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Idioma Ingles

Pronunciacion Gramatica
Letra Pronunciacion Tipo de oracion Forma
a ei Afirmativa sujeto + verbo + objeto
b bi Negativa sujeto + "to be" + "not" + objeto
c zi sujeto + "do (does)" + "not" + verbo + objeto
d di sujeto + "can" + "not" + verbo + objeto
e i Interrogativa verbo + sujeto + objeto + ?
f ef "do (does)" + oracion afirmativa (verbo infinitivo) + ?
g lli "do (does)" + oracion afirmativa (verbo infinitivo) + ?
h eich "did" (pasado de "do") + oracion afirmativa (verbo infinitivo) + ?
i ai question words + interrogativa verbo "to be" o "do (does)" + ?
j llei
k kei Tiempos Forma
l el Presente simple sujeto + verbo en presente + objeto
m em Presente continuo sujeto + "to be" en presente + verbo principal + -ing + objeto
n en Pasado simple sujeto + verbo en pasado + objeto
o ou Pasado continuo sujeto + "to be" en pasado + verbo principal + -ing + objeto
p pi Futuro sujeto + "to be" en futuro + verbo principal + objeto
q kiu Futuro proximo sujeto + "to be" en presente + "going to" + verbo principal + objeto
r ar
s es Plurales Forma
t ti Reemplazar -s a la mayoria que terminan en vocales o consonantes
u iu Reemplazar -ies a los que terminan en "consonante + y", se borra "y"
v vi Reemplazar -es a los que terminan en -s, -ss, -ch, -sh, -x, -z
w dobul iu Reemplazar -ves a los que terminan en -f, -fe
x ex misma forma algunos tiene la misma forma en plural y singular
y uai irregulares algunos cambian por completo
z zi
Genero Forma
Especiales Pronunciacion Sustantivos se forma con articulo "the"
th enunciada d (como en "dado") Adjetivos son invariables en genero y numero
th z (como en "zarzuela")
tion shon Variados Forma
ee i- Sustantivos pueden ser personas, lugares o cosas
oo u pueden ser pronombres personales
ge (al final) ch Verbos hay main verb (verbo principal)
hay auxiliary verb (verbo auxiliar)
hay verbos regulares
hay verbos irregulares
* tanto en los verbos regulares como los irregulares los tiempos "pasados" y "pasado participio", no siguen patrones
conocidos de tranformacion asi que para todos los verbos del ingles los tiempos verbales se deben aprender con
el verbo, a diferencia del futuro pues el que carga el tiempo es el verbo auxiliar
Adjetivos a veces pueden ir antes del sustantivo
sustantivos pueden hacerse adjetivos
Adverbios van en la parte de objeto de la oracion
convertir adjetivos en adverbios
afirmacion sencilla
negacion solo "to be"
negacion con cualquier otro verbo
negacion que implica incapacidad
interrogacion verbo "to be"
interrogacion con cualquier otro verbo
interrogacion con cualquier otro verbo
interrogacion con cualquier otro verbo en pasado
se llaman "information questions"

eventos cotidianos, estados de ser ,etc
eventos que estan sucediendo en este momento
eventos que empezaron y acabaron en el pasado
eventos que durante algun tiempo pasaron
contraccion: "you`ll", etc
contraccion: "gonna", verbo principal en infinitivo

day - days
party - paties
kiss - kisses
half - halves
fish - fish
foot - feet


indica la accion de la oracion

sirven como ayudantes de los verbos principales
siguen un patron de conjugacion predecible
siguen un patron de conjugacion inpredecible
os" y "pasado participio", no siguen patrones
tiempos verbales se deben aprender con

recordar: adjetivos no tienen plural - agregar -er

en algunos casos: agregar "-ly" al adjetivo

Idioma Ingles

Idioma Extranjero Pronunciacion Idioma Natal Asociacion Inverosimil Detalle

verbes verbs Verbos

be bi Ser
be bi Estar
have jav Tener
have jav Haber
there is / there are der is / der ar Hay Forma Verbal
want uant Querer
wish uish Desear
love lov Amar
like laik Gustar
help jelp Ayudar
try trai Intentar
obtain obtein Conseguir
ask ask Pedir
need ni-d Necesitar
live li-v Vivir
born bourn Nacer
grow grou Crecer
die dai Morir
feel fi-l Sentir
hurt jurt Doler
cure kiur Curar
see si- Ver
look lu-k Mirar
hear ji-r Oir
listen lisen Escuchar
touch toch Tocar
smell esmel Oler
speak espi-k Hablar
say sei Decir
read ri-d Leer
write rait Escribir
delete dilit Borrar
sign sain Firmar
can ken Poder
do du Hacer
work uork Trabajar
make meik Fabricar
build bild Construir
demolish demolish Derribar
remove rimuv Eliminar
fill fil Llenar
drain drein Vaciar
think zink Pensar
imagine imallin Imaginar
believe bili-v Creer
know nou Saber
know nou Conocer informacion
meet mit Conocer a una persona
remember rimember Recordar
forget forguet Olvidar
study estadi Estudiar
listen lisen Atender escuchar algo
comprehend comprijend Comprender
understand anderstand Entender
learn lern Aprender
memorize memorrais Memorizar
teach ti-ch Enseñar
explain explein Explicar
right rait Acertar sustantivo (con to be)
wrong rong Equivocar sustantivo (con to be)
go gou Ir
arrive arraiv Llegar
return riturn Volver
come com Venir
enter enter Entrar
leave li-v Salir
drag drag Sacar
walk uak Andar
run ran Correr
jump llamp Saltar
dance dans Bailar
stop estop Parar
wait ueit Esperar
cross cros Cruzar
continue continiu Continuar
travel travel Viajar
raise reis Subir
lower louer Bajar
board bord Subir a un vehiculo
unboard anbord Bajar de un vehiculo
drive draiv Conducir
last last Durar
delay dilei Tardar
tire tair Cansar
rest rest Descansar
lay lei Acostar
sleep esli-p Dormir
wake ueik Despertar
raise reis Levantar de la cama
lif lif Levantar un objeto
dress dres Vestir
clean up cli-n ap Asear
clean cli-n Limpiar
stain estein Manchar
eat i-t Comer
take teik Tomar ingerir
breakfast brekfast Desayunar
lunch lanch Almorzar
dinner diner Cenar
drink drink Beber
buy bai Comprar
rent rent Alquilar
value valiu Valer valor monetario
serve serv Servir
cost kost Costar
pay pei Pagar
owe ou Deber
collect kolekt Cobrar
spend espend Gastar
give giv Dar
remove rimuv Quitar
receive risiv Recibir
lose lus Perder
search serch Buscar
find faind Encontrar
show shou Mostrar
change cheinch Cambiar
return riturn Devolver / regresar
take teik Coger
let let Dejar
use ius Utilizar
throw zrou Tirar
fall fol Caer
gather gader Recoger / juntar
carry kerri Llevar
bring bring Traer
send send Enviar
put put Poner
place pleis Colocar
add ad Añadir
join lloin Juntar
separate separreit Separar
lack lak Faltar
exceed eksid Sobrar
count kaunt Contar
measure meshur Medir
weight ueit Pesar
calculate cakiuleit Calcular
sum sam Sumar
deduct dedact Restar
multiply maltiplai Multiplicar
divide divaid Dividir
allow alau Permitir
stand estand Aguantar
bother boder Molestar
begin biguin Empezar
finish finish Terminar
open open Abrir
close klouse Cerrar
call kol Llamar
solve solv Solucionar
fix fiks Arreglar
work uork Funcionar
spoil espoil Estropear
break breik Romper
cut kat Cortar
paste peist Pegar
snow esnou Nevar
observe observ Observar
shave sheiv Afeitar
wash uash Lavar
rain rein Llover
Idioma Ingles

