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The Aposto ic "Earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints. "-JuJe 3.

Volume.. No. 6 Los Angeles. Cal., Februar7-March, 1907 Subscription Free
wonderful works of God, He ha'S sent three NEW SCANDINAVIAN REVIVAL.


of His witnesses from America, filled witil
the Holy Ghost, to SlhOWl forth His· power The Wltnell of jjTonguel/l Manlfeated I.n
and proclaim tlli.,; wonderful GOdpel which Christiania.
we and lllany others have 'been hungering The following report of the Pentecostal
God Is 'oWl manifesting His power in Lad A number from Winnipeg, Canada, have for so long. Praise His dear name! It is revIval iu' Norway Is published l'n the North
;,~r. and ~ill's. A. G. Garr and MiS's Gammon. Mail, Edinburg, England. It is a letter from
Angeles. come to LOBI Angele ... and are now rejoic-
God is working in mighty power in OUT
• • • ing in the baptism with the Holy Ghost.
mids't. Se·veral have received the baptism
the Vicar of All Saints, Sund'erland, Eng.
land, Bro. A. A.... B()dy. He had been to
The Pentecost has crossed the water on Others have come from the Atlantic coast
both sides to the' Hawallan Island-s on tile and from Colorado and differeut state& and with the Holy Ghost and speak with tongues, Chr1stiaL~a, }Ilorway, visiting Bro. Barratt's
west, and England, NOTway, Sweden, and they have received a Bible Pentecos.t, evi· and mall~r have beerl' saved. We have meet- meeting.
India on the eaBt, den-ced by speaking in tongued, and from ings every day be,glnnlng ab<Jut four p. m. My four days in Christia.nia cauuot eaj:!'ily
• • •
A brother in Honolulu received the Pente-
other centers workers are going out to the
ends of the earth, till we cannot keep track
anll go on as IOL.g as the ;Lord leads. We
are so hungry and do beHelve tha.t G<Jd w~ll
be forgotten. I remember well the scenes
two years ago, when I Btood with Evan
cost, by hearing C1f God's work thr<Jugh of them. The Lord is speedily pre-paring soon satisfy our longing 'Souls. Roberts in the pulpit at Ton-y-Pandy but
the paper. He 'said when he got down to His people for !His cC}ming. Mary Johnson. wond~rful as 'such BceneB in Wales 'were:
see-king IOJ eamest, the L<Jrd baptized him • • • Home address: Dehlwala, Court Lodge, Cey. the s'cenea in the Torvegad'OI'l.' Mission IWom
with the Holy Ghoat and he spoke in two We cannot give a report of all that have lor" India. and .. other placea were more Bupernatural.
languages>. gone out Into the work s.lnce the last paper, In Norway. r belle've t!'n.at· very soon: we sh·an "W1t.nesa
• • • fC}r they are gOirlg almost every day. BrC}. Solfies, Pl. 2, Christiania, Norway, Jail'. the same ill! England.
We rejoice to hear tilat Pentecost has and Sister H. McLain have gone to San 29.-God is wonderfully demonstrating His Warmly welcomed by the pastor alld his
fallen In Calcutta, lndia, over ten thousand Jose, Cal., to take charge of the work there power here in the Norwegian capital. It iB co-workers, I Bat, of necessity, on the low,
miles away on the other side of the, world: and Siste·r Agnes Jacobson; an·d Bro. Har- about ten day-s 'BiI,'ce I held til-e first meeting large platform, with ita table and four
Praise God. We have letter81 from China, mon ClIlTordare also in t:'1e work iIi. San in tlhe la.rge gymnasium that will take when fOrmB. The room was an upper chamber
Germany, Switzerland, Norway, Sweden, Jose. See report fmm there of how God is crowded from 1,500 to 2,'vM people. People down a court' ou t of a busy street. It wa~
England, Ireland, AustrBJlia, and other coun- working. Bro. rfurr,ey and wife who were at from all denominations. are rush1ng to' the very bare,. with forms without aLY backs.
tr:ies from hungry souls that wanlt the1r Sar,' Jose are now in Honolulu. Bro. and meetings. Over twenty have received their But the enthusiastic congregation did not
PeI1.rtecol3t, Some of these letters are in Sister E. W. Vinton, from near Boaton, Pentecost and are speaking hi tongues. think of comfort.
forei.gn languages. Mia.sdonaries write that Mass., who received their pentecost in Los Several have beer,l in trances a:nd had Boys and girls aroundi me, tJ;'om Beven
they are hungry for thl·s outpouring of the Angel.es, have return€d to tell the glad heavenly vidi.ons. Some have seen Jes.us to twelve years of age, were seeing visions
Spirit whic'h they believe to be the real tidin,gs. The[,r address is 12 L'eyden St., at our meetings, and the tongues of fire have and speakin.g in tongues-as well as older
Pen~ost. The world 'Seems ripe for the Medford, MaSSI. Bro. C. E. Marsh expects been seen again <Jver my head by a 1r€e- folk.
Pentecost In all lands and, God is sendin'g to join them theTe In preaching this Gospel thinker, convInCing him of the power of 1\.. bright-faced lad cried out with intel'.se
i" Amen. Bands of 'Worke·rg have gone out to other God. Many Wre ·.;;.eeking salvatioll' and souls vehemence (eyes clo.sed, right hand on
• • • places aI'l'<i started the work. are being glorious,ly saved. HwuLreds are heart, left hand stretc'hed out)-"Oh . . .
One CYf the mlssloIi'arie'S· from Los Angeles
in Liberia, Africa, had been able to ~peak
• • • seekln.g, a clean "aeart, and the fire ·i.81 fall-
ing on the purified sacriflce. The fire is
I see the 'h<Juse of Satan thrust down and
down . . . . and now the host Ilre
Since the last pa.per, Bro. Seymour visited
to the people in. the C'ru tongue. AnothelJ" San Francisco and San JOde and reported sipreading v,ery rapidly. Glory to GOod! I entering Heaven. Oh! . . . . they are
B1ilter there wrote in an unknown language that God had some of t"ae most precious reeeived word ,from t'he coun try distriCtB going to shut the door! ar.d Bome wl11 be
under the po.wer of the Spirit, and it was saints there filled with the Holy Ghost and that the fire ii! falling there. People who too late. Oh! Jesus, J eeus." Toon he
uD!der.stood and ·read by one of the native shining: for God tnat he· had ever 'Been and have attended the meeting.s a.<re taking the commenced to 'ahout in a rapid unknown
kings there. that the power of God was wonderfully fire with tJhern to the towus a.round about. tongue, and a few minutes later he was just
• • • manifest. T'he account of God's work for my: soul has asimplB, lovable Norwegian boy again.
Then a universHy student (ur.;der the
Requests for prayer from hungry s<Juls • • been inserted in many reUgtoua, papers, and
P<Jwer of the Spirit) cries witil grettt vehem-
are coming in from all ovel'. They want There are a number of papera Oill the has caused a stir. All can see it Is the work
salvation from sin, and santification, and Apostolic line that are springin'g up. We of God's HQlly Spirit. Hallellujah! Some of ence (to the "Djarvlen"), "Go- . . . Will
the baptism with the Holy Ghost, and 'heal- cannot tell how many there are, because we tfie languages spoken are European. One yOU go: . , . Will Y<JU g<J!" All this time
ing of their bodIes. So the reque·sts· are hear of new ones we have not seen. But man was thro.wn on hii! back, a preache'r, perhaps a dozen are 'IlIPeaking or .praying in
predented arid handkerchief;; are blest and there are three clean cut paper~ besides last Sunday morrdllig in the Students' Hall, Tongues, or prophesying, and prayer and
the power of God comes upon us in praying ApostG:lc Faith, out and out for a Bible anod when he ros~, he s,poke In four lan- praiae "in the Spirit" is going <Jil' all over.
for them; and we rece.J.ve letters saying pentecost accordlll'g to Acts. 2. 4 and with guages, one of these waB IDngU'sh. He could Then suddenly a high-pitched musical voice
that they are receiving their Penteeost and 'subscrlption free. They are the ApostoliC speak none of them before. Atter that, he is heard eutUng into everything-prolonged,
being healed. Prais-e God. Light, Portland, Ore., The New Acta, A1 prophesied and invited sinnerS' to come to and then dying away. It is a wo.man p:-als-
• • • liance, Ohio (which now Includes Pentecos-
tal Wonder.;;) and The Apostolic Evangel,
Christ. Numbers threw themsellves down
and cried for.:;alvatiotl', cleanSing, and the
ing Christ in the S.pirit.
A brother on my lett breaks out ir.to
March 19th was a wori'derful day at rae
Mission on Azusa St. Three· mini'sters from Royston, Ga. (formerly Live Coals.) These fieJrY' baptism with tfie Spirit. Pra,1.s-ed be Tougues; three times ill that meeting' he
Tenn€S'See received the enduement of power papers are all about the size of the January God! Several preaC'hers are seekIng their did the same. First it <!eems to be in
from on ~igh and the glory of Goo filled the number of this paper and the,y arEl fined Pent~oBt. Go on praying for the advance- English, very rapidly sl>Oken; "Come,
upper room. Others received the anointing with the woI'lderful work.:; of God, and art! ment of the Kingdom of our Lord and King com€, oome, come now to the SaviOr," etc.
(11 tne Spirit P.,(1 !\.()m'~ ~'~re ',;;'al'l un~~l: the uF'~'ea(t:!~p; "he 6~ad- ti[.illg~ of al1~l.c:r ~'l.A..":. ili.!.:> gr.':'.ru;1 old c:r.'lntry. i'ratcn;.oal greet- Then it seel;l''''' to be ,ilke ChineBe': "Chung,
powe.r of God, cost all over the world. They ar~ all 'Sup- ings from those baptized with the power che>\.r, cho""." :3tc., 4::r JIJ..oJt:nYJof'r,H .l;..I.Iin-
• • • ported entirely by free will offerings. arld fire from on higlb. Yours in Christ Then he ctlanges into a .chatterlI'l'g son: of
Bro. Stewart from Phoenix, Arizona, came Jesus, T. B. Barratt. Tongue. I am assured that all the:e al'9
to Azuda Mi·s·s,ion and sought the baptism PENTECOST IN OTHER LANDS. Holy Ghost people. "The flesh may get
with the Holy Ghost, and God laid him out in a little," says the good paRtor, "but not
In London. If you get the light on your SQul, you wl11 much."
under the power of the' Spirit aild took com- 23 Gairloch R<Jad, Camberwell, S. E., Lon- go forward or else backslide.
plete c()ntrol of him, speaking through him j'Tongues" at Keswick.
don, Jan. 20.-A little band of Christians People of course, ridicule; but t110se meet·
in tongues. He 'Was filled anod overfiowing have been waiting 'here ab<Jut nine mor.:th.;;
with the Holy Gilost when he return,ed to The more of the Holy Ghost you have, ing.;; go on every day, and twice a d,ay, and
for their Pentecost and am glad to say that the more love, the more humility, the more not in one place of meetiIlg only nor in
AT\zona. And Mother Griffith, also from one sister has received her Pentecost with
Phoenix, has come and received her baptism. praises. one Single town. At Christian sand and
tongues. Praise Him! W!ll you continue to
• • • pray that all may receiv6l, the writer iv-
This Is not a "do, do" religion, but it is
Fred'erickshaldt and many other places the
same is going on, aI1d it spreads quickly
The work at Azu&a Mission i8 growir,g eluded. 1 feel very hungry. You·rs in Jesud
deeper and more, powerful than ever. Pra.lse the religion of the Lord Jesus Christ. Man from each p er'So I'l' who receives the Gift!
Christ, C. H. Hook. }1a,;; got to be born again. You cannot get A Christian merchant in a high P<Jsition
God. Meetings continue' every day with I n Stockholm.
see,kers at every ,service, and the three it through moral culture, .refirlemen,t, or in Denma:-k came with <Jthers to s~e and
meetingd run very near together. All day Stockholm, Sweden, March .~.--Piease. giving up, but you must be born into ,it. It hear, and he told me that he was convinced
m-eetin·gs on Sunday. Three other Apost.olic dear one.;;, help us to praise the Lord. The i's t'hrough God's beloved Son who washes it i.;; of God. The working people chiefly
first soul came through tonIght tecelv:ng you, cleanses you, and makes yQU a fit sub- fill tile meetings, and the difficulty is to get
Faith Mlsosion-s continue in the city anod the baptism with t11e Holy Ghost and Bibl~
God's blessing i'iI up.on them. The workers ject for heaven. them t() leave when the time comes to close.
from t'ilesl6 mlss'ions and from sulburban evider,c€. Bless God!-Erlc Holling~wO'rth Aud, it must be added, practical results
towns meet together for conference on and wife. Every sanctified person has the abldlr.g follow these strange meetings. .
