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Renal Manifestations of Plasma Cell Disorders

Nelson Leung, MD,1 and S. Vincent Rajkumar, MD2

INTRODUCTION D. Light heavy chain deposition disease

Plasma cell dyscrasias represent a group of dis- (LHCDD)
eases characterized by the clonal expansion of E. Acute tubular necrosis
abnormal plasma cells. The result of this clonal 1. Drugs (nonsteroidal antiinflammatory
expansion is the overproduction of a monoclonal drugs (NSAIDs), bisphosphonates)
(M) protein which could be either the whole immu- i. Bisphosphonates have been associ-
noglobulin or a fragment (heavy or light chain ated with acute renal failure in pa-
alone). Thus, these disorders are also collectively tients with and without multiple my-
referred to as monoclonal gammopathies. eloma; both zoledronic acid and
The most common monoclonal plasma cell pamidronate have been associated
disorders are monoclonal gammopathy of unde- with acute tubular necrosis in these
termined significance (MGUS), smoldering mul- patients; focal segmental glomerulo-
tiple myeloma (SMM), multiple myeloma, light- sclerosis and minimal change dis-
chain (AL) amyloidosis, and Waldenström ease, however, have only been re-
macroglobulinemia (Table 1). MGUS and SMM ported with pamidronate
are asymptomatic disorders that by definition 2. Intravenous iodinated contrast
lack end-organ damage. On the other hand, mul- 3. Hypercalcemia
tiple myeloma is characterized by the presence F. Cryoglobulinemic glomerulonephritis (GN)
of end-organ damage, most commonly anemia,
hypercalcemia, renal failure, and osteolytic bone II. Uncommon
lesions. AL amyloidosis is a less common disor- A. Acquired Fanconi syndrome
der that can affect any organ, the most common 1. Proximal tubulopathy characterized by
being heart (restrictive cardiomyopathy), kidney wasting of amino acids, glucose, uric
(nephrotic syndrome or renal failure), liver, gas- acid, calcium, phosphate and other
trointestinal tract, and peripheral nerves. Walden- organic acids
ström macroglobulinemia is associated with an 2. Crystals made up of light chain frag-
immunoglobulin M (IgM) monoclonal protein, ments are often seen in the proximal
and can cause hyperviscosity syndrome, anemia, tubular cells
lymphadenopathy, and hepatosplenomegaly. B. Crystalline nephropathy
Renal disease is particularly common in pa- 1. Crystals can be heterogeneous in size and
tients with monoclonal plasma cell disorders. randomly arranged or homogeneous and
Manifestations of renal disease vary depending arranged in a lattice-like pattern
on the mechanism of injury. This review will 2. Usually associated with a monoclonal
concentrate on light-chain cast nephropathy, im- immunoglobulin G (IgG), but mono-
munoglobulin light-chain amyloidosis (AL), and clonal IgAs have been reported
monoclonal immunoglobulin deposition disease. C. Heavy chain deposition disease (HCDD)
DYSCRASIA From the 1Divisions of Nephrology and 2Hematology,
Mayo Clinic College of Medicine, Rochester, MN.
I. Common Address correspondence to S. Vincent Rajkumar, MD,
A. Light-chain cast nephropathy (myeloma Professor of Medicine, Mayo Clinic College of Medicine;
kidney) Division of Hematology, Mayo Clinic, 200 First Street
B. Immunoglobulin light-chain (AL) amyloid- SW, Rochester, MN 55905. E-mail: rajkumar.vincent@
osis (also referred to as primary amyloid- © 2007 by the National Kidney Foundation, Inc.
osis) 0272-6386/07/5001-0020$32.00/0
C. Light chain deposition disease (LCDD) doi:10.1053/j.ajkd.2007.05.007

American Journal of Kidney Diseases, Vol 50, No 1 (July), 2007: pp 155-165 155
156 Leung and Rajkumar

Table 1. Diagnostic Criteria and Clinical Course of Selected Monoclonal Plasma Cell Disorders

