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ISSUE: 201808218- Re: The theft of our democracy, etc & the constitution-Supplement 5

As a CONSTITUTIONALIST my concern is the true meaning and application of the constitution.

* Gerrit, we had those doomsday Members of Parliament denouncing then candidate Donald
Trump but now to some extend it seems they desire to duplicate his policies.
**#** INSPECTOR-RIKATI®, Malcolm Turnbull, Bill Shorten and Julie Bishop in my view
stood out about this kind of hypocrites.
* Even his immigration policies in the end was accepted by the Supreme Court to be within his
constitutional powers.

**#** Actually, I had all along stated the same and the Supreme Court proved I was right in that
regard. While there is this commotion in Australia about Senator Fraser Anning objecting to
Muslims the reality is that where there is any specific problem that is related to a particular
group, religious or not, then it is appropriate to seek to deal with existing problems before
allowing others of that group to enter the country. Politicians must not ignore that the very
victims of crimes are those they are supposed to represent. So, when the Framers of the
constitution debated immigration they made clear that there was a Chinese problem as they were
undermining Australians ability to work and so that should serve as an example that the very
immigration principle is as Senator Fraser Anning made clear to have people willing to
assimilate. He didn’t at least to my understanding dictate they have to lose their cultural and
other traditions but merely they should become part of the general community. And this is
precisely what the Framers of the Constitution embedded as a legal principle in the constitution.
If you have those snowflakes, rednecks, lefties who are willing to destroy our constitution then
the Parliament is not a place they belong in as they made an oath/affirmation to serve the
constitution, as such also the embedded legal principles. I did not understand from his speech
that he was after any migration based upon colour of skin.
You need to understand that Australia so to say was built upon the back of the sheep (so farmers
and growers). We need to protect them, as I wrote about in the past. We got methadone
provisions for those who are committing crimes but no proper system to assist farmers and
growers in time of need of water supplies.

We have a constitution and its legality rest as shown in the following quotation by a Governor-
General appointed by the British Empire!
Hansard 1-4-1891 Constitution Convention Debates (Official Record of the Debates of the National
Australasian Convention)


I do not see the necessity for considering the hon. member's proposal at the present time. I am proud of
being a citizen of the great British empire, and shall never fail to be proud of that position. I have no
desire to weaken a single link binding us to that empire, whether as regards the appointment of a
governor-general or anything else.

p1 18-8-2019 © G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.

A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
Email: admin@inspector-rikati.com. For further details see also my blog at Http://www.scrib.com/InspectorRikati

The following also makes clear that any person who has British connection is entitled to be a
Member of Parliament and this is an embedded legal principle in the constitution, that cannot be
altered by the High Court of Australia, and hence I view its past ruling such as against Barnaby
Joyce was outside constitutional provided judicial powers. Hence without legal force! Any court
order/decision that is outside its judicial powers is no court decision at all as it has no legal
validity! No court order/decision can override the constitution as to allow for this would place
the court above the will of the People and above the constitution.

Hansard 2-4-1891 Constitution Convention Debates

We propose to form a commonwealth of Australia, and are we to prohibit people of our own race, born
in other portions of the British dominions, from becoming senators until they have been resident in the
commonwealth for a certain period? No such prohibition is placed upon Australians residing in the old
country. Any Australian, resident in England, can at once, if the electors desire, become a member of
the House of Commons, and I see no reason why a distinguished Englishman coming to these colonies
should not at once be eligible for the position of senator if the legislature of one of the colonies desired
his appointment.

As for the deposit to be a candidate and for needing a number of signatures for nominations, let
us considering the following quotation which bases the right to become a Member of Parliament
(if elected) upon being an elector! Hence the deposit and number of signatures I view is
unconstitutional demand and must be removed from electoral laws!
Hansard 8-2-1898 Constitution Convention Debates
QUOTE Mr. OCONNOR (New South Wales).-
Surely every person who has the suffrage-the right to vote within the Commonwealth-and who lives
within the Commonwealth, is a citizen of the Commonwealth, and entitled to all its privileges, including
the right to take part as the Commonwealth provides in the framing of the laws.

As to federal road funding, water pipe lines, etc, this I view all must be going in a non-political
manner through the Inter-State Commission. It is obligatory to exist but again our own
politicians are thieving our constitutional rights.
I understand that the Commonwealth with agreement of the States has discontinued the Inter-
State Commission, but no such powers existed for the Commonwealth and the State to do so and
hence the Commonwealth of Australia itself is clearly at fault in that regard also, as are the
HANSARD 25-2-1898 Constitution Convention Debates
Commission obligatory.
HANSARD 25-2-1898 Constitution Convention Debates
Mr. HIGGINS.-But the Inter-State Commission must be absolutely independent of Parliament.

