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Ceylon Tea Services PLC

Profit & Loss Account

For the Period April to July 2014

Current Month Cumulative - 2014

Type of
Description Account Value
% of
Value (Rs) Per Kg Value (Rs) % of Sales

Total Kgs 447

Export Sales Parent Value 101000 756,047 100.0% 1,693.23 2,599,185 100.0%

Local Sales Parent Value 102000 - 0.0% - - 0.0%

Total Turnover 756,047 100.0% 1,693.23 2,599,185 100.0%

Sales Discount Given Child Value 280025 (1,860) -0.2% (4.17) (6,087) -0.2%

Commission Child Value 280010 (2,223) -0.3% (4.98) 14,482 0.6%

Net Turnover 751,964 99.5% 1,684.08 2,607,580 100.3%

Cost of Tea Child Value (200010) + (210010) 36,176 4.8% 81.02 6,584 0.3%

Cost of Packing Materials Child Value (200015) + (210015) 135 0.0% 0.30 52 0.0%

Cost of Others Child Value (200020-200050)+(220010-220055) +(210020-210095) 13,486 1.8% 30.20 37 0.0%

Gross Margin 702,167 92.9% 1,572.56 2,600,907 100.1%

Direct Expenses Parent Value 240000 17,792 2.4% 39.85 78,271 3.0%

Factory Overheads Parent Value 250000 33,146 4.4% 74.23 148,348 5.7%

Factory Depreciation Parent Value 260000 9,274 1.2% 20.77 37,098 1.4%

Cost of Sales 60,212 8.0% 134.85 263,718 10.1%

Gross Profit/(Loss) 641,954 84.9% 1,437.71 2,337,189 89.9%

Less: Overheads

Administration Expenses Parent Value 270000 34,381 4.5% 77.00 186,728 7.2%

Administration Depreciation Parent Value 280000 4,287 0.6% 9.60 17,549 0.7%

Selling & Distribution Child Value (280030-280105) + 310015 182,515 24.1% 408.76 340,249 13.1%

Finance Charges Parent Value (300000) + 300015 823 0.1% 1.84 2,877 0.1%

Total Overheads 222,006 29.4% 497.20 547,403 21.1%

Operating Profit 419,949 55.5% 940.51 1,789,786 68.9%

Exchange Gain/(Loss) Child Value 100280-100290 10,761 1.4% 24.10 (20,260) -0.8%
Profit/(Loss) on Operations 430,710 57.0% 964.61 1,769,526 68.1%

Interest Income Parent Value 104000 12,777 1.7% 28.62 42,013 1.6%

Sundry Income Child Value (100210-100215) + (100230-100275) 5,374 0.7% 12.04 6,900 0.3%

Dividends Received-Group Child Value 100220 1 0.0% 0.00 4 0.0%

Net Profit/(Loss) Before Tax 448,863 59.4% 1,005.26 1,818,443 70.0%

Dividends Received-Non Group Child Value 100225 - 0.0% - - 0.0%

Net Profit/(loss) Before Tax 448,863 59.4% 1,005.26 1,818,443 70.0%

Taxation Child Value 300010 2,500 0.3% 5.60 40,279 1.5%

Net Profit/(loss) After Tax 446,363 59.0% 999.66 1,778,164 68.4%

Dividends Child Value 310010 - 0.0% - - 0.0%

Net Profit/(loss) C/Fwd 446,363 59.0% 999.66 1,778,164 68.4%

mulative - 2014 Cumulative - 2013
Inc/(dec) Value % %
per Kg
Per Kg Value (Rs) % of Sales Per Kg