Disorder Disease Definition* Clinical Manifestations and Course

Monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined ● Serum monoclonal protein ⬍ 3g/dL ● Asymptomatic

significance (MGUS) ● Bone marrow plasma cells ⬍10% ● 1% per year progress to
● Absence of end-organ damage such myeloma or related
as lytic bone lesions, anemia, malignancy
hypercalcemia, or renal failure that
can be attributed to a plasma cell
proliferative disorder
Smoldering multiple myeloma (also ● Serum monoclonal protein (IgG or ● Asymptomatic
referred to as asymptomatic multiple IgA) ⱖ3g/dL and/or bone marrow ● 10% per year progress to
myeloma) plasma cells ⱖ10% myeloma
● Absence of end-organ damage such
as lytic bone lesions, anemia,
hypercalcemia, or renal failure that
can be attributed to a plasma cell
proliferative disorder
Multiple Myeloma ● Bone marrow plasma cells ⱖ10% ● Presence of end-organ
● Presence of serum and/or urinary damage is needed for
monoclonal protein (except in diagnosis
patients with true non-secretory ● Median survival is
multiple myeloma) approximately 4 years
● Evidence of lytic bone lesions, anemia,
hypercalcemia, or renal failure that can
be attributed to the underlying plasma
cell proliferative disorder.
Waldenström macroglobulinemia ● IgM monoclonal gammopathy ● Clinical features include
● ⱖ10% bone marrow hyperviscosity, anemia,
lymphoplasmacytic infiltration lymphadenopathy, and
(usually intertrabecular) by small hepatosplenomegaly
lymphocytes that exhibit ● Median survival is
plasmacytoid or plasma cell approximately 5-6 years
differentiation and a typical
Systemic Light-chain (AL) Amyloidosis ● Amyloid-related systemic syndrome ● Any organ can be involved.
(such as renal, liver, heart, Most common are heart,
gastrointestinal tract, or peripheral kidney, peripheral nerves,
nerve involvement) gastrointestinal tract, and
● Positive amyloid staining by Congo liver
red in any tissue ● Median survival is
● Evidence that amyloid is light-chain approximately 2 years
related established by direct
examination of the amyloid tissue
● Evidence of a monoclonal plasma
cell proliferative disorder
Adapted from Rajkumar SV, Dispenzieri A, Kyle RA: Monoclonal Gammopathy of Undetermined Significance, Walden-
ström Macroglobulinemia, AL Amyloidosis, and Related Plasma Cell Disorders: Diagnosis and Treatment. Mayo Clinic
Proceedings 81:693-703, 2006; used with permission.
*For each disease entity, all of the listed criteria need to be fulfilled for the diagnosis.

D. Immunoglobulin heavy chain (AH) amy- 2. Common renal histology include mem-
loidosis branoproliferative GN, diffuse prolif-
E. Fibrillary glomerulonephritis erative GN, and crescents
1. Randomly arranged extracellular 3. Clinical presentation includes hema-
Congo red negative fibrils with diam- turia, proteinuria, and renal insuffi-
eter ranging from 13 to 29 nm ciency
Core Curriculum in Nephrology 157