Idioma Extranjero Pronunciacion Idioma Natal Asociacion Inverosimil Detalle

noun naun Sustantivo

documentation documenteishon Documentacion
passport pasport Pasaporte
police polis Policia
customs customs Aduana
luggage laguech Equipaje
suitcase sutkeis Maleta
briefcase brifkeis Maletin
travel bag travel bag Bolsa de viaje
package pakech Paquete
purse purs Bolso
laptop laptop Ordenador portatil
video camera video camera Camara de video
photo camera foto camera Camara de fotos
line lain Cola fila
control control Control
help jelp Ayuda
entrance entrens Entrada
exit eksit Salida
airport erport Aeropuerto
harbour jarbor Puerto
train station trein esteishon Estacion de tren
bus station bas esteishon Estacion de bus
subway station sab-uei esteishon Estacion de metro
airplane erplein Avion
flight flait Vuelo
ship ship Barco
train trein Tren
subway sab-uei Metro
tram trram Tranvia
wagon uagon Vagon
bus bas Autobus
taxi taksi Taxi
car karr Coche
garage garash Garaje
bike baik Moto
bicycle baicicol Bicicleta
freeway friuei Autopista
highway jaiuei Carretera
road roud Camino
gas station gas esteishon Gasolinera
stop estop Parada
platform platform Anden
road roud Via
schedule esquediul Horario
ticket tiket Billete boleto de viaje
price prais Precio
seat sit Asiento
row rou Fila
class clas Clase
preferred preferd Preferente
tourist turist Turista
cabin kabin Camarote
hotel jotel Hotel
room rum Habitacion
number namber Numero
key ki Llave
elevator eleveitor Ascensor
stairs esters Escalera
floor flor Planta de piso de hotel
corridor corridor Pasillo
living room livin rum Salon
furniture furnitiur Mueble
sofa sofa Sofa
armchair armcher Sillon
chair cher Silla
table teibol Mesa
carpet karpet Alfombra
telephone telefon Telefono
television televishon Television
radio reidio Radio
remote control rimout control Control remoto
batteries bateris Pilas
electricity electrisiti Electricidad
lamp lamp Lampara
balcony balconi Balcon
daylight deilait Luz del sol
dormitory dormitori Dormitorio
courtain curtein Cortina
closet closet Armario
bed bed Cama
sheet shit Sabana
blanket blanket Manta
conforter conforter Edredon
bathroom bazrum Baño
sink sink Lavabo
shower shauer Ducha
soap soup Jabon
towel tauel Toalla
toilet paper toilet peiper Papel higienico
dental brush dental brash Cepillo dental
dental paste dental peist Pasta dental
kitchen kitchen Cocina Habitacion
kitchen kitchen Cocina Electrodomestico
refrigerator refrillereitor Frigorifico Refrigeradora
washer uasher Lavadora
microwave maicroueiv Microondas
dishwasher dishuasher Lavavajillas
dish dish Plato
source sors Fuente de informacion
tray trei Bandeja
glass glas Vaso
cup cap Tasa
bottle botel Botella
jar llar Jarron
pan pan Sarten
pan pan Olla
pot pot Cazo
bowl boul Fuente Utensilio de ensalada
place pleis Cubierto
spoon espun Cuchara
fork fork Tenedor
knife naif Cuchillo
napkin napkin Servilleta
chopstick chopstik Palillo
thing zing Cosa
object object Objeto
machine mashine Maquina Aparato
country contri Pais
Tu pais natal
Pais que visitas
language langüech Idioma
border border Frontera
region rillion Region
city citi Ciudad
town taun Pueblo
district district Barrio
urbanization urbaniseishon Urbanizacion
house jaus Casa
chale shale Chale
building bilding Edificio
flat flat Piso de apartamento
appartment apartmen Apartamento
street estrit Calle
avenue aveniu Avenida
square eskuer Plaza
corner korner Esquina
Crossing krosin Cruce
downtown dauntaun Centro de la ciudad
beginning biguinin Principio
middle midel Mitad
end end Fin de final
park park Parque
garden garden Jardin
fountain fontein Fuente pileta de parque
hospital jospital Hospital
ambulance ambulans Ambulancia
pharmacy farmaci Farmacia
tablet tablet Pastilla
soothing sutin Calmante
antibiotic antibiotic Antibiotico
wound uund Herida
tape teip Esparadrapo
gauze gos Gasa
injection inllekshon Inyeccion
constipated constipeided Constipado
flue flu Gripe
pain pein Dolor
fever fiver Fiebre
allergy alerlli Alergia
shop shop Tienda de compras
company compani Empresa
mall mol Hipermercado
supermarket supermarket Supermercado
restaurant restorant Restaurant
coffee shop kofi shop Cafeteria
bakery beikeri Panaderia
Clock store clok estor Relojeria
shoes store shus estor Zapateria
jewelry store llul-ueri estor Joyeria
toy store toy estor Jugueteria
boutique butik Boutique
hairdressing saloon jerdresin salon Peluqueria
hardware jard-uer Ferreteria
workshop uorkshop Taller
stationery esteishoneri Papeleria
post office post ofis Correos
agency eillensi Agencia
embassy embasi Embajada
gif guif Regalos
free fri Gratis
taxes takses Impuestos
rate reit Tasas de impuestos
bank bank Banco
money moni Dinero
euro iuro Euro
dollar dólar Dólar
bill bil Billete de dinero
currency currenci Moneda
credit card credit card Tarjeta de credito
atm ei ti em Cajero automatico
school eskul Escuela
academy academi Academia
institute institut Instituto
university iuniversiti Universidad
bread bred Pan
pasta pasta Pasta
soup sup Sopa
potatoes poteitos Patatas
rice rais Arroz
vegetable velletabol Verdura
salad salad Ensalada
souce sos Salsa
egg eg Huevo
first course ferst kors Entrante primer plato servido
flour flaur Harina
salt solt Sal
menu meniu Menu
meat mi-t Carne
chicken chiken Pollo
veal vil Ternera
pig pig Cerdo
slightly made slaitli meid "Poco Hecha" termino de la carne
very made verri meid "Muy Hecha" termino de la carne
fish fish Pescado
fried fraid Frito
roasted rousted Asado
dessert desert Postre
fruit frut Fruta
orange oranch Naranja
banana banana Platano
melon melon Melon
pear pir Pera
apple apol Manzana
strawberry estroberri Fresa
yogourt llogurt Yogur
cake keik Tarta
pie pai Pastel
chocolate chokoleit Chocolate
lemon lemon Limon
ice cream ais krim Helado
coffee kofi Cafeteria
tea ti Te
milk milk Leche
sugar shugar Azucar
saccharin sakarin Sacarina
water uater Agua
wine uain Vino
beer bir Cerveza
alcohol alcojol Alcohol
nature neitiure Naturaleza
sea si Mar
beach bi-ch Playa
river river Rio
seashore sishor Orilla
lake leik Lago
mountain montain Montaña
forest forrest Bosque
tree tri Arbol
field fild Campo
exercise eksersais Ejercicio
sport esport Deporte
paper peiper Papel
letter leter Carta
folio folio Folio
envelope anvelop Sobre
seal sil Sello
book buk Libro
notebook noutbuk Libreta
newspaper niuspeiper Periodico
news nius Noticia
warning uarning Aviso
magazine magasin Revista
pen pen Boligrafo
pencil pensil Lapiz
man man Hombre
woman uoman Mujer
guy gai Chico
girl guerl Chica
boy boi Niño
girl guirl Niña
elder elder Anciano
elder woman elder uoman Anciana
baby beibi Bebe
husband jasband Esposo
wife uaif Esposa
friend frend Amigo
father fader Padre
mother mader Madre
son son Hijo
doughter doter Hija
brother broder Hermano
sister sister Hermana
work uork Trabajo
career karri-r Profesion
student estiudent Estudiante
professor profesor Profesor
teacher ticher Maestro
doctor doctor Medico
nurse nurs Enfermera
president president Presidente
principal principal Director
employeer amploller Encargado
employee amplolli Empleado
waiter ueiter Camarero
secretary secretari Secretario
independent independent Autonomo
minister minister Ministro
judge llach Juez
"Tu profesion"
idea aidia Idea
truth truz Verdad
party parti Partido
politics politics Politica
habit jabit Costumbre
religion relillion Religion
name neim Nombre
last name last neim Apellido
person person Persona
people pipol Gente
society sosaiti Sociedad
clothing klouzin Ropa
size sais Talla de ropa
coat kout Abrigo
suit sut Traje
jacket llaket Chaqueta
jersey llersi Jersey
shirt shirt Camisa
t shirt ti shirt Camiseta
necktie nektai Corbata
blouse blause Blusa
bra bra Sujetador
trousers trausers Pantalones
skirt eskirt Falda
belt belt Cinturon
slips eslips Sandalias
underwear ander-uer Ropa interior
panties pantis Bragas
socks soks Medias
stocking estoking Calcetines
shoes shus Zapato
boots buts Bota
scarf eskarf Bufanda
bonnet bonet Gorro
gloves glofs Guantes
bath suit baz sut Bañador
bikini bikini Bikini
umbrella ambrela Paraguas
glasses glases Gafas
fabric fabric Tela
silk silk Seda
cotton coton Algodón
wool uol Lana
rag rag Trapo
material matirial Material
plastic plastik Plastico
carton carton Carton
metal metal Metal
wood uud Madera
natural natiural Natural
time taim Tiempo el paso
history jistori Historia
date deit Fecha
age eich Edad
year llir Año
day dei Dia
hour auar Hora
minute minut Minuto
second second Segundo
clock clok Reloj
today tudei Hoy
yesterday llesterdei Ayer
tomorrow tomorrou Mañana
day afer tomorrow dei afer tomorrou Pasado mañana
morning mornin Mañana del dia
afernoon afernun Tarde
night nait Noche
week uik Semana
weekend uikend Fin de semana
holiday jolidei Dia festivo
Monday mondei Lunes
Tuesday tiusdei Martes
Wednesday uendsdei Miercoles
Thursday zursdei Jueves
Friday fraidei Viernes
Saturday saturdei Sabado
Sunday sandei Domingo
month monz Mes
january llanuari Enero
february februari Febrero
march march Marzo
april eipril Abril
may mei Mayo
june llun Junio
july llulai Julio
august ogost Agosto
september september Septiembre
october october Octubre
november november Noviembre
december dicember Diciembre
meter meter Metro Medida
kilometer kilometer Kilometro
kilo kilo kilo
ton ton Tonelada
gram gram Gramo
wheather ueder Tiempo Clima
summer samer Verano
sun san Sol
heat jit Calor
winter uinter Invierno
cold kould Frio
christmas krismas Navidad
snow esnou Nieve
rain rein Lluvia
sprint esprint Primavera
autumn otom Otoño
wind uind Aire
celebration celebreishon Fiesta
vacations vakeishons Vacaciones
trip trip Viaje
field trip fild trip Excursion
music miusik Musica
noise nois Ruido
body bady Cuerpo
head jed Cabeza
face feis Cara
eye ai Ojo
ear i-r Oido
nose nouse Nariz
mouth mauz Boca
tooth tuz Diente
tooth tuz Muela
throat zrout Garganta
chest chest Pecho
back bak Espalda
liver liver Higado
kidney kidni Riñon
heart jart Corazon
blood blod Sangre
stomach estomak Estomago
arm arm Brazo
elbow elbou Codo
wrist rrist Muñeca
hand jand Mano
finger finger Dedo
leg leg Pierna
knee ni Rodilla
ankle ankol Tobillo
foot fut Pie
weight ueit Peso
stature estatiure Estatura
animal animal Animal
dog dog Perro
cat kat Gato
horse jors Caballo
donkey donki Asno
cow kau Vaca
ox ox Buey
pig pig Cerdo
ewe ue Oveja
hen jen Gallina
hunger janger Hambre
thrist zirs Sed
sleep eslip Sueño
example eksampol Ejemplo
Idioma Ingles