Mondays to 's tudy the Scriptures and get This message was just received from our Pastor Barratt (of whom more below) said
brother aild sister who have gone to Sweden anointing in their soul, a:nd they lmow His
deeper into the things, of God and for COT,I. Blood clean,;;es every mome·nt, but you need that till recently It was difficult to attract
. ference in the work of the Lord. The 'Spirit with this precious Go.;;peI. They wrote of to religious meetings. A Salvation Army
the salvation and sanctification of s,ouls and the baptism with the Holy Gbost wnich is
of unity, love and power is, manifest. Other the enduement of power, that will make you officer advertisoed that a man would rise
like mis,;;ions are being established in a now we rejoice with them that Pentecost f:-om his coffin and preach the Gospel, but
has fallen in Sweden's capitol. a witness to the uttermost parts of the
number of towns. e.arth. even this did not effectively draw. But now
• • • In Sweden. twice a day and every day and week after
Bro. And,rews auod wHe, GoBtpel workers WB are having a wonderful time in week thes'e meetings are throL'ged by en-
Sweden. Hundreds have been saved and This Gospel cost us too much to rur.' off thusiastic crowds, who -go out to spread the
from Ter,oessee, came to Azusa Mission for into fanaticism and be led by viaio'nS and
the expres's purpose of receiving their sanctified. Over a hundred baptized with strange flame, which they are convinced is
the Holy Ghost. Praise God! Glory! Glory! dreams. When we get spiritual, there is PentecoBtal and Heavenly and Scriptural.
pentecost and Bro. Andrews has been greater temptation to get puffed uP. We
baptized with the, Holy Ghost and i.;; filled Glory! Many have been healed by the T'he meetings are liable at any moment
dear Lord. Signs as on tihe day of Pente- must put all visions and d,reams on the to be swept by -a wave of spiritual power
and overfiowing with the Splrlt. He and square of God's Word and try them. 'The
his wife were so hUTlgry and 'had such faIth cost are following, talking and singing in ·,sweeping.. through all human ar:-angemeLts.
tongues. I cannot tell you all now that Word must pl'D-ve all things. When we At times the noise is strangely awesome,
that the .word wanted them to. come, that, throw down God's tru1'h, the plummet of
oot having the means, they started ao~ God has been doing. The w<Jrk is spreading almost appalllng to an "outsider."
fast. Many are seeking for a clean 'heart His Word, is 'showlS up the cour,terfeit. Some of us ask oUr'8elves the question,
walked quite a distance, till the Lord gave
thoem the fare, and Fe i:s abundan tly re- and ther-e is oneness, among God'.;; people. how will this affect the Keswick Convention
warding them. God shall have all the glory. People receive the baptism with the Holy meetings and other gatherings thi.;; year?
• • I am still talking and writing in tongues. Ghost while about their work. One sister Those who have "Tougues" wlll be 'present,
Bro. W. H. DUrilam of 943 North Ave., Chi- A missionary interpreted what I have been i'n Whittier received hers while she was and unable and unwilling to control them
cago, Ill., and Bro. H. L. Blake of' Ruthton, writing in SyLiac and Armenian. I was baking a cake. when moved by the Spirit.
Minn'., who a.re both preacne·rs of the Gas- stn,ging Chinese one night, a missionary The Rev. Thomas Ball Barratt, the leader
ITel, came to L<Js Ang·elea to SBe and in vesti- said. I am busy ~very day and going from The Holy Ghost ia a real living Person of this movement, Is: almost a Norwegia.n.
gate what God was doing. They both were place to' place. strong oppos,ulon from that comes down upon you in great and He was fours years old when his Corn,.iBlh
baptized with the Holy Ghost and went many, but God givesl the victory. Glory! mighty power. Dear loved ones, when He pa:reillts brought him to Hard,anger. Eventu-
back filled and saturated with the power Anodrew G. Johnson, Address, 48 Skofd~, comes upon you, you know It. When He ally be becam~ a mis'i)io.u'eI' of the Methodist
of God, 'ilpeaking in tonguesl and magnify- Sweden. comes iil', He comes talking. Your jaws Episcopal Church, but he has practically
ing God. It was a great blessing t() us to In Honolulu. will be unloosed, and He will commence d·etached himself fro.many church ties, aIid
have them with UBI and see what great Honolulu, Hawall, March l1.-Imm-edlately speaking through you. the world'l ile feels is his parish.
thin:gd the Lord did for them and the bless- upon our arrival here, we found two wholly He was in' New York last autumn when
ing overflowed upon all God's children. They consecrated souls, hungering for more of influences from the Los AngeleB movement
We are Chrl'st"sspirltual birde now, but began to reach him, and he received a
are memberso()f t"ne World's Faith Mission- God. Bro. Mayfield threw his mission open there is to be a real wedding take place
ary Ass~iat1on. to us and told us t{) go to work. So we mighty "PeI1tecost," witn~ssed. to by
and a rea! I marriage supper. Those that
• • • opened fire upon the en.emy the first night
of our arrival here. God owned and blest
sit down to this .5Jupper will be His queer..·,
"Tongues." A letter he wrote h'Omestil'roo
up the spirit ot expectaIi'cy, and on his
Sister UeeSi from OaklaTl'd visited' Azusa the oues tbJat have made their robes white
MiSsion ;recently. She brought a report the tTuth. Nine have received theJ.r p.ente- arrival tlie work immediately began, and on
and have the seal of God in their foreheads. New Year's Day in Norway the revival
from the saints in Oakland that a leader cost, and in every case they have spoken o let uS ·not miss t'hi's supper. We are
was needed there in the work, one called in new tongues. Sister Mayfield has re- commenced, and· has continuM eve·r since,
listening now for the sound of His chariot and is spreading all the time_
and prepared of th!'l Lord. We prayed for ceived her Pentecost and h€aling for lung wheelB.
God to call ·ilomeone. Bro. Irwin receIved trouble. Myself and wife have both SpOken Of my own inner experier.:ces whilst in
the call and went w.lth his wife. His report in the CorBan langua.ge, Coreans present these meetings I must refrain trom writ1ng
comes just a'S tne paper is gol·ng to. press: testifying to the same. We belleve that will The Lord has taken Spirllual1sm and at ·thi;s. point, but I reverently than·k God
Oakland, Cal., :Mar. 21.-"G<Jd is uu:derlak- be our ne,;t field <Jflabor.-H. M. TurLey Christian Science out of people In thi's mis- for t'he privilege of being present.
Ing fOf. Us here, Two Ireceived their Pent~· and wife. 'sion, and filled them wlth the Spirit, and
cost· la:at night with Bibl~ evidence. Other,s they are' sitting at the feet of Jesus. We "He will guide you Into all truth." We
IN CALCUTTA, INDIA. teach agalr.st Theosophy, Chris,tian Science
are s(l-eking pardon, sanctificatlon, the proni- ought to take the Holy Gh()Bt before anY
Fe:b. 21.-The Lord has led Sister Nels'On Magnetic Healing, Spl-r1tuaUam, Hypnotisni 'Other teacher. We should ha.ve no teacher
iN 01, the Father ."_B. H. ll"Win. and myselt here to Calcutta to behold the and all work'S of thedev11. between us and the Holy Ghost.

V I R T U E I N THE PERFECT BODY O F H E A V E N L Y VISIONS. ,he witrieas of t h e Spirit in our h a r t s to
JESUS. bur sanctification, the Scriptures a r e opened
Thirteeri saints met in a cottage prayer .o US, we understand them, and our
Jesus gave His perfect eyes for us, per- meeting in Los Angeles and all were in the bre anointed. We see a p f c t u ~ eof i t in
fect hearing, perfect smelling, tasting and Spirit and of one accord. They knelt in mnd let him
iebecca. Whendrinks hout
e had
of received
her pitcher
Published by feeling; for Jeaus gave a perfect body, that prayer expecting the Lord to manifest Him-
THE APOSTOLIC FAITH MISSION laid in the tomb three days and three sights self. The power of God fell and every one
and was raised by the power of the Holy was caught up in the Spirit and saw visioGs zarrings lad watered t h e camel's, h e gave her the
Headquarters, Los Angeles Ghost. Those eyes that had slept i n the from God. Bro. McLain says he saw a and bracelets of gold. 0 beloved
tomb under the great power of death were beautiful white dove for some time on the nay we let the Holy Ghost SUP out of
- quickened and brought to life again by the back of his chair. One dister saw an angel neart pitcher, for the Lord says, "Behold,
[ stand at the door and knock; if any man
Power of the Holy Ghoat.
Please write very plainly In mending in perfect body of our Lord Jesus C'hrist, we So, through the come into their midst with a golden harp hear My voice and open the door, I will
your address for the paper. Some letters can receive perfect healing of sight, hear- in her hand. Several had t h e =me vision mme in and sup with him and h d with Me."
have to go into the waste basket, because ing, tasting, smelling. of t"ne Savior. He held a book in H!is hand. And when He comes in, He openls His
the adodresses are illegible or incomplete. They saw the nail print and the blood trick- precious treasures to un, bracelets and ear-
We read in the precious Word of God ling down wNle He wrote their names in
If any fail to get' the pager, please let us (Ac. 2. 26) where David is speaking of the rings, great weights of gold. 0 how blessed
know. the book with His Anger with the blood It is w h m ~the precdous Spirit csntiers b t 0
Lord Jmus, "My heart rejoiced and my m a t ran from His pierced hand. He stood OUT heart@ like Eliezer. He tells ue the
tongue wag glad, moreover also my flesh on the other side of rc5ver. The waters great wealth of our Father and oC our
We send out papers free, but free will of- shall rest in hope; because Thou wilt not
ferings have come in to elable us to pub- leave My soul in hell, neither wilt Thou of the river looked bloody. An angel about Christ, for He opens up our understanding,
lish and send to aB that ask for them. the size of a child twelve years of age stood
suffer Thine Holy One to see corruption." i n front of the Savior. I t went about the and enlightens our minda. HI& continual
And we And that Jesud body was one with- room and hovered over the heads of all iri canversation is about the Father and Jeluus.
We have been publishing 30,000 papers a t out carnality. It was a body that God pre- Eliezer was the very type of the Holy Spirit
the room. One brother had not yet re-
an issue, and of thia number 40,MC) are wred from heaven by the Holy Ghost and ceived his Pentecoat, .and a star was seen who takes the things of Cbrid and &ows
printed, sent down into this world to be the them unto us, for Ha told Rebecca of the
t o come and light on his forehead, while h e wealth of Abraham and Isaac, giving her
Bread of Life. Therefore Jesus could speak was testifying. The brotbm that was healed jerwels. And she wore them, showing that
Anyorie desiring to distribute papers, has with the authority in Jno. 6. 51. saying, "I of blindness by the power of God some time s h e wad the espoused of Isaac. Hallelujah!
ocly to drop us a card s w i n g how many you am the living bread which came down from ago saw an angel with a golden candle Jesus breathed the Holy Ghost on His diaci-
use to advantage, giving your address heaven." If any man eat of this bread, he stick labout three feet high. Praise God. He ples and said, "Tv'hosoever sins ;y.e remit,
very plainly, and we will send by return 8hall live forever; and the bread that 1 will is woliderfully fulfilling Hia Word in Hin they are remitted unto them; and who?
mail or as quickly a s possible. give is my flea% which I will give for the cbiWren. Acts) 2. 17.
life of the world." ever Bins yet retain, the? are retained.
The Jews could not understand this. They Thus they had t h e witness in thelr heartd
A convention of Prayer is to be held at REBECCA; T Y P E OF T H E BRIDE O F that they weare candidates f o r the baptiam
Alliance, Ohio, The sainQ from Akron, said,"How can this man *give us His flesh. CHRIST-Gen. 24. w i t h the Holy Ghost and fire. He com-
Cleveland, Canton, and East Liverpool to eat?" Then Jeaus said unto them, "V8cl- manded them, "Tarry ye in ,the city of Jeru-
1 meet there, and it will no ly, verily, 1 say unto you, except ye e a t theh ''I pray thee is there room i n thy father's aalem, until ye be endued with power from
doubt be a time of great power a ~ bless- d fTes~h of the Son of Man amd d r h k His: house for us to lodge in?" These wcryds OIL high." Praise o u l God!
trig. The date ie March 30th. Blood, ye have no life in you." 0 how true. were spoken by Eliezer, A b r a h a m ' ~ e1des.t "I pray thee le there room du thy father's
.. . this i~4. May we drink His Blood daily arid1 servant and steward of hi^ house, to Rebec- house for us to lodge in?" Beloved, Is there
eat His flesh, througn faith in His word' for. ca when he had found her a t the well in room in your heart that God'a blessed Spirit
T W O PAPER9 IN ONE, salvation, health, and healing. If His flesh answer to his prayer. Eliezer ( w a n i n g can come and lodge in? Rebecca ws3 a
Thils mmber six of t b Apastolic Faith had seen corruptlcm, then we could not "God's Helper") is a type of the Holy wide virgin. She met E33ieaer a t the w d l
has been enlarged. It is a double paper, have healing for the body nor look for En. Spirit, and Isaac is a type of Christ. Now and reeived the bmtcelets and .earring.s;
the February-March number. FVla have no immortal body from heaven. So dear b e - a s Eliezer was seeking a bride for Isaac, but she did not recelve t h a n until ahe had
stated time of publication but exlpeot to get loved, we get healing for our body, wul, the Ison of Abraham, ao the H o l y Spirit to- allowed him to drink out of her pitcher and
kt out every month, thhs l o r d willing. This and spirit at'd an immortal body from1 day la seeking a bride for the Lord Jesus, had watered the camels. Many others stood
time it bas beep ul~avofdablydelayed. Many heaven at His coming, thyough tbesperfech God's only begotten Son. by, no doubt; lmt they did m t do a r ~ ywates-
have been looking for i t and wondering body of Jaua. Praise our God! Eliezar was sent to Abraham's country dng of tha camele. 0 may all of C'hrist's
why i t did not came before. We praise God and to his kindred to take a wife for Isaac. waiting bride be filled with t h e .rivere of
far the privile* of sending it out now to DIGGING F O R OIL. So God our Father has sent the' Holy Spirit living water that they may water the thirrrty,
h u ~ r ysouls, and pray God that i t will be I once aslked a man who was digging oil' from t h e glory land down i ~ t othis world, parched hearts with the rivers of 8alvatlon.