4. Extrarenal manifestations have been entities with different clinical and pathologic features.
reported Kidney Int 63:1450-1461, 2003
8. Mehta J, Singhal S: Hyperviscosity syndrome in
5. Deposits often contain IgG1 and IgG4, plasma cell dyscrasias. Semin Thrombosis Hemostasis 29:
but not IgG2 or IgG3 467-471, 2003
F. Immunotactoid glomerulonephritis 9. Nakamoto Y, Imai H, Yasuda T, Wakui H, Miura AB: A
1. May be a subgroup of fibrillary GN spectrum of clinicopathological features of nephropathy
2. Fibrils are typically larger (20-55 nm) associated with POEMS syndrome. Nephrol Dial Transplant
14:2370-2378, 1999
with a hollow center; they are arranged 10. Markowitz GS, Appel GB, Fine PL, et al: Collapsing
in an organized pattern resembling focal segmental glomerulosclerosis following treatment with
microtubules high-dose pamidronate. J Am Soc Nephrol 12:1164-1172,
3. The deposits often stain positive for 2001
monoclonal immunoglobulins 11. Dingli D, Larson DR, Plevak MF, Grande JP, Kyle
RA: Focal and segmental glomerulosclerosis and plasma
G. Acute tubulo-interstitial nephritis cell proliferative disorders. Am J Kidney Dis 46:278-282,
H. Hyperviscosity syndrome 2005
1. Waldenström macroglobulinemia
2. IgM, IgA, and rarely IgG myeloma INCIDENCE OF MONOCLONAL
I. Membranoproliferative glomerulonephri- GAMMOPATHY-RELATED KIDNEY DISEASE
1. Myeloma I. Varies depending on definitions
2. MGUS (monoclonal gammopathy of II. In myeloma patients, renal insufficiency is
unknown significance) noted in 18% to 56%
3. POEMS syndrome (Crow Fukase syn- III. At autopsy, renal involvement is seen in
drome) characterized by Polyneurop- approximately 50% of patients with multiple
athy, Organomegaly, Endocrinopathy, myeloma
Monoclonal protein and Skin lesions A. Light chain cast nephropathy (29%-
J. Focal segmental glomerulosclerosis 32%)
1. Pamidronate B. AL amyloidosis (5%-11%)
C. LCDD (3%-5%)
2. Also reported in a few myeloma pa-
D. Acute tubular necrosis
tients who did not receive pamidronate
1. Common finding
K. Plasma cell infiltration
2. Can occur alone or in conjunction
L. Pyelonephritis
with other pathologies
M. Uric acid nephropathy
IV. Less is known about the incidence of mono-
clonal gammopathy related kidney disease
in patients without myeloma
1. Winearls CG: Acute myeloma kidney. Kidney Int V. In patients who have significant proteinuria
48:1347-1361, 1995
or renal insufficiency warranting a renal
2. Markowitz GS: Dysproteinemia and the kidney. Adv
Anat Pathol 11:49-63, 2004 biopsy, more than half have a monoclonal
3. Markowitz GS, Fine PL, Stack JI, et al: Toxic acute gammopathy-related kidney disease
tubular necrosis following treatment with zoledronate (Zo- A. Cryoglobulinemic glomerulonephritis –
meta). Kidney Int 64:281-289, 2003 16.5%
4. Ma CX, Lacy MQ, Rompala JF, et al: Acquired B. LCDD – 11.6%
Fanconi syndrome is an indolent disorder in the absence of
overt multiple myeloma. Blood 104:40-42, 2004
C. Light chain cast nephropathy – 10.7%
5. Nasr SH, Markowitz GS, Stokes MB, et al: Prolifera- D. AL amyloidosis – 10.7%
tive glomerulonephritis with monoclonal IgG deposits: a E. Light heavy chain deposition disease –
distinct entity mimicking immune-complex glomerulonephri- 4.1%
tis. Kidney Int 65:85-96, 2004
6. Kinoshita K, Yamagata T, Nozaki Y, et al: Mu-heavy
chain disease associated with systemic amyloidosis. Hema-
tol 9:135-137, 2004 1. Alexanian R, Barlogie B, Dixon D: Renal failure in
7. Rosenstock JL, Markowitz GS, Valeri AM, et al: multiple myeloma. Pathogenesis and prognostic implica-
Fibrillary and immunotactoid glomerulonephritis: Distinct tions. Arch Intern Med 150:1693-1695, 1990
158 Leung and Rajkumar

2. Blade J, Fernandez-Llama P, Bosch F, et al: Renal 2. Iodinated contrast

failure in multiple myeloma: presenting features and predic- B. Fanconi syndrome
tors of outcome in 94 patients from a single institution. Arch
Intern Med 158:1889-1893, 1998
VI. Tubulointerstitial nephritis
3. Rayner HC, Haynes AP, Thompson JR, Russell N, A. Associated with the giant cell reaction
Fletcher J: Perspectives in multiple myeloma: survival, around light chain cast
prognostic factors and disease complications in a single B. Likely the result of cytokines released
centre between 1975 and 1988. Q J Med 79:517-525, 1991
by the presence of light chains
4. Ivanyi B: Frequency of light chain deposition nephrop-
athy relative to renal amyloidosis and Bence Jones cast VII. Characteristics of the light chains
nephropathy in a necropsy study of patients with myeloma. A. The nature of the renal disease appears
Arch Pathol Lab Med 114:986-987, 1990 to be predetermined by the primary
5. Herrera GA, Joseph L, Gu X, Hough A, Barlogie B: amino acid sequence of the light chain
Renal pathologic spectrum in an autopsy series of patients
with plasma cell dyscrasia. Arch Pathol Lab Med 128:875-
1. Cast nephropathy—increased affin-
879, 2004 ity toward Tamm-Horsfall protein
6. Paueksakon P, Revelo MP, Horn RG, Shappell S, Fogo 2. Amyloidosis—a higher propensity
AB: Monoclonal gammopathy: significance and possible to misfold due to presence of hydro-
causality in renal disease. Am J Kidney Dis 42:87-95, 2003 phobic amino acids in key positions
MECHANISMS OF RENAL INJURY VIII. Factors that increase susceptibility of the
kidney to monoclonal proteins
I. Tubular precipitation A. Concentration effect
A. Light chain cast nephropathy 1. Light chains and heavy chain frag-
II. Deposition ments are freely filtered and are
A. Amyloidosis concentrated in the urine
B. Monoclonal immunoglobulin deposi- 2. Nonfilterable proteins can still be
tion disease (MIDD) trapped on the glomerular basement
1. Light chain deposition disease membrane
2. Light heavy chain deposition dis-
B. Unique environment within the kidney
1. Low pH, high osmolarity, and high
3. Heavy chain deposition disease
urea concentration can increase the
C. Crystalline nephropathy
pathogenic potential of light chains
D. Fanconi syndrome
by promoting abnormal protein con-
III. Hyperviscosity
firmation or folding
A. Waldenström macroglobulinemia
C. Tamm-Horsfall protein (only found in
B. Myeloma with elevated serum concen-
tration the distal tubule) is a substrate for
1. IgM ⬎ 30 g/L binding and aggregation leading to
2. IgA ⬎ 60 g/L light chain cast formation
3. IgG ⬎ 40 g/L D. Molecular receptors exist for light
IV. Glomerular reactions chains in the mesangial cells and proxi-
A. AL amyloidosis mal tubular cells; the cubilin/megalin
B. MIDD complex is the receptor for light chains
C. Membranoproliferative glomerulone- on the proximal tubular cells; the recep-
phritis tor on mesangial cells has yet to be
D. Immune complex mediate glomerulo- identified
nephritis E. Nephrotoxicity secondary to NSAIDs
E. Pamidronate induced focal segmental and intravenous contrast is increased in
glomerulosclerosis the presence of the monoclonal light
F. Pamidronate induced minimal change chains
V. Tubular toxicity ADDITIONAL READING
A. Acute tubular necrosis 1. Sanders PW, Booker BB, Bishop JB, Cheung HC:
1. NSAIDs Mechanisms of intranephronal proteinaceous cast formation
Core Curriculum in Nephrology 159

