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Constitution Day: How to Take Advantage of a Federal Requirement

What is Constitution Day?

Constitution Day commemorates the signing of the United States Constitution on September 17,
1787. According to the US Department of Education, “Each educational institution that receives
Federal funds for a fiscal year is required to hold an educational program about the U.S.
Constitution for its students.” The event must somehow relate to the Constitution, but there are
no other requirements. This gives colleges and universities the opportunity to plan a creative,
unique program that best fits their students. ​ ​The official website for Constitution Day is
http://www.constitutionday.com/​. This year’s holiday is on ​Monday, September 17, ​which is 50
days before Election Day.​ ​You can check out this free resource from the New York Times and
American Democracy Project​ ​here​, or read below for more ideas.

Here are some CEEP suggested program ideas:

● ​Host panel discussions​ featuring local or state political figures to discuss the importance of
youth voting or voter ID laws. Include examples of proper voter ID cards that students can bring
to the polls.
● Use CEEP’s​ ​Living Room Conversations guide​ to have meaningful discussions with
● Host​ ​Bagels & Ballots​,​ ​Donuts & Dialogue​, or​ ​Politics & A Pint​.
● Organize​ ​a town hall between students and the administration​ on a local subject.
● Host a conversation or dialogue that could be centered around a relevant issue, using the
resources provided​ ​here​ by Minnesota Campus Compact.
● Connect administration and students in a forum to create a “​University Bill of Rights​.”
● In a well-trafficked area, ask a simple question and ask students to write their response in 6
words (or less). For example,​ ​"What does "We the People..." mean to you?"​ Students would then
tape their answers on the walls/windows of a pedestrian walk bridge, creating a makeshift art

Voter Education and Registration

● Pass out pocket Constitutions and have a table where students can register to vote.
● Contact your local board of elections to host polling machines on campus. This allows first
time voters to see what they can expect when going to the polls.
● Pass out “Commit to Vote” cards and help students create an “Election Day Plan.”
● Make a table with​ ​Election Day trivia​ - both history of voting and who’s currently on the
ballot, along with absentee ballot request forms and registration forms.
● Host a​ ​forum on voting rights​, especially if you’re in a state that recently passed Voter ID
● Host a 5K called “​Dash for Democracy​” where volunteers register voters and pass out
information on candidates, identification information, and more.
● ​Invite local politicians​ to campus to host a town hall with students.

Constitution Education
● Act out the Bill of Rights in the “​Living Constitution​,” and/or wear colonial-era clothing to
draw students to your booth.
● Host a​ ​Constitution Movie Marathon​ or show a film relating to one of the amendments.
● Create a video with students, staff, and faculty explaining the importance of the Constitution,
Bill of Rights, and voting.
● Use Band of Rights, which has a lot of Constitutional literacy resources​ ​here​.
● Have a poster where passersby can respond to questions relating to the Constitution in the
context of current events.
● Use social media networks to post​ ​“Fascinating Constitution Facts”​ or how rights and
liberties affect students.
● Throw a​ ​birthday party​ for the Constitution. Have cake, music, balloons, and other
decorations to get students to come to your booth. This can be combined with voter registration,
Constitution facts, and other fun events.
● Utilize the campus radio station, newspapers, and/or digital signage to share history of the
● Invite the band, choir, and/or orchestra to host a​ ​concert of patriotic music​, or invite the
theater program to do a shortened production of ​Hamilton.
● Host an​ ​essay contest​ with a small prize or scholarship.

● ​Interactive
● ​Do I have a right?
● ​Constitution I.Q. Quiz​ - This would be great for a similar activity as last year. You
could track student scores on a White Board and see where the average student stands.
● ​Which Founding Father are you?
● ​Civics Flash Cards​: test your knowledge by answering questions from the
Naturalization Test given by the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services Office.
● ​Print or Purchase​ Pocket Constitutions

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