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Online and In-class Tutorial 6



Required Reading:
• Textbook Chapter 5: McShane et al. (2016) Foundations of employee motivation. In McShane
et al (Eds. 5), Organisational Behaviour: Emerging Knowledge. Global Insights. (pp. 142 - 179).
Australia: McGraw-Hill.
• Textbook Chapter 6: McShane et al. (2016) Applied performance practices. In McShane et al
(Eds. 5), Organisational Behaviour: Emerging Knowledge. Global Insights. (pp. 180-211).
Australia: McGraw-Hill.
• ‘Fab Sweets Ltd’ Case
• Quinn, R.E., & Spreitzer, G.M. (1997). The road to empowerment: Seven questions every
leader should consider. Organizational Dynamics, 26(2), 37-49

Supplementary Reading:
• Young, D. (2013) Note on Motivation. The Crimson Group.

Online Tutorial 6
• Fab Sweet Case Analysis. Based on your team number you will be assigned ONE of the
motivation theories we have covered in lectures (via the Online Tutorial) and will complete a
theory review question. Using the assigned motivation theory you are then asked to analyse the
case and provide recommendations.

In-Class Tutorial 6:

• Learning objectives:
- Discuss the ‘FAB Sweets LTD’ case study.
- Apply motivation theories to the case to identify and analyse the issues/problems in the
case study.
- Generate recommendations to solve the problems at Fab Sweets Ltd.`
- Team work log and reflection.
• Be prepared to discuss/debate these issues (on-line tutorial questions) in your assignment
teams and with all members of the tutorial.

Q1: Complete the theory review questions on Job Design, Empowerment Theory, Equity Theory and
Expectancy Theory.

Q2: Use the following theories to analyse the problems occurring at Fab Sweets.
1. Adam's Equity Theory (textbook)
2. Vroom's Expectancy Theory (textbook)
3. Empowerment Theory (Required Reading)
4. Job Design (textbook)

Q3: Use any of the theories from questions 1 and 2 to provide some recommendations to
Fab Sweets director

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