Farmers/growers do not need some political handout if the politicians in the first place had all
along bothered to ensure the Inter-State Commission with its experts could have arranged
diverting water from being wasted into the ocean to other areas where they are badly needed.
The very purpose of federation has been ongoing undermined by left loonies and others such as
snowflakes and rednecks who to me seem not to care less about the plight of Australians but

p2 18-8-2019 © G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.

A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
Email: admin@inspector-rikati.com. For further details see also my blog at Http://www.scrib.com/InspectorRikati
more concerned about how to earn a buck as lawyers to pursue the hypothetical rights of aliens
above that of Australians.

If I were to express any criticism upon Senator Fraser Annings speech it would be he was too
gentle and not strong enough about the vandalism by politicians to rob us of our constitutional
rights. However, considering the limited time available I accept that at least he made a good

Consider the following quotations also.

Hansard 6-3-1891 Constitution convention Debates (Official Record of the Debates of the National
Australasian Convention)


I hope that I am at any rate acting in the spirit in which we all labour together, and that the result of our
labour will be to found a state of high and august aims, working by the eternal principles of justice and not
to the music of bullets, and affording an example of freedom, political morality, and just action to the
individual, the state and the nation which will one day be the envy of the world.


Hansard 2-3-1898 Constitution Convention Debates


Mr. FRASER (Victoria).-I think that if we give the right to an infinitesimal minority to come here and
indulge in extraordinary practices, under the pretence that this is a new religion, we may have all the
theatres and all the music-halls in Australia open on Sundays. If that is possible we ought to do what
we can to provide against it.

Mr. HIGGINS (Victoria).-I want if I can to recommend the Commonwealth Bill and get it carried. But
why should we be faced with this difficulty? You have put in the preamble a religious recital which is not in
the Constitution of the United States of America, but you have not put in the safeguard against religious
intolerance which they have there. I ask honorable members how I shall face that difficulty? There is a grave
suspicion evidenced by what I said that there were 36,000 distinct signatures upon this very point. I do not
think it is too much for me to say that we ought to reassure those persons. They may be wrong. It may be
right, as my friend (Mr. Barton) says, that there is no power by implication in the Commonwealth to pass this
law. It may be right as he says, that the Commonwealth ought to have the power. But I only say that it is a
state matter, and it should be left to the states. My honorable friend (Mr. Fraser), with all respect to him,
shows the current ignorance on this matter because he will not understand that the state, if my proposal is
carried, will have the same power as it has now to stop any theatrical performances on Sunday.


HANSARD 17-2-1898 Constitution Convention Debates

We must remember that in any legislation of the Commonwealth we are dealing with the Constitution. Our
own Parliaments do as they think fit almost within any limits. In this case the Constitution will be above
Parliament, and Parliament will have to conform to it.
HANSARD 9-2-1898 Constitution Convention Debates
Mr. HIGGINS.-No, because the Constitution is not passed by the Parliament.
HANSARD 1-3-1898 Constitution Convention Debates
p3 18-8-2019 © G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.
A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
Email: admin@inspector-rikati.com. For further details see also my blog at Http://www.scrib.com/InspectorRikati
Mr. GORDON.- The court may say-"It is a good law, but as it technically infringes on the Constitution
we will have to wipe it out."

Hansard 8-3-1898 Constitution Convention Debates


No one is more in favour of that than I am. But, at the same time, it is said-"Let the Houses of Parliament act
capriciously and variously from day to day-allow this 'tacking' to go on if the Houses choose to agree to it-let
the Houses do one thing one day and another the next, and do not bother about altering the Constitution, but
trust the Parliament." Of course; but Parliament must only be trusted when it is within the Constitution.
The Senate of to-day and the House of Representatives must not be put in a position superior to the


Hansard 8-3-1898 Constitution Convention Debates (Official Record of the Debates of the National Australasian
Mr. ISAACS.-We want a people's Constitution, not a lawyers' Constitution.

HANSARD18-2-1898 Constitution Convention Debates (Official Record of the Debates of the National
Australasian Convention)
The right of a citizen of this great country, protected by the implied guarantees of its Constitution,

HANSARD 17-3-1898 Constitution Convention Debates

Mr. BARTON.- Of course it will be argued that this Constitution will have been made by the Parliament of
the United Kingdom. That will be true in one sense, but not true in effect, because the provisions of this
Constitution, the principles which it embodies, and the details of enactment by which those principles
are enforced, will all have been the work of Australians.

The following will also make clear that the Framers of the Constitution intended to have CIVIL
RIGHTS and LIBERTIES principles embedded in the Constitution;
HANSARD 17-3-1898 Constitution Convention Debates (Official Record of the Debates of the National
Australasian Convention)
the protection of certain fundamental rights and liberties which every individual citizen is entitled to
claim that the federal government shall take under its protection and secure to him.

