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A. Latar Belakang
Tujuan pendidikan nasional menurut UU No. 20 tahun 2003 pasal 4 menyatakan “Pendidikan
Nasional bertujuan mengembangkan potensi peserta didik agar menjadi manusia yang beriman dan
bertaqwa kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa, berakhlak mulia . sehat, berilmu, kreatif, mandiri, estetis dan
demokratis serta memiliki rasa kemasyarakatan dan kebangsaan“.
Untuk mewujudkan semua itu saat era globalisasi sekarang ini, perkembangan potensi dan daya
kompetitif siswa secara maksimal menjadi dambaan segenap warga. Melalui pembinaan potensi siswa
diharapkan dapat mewujudkan siswa menjadi generasi yang cerdas, kreatif dan kompetitif.
Berdasarkan kepercayaan pemerintah dan dinas ke pendidikan Tanah datar bahwa sekolah
SMPN 2 Sungai Penuh layanan ke unggulan yang mempunyai visi dan misi mengembangkan generasi
cemerlang berdasarkan iptek dan imtaq yang juga untuk menyingkapi masa globalisasi maka kami merasa
perlu untuk menngadakan extracurricular English Club

B. Tujuan Kegiatan
Dengan adanya English Club di SMPN 2 Sungai Penuh bertujuan sebagai berikut:
1. Menyediakan sebuah wadah pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris yang lebih menyenangkan bagi siwa dalam
menggunakan dan mempraktekan Bahasa Inggris.
2. Membangun semangat siswa untuk terus belajar dan mengembangkan keterampilan komunikasi siswa
dalam Bahasa Inggris.
3. Untuk memperbanyak / menambah vocabulary siswa-siswi SMPN 2 Sungai Penuh dengan layanan
4. Siswa–siswi SMPN 2 Sungai Penuh dengan layanan keunggulan mampu berkomunikasi Bahasa
Inggris secara aktif .
5. Siswa-siswi SMPN 2 Sungai Penuh dengan layanan keunggulan mampu mengekspresikan cerita
dalam berbahasa inggris.
6. Siswa-siswi SMPN 2 Sungai Penuh dengan layanan keunggulan mampu untuk berkompetensi dalam
story telling dan speech contest
7. Siswa-siswi SMPN 2 Sungai Penuh mampu untuk bermain peran/ berlakon dalam membawakan cerita
berbahasa inggris dan mengetahui culture dari bahasa inggris tersebut.

C. Bentuk Kegiatan
1. Bercerita dalam bahasa Inggris , game, membaca dalam bahasa inggris, mengarang dalam bahasa inggris,
bermain peran menggunakan bahasa inggris.

D. Sasaran Kegiatan
Siswa-siswi SMPN 2 Sungai Penuh dengan layanan unggulan yang memilih extracurricular English
Club agar mampu sebagai sekolah yang pembelajarannya bisa di laksanakan diluar kelas dan juga Out
Door Activities,agar siswa dapat mengembangkan speaking dan writing mereka (berbicara, menulis dalam
Bahasa Inggris) secara aktif dan mampu berkompetensi dalam story telling dan speech contest baik
dikabupaten maupun propinsi.

E. Hasil yang diharapkan

1. Hasil yang di harapkan yaitu dengan diadakan English Club, siswa dapat menyenangi pelajaran bahasa
Inggris dan mereka mampu untuk berbicara, menulis dengan bahasa Inggris .
2. Membuktikan pada siswa bahwa belajar bahasa inggris adalah sangat menyenangkan dan tidak sulit seperti
yang mereka bayangkan.

