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Qualia explained away

A Commentary on Daniel C. Dennett

David H. Baßler

In his paper “Why and how does consciousness seem the way it seems?”, Daniel Commentator
Dennett argues that philosophers and scientists should abandon Ned Block’s dis-
tinction between access consciousness and phenomenal consciousness. First he
David H. Baßler
lays out why the assumption of phenomenal consciousness as a second medium is
davidhbassler @ gmail.com
not a reasonable idea. In a second step he shows why beings like us must be con-
vinced that there are qualia, that is, why we have the strong temptation to believe Johannes Gutenberg-Universität
in their existence. This commentary is exclusively concerned with this second part Mainz, Germany
of the target paper. In particular, I offer a more detailed picture, guided by five
questions that are not addressed by Dennett. My proposal, however, still resides Target Author
within the framework of Dennett’s philosophy in general. In particular I use the
notion of intentional systems of different orders to fill in some details. I tell the Daniel C. Dennett
counterfactual story of some first-order intentional systems evolving to become daniel.dennett @ tufts.edu
believers in qualia as building blocks of their world. Tufts University
Medford, MA, U.S.A.
Dispositions | Intentional systems | Predictive processing | Qualia | Zombic hunch Editors

Thomas Metzinger
metzinger @ uni-mainz.de
Johannes Gutenberg-Universität
Mainz, Germany

Jennifer M. Windt
jennifer.windt @ monash.edu
Monash University
Melbourne, Australia

1 Introduction

The first of Rapoport’s Rules1 for composing a views, especially his argument against the exist-
critical commentary states that one should ence of qualia (constituting the first part of the
present the target view in the most charitable target paper), the diagnosis that there is the
way possible (Dennett 2013a). Although I gen- zombic hunch,2 along with his strategy for ex-
erally agree with many of Daniel Dennett’s plaining why it exists, the connection between
1 Dennett named these rules after social psychologist and game theor- qualia and predicted dispositions, was hard to
ist Anatol Rapaport. They are not to be confused with another “Ra- grasp. Dennett presents the idea that when we
poport’s Rule”, named after Eduardo H. Rapaport (cf. Stevens
1989). Here is the full list of Dennett’s Rapaport’s Rules:
talk about qualia, what we really refer to are
1. “You should attempt to re-express your target’s position so our dispositions in earlier works (e.g., Dennett
clearly, vividly, and fairly that your target says, ‘Thanks, I wish I’d
thought of putting it that way.’”
1991). But the connection to predictive pro-
2. “You should list any points of agreement (especially if they are
not matters of general or widespread agreement).” 2 A philosophical zombie has nothing to do with any other sort of
3. “You should mention anything you have learned from your target.” zombie. It behaves in every way like a normal person. The only dif-
4. “Only then are you permitted to say so much as a word of rebut- ference is, that it lacks phenomenal experiences (though ex hypothesi
tal or criticism.” it believes that is has phenomenal experiences). The zombic hunch is
(Dennett 2013a, p. 33) the intuition that a philosophical zombie would be different from us.

Baßler, D. H. (2015). Qualia explained away - A Commentary on Daniel C. Dennett.

In T. Metzinger & J. M. Windt (Eds). Open MIND: 10(C). Frankfurt am Main: MIND Group. doi: 10.15502/9783958570542 1 | 11