4 double .blmei~lp;. wells, how he found t!he oil. He mid, "We. and He, the Spirit of truth, is convicting the Rebecca wore her jewela. She did not
$'he Lord has been greatly ,enlarging the bore down six to eight hundred feet, till1 we world of sin, rigihlteousne~a, and judgment, put them adid@or into her pocket, tor we
~ o r k . Stacks of letters come in which we strike the rock. Then we bore through that and la s e l e c t i ~ gout of the body of Christ read that Laban aaw them on his Evlster'a
have not been able to answer, but may our rock about flvd feet, and on d m n to the H i s bride. He is seeking among His kin- hands. When we have received the abiding
correspondents take thia paper as an an- seconld rock, about three feet thinner than dred, the sanctified, and J e m s is baptizing anoiutdng in our hearts, wmeone can\ al-
swer, a s oulr hands are so full of the the flrst. Theu we strike a lake of oil." them with the Holy Ghost and Are, wepar- ways see Lt abinlng forth upon our faces.
precious worl,. We have received many I t reminded me of mlvation. Digging' i n g them for the great marriage supper of Praise W!
blwsed reports and testimonies which it down to the rock reprelsentr, repentance. the Lamb. Praise our God! Eniezer was When Eliezer had fed the camels and had
has been hard to contlense into this paper. When you get through all the dizt and mud' under oath not to delect the bride from come into t"ne house, and when mebt was
Many precious letters had to be left out and strike the rock, ,that repreaents aalva the Canaanites but from Abraham's kindred. aet before him, h e ,said, "I will not eat untU
for lack of space. tion in Chrislt, for Christ i~ the mck. But So God is not ~lelectinga bride for Chris* I have told mine errand." 0 beloved, we
when we get upon the ~mck, we have to amor& the sinners, for a' sinner must first ahodd be so zealow about the bride of
T H E P U R C H A S E OF T H E AZUSlA MIS- build. get saved and sanctified before h e can be Christ; that nothing will be able to turn ua
SION. The man said they had. to b.aw tlarough one with the Lord Jesus. Heb. 2:11 says, aeide. We flnd the first overthrow in the
The lot and buildings a t 312 Azusla Street two rocks before they sltruck the lake of oil. "For both He that sanctifletb and they who buman soul was through the appetite; and
have been purchased by the Apostolic Faith It remi~dedme of the two works 0i grace. are danctifled are all of one, for which when the Rbly Ghost sends us on His mi&
Min-.bJLLL * ! H v e Holy Ghost men " n a p be We Cross t&a Red ;Sea, then Jordan, gtM cause He is not aslha.med to call them don, may we not be satlafled until we have
ttec;reu rte ~rtlstees,-who hold the property. then we i-ece1v.e our inherita'bce. Eliaha brethren." Sb' H e is ge6king a brlde among told It, and o f H i s bomlug-baek Ilo putif
We believe the Lord chose thisl dpot for crossed Jordan and looked up into heaven His brethren, the sanctified. again.
His work, for He has, wonderfully poured as Elfjah was caught up in the chariot of "Christ so loved the church that He gave Then he told his mission how that Abr&
out His Spirit in the misdon; which started flre, and the mantle of Elijah fell upon !Htimself for i t ; that He might slanctify a r ~ d ham had serd him to hisl kindred to take a
about a year ago from cottage prayer meet- Elisha. This fa ,@ type of receiving the bap- cleanse i t with the washing of water by the wife for his son, and he eaid, "And now if
ings where the Pentecost first fell. Now, tism with the Ylcly G h s t , for EYIrijah prayed Word; that He might present i t unto Him- Ye will deal kindly and truly wdth my mas-
through Spirit baptized onee who have gone far a double Cafrtiouof the spirit of EYijiuh. self a glorious church, not having s p d or ter, tell me, and if not, tell me." They said,
Out, and through papers published here, The secorid rock recpresente the second wrinkle or any auch thing: but that i t "The thing proceedeth from the Lord" and
there has been raised up a mighty host. work of grace, sanctification. You go down should be holy and without biemlsh." Eph. gave Rebecca to be hls master's wife. When
Praiae God! through that rock and strike ,the lake of oil 5: 25-27. So Jesus today i s selecting a people are living under the guidance of God'a
The property was purchased for $15,000, and it gushes out in plenty. The oil repre- sanctified peopIe, baptizing them with the Holy Spirit, it does not take bhem very long
an9 $4,000 has already been paid down on sents the baptism with the Holy Ghost. Holy Ghost and flre to greet Him at His to hear the voice of God, arid they are will-
it. Any friends wishing to have a share iri Some get the anointing and a;@ filled with coming. Rebecca was a virgil;, the type of ing to obey. Praise God! Then Eliezer ate
buying this Miasion for the Lord may send holy laughter, and take t'bat to be the bap- a sanctified soul. So the Holy Ghost today and tarried wit% them that might, because
offerings to Bro. Reuben Clark, who is secrsb tism. But if we go on through that other is standing at the heart or every pure vir- he had received the deslre of his ma~tsr'n
rock, we wdll get to where the lake of oil is. *gin (sanctified pleading, "I pray thee heart and his heart.
tary of the board cyf trustees. Address 313 is there room in thy heart t h a t I may come
Azuaa St., Los Angeles. When we have the baptism of the Spirit, But on the morrow, her brother and
it and lodge?" 0 beloved, w e see many of mother said, "Let the damsel abfde with us
It was necesswy to buy this mission ax we have an experience according to Deut. the sanctified people today rejecting the
a beadquartem f6r the work, in order to 32: 13, "He made him ride on the higih Holy Spirit, just a s people rejected Christ
a few days, a t least ten days." But ha said,
bold it, a B it would soon have been aold for places of the earth, that ?la might e a t the when He was on earth hare.. It seems there
"Hinder me not." It is best, when we hear
other purposes. The situation ia favorable, increase of the Aelds; and h e made him to the words of God and the Bpirit ia upon ud,
is no room ir, their hearts for the baptism to rcccivc now the baptism w i t h the Holy
bein& centrally located and in surroundings suck honey out of the rock, and oil out of with the Holy G h o ~ tand Are. Nay God
where no one will be disturbed by prayera the flinty rock; butter of kine and milk of Spirit, instead of waiting two or three daya
or shouts going up sometimes all night. sheep, with fat of lambs, and rams of the help them to open their eyes and sqee that a ~ dmeeting friends and meeting the devil,
t'ine time draweth nigh for Hi6 coming. 0 who will try to pe7saade u s out d it. If
Praise God! The Mimion building was breed of Bashan, and goats, with the f a t of may Clhrist's waiting bride wake up and let
formerly a place of. worship where mula kidneys of wheat; and thou didst drink the Rebecca had remained, perhaps her friends
the H o l y Ghost come in. might have talked her out of going with
had been mved years ago, and the spot thus pure blood of the grape." Praise ou;. God! Rebecca was a type of the wise virgins.
made sacred; arid during the past year, We fir~dthat before people receive t3e Pen- Eliezer over the plains away off to that dis-
When Eliezer met her a t the well and asked tant land to her husband Isaac.
hundred8 have been saved, sanctified, heal- tecost, they have hardly enough for them- her to let him drink a little water from hetr
ed, and baptized with the lHoly Ghost. selves; but when they get over into Canaan, Eliezer said, "Hinder me ~ o t . " 0 may
the promised land, which is the very type pitcher, 0 how sweet and ready &he was. we do nothing to hinder the entrance of the
of our entering into the promise of the She answered and said, "Drigk, my Lord." baptism with the Holy Ghost. We should
A P R I L N I N T H A J U B I L E E DAY. And she hastened and let down her pitcher
Father, they become rich and are able to see that everything is out of the way arid
To the Apostolic Faith People, Saints, lend and able to give, for them have fruit in upon her hand and gave %im drinlk, and i t nothing to stand between us and this glori-
and Friends; the ninth of April is the birth- abundance, everythirg plentiful. Tke bap- pleased him. The Spirit is a person. He ous blessing. Then they called Rebecca and
day of Pentecoat t o us, for the Pentecost tism with the Holy Ghost gives us the ~ i v - can be pleased, He can be quenches, and said to her, "Wilt thou go with this man?"
fell here on April 9, 1906. May all that ers of salvation. P r d s e God! 0 may every He car,\ be insulted, as we flnd Ananias irk And she said, "I will go." To recehe the
have received this prscious gift, the bap- child of God seek all that He has for them. sulted Him. We piease Him whea we accept baptism with the Holy Ghost, we must for-
tism with the Holy Ghost, honor that day the words of Jesus. ThenJesus sends t h e Holy sake all and follow Jems all the way. For
a8 a jubilee feast, in praise and thanks to N O E X C U S E F O R SIN. Spirit to witness in our hearts. the Lord Jesus says, T o r this c a u w shall
Go& for sending the old ffme Pentecost When R~!ecca had done giving him drlnk, a man leave his father and mother, and
back to earth again. In juetification, we can overcome all the she said, I will also draw water for thy cleave to his wife." So we that are Christ'a
We pray God that a great revival^ of m1- power o f the enemy. We have no right to camels." Christ's bride must do eve~ything bride must forsake all anmdcleave to Cbriat,
vation may flaw in all missions on that day, live in sin at any time. Whom, the. 'Son without murmuring. 0 how sweet it is as Rebecca left father a ~ mother,
d brother
and that we may all get fn one accord; and makes fre.e is "free in,deed. What is he when we have the mighty S p i ~ i tin our and siater, and rode on the Camel to meet
we believe that the Are1 of God will fall in free from? From sin. Dear ones, we want hear&; we are ready for service; we are Iaaac.
every mission, and that many will recaive to honor the Blood of Jesu~s. The Blood has ready for waterilig the whole enrtiw wonld "And Isaac went out to meditate in the
the baptism just as they received i t on the never lost its saving efficacy. Just one drop with the precious well of salvation in our fields at eventide; and he lifted up hia eyes
day of ~ e b t e c o s t ,according to the second of His Blood overcomes satan. The one who heart. Beloved, when the Holy G h o d and saw, and behold the camels were corn-
chapter of Acts. Praise ~ o d ! We have in justified, wit% the B1oo.d in his heart, if comes, H e brings the well of salvation and ing. And Rebecca lifted up her eyes, and
much to praise W for; in a year's time, he will obey the Spirit, will always live free rivers of living water. when she saw Isaac, ehe lighted off the
He ha8 spread this work over the earth. from sin. "And i t came f o pass, a s the camels had camel" to meet him. Now we are living In
Halleluja'h to His holy name! Every justified soul is being drawn of the done drinking, that the man took a gold the eventide of this dispensation, when tOle
Qod is still working hme in Los Angeles. Spirit to sanctification, thoagh he may not earring of half a shekel w e i a t and two Holy Spdrit is Peading ua, Christ's h i d e , to
.Souls a r e receiving t h d r personal P e n t e know it. He is conscious of a hungering bracelets, for her hands of ten shekels meet Him in the clouds.-W. J. S.
cost. Bless His holy name! W e expect o for more of God, and the Spirit continues weight of gold." Praise God. This is what
hear from all the mfs~ionswhere this won- to show him,there Is higher ground for him. our beloved sarictified people receive when The sinner and harlots and gamblers are
derful Godpel is! preached, great victory on If he continues to walk in the light, he will they receive the witness of $he anointing receiving this blessed Holy Qhmt before the
that memort~ble day. be led right into the fountain for sin and of .the Holy Ghost uponl their hearts, a s church members. The finst shall be last
uncleanness, the Blood will cleanse him when Jesus breathed upon the disciples be- and the last first.
The W r i t takes the Word of God to re- from all sin, the old man the body of sin fore Pentecost in the upper room, where He I
Prove the world of sin, righteousness and will be hung on Calvary's cross and Christ said, "Receive ye1 the Holy Ghost." The
judrmecpt. He shows ,khe sisner that he entlhroned in his heart. Bless God, when disciples had the witness in their hearts One tenth of all we own belong8 to t h e
3ieed.s to be saved from a burning hell of Christ is enthroned and crowned within, t'nat very moment that ''both He that sanc- Lord,. besides a n bffering, as much m H e
tifieth and they who are sanctified are all says. If H e say8 a half, we will have t o
fire and brimstone. You may say you do then old Ishmael, the bond woman's son, give a half. Giving to the Lord fa just as
not believe it, but yet you read In the Bible which is the old Adam and carnality, is put of one." For He had opeued the Scriptures
where the rich man w m "tormented in this out. The soul is delivered from the warp it0 them, (Lu. 24:32) and t h d r understand- much a part of worship as the tesltlmony
dam@" and called for Lazrua to bring a fare within. He does not have to live in ing was opened, (Lu. 24:45) and R e had and prayer. If there are peaple who do
flop of water to oool his parched tongue. the same house tormented by the inward opened their eyes, (Lu. 24:31) "And their not believe in giving an offering, they do not
If t;hs doctrine of annihilation were true, foes of doubts and fears. The free child eyes were opened and they knew Him." 1So believe in the Scriptures. When we con-
Why was not the rich mam burned up? rules, whiah is Chrlst. with us, when we receive sanctiAcation and secrate, we conaecrkte our pocket-books.