by low molecular weight proteins. J Clin Invest 85:570-576, IV. Prognosis

1990 A. Recovery of renal function can be
2. Teng J, Russell WJ, Gu X, et al: Different types of
glomerulopathic light chains interact with mesangial cells
achieved in 26% to 58%
using a common receptor but exhibit different intracellular B. Factors that favor recovery of renal func-
trafficking patterns. Lab Invest 84:440-451, 2004 tion
3. Myatt EA., Westholm FA, Weiss DT, et al.: Pathogenic 1. Hypercalcemia
potential of human monoclonal immunoglobulin light chains:
2. Milder degree of renal impairment
relationship of in vitro aggregation to in vivo organ deposi-
tion. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 91:3034-3038, 1994 C. Renal recovery impacts patient survival
1. Renal impairment significantly short-
2. Recovery of renal function improves
I. Clinical features survival to that of patients without
A. More likely in patients with high tumor renal failure
burden (Durie-Salmon stage III) 3. Response to chemotherapy also deter-
B. Acute onset of renal failure mines survival
C. 10% to 15% present with end stage renal V. Treatment
disease A. Restore intravascular volume
D. Greater than 75% have sub–nephrotic B. Remove offending agents and nephro-
range proteinuria toxic drugs
1. Mainly Bence-Jones proteinuria 1. Hypercalcemia
2. Often dipstick negative i. Volume repletion and, if neces-
E. Precipitating factors
sary, loop diuretics
1. Volume depletion
ii. Bisphosphonates should be given
2. Hypercalcemia
in refractory cases, but caution is
required given the risk of osteone-
4. Intravenous contrast
crosis and renal toxicity
5. Infections
C. Reduce light chain levels
II. Pathogenesis
1. Chemotherapy to decrease light chain
A. Increased tubular concentration of light
chains production as rapidly as possible
1. Decreased uptake in proximal tubule i. Thalidomide plus dexamethasone,
2. Increased serum concentration or
B. Binding and co-aggregation with Tamm- ii. Bortezomib plus dexamethasone
Horsfall protein 2. Plasma exchange (controversial)
1. Obstructive cast forms initially in the i. Efficacy was demonstrated in 2
distal tubule but can extend into the older studies
proximal tubule ii. A more recent study using a com-
2. Inflammatory response bined outcome (dialysis depen-
3. Reaction enhanced by decreased urine dence, death, GFR ⬍ 30 mL/min/
flow and furosemide 1.73 m2) failed to show any
III. Histologic findings benefits with plasma exchange;
A. Intratubular light chain casts however, the new study did not
1. Light chain restriction by immunoflu- use renal histology as an inclu-
orescence sion criteria; the addition of death
2. Crystalline or fractured appearance into the combined outcome com-
B. Inflammatory reaction plicated the results since patients
1. Giant cell (macrophage) reaction who recovered renal function but
around the casts died would be counted as a failure
2. Rupture of tubule causes interstitial iii. At this point, plasma exchange
nephritis may still have a role in patients
C. Acute tubular necrosis is often present with cast nephropathy
160 Leung and Rajkumar