cessing is new (see also Dennett 2013b). There I want to draw attention to Hume’s Of
still seem to be some stepping stones missing, Miracles (Hume 1995, X), where he states
which I hope to fill in with my reconstruction. that the likelihood of a testimony about mir-
My goal is to provide a complete story that acles being wrong is always greater than the
sticks as close to Dennett’s argument as pos- likelihood of the miracle itself. This serves as
sible. This paper is not supposed to be a “re- a nice analogy for the case at hand: we might
buttal” or “criticism”, but an “attempt to re-ex- think of our own mind as a good “witness”,
press [Dennett]’s position” (see footnote 1). but we already know too much about its
The structure of this commentary is as shortcomings. So we should be suspicious
follows: in the first section I shall give a short when it cries out for a revolution in science or
outline of Dennett’s explanation of why we metaphysics, because this cry rests on the be-
have the zombic hunch. Since this involves the lief that something is missing, when no data
predictive processing framework, I shall give a but this very belief itself makes the demand
very short introduction to this first. Following necessary. Instead we should examine what
this, I present a short list of five questions else could have led our minds to form this
that have not, in my opinion, yet been suffi- conviction.
ciently addressed. In the second section I
present an interpretation, or perhaps an ex- 2 Dennett’s proposal
tension, of Dennett’s answers to these ques-
tions, by relying on the concept of an inten- In “Why and how does consciousness seem the
tional system and using a strategy involving way it seems?” Dennett gives an argument for
telling the counterfactual story of the evolu- why philosophers and scientists should aban-
tion of some agents who end up believing in don Ned Block’s distinction between access
qualia (although ex hypothesi there are none). consciousness and phenomenal consciousness,
In the third section I shall analyze which fea- zombies, and qualia altogether. The argument
tures qualia should have, according to the be- is twofold: first Dennett lays down his argu-
liefs of these agents, and show that there is at ment for why the assumption of phenomenal
least a significant overlap with features many consciousness as a second medium whose states
consider qualia to have. are conscious experiences or qualia is “scien-
I want to give a short justification for tifically insupportable and deeply misleading”
the unorthodox way of accounting for beliefs (Dennett this collection, section 2). It is insup-
about x instead of for x’s existence itself. This portable because there is simply no need to
is a general strategy found in other areas of posit such entities to explain any of our beha-
Dennett’s work. For example, he has asked, vior, so for reasons of parsimony they should
“Why should we think there is intentionality not be a part of scientific theories (see also
although there is none?” (Dennett 1971), Dennett 1991, p. 134). The assumption is
“Why should we believe there is a god al- deeply misleading because it makes us look for
though there is none?” (Dennett 2006), and the wrong things, namely, the objects our judg-
“Why should we think there is a problem with ments are about, rather than the causes of
determinism and free will although there is these judgments, which are nothing like these
none?” (Dennett 1984, 2004). Dennett’s philo- objects.
sophy can in parts be seen as a therapeutic In a second step Dennett shows why
approach to “philosopher’s syndrome”—“mis- creatures like us must be convinced that there
taking failures of imagination for insights into are qualia, that is, why we have such a strong
necessity” (e.g., Dennett 1991, p. 401; Dennett temptation to believe in their existence, even
1998a, p. 366)—by making it easier to see why though there are no good reasons for this (Den-
we are convinced of the existence of some- nett this collection, section 2 and 3; other places
thing, even when there are good reasons to where Dennett acknowledges this conviction,
believe that it doesn’t exist. the zombic hunch, are Dennett 1999; Dennett
Baßler, D. H. (2015). Qualia explained away - A Commentary on Daniel C. Dennett.
In T. Metzinger & J. M. Windt (Eds). Open MIND: 10(C). Frankfurt am Main: MIND Group. doi: 10.15502/9783958570542 2 | 11

2005, Ch. 1; Dennett 2013a, p. 283). The follow- that this leads to an action that changes the
ing sections are exclusively concerned with this input in such a way that the prediction is vin-
part of the target paper. dicated (active inference, see e.g., Friston et
After completing the second step, Dennett al. 2011). However, although this aspect of PP
explains why we ascribe qualia their character- —that it provides one formally-unified ap-
istic properties—simplicity and ineffability proach to perception and action—is a strength
(Dennett this collection, section 4 & 5). Al- of the framework, it is not important here,
though I also say something about this point given the context of this commentary. These
(see section 4), Section 6 is an intuition pump changes are supposed to follow Bayes’ The-
(cf. e.g., Dennett 2013a) that will help the orem, which is why one might speak of
reader to apply Dennett’s alternative view to Bayesian prediction (cf. e.g., Hohwy 2013).
the experience of colors. The higher the layer in the hierarchy the
Before I present a short outline of Den- more abstract the contents and the longer the
nett’s second step, I want to briefly describe the time-scales or the predictive horizon. One ex-
predictive processing framework. This is neces- ample of a very abstract content is “only one
sary since both Dennett’s argument as well as object can exist in the same place at the same
my reconstruction make use of this framework. I time” (Hohwy et al. 2008, p. 691, quoted after
shall not go into details of hierarchical predict- Clark 2013, p. 5).
ive processing (PP) accounts here, since at least One point to keep in mind is that, accord-
three papers in this collection (Clark, Hohwy, ing to Hohwy (2014), this framework implies a
and Seth), as well as the associated commentar- clear-cut distinction between the mind and the
ies (Madary, Harkness, and Wiese), are con- world. That is, there is an evidentiary boundary
cerned with this topic and also offer ample ref- between “where the prediction error minimiza-
erences for introductory as well as further read- tion occurs” and “hidden causes [of the sensory
ing. I will instead give a very short description stimulation pattern] on the other side” (Hohwy
of the points that are most relevant to Den- 2014, p. 7). I will come back to this point later
nett’s argument and recommend the above-men- in this commentary.
tioned papers and the references given there to
the interested reader. 2.2 The outline of Dennett’s argument

