and pediatric patients. During emer-
who present with seizure activity secondary
gence phenomena, patients experience visual
to benzodiazepine or alcohol withdrawal, al-
hallucinations, which may be pleasant (more
though higher doses may need to be used in
common in pediatrics) or unpleasant (more
these situations. The dose for RSI ranges from
common in adults). To help counteract this re-
0.1 to 0.2 mg/kg (Reynolds & Heffner, 2005).
action, small doses of benzodiazepines (e.g.,
In clinical practice, this dose typically does
midazolam 2 mg) may be administered with
not exceed 10 mg but special considerations
ketamine. When used for RSI, ketamine can
should be based on each patient’s response.
be administered at doses of 1–2 mg/kg in-
travenously or 4–10 mg/kg intramuscularly
(Caro & Tyler, 2012).
Ketamine is a schedule III general anes-
thetic that blocks N-methyl-d-aspartate recep-
tors that elicit excitatory responses in the CNS
(Miller, 2000). Recent shortages of benzodi- Propofol is a short-acting hypnotic with sev-
azepines and etomidate have resulted in the eral proposed mechanisms of action. It stim-
increased use of ketamine for sedation during ulates GABA receptors similar to etomidate
RSI. Like most sedatives in this setting, it has and midazolam to produce sedation but also
a rather quick onset of action (30–60 s). Fur- blocks sodium channels (Reynolds & Heffner,

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Article: TME200196 Date: January 23, 2013 Time: 16:32

January–March 2013 r Vol. 35, No. 1 Rapid Sequence Intubation 23

2005). This sedative has an extremely short rhythmias and cardiac arrest (Powell & Miller,
duration of action that may require repeated 1975). In patients without end-stage renal dis-
doses during RSI to maintain sedation dur- ease, the increase in potassium is typically
ing the procedure (Caro & Tyler, 2012). Be- transient and less likely to cause cardiac ar-
cause of this, and an increased incidence of rhythmias. It should also be used with cau-
hypotension associated with repeat boluses, tion in trauma patients because of its abil-
it is not routinely used for RSI. The use of ity to increase ICP. The usual doses of suc-
propofol, however, may be beneficial in TBI cinylcholine are 1.5 mg/kg intravenously or
patients because of its ability to decrease ICP, 3–4 mg/kg intramuscularly for RSI (Caro &
but it may also be detrimental in terms of its Laurin, 2012).
ability to enhance hypotension by decreasing
mean arterial pressures by as much as 10% in Nondepolarizing Neuromuscular Blocking
hemodynamically unstable patients (Bergen & Agents
Smith, 1997; Ludbrook, Visco, & Lam, 2002).
Common doses seen for RSI procedures range Neuromuscular blocking agents such as
from 1 to 2 mg/kg (Caro & Tyler, 2012). rocuronium and vecuronium act to induce
paralysis by competitively acting with acetyl-
choline to bind to the motor endplate
NEUROMUSCULAR BLOCKING AGENTS (Reynolds & Heffner, 2005). Rocuronium and
vecuronium have fewer adverse effects than
Succinylcholine succinylcholine, but they consistently have
Succinylcholine is a depolarizing NMBA that a longer duration of action (40–75 min), re-
acts on acetylcholine receptors to depolarize sulting in prolonged paralysis for a rapid
the endplate membrane resulting in skeletal procedure (Caro & Laurin, 2012). Adverse
muscle paralysis (Caro & Laurin, 2012). Some effects are minimal but include potential
health care providers prefer succinylcholine hemodynamic changes (hyper/hypotension
to the nondepolarizing NMBAs because of its and tachycardia). It is imperative to admin-
faster onset (30–60 s) and shorter duration ister additional sedation until NMBA effects
of action (5–20 min, based on the route of wear off to prevent unnecessary stress with
administration). Common and clinically rele- known paralysis. Methods for sedation may in-
vant adverse effects include a potential for clude boluses or continuous infusions based
increased ICP resulting from muscle fascicula- on the physician’s preference and long-term
tions, hyperkalemia, rhabdomyolysis, and ma- intubation plan. RSI dosing ranges for rocuro-
lignant hyperthermia (Caro & Laurin, 2012). nium and vecuronium are 0.6–1.2 mg/kg and
It is the only NMBA that can be administered 0.1–0.2 mg/kg, respectively (Caro & Laurin,
intramuscularly if an intravenous line cannot 2012).
be placed. Succinylcholine is the preferred
NMBA in patients who are actively seizing
during RSI because of its short duration of
action, thus avoiding the inadvertent masking Table 2 summarizes important pharmacolog-
of symptoms of seizure activity. It is not rec- ical parameters for each RSI medication dis-
ommended for patients with end-stage renal cussed earlier. The multidisciplinary team
disease and patients with burns after 24 hr should take into consideration the onset of
postinjury because of the risk of developing action of each medication to take advantage
hyperkalemia. The administration of succinyl- of its full effects during RSI. Patient comfort
choline in patients with end-stage renal dis- is also critical in proper administration of RSI
ease can increase a patient’s potassium con- medications. To avoid patient awareness of
centration by as much as 0.5 mEq/L, resulting paralysis, it is imperative to always administer
in an increased risk of developing cardiac ar- the sedating agent 1–2 min before the NMBA.

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Article: TME200196 Date: January 23, 2013 Time: 16:32

24 Advanced Emergency Nursing Journal

This will ensure appropriate onset of action institutions continue to provide safe and ef-
with sedation prior to administration of the fective medication practices in emergency
NMBA. All RSI medications can be adminis- situations.
tered via rapid intravenous push. The intra-
venous line used for administration of the RSI
medications should be flushed with normal REFERENCES
saline between medications to prevent com- Bedford, R., Winn, H., & Tyson, G. (1980). Lidocaine pre-
patibility issues. vents increased ICP after endotracheal intubation. In
Patients should be monitored for cardiac K. Shulman, A. Mamorou, & J. Miller (Eds.), Intracra-
rhythm and vital sign changes. Awareness of nial pressure IV (pp. 595–598). Berlin, Germany:
adverse effect profiles is important prior to Springer-Verlag.
Bergen, J., & Smith, D. (1997). A review of etomidate for
medication selection to assist in avoiding ex- rapid sequence intubation in the emergency depart-
acerbating underlying medical conditions and ment. Journal of Emergency Medicine, 15, 221–230.
diagnosing adverse effects should they arise. Bourgoin, A., Albanese, J., Leone, M., Sampol-Manos, E.,
Because of the nature of the medications se- Viviand, X., & Martin, C. (2005). Effects of sufen-
lected for RSI procedures and their quick on- tanil or ketamine administered in target-controlled
infusion on the cerebral hemodynamics of severely
set and duration of action profiles, it should brain-injured patients. Critical Care Medicine, 33,
be rare that any of the medications adminis- 1109–1113.
tered require reversal due to adverse effects Bourgoin, A., Albanese, J., Wereszczynski, N., Charbit,
with or without higher doses. If needed, how- M., Vialet, R., & Martin, C. (2003). Safety of sedation
ever, reversal agents are available for fentanyl with ketamine in severe head injury patients:
Comparison with sufentanil. Critical Care Medicine,
and midazolam (see Table 2). Naloxone can 31, 711–717.
be given to reverse the effects of fentanyl and Brown, M., Parr, M., & Manara, A. (1996). The effect of
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Article: TME200196 Date: January 23, 2013 Time: 16:32

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