Idioma Extranjero Pronunciacion Idioma Natal Asociacion Inverosimil Detalle

adjective adlletiv Adjetivos

good gud Bueno
bad bad Malo
regular reguiular Regular
better beter Mejor
worse uors Peor
older older Mayor de edad
youngest llonguest Menor de edad
big big Grande
small esmol Pequeño
superior supirior Superior
inferior infirior Inferior
nice nais Bonito
beautiful biutiful Bello
ugly agli Feo
clean cli-n Limpio
dirty dirti Sucio
warm uarm Caliente
cold could Frio
cheap chip Barato
expensive ekspensiv Caro
full ful Lleno
empty emti Vacio
smart esmart Listo
idiot idiot Tonto
intelligent intelillent Inteligente
stupid estupid Estupido
capable keipabol Capaz
secure sekiur Seguro de seguridad
interesting interrestin Interesante
easy isi Facil
difficult dificolt Dificil
free fri Libre
occupied okiupaid Ocupado
single singol Solo
accompanied acompeind Acompañado
subject sabllect Sujeto
young llong Joven
old old Viejo
tall tol Alto
short short Bajo
strong estrong Fuerte
lazy leisi Flojo
ill il Enfermo
healthy jelzi Sano
fine fain Fino
thin zin Delgado
heavy jevi Gordo
thick zik Grueso
hard jard Duro
sof sof Blando
resistent resistent Resistente
pleasant plesent Agradable
goodlooking gudlukin Simpatico de bien parecido
graceful greisful Gracioso
educated ediukeided Educado
rude rud Grosero
happy japi Alegre
sad sad Triste
happy japi Contento
tire tair Cansado
colour kolor Color
white uait Blanco
black blak Negro
blue blu Azul
red red Rojo
green grin Verde
yellow llelou Amarillo
brown braun Marron
Idioma Ingles

Idioma Extranjero Pronunciacion Idioma Natal Asociacion Inverosimil Detalle

adverbs advervs Adverbios

yes yes Si
always ol ueis Siempre
also olso Tambien
clear clier Claro
exactly eksaktli Exacto
true tru Cierto
just llast Justo
equal ikual Igual
true tru Verdadero
no nou No
never never Nunca
either / neither ider / nider tambien / Tampoco reafirmando-renegando
false fols Falso
unfair anfer Injusto
different diferrent Distinto
good gud Bien
bad bad Mal
perhaps perjaps Quizas
depends depends Depende
sometimes somtaims A veces
if if Si condicional
very verri Muy
much mach Mucho
few fiu Poco
a lot a lot Bastante
all ol Todo
thus das Asi
all ol Todos
nothing nazin Nada
too much tu mach Demasiado
almost olmoust Casi
more mour Mas
less les Menos
only onli Solo no de soledad
some som Alguno
none non Ninguno
now nau Ahora
before bifor Antes
afer afer Despues
next nekst Siguiente
while uail Mientras
still estil Aun
soon sun Pronto
early erli Temprano
later leiter Luego
late leit Tarde de tiempo
here jir Aquí
here jir Ahí
there der Alli
there der Alla
in front in front Enfrente
next to nekst tu Junto a
before bifor Delante
behind bijaind Detrás
near nier Cerca
far far Lejos
inside / in insaid / in Dentro detrás / preposiciones
outside / out autsaid / aut Fuera detrás / preposiciones
beneath / on bini-z / on Encima detrás / preposiciones
underneath / under anderni-z / ander Debajo detrás / preposiciones
fast fast Rapido
slow eslou Lento
quick kuik Deprisa
forward foruard Adelante ir hacia delante
backward bakuard Atrás ir hacia atrás
up ap Arriba
down daun Abajo
lef lef Izquierda
rigth rait Derecha
greet grit Saludar
hello jelou Hola
good morning gud mornin Buenos Dias
good afernoon gud afernun Buenas Tardes
good evening / night gud ivinin / nait Buenas Noches
see you soon si llu sun Hasta pronto
good bye gud bai Adios
please pli-s Por favor
thank you zenk llu Gracias
you are welcome llu ar uelkom De nada
excuse ekskius Disculpe
sorry ai am sorri Lo siento
north norz Norte
south sauz Sur
east i-st Este
west uest Oeste

question words kueschon uords Palabras interrogativas

what uat Que

who ju Quien
which uich Cual
why uai Por que
how jau Como
when uen Cuando
where uer Donde
how much jau mach Cuanto
how many jau meni Cuantos de personas
Idioma Ingles

Idioma Extranjero Pronunciacion Idioma Natal Asociacion Inverosimil Detalle

personal pronouns personal pronauns Pronombres personales

i ai Yo
you llu Tu
you llu Usted
he ji El
she shi Ella
we ui Nosotros
we ui Nosotras
you llu Ustedes
they dei Ellos
they dei Ellas

Posessives adjectives posesiv adjektivs Adjetivos posesivos

my mai Mi
your llur Tu
his jis Su (de el)
her jer Su (de ella)
our auar Nuestro
your llur Suyo (de ustedes)
their deir Su (de ellos)

demostratives pronouns demostrativs pronauns Pronombres demostrativos

these di-s Este
these di-s Esta
these di-s Esto
this dis Ese
that dad Esa
that dad Eso
that dad Aquel
that dad Aquella
that dad Aquello
Posessives pronouns posesivs pronauns Pronombres posesivos
mine main Mio
yours llurs Tuyo
his jis Suyo (de el)
hers jers Suyo (de ella)
ours auars Nuestro
them dem Suyo (de ellos)
Idioma Ingles

Idioma Extranjero Pronunciacion Idioma Natal Asociacion Inverosimil Detalle

articles artikls Articulos

the di El
the di La
the di Lo
the di Los
the di Las
a / an ai / an Un
a ai Una
some som Unos
some som Unas
to tu A
towards touards Hacia
until antil Hasta
for for Para
for for Por
with uiz Con
of of De
from from Desde tiempo y espacio
in in En
without uizaud Sin
on on Sobre
and and Y
nor nor Ni
that dad Que explicacion luego
because bicos Porque respuesta de pregunta

cardinal numbers cardinal numbers Numeros cardinales

one uan Uno
two tu Dos
three zri Tres
four for Cuatro
five faiv Cinco
six siks Seis
seven seven Siete
eight eit Ocho
nine nain Nueve
ten ten Diez
eleven eleven Once
twelve tuelv Doce
thirteen zirtin Trece
forteen fortin Catorce
fifeen fifin Quince
sixteen sikstin Dieciseis
seventeen seventin Diecisiete
eighteen eittin Dieciocho
nineteen naintin Diecinueve
twenty tueni Veinte
thirty zirti Treinta
forty forti Cuarenta
fify fifi Cincuenta
sixty siksti Sesenta
seventy seventi Setenta
eighty eitti Ochenta
ninety nainti Noventa
one hundred uan jandred Cien
one thousand uan tausend Mil
million milion Millon

Ordinal numbers ordinal numbers Numeros ordinales

first ferst Primero
second second Segundo
third zirt Tercero
forth forz Cuarto
fifh fifz Quinto
sixth siksz Sexto
seventh sevenz Septimo
eighth eitz Octavo
ninth nainz Noveno
tenth tenz Decimo
Idioma Ingles