Hansard 1-3-1898 Constitution Convention Debates

Mr. HIGGINS.-Suppose the sentry is asleep, or is in the swim with the other power?

Mr. GORDON.-There will be more than one sentry. In the case of a federal law, every member of a
state Parliament will be a sentry, and, every constituent of a state Parliament will be a sentry.
As regards a law passed by a state, every man in the Federal Parliament will be a sentry, and the whole
constituency behind the Federal Parliament will be a sentry.

Hansard 31-1-1898 Constitution Convention Debates (Official Record of the Debates of the National
Australasian Convention)

p4 18-8-2019 © G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.

A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
Email: admin@inspector-rikati.com. For further details see also my blog at Http://www.scrib.com/InspectorRikati
We shall not only look to the Federal Judiciary for the protection of our interests, but also for the just
interpretation of the Constitution:

Hansard 1-2-1898 Constitution Convention Debates (Official Record of the Debates of the National
Australasian Convention),
QUOTE Mr. OCONNER (New South Wales).-
Because, as has been said before, it is [start page 357] necessary not only that the administration of
justice should be pure and above suspicion, but that it should be beyond the possibility of suspicion;

Hansard 8-3-1898 Constitution Convention Debates


Sir JOHN DOWNER.-Now it is coming out. The Constitution is made for the people and the states on
terms that are just to both.


Hansard 19-4-1897 Constitution Convention Debates

This is a Constitution which the unlettered people of the community ought to be able to understand.

Hansard 21-9-1897 Constitution Convention Debates (Official Record of the Debates of the National
Australasian Convention)

The Right Hon. C.C. KINGSTON (South Australia)[9.21]: I trust the Drafting Committee will not fail to
exercise a liberal discretion in striking out words which they do not understand, and that they will put
in words which can be understood by persons commonly acquainted with the English language.


Hansard 28-1-1898 Constitution Convention Debates

QUOTE Dr. QUICK (Victoria).-
There can be no doubt as to the desirability of conferring unlimited powers on the Federal Parliament to
prevent the introduction of foreign coloured races.
HANSARD 9-9-1897 Constitution Convention Debates (Official Record of the Debates of the National
Australasian Convention)
I will take the three great purposes under clause 52 of this bill for which the commonwealth is to be
established-for taxation, for defence, and, what is to my mind one of the greatest of all purposes, the
regulation of the inflow of population so as to secure a white Australia.

Hansard 2-3-1898 Constitution Convention Debates

Mr. HIGGINS.-The particular danger is this: That we do not want to give to the Commonwealth
powers which ought to be left to the states. The point is that we are not going to make the
Commonwealth a kind of social and religious power over us.

Hansard 2-2-1898 Constitution Convention Debates

QUOTE Mr. DEAKIN (Victoria).-
The record of these debates may fairly be expected to be widely read, and the observations to which I
allude might otherwise lead to a certain amount of misconception.
p5 18-8-2019 © G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.
A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
Email: admin@inspector-rikati.com. For further details see also my blog at Http://www.scrib.com/InspectorRikati
It is in my view appropriate for the Federal Government to prevent immigration to any group that
is causing problems to Australian society. It was done with the Chinese and others at times of
civil unrest and can be done with any group.

What we have seen in the USA is that a non-politician was willing to stand up for what he
deemed was right and did so. He was well aware of the loon y left and other snowflakes but he
carried on nevertheless and well is turning around the fortunes of many in the process.
If any group of people are standing out because of their conduct to terrorize the community, not
just bikies, then it must be acted upon. When we have someone claiming in name of a religion to
kill then it is nonsense to excuse the killing on basis of not being mentally competent. We had in
what I view this absurdity of the Supreme Court reducing considerably the sentence of a
murderer purportedly because she was suffering because of the dead of her husband in south
Sudan. Moment, she was given the right to migrate to Australia and then she had more children
with a man. And 3 of those she killed. They were Australian born. A 4th child survived. I view it
is utter and sheer nonsense to claim that somehow she suffered because of the death of her
husband when she went on to life in Australia and had a bunch of more children of which 3 of
them she killed. Far too often a suppose mental illness is use to get people from being held
legally accountable for deliberately killing innocent people.
If therefore any group of people are using a religion as a basis to justify killing then they should
be singled out to be addressed appropriately and unless they get their act together to accept
Australian way of life they must be prevented from entering Australia.
This is what every politician owns as a duty and obligation to their constituents and any Minister
owns to the general community. Doing anything less means they have blood (of the victims) on
their hands!
In the 1990s the Australian federal Police was well aware about my presence to the group known
as the BLACKSHIRTS which I understood had the desire to kill every lawyer/judge. I was not
there as a member but to guide them an alternative away from violence and aggressiveness. And
anyone who were to read the transcript of the County Court what I stated to the judge regarding
sentencing the then leader of the BLACKSHIRTS (ON 30 September 2003) and His Honour
making known he accepted what I stated and accordingly did sentence Mr J. M. Abbott may
understand that there are ways to deal with matters. You can appease or you deal in a proper
manner with a criminal. In this case we have people who uses their religious doctrines to try to
excuse the killing of innocent victims and well we need to deal with the religious concept of that.
As I have so often stated it is not relevant which religion does so, just that those who use their
particular religious doctrine to justify to defy the rights of others shall be punished according to
law. And while this is ongoing you do not desire to escalate the problem by having more of the
same group entering Australia.
Therefore the statement of Senator Fraser Anning must be understood in the concept of the
ongoing violence and murders that are specifically purport rated by a certain group based upon
their religious doctrines.
Hansard 7-3-1898 Constitution Convention Debates
Sir EDWARD BRADDON (Tasmania).-I have an amendment to move on behalf of Tasmania, and also an
amendment of my own. The clause we have before us says that a state shall not make any law prohibiting the
free exercise of any religion. It is quite possible that this might make lawfull practices which would otherwise
be strictly prohibited. Take, for instance, the Hindoos. One of their religious rites is the "suttee," and
another is the "churruck,"-one meaning simply murder, and the other barbarous cruelty, to the
devotees who offer themselves for the sacrifice.
Dr. COCKBURN.-The Thugs are a religious sect.
Sir EDWARD BRADDON.-Yes. If this is to be the law, these people will be able to practise the rites
of their religion, and the amendment I have to suggest is the insertion of some such words as these:-