F. Waktu Kegiatan
Kegiatan ini dilaksanakan pada:
Hari : Kamis
Jam : 15.00 s.d 17.00 WIB

G. Struktur Organisasi

PEMBINA : Kepsek
KETUA : Wakabid.Kurikulum
WK KETUA : Wakabid.Kesiswaan
SEKRETARIS : ...............................
BENDAHARA : .................................
ANGOTA : 1................................
4 dst
Kegiatan : Pengembangan Diri English Club
Semester : Ganjil dan Genap

Tahun Pelajaran : 2015 – 2016

1 Kegiatan rutin 8 minggu
 Dialog Sederhana
 Percakapan sehari – hari
1  Games Permainan bahasa
2 Kegiatan insidentil 8 minggu
 Speech
 Story telling
1 Kegiatan rutin 8 minggu
* Dialog Sederhana
* Percakapan sehari – hari
II * Games (permainan bahasa)

2 Kegiatan insidentil 8 minggu

* Speech
* Story Telling
* Scrabble
* News reading
* Singing
* Written test

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English Club
“Keep Talking Keep Learning for Get The Power To The
Vocational High School
A. Tujuan
1. Tujuan jangka panjang
Mempersiapkan siswa/siswiagar mampu berbahasa inggris secara optimal
untuk menghadapi era globalisasi, perdagangan bebas, serta memasuki
dunia kerja
2. Tujuan jangka pendek
 Menyalurkan dan mengembangkan minat atau potensi siswa/siswi
untuk mempersiapkan diri berpartisipasi dalam kegiatan lomba
 Menerapkan kemampuan berkomunikasi bahasa inggris dalam
 Meningkatkan rasa percaya diri siswa/siswi dalam berkomunikasi
menggunakan bahasa inggris secara optimal
B. Strategi pencapaian
1. Mengadakan english course
2. Mengadakan kegiatan english club bagi siswa/siswi 1 kali seminggu (hari
3. Mengaktifkan english wall magazine (mading) 1 kali seminggu
4. Mengaktifkan penggunaan bahasa inggris 1 kali seminggu
5. Mengadakan lomba dan mengikuti lomba yang diadakan oleh MEMP
bahasa inggris
6. Melakukan evaluasi
C. Program kegiatan english club
1. Program mingguan
 English course (speaking, writing, learning garammar)
 Speech
 Debate
 Story telling
 Scrabble
 English magazine
2. Program bulanan
 Meeting caucasians
 English request song and movie time
3. Program tahunan
 Menyelenggarakan english competention pada peryaan:
- Hari kemerdekaan
- Ulang tahun SMK AL-HUDA
4. Target pencapaian
 Setiap anggota english club diharapkan mampu berbicara bahasa
inggris dengan baik dan benar
 Setiap anggota english club diharapkan mampu berpidato
menggunakan bahasa inggris di depan umum
 Setiap anggota english club diharapkan mampu mengeja (spelling)
alpabet dalam bahasa inggris
 Setiap anggota english club diharapkan mampu berkompetensi
dalam pertandingan bahasa inggris
D. Jadwal kegiatan
Kegiatan dilaksanakan pada:
Hari :Kamis
Pukul :14.30 s/d 16.00
Weekly Activities
These are activities that are carried out during regular meetings. The activities selected for the meetings should
have the following characteristics.
􀁸They should be conducted within the time allocated
According to regulations (Government Gazette No.5652 Jil 11/Bil.27), the time allocated for co-curricular
activities in secondary schools, is between 140-180 minutes. If not properly engaged, the students will find the
activities that are time consuming to be tedious and boring. In addition, “by organizing space and time, we take
major step in avoiding discipline hassles.” (Gootman, 2008). Adhering to time allows students to keep their own
schedules as they may have to arrange for transport, their own tuition classes or other commitments.
􀁸The activities should be relevant, educational and applicable
ELCs allow the students to use the English language a little more extensively than they would if they were in
their classroom. The types of activities could range from simple language games to sophisticated multimedia
Fig 1: The PIT Model for English Language Club Activities
Angel Helen Pereira et al. / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 90 ( 2013 ) 48 – 56 53
interactive games. It should be remembered, however that there is no overt teaching in the ELCs.
Nevertheless,“In learning a second language, the input a learner receives plays an important role in modeling
learner’s language development” (Kim, 2006). Thus, the teacher-advisor can set some target language
items/vocabulary or sentences to be used during the activities. Littlewood(1981)explains that “part of
communicative language teaching is that it pays systematic attention to functional as well as structural aspects