Idioma Extranjero Pronunciacion Idioma Natal Asociacion Inverosimil Detalle

to be tu bi Ser
i am ai am Yo soy
you are llu ar Tu eres
you are llu ar Usted es
he is ji is El es
she is shi is Ella es
we are ui ar Nosotros somos
we are ui ar Nosotras somos
you are llu ar Ustedes son
they are dei ar Ellos son
they are dei ar Ellas Son

to be tu bi Estar
i am ai am Yo estoy
you are llu ar Tu estas
you are llu ar Usted esta
he is ji is El esta
she is shi is Ella esta
we are ui ar Nosotros estamos
we are ui ar Nosotras estamos
you are llu ar Ustedes estan
they are dei ar Ellos estan
they are dei ar Ellas estan

to have tu jav Haber

i have ai jav Yo he
you have llu jav Tu has
you have llu jav Usted ha
he has ji jav El ha
she has shi jav Ella ha
we have ui jav Nosotros hemos
we have ui jav Nosotras hemos
you have llu jav Ustedes han
they have dei jav Ellos han
they have dei jav Ellas han

to do tu du Hacer
i do ai du Yo hago
you do llu du Tu haces
you do llu du Usted hace
he does ji das El hace
she does shi das Ella hace
we do ui du Nosotros hacemos
we do ui du Nosotras hacemos
you do llu du Ustedes hacen
they do dei du Ellos hacen
they do dei du Ellas hacen

to have tu jav Tener

i have ai jav Yo tengo
you have llu jav Tu tienes
you have llu jav Usted tiene
he has ji jav El tiene
she has shi jav Ella tiene
we have ui jav Nosotros tenemos
we have ui jav Nosotras tenemos
you have llu jav Ustedes tienen
they have dei jav Ellos tienen
they have dei jav Ellas tienen

to want tu uant Querer

i want ai uant Yo quiero
you want llu uant Tu quieres
you want llu uant Usted quiere
he wants ji uants El quiere
she wants shi uants Ella quiere
we want ui uant Nosotros queremos
we want ui uant Nosotras queremos
you want llu uant Ustedes quieren
they want dei uant Ellos quieren
they want dei uant Ellas quieren

to wish tu uish Desear

i wish ai uish Yo deseo
you wish llu uish Tu deseas
you wish llu uish Usted desea
he wishes ji uishes El desea
she wishes shi uishes Ella desea
we wish ui uish Nosotros deseamos
we wish ui uish Nosotras deseamos
you wish llu uish Ustedes desean
they wish dei uish Ellos desean
they wish dei uish Ellas desean

to can tu kan Poder

i can ai kan Yo puedo
you can llu kan Tu puedes
you can llu kan Usted puede
he cans ji kans El puede
she cans shi kans Ella puede
we can ui kan Nosotros podemos
we can ui kan Nosotras podemos
you can llu kan Ustedes pueden
they can dei kan Ellos pueden
they can dei kan Ellas pueden

to go tu gou Ir
i go ai gou Yo voy
you go llu gou Tu vas
you go llu gou Usted va
he goes ji gous El va
she goes shi gous Ella va
we go ui gou Nosotros vamos
we go ui gou Nosotras vamos
you go llu gou Ustedes van
they go dei gou Ellos van
they go dei gou Ellas van
Idioma Ingles

Idioma Extranjero Pronunciacion Idioma Natal Detalle

Español Inglés británico
gamberrismo aggro
discusión argy-bargy
tío, amigo bloke, chap
huevos, cojones bollocks
paraguas brolly
nada bugger all
gracias cheers
contento, alegre chuffed (right chuffed)
una taza de té a cuppa
bobo, tonto daft
dudoso dodgy, iffy
mucho tiempo donkey’s years, yonks
disparatado, chiflado dotty, scatty
vender to flog
capataz, jefe gaffer
bobo, idiota gormless
agotado knackered
borracho legless, pissed, paralytic
impermeable mac (mackintosh)
de mal gusto, inútil naff
vete a paseo naff off
charlar natter (noun and verb), to rabbit
robar to nick, to pinch
cárcel nick (noun)
en buen estado in good nick
loco nutter (noun)
vino barato plonk
pelmazo, imbécil prat
una libra esterlina a quid
discusión row
arruinado skint
bestia, bruto sod
irse a la porra sod off
perfecto spot on
desnudo starkers
discutidor stroppy
de mal humor, mala leche in a strop
televisión telly
tonto wally
gamberro yob, yobbo
americanos yanks
poco firme, inseguro wonky
incluido all-in
memo berk
lavabo, wáter loo, bog
ropa interior smalls
quejarse to whinge
salchicha/coche viejo banger
coche de la policia jam sandwich
amigo, compadre mate, chum
nariz hooter, konk
sabiondo smart arse
putilla slapper, slag, tart
estúpido thick
dinero dosh
cigarrillo fag
preservativo, condón johnny
bebida con alcohol bevvy
comida grub, nosh, nosebag
hambriento peckish
bocadillo sarny, butty
teléfono blower
cortejar, ligar to chat (s.o.) up
bañador cozzy (swimming costume)
fantástico, muy bueno the dog’s bollocks
despertar a alguien to knock someone up
dejar embarazada to get (a girl) pregnant
amigo mate
chica bird
excitado randy
Inglés americano
face to face
right on!
a cuppa Jo
not happening!
back in the day
to scam
head honcho
beat it!
rip off
boones farm
jack ass
one pound sterling
a throw down
beat it
right on
ball buster
pissed off
the tube
a yankee doodle dandy
to whine
sausage (also an old car)
cop car
wise guy
a slut
jones’en for food
a grinder/a submarine sandwich
to hit on (s.o.)
bathing suit
a wake up call
to knock (a girl) up
Español Inglés
agotado, exhexhausted absent-mindedistraído
agotamiento exhaustion aggressive agresivo
amodorrado, drowsy agonized agonizante
cabezada forty winks agreeable agradable, condescendiente
cansado tired amazed sorprendido
cansancio tiredness ambitious ambicioso
descanso break angry enfadado
despierto awake anguished angustiado
(totalmente) wide awake appalled espantado, aterrado, atónito
dormido asleep approachableaccesible, afable, amistoso
estrés stress articulate articular, pronunciar
estresante stressful artistic artístico
fatiga fatigue awful horrible, horroroso
fatigante, ag tiresome awkward torpe, complicado
hecho polvo, dog-tired, worn out, tired out awkward [emb embarazoso
hecho polvo, shattered bad malo
insomnio insomnia biased parcial, influenciado
pausa pause bitchy [coll.] malicioso
pesadilla nightmare blissful dichoso, feliz, bienaventurado
relajante relaxing bored aburrido
relajado relaxed brat [coll.] mocoso, mozuelo
siesta nap brave valiente
somnoliento sleepy bright brillante, inteligente
sonámbulo sleepwalker calm calmado, tranquilo
sueño dream careful cuidadoso
sueño (apneasleep apnea casual informal
sueño repararestful sleep cautious cauto, comedido
cheerful alegre, risueño
andar sonámto sleepwalk chump [coll.] zoquete, bobo, tonto
agotar to exhaust clever listo, astuto, avispado
agotar a alguto wear sb out competent competente, apto, calificado
bostezar to yawn conceited arrogante, presumido
cansar to tire condescendi condescendiente
cansarse to get tired confident confiado
descansar to rest confused confundido
despertar to wake considerate considerado
despertarse to wake up, to awake contemptible despreciable, desdeñable
dormir to sleep contented contento
dormir como to sleep like a log convinced convencido
dormir fuera to sleep out crafty astuto
dormitar, ec to doze crazy loco
echar una sieto take a nap cruel cruel
hacer una pato make a break cunning astuto, sagaz
ir a dormir to go to sleep curious curioso
levantarse ta to sleep in decisive decisivo
quedarse dorto doze off, to nod off defiant desafiante
quedarse dorm to oversleep dejected abatido, apesadumbrado
quedarse en to lie in dependable responsable, cumplidor, de fiar
levantarse tarde depressed deprimido
recuperarse to recover, to recuperate desolate desolado
relajarse to relax despondent desanimado, abatido
relajarse, de to unwind detached despegado, desarraigado
roncar to snore direct directo
soñar to dream disagreeable desagradable, antipático
disappointed decepcionado
discreet discreto
disgusted disgustado, asqueado
disinterested desinteresado
disloyal desleal
disobedient desobediente
disorganised desorganizado
disregarding sin importa, independientemente de
disrespectful irrespetuoso, irreverente
dominant dominante
domineering autoritario, dictatorial
dread temor, espanto
drowsy aletargado, adormecido
earnest fervoroso, impetuoso
easy-going de trato fácil, cordial, agradable
eccentric excéntrico
ecstatic eufórico, extasiado
efficient eficiente, de buen rendimiento
enraged encolerizado
enthusiastic entusiasta
even-handedequitativo, imparcial, justo
excitable excitable, alborotadizo
excited excitado
exhausted [wexhausto, agobiado
faint débil, desfallecido
fair justo
fallen in love enamorado
fantastic fantástico
fidelity fidelidad
flexible flexible, acomodaticio
foolish bobo, alelado, estúpido
forgetful olvidadizo, desmemoriado
frank franco, abierto, cándido
friendly amigable, amistoso
frivolous frívolo
frowned con el ceño fruncido
frustrated frustrado
furious furioso
generous [libegeneroso
gentle gentil, amable, afable
giddy mareado, aturdido; frívolo
glad alegre, jubiloso, contento
gloomy triste, melancólico
glum sombrío, tétrico
good-naturedafable, bonachón
great grande, magnífico
gregarious gregario
grieved acongojado, apesadumbrado
grim sombrío, hosco
grumpy gruñón, quejica
guilty culpable
happy contento
haywire [coll.atolondrado
helpful [of a servicial
helpless indefenso, desprotegido, desasistido
highly strung muy nervioso, con los nervios a flor de piel
hilarious hilarante, muy divertido
hoarse ronco, afónico
homesick nostálgico
honest honesto
horrified horrorizado
hospitable hospitalable
humiliating humillante
hurt herido, agraviado
hysteric histérico
hysteric, hysthistérico
I reckon [coll.considero, pienso
idiotic idiota, tonto
idle desocupado, inactivo, vago, holgazán
illogical ilógico
imaginative imaginativo
immature inmaduro
impatient impaciente
impractical poco práctico
incompetent incompetente
indecisive indeciso
indifferent indiferente
indiscreet indiscreto
inefficient poco eficiente
inflexible inflexible
inhospitable poco hospitalario
innocent inocente
insensitive insensible
insincere insincero, artificial, falaz
intolerant intolerante
introverted introvertido
jealous celoso
jolly alegre, jubiloso
joyful alegre, jubiloso
kind gentil, amable, benevolente
level-headed equilibrado, sensato, sobrio
likeable agradable, simpático
listless apático, indiferente
logical lógico
lonely solitario
loyal leal
mad [insane] loco, chalado, demente
mature maduro
mean tacaño, agarrado, mezquino
mediating mediador
messy desordenado, desaliñado
mischievous travieso, pícaro, bribón
miserable miserable, desdichado
mistrustful / desconfiado, suspicaz
modest modesto
moody caprichoso, melancólico
mournful triste, apesadumbrado
naive ingenuo, cándido
narrow-mind corto de miras, de mente estrecha
nasty obsceno, sucio, vil
nervous nervioso
nice agradable, amable, simpático
nincompoop bobalicón, mentecato
nostalgic nostálgico
obedient obediente
offended ofendido
open-mindedde mente abierta
optimistic optimista
organised [Br.organizado
outspoken franco, extrovertido
al raso, a la out in the open
anzuelo, gan hook
balsa raft
barranco, acacliff, precipice
bastón, palo stick, walking stick
(para andar)
bosque forest
botiquín primfirs-aid kit
brújula compass
camping camp-site
caña de pescfishing rod
cascada cascade
cauce, caucebed, riverbed
cebo bait
cerilla match
cesta basket
colina hill
cocina de ca camp stove
comida campe picnic
cordillera mountain range, mountain chain
cuerda rope
cuesta, desnislope
embalse reservoir, dam
empinado steep
erosión erosion
escarcha frost
estaca (palo astake
excursión excursion, trip, outing
falla (geologí fault
fogata camp fire
flora y fauna wildlife
grieta crack, (geología) crevice
guardabosquforest warden, (US) forest ranger
hamaca hammock
hornillo de g gas ring
hornillo portátcamping/portable stove
lago lake
laguna pond, pool, lagoon
leña firewood
linterna torch, (US) flashlight
manta blanket
mapa map
mesa plegablfolding table
mirador view point, vantage point
mochila backpack
montaña mountain
monte, colinahill
navaja, cort penknife, pocket knife
nevera, hiele cooler
papel higiéni toilet paper
parasol, sombsunshade
parrilla barbecue
pasarela footbridge, walkway
prismáticos binoculars
rápidos rapids
red de pescafishing net
refugio refugee
remolque, cacaravan
repelente parinsect repellent
saco de dormsleeping-bag
senda, sendetrail
senderismo hiking, hillwalking
termo thermos
tienda de ca tent
valle valley
vereda path, lane
os a flor de piel
1. Break down
When a machine or a vehicle breaks down, it stops working.