~ testings, but we held on, and when we needed H U N D R E D S B A P T I Z E D I N T H E SOUTH.
help the worst, God s e n t Bro. Tom Hezmal-
I n McKeesport, Pa. halch and a band of workers to us, for High Point. N. C.. Sari. 24.
Extracts F r o m Reports in "New Act8.n
322 Brown Ave., McKeesport, Pa., ~ e b . which w e praise Him with' all dur heart. To the Saints a t Los Angelw and all ovtx
&--The HPly Ghoat h a s fallen an about a They were with us four weeks and their the world, Greetinga in Jesus name!
dozen here and t'hey a r e speaking in labors were owned and bleased of God in The work a t Dunu, N. C., still continuee I n Canton, Ohlo.
tongues and we do not know where the establishing the work here. A good many in His name. In t h e three weeks I waa
work will stop. 'l'"helre have been two re. were saved arid mctifled and baptized witii here, about flfty received the baptism with Fire i s falling a t Canton, Ohio. At least
seven a t t h a t place have received their
ceived their call t o Chiria. W e praise ~ o d the Holy Ghost. One young man received the Holy Ghost and spoke in tongues, which
baptism at BPO. Itohrer's mission. Deep
for His wonderful grace and power. his call to the foreign field. We expect t h e i s the witness of the baptism a s on the Day conviction. T h e stohtest hearts slain under
--S. F. Black. work to move right on. Yours in Jesus, C. of Pentecost; and about flfteen of the flfty the power. Sinners coming home to Gad.
I n Moblle. E. Foster. were midstera of the Gospel. Some a r e
I n Alvin, 5 . C. from Georgia, some from South Carolina, I n Pittsburg, Pa.
Davis Ave. and Ann St., Mobile, Ala., Alvin, S. C., Mar. 2.-In January we heard and some from North Carolina. Some are
Feb. 1.-After a hard battle in this wicked of Bro. G. B. C'ashwell of Duns,N. C., t h a t called to C'hina to preach this blessed truth. "We have been holding' services in the
place, the Lord gave me a tent in answer had been to Losl Angeles and received t h e God haa blest m e in casting out devild, heal- South Side Mission for the last three weeks
to Prayer. W e give God all t h e glory for Holy Ghost and spoke with tongues. So ing the sick and in discerninlg of spkits. ~ t e a d i l yevery night. Prayer h a s been an-
vhtory. Mve h a v e 1be.e~~sanctifled a d crur hearts began to hunger more amd more, swered and four of t h e seeking ones have
Bonneau, S. C., Feb. 11.-I came here last received their Pentecost and speak in a
three received Pentecost. One brother that and after praying ovex it, my wife and I Friday by invitation of the holiriew people
h a s been orippled for years has been healed decided to irryite him to come to our Pente- strange language. One boy twelve or
in t h b section, known a s t h e saints o r fourteen years oLd, speaks Italian very dis-
in his foot and can walk without a stick, cost meeting dhich was t o begin Zhec 8th Church of God. They claim not to belong
and we are expecting a great work of the of February. He came to us and sltayed to any organization and have been keeping tinctly and interprets in English. The sis-
Lord here soon.-F. W. Williams. three days, and in those three days, there ters speak sentences and quote texts of
the feast of ualeavened bread for three o r Scripture, and sing in the language they
I n Spokane. were about twenty-three saints that receiv- four years and wordhipping in upper rooms.
ed the baptism of t h e Holy Ghost, aqd all Friday, Saturday, and Sunday were three have received and interpret. Two of the
Spokane, Was.h., Mar. 21. Thank God, the of them spoke with other tongues a s t h e days set apart for ~ e r v i c eto tarry and wait sisters have t h e same tongue and when one
work of the Holy Spirit is reaching into Spirit gave hhem utterance. I am glad to begina to sing some hymn, t h other starts
for Pentecost, eating nothing but unleaven- in and voices t h e s a m e words."
the remotest places of bhe earth. Upwards tell you, dear saints, t h a t I am one of tJqe ed bread a n d drinking cold water. I eraw
of thirty have received their Pentecost right twetty-Ynree. As soon a s He came into my a t otxe t h a t they had brought themselves'
here in S p o k a ~ ein the past fkw days, speak- soul, He slpake with m y tongue in a n un- I n Akron, Ohlo.
under bondage to keeping the feast and t h a t
ing i n tongues, writing, and praising God known language. Thank God, the Comforter there was dnanger of their feeling that God Feb. 15, a Methodist minfster from
in all thing% T h e Apostolic Light will be has come a t last. Glory! Glory! Glory! W e waB under obligations to them to send the another part of the state, received his
somewhat delayed, owing to my removal have had several ahort meetings since we baptism with the 'Holy Ghcrat, because they baptism with the Bible tvidence. Bro. and
from Portland office to the work t o which rece3ved the Holy Ghost in which several kept it. B u t I never met sweeter sanctified Sister Welch of the South Street Church,
God called me in Spokane.-M. L. Ryan. were saved, sanctified, arid eight or ten people i n all my life. I prayed to God to have just received their Pentecost. The
I n Burgess, S, C. others have received t h e baptism with the show them that i t wae not keeping the feast Spirit whispered t o him that God also had
Holy Ghost anbd all speak wit% other that brougnt t h e Holy Ghost. I did not touched his eyes, and he found i t was so,
Burgess, S. C. March 16.-We a r e having tongues. Demons) have been cast o u t in the mewtion i t t o them a t all, b u t joined them being able to read without glasses. One
a wonderful meeting in our midst. Several name of Jesus.-F. M. Britton. in the feast. Saturday, dear Bro. Britton, lady had said to Bro. McKinney, "I have be-
are beitg baptized with the Holy Ghost. I n 8th and Maple Ave. Mission, Los Angeles. their leader, came t o me and said he felt come almost discouraged, I have been seek-
Tie people are coming by c ~ o w d sa n d God's The old time Per~tecosltal power returned that the Lord would be pleased for then. t o ing so long without receiving." A night or
great work ia spreading. Glory to God for to u s during the four days and nights tarry- two afterwards, when t'ne special revival
dismies t h e keeping of the feast. So h e
this wonderful salvation that is coming ing meeting we had beginning Dec. 28 and announced i t to the people. meetings commenced in h e r church, she
back to earth again."-Mc. D. Brown. went over New Years to 5:30 a.m. Soma went forward t o help and pray wfth the
got their Pentecost with the Bible evidence, Some had already received the baptiam, seekers for pardon or purity, when some-
I n Santa Cruz, Cal. but after that I have never seen the power
some corcvel.ted, some sanctified, some heal- what to her surprise ax well a s that of
Pentecost h a s fallen in Santa Cruz. The ed. Glory to God! W e had been going of God manifested m T saw i t here. Twenty- others, the baptism came and she began
last report from there people were getting through a sifting time. Some proved it doe6 Vnree received the baptiam with the Holy speaking among them in a new language.
saved, sawctifled, and baptized with the 'pay t o hold on to God when the enemy is Ghost and all spoke with tongues.
A returned missionary from India b a s very
Holy Ghost, and healed. Many seeking. doing all 'he can to discourage us. Our God On Saturd'ay, one very old sister came iw recently received the intense desire of her
Bro. and Sister T. W. McConnell have been is a God of power. So now we caU sing, who had never heard anyone speak in h a r t a t Akron, bnd the Spirit has spoken
l a b o ~ i n gthere and Bro. Wilkinson h a s been "I'm presoing ord t h e upward way, New tongues, a n d no one was speaking in tongues through her in attestation of the baptism.
assisting. heights I'm gaining elvery day." when s h e came in. She began to shako
I n Long Beach. Later.-A poor lost woman, a victim of handx with the saints. and before she s a t I n Potterbrook, Pa.
down, t h e power fell on her and a'he waa
The Lord i s blessitg in Long Beach, Gal- the cocaine habit, come into thesmeetings,
bacptized with the Holy Ghost and com- Praise God, the Holy Ghost came today.
w e cannot tell just how many a t this date was convinced of sin, and as a second defl-
menced speaking in tongues, a perfect A minister slain under the power. Demons
have received their Pentecost and speak in nite c o n f
work was sanctified and has obeyed God
e d n g Christ in baptism. This is language.
cast out of many. Then Pentecost fell, and
tongues, Hungry souls are seeking. The wonderful case. So t h e work is going or<. ten persons came through with stammering
Bro. Brldgers, an evar~gelistof t"ne M. E. lips arid otiner tongues. Rev. Robbins
street meetings are attended by crowds. A sister got the baptism sitting in her seat. Church, now a t Marion, S. C., came to the
Last Sunday night, many had to be hm'~ed Others justified. God id with us and we are meeting and was baptized with the Holy speaking in a clear language, the Spirit
away. Bro. McCauley has charge of the Ghost and power and spoke in tongues for also sang through him. One lady speaking
work. He says, "The Lord has wonder full^ expecting Pendlaton,
greater things of Wlim.-W.
so'me time, a perfect language. Praise God
in tongue said. "Jesus is coming." Real
planted the seed of salvation in h n f 3 Beach Pentecost. Praise God.
for Bro. Bridgers.
in street meetings every Sunday afternoon. Royston, Go., Feb. 27.-Hundlreds of
0 how I praise Him for the outpouring of P E N T E C O S T A L P O W E R I N I N D I A N A - I n Homestead, pa.
PO LIS. precious souls in the South have received
His Spirit. A baby that had been sick all 312 Azusa St., Los Angeles, Cal.. Mar. 20. the baptirsm with the Holy Ghost and speak "We a r e sweeping this place for God now.
its life was wonderfully healed in answer to Apostolic Faith: After an absence in other tor~gues. Closed a series of meet-
of Yeakrday afternoor;, we had a most re-
prayer. peace be to all the saints in Christ three months, it i s with great joy t h a t ings at Taccoa, Georgia, Sunday night. God Imrkable service. Rev. J. T. ~ o d ylay for
Jesus. Amen."--E. McCauley, Long Beach, over I am able to be with the saints a t A m s a vaIs with us In great power from start t o hours under the Power, then began t o speak
Cal. Miiishn once more. T h e same old p m e r fis$h. I did not keep an account of h d v clearly and fluently in a new b n g w . A
In Des Moines. is manifest, and many new faces from t h e many received tbeir Pentecost, but they all m a n 3 h o heard. him speak last night told
1624 Oakland Ave., Desl Moines, Ia., Feb. north, sout5, east, and west are seen, hav- spoke in tonguea, and all that receive the the audience that i t was t h e Hebrew ]an-
baptism with the Holy Ghost will @peak guage. He has a marvelous experience.
21.--(3d i ~ rworking 'nere. Seven o r eight ing come for their Pentecost. A yourlg WOnlan was rescued Sunday
are speaking in tongues and others awaken- The Lord gave us a gracious time of i11 tongues. All do not 'nave the gift of
ed to t h e truth. I myr;elf have received the Pentecostal power a t Indianapolis, Ind. tongues a s taught in I. Cbr. 12, but they all morning from t'ne police station, went to the
gift and speak in many differelt tongues. Many received the baptism with the Holy spoke in tongues on the Day of Pentecost albar and was converted Sunday nfght, was
Can interpret the same. The burden of the Ghost and are sipeaking with tongues. They and at C o r n e l i u s 9 o u s e , and those that sanctified Monday afternoon and testifled
spirit seems t o be t h e blindness of t h e Pea- came in from different parts of Indiana Paul laid hands on a t Ephesus, and all that to havirkg a Pure heart. And Monday nlght,
ple, the soen coming of the Lord, the aw* and a r e now going forth to spread the 6ood T have heard and seen receive the Holy after lying under the power was baptized
ful judgments that are cominig, a.Ld to Pre- news. This will be a center of power, being Gnoat have spoken in' tongues. with the Holy Ghost and spoke distinc.tly
pare messengers and a bride f o r His Cum- an inter-urban railway center like U s An- I am receiving letters every day from in a new and flowing language. The lady
ing. The mission isl becoming a center for geles. north, south, east and wedt from people who rescued her, came through a t the mme
the hungry ones .and too 'small to accomlmo- After being forced out of several places, that have attended my meetings, saying time, and spoke much in Spanish, which I
date the people. God lblesis You all. We the Tm-d gave us a nice1 ball and chairs t b that they have received their Pentecost and easily linderstood. T'ne cor.gxegation sat
have had no t e a c h i ~ g outside, except our seat it, a t l1114f! Shelby street( Fonntain speak in tonguea. and listened 3n amazement, in the presence
own close walk with God and getting down, Square) and the meetings are still going on People have becn gulled here by take it of the wonderful operations of the Spirit
down, down before Him and provitg Rim there. The last Sunday t%e writer was per- by faith, reconsecrate, baptism of fire, of God.