language.” In this way, there is a deliberate attempt to get students to use the language minus the stress. If
students feel that their time was well-spent, they will return for more.
􀁸They should be interactional
Language is caught only when it is actively used (Long, 1996).Interaction Hypothesis laid the foundation for
the value of conversational interaction.The active use of language can be promoted by way of interactional
activities. Interactional activities are not only fun but they present realistic opportunities to use the
“ultimate effect is for learnersto remove the barriers imposed in the limited classroom and move to the wider
learning environment in which the learners live”(Sakai, Chu, Takagi, & Lee, 2008).Johnson(2009)refers to this
Real Operating Conditions, which refers to using language in real life. Any real life situations can be simulated
within the activities of the ELC. During activities like community service, excursions and simulated language
games, the students have no control over what the other person will say. In addition, other things are
happening at
the same time. Under such circumstances, when students pick up and use language it is authentic production
skills. ELC activities can give ample opportunities for using this ‘proceduralised’ language (Johnson, ibid).
6.2 Monthly Activities
These activities are very handy when interruptions occur. Most schools have meetings fortnightly. Weekly
meetings are very rare. Be that as it may be, the teacher-advisors have to deal with many events both
and otherwise. Sometimes, these teacher-advisors are instructed to attend courses or be elsewhere. The
activities can be used to tide them over until the next scheduled meeting. As these activities cannot be carried
spontaneously, they would have the following features:
􀁸They require a period of time to complete
Any activity or task that requires some preparation can be classified under this category. An activity like
Public Speaking needs time to prepare. The preparation can be part of the club’s activities without the students
being physically present. Nevertheless, there must be some effort to keep tabs on the students’ developments.
teacher-advisor can always use the committee members for this undertaking. Asking the students their latest
developments will not only show the nurturing side of the teacher-advisor but without proper monitoring and
constant checking, the students could easily lose interest or worse still lose sight of the focus.
􀁸They are made up of different parts to make up a whole
The monthly activities can also be part of activities within a term or a semester. The monthly activities cannot
and should not function as isolated activities. They could be several activities stringed together to culminate in
one activity or a common goal. An activity like story-telling or poetry recitation could be broken up into
manageable parts whereby after their preparation that carries over a few weeks, the students present the
􀁸They should be scheduled
Any activity that requires any length of time is difficult to monitor. Therefore, if the teacher-advisor is
indisposed or cannot be around to attend the meetings at a particular period of time, it could be entered into the
54 Angel Helen Pereira et al. / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 90 ( 2013 ) 48 – 56
plan so that the students know that there will not be meetings at that time and instead they have to be doing
something else. Tasks set using the libraries as confirmed by Bordonaro (2006) and self-access centers as
by Detaramani (1999) have vouched for them as suitable places for out-of-class learning. This way, the
would be properly engaged during the teacher’s absence and they are safe even without the teacher’s
because they are bound by the rules and regulations of the place.
6.3 Annual Activities
These activities by their very nature require much time, effort and resources. The sheer magnitude of the
undertaking should be an indication that teacher-advisor cannot be expected to carry out such activities
In fact, the whole English Department should be mobilized to handle the logistics. The annual
activities could be in the form of projects or they could culminate in a major event such as a concert, drama,
These activities have the following features:
􀁸They are singular in nature
A major event that requires much preparation and time needs the participation of many teachers and students.