2.1 Predictive processing 1. Our own dispositions, expectations, etc. are

part of the generative self-model instantiated
In the PP framework, the brain refines an in- by our brains. “We ought to have good
ternal generative stochastic model of the Bayesian expectations about what we will do
world by continuously comparing sensory in- next, what we will think next, and what we
put (extero- as well as interoceptive) with pre- will expect next” (Dennett this collection, p.
dictions continuously created by the model. 5)
The overall model is spread across a hierarchy 2. When our brains do their job (described in
of layers, where the sensory layer is the lowest (1)) correctly, i.e., there are no prediction-er-
and each layer tries to predict (that is, to sup- ror signals, we misidentify dispositions of the
press) the activation pattern of the layer be- organism with properties of another object.
neath it. The whole top-down activation pat- For instance, instead of attributing the dis-
tern might be interpreted as a global hypo- position to cuddle a baby correctly to the or-
thesis about the hidden causes of ongoing ganism having the disposition, our brain at-
sensory stimulation. The difference between tributes “cuteness” to the baby.3 Color qualia
predicted and actual activation (prediction er- 3 “Think of the cuteness of babies. It is not, of course, an ‘intrinsic’
ror) is what gets propagated up the hierarchy property of babies, though it seems to be. […][W]e expect to expect
and leads to changes in the hypothesis. To be to feel the urge to cuddle it and so forth. When our expectations are
fulfilled, the absence of prediction error signals is interpreted as con-
exact, this is only one possibility. Another is firmation that, indeed, the thing in the world with which we are in-

Baßler, D. H. (2015). Qualia explained away - A Commentary on Daniel C. Dennett.

In T. Metzinger & J. M. Windt (Eds). Open MIND: 10(C). Frankfurt am Main: MIND Group. doi: 10.15502/9783958570542 3 | 11

and other types of qualia also belong to this like “what we will think next, and what we
category.4 will expect next”, as Dennett does (Dennett
3. This means, under a personal level descrip- this collection, p. 5). The next question is
tion, that we believe that there are properties concerned with this latter form of self-monit-
independent of the observer, such as the cute- oring:
ness of babies, the sweetness of apples, or the 2. How is self-monitoring accomplished?
blueness of the sky, etc. Hohwy (2014) refers to an evidential
4. This is why it is so hard for us to doubt that boundary in the predictive processing
qualia exist in the real world. framework (see the section 2.1): there is a
clear distinction between the mind/brain
The crucial points seem to be (1) and (2). Be- and the world (of which the body without
fore I lay out my interpretation I want to high- the brain is a part), whose causal structure
light some points that are not addressed in is yet to be revealed. Our expectations are
Dennett (this collection), but which are crucial part of our mind, which, if talk of the
if we are to have a complete picture. In the sec- boundary is correct, does not have direct
tion Our Bayesian brains, I present a recon- access to its own states as its own states—
struction that addresses these issues. the mind is a black box to itself. So the
prediction of its expectations needs to be
2.3 Five questions indirect (just like the predictions of the
causes of the sensory stimulation in gen-
1. Why do we need to monitor our dis- eral), and therefore the question arises how
positions? As noted in Dennett (2010), self- the self-monitoring of the mind is achieved
monitoring, in the sense of monitoring of our according to Dennett. There is a further
dispositions, values, etc., isn’t needed unless concern with self-monitoring, which one
one needs to communicate and to hide and might call the “acquisition constraint” (cf.
share specific information about oneself at e.g., Metzinger 2003, p. 344):
will. In his paper, Dennett does not address 3. How did this self-monitoring evolve in
this issue, yet presupposes that “among the a gradual fashion? Large parts of Breaking
things in our Umwelt that matter to our well- the Spell are dedicated to making under-
being are ourselves”. This is obvious if one standable how “belief in belief” could have
reads “ourselves” as the motions of our bod- evolved over the centuries, beginning long be-
ies, but not so obvious if one includes things fore the appearance of any religion. Dennett’s
goal here is quite similar: the explanation
teracting has the properties we expected it to have”
(Dennett this collection, p. 5).
aims to make understandable how we came
4 The intuition pump of Mr. Clapgras in Dennett’s section 6 is there to believe in qualia, etc. But a step-by-step
to make the point that colors can be seen as dispositional properties explanation is missing. I consider this form of
of the organism rather than as properties of perceptual objects, in
the same way as cuteness. Whether one is convinced by this or not, the acquisition-constraint one of the most
the intuitive problem seems to be the same: science tells us there are crucial for any satisfying explanation of this
no properties like cuteness or color, while the zombic hunch tells us
that this cannot be true. A more detailed discussion can be found in sort: each single step has to be understand-
Dennett (1991, p. 375). I will not go into this here, but for the sake able as one likely to have happened. One
of argument I shall assume that this admittedly counter-intuitive
categorization is acceptable. The reader’s willingness to accept it
reason for this is that it would support a
might be helped by the following point given by Nicholas Humphrey, more fine-grained and mechanistic under-
which reminds us that although at first thought colors do not seem standing; another is that it would satisfy the
to have action-provoking effects (like cuteness or funniness), after
second thought one might think differently: gradualism-constraint of Darwinism, which
“As I look around the room I’m working in, man-made colour shouts says that minds (just like anything else)
back at me from every surface: books, cushions, a rug on the floor, a
coffee-cup, a box of staples—bright blues, reds, yellows, greens. “must have come into existence gradually, by
There is as much colour here as in any tropical forest. Yet while al- steps that are barely discernible even in ret-
most every colour in the forest would be meaningful, here in my
study almost nothing is. Colour anarchy has taken over.”
rospect” (Dennett 1995, p. 200, emphasis in
(Humphrey 1983, p. 149; quoted in Dennett 1991, p. 384). original).
Baßler, D. H. (2015). Qualia explained away - A Commentary on Daniel C. Dennett.
In T. Metzinger & J. M. Windt (Eds). Open MIND: 10(C). Frankfurt am Main: MIND Group. doi: 10.15502/9783958570542 4 | 11