"dynamite," and "lydite" till the faith of A young r~reacher named McNight, who
who never fails. Praise His name. Yours mitted to be pwscr~t was a wonderful day s a t in a large chair under the power, gave
in the rapture, E. C. Ladd. power. The meeting seemed to have wings, the people is almost gor~e. Praise God for
and the whole room had to be used f o r Pentecost. Get your justifled experience all out some ir.distinct utterances, then broke
I n San Francisco. altar service. in good shape, then get the aanctiflea ex- out in a flow of High German, and I under-
215 Locust Ave., San Francisco, CaI., Mar. In spite of the great oppodition from perience of a clean heart. Then when your stood absolutely every word be uttered. It
%--The Lord is working mightily i u San church people and holiness p~'ofessors, faith takes hold of .the promise of the was wonderful to me. It seemed to me al-
Francisco. Many souls have been convert- many dear hungry souls a r e launching out Father a n d Son, and the Word of God, you most as if h e had learned t h e language in
ed, sanctified, and baptized with t h e Holy into the ocean of God's love, and finding will have great joy a s they did that went dp which he had spoken MI fluently a n d clear-
Ghost and fire, and healed by t h e power a satit;fying portion. A great many w w e from Olivet to Jerusalem. Then you can IY, so I asked him if h e could speak German,
of God. One Methodist preacher by the healed. Rheumatic demons and all manner praise arid bleslsl God and the Holy Ghost and h e said No. He i s either of Irish or
name of H. 0. Lanham who came to our of aches and pains were compelled to fly, will come iri and praise God Himself in un- Scotch ancestry.
meetings a few days ago received t h e bap- a t the name of Jesus. known tongue, and you will never doubt T h e nleetirigs go on every day from 2 P.
tism with the Holy Ghost Tuesday night " 'Tia so sweet to trust in Jesus, i t any more, if they burn you a t the stake m. until 1 2 and 1 a.m. Last night t h e new
(Mar. 5), and spoke in tongues a s the Spirit Just to take Him a t His word." or behead you. He will bear witness of hall 22 by 70 was well fllled. We began
gave utterance. A Baptist preacher who A brother who had been' troubled wiErk Himself. L e t u s not come ahort of the with testimonies, when the power came up-
was backslidden got saved, sanctified and eczema a long time was instantly healed; promise. on us ao that there was n o opportunity to
baptized with the Holy Ghost and healed, and a few days after, upon examining his -4.B. Cadhwell, speak o r even read a veme of Scripture.
and is now ready t o go out and preach the skin, nothing remained but blue spots where Ad~dress,Dunn, N. C. They began coming to t h e altar, largly
Gospel of Christ in i t s purity. Bro. Prentiss scabs had been. His wife also was healed. young mer:, and fllled two 16 foot altars,
came to us from Los Angeles and the Lord The elder of the Zion (Dowie) Church then all tine ftront seats. T h e power was
D E M O N S C A S T OUT. so irresistible t h a t people fell from their
is bleasing him in the meetings. Yours anld his wife came to t h e meetings and con-
truly i nthe Lord,--Adolph Rosa. fer;sed their need of Jesue in Pentecostal [The following account of a Spiritualist seats until t h e floor was literally covered
power. T%ey also sought healing and t h e being saved and sanctified, ia written by with prostrate people. One man got the
I n San Jose. dear Lord healed them. T n e wife and Bro. J. E. Sawders, Homestead, Ohio., in traptiarm fn his home dnd s'peaka in a
25 Short Ridge kve., San Joae, Cal., Mar. daughter received their Pentecost and t h e New Acts.] tongue. This. m a k e s eight o r t e c a t this
4.-Praise God for victory. T h i r t e e ~ 'have husband was seeking. W e have had some of the most wonder- date, and scores a r e seeking a t every ser-
received t'lelr Pentecost and Bible evi- Bro. and Sister Lehman, returned mission- ful experiences with demom, that I have vice.-J. E. Sawdera.
d m c e since we came here Glory t o God! aries from Africa, found their Pentecost ever seen in my life. One woman, a Spirit-
TYhe whole place i s stirred. Sunday there and spoke in tongues a a t h e Spirit gave ut- ualist, from t h e age of sixteen, was possess- I n a meeting in a place where there was a
were eight healed a s soon as I anointed terance. They had spent five years in learn- ed with a legion of demons. T h e devil threw rough e l e m e ~ trecently, a c o w b y declared
them, and they shouted praises to God. ing the Zulu language, and were rejoked t o her on t h e floor where she fought and foam- that he would break up t h e meeting that
Sunday was a hallelujah day all day. Praise find "the more excellent way." ed froth out of her mouth, saying: "I bate night, and brought h i s six shooter wit% him
God. Sinners are. under awful conviction The Lord willing, the writer will remain Jesus Cihrist," many times, and bla8phemed for that purpose. T h e workers left t h e mat-
here. The hall is crowded m d tihe people in Loa Angelea until May, when a camp God in t h e most diabolic mariner possible ter with God, and kept holding o n to Him in
cannot all get in. W e a r e looking for the meeting will be held in Lamont, Okla., May .to imagine. S h e pointed right up in t h e prayer. He went o u t and they heard noises.
power to fall as on Pentecost. Your6 in 15 t o 30. Bro. Cashwell of Dunn, N. C., will faces of those praying for her, with a hell- as if h e were trying to barricade the door.
Christ, H. McLain. probably be there also. After Ynis meeting, ish laugh, challenging and defying God Al- Soon he came in, s a t dowri, and drew his
In Topeka, Kan. a large tabernacle will be pitched in Indian- mighty, saying, "Ha! ha! She is mine, ha! six shooter, but immediately l e t i t drop on
apolis, probably the firs;t week in June; a n d %a! she belongs to me, etc." Well, we pray- t h e floor. This h e repeated three times.
924 N. Kansas Ave., Topeka, Kans., Beb. meetings will continue indefinitely. Our ed in J e s u s name till she was, gloriously Wnen the altar call was made, h e went out-
2 1 . - 4 1 ~to~ Jesus for the real pentecc&al dear Lord is certainly coming soon, and delivered, a c d settled down like a lamb a t side, but one of t h e workers who wan bur-
Power t h t ir, coming back to His people. we milst be busy spreading this wonder- t h e feet of Jesus, and for hours prayed and dened for his soul followed him and knelt On
A b ~ u tthree months ago, Bra. and Sister ful salvation l o the hungry people. praised Him, until H e forgave her, then the ground in t h e d a r k n e ~ ns o t f a r from him
Batman stopped off here for a few days on -G. A. Cook. cleansed h e r heafi, and since then she h a s ax;d got hold of God, then came i n again and
their way t o Africa, and told of t h e wonder- been s e e k i ~ gPentecost. Last night she got knelt in prayer. T h e next h e h m w the
ful work of God going on in the West, and "Now ye are clean through the Word u p and told her whole experience, acd i t w a s a t the altar. H e had thrown his
i t made us real hungry for more of ~ o d arid , which I have spoken unto you." J e m s h a s was simply wonderful indeed. She i s very shooter to some of his ~0mpan.ions.
we began to seek earnestly for t h e Baptism given urt the Word, and if w e live in t h e intelligent and she now feels that God i s broke down and cried for mMW' and
with the Holy Ghost. Soon afterwards a Word, t h e Word will be in us, the Blood will going to u s e h e r for revenge upon the devil came to his help and saved %im+ H e
band of workers came from Denver and flow and we will alwaya be white and clean; and his hellish work in Spiritualism. These u p from his knees and shook wands
were w i a UB ten dam. Several received but t h e moment we get out of the Word w e cities are full of Spiritualists and LO doubt everyone in t h e room. T h e last
t h e baptism while .they were &ere. After become unclean and wander into dangerous God will use this woman now t o expose the hearly e a r d of him waa t h a t he rode four mi
they left, we went through some very severe paths. thing Crom an experimental standpoint. t o get to a cottage p r w e r meeting-
AFTERWARDS. 943 W. North Am., holy calm possessed me, and a holy joy a n 8 GHOST.
Chicago, Ill., March 19. peace, t h a t i s deep and sweet beyong any The Lord gave m e a bright conversion
0 Son of God, arise, Dear Readers of the Apostolio Faith: thing I ever experienced before, even in when I was 15 y e a r s old. Soori after this,
Ar.d put Thine armor on; I ,desire t o give m y testimony for thee the sanctified life. And O! such victory a s H e gave me the Holy Spirft a s my Sancti-
Hell's forces all a r e marshalling, glory of God, an~din th\e hope that i t w'ill He gives m~eall the time. fler, which I supposed was the baptism with
The day i s almost done. prove a blessing t o many t h a t read it. Alm(ost three weeks have passed, and all t h e Holy Ghost. My father, being a high-
Nine years ago I WEUS deeply convicted of this is with me, and is deepenlnq all thee churchman, opposed my new-found joy and
The night i s hmtening fast, sin, through the Bible and the Spirit mov- time. M y soul is melted o v m and over my young, tender life found shelter in Mrs.
The morn will m o n appear; ing upon me, which H e cGnt4nued to do till again, and many times I feel a s if there Baxter's home. S h e became a real mother
The battle strong will not last long; I truly nepented of my sins, and earnestly were, and I bclieve t h e w is, a dynamo of to me. God led m e graciou8ly on and made
Our Chrir42; will soon be here. sought the Lord, finally yielding all t o Him, power i n m e ; there is notliing selfish about m y life fruitful i n winning many .aoub to
and pleading His mercy. He revealed t o this, hut i t is fathomless, real, literal, bless- Christ. Later on, I was married to
Courage, brother, d o not fear, ed, grand. 0 that all the world would we'k James Hebden, a successfu:ul con-
The Lord ia ord our side; my heart Christ dying o n the cross, and His
voicy, whispered to me, "Christ died for your and find this wondaerful gift of God! It i s tractor and e m d e n t *mission worker. Over
The hosts of hell cannot prevail, sins. h s t a n t l y my heart believe& and His something that speaks for itself. 1 have two years ago, we came t o Cancbda. Some
No matter what betide. not had t o witness to the saints I have met searching trials awaited us here, but God
peaae flooded my soul, and the joy of His
salvatllon was wonderful t o me. Later I for when they hear m~espeaking in tongues proved sufficient. Early in the summer of
The devil's time i s short, 1906, we began t o feel a lack of power, ea-
And that h e k n o W h well; saw and grasped by faith t h e truth of' s a c - and praising t h e I d r d , they just exclaim.
tiflcation, and th~e Spirit witnessed t o my "Brother Durham has got his Pentecost." pecially to heal t h e sick. We wought the
And so with rage h e hath m e down Lord for power. Uoming in orie day sick
w i t h all t h e fowe of hell. haeart that thie work was done, and the Holy Glary t o God!
Ghost wonderfully wrousht in my life. Aftm receiving the baptism, I remained in body, I asked husband to pray for me.
Five years ago I was called into the min- a few days in the home of Bro. a n d Sister He refused, saying, "It is no use a s long a s
~ o o knot to .right o r left, you run so much." ( I was very b u w vlsit-
Tru& not in kith o r bin; istry, and all these years the Spirit has been Osterberg, t o whom I am1 deeply indebted i n g fur Cod). Th:, Spirit aald to ma, "Thia
Our e y e s mus.t be on Christ alone with me in a wonderful way. Sometimes I for th~eirgreat kindness to me, and left for i s a call to prayer. Thereafter, I gave my-
If we expect t o wiW. would be overcome by His <power. In !brief, Colorado Springs March 6. Sunday t h e self to more earnest prayer, especially for
I honesbly believed I 1w.as baptized with the loth, preached three tim~esin the G. A. R. "power from on high."