3. Plasma exchange is still the standard 7. Clark WF, Stewart AK, Rock GA, et al: Plasma
treatment of hyperviscosity in patients exchange when myeloma presents as acute renal failure: a
randomized, controlled trial. Ann Intern Med 143:777-784,
with Waldenström macroglobulinemia
D. Stem cell transplantation is an option in 8. Tosi P, Zamagni E, Ronconi S, et al: Safety of
selected patients following initial chemo- autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplantation in pa-
therapy, primarily to treat underlying tients with multiple myeloma and chronic renal failure.
myeloma Leukemia 14:1310-1313, 2000
1. End-stage renal disease (ESRD) pa- 9. Attal M, Harousseau JL, Facon T, et al: Single versus
tients are eligible with dose adjust- double autologous stem-cell transplantation for multiple
myeloma. N Eng J of Med 349:2495-2502, 2003
ments 10. Kennedy GA, Butler J, Morton J, et al: Myeloablative
2. Autologous stem cell transplantation allogeneic stem cell transplantation for advanced stage
3. Tandem autologous stem cell trans- multiple myeloma: very long-term follow up of a single
plantations center experience. Clin Lab Haematol 28:189-197, 2006
4. Allogeneic 11. Fudaba Y, Spitzer TR, Shaffer J, et al: Myeloma
i. Only potentially curative therapy, responses and tolerance following combined kidney and
nonmyeloablative marrow transplantation: in vivo and in
but use is limited due to high
vitro analyses. Am J Transplant 6:2121-2133, 2006
treatment related mortality rates 12. Montseny JJ, Kleinknecht D, Meyrier A, et al:
ii. Option of receiving a kidney trans- Long-term outcome according to renal histological lesions
plant from the same donor in 118 patients with monoclonal gammopathies. Nephrol
iii. The kidney transplant can often Dial Transplant 13:1438-1445, 1998
be accomplished without long
term immunosuppression MONOCLONAL IMMUNOGLOBULIN
A. Survival on dialysis is significantly de-
creased in patients with dysproteinemia I. Subtypes
who reached ESRD A. Light chain deposition disease (most
1. Median survival was 4 years for common)
LCDD, 2 years for AL amyloidosis B. Light heavy chain deposition disease
and 1 year for multiple myeloma C. Heavy chain deposition disease
2. Infection rate does not appear differ- D. MIDD with cast nephropathy
ent than patients without E. MIDD with amyloidosis
dysproteinemia II. Clinical features
A. Renal involvement is nearly universal
ADDITIONAL READING 1. Renal insufficiency
1. Knudsen LM, Hjorth M Hippe E: Renal failure in
2. Proteinuria
multiple myeloma: reversibility and impact on the progno- i. Nephrotic range in 40%
sis. Nordic Myeloma Study Group. Eu J Haematol 65:175- ii. Usually dipstick positive
181, 2000 3. Hypertension
2. Korbet SM, Schwartz MM: Multiple myeloma. J Am
B. Extrarenal manifestations present in 35%
Soc Nephrol 17:2533-2545, 2006
3. Sanders PW, Booker BB: Pathobiology of cast nephrop- 1. Most common
athy from human Bence Jones proteins. J Clin Invest i. Cardiac – congestive heart failure
89:630-639, 1992 ii. Liver – elevated liver enzymes
4. Lacy MQ, Dispenzieri A, Gertz MA, et al: Mayo clinic 2. Less common
consensus statement for the use of bisphosphonates in
multiple myeloma. Mayo Clinic Proc 81:1047-1053, 2006 i. Peripheral neuropathy, muscle
5. Zucchelli P, Pasquali S, Cagnoli L, Ferrari G: Con- wasting, carpel tunnel syndrome
trolled plasma exchange trial in acute renal failure due to ii. Deposits have also been found in
multiple myeloma. Kidney Int 33:1175-1180, 1988 the lung, gut, nervous system,
6. Johnson WJ, Kyle RA, Pineda AA, O’Brien PC and
Holley KE: Treatment of renal failure associated with
salivary glands
multiple myeloma. Plasmapheresis, hemodialysis, and che- iii. Deposits were found in the brain
motherapy. Arch Intern Med 150:863-869, 1990 of one patient with psychosis
Core Curriculum in Nephrology 161