Once we know why and how our brains ac- ether.6 But, as a matter of fact, we react
complish the task of monitoring our disposi- differently: this is not like when any other
tions and how they came to do so, one might entity, posited for theoretical reasons, is
still wonder why (as claimed in point 2, page shown to not exist; it is as if without qualia
3) exactly these abstract properties of the or- we couldn’t possibly be us.
ganism would be misidentified as concrete
properties of other things: 3 An interpretation
4. Why do we misidentify our disposi-
tions? One of Dennett’s central claims is 3.1 Intentional Systems Theory
that we misidentify our own dispositions,
which leads to belief in qualia.5 Although An important part of what follows is Intentional
misidentification seems to be ubiquitous (see Systems Theory (IST). What is crucial here is
superstition, religion, magic tricks, the rub- that according to IST, all there is to being an
ber hand illusion—Botvinick & Cohen 1998; agent in the sense of having beliefs and desires
and even full body illusions—Blanke & Met- upon which to act is to be describable via a cer-
zinger 2009) it nonetheless requires a special tain strategy: the intentional stance. The inten-
explanation in each case: is this a shortcom- tional stance is a “theory-neutral way of captur-
ing of a system that has no disadvantages, or ing the cognitive competences of different or-
is it even something that benefits the system ganisms (or other agents) without committing
in some way (cf. McKay & Dennett 2009)? the investigator to overspecific hypotheses
Keeping this last possibility in mind one about the internal structures that underlie the
might ask: competences” (Dennett 2009, p. 344). If one
5. Why are we so attached to the idea of predicts the behavior of an object via the inten-
qualia? There seems to be something more tional stance, one presupposes that it is optim-
that leads people to believe in qualia. There ally designed to achieve certain goals. If there
is the intuition that without qualia we are divergences from the optimal path, one can,
would be very different—we would be in a lot of cases, correct for this by introducing
“mere machines”, we could not enjoy things abstract entities or false beliefs. Since there are
like a good meal or the smell of the air presumably no 100%-optimally-behaving
after it rains (a discussion of this character- creatures in the world, every intentional profile
istic of beliefs-about-qualia can be found in (a set of beliefs and desires), generated via ad-
Dennett 1991, p. 383). Some might go fur- option of the intentional stance, contains a sub-
ther and say that our whole morality rests set of false beliefs.7 It seems that humans have a
on the existence of qualia of pain and suf- “generative capacity [to find the patterns re-
fering (this worry is dealt with in Dennett vealed by taking the intentional stance] that is
1991, p. 449). However, what I am con- to some degree innate in normal people” (Den-
cerned with here is not whether it is true nett 2009, p. 342). I will come back to this
that qualia are the basis of our morality, point and its connection to PP in the next sec-
but why we should think them to be so. tion.
From the argument presented by Dennett it Let us assume for the sake of argument
is not clear why we are so attached to the that IST gives a correct explanation of what it
idea of qualia. It is not obvious why we do is to be an agent (in the sense of someone who
not react as disinterestedly to their denial has beliefs and desires and acts according to
as we did to the revelation that there is no 6 This property of the beliefs is acknowledged in Dennett (2005), p.
22, fn 18: “[The Zombic Hunch] is visceral in the sense of being al -
5 What qualia are […] are just those complexes of dispositions. When you say most entirely arational, insensitive to argument or the lack thereof”.
‘This is my quale,’ what you are singling out, or referring to, whether you real- 7 See Dennett (1987) for an elaborate discussion of the intentional
ize it or not, is your idiosyncratic complex of dispositions. You seem to be re- stance and its implications, Dennett 1998b for the ontological status
ferring to a private, ineffable something-or-other in your mind’s eye, a private of beliefs and desires, Bechtel (1985) for another interesting inter-
shadeshade of homogeneous pink, but this is just how it seems to you, not pretation, and Yu & Fuller (1986) for a discussion of the benefits of
how it is. (Dennett 1991, p. 389). treating beliefs and desires as abstracta.