"Resistance unto blood" Holy Ghost, and testifled t o it. God had Hall to a crowded home, and t h e power of W e had just recently rented this building
Is now the battle cry; done so much for me, that i t was hard Tor God was o n Phe people. About flfty came for t2e Lord's work. I toiled very hard,
No time to parley with t h e foe, me to believe that there was mom for me, to the altar, an9 several came through and scrubbing the stairways, etc., and retired
The sign6 are in the sky. except of course, development a s I went spok~ein tongues. I also spent two nights quite wea:y about 11 o'clock. I t was
on with God. And atill there w,as a longing in Denver, preaching to large audiences, Saturday night. I had scarcely lain down
The sun i s darkenimg, in my heart for something. I traveled a s and full altars, and a number came through when the Holy Spirit prompted m e to arise
The moon ia turning red; an 'evangelist from m a s t t o coast, a n d and ,spoke in ton.mcs. From there I came and prny. I obeyed. Soon the power of sod
The awful day of doom is near, preached the Gospel in almost emery large to Des Mdnes, Iowa, and preached twice in Pel1 upon me. The Lord aaid, "Tongues?::
Brother, the Lord hath said. cit in the United IS,tates, wptealring t o a s Mrs. Jud,ge Ladd's Misaion, which was I answered, ''No, Lord, not Tongues.
big\ a s 1,0M people a t n time, often seeing crowdled, qnd the a,ltar was so full I could There was a pause, "Tongues?" And I re-
Let him that is af,raid, from twenty-five to one hundred a t the altar not get t o all of the seekers to deal with plied, "Anythi~g, Lord, Tonguels or any-
Rack t o his home returrd; in a single service. And many were saved, them. thing." Instantly, the Spirit of God seized
No coward in this war may fight, sanctified, and many healed. But some way Saturday, March 16, I reached home, and my har~ds, clasped them, shook them and
Too hot will be the Are. all this did not sat~isfyme, and for a year found that the Lord had taken good care of pressed them deepIy into my cheek, then
the heart hunge~r has increased. bike all my dear wife and baby during my icbsence, rested them upon my ~Tnoulde:. Here the
To priaons some wlll go; holiness peo.ple I have met, I kept praying and Sunday, March 17, we h a d the largest power lifted having continued ti11 after mid-
Satan will press us sore, for love, power, ~etc. attendance in t h e hlstory of the Mission, night. The next day the power fell upor: me
In~dpiring'those that we love most Finally I heard of the work of God in and again the altar was so full, that i t was where i t left off in t h e night and brandished
To wound us to t h e core. Azusa Street Mission, h s Angeles, and hard to deal with the people. And so the my hands causing them to strike every part
said to my people, T h a t is t h e work of God. work goes on, the Spirit falls likli:e rain of my body down t o my feet. In t h e after-
Cast out of eyn'agogues I ~ t e rI heard some one preach that the wherever I preach His word, and it seems r:oon, I went into the meeting below, (we
By blinded shepherds here; speaking in tongues was the Bible evidetce there is no effort on my part. I wdll close lived on the second floor), and s a t quietly
Our names still &and a t God's right hand, that we had reoeivsed the baptism i n the my testimony by saying to all who read i t : by the organ, intending to say nothing of
So we have naught to fear. Holy Ghost, and not understandling it I pe- This work is of God, there is n o doubt of my new experience. However, I was not
jected it. But I saw those who were speak- that. And I would advise all my friends to sitting long, till t'ne Spirit fell upou me and
Be faithful unto death, ing in tongues had somethin*gthat I did not seek the baptism in the Holy Ghost, till moved me to exclaim loudly, "This ia the
And give thyself no care; have, and I finally became a seeker. An9 they g e t the evidence in tongues, for it al- power of the Holy Ghost; this is t h e day of
Lay down thy life for Jesus' sake, the Lord imp~essed me to go to Los An- ways follows; I know of no exception. Pentecost." The people were greatly moved
A crown of life to wear. geles, and attend the meetings, and seek Now just a word concerning Rro. Sey- and melted to tears.
the b a ~ p t i ~ m
in the Holy Ghost. Finally on mour, who is the leader of the movement This same Sabbath evening, whfle lying
Ths Rtapture. on the couch, not expecting to attend the
Feb. 8, I arrived there, and Sunday, Feb. 10, under Gad: H e is the meekest man I ever
The Lord of glory comes! I attended my flnst allday meeting. The mlet. HI@walks and talks with God. His meeting, the Holy Ghost whispered, "He was
Jesus Himself draws nigh! Arst man I met on entering the building was p o w r is in his weakness. He seems to wounded for our transgressiocs. H e wa8
Angelic hosts are thronging Him Sro. H. L. Blake of Ruthton, Minn., who maintain a hellpless dependence on God and bruised for our iniquities; the chastisement
Aa he descend.$ t h e slky. still belileved he had received the baptism is as simple-hearted as a little child, and of our peace was, upon0 Him, and with His
with the Holy Ghost in sanctiflcatim, and a t the samle time is so filled with God that st;ipes we a r e healed." Feeling led to go
Lift up your heads.! Look up! the anointings and fillings that followed; you feel the love and pow'w every time you into the service, I went and aat on t h e frotlt
Redemption draweth nigh. but. I told him, I was convinced that what I get near him.-W. H. Durham. s e a t facing the speaker. I had scarcely
The battle's o'er, the victory won, had was not the baptism. s a t down w h e ~ it h e leader read, or quoted
The saifits now mount the sky. The flrst thine: that imnre~ssedme was the FOUND THE PEARL O F G R E A T PRICE. t h e scripture just cited. Immediately, the
love and un.itycthat pre;ailed in the meet- The Pentecostal blesdng is truly a pearl Holy Ghost fell upon m e and shouted that
From w e a n bed and gravee, of great grice and worth all the seekinrr I same scripture through me with mighty
in,g, and the heavenly sweetness that fiIIed super-human power, two o r three times.
From earth's remotest clime, ths very air that I breathed. I want to say+&id-to obtain it. For over three weeks I
From east and west, frbm north and aoufh, sought, and over flfty times I arose Prom Some who heard i t w i d t'hat it was not my
right. hene, that I have attended many large voice a t all, God seemed to take t h e meeting
In ,majesty sublime holiness camp m ~ e t i n g sand conventions, but the altar to face tine world, without my en- into His own hands, and His power fell on
I never Pelt the power and glory that I felt duement of power. During the three weeks all present.
MI glory crowned, they rise in Azusa Street Misslon, and when about I sperit in Oakland, I was a t t h e altar a t
With songs of loudest praise On Monday while alore, I began to sing.
twenty persons joined in singing the "Heav- every call. After returning home, I e m - I said, "Is this tongues, Lord?" And a t
T o Him who bought then with His Blood, enly Chorus," it was the most ravishing and tinued to pray dnd seek.
Br'idegroom of endless days. once He spoke throu.gh me some unknown
un~wrthly music that ever fell on m\ortal When I heard that workerd had come to language.
After the Rapture. ears. It sermed and still seems to me, I Woodland, I was very anxious to get down. At night, I again declined going to the
could not sing in that chorus. I know it The dear Lord opened the way, so I spent Bible reading. But suddenly t h e Holy
A aense of awe creeps o'er came direct from heaven. I at once became one Sunday with them, again a seeker. But
The heart6 of men now left. Ghost seemed to lift me a1.d carry me down
;In cw-nmt seeker, m d day after day, I went r,o. not yet. I came home, very happy, for to the service. The saints were just arising
Wives their husband^ rannot fi11d; down before t h e Lard, and He wrts true to 1 had received full assurance that T was
Husbands of wives bereft. from prayer as I entered, when t h e Spirit
me. I-TP showed me m,yself as He saw me. wholly sanctified, perfectly free from sin. spoke in power three times throug'h me in
I ran never forget t h e state of uttcr help- Glory to His name! a tongue and i n English, "This is the poprer
Men sleeping side by side- lrssnrss to which-Hr redured me. He even Then m y sister went to Woodland and
One left alone to stay; of the Holy Ghost; this is the day of Pente-
took away the spirit of prayer, my testimony rweived her Pentecost the second night cost." I disappeared as suddenly as I had
Two women grindir.g a t the mill- she attended the meeting. How happy we
One quickly caught away. was rlemoved from mc, I saw niysrlf apart appeared, leaving t h e people overwhelmed
Fronr Christ as it were, and it m a d e m e des- were to hear of it. I believe the I m d di- with the power of God.
With faces blanched. men look pt*r:~tc. I ran neyer forget the failhfulmf~ss rected this to take the last m a r k of jealousy Truly it is the real baptism with the Holy
of Sistw Good, and others, i n dcaling with out of me, for I trt~lyrejoiced with my sis- Ghost and fire a s John Baptist foretold.
Each other in the eye; ter. As soon as she came home, I wheeled There is an unspeakable joy In speaking in
Women and children screaming run me N ~ x tto G o d , I am indebted to them,
And wish that they could die. dear faithful souls, laying down t h e i r lives ovor to Wtrodlar,d, and the Lord gave me tongues and it brings deep solemnity and
for othws; and all the reward they receive a most wonderful filling the second niglt. conviction on the people.
so far a s 1 can see, was the plain clothing The dear Lord had much drosrij to burn About the middle of this month (Feb.,
Men rus,h from the saloon u p , before I cauld come out a s a puriflad
And crowd the place of prayer, they wear anti food they eat. 1 9 0 7 ) , God gave me a greater measure of
Altfbr I had b w n there a little over two article, ready for service. For over an hour power and now I have "the gift of tongue&."
From brothel, race, and gambling hell, and a half, I lay under the power of God on I ca.p speak and preach a t will i ~ 'three
While some dtill linger there. weeks, devoting the entire tim~e tn seeking
my Pentecost, on a Tuesday afternoon, when the mission floor. There the blessed Jeaus languages with great fluency any length of
T h e blatfant infldel very much disheartened, suddenly the pow- took away all pride and fear of the people. time. At first I find that 1 had tongues a s a
er of Crod dewend~ed upon me, and I went I simply obeyed the dictates of the Holy sign, now a s one of the gifts. Cod also
-Now se&a to hide away, Spirit. Glory to God. I t was no gives the interpretation as He wills. Oh,
And men who never bowed befoje down unrller it. I have no language t o de- Ionger I but He. The power seem-
Now settle down to pray. snribc what took place, h u t it was wonder- ed to center in my hands, and I prom- how humble we need to keep before the
ful. I t s e e r n ~ ~tod me thiat mry body had sud- ised God I would obey Him in t%e future Lord so tinat He car.< manifest His mighty
True picture of t h e end dlenly become porolw, and that a current power.
and lay hands on the sick, whenever and About the middle of December my hus-
I s here in rhyme laid bare, of electricity was being turned on me from wherever H e sent me.
-Whet! Jesus comes to claim His bride all sides; and for two hours I lay under His band received hi& Pentecost and God is
Then, after I had pledged I would go with mightily working our midst.
And saints the rapture share. mighty power, and yet I knew I was not Him, came t h e tongues. They said I spoke Dear reader, let God have His way. How
baptized yet, though I literally felt trans- four languages. 0 the love, joy, and w a c e much that means! Blessed Jesus!
Brothe:, heed the warning given, parent, and a wonderful glory had come that ilooded my being a s I arose from t h e Yours in H;is precious name.-Mrs. James
Let every soul press on; into m(y soul. Again on Thursday evening floor. I was indeed a new creature. Plraise Hebden, 651 Queen East, Toronto, Canada.
Get right with God while yet there's time; followiag, His power came over me, and I Him.
Let no man take thy crown. wnls prostrat~e on the floor for two hrrurs, That night, just before I went to sleep Bro. Paul says, "Re that speak& in an
--Ero. A. Beck. and still I knew I was not baptized, though the Lord gave me a vision. I t was of t h e unknown tongue edffleth himdelf." I tell
I reoeived a great spiritual uplift. New Jelrusalem coming d o n n o u t of heaven, you I would rather speak in tongues w h w
A party of seven workers from Azusa Mis- But on Friday evening, March 1, His and the rainbow-encircled throne, jus& a I want to w e a k for my own edification. I
sion, all baptized with the Holy Ghost, went mighty power came over me, until I jerked part of that given in Revelation. Oh how would rather quit using my own tongue and
to Bonwll, a country place about a hundred and quaked under i t for about three hours. beautiful; a s d what i t means to me, I shall mpeak in other tongues as the Spirit gives
miles distant, to carry this blessed Gospel. It was strange and wonderful and pet glori- never forget. The blessed Lord ii; fi1,ling me utterance. There i s a power, a glory, bless
The flrst night they had a cottage prayer ous. H e worked my whole body, o n e sec- a s fast a s I can bear i t and not become God, that comes down from heaver.! that
meeting, and the second t i g h t had thirty tion a t a t h e , first my arms, then my limbs, puffed up. passes all understanding. No wonder the
People in the little achool house. BeIore then my body, then my head, then m y face, Last Sunday I was given the proof that I Corinthian church all wanted to *&peakin
closing the meeting, they gave the altar call then my chin, and finally at 1 a. m. Satur- had t h e gift of tongues. I spoke in several, tongues edifying themselves. Paul wi-ote
and there was ~ u c ha rush to the altar that dky, Mar. 2, after being under the power and ever since then the tongues are there, them telling them how t o use those precious
some fell over the seats and one woman for thnee hours, H e finished t h e work on just bubbling up like a spririg of living gifts. I t was just as when we flrst received
nearly knocked the stove down. Twenty- my vocal organs, and spoke through *me in water. At any time, I can speak, often keep the gift, we all w a t e d to speak a t once.
seveu in all came to the altar and 22 of unknown tongues. I arose, perfectly con- talking while a t work. Haw I praise Him Paul says, "Let h i m pray that h e may inter-
them got aaved. They held meetings the scious outwardly and inwardly that I was for this gift. Now I am waiting for the gift pret." Greate'r i~ he. t h a t propheaieth than
rest of the week with good .attendance. fully h p t i z e d in the HoIy Ghost, a n d the of interpretation. The Holy Spirit Paas also h e that upeaketh with tongues, except he
Souls were saved and aanctifled every night. devil can never tempt me t o t9ouibt it. First given m e power t o write flve foreign lan- interpret." S o many prayed and received
On Sunday they had wate; baptism and 1 4 I was conscious that a living Person had guages, one in Japanese. I a m just resting t h e interpretation.
were baptized in the creek by come into me, and t h a t He possessed even irr' His hands as the Potter's clay, r a d y to
immersion. One lady fell under the my physical ?being, in a literal sense, in so b e moulded for His highest service.-Maggie On t h e day of Pentecost, they were im-
power of Cod jnst after she came much that He c m l d a t B i s will take hold Geddfs, Brooks, Cal, mersed into the Hdly Spirit. T h e Spirit
out of t h e water. In these meetings there of my vocal organs, and speak any language "fille: all t h e room where they were sit.
was no preaching. God Himwlf did the He chose through m e Then I had such You mlight a s well send a thousand men ting. It i s oile thing t o b e filled a s a glmq
work. AlJ but one of them were young Power cn m e and in me as I Never had be- t o dam the Amazon river a s t o try tg stop fllled with water and another thing t o be
workexi aaLd t l e y just let God use them 8'3 fore. And last. but not least, I had a depth this Gospel. It i s only foolishness to try submerged as when you plunge the glass
channele. of love and sweetness i n my soul t h a t I to stop t h e mighty power of God. out of sight into the fomtaia.