2. Break up/off
If you break up/off a relationship or agreement, you end it.

3. Bring about
To bring something about means to cause it to happen.

4. Bring along
If you bring something or someone along, you bring them When you come to a place

5. Bring back (1)

if something brings back an event or memory from your past, it makes you think about it

6. Bring back (2)

When people bring back something that existed in the earlier time, they introduce it again (=revive)

7. Bring down (1)

if people or events bring down a government or ruler, they cause them to lose their power

8. Bring down (2)

to bring down the level of something means to reduce it

9. Bring off
if someone brings off something difficult they do it successfully (=pull off)

10. Bring out

When a person or company brings out a new product, they produce it and sell it

11. Bring up (1)

When you bring up a child, you look after it until it is grown up and you try to give it particular beliefs and attitudes (=raise)

12. Bring up(2)

When you bring up a particular subject, you mention it or introduce it into a discussion or conversation.


13. Call back

If you call someone back, you telephone them again in return for a telephone call they have made to you

14. Call off

If you call off an event or an arrangement that has been planned, you cancel it.

15. Carry on
If you carry on with an activity, you continue doing it.
16. Catch on
If something catches on, it becomes popular

17. Catch up(1)

If you catch up with someone, you reach the same standard or level as they are.

18. Catch up(2)

If you catch up with someone who is in front of you, you reach them by walking faster than they are walking.

19. Catch up on
When you catch up on something, you spend time doing something that you have not had time to do properly until now.

20. Come across

If you come across someone or something, you find or meet them by chance, without having expected to or without having thou

21. Come down

if the cost, level or amount of something comes down, it becomes cheaper or less than it was before. (=decrease, and go up m

22. Come off

If an event or action comes off, it is successful or effective.

23. Come up
if something comes up in a conversation or meeting, it is mentioned or discussed.

24. Come up with

If you come up with a plan, idea or solution, you think of it and suggest it.

25. Count on(1)

If you count on or upon something, you expect it to happen and include it in your plans.(=rely on)

26. Count on (2)

If you count on or upon someone, you rely on them to support you or help you (=depend on).

27. Cut back on

If you cut something down, you reduce it or do it less often.

28. Cut up
If you cut something up, you cut into several pieces.


29. Do away with

to do away with something means to get rid of it.(=eliminate)

30. Do up(1)
If you do something up, you fasten it.

31. Do up (2)
If you do up an old building, you repair and decorate it and put in modern facilities.
32. Do with
If you say you could do with something, you mean that you need it or would like it

33. Do without
If you do without something, you manage or survive in spite of not having it. (=go without)

34. Draw up
When you draw up a document, list or plan, you prepare it and write it out.(=formulate)

35. Drop in
If you drop in on someone, you visit them without making any formal arrangement to do so.

36. Drop off

When you are driving, If you drop one of your passengers off, you take them to where they want to go and leave them there.

37. Drop out

If you drop out of a group, you stop belonging to it.


38. Fall behind

If you fall behind when moving with a group of people, you move more slowly than them, so they get ahead of you.

39. Fall out

If you fall out with someone, you have an argument and are no longer friendly with them.


40. Get across

If an idea or argument gets across, or If you get it across, you succeed in making other people understand it.

41. Get ahead

If you get ahead, you are successful in your career (= get on )

42. Get along

If you get along with someone, you have a friendly relationship with them.(=get on)

43. Get around

If you get around, you go to a lot of different places part of your way of life.

44. Get at
If you get at something, you manage to reach or obtain it.

45. Get away (1)

If you get away from a place or a person’s company, you succeed in leaving them.

46. Get away (2)

If you get away, you go away to have a holiday

47. Get away (3)

When someone or something gets away from a place, or When you get them away, they escape.(getaway- they leave place in
48. Get away with
If you get away with something that you should not have done, you are not criticised or punished for doing it.

49. Get back (1)

If you get back to a place or position, you return there after you have been somewhere else.

50. Get back (2)

If you get something back after you have lost or lent it, you have it once again.

51. Get by
If you get by, you just manage to survive and have a fairly satisfactory life.

52. Get down(1)

If you get down what someone is saying , you write it down.(=take down)

53. Get down(2)

if something gets you down, it makes you unhappy (=depress)

54. Get down to

When you get down to something, you start doing it seriously and with a lot of attention.

55. Get off

If you get off a bus, train or plane, you leave it.

56. Get on (1)

If you get on in your career, you are successful (=get ahead)

57. Get on (2)

If you say that someone is getting on, you mean that they are old.

58. Get on (3)

If you get on with someone, you like them and have a friendly relationship with them.(=get along)

59. Get on (4)

If you ask how someone is getting on with an activity, you are asking about their progress.(=get along)

60. Get out

If you get out of place, you leave it

61. Get over

If you get over an illness or other unpleasant experience, you recover from it.

62. Get round/around

If you get round a difficulty or restriction, you find a way of avoiding it or of escaping its effects.(=bypass)

63. Get round(2)

If news gets around, about or round, a lot of people hear about it and it becomes well-known.

64. Get round(3)

If you get around someone, you persuade them to let you do or have something, by flattering them.
65. Get through(1)
If you get through to someone on the telephone, you succeed in contacting them.

66. Get through(2)

If you get through a task, you succeed in finishing it

67. Get through(3)

If you get through an examination, or if someone or something gets you through it, you pass it

68. Give away

If you give something away, you give it to someone without taking money in return.

69. Give back

If you give something back, you return it to the person who gave it to you or who it belongs to.

70. Give up
If you give up an activity or belief, you stop doing it or believing in it.

71. Go after
If you go after someone, you follow them or chase them, sometimes in order to attack them

72. Go ahead
When someone goes ahead with something which they planned, promised or asked permission to do, they begin to do it(=proc

73. Go back
If you go back, you return to a place where you were before

74. Go back on
If you go back on a promise, agreement or statement, you do not do what you promised or agreed, or you deny what you said.

75. Go by(1)
If someone goes by a place, they go there for a short time in order to do or get something.(drop by)

76. Go by (2)
If someone or something goes by, they pass you without stopping.

77. Go down(1)
If the cost, level, standard or amount of something goes down, it becomes cheaper, lower or less than it was before.

78. Go down(2)
When something goes down in a particular way, it gets a particular kind of reaction from a person or group of people.