Baßler, D. H. (2015). Qualia explained away - A Commentary on Daniel C. Dennett.

In T. Metzinger & J. M. Windt (Eds). Open MIND: 10(C). Frankfurt am Main: MIND Group. doi: 10.15502/9783958570542 5 | 11

them), and that PP allows us to see how an take the basic intentional stance with the de-
agent can be implemented on the “algorithmic fault assumption that the target object in
level”(see Dennett’s discussion in Dennett 1987, question believes whatever is true (if we as-
p. 74, where he refers to the IST as a “compet- sume the ascriber’s beliefs are in fact all
ence model”). Whenever I say that an agent be- true), but lacks the ability to correct the
lieves, wants, desires, etc. something I mean it ascriptions if it leads to wrong predictions for
in exactly the sense found in IST. the behavior of the target. A real-world ex-
Intentional systems can be further categor- ample can be found in Marticorena et al.
ized by looking at the content of their beliefs, (2011): rhesus macaques in a false belief task
e.g., a second-order intentional system is an in- can correctly predict what a person will do,
tentional system that has beliefs and/or desires given that the person knows where the object
about beliefs and/or desires, that is, it is itself is hidden and they have seen the person get-
able to take an intentional stance towards ob- ting to know this. They can also tell when a
jects (Dennett 1987, p. 243). A first-order inten- person doesn’t have the right knowledge, but
tional system has (or can be described as hav- they cannot use this information to make a
ing) beliefs and desires; a second-order inten- prediction about where the person will look.
tional system can ascribe beliefs to others and
itself. If something is a second-order intentional The implementation of such an intermediate
system it harbors beliefs such as “Peggy be- between first- and second-order intentional sys-
lieves that there’s cheese in the fridge”. But tak- tems can be easily imagined following predictive
ing the intentional stance towards an object is coding principles, as I will soon show. Following
an ability that comes in degrees. I now want to this, I argue that this sets down the basic fun-
describe what one might call an intentional sys- daments for systems evolving from this position
tem of 1.5th order, an intermediate between to be believers in qualia, etc.
first- and second-order intentional systems. This The reason for introducing this idea is
is a system that is not able to ascribe full- that I want to show how, given predictive pro-
fledged desires and beliefs with arbitrary con- cessing principles and a certain selection pres-
tents to others or itself. We, as intentional sys- sure, a 1.5th-order-intentional-system might de-
tems of high order, have no difficulty in ascrib- velop from a first-order-intentional-system. In a
ing beliefs and desires with very arbitrary con- next step, I will argue that under an altered se-
tents, such as “She wants to ride a unicorn and lection pressure such a system might become a
believes that following Pegasus is a good way to full-fledged nth-order-intentional-system, where n
achieve that goal”. But the content of beliefs is greater or equal to two. Systems evolving in
and desires that such an intentional system of such a way, as I will describe, are bound to be-
1.5th order can ascribe should be constrained in lieve in the existence of something like qualia.
the following way: In some sense this is only a just-so story, but
the assumed selection pressures are very plaus-
1. An intentional system of 1.5th order is able to ible, and the empirically-correct answer might
ascribe desires only in a very particular and not be too far away from this.
concrete manner, i.e., actions that the object
in question wants to perform with certain 3.2 Our Bayesian brains8
particular existing objects, that the system
itself knows about (e.g., the desire to eat the To see how the pieces fit together imagine
carrot over there), but not goals directed at the situation of some first-order intentional sys-
nonexistent objects, described by sentences tems, agents, which are the first of their kind.
like “he wants to build a house”, or objects They act according to their beliefs and desires.
the ascriber itself does not know about. They do so because the generative models im-
2. It is only able to ascribe beliefs to others 8 This section takes strong inspiration from Wilfrid Sellars’ section
that it holds itself. That means it is able to “Our Rylean Ancestors” in Sellars (1963, p. 178).

