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@ Personal info Arneil C. Pioquinto acess Registered Nurse (RN) PRC License “Temporary: Rabwa, Riyadh. Kinadom 0419293 ‘of Saudi Arabia Permaner: 197 Roxas Bu San © summary anos City Pangasinan (© Compassionate Regstered Nurse with 11 years experience in neaitncara. Phone Skilled in providing excellent cave to civerse patient populations. Loyal and Ryadin: +96655206684 Philippines: collaborative team piayer. Service-oriented with organized and pro-active (4639425615370 nature ema ; vei ioaurto@ ara com © experience ba ot rn 172201 2011-08- @ Private Duty Nurse presont 1 Dukair Family Hoscital Responsibitiues: + Assists individual needs for nursina «Assist ne patent in centtying her needs for medical assistance, seltnelp ‘and rehabilitation. + Observe symptoms and reactons symptomology of mental conaiton, + Plan nursing care aperopriaie for ne, invelving the patient, her family arc nursing assistants. + Interpret tothe patent ard the family the over-al care program, which has been devetcoad for ner + Record and repat facts about the patent including the assessment ard tre evauaton ot tne wale case 200898- @ Clinical Instructor 201-01 PPnilppine Colloge of Science ana Technology Responsibilities: + Clincal instruction: Prevdos cinica’ Msvuction pasod on a syllabus. + Clinical Supervision: Responsible for coardinatig student rotations es er ‘orcer ot ne aan. + Student Evaluation: Conducts formal student evaluation. + Pocy Aanarence ‘Assesements + Menicring + Communication and coorairaton, Vita 2007-98- @ Volunteer Nurse eco 008-01 Pangasinan Provincia! Hospital management @ certifications 2006-12 Passed: Nursing Licensure Examinetions (PRC License: (419223) Meciestion admasiraten ooo © aucation Detai-orented 201205 @ Perpetual Help of College, Bachelor of Science in eee Nursing Peon Person Pas © Virgen Milagrosa University, Bachelor of Science in Procedural Assistance Biology eportng ana cocumentation ooo 2007-08 2000-02 2008-10 2008-10 2008-02 Immaculate Heart of Mary College, Elementary ‘Seminars, Workshops and Conferences Attended Inavenous Terany werishon ‘Stara fisted and tsi fe sunt seminar ‘Common Diagnastc Tests in Patients with Creal Confers: Focusing on Care and anagemont ‘Understancing and Learning Disabilties Conductsd by Phiippine Mental Heath Association of Pangasnan Empnasizing Role of Caregivers in Psychiat Em=rgencies Core Competency of Standards of Nursing PRactice and the Nurse, Licensure Examination Framework Care for People undergcing Surgery: An emphasis on the pre post ‘Operate Care ang Management inraene Micrason Word anc Excel

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