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What is DOM(Document Model)?

ANS:-The Document Object Model (DOM) is an application programming interface for valid HTML
and well-formed XML documents.It defines the logical structure of documents and the way a documents
and the way a document is accessed and manipulated.

What is the disadvantages of client side AJAX?

The view Source of web page is allowed and anyone can view the code source written for AJAX.

What is AJAX pooling?

AJAX polling script that uses Ajax to send vote to the server and receives vote results from the server.
Ajax is used to return the results from this poll to your browser.

Which browsers support AJAX?

IE 5 and up

Opera 6.7 and up

NetScape 7.1 and up

Firefox 1.0 and up

Safari 1.2 and up

And most new browsers support AJAX

How can a server interact with AJAX client?



What is XMLHttpRequest object in AJAX?

It offers a non-blocking way for JavaScript to communicate back to the web server to update only part of
the webpage.

Is AJAX is a framework or platform?

We can say it is both Because Ajax is a set of technology used together in a particular way.

Is AJAX code cross browser compatible/?

Not completely.Most browser offers XMLHttpRequest JavaScript object,while another one (IE5 lower)
require you to get it as an Ajax object.
Is Ajax another name for XMLHttpRequest.?

Not at all ,but you can say it is just a part of Ajax and it not only relay on XMLHttpRequest ,but on
JavaScript,DOM,HTML/XHTML and other technologies.

Are there any security issues with Ajax?

JavaScript code can be shown to users by selecting view source of the page.However JavaScript can not
access local file system without user’s permission.And Ajax interaction can only be made with the server
side component from which the page is loaded.

What is SSL?

Secure Socket Layer is cryptographic protocols which provide secure communications on the internet.

What is IFrame?

It is a html tag used to create a separate frame inside the webpage

What is open source?

open source refers to any program whose source code is made available for use or
modification as users or other by other devolper.

• The program must be freely distributed (It can be part of a package that is sold
though, such as Red Hat has done with Linux in the example below).
• Source code must be included.
• Anyone must be allowed to modify the source code.
• Modified versions can be redistributed.
• The license must not require the exclusion of other software or interfere with the
operation of other software.

What is open standard?

An open standard is a standard that is publicly available and has various rights to use associated with it,
and may also have various properties of how it was designed
What is XHTML ?

XHTML (Extensible Hypertext Markup Language) is a family of XML markup languages that mirror or
extend versions of the widely used Hypertext Markup Language (HTML), the language in which web
pages are written.

While HTML (prior to HTML5) was defined as an application of Standard Generalized Markup
Language (SGML), a very flexible markup language framework, XHTML is an application of XML, a more
restrictive subset of SGML. Because XHTML documents need to be well-formed, they can be parsed
using standard XML parsers—unlike HTML, which requires a lenient HTML-specific parser.

What is a framework?

Frameworks are a special case of software libraries in that they are reusable abstractions of code
wrapped in a well-defined API, yet they contain some key distinguishing features that separate them from
normal libraries.


Difference Between programming ,scripting and markup language?

The primary difference between a "programming language" (C, C++, VB etc.) and a "scripting language"
(PHP, ASP, JSP, JavaScript, VBScript)is that code written in a programming language needs to be
compiled before it is run. Once it is compiled, it can be run any number of times.

Scripting languages, on the other hand, are interpreted at run-time. This means that every time you want
to run the program, a separate program needs to read the code, interpret it, and then follow the
instructions in the code. Compiled code has already been interpreted into machine language, so it is will
typically execute faster because the conversion into machine language has already been done.

Markup languages (HTML, XML) are somewhat different from both of the others. A markup language is
simply a set of tags that are used to "mark up" text documents so that sections of text can be logically
arranged and labeled. These documents can be viewed as plain text, or, more commonly, are viewed
through a browser. The browser parses the document, looking for markup tags, and it then arranges the
text and/or formats it according to the values in the tags.

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