79. Go down with

If you go down with an illness, you catch it or develop it.(=contract)

80. Go off(1)
If a gun goes off, it is fired. If a bomb goes off, it explodes

81. Go off(2)
If food or drink goes off, it becomes stale, sour or rotten (decay)
82. Go off(3)
If you go off somewhere, you leave the place where you were, usually in order to do something

83. Go off(4)
If something such as an alarm, bell or flashbulb goes off, it operates, making a sudden loud noise or flash

84. Go on(1)
If you go on doing something or go on with an activity, you continue to do it (=carry on)

85. Go on(2)
If you say that something is going on, you mean that it is taking place at the present time. (=happen)

86. Go out(1)
If a light goes out, it stops shining (=come on)

87. Go out(2)
If you are going out with someone, you spend time with them socially and have a romantic or sexual relationship with them

88. Go over
If you go over something, you examine, discuss or think about it very carefully and systematically

89. Go through(1)
If you go through an event or period of time, especially an unpleasant one, you experience it.

90. Go through(2)
If you go through a list, story or plan you say, describe or discuss it from the
Beginning to end (run through)

91. Go up(1)
If the cost, level, standard or amount of something goes up, it becomes more
Expensive higher or greater than it was before(=rise)

92. Go up(2)
If you go up to a place you visit it or travel there; often used when the place is
Further north than you or is in a city

93. Go up(3)
If something goes up, it explodes or suddenly starts to burn.


94. Hand back

If you hand something back to someone, you return it to them after you have borrowed or taken it from them(give back)

95. Hand on
If you hand something on to someone, you give it or leave it to them.(=pass on)

96. Hang around

if you hang around, about or round a place, you spend a lot of time there, often doing very little.
97. Have on
If you have on a piece of clothing, you are wearing it

98. Have out

If you have out a tooth, your appendix and so on, a dentist or doctor removes them from your body.

99. Hold back(1)

If you hold back information, you do not reveal it.(=suppress)

100. Hold back(2)

If you hold a person or their career back, you prevent them from making progress.

101. Hold on
If you ask someone to hold on, you want them to wait for a short time(=hang on)

102. Holp up(1)

If something or someone holds up an activity or arrangement, they delay it or make it late.

103. Holp up(2)

If someone holds you up, they point a weapon at you in order to make you give them money or valuables.


104. Join in
If you join in an activity with other people such as meeting, you become involved in what they are doing

105. Join up
If someone joins up, they become a member of the army, the navy or their air force(=enlist)


106. Keep at
If you keep at it, or keep someone at it, you continue or make them continue working at a job or a task trying hard, even if it is v

107. Keep back

If you keep some information back, you do not tell all that you know about something (=withhold)

108. Keep in
If a parent or a teacher keeps children in, they make them stay indoors or they make them stay late at school.

109. Keep off

If you keep someone or something off a particular area, you prevent them from going onto it. If you keep off an area, you do no

110. Keep on
If you keep on doing something, you continue to do it and do not stop. (=carry on)

111. Keep out

If a sign says this, it is warning you not go onto that piece of land

112. Keep up
If you keep it up, you continue working hard, trying hard or achieving the standard that you have in the past
113. Keep up(2)
If you keep someone up, you delay them going to bed.

114. Keep up(3)

If you keep up with someone else, you move at the same speed as them.

115. Kick off

When football players kick off, they start the game by kicking the ball from the centre of the pitch.

116. Kick out

If you kick some one out of place or an organisation, you force them to leave it (=throw out)

117. Knock down

If a car or other vehicle knocks someone down, it hits them so that they fall to the ground and may be injured or killed. (=knock

118. Knock out

If a person or team is knocked out of a competition, they are defeated, so that they take no more part in the competition(=elimin


119. Let down

If someone or something lets you down, they fail to do something that you have been relying on them to do .

120. Let out

If you let something out, you say something out, you say something that you should have kept secret.

121. Look after

If you look after someone or something, you take care of them and do what is necessary for them to stay in good condition

122. Look back

You think about something that happened in the past

123. Look down on

If you look down on someone or something, you think they are inferior or unimportant. (=despise)

124. Look for

If you’re looking for something, you are trying to find it.

125. Look forward to

If you look forward to something that is going to happen, you want it to happen because you expect to enjoy it.

126. Look into

If you look into a particular problem, subject o situation, you find out an examine the facts relating to it.(=investigate)

127. Look on (1)

If you look on while something happens, you watch without taking part yourself.

128. Look on(2)

If you look on or upon something in a particular way, you think of it in that way.
129. Look out
You say or shout “ look out” to warn someone that they are in danger(=watch out)

130. Look out for

If you look out for something that you want or expect, you pay attention to things around you so that you notice it and can take a

131. Look over

If you look something or someone over, you examine or inspect them in order to get a general idea of what they are like.

132. Look through

If you look through a group of things or a place, such as a cupboard, box or room, you examine all the things there, usually bec

133. Look up
If you look up a piece of information in a book, or on a timetable or map, you look there to find the information.

134. Look up to
If you look up to someone, you respect and admire them.


135. Make for

If you make for a place, you move towards it, usually rather hurriedly. (=head for)

136. Make of
If you ask a person that they make off someone or something you want to know what their impression, understanding or opinion

137. Make off

If you make off, you leave somewhere as quickly as possible, often in order to escape.

138. Make out (1)

If you can make something out you manage to see or hear it.

139. Make out(2)

When you make out a form or cheque, you write on it all the necessary information.(=write out)

140. Make out (3)

If you make out that something is the case, you try to cause people to believe it.

141. Make out(4)

If you make out something that is difficult to understand, you manage to understand it.

142. Make up(1)

If you make up something such as a story, you invent it, sometimes in order to deceive people.

143. Make up(2)

The people or things that make up something form that thing (= composed something)

144. Make up(3)

If you make up or If you make yourself up, you put substances such a lipstick, powder and eye-shadow on your face.
145. Make up(4)
if two people make up with each other or make it up, they become friends
again after they have had a quarrel.


146. Pick up(1)

If you are driving a vehicle and you pick someone or something up, you stop the vehicle so that you can take them somewhere

147. Pick up(2)

If you pick up a skin, habit or attitude, you learn it or start having it without making any effort.

148. Play back


149. Play up
If a group of children are playing up or are playing you up , they are being naughty and are difficult to control.

150. Pull down

Destroy a building or structure deliberately.

151. Put away

If you put something away, you plays it tidily somewhere.

152. Put back (1)

to put back an event , appointment or task means to postpone it happening or being done until a later time.(=defer)

153. Put back(2)

If you put something back somewhere, you plays it in the position it was in before it was moved.

154. Put down

When you put down words or numbers, you write or type them somewhere.

155. Put forward

If you put forward an idea or proposal, you stay it or publish it so that people can consider it and discuss it.(=set out)

156. Put off(1)

If you put off an event or appointment, you delay or postpone it. If you put a person off, you delay saying them or doing what the

157. Put off(2)

if something or someone puts you off what you are doing, they cause you to stop to concentrating by making a sudden noise o

158. Put off(3)

to put someone off doing something or having something means to cause them to change their mind so that they no longer wan

159. Put on(1)

When a person or group puts on a play, concert or other entertainment, they organise it or perform it

160. Put on(2)

if someone puts on weight, they become heavier. (=gain)
161. Put on(3)
When you put on a piece of clothing, you place it over a part of your body and wear it

162. Put on(4)

if someone is putting you on, they are teasing you by trying to make you believe something that is not true.

163. Put out(1)

If you put out a light, you cause it to stop shining by pressing or turning a switch (=switch off, turn off)

164. Put out(2)

If you put out something that is burning you cause it to stop burning(=extinguish).

165. Put through

If you put through a phone call or the person making the call, you connect them with the person they want to speak to.

166. Put up
If someone puts you up or if you put up somewhere, you stay with them or stay there for one or more nights.

167. Put up with

If you put up with something or someone, you tolerate or accept them even though you find it difficult or unpleasant.(=endure)


168. Run into

If you run into someone, you meet them unexpectedly.(=run across, come across)

169. Run out

If you run out of something, you have no more of it left.


170. See off

When you see someone off, you go with them to the station, airport or port that they are leaving from and say goodbye to them

171. See through

If you see through a person or see through what they are doing, you realise what they intention are, even though they are trying

172. Send off

If a football player is sent off, the player is made to leave the field during a game as a punishment for seriously breaking the rule

173. Send up
If you send someone up, you imitate them in a way that makes them appear foolish. (=take off)

174. Set off

When you set off, you start a journey. (=set out)

175. Set up
If you set something up, you make the arrangements and preparations that are necessary for it to start.

176. Take after
If you take after a member of your family, you resemble them in your appearance, behaviour or character

177. Take away

If you take one number or amount away from another, you subtract the first from the second

178. Take back(1)

If you take back something which you borrowed or bought, you return it to the place or person that you got it from, for example

179. Take back(2)

If you take someone back after a quarrel or separation , you agree to let them live with you or work with you again

180. Take back(3)

If you say something takes your back, you mean that it reminds you of a period in your past, and makes you think about it again

181. Take down(1)

If you take down something that is attached to a wall, post or other object, you unfasten or disconnect it, and remove it (=put)

182. Take down(2)

If you take down what someone is saying, you listen to them and write it down to record it. (=get down)

183. Take in (1)

If you take in something that you see, hear or read, you pay attention to it and are able to understand it, remember it or evaluat

184. Take in (2)

If you take in something such as a film, a museum or a place while you are on holiday or travelling somewhere, you go to see it

185. Take off (1)

When an aeroplane or bird takes off, it leaves the ground and starts flying

186. Take off (2)

If you take off your clothes or something that you are wearing, you undress or
Remove it.

187. Take off (3)

If you take off something such as an amount of money or a mark, you subtract
It from a total

188. Take off (4) If you take someone off, you imitate their appearance or behaviour, usually in
Order to make other people laugh (=mimic)

189. Take off (5)

If something such as a product or activity takes off, it suddenly becomes very successful and popular.