Baßler, D. H. (2015). Qualia explained away - A Commentary on Daniel C. Dennett.

In T. Metzinger & J. M. Windt (Eds). Open MIND: 10(C). Frankfurt am Main: MIND Group. doi: 10.15502/9783958570542 6 | 11

plemented in their brains generate a sufficient Roskies this collection).11 However, findings in
number of correct predictions about their envir- this area are controversial. See Lurz 2010), since
onment for them to survive and procreate. They they can predict the behavior of others, given
do a fairly good job of avoiding harms and find- that their behavior is indeed explainable via ref-
ing food and mates. Since they are first-order erence to actually-existing objects, such as
intentional systems, the behavior of their con- apples or potential sexual partners. In addition
specifics amounts to unexplained noise to them, to these properties, there is a new category of
because they are unable to predict the patterns objects in “their world”: beings that react to
of most of their behavior (which is what makes these properties in certain ways.12
them merely first-order intentional systems), In a next step we might suppose that a
though they might well predict their behavior system of communication or signaling evolves
as physical objects, e.g., where someone will (the details are not important), turning our in-
land if she falls off a cliff, for instance. tentional systems of 1.5th order into communic-
When resources are scarce, this leads to ative agents. As communicative beings they
competition between these agents and it be- have an interest in hiding and revealing their
comes an advantage to be able to predict the beliefs according to the trustworthiness of oth-
behavior of one’s conspecifics. This behavior is ers and their motives (cf. Dennett 2010). That
by definition pretty complex (they are inten- is, any of those beings needs to have access to
tional systems), but one can get some mileage what it itself will do next, so that they can hide
out of positing the following regularity: some or share this information, depending on inform-
objects in the world have properties that lead to ation about the other. One might think of hid-
predictable behavior in agents, e.g., if there is ing the information about one’s desire to steal
an apple tree this will lead to the agents ap- some food, and so on.
proaching it, if they are sufficiently near, etc., This is a situation where applying the pre-
whereas if there is a predator, they will run dictive strategy that was formerly only used to
from it, etc. Their model of the world is popu- explain the behavior of others to oneself becomes
lated by properties of items that allow the (ar- an advantage for each of the agents.13 Agents like
guably rough) predictions of agent behavior. this believe in the existence of a special kind of
One might indeed say that the desires of the special kind of properties, i.e., they predict their
agents are projected 9 onto the world.10 Those own behavior on the basis of generative models
who acquire this ability are now 1.5 th order in- that posit such properties: they believe that they
tentional systems (see above; monkeys and approach apples because they are sweet, cuddle
chimpanzees might turn out to be such, see babies because they are cute, laugh about jokes
9 What I mean by “project” is that instead of positing an inner repres-
because they are funny. Applying the strategy to
entation whose content is “I (the system in question) want to eat their own behavior puts them in the same cat-
that apple” and whose function is a desire, along with correct beliefs egory (according to the generative model) as the
about the current situation, what is posited is an eat-provocative
property of the apple itself. Both theoretical strategies allow for the others: they are unified objects that react to cer-
prediction of the same behavior. The crucial difference is that attrib-
uting new properties to objects that are already part of the model is 11 “[R]ecent work on non-human primate theory of mind suggests that mon-
a simpler way of extending the model than positing a complex sys- keys and chimpanzees have a theory of mind that represents goal states and
tem of internal states to each agent. Thus it is also more likely to distinguishes between knowledge and ignorance of other agents (the presence
happen. It’s definitely much simpler than extending the model to in- and absence of contentful mental representations), even if it fails to account
corporate all the entities that explain the behavior on a functional for misrepresentation.” (Roskies this collection, p. 12).
level (i.e., all the neurons, hormones etc.). It is successful to the 12 The selection of goals and other cognitive capabilities, etc., is all
same extent the intentional stance is successful, that is, in an argu- placed outside of the target object (see footnote 9). It will approach
ably noisy way, but still successful enough to gain an advantage the object that has the highest attraction value, given that there is
(since ex hypothesi all the conspecifics are intentional systems). no object with a higher repulsion value, i.e., there is no internal se-
10 This is very close to Gibson’s affordances (e.g., Gibson 1986) in that lection process represented as internal selection. What makes other
“values and meanings are external to the perceiver” (p. 127) and in a agents special objects, in this model, is that they react to properties
couple of other respects (ibid.). It is, however, different in that the that no other things react to, not that they have an internal life that
postulated properties serve to predict the behavior of others and not is somehow special.
to guide the behavior of the organism itself. For the relation between 13 Notice that according to PP, there is no shortcut to be taken: the
Gibsonian affordances and predictive processing see e.g., Friston et mind is a black box to itself—it has to infer its own properties just
al. (2012). as any others.