1,644 1,602 42 3%

1,580.59 2,712,172 100.0% 1,692.88 (112,987) -4% (112.29) -7%

- - 0.0% - - -

1,580.59 2,712,172 100.0% 1,692.88 (112,987) -4% (112.29) -7%

(3.70) (10,588) -0.4% (6.61) 4,500 -43% 2.91 -44%

8.81 (10,269) -0.4% (6.41) 24,752 -241% 15.22 -237%

1,585.70 2,691,316 99.2% 1,679.86 (83,735) -3% (94.17) -6%

4.00 57,911 2.1% 36.15 (51,327) -89% (32.14) -89%

0.03 578 0.0% 0.36 (526) -91% (0.33) -91%

0.02 1,247 0.0% 0.78 (1,210) -97% (0.76) -97%

1,581.64 2,631,580 97.0% 1,642.58 (30,672) -1% (60.94) -4%

47.60 83,551 3.1% 52.15 (5,280) -6% (4.55) -9%

90.21 148,516 5.5% 92.70 (168) 0% (2.49) -3%

22.56 37,164 1.4% 23.20 (66) 0% (0.64) -3%

160.37 269,231 9.9% 168.05 (5,513) -2% (7.68) -5%

1,421.27 2,362,348 87.1% 1,474.53 (25,159) -1% (53.26) -4%

113.55 151,633 5.6% 94.65 35,095 23% 18.91 20%

10.67 18,194 0.7% 11.36 (645) -4% (0.68) -6%

206.91 427,055 15.7% 266.56 (86,806) -20% (59.65) -22%

1.75 3,292 0.1% 2.05 (415) -13% (0.31) -15%

332.88 600,174 22.1% 374.62 (52,771) -9% (41.73) -11%

1,088.39 1,762,174 65.0% 1,099.91 27,612 2% (11.52) -1%

(12.32) (144,051) -5.3% (89.91) 123,790 -86% 77.59 -86%

1,076.07 1,618,123 59.7% 1,010.00 151,403 9% 66.07 7%

25.55 45,522 1.7% 28.41 (3,509) -8% (2.87) -10%

4.20 8,367 0.3% 5.22 (1,467) -18% (1.03) -20%

0.00 3 0.0% 0.00 2 57% 0.00 53%

1,105.81 1,672,015 61.6% 1,043.64 146,428 9% 62.18 6%

- - 0.0% - - -

1,105.81 1,672,015 61.6% 1,043.64 146,428 9% 62.18 6%

24.49 35,344 1.3% 22.06 4,935 14% 2.43 11%

1,081.32 1,636,670 60.3% 1,021.58 141,493 9% 59.74 6%

- - 0.0% - - -

1,081.32 1,636,670 60.3% 1,021.58 141,493 9% 59.74 6%

MJF Exports (Pvt) Ltd

Profit & Loss Account - Local Market

For the Period April to July 2014

Current Month
Type of
Description Account Value
% of
Value (Rs)

Total Kgs

Local Sales Parent Value 102000 100,000 100.0%

Total Turnover Total 100,000 100.0%

Sales Discount Given Child Value 280025 (1,860) -1.9%

Commission Child Value 280015 (2,223) -2.2%

Net Turnover Total 95,917 95.9%

Cost of Tea Child Value 210010 36,176 36.2%

Cost of Packing Materials Child Value 210015 135 0.1%

Cost of Others Child Value (210020) + (210030) + (210035) 13,486 13.5%

Gross Margin 46,120 46.1%

Direct Expenses Parent Value 240000 17,792 17.8%

Factory Overheads Parent Value 250000 33,146 33.1%

Factory Depreciation Parent Value 260000 9,274 9.3%

Cost of Sales 60,212 60.2%

Gross Profit/(Loss) (14,093) -14.1%

Less: Overheads

Administration Expenses Parent Value 270000 34,381 34.4%

Administration Depreciation Parent Value 280000 4,287 4.3%

Selling & Distribution Child Value (280030-280105) + 310015 182,515 182.5%

Finance Charges Parent Value (300000) + 300015 823 0.8%

Total Overheads 222,006 222.0%

Operating Profit (236,098) -236.1%

Exchange Gain/(Loss) Child Value 100280-100290 10,761 10.8%

Profit/(Loss) on Operations (225,337) -225.3%

Interest Income Parent Value 104000 12,777 12.8%

Sundry Income Child Value (100210-100215) + (100230-100275) 5,374 5.4%

1 0.0%

Net Profit/(Loss) Before Tax (207,184) -207.2%

- 0.0%

Net Profit/(loss) Before Tax (207,184) -207.2%

Taxation Parent Value 300010 2,500 2.5%

Net Profit/(loss) After Tax (209,684) -209.7%

- 0.0%
Net Profit/(loss) C/Fwd (209,684) -209.7%
Current Month Cumulative - 2014 Cumulative - 2013
Inc/(dec) Value %
Per Kg Value (Rs) % of Sales Per Kg Value (Rs) % of Sales Per Kg