C. Myeloma 2. May be related to presence of mul-

1. 37% to 65% meet criteria for multiple tiple myeloma
myeloma 3. Histology may also determine sur-
2. More likely to have coexisting cast vival
nephropathy V. Treatment
D. Light chain restriction A. Renal-limited disease without myeloma
1. Predominately kappa light chains (3:1) 1. ESRD
2. Over-represented by V␬I and V␬IV i. No cytotoxic therapy is necessary
III. Histologic findings ii. Kidney transplant is not advisable
A. Light microscopy unless there is hematologic remis-
1. Mesangial matrix expansion sion due to the high recurrence
2. Nodular sclerosis glomerulopathy rate (⬎80%)
3. Glomerular basement membrane 2. Not in ESRD
thickening i. No consensus
4. Membranoproliferative and even cres- ii. Anti-myeloma chemotherapy is
centic glomerulonephritis have been reasonable with a goal of stop-
rarely reported ping renal damage and preserving
5. Tubulointerstitial nephritis and atro- renal function
phy iii. High dose therapy followed by
6. Vascular sclerosis stem cell transplantation
7. Congo red negative B. Extrarenal disease or myeloma
B. Immunofluorescence 1. Chemotherapy
1. Linear staining of the tubular base- 2. High dose therapy followed by stem
ment membrane by antiserum to ei- cell transplant
ther kappa or lambda i. Kidney transplant may be consid-
i. This is the most sensitive histo- ered if complete hematologic re-
logic finding sponse is achieved
2. Glomerular capillary loops are also
3. Staining of nodules can be weak or 1. Lin J, Markowitz GS, Valeri AM, et al: Renal monoclo-
absent since nodules are composed of nal immunoglobulin deposition disease: the disease spec-
trum. J Am Soc Nephrol 12:1482-1492, 2001
mostly matrix proteins
2. Pozzi C, D’Amico M, Fogazzi GB, et al.: Light chain
C. Electron microscopy deposition disease with renal involvement: clinical character-
1. Granular electron dense deposits are istics and prognostic factors. Am J Kidney Dis 42:1154-
commonly found: 1163, 2003
i. Subendothelial 4. Heilman RL, Velosa JA, Holley KE, Offord KP, Kyle
RA: Long-term follow-up and response to chemotherapy in
ii. Subepithelial
patients with light-chain deposition disease. Am J Kidney
iii. Focally in the mesangium Dis 20:34-41, 1992
iv. Occasionally in the vascular wall 5. Vidal R, Goni F, Stevens F, et al: Somatic mutations of
IV. Prognosis the L12a gene in V-kappa(1) light chain deposition disease:
A. Kidney potential effects on aberrant protein conformation and
deposition. Am J Pathol 155:2009-2017, 1999
1. Median time to ESRD is 2.7 years 6. Leung N, Lager DJ, Gertz MA, et al.: Long-term
2. Predictors of ESRD outcome of renal transplantation in light-chain deposition
i. Multiple myeloma disease. Am J Kidney Dis 43:147-153, 2004
ii. Coexistence of cast nephropathy 7. Weichman K, Dember LM, Prokaeva T, et al.: Clinical
iii. High presenting serum creatinine and molecular characteristics of patients with non-amyloid
light chain deposition disorders, and outcome following
B. Patient treatment with high-dose melphalan and autologous stem
1. Median survival varies between 18 cell transplantation. Bone Marrow Transplant 38:339-343,
months to over 5 years 2006
162 Leung and Rajkumar