REPORT FROM OH40 AND PENN$YL- GLORY! they did not have anything. They sought HOLINESS BIBLE SCHOOL LEADER RE-
A l l i a n c ~ Oihio, Jan.. 22.
What is glory? Come tell me now,
Where can I go t o And i t s hue;
the Lord and the whole family received
thaeir Pentecost,
Sister Floreace Crawford has been home

Bra. Levi R. Lupton, W h o Has a Bible

What can I do, and tell me how school at Alliance, Ohio,. Glveq
The battle ir; on alid t h e devil i s a u r d y To undextand what glory's true? from Portland t o U s Angeles for a time,
howling, but 0 horw sweet Jesus keeps me cornling by t h e way of Oalrland and Santa H i s Exparlence of Pentecost,
in the midst of i t all. W e a r e tm-route for Midst all the glory of the world, Rwa. She returned north again March 19. Sabbath, November 3Nh, was the day I
Pittsburg, Pa. Some of the Akron workers There is a glory pure and clear, She said of the work i n Portland, "I could had been looking for. For nine d a p and a
have gone and have great victories there or 'Tis neither pomp rmr power nor h r d , not describe the work in Portland. The number of nights I had been an ardexit and
near these in Homestead, Pa., a suburban But Jesus in my heart, s o dear. crowds were driven away and the doors untiring seeker, tarrying for my personal
town. W e have been ir~vitedto many of the locked when the hall was packed. They fell Pentecost, and each whiting day brought
Christian Missionary Alliance homes and H e i,&the Glory of my wul, screaming to the floor under the power d added hunger, a n d strengthened my cor;.
Mi~ions. He i s the Light of all my ways, the preaching. God honored His Word with viction t h a t I was on t'he right line, and
At Akron, Ohio, the meetings have been He i s my Life and perfect whole, signs a n d wonders. They brought many that God was well pleased with the course
going on bight and day since Dec. 5. Peo- My GIory now an'd all my days. sick an'd those possessed with demons from p u r s u ~ d . Yet, I passed through same of
ple are conling from all %round, Indiana, i a ~ and near and God healed themc the darkest conflicts with the devil that I
Michigan, Pennwlvania, and other places. No other glory will you need, "At t h e close of the last service I was had ever experienced. I t was just in the
Rev. Lupton who is in charge of t h e work Than Hilm in whom n o night can dwell; there, after the Lord had sent a wonderful act of crucifixion when the Son of God cried
h e r e is a Friends minister, a very holy, The angel's chant aud sing and plead, message through Bro. Ryan, the seekers out with all t h e power of His baing, "MY
devoted man of God. He ha6 a Missionary No othe'r glory can we tell. fell like dead m~en,sinners mere saved, be- God, my God, why hast Ynou f i r ~ a k e nm e p
Training School o r home built for the pur- lievers sanctified and baptized, and 0 how Beloved reader, when you g e i what I Bm
pose of sanding workers into t h e harvest, Yes, Jesus is my Glory here; God did heal the sick. talking about, you will h ~ v elight on some
full-fledged Apostolic workera. T h e school Withiha, around, and all the way, "At S a n t a Rosa, a t the first meeting, Sun- things you never had b e ~ o r e , and be in
had beeri going o n for three years, and h e On' earth, in heaven, always near; day, t h e power fell before the meeting was possession of what You hitherto have never
had bein teaching more than he had really Yes, He's my Glory-joyom, lay. half through. Two neceived Pentecost a t had.
experienced. Hearing of the work a t Akron, t.he close of t h e meeting, two sanctified a n d The service t h a t night opened a t 10 a. m.
h e with eight o r ten students came, ac- Dear saints of God in whom He dwelas, two sinners saved. Five received Pentecost with from thirty to forty people present.
cepted the teaching, tarried nirie days, m d Be sure He has the r i g h t of way there. Nearly all the members of thle Bap- We soon went to prayer. I o m e more with
recefved his Pentecost. He s p e a k s in flve In all we thia~k or do o r tell, tist Church came down. Somie found they great earnestnesa, told God of my
different languages. Eight of the students I n all our heart and what w e say. had never been converted and had to begin .hunger, and how I wanted t o be filled wi&
and solme others have also received the a t the beginning and get saved and sancti- t h e Holy Ghost, and, bless heaven forever,
baptism with t h e Holy Ghost. Think nut that Glory slure is won, filed. Some of them received the baptism this time H e gave ear, a n d I soon found
Bro. Luptan makes the p~oposition that When we our selfish ways pursue, with t h e Holy Ghost."-Morerice Crawford, myself on the floor under His gracioua
we use the home here for a headquarters For Glory rests in Rim alone lTnme address, 119 E. Avc. 53, Los Angeles, power, where I remafr~ed for nine hours.
for the Middle States. I feel i t i s of God To whom all things e r e due. Ca1. At this point I a m very consious that words
and a good thing, as t h e Akroa work and ---- fail in an attempt to describe what took
this is one. They can go on s t r e e t car It is t h e lustre marks the star, A M I N N E S O T A PREACHER'S T E S T I - place. In fact, I never expect to be able to
from* one place t o the other. T h e home And h e a t and light t h e surd; tell much of what God did for me upon thia
has 1 4 rooms, I think. In t h e uppe'r room Although. in heaven above s o far. MONY.
occasion. My prayer upon this morning wax
furnished for a class room, many have re- Their glory through t h e earth doth run. h s Angelea, California, one of consecnatillg my body as I had Lever
ceived their Pentecost. The Akron paper, March 5, 19517. understood it before. Yes, my body. I
"Pexitwostal Wonders" hatst been consoli- So Love ,eternal marks our God, "Ye a r e n1,y witnesses, salth the Lord, ' took i t member by member telling God I
dated, with Bro. Lupton's paper, "The New ITnIting all His1 saints in one, (Isaiah 43: 10-12.) wanted Him to posess, to use i t as never be-
Acts. The home here is three miles out That Love, so knowri in Christ our Lord fore. H e took me a t my word and really took
of the city of Alliance, God's chosen s w t Is just the very lslame in men. When in my 21st year, I was kdeeply con-
victed of my sins, and songht and found possession. 1 then became perfectly helpless
where people can come from Cleveland, and for a aeascxn my entire b.ody became
Akron, and Oanton. One life, one heart, one mind,-the Word pardon of God, through our Savior Jesus
Christ, and I truly believed t h a t His precious cold, and I was unable to move even to the
They have a large camp ground here, Declares we here and now muat be; extent that I could not wink a n eye for a
tents and everythhg t o push out into the The Glory of all glories, heard Eloorl had been applied to my sou~l,to the
washing away of my sins. But like many short time.
great battle for God. Many a r e fighting to In Christ is perfect unity. Yet, I was perfectly conscious and restful
t h e bitter end, but God is raising up pre- others, I soon lost the bright .evidence of
-T. Hezmalhalch, m,Y acceptance with God but did not entire- in my soul a n d mind. After some three
cious workers to push the work. One young 2341 Fletcher Avc., Indianapolis, Ind. hours the power of God left my body ex-
student got through l a ~ night t in t h e base- ly bacltslide o r go gack into d n , rus I loved
ment f l x i ~ gthe furnace, putting in coal. I God's people and t001i pleasure (in attending cept in my shoulders and arms, which re-
T R A N S F O R M E D B Y T H E H O L Y GHOST. meetings, where a t times, the Lord wou-Id mained stiff d u r i t g the entire time I was
m e t him in t h e hall and he told 'how he upon the floor. After s o m s four hours had
had received the Holy Ghost in t h e cellar. bless me. Brit in the year 1881, in a prayer paased, I began to speak in other tongues.
Publishers receive the Pentecost and it nl~eeting,the Lord clearly s e t me a t liberty,
W e had a great time praising God. Transforms a Paper and Changes a The dear Lord had taken my jaws and
Cleveland, Ohio, Mar. 1.-We a r e having and established mle in the justified relation, vocal organs and moved them in His own
great victory here. Have been h e r e more Whole Movement. in which state I continued for about a year,
The position of Live Coals has been com- when t h e Lmd gloriously sanctified my soul. peculiar manner, a s was witnessed by ma1.y
than a week. T h e flre i s falling. Many of those who stood by. In the meantime
getting through. Nilie received Pentemst pletely changed. God unmistakably reveal- Since thnt time I have h a p m a n y anoint- I was made to realize a s I had never
this week. I came just for one day but God is ed to the editoral staff the unscriptural- i n g ~of the Splirit, and lilw othw holiness known anything about in t h e past, what it
holding me. ness of the views they entertained, and en- people t h o ~ ~ g hthat t I had the baptism wibh
-1vey Campbell, tire renunciation of the same took place. the Holy Ghost. So when I came to the meant to be clay in the hands of the potter,
Speaking in tongues as ari evidence of! Azusa Street Mission. I was quite certain and what others can neveT know experiment-
Address 251 College St., E. Liverpool, Oh. Pentecost was stoutly opposed and rejectel;. ally, until they a s absolutely submit them-
of three things, viz; that I already h a d re- selves to God for the same purpose.
The paper did not oppose the speaking In ceived t h e baptism with t h e Holy Ghost;
ON THE WAY T O AFRICA. tongpes as such, but to make a distinction I have well grounded reason to believe
2nd, that I could set these people right from that He ,took me and spoke through me in a
Near Las Palmtm, Africa, Jan. 4. between this and the gift of tongues sew,l- a scriptural stan,l>]?oint in regard to t h d r
ed to be a n unscriptural distindlon to ~11s- views a s to the speaking in tongues being number of' different languages. I was given
Our hearts rejoice in t h 0nLripre~;entGad tain a fanatical proposition. But when this a number of messages to people iri a personal
this morning. WE thank H3m a s never be- distinction was seen, and t h a t speak- the_Bible evidnence of having received the way, u d was permitted to interpret many
f o e . His loving presence is with us. He ing in tongues eviderxed Pentecost in every IIoly~Ghost; 3rd, I lbeldeved God wodd give t';lings which I spoke. At thls time I wish
b s prepared the way tbefora us. We be- m e d i ~ e e r n m e n tof spirits t o ltnow whether to have it well understood t h a t I was not
instance where it was given i n the BilAc, thls work was of God
hold .Him ont our right and o n our left. we all with one accord accepted that vitw seeking the gift of tongues, but the gift of
When dn the United Statw, i t did seem that On S~intlay,Feh. 10, I hail the privilege the Holy Ghost, holding myself open to ore-
we could not l a v e the hungry souls. They of and instantly fell into line with joy. Two of being seated in the midst of the assem-
those working or: t h e force have a t this ceite any of t h e promised gifts, (Cor. 12:7-
seemed to be crying out for the bread of writing received the baptism, and the bly a t Azusa Street Mission, near the 11) which He saw flt to bestow upon me,
life. In England we And the same thing. others are earnestly seeking, and i t is preacher's stand. As the meeting progress- and it pleased Him to give me the gift of
We could only touch here and there, but ed, I became convinced thnt God was there tongues. I say reverently that since thexi,
hoped Gnat they will have obtained t b ~ i r in mighty power and that Ihis is indeed the
wherever we wen~t,we found waiting souls. Pentecost ere this reaches the eye of the I can speak a t will in tongues, and yet I
As som'e dear souls said in t h e Church of reader. work of the Holy Spirit, and that this peo- hold it as a sacred trust.
Eir~gl~and~ "We have been preached to and Henceforth the paper will be unqual!fioll- ple had a n cxpelrience in the Christian life Furthermore, I wish to state that during
taught so much, but our souls a m just long- ly committed to the truth that Pentecost 13 that I had not attained to. I t was nof. s o the tilme I was under t"n power of God, I
ing to step over the line into freedom and evidenced by speaking in totgues, and will rrmch t h e spea1;ing in tongues that con- had other remarkable revelations which I
perfect love." One of their ministers said forever defend i t against all opponent's vinced m e , a s the hleavenly unction that am not now free t o relate.
"We are altogether too formal, we need same, and mill publish nothing cou:.rary 17ested upon many, as they testMed, and a s
the power d the Holy Spirit." thereto. the Holy Ghost sang through them, to t h e
edification of 0th-ers, and I wish t o confess W O R K INCREASING.