Such events cannot be happening too often as the logistics are complicated and the implementation can be
exhausting. Thus, only schools or institutions which have a very large student population, a large staff and
funds can afford more than one such activity a year. In fact one major activity, if carried out well can have far
reaching impact for those undertaking it and those participating in it.
􀁸They are promoted on a wider scale
As the annual events involve much time, effort and resources, they need to be publicized so that many
students are attracted to both participate and watch the event. It could also be a way to promote the club to the
students who may not be aware of the benefits. Publicity, in itself, could also be a learning experience.
Planning a
poster is an example whereby students learn many skills apart from the language element. The committee
member who makes an announcement during an assembly learns to make an effective presentation. It cannot
denied that the more publicity there is the more support the event is likely to gather. The publicity need not be
confined to the school but could extend to the parents and community as well.
􀁸They may require the presence of an important person.
To get an important person to be present as a guest- of- honor can serve a few purposes. Firstly, it gives
credence to the activity. In addition, the guest is made aware of the efforts taken to improve the language
proficiency of the students. The students will feel a sense of worth in participating in the activity and the
feel appreciated in having the privilege of their presence. The guest-of-honour could be a prominent
personality, a celebrity or even the principal or even one of the school senior assistants.
6.4 On-going activities
A supportive and encouraging learning environment does more than promote language learning. Such an
environment beckons the learners very subtly into a realm of self-discovery and self-directed learning. The
can achieve this by providing the support and direction necessary for a successful learning outcome. Activities
such as reading corner, speakers’ corner and bulletin board are activities that can be maintained by the ELCs
all to participate in. They have the following characteristics:
􀁸They are not a permanent fixture
Angel Helen Pereira et al. / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 90 ( 2013 ) 48 – 56 55
On-going activities are a long term commitment. The content on the bulletin board or the reading corner needs
be updated with the latest information. In the same vein, if language items are used, they need to be changed
replaced regularly to attract their curiosity and keep the attention of the students. Displaying the students’ work
lets them know it is valued. Documenting the process of student work benefits students and actively engages
them(Education world).
􀁸They need to be relevant
Activities that are frivolous and trivial will not attract the attention of the students. On-going activities can
serve as enrichment activities for students who need the extra support. Students need to know and feel that
they participate in it, it brings them some benefit. Ausubel’s (1968) concept of meaningful learning refers to
meaningful learning tasks as those that activate the learners active mental participation in relating to new
information to existing knowledge(Novak, 2011).Therefore, some thought needs to go into the selection of such
􀁸They need to be challenging
On-going activities can promote discovery learning as envisaged by Bruner in 1967, whereby students
interact with their environment by exploring and manipulating objects, wrestling with questions and
controversies, or performing tasks. The attention of the students needs to be captured effectively enough to
warrant a response. On-going activities like an interactive notice board can get even the most reserved of
to offer a response in the form of writing. Activities that fail to sustain the students’ interest will quickly fizzle
out. A case in point is the fact that some schools put up idiomatic expressions or proverbs in common areas of
school like the canteen. Merely displaying them might catch a glance or two but if there is an element of
in it like, they being part of a puzzle that requires completion, would be a more challenging approach.