Baßler, D. H. (2015). Qualia explained away - A Commentary on Daniel C. Dennett.

In T. Metzinger & J. M. Windt (Eds). Open MIND: 10(C). Frankfurt am Main: MIND Group. doi: 10.15502/9783958570542 7 | 11

tain properties, not a bunch of cells trying to live but although it reacts like we do, it does not do
among one another.14 so because of the baby’s cuteness”. Of course
The agent-models of these beings might im- only non-philosophers might say that science
prove by integrating the fact that sometimes it is misses a property of the baby, but philosophers
useful to posit non-existing entities or omit exist- still see that there is something missing, and
ing entities in order to predict the behavior of a since cuteness is not a property of the outside
given conspecific (think of subjects in the false world, they conclude that it must be a property
belief-task looking in the wrong box). By this the of the agents themselves.
concept of (false) beliefs arises. One can imagine This seems to me to be the current situ-
how they further evolve into full-fledged second ation. We have the zombic hunch because it
and higher-order intentional systems, in an arms- seems to us that there is something missing and
race for predicting their fellows.15 it seems so because our generative models are
A further step: they develop sciences like we built upon the assumption that there are prop-
did and will come to have a scientific image of the erties of things out there in the world to which
world, which contains no special simple properties systems like us react in certain ways. We never
of objects that cause “agents” to behave in cer- consider others like us to be zombies because
tain ways. They come to the conclusion that the they are agents like us or better: we are systems
brain does its job without taking notice of proper- like them. We dismiss robots because we know
ties like cuteness or redness, “instead relying” on they can only react to measurable properties,
computations, which take place in the medium of which do not seem to us to be the direct cause
spike trains and nothing but spike trains (cf. tar- of our behavior.
get, section 1). Their everyday predictions of oth-
ers and most importantly of themselves still rely 4 An analysis
on the posited properties. And some might won-
der whether there isn’t something missing from Is it true that properties such as cuteness do
the scientific image. not correspond to anything? In a sense it is
According to the scientific image, they, as false to deny that any such correspondence ex-
biological organisms, react to photons, waves of ists: such properties do correspond to the
air, etc., but these are not the contents of their cuddle-provocativeness of a baby, the eating-
own internal models employed in solving the con- provocativeness of an apple, etc., as a cause of
tinuous task of predicting themselves. The the behavior of agents. They are “lovely” prop-
simplest things they react to seem to be colors erties (Dennett 1991, p. 379), and there is a way
and shapes, (perceived) sounds, etc. The reaction to measure them: we can use ourselves as de-
towards babies is explained via facial proportions tectors. But the reason we, intuitively, do not
and the like, but this is far from what their gener- accept a robot as a subject like ourselves is be-
ative models “say”, which is “the reaction to ba- cause we know how the robot does it: we know
bies is caused by their cuteness”. that it calculates, maybe even in a PP-manner
They begin to build robots, which react to —we know that it does not react directly to the
babies like they do. They say things like, “all properties that seem to exist and that seem to
this robot reacts to are the patterns in the count. Neither do we, or the beings described
baby’s face, the proportions one can measure; above. But their own prediction of themselves
treats such complex properties as simple, be-
14 This is where one might speak of the origin of a self-model (Met- cause there is nothing to be gained by being
zinger 2003) in some sense, where there is not only a model of the
body (built up by proprioceptive inputs) but also a model of the self more precise than is necessary for sufficiently
as having (primitive) goals, at least in any given moment. accurate prediction.16
15 Maybe language plays an important part in this further development
as an external scaffold (cf. Clark 1996; Dennett 1994). One fact sup- This is my reconstruction of Dennett’s
porting this view is that monkeys do not seem to be able to under- claim that the mind projects its dispositions
stand the concept of false belief (and therefore the concept of belief)
(cf. Marticorena et al. 2011, but also Lurz 2010 for an overview of
this debate). 16 This is also true of affordances (see e.g., Gibson 1986, p. 141).