p6 18-8-2019 © G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.

A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
Email: admin@inspector-rikati.com. For further details see also my blog at Http://www.scrib.com/InspectorRikati
But shall prevent the performance of any such religious rites, as are of a cruel or demoralizing
character or contrary to the law of the Commonwealth.

The Commonwealth is restricted in regard of S116 but where the conduct of a religious group is
at a time of extensive violence and so murder then it is well within its rights to regulate
immigration to avoid a further built up of killings.
Blame the perpetrators for any such migration restriction and not the responsible Minister who
must act to ensure the safety and wellbeing of innocent Australians and visitors.
As I have indicated so often in the past confiscate under criminal provisions the religious
properties used to spread hatred and criminal intentions to murder innocent citizens.
This is what our democracy is about, that those elected in the parliament are first and foremost
concerned with the rights and wellbeing of Australians and its visitors and not to some criminal
group/gang that seeks to exploit the loony left and others to get away with killings, etc.
Getting back to President Donald Trump let us consider the following also:
QUOTE 17-8-20128 EMAIL
Made in America’—the results so far
From The White House
To admin@inspector-rikati.com
Reply-To info@mail.whitehouse.gov
Date Today 01:42

The White House • August 17, 2018

‘Made in America’—the results so far

President Donald J. Trump ran for office on a simple idea. Too many politicians, especially
on the left, insisted that America must adjust to a new age of slow growth and declining
influence. Instead, the President innately understood Charles Krauthammer’s words—
delivered in 2009—to be true: “Decline is a choice.”

So is American renewal. Better trade deals open markets for American farmers and protect
American workers. Lower taxes on families and employers reinvigorate American businesses.
Fewer regulations put more power back into the hands of American citizens and their local

There’s another key ingredient: “We want to make more products and say ‘Made in
America’,” the President says. “‘Made in the USA’ is a global symbol" of excellence.

Now, America is making things again. Almost 200,000 manufacturing jobs were lost under
the previous Administration; more than 400,000 have been added since President Trump was
elected. The latest jobs report reveals that 37,000 manufacturing jobs were created last month

p7 18-8-2019 © G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.

A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
Email: admin@inspector-rikati.com. For further details see also my blog at Http://www.scrib.com/InspectorRikati

Manufacturing wages are expected to rise at the fastest rate in more than 18 years. Evident
in this hiring and wage surge is soaring confidence among American producers. According to
the National Association of Manufacturers, 95 percent of manufacturers have a positive
outlook on their companies—the highest on record.

Get the facts: America’s economic resurgence under President Trump

Watch: President Trump to steelworkers: “America is OPEN FOR BUSINESS!”

END QUOTE 17-8-20128 EMAIL

Clearly we need a better brand of politician’s not just mainly free loaders who are rorting the
* I hated to interrupt you but you surely has something to say. You were all fire and flames in
your argument.
**#** Currently we have the politicians corrupting our democracy and well it is well overdue
they are kicked out of Parliament and more competent and concerning citizens are taking their
This correspondence is not intended and neither must be perceived to state all issues/details.
Awaiting your response, G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. (Gerrit)
MAY JUSTICE ALWAYS PREVAIL® (Our name is our motto!)

p8 18-8-2019 © G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.

A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
Email: admin@inspector-rikati.com. For further details see also my blog at Http://www.scrib.com/InspectorRikati

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