AMYLOIDOSIS i. Diarrhea (malabsorption)
ii. Gastrointestinal hemorrhage
I. Background
3. Nervous system
A. Historically known as primary systemic
i. Peripheral neuropathy
ii. Autonomic dysfunction
B. Usually caused by a monoclonal light
chain (light-chain amyloidosis; AL) 4. Soft tissue
C. Rare cases of monoclonal heavy chain i. Carpel tunnel syndrome
amyloidosis (AH) have been reported ii. Tongue enlargement
II. Clinical features 5. Liver
A. Proteinuria i. Hepatomegaly
1. 75% present with proteinuria ii. Elevated liver enzymes
2. Can be massive ⬎ 20 g/d, nephrotic 6. Amyloidoma
range in ⬃ 30% III. Diagnostic criteria for AL amyloidosis
3. High concentration of albumin (dip- A. Demonstration of amyloid fibrils in tissues
stick positive) 1. 8 to 12 nm fibrils
B. Renal insufficiency 2. Congo red positive
1. Half present with reduced renal func- 3. Heart, kidney, and liver are most
tion commonly involved sites (⬎90%)
2. 20% have serum creatinine ⬎ 2 mg/dL 4. Fat aspirate and gut biopsy are less
C. Hypotension sensitive (⬃80%)
1. Often despite a previous history of B. Fibrils must be composed of monoclonal
hypertension light chains
2. Intolerance to antihypertensives C. Helpful but not sufficient:
i. Especially with ACE inhibitors or 1. Demonstration of a clonal plasma cell
angiotensin receptor antagonists population
which can precipitate acute renal 2. Circulating monoclonal protein
failure IV. Histologic findings
3. Orthostatic A. Pale amorphous eosinophilic deposits
i. Autonomic dysfunction that replace normal mesangial structures
ii. Low intravascular volume 1. Deposits
D. Extravascular volume overload i. Weakly stain with periodic acid-
1. Peripheral edema Schiff
2. Ascites, pleural effusion, pericardial ii. Deposits are nonargyrophilic
effusion iii. Spikes can be seen on silver stain
E. Vascular instability 2. Location
1. Purpura i. Mesangium
F. Myeloma ii. Glomerular basement membrane
1. ⬃18% meet criteria for multiple my- iii. Interstitium
eloma iv. Vascular wall
2. Prognosis is determined by amyloid- 3. Immunofluorescence
osis and therefore the distinction is i. Demonstrates restriction to either
not necessary kappa or lambda light chain
G. Light chain 4. Electron microscopy
1. Lambda ⬎ kappa (2:1) i. Randomly arranged 8 to 12 nm
2. V␭VI fibrils
H. Extrarenal manifestations ii. Extracellular
1. Cardiac 5. Amyloid stains
i. Congestive heart failure i. Apple green birefringence with
ii. Conduction defects Congo red
Core Curriculum in Nephrology 163

ii. Yellow-green birefringence with kidney transplant will cause a

Thioflavin T delay of stem cell transplantation
iii. Persistent staining after potas- D. Newer agents
sium permanganate treatment 1. Thalidomide and dexamethasone
B. Amyloid deposits may be difficult to i. 19% complete hematologic re-
detect sponse
1. Mistaken for minimal change disease ii. 26% organ response
2. The amount of amyloid does not iii. High percentage of treatment tox-
correlate with degree of proteinuria icity (65%)
V. Prognosis iv. Not suitable for some patients
A. 18% progress to ESRD 2. Lenalidomide and dexamethasone
B. Median time from diagnosis to ESRD is
C. Median survival after dialysis is 8 months 1. Kyle RA, Gertz MA: Primary systemic amyloidosis:
with conventional chemotherapy clinical and laboratory features in 474 cases. Semin Hematol
32:45-59, 1995
VI. Treatment 2. Dember LM: Amyloidosis-associated kidney disease.
A. Conventional chemotherapy J Am Soc Nephrol 17:3458-3471, 2006
1. Melphalan plus high dose dexametha- 3. Gertz MA, Lacy MQ, Lust JA, et al: Phase II trial of
sone high-dose dexamethasone for untreated patients with pri-
i. 33% complete hematologic re- mary systemic amyloidosis. Med Oncol 16:104-109, 1999
4. Kyle RA, Greipp PR, Garton JP, Gertz MA: Primary
sponse systemic amyloidosis. Comparison of melphalan/prednisone
ii. No treatment related mortalities versus colchicine. Am J Med 79:708-716, 1985
iii. A good option for non-transplant 5. Skinner M, Sanchorawala V, Seldin DC, et al: High-
candidates dose melphalan and autologous stem-cell transplantation in
iv. Some studies show equivalence patients with AL amyloidosis: an 8-year study. Ann Intern
Med 140:85-93, 2004
with autologous stem cell trans-
6. Dember LM, Sanchorawala V, Seldin DC, et al: Effect
plantation of dose-intensive intravenous melphalan and autologous
B. High dose chemotherapy followed by blood stem-cell transplantation on al amyloidosis-associated
autologous stem cell transplantation in renal disease. Ann Intern Med 134:746-753, 2001
selected patients with limited number of 7. Leung N, Dispenzieri A, Fervenza FC, et al: Renal
organs affected by amyloidosis response after high-dose melphalan and stem cell transplan-
tation is a favorable marker in patients with primary
1. 40% complete hematologic response systemic amyloidosis. Am J Kidney Dis 46:270-277, 2005
rate 8. Casserly LF, Fadia A, Sanchorawala V, et al: High-
2. Organ response follows hematologic dose intravenous melphalan with autologous stem cell
response transplantation in AL amyloidosis-associated end-stage re-
3. Long-term survival in organ respond- nal disease. Kidney Int 63:1051-1057, 2003
9. Leung N, Griffin MD, Dispenzieri A, et al: Living donor
ers kidney and autologous stem cell transplantation for primary
C. In patients with ESRD systemic amyloidosis (AL) with predominant renal involvement-
1. Autologous stem cell transplantation .[see comment]. Am J Transplant 5:1660-1670, 2005
can be performed 10. Palladini G, Perfetti V, Perlini S, et al: The combina-
i. Response rate is similar to non- tion of thalidomide and intermediate-dose dexamethasone is
an effective but toxic treatment for patients with primary
ESRD patients amyloidosis (AL). Blood 105:2949-2951, 2005
ii. Higher morbidity rate
iii. Responders have successfully un- DIAGNOSTIC APPROACH TO RENAL
dergone kidney transplantation DYSFUNCTION IN PLASMA CELL
2. Kidney transplant prior to stem cell DYSCRASIAS
i. Morbidity similar to patients with- I. Serum protein electrophoresis
out ESRD A. Monoclonal proteins will appear as a
ii. Not an option for patients with spike in the pattern (Fig 1)
significant heart involvement as B. Sensitivity (500-2000 mg/L)
164 Leung and Rajkumar