190. Take on
If you take on a job, task or responsibility, you accept it and try to do what is required.

191. Take on (2)

If someone takes you on at a place of work, they employ you.

192. Take on (3)

If you take on a rival or opponent, especially one who is bigger or more powerful than you, you fight or compete against them.

193. Take out (1)

If you take someone out, for example to a restaurant or film, they go there with you, and you pay for everything.

194. Take out (2)

To take something out means to remove it from the place where it was, often because it is unwanted or damaged

195. Take over

If you take over a job or responsibility, you start doing it or being responsible for it after someone else has finished.

196. Take to
If you take to someone or something you begin to like them

197. Take up (1)

If you take up an activity or job, you start doing it (=go in for)

198. Take up (2)

If you take up an activity that was interrupted, you continue doing it from the point where it had stopped. (=pick up)

199. Take up (3)

If something takes up a particular amount of time, space or effort, it uses that amount (=occupy)

200. Take up (4)

If you take up an offer, challenge or opportunity, you accept it

201. Try on
If you try on a piece of clothing, you put it on to see it fits you or if it looks nice.

202. Turn back

If you turn back or are turned back When you are travelling somewhere, you
stop and return to the place you started from.

203. Turn down (1)

If you turn down a person, their request or their offer, you refuse their request or offer. (=reject)

204. Turn down (2)

When you turn down something, such as a radio or a heater, you adjust the controls and reduce the amount of sound or heat b

205. Turn off

When you turn off a device, machine or appliance, you adjust the controls in order to stop it working. (=switch off)

206. Turn on
When you turn on a device, machine or appliance, you adjust the controls so that it starts working. (=switch on)

207. Turn out

If something turns out a particular way, it happens in that way (=work out)

208. Turn up
If someone turns up, they arrive somewhere (=show up).
beliefs and attitudes (=raise)
y are walking.

e to do properly until now.

expected to or without having thought about it.

before. (=decrease, and go up means the opposite).

nt to go and leave them there.

ey get ahead of you.

e understand it.

pe.(getaway- they leave place in a great hurry, often after committing a crime).
ed for doing it.
on to do, they begin to do it(=proceed)

reed, or you deny what you said.

ess than it was before.

son or group of people.

oise or flash

sexual relationship with them

en it from them(give back)

or valuables.

or a task trying hard, even if it is very difficult or unpleasant (=persevere, stick at, stick to)

y late at school.

f you keep off an area, you do not go there yourself.

ve in the past
may be injured or killed. (=knock over)

ore part in the competition(=eliminate)

on them to do .

hem to stay in good condition

xpect to enjoy it.

ting to it.(=investigate)
o that you notice it and can take action went occurs or is there

idea of what they are like.

e all the things there, usually because you are trying to find Something.(=go through)

the information.

pression, understanding or opinion of them is.

e-shadow on your face.

at you can take them somewhere.

ficult to control.

l a later time.(=defer)

nd discuss it.(=set out)

lay saying them or doing what they want you to do by telling them that you are too busy.

ting by making a sudden noise o distracting you in some other way.

ir mind so that they no longer want to do it or have it.

at is not true.

on they want to speak to.

or more nights.

difficult or unpleasant.(=endure)

ng from and say goodbye to them there.

n are, even though they are trying to hide them.

ment for seriously breaking the rules.

that you got it from, for example because you have finished using it or because it is damaged

work with you again

nd makes you think about it again.

connect it, and remove it (=put)

erstand it, remember it or evaluate it.

lling somewhere, you go to see it or visit it.

u fight or compete against them.

ay for everything.

wanted or damaged

ne else has finished.

d stopped. (=pick up)

ce the amount of sound or heat being produced.

orking. (=switch off)

king. (=switch on)

Phrasal Verbs

Verb (Verbo) Meaning (significado)