447 1,644 1,602

223.96 200,000 100.0% 121.62 150,000 100.0% 93.63 50,000

223.96 200,000 100.0% 121.62 150,000 100.0% 93.63 50,000 33%

(4.17) (6,087) -3.0% (3.70) (10,588) -7.1% (6.61) 4,500 -43%

(4.98) 14,482 7.2% 8.81 (10,269) -6.8% (6.41) 24,752 -241%

214.81 208,395 104.2% 126.73 129,143 86.1% 80.61 79,252 61%

81.02 6,584 3.3% 4.00 57,911 38.6% 36.15 (51,327) -89%

0.30 52 0.0% 0.03 578 0.4% 0.36 (526) -91%

30.20 37 0.0% 0.02 1,247 0.8% 0.78 (1,210) -97%

103.29 201,722 100.9% 122.67 69,407 46.3% 43.32 132,315 191%

39.85 78,271 39.1% 47.60 83,551 55.7% 52.15 (5,280) -6%

74.23 148,348 74.2% 90.21 148,516 99.0% 92.70 (168) 0%

20.77 37,098 18.5% 22.56 37,164 24.8% 23.20 (66) 0%

134.85 263,718 131.9% 160.37 269,231 179.5% 168.05 (5,513) -2%

(31.56) (61,996) -31.0% (37.70) (199,824) -133.2% (124.73) 137,828 -69%

77.00 186,728 93.4% 113.55 151,633 101.1% 94.65 35,095 23%

9.60 17,549 8.8% 10.67 18,194 12.1% 11.36 (645) -4%

408.76 340,249 170.1% 206.91 427,055 284.7% 266.56 (86,806) -20%

1.84 2,877 1.4% 1.75 3,292 2.2% 2.05 (415) -13%

497.20 547,403 273.7% 332.88 600,174 400.1% 374.62 (52,771) -9%

(528.76) (609,399) -304.7% (370.58) (799,998) -533.3% (499.34) 190,600 -24%

24.10 (20,260) -10.1% (12.32) (144,051) -96.0% (89.91) 123,790 -86%

(504.66) (629,659) -314.8% (382.90) (944,049) -629.4% (589.26) 314,390 -33%

28.62 42,013 21.0% 25.55 45,522 30.3% 28.41 (3,509) -8%

12.04 6,900 3.4% 4.20 8,367 5.6% 5.22 (1,467) -18%

0.00 4 0.0% 0.00 3 0.0% 0.00 2 57%

(464.01) (580,742) -290.4% (353.16) (890,158) -593.4% (555.62) 309,416 -35%

- - 0.0% - - 0.0% - -

(464.01) (580,742) -290.4% (353.16) (890,158) -593.4% (555.62) 309,416 -35%

5.60 40,279 20.1% 24.49 35,344 23.6% 22.06 4,935 14%

(469.60) (621,022) -310.5% (377.65) (925,502) -617.0% (577.68) 304,480 -33%

- - 0.0% - - 0.0% - -
(469.60) (621,022) -310.5% (377.65) (925,502) -617.0% (577.68) 304,480 -33%
per Kg

42 3%


28.00 30%

2.91 -44%

15.22 -237%

46.12 57%

(32.14) -89%

(0.33) -91%

(0.76) -97%

79.35 183%

(4.55) -9%

(2.49) -3%

(0.64) -3%

(7.68) -5%

87.03 -70%

18.91 20%

(0.68) -6%

(59.65) -22%

(0.31) -15%

(41.73) -11%

128.76 -26%

77.59 -86%

206.35 -35%

(2.87) -10%

(1.03) -20%

0.00 53%

202.46 -36%

202.46 -36%
2.43 11%

200.03 -35%

200.03 -35%
Ceylon Tea Services PLC
Balance Sheet as at 31st July 2014

Description Type of Account Account Value


Non-Current Assets

Property, Plant & Equipment Parent/Child 510000 - (710125 to 710180) 1,703,063

Investments Parent value 520000 632,469


Current Assets

Inventories Parent value 610000 1,086,423

Trade & Other Receivables Parent value (620000) +(630000) 2,911,864
Prepayments & Refundable Deposits Parent/Child (640000) - (700160+700170) 221,769
Inter Company Balances Parent value 850000 255,941
Cash Bank & Fixed Deposits Parent value 650000 2,912,639


Total Assets 9,724,167


Capital & Reserves

Current Year Profit Net of Income & Expenses (1,778,164)

Stated Capital Child value 900010 (200,000)
Reserves Child value 900015 - 900040 (2,020,077)
Retained Profit 900045 (4,804,799)
Total Equity (8,803,040)

Non-Current Liabilities
Deferred Tax Liabilities Child value 820010 (84,716)
Other Deferred Liabilities Parent value 820015 (63,838)

Current Liabilities
Trade Creditors Parent/Child (710000) - (700160+700165+700170) (615,180)
Accrued Expenses & Payables Parent/Child (720000) - (710125 to 710180) (46,357)
Provisions for A&P Parent value 810000 (68,070)
Income Tax Liablilities Parent value 820000 (41,465)
Other Loans Parent value 840000 (1,502)


Total Equity & Liabilities (9,724,167)







2,722,832 28254621




















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