Figure 1. Serum protein electrophoresis showing a normal pattern with a broad-based gamma globulin region (A) and an
abnormal pattern with a tall church-spire type monoclonal (M) protein (B).

C. May not pick up small bands or bands III. Immunofixation

outside of the gamma region A. Anti-serums to light and heavy chains
II. Urine protein electrophoresis are used to aid in the detection of
A. Useful to determine the make up of the monoclonal protein after the proteins
urinary protein are separated by electrophoresis
1. A high albumin content suggests a B. More sensitive than electrophoresis (de-
glomerular process tection limits 150-500 mg/L)
B. Both serum and urine should be tested IV. Serum free light chains (FLC) assay
in increase detection to ⬃95% A. Most sensitive (detection limit of 0.5 mg/L)
Core Curriculum in Nephrology 165

B. Assay does not detect monoclonality 1. Presence of an amyloid-related sys-

of the light chain but rather an abnor- temic syndrome
mal ratio of kappa versus lambda (for 2. Positive amyloid staining by Congo
AL amyloidosis FLC is 91% sensitive red (eg, fat aspirate, bone marrow,
vs 69% with serum immunofixation or organ biopsy)
and 83% for urine immunofixation) 3. Evidence on direct examination (im-
C. Sensitivity is 99% when FLC is com- munoperoxidase staining, direct se-
bined with serum and urine quencing, etc) reveals amyloid is
immunofixation light-chain related
V. Bone survey 4. Evidence of a monoclonal plasma
VI. Bone marrow biopsy cell proliferative disorder (serum or
A. Test for light chain restriction in the urine M protein, abnormal free light
plasma cells chain ratio, or clonal plasma cells in
1. Normal percentage of plasma cells the bone marrow)
does not equal normal
B. Congo red stain to test for amyloid
VII. Fat aspirate 1. Katzmann JA, Clark RJ, Abraham RS, et al: Serum
reference intervals and diagnostic ranges for free kappa and
A. 80% sensitive for AL amyloidosis free lambda immunoglobulin light chains: relative sensitiv-
VIII. Renal biopsy ity for detection of monoclonal light chains. Clin Chem
A. Should be performed on all cases if 48:1437-1444, 2002
risk permits 2. Rajkumar SV, Dispenzieri A, Kyle RA: Monoclonal
B. Only way to distinguish between vari- gammopathy of undetermined significance, Waldenstrom
macroglobulinemia, AL amyloidosis, and related plasma cell
ous kidney diseases disorders: diagnosis and treatment. Mayo Clinic Proc 81:693-
C. Kidney provides tissue for amyloid 703, 2006
typing 3. Lachmann HJ, Booth DR, Booth SE, et al: Misdiagno-
1. Always confirm AL type before sis of hereditary amyloidosis as AL (primary) amyloidosis.
administering cytotoxic agents N Eng J of Med 346:1786-1791, 2002
4. Abraham RS, Katzmann JA, Clark RJ, et al: Quantitative
D. Based on above test results, with rare analysis of serum free light chains. A new marker for the
exceptions, the diagnosis of AL re- diagnostic evaluation of primary systemic amyloidosis. Am J
quires all 4 of following criteria: Clin Pathol 119:274-278, 2003

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