ask someone out invite on a date
ask around ask many people the same question
add up to something equal
back something up reverse
back someone up support
blow up explode
blow something up add air
break down stop functioning (vehicle, machine)
break down get upset
break something down divide into smaller parts
break in force entry to a building
break into something enter forcibly
break something in wear something a few times so that it doesn't look/feel new
break in interrupt
break up end a relationship
break up start laughing (informal)
break out escape
break out in something develop a skin condition
bring someone down make unhappy
bring someone up raise a child
bring something up start talking about a subject
bring something up vomit
call around phone many different places/people
call someone back return a phone call
call something off cancel
call on someone ask for an answer or opinion
call on someone visit someone
call someone up phone
calm down relax after being angry
not care for someone/something not like (formal)
catch up get to the same point as someone else
check in arrive and register at a hotel or airport
check out leave a hotel
check someone/something out look at carefully, investigate
check out someone/something look at (informal)
cheer up become happier
cheer someone up make happier
chip in help
clean something up tidy, clean
come across something find unexpectedly
come apart separate
come down with something become sick
come forward volunteer for a task or to give evidence
come from somewhere originate in
count on someone/something rely on
cross something out draw a line through
cut back on something consume less
cut something down make something fall to the ground
cut in interrupt
cut in pull in too closely in front of another vehicle
cut in start operating (of an engine or electrical device)
cut something off remove with something sharp
cut something off stop providing
cut someone off take out of a will
cut something out remove part of something (usually with scissors and paper)
do someone/something over beat up, ransack (Br.E., informal)
do something over do again (N.Amer.)
do away with something discard
do something up fasten, close
dress up wear nice clothing
drop back move back in a position/group
drop in/by/over come without an appointment
drop someone/something off take someone/something somewhere and leave them/it there
drop out quit a class, school etc
eat out eat at a restaurant
end up eventually reach/do/decide
fall apart break into pieces
fall down fall to the ground
fall out separate from an interior
fall out (of hair, teeth) become loose and unattached
figure something out understand, find the answer
fill something in to write information in blanks (Br.E.)
fill something out to write information in blanks (N.Amer.)
fill something up fill to the top
find out discover
find something out discover
get something across/over communicate, make understandable
get along/on like each other
get around have mobility
get away go on a vacation
get away with something do without being noticed or punished
get back return
get something back receive something you had before
get back at someone retaliate, take revenge
get back into something become interested in something again
get on something step onto a vehicle
get over something recover from an illness, loss, difficulty
get over something overcome a problem
get round to something finally find time to do (N.Amer.: get around to something)
get together meet (usually for social reasons)
get up get out of bed
get up stand
give someone away reveal hidden information about someone
give someone away take the bride to the altar
give something away ruin a secret
give something away give something to someone for free
give something back return a borrowed item
give in reluctantly stop fighting or arguing
give something out give to many people (usually at no cost)
give something up quit a habit
give up stop trying
go after someone follow someone
go after something try to achieve something
go against someone compete, oppose
go ahead start, proceed
go back return to a place
go out leave home to go on a social event
go out with someone date
go over something review
go over visit someone nearby
go without something suffer lack or deprivation
grow apart stop being friends over time
grow back regrow
grow up become an adult
grow out of something get too big for
grow into something grow big enough to fit
hand something down give something used to someone else
hand something in submit
hand something out to distribute to a group of people
hand something over give (usually unwillingly)
hang in stay positive (N.Amer., informal)
hang on wait a short time (informal)
hang out spend time relaxing (informal)
hang up end a phone call
hold someone/something back prevent from doing/going
hold something back hide an emotion
hold on wait a short time
hold onto someone/something hold firmly using your hands or arms
hold someone/somethingup rob
keep on doing something continue doing
keep something from someone not tell
keep someone/something out stop from entering
keep something up continue at the same rate
let someone down fail to support or help, disappoint
let someone in allow to enter
look after someone/something take care of
look down on someone think less of, consider inferior
look for someone/something try to find
look forward to something be excited about the future
look into something investigate
look out be careful, vigilant, and take notice
look out for someone/something be especially vigilant for
look something over check, examine
look something up search and find information in a reference book or database
look up to someone have a lot of respect for
make something up invent, lie about something
make up forgive each other
make someone up apply cosmetics to
mix something up confuse two or more things
pass away die
pass out faint
pass something out give the same thing to many people
pass something up decline (usually something good)
pay someone back return owed money
pay for something be punished for doing something bad
pick something out choose
point someone/something out indicate with your finger
put something down put what you are holding on a surface or floor
put someone down insult, make someone feel stupid
put something off postpone
put something out extinguish
put something together assemble
put up with someone/something tolerate
put something on put clothing/accessories on your body
run into someone/something meet unexpectedly
run over someone/something drive a vehicle over a person or thing
run over/through something rehearse, review
run away leave unexpectedly, escape
run out have none left
send something back return (usually by mail)
set something up arrange, organize
set someone up trick, trap
shop around compare prices
show off act extra special for people watching (usually boastfully)
sleep over stay somewhere for the night (informal)
sort something out organize, resolve a problem
stick to something continue doing something, limit yourself to one particular thing
switch something off stop the energy flow, turn off
switch something on start the energy flow, turn on
take after someone resemble a family member
take something apart purposely break into pieces
take something back return an item
take off start to fly
take something off remove something (usually clothing)
take something out remove from a place or thing
take someone out pay for someone to go somewhere with you
tear something up rip into pieces
think back remember (often + to, sometimes + on)
think something over consider
throw something away dispose of
turn something down decrease the volume or strength (heat, light etc)
turn something down refuse
turn something off stop the energy flow, switch off
turn something on start the energy, switch on
turn something up increase the volume or strength (heat, light etc)
turn up appear suddenly
try something on sample clothing
try something out test
use something up finish the supply
wake up stop sleeping
warm someone/something up increase the temperature
warm up prepare body for exercise
wear off fade away
work out exercise
work out be successful
work something out make a calculation
Example (ejemplo)
Brian asked Judy out to dinner and a movie.
I asked around but nobody has seen my wallet.
Your purchases add up to $205.32.
You'll have to back up your car so that I can get out.
My wife backed me up over my decision to quit my job.
The racing car blew up after it crashed into the fence.
We have to blow 50 balloons up for the party.
Our car broke down at the side of the highway in the snowstorm.
The woman broke down when the police told her that her son had died.
Our teacher broke the final project down into three separate parts.
Somebody broke in last night and stole our stereo.
The firemen had to break into the room to rescue the children.
I need to break these shoes in before we run next week.
The TV station broke in to report the news of the president's death.
My boyfriend and I broke up before I moved to America.
The kids just broke up as soon as the clown started talking.
The prisoners broke out of jail when the guards weren't looking.
I broke out in a rash after our camping trip.
This sad music is bringing me down.
My grandparents brought me up after my parents died.
My mother walks out of the room when my father brings up sports.
He drank so much that he brought his dinner up in the toilet.
We called around but we weren't able to find the car part we needed.
I called the company back but the offices were closed for the weekend.
Jason called the wedding off because he wasn't in love with his fiancé.
The professor called on me for question 1.
We called on you last night but you weren't home.
Give me your phone number and I will call you up when we are in town.
You are still mad. You need to calm down before you drive the car.
I don't care for his behaviour.
You'll have to run faster than that if you want to catch up with Marty.
We will get the hotel keys when we check in.
You have to check out of the hotel before 11:00 AM.
The company checks out all new employees.
Check out the crazy hair on that guy!
She cheered up when she heard the good news.
I brought you some flowers to cheer you up.
If everyone chips in we can get the kitchen painted by noon.
Please clean up your bedroom before you go outside.
I came across these old photos when I was tidying the closet.
The top and bottom come apart if you pull hard enough.
My nephew came down with chicken pox this weekend.
The woman came forward with her husband's finger prints.
The art of origami comes from Asia.
I am counting on you to make dinner while I am out.
Please cross out your old address and write your new one.
My doctor wants me to cut back on sweets and fatty foods.
We had to cut the old tree in our yard down after the storm.
Your father cut in while I was dancing with your uncle.
The bus driver got angry when that car cut in.
The air conditioner cuts in when the temperature gets to 22°C.
The doctors cut off his leg because it was severely injured.
The phone company cut off our phone because we didn't pay the bill.
My grandparents cut my father off when he remarried.
I cut this ad out of the newspaper.
He's lucky to be alive. His shop was done over by a street gang.
My teacher wants me to do my essay over because she doesn't like my topic.
It's time to do away with all of these old tax records.
Do your coat up before you go outside. It's snowing!
It's a fancy restaurant so we have to dress up.
Andrea dropped back to third place when she fell off her bike.
I might drop in/by/over for tea sometime this week.
I have to drop my sister off at work before I come over.
I dropped out of Science because it was too difficult.
I don't feel like cooking tonight. Let's eat out.
We ended up renting a movie instead of going to the theatre.
My new dress fell apart in the washing machine.
The picture that you hung up last night fell down this morning.
The money must have fallen out of my pocket.
His hair started to fall out when he was only 35.
I need to figure out how to fit the piano and the bookshelf in this room.
Please fill in the form with your name, address, and phone number.
The form must be filled out in capital letters.
I always fill the water jug up when it is empty.
We don't know where he lives. How can we find out?
We tried to keep the time of the party a secret, but Samantha found it out.
I tried to get my point across/over to the judge but she wouldn't listen.
I was surprised how well my new girlfriend and my sister got along/on.
My grandfather can get around fine in his new wheelchair.
We worked so hard this year that we had to get away for a week.
Jason always gets away with cheating in his maths tests.
We got back from our vacation last week.
Liz finally got her Science notes back from my room-mate.
My sister got back at me for stealing her shoes. She stole my favourite hat.
I finally got back into my novel and finished it.
We're going to freeze out here if you don't let us get on the bus.
I just got over the flu and now my sister has it.
The company will have to close if it can't get over the new regulations.
I don't know when I am going to get round to writing the thank you cards.
Let's get together for a BBQ this weekend.
I got up early today to study for my exam.
You should get up and give the elderly man your seat.
His wife gave him away to the police.
My father gave me away at my wedding.
My little sister gave the surprise party away by accident.
The library was giving away old books on Friday.
I have to give these skates back to Franz before his hockey game.
My boyfriend didn't want to go to the ballet, but he finally gave in.
They were giving out free perfume samples at the department store.
I am giving up smoking as of January 1st.
My maths homework was too difficult so I gave up.
My brother tried to go after the thief in his car.
I went after my dream and now I am a published writer.
We are going against the best soccer team in the city tonight.
Please go ahead and eat before the food gets cold.
I have to go back home and get my lunch.
We're going out for dinner tonight.
Jesse has been going out with Luke since they met last winter.
Please go over your answers before you submit your test.
I haven't seen Tina for a long time. I think I'll go over for an hour or two.
When I was young, we went without winter boots.
My best friend and I grew apart after she changed schools.
My roses grew back this summer.
When Jack grows up he wants to be a fireman.
Elizabeth needs a new pair of shoes because she has grown out of her old ones.
This bike is too big for him now, but he should grow into it by next year.
I handed my old comic books down to my little cousin.
I have to hand in my essay by Friday.
We will hand out the invitations at the door.
The police asked the man to hand over his wallet and his weapons.
Hang in there. I'm sure you'll find a job very soon.
Hang on while I grab my coat and shoes!
Instead of going to the party we are just going to hang out at my place.
He didn't say goodbye before he hung up.
I had to hold my dog back because there was a cat in the park.
Jamie held back his tears at his grandfather's funeral.
Please hold on while I transfer you to the Sales Department.
Hold onto your hat because it's very windy outside.
A man in a black mask held the bank up this morning.
Keep on stirring until the liquid comes to a boil.
We kept our relationship from our parents for two years.
Try to keep the wet dog out of the living room.
If you keep those results up you will get into a great college.
I need you to be on time. Don't let me down this time.
Can you let the cat in before you go to school?
I have to look after my sick grandmother.
Ever since we stole that chocolate bar your dad has looked down on me.
I'm looking for a red dress for the wedding.
I'm looking forward to the Christmas break.
We are going to look into the price of snowboards today.
Look out! That car's going to hit you!
Don't forget to look out for snakes on the hiking trail.
Can you look over my essay for spelling mistakes?
We can look her phone number up on the Internet.
My little sister has always looked up to me.
Josie made up a story about why we were late.
We were angry last night, but we made up at breakfast.
My sisters made me up for my graduation party.
I mixed up the twins' names again!
His uncle passed away last night after a long illness.
It was so hot in the church that an elderly lady passed out.
The professor passed the textbooks out before class.
I passed up the job because I am afraid of change.
Thanks for buying my ticket. I'll pay you back on Friday.
That bully will pay for being mean to my little brother.
I picked out three sweaters for you to try on.
I'll point my boyfriend out when he runs by.
You can put the groceries down on the kitchen counter.
The students put the substitute teacher down because his pants were too short.
We are putting off our trip until January because of the hurricane.
The neighbours put the fire out before the firemen arrived.
I have to put the crib together before the baby arrives.
I don't think I can put up with three small children in the car.
Don't forget to put on your new earrings for the party.
I ran into an old school-friend at the mall.
I accidentally ran over your bicycle in the driveway.
Let's run over/through these lines one more time before the show.
The child ran away from home and has been missing for three days.
We ran out of shampoo so I had to wash my hair with soap.
My letter got sent back to me because I used the wrong stamp.
Our boss set a meeting up with the president of the company.
The police set up the car thief by using a hidden camera.
I want to shop around a little before I decide on these boots.
He always shows off on his skateboard
You should sleep over tonight if the weather is too bad to drive home.
We need to sort the bills out before the first of the month.
You will lose weight if you stick to the diet.
The light's too bright. Could you switch it off.
We heard the news as soon as we switched on the car radio.
I take after my mother. We are both impatient.
He took the car brakes apart and found the problem.
I have to take our new TV back because it doesn't work.
My plane takes off in five minutes.
Take off your socks and shoes and come in the lake!
Can you take the garbage out to the street for me?
My grandparents took us out for dinner and a movie.
I tore up my ex-boyfriend's letters and gave them back to him.
When I think back on my youth, I wish I had studied harder.
I'll have to think this job offer over before I make my final decision.
We threw our old furniture away when we won the lottery.
Please turn the TV down while the guests are here.
I turned the job down because I don't want to move.
Your mother wants you to turn the TV off and come for dinner.
It's too dark in here. Let's turn some lights on.
Can you turn the music up? This is my favourite song.
Our cat turned up after we put posters up all over the neighbourhood.
I'm going to try these jeans on, but I don't think they will fit.
I am going to try this new brand of detergent out.
The kids used all of the toothpaste up so we need to buy some more.
We have to wake up early for work on Monday.
You can warm your feet up in front of the fireplace.
I always warm up by doing sit-ups before I go for a run.
Most of my make-up wore off before I got to the party.
I work out at the gym three times a week.
Our plan worked out fine.
We have to work out the total cost before we buy the house.

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