Baßler, D. H. (2015). Qualia explained away - A Commentary on Daniel C. Dennett.

In T. Metzinger & J. M. Windt (Eds). Open MIND: 10(C). Frankfurt am Main: MIND Group. doi: 10.15502/9783958570542 8 | 11

onto the world via Bayesian prediction. I want ical advances in the sciences this felt import-
to draw attention to some of the features ance of qualia to our lives is very difficult to
ascribed to those properties that this story pre- overcome.
dicts: 5. These properties are known to every
living human being; it is not possible
1. These properties are “given directly” to sincerely deny their existence
to a person This is due to the fact that our brains pre-
The overall generative model depicts the dict the behavior of others via a model that
whole organism as a unified object that re- posits direct interaction between “agents”
acts directly to the posited properties in the and first-order, non-relational object proper-
world. Any system that represents itself in ties—the entities that are then named
such a way is bound to believe that there are “qualia”.
properties of the world given directly to the
object, which it takes to be itself. In subper- This list has considerable overlap with lists of
sonal terms this object and these properties, features ascribed to qualia (e.g., Metzinger
as well as their relation to each other, are 2003, p. 68; Tye 2013), lending support to the
postulated entities that explain the sensory thesis that we don’t need a revolution in science
input. For instance, the fact that others talk to accommodate qualia, but rather a change in
about the system as someone with beliefs and perspective: we might look at the creatures de-
desires (which is rooted in the same prin- scribed above and see that “[t]hey are us” (Den-
ciple) can be explained by predicting itself in nett 2000, p. 353).
the same way.
2. These properties are irreducible to 5 Conclusion
physical‚ mechanical phenomena.
Since the generative model does not depict I have given an interpretation of Dennett’s the-
these properties as built up from simpler ory of why there seems to be something more to
ones, but simply posits them to predict consciousness than science can explain. My aim
lower-level patterns, these properties don’t was to thereby address crucial questions, while
seem (to the system) to be reducible to other sticking as closely to Dennett’s philosophy as
properties. possible. The answer is a just-so story that
3. These properties are atomic‚ i.e., un- shows how (plausible) selection pressures lead
structured. to beings that cannot help but believe that they
There are as many posited properties as are more than just “moist robots” (Dennett
there are distinct dispositions to be tracked. 2013a, p. 49)—because some important entities
This also explains why one can learn to find seem to be missing from the scientific descrip-
structure in formerly unstructured qualia (cf. tion.
Dennett 1991, p. 49) once new discriminative This story answers the questions why and
behavior is learned. how beings like us monitor their dispositions,
4. These properties are important to our and how this ability could have evolved. It also
lives/beings as humans/persons offers an answer as to why we don’t recognize
This felt importance is obvious, given the pu- them as representations of our dispositions and
tative role they play in the explanation why qualia are unlike other theoretical entities
provided by the generative model. These in that they are important for what we consider
properties seem to be the causes of all our ourselves to be. The notion of an intermediate
behavior: if one did not feel the painfulness between first- and second-order intentional sys-
of a pain, one would not scream; if one did tems was introduced as a new conceptual in-
not sense the funniness of a joke, one would strument for satisfying the acquisition con-
not laugh, etc. Since the model is still needed straint and to lay the fundaments for the belief
for interacting with others, despite theoret- in mind-independent simple properties that dir-
Baßler, D. H. (2015). Qualia explained away - A Commentary on Daniel C. Dennett.
In T. Metzinger & J. M. Windt (Eds). Open MIND: 10(C). Frankfurt am Main: MIND Group. doi: 10.15502/9783958570542 9 | 11

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