Program Kerja Global English Club

Tahun Pelajaran 2012/2013

Alhamdulillah, Allah SWT telah menolong kami sehingga program kerja English Club
MA KHAS Kempek dapat terselesaikan. Program ini kami susun dengan
mempertimbangkan situasi dan kondisi madrasah kita beserta komponen yang ada.
Sangat besar harapan kami untuk melaksanakan program ini dengan sebaik-baiknya.
Program “Global English Club” GEC MA KHAS Kempek ini diadakan untuk
memberikan sarana prasarana bagi anak didik kita dalam menumbuh kembangkan
kemampuan mereka dalam menggunakan Bahasa Inggris.

Untuk memaksimalkan program “Global English Club” GEC MA KHAS Kempek ini
diperlukan pedoman atau acuan agar dapat mengarahkan segala kegiatan yang

Tak ada gading yang tak retak. Tentunya akan didapati banyaknya kekurangan dan
kekhilafan kami sebagai Pembina dalam menjalankan program English Club MA KHAS
Kempek ini. Untuk itu dengan segala kerendahan hati, kami mengharapkan adanya
bimbingan dan arahan yang konstruktif dari pihak-pihak terkait yang dengannya kami
bisa senantiasa memperbaiki kekurangan-kekurangan itu.


A. Latar Belakang
Pendidikan merupakan indikator kemajuan suatu bangsa. Salah satu sarana prasarana
pendidikan formal di Negara kita adalah madrasah. Madrasah terdiri dari berbagai
jenjang pendidikan, salah satunya adalah Madrasah Aliyah (MA). Lulusan Madrasah
Aliyah diharapkan bisa menerapkan ilmu yang didapatnya yang digunakan untuk
melanjutkan pendidikan ke perguruan tinggi atau terjun ke masyarakat. Untuk itu,
dibutuhkan bekal atau kemampuan diantaranya kemampuan berbahasa Inggris.
Madrasah Aliyah KHAS Kempek Cirebon merupakan madrasah yang menuntut
kemampuan berbahasa Inggris bagi siswanya.

Madrasah ini diharapkan bisa menunjukan bahwa siswanya mampu memiliki

kemampuan berbahasa Inggris terutama dalam menghadapi era globalisasi. Untuk itu,
dibutuhkan suatu wadah agar siswa bisa mengembangkan kemampuan berbahasa
Inggris. Salah satu wadah yang kami bentuk dalam rangka mengembangkan dan
melatih siswa dalam berbahasa Inggris adalah diadakannya program “Global English
Club” GEC MA KHAS Kempek. Dengan program ini diharapkan siswa termotivasi untuk
mau belajar berkomunikasi dalam bahasa Inggris.
B. Tujuan
1. Tujuan Jangka Panjang

Membuat para siswa, guru dan komunitas madrasah dapat menggunakan bahasa
Inggris secara baik dan benar dalam rangka mempersiapkan diri menghadapi era
globalisasi dan perdagangan bebas.

2. Tujuan Jangka Pendek

a. Menerapkan kebiasaan berkomunikasi dalam bahasa Inggris dalam aktifitas sehari-


b. Meningkatkan kemampuan berkomunikasi dalam bahasa Inggris dengan baik dan


C. Strategi Pencapaian

1. Mengadakan kegiatan English Club bagi siswa satu kali dalam


2. Mengadakan lomba dan mengikuti lomba

3. Mengadakan English Course untuk guru dan karyawan

4. Melakukan evaluasi

E. Program Kegiatan Club

1. English Fun Club

2. English Wall Magazine

3. English Day

4. English Competition

5. English Course
F. Program Tahunan
Kegiatan : Pengembangan diri English Club

Semester : Ganjil dan Genap

Tahun Pelajaran : 2012/2013

No Materi Latihan Jumlah Pertemuan

1. Kegiatan Rutin
1 Speaking
2 Listening

3 Reading

4 Writing & Grammar

20 Pertemuan = 30 jam
5 Games 1 pertemuan = 90 menit

1. Kegiatan Insidental
1 Speech
2 Story Telling

3 News Reading

4 Singing
4 Pertemuan = 6 jam
1 pertemuan = 90 menit

G. Jadwal Kegiatan
Hari : Jum’at

Jam : 14.00 s/d 15.30

Tempat : Kampus MA KHAS Kempek

H. Struktur Organisasi English Club periode 2012-2013

Penanggungjawab : H. Ahmad Zaeni Dahlan, Lc. M. Phil

Pembina : 1. Nurcholis Sholeh, S.PdI

2. Najhah Barnamij

Putri :

Ketua : Hikmatul Fithiyah

Sekretaris : Eka Munawwaroh

Bendahara : Maulidah

I. Penutup

Demikian Program Kerja English Club MA KHAS Kempek SMA Tahun Pelajaran 2012-
2013, semoga bisa terlaksana dengan baik dan mendapat dukungan dari semua pihak.

Palimanan, 20 Juli 2012

Ketua Sekretaris



Kepala Madrasah Pembina


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