My heart w@s made t o tremble t h e other All articles, contributions and testimor.ies
d,ay wM1e talking with a brother. H e said, in harmony with this view will be publish- that bcfore the meeting closed I was hungry This work seems t o be increasing in
t h e Welch revival has gone flat; the ed, and all contrary thereto will be rejected. for Gad. The J o r d let me see clearly that power, d a p i t e all the elfforts of self-appoint-
churches heard t h e music, fdt Dhe power, It will be purely a Pentecostal organ, and He had something more for me, and that ed critics and antagonists. T h e writer ha3
reached m t , and tried 'togmft it o n t o their will be the breathing-place for all who have He wanted mle to tarry until endued with not s single doubt but that BroYner Seymour
creeds and formalism and they have lost the baptism of the Holy Ghost in Pentecos- power from on high. h a s more power with God, and more power
their power. I t mbde me think of a stmY tal reality. I conlmlenced to go down before the Lord, from God, than all hi@critics i n and out of
our dear Bishop Taylor used to tell us, All testimonies of those who do t o t have the hunger increased from day t o day and the city. H i s strength is in hisl c o ~ ~ ~ i o u s
about an old lady that wished to teach her it but a r e seeking it will be published, and was intensified so that I cried out from the weakness, and lowIlnew before God; and,
sparrow to sing like her canary bird; s o she all who have the baptism of the I-loly Ghost depths of my stolul, in the language of scrip- so long as he maintains this attitude, the
caIlaned them boW together in a cage, and may have free right to its columns from ture, "As the hart panteth after t h ~water power of God will, no doubt, continue to
iu. a few days the canary had lost all its time to time. brooks so panteth my soul after Thee, 0 flow bhrough him.
song, and could o d y chirp like the sparrow. Its name will be changed in harmony God." After about two weeks, earnestly We tremble for some of our friends, who
Let this be a s i t may with t h e Welch re- with its change of position, and will be soeking a t the altar and in secret prayer, claim that God hasl revealed t o them, that
vival, k t the dear ones a t Azusa street, take called Tfle Apostolic Evangel, with other means a s thle Holy Spirit led, "this whole work i s of the devil."
warning, keep under the Blood, keep to the The paper will be kept free from all ad- on Feb. 25, t h e Lord baptlized me with the We can not, dogmatically amrm that
Wripturre, and let the Ood of love bcuise vertisements, as heretofore. We propose Holy Ghost and fire, and spoke through me these p e r s w s have not received a revela-
Satan under your feet. Praise His Name, to issue a clean paper o r rione. in an unknown tongue a s t h e Spirit gave tion; but w e a r e perfectly sure that such
we a r e moue than conquors through Him We desire all who have Pentecost to pray utterance, ( t h e Bible evidence of thle bap- a revelation wad not trom God. The Al-
who loved us, and gave Himself for us. that it may be a Pentecostal organ indeed, tism of t h e Holy Ghost,) Acts 2 : 4 ; Mark mighty doth not pull down with one hand,
The g&nesls d God has been manifested and do all you can t o make i t so.-Apostolic 16: 1 7 ; Acts 10: 45, 46; 19:6. what H e buildeth up wit"nhe other. Satan
in so many ways to us while this great Evangel, Royston, Ga. Some may ask t h e qnestion, Plrhiat have is not in the rescue work; nor does h e lead
ship Is plowing its way through t h e briny you more than yon had before y6u received his followers t o magnify tlhe atoning Mood
deep. He has given us a Little corner in the PENTECOST I N T H E NORTH. your Pentecost? I have far greater liberty of Christ, nor fill people with a desrire atd
exbreme front of t h e ohlp on the upper The last report f r o m Portland, Oregon, and Divine unction on m e i n dealing with a passion f o r saving souls. We have never
dock, v h w e a few of us meet together for was that eighty people had received the souls, and there has come into my life a n known Christ more magnified than in Azusa
t h e stfidy of t'he Word and prayer. This i s Pentecost and were speaking in tongues. overflow of love and joy writh a deep settled Mission. To aacribe thls *work t o Satan, svp
a wbn~derfull spot. There is a goodness in Many sinners have been saved there. Many peace plantled in the depths of my soul, a pears t o us t o !be very much like ascribing
God's mercy like t h e wideeness of t h e sea, young men were saved, but the old were son~~ethtingthat is inexpressable and inde- t h e work of Cbrist, done, in power of the
After praJller tMcs morning as I stood upon saved a s well. One man of seventy-one scribable. To God the Father; Son and Spirit, t o Beelzebub. We treanble for all
this extreme en4d of the boat looking east, years, a drunkard, cam4e to the meeting. He Holy Ghost be all t h e praise and glory for those who have made any such rash decis-
west, north and south, and saw this placid ever.-IT. L. Blake, Ruthton. Minn. ion. May God in his great mercy hdp
said that night it seemed a sheet was let them t o reverse such decision, and g e t to
water, with not a iwme to disturb its peace- down befare him, filled with beautiful roses
ful bosom, it seemed a s though we were and a voice said to him, "Go back to that the place where h e can give them bhe
Holy quietness does not mean to hold equivalent of what He is giving many in
standing in the mddst of one i,mmense mission and you may havie one of these your mouth shut. and not pralse God.' I t ADUW Street Missdon.-A.
circle, water a s far as the eye could reach r0se.s." He went back and got saved and S. W ~ r r e l l in
tmeans t h a t t h e S~pirithushes all the flesh. Gospel Witnew.
in every direction, and yet He holdeth the sanctified and baptized with the Holy Ghost. The Lord is in His holy temple and let a11
waves in the hollow af his hand, and this From 75 to 150 seekers were a t the altar flesh 'be silent before S i m . This quietness
great God is love, and even the hairs of our every night, and after the altar call, t h e wilI let t h e Spirit speak out i n praises and After The Blood conquer2 all t h e forces of hell.
head e r e numrbered, and not a s~parrow audience was dismissed. The r e p o ~ t e r s shouts a n d song. I t 1s holy q u i e t ~ e s sin on ourwesoula, get t h e power of Ithe Holy Ghost
falleth to the ground without His notice, wanted t o stay, h u t of course could not. heaven, when th13 praise is like the v d c e much, because wteh eneed t h e Blood j u d as
brings life and
and H e knoweth us all by name. they gct a young man t o go up t o the of ''many waters" and "mighty thunder- sweetr.ess. As, long Blood
W b believe that our coming t o Africa will So altar and feign to he a seeker, so a s to h e a r ing~." (Rev, 19:6.) W e want this ho!y quiet- as we live under the
be blest t o oth,ers. of the proceedings from him. He came and ness all t h e time, SK) we will get used t o Blood, we will h a v e life a n d be preserved
W e love You all and you are much in our knelt. with a battle of -whiskey in his pocklet, heaven before we get tllsna. a n d t h e very sweetnerra of heaven will be
Prayers. We ask you a11 t o ,pray for US that and the result was he. got saved and did -- sprinkled upon us, but the moment we get
We be f d t h f u l and humble unto death. from under, t h e Blood, w e will be a diflerent
not hunt up the reporters. H e had wronged When w e ai= sanctified, we have the Person altoip3the~. You can tell when peo-
W e expect to see many of YOU from a man out of $20. H e went out on t h e s t r w t Holy Spirit witneasing t h a t C h r i ~ t i s ple are living wider t h e Blood. There ila
Azusa stneet in our fleld of labor. May the and fortnd him and brought him into t h e
God of peace keep you all unto his appear- mission. The man w a s so interested he crowned and enthroned within. We have sweetness, quietnem, joy, happinew, reat,
ing.--Same1 J. Mead, Lincoln station, c a - did not want to go home. He and his peo- Him b r i ~ g i n gforth the fruits of the Spirit; a n d all the fruits of the Spirit, but leave
cande. Benguella, Africa. h t watm we a r e baptized with the Holy t h e Blood out. and t h e works of t h e flesh &re
ple were professed C h r i s t 3 . a ~' but found G h d , He comes i n with His gifts. sure to r n a n l f d themselves.
T E S T l M O N l E S O F HEALING. spirits t o cast them out a n d to heal all S I G N S O F HIS COMING. tine, where they a r e now going by thou-
"Ae I opened your letter and read it, manner of sickness a n d all manner of d i s sands, and may soon become a nation again.
there was such a wave of glory flooded my ease," in the name of Jesus of Nazareth, T h e ques6ion has been asked, How d o W
know as to t h e m a coming of the Lord, They have the m a n s to purchase Palestine
soul. As I laid t*ae handkerchief on my these things should b e dorie. W e read in a n d are making all preparations to rebuild
forehead, I received such a clear witneee the 6th verde of the s a m e chapter, "And and what a r e the signs of His coming?
We read in Matthew 24 where the disci- t h e tem~plea t J e r u a a l m ~ Also Qod I s mak-
that the work w a s done, also my husband aa ye go preach, saying T h e kingdom of ing their land which was cursed, t o bloe-
got t h e witnea. 0 how I praise God for heaven is a t hand; heal t*ne sick; cleanse ples m k e d Jesus, " m a t shall be the sign
of Thy coming and of the end of the world?" som as the rose a n d bring forth frult abund-
the great Physician that can cure all man- the lepers; raise the dead, cast out devils; antly. The rainfall h a s been restored to
freely y e have received, freely give." And J e s u s said, "Take heed that n o man
ner of dckr;ew."-Viney McNall, Mt. Re- deceive you, for many shall come in My th.at m n t r y , and i t has become very pro-
pose, Ohio. Dear becloved, we must obey God. W e name, saying, 'I a m Ohrist'; and shall de- ductive. So we a r e living in the days when
"Received tbe h'andkerchief all right, and And that t h e apostles taugat and preached ceive many. And ye shall hear of wars and t h e fig tree shoots forth, and Jesus told u s
God sent two distinot waves of power over the whole doctrine of our Lord and Savior rumors of wars. See that ye be not troubled, w e should know by t h i s that t h e kingdom
u.. T h e lbdy had been' recovering far Jesus Christ. We read in Acts 9, 33, "And for all the8e things must come t o pass; but of God i s nLgh at hand. "Heaven and earth
some time and was 'nelped by the laying on Peter found a certain man named Aerieas the end i s not yet. For nation shall rise shall pas@ away, but My Word shall: not
of t h e handk,erchief. All glory be t o God which had kept h i s be eight years, and against nation and kingdom against king- pass away."
who do= the work. She h a s taken no medi- was sick of a palsy. And Peter said unto Another proof we flnd in t h e times of re-
cine, but i s heaned by faith. Hallelujah!"- dom; a n d there shall be famines and pesti-
him, 'Jesus Ghriat maketh thee whole. Rise lences and eartlhquakes in divers places. freshing we are now having from the pres-
S. A., Morrisburg, Ont. and make thy bed.' And h e arose immedi- All these a r e the heginning of sorrows." ence of t h e Lord. "Repent ye therefore,
A woman in Santa Cruz was walking ately. And all that dwelt a t Lydda and These things first must come upon all na- and be converted, that your $ins may be
along the s t r e e t with package8 of drugs in Saran slaw him and turned unto the Lord." tionls, They surely are t h e true sigms of blotted out, when t h e times of refreshing
her handa, which s h e 'aad just purchased Praise our God. shall come from t h e presence of the Lord;
a t the drug store, when she +passed by the the coming of OUT Lord Jesus. Praise Hds
Dear beloved, J e s w i s t k e same yester- holy name! And H e shall send Jesus Christ, wWch b e
Apostolic Faith meeting and something said fore was pneaohsd unto you;' whum the
to her, "Go into t h a t little mission and you day, today and forever. Ow the 18th of this "Then &all they deliver you up to be
mont'h, there was a woman healed in the afflicted, and shall kill you; ye shall be heaven must receive until the times of res-
will be healed." They were prayir,g for the titution of all things, which God hath spoken
d c k . This stater b a d been greatly afflicted upper room of t h e Azusa Mission that was hated of all nations for My name's sake.
paralyzed in her whole right side. She And then shall many b e offended, and shall by t h e m\outh of all His h d y prophets since
with rheumatism, but was instantly healed. betray one another and shall hat^ o n e an- t h e world began." Acts 3:19. W e thank
She waa sanctified, and ie seeking the could not move' her hand o r foot. But in God for t h e refreshisg times, t h e times of
baptism. flve o r t e n minutes after prayers w e r e of- other. And many false prophets shall rise,
fered for her, w e asked h e r t o rise! and sn~d shall deceive many. And hecause in- restitution, w h e n ' God its restoring the
"Dear ones in CJhrist:-I write t o tell you church back to light and power and glory,
that God healed me before the handkemhief walk, and the power of God w m t through iquity s h f l abound, the love of many shaW
"aer and s h e arose and walked. Now s h e wax cold How true that is. We flnd be- and she i s becoming a burning and shining
got back to me. 0 praise His dear name light to this world again.
forever."-Mrs. A. L. Werhan$ Box 175, La- caw walk just as well as: ever and use h e r cause oE iniquity, men and women gradu-
hand. Praise God! Hallelujah! ally lose their flmt love; next they fall Bro. James says, "Be ye patient therefore,
mont, Okla. brethren, unto the coming of t h e Lord. Be-
A sister in Mimeapolis was going to the "Now there was a t Joppa a certain disci- away; third, they orucify Chdst, and fourth,
thley put Him to an open shame. 0 m y hold the husbandman d t e t h for the prec-
hospital t o have a n operation performed ple named Tabitha, which by interpretation ious fruit of tlm mbh, and hath long pa-
whim would cost $60. S h e s a y s t h e Lord God help u s t o see that {we a r e living in
i s called Dorcas. This woman wart full of the fulfillment of the signs of the time. But tience for it, until ye receive tho early nqd
spoke t o her and told her if she would aend good works and alma deeds which 'she did. latter rain," Jas. 5:7. The early rain that
that money t o Azusa Mission, He would heal And i t came to pass I n those days t h a t s h e he t h a t shall endure unto the and, the same
shall be saved. God sent was o n the lday of Pentecost, in
her. She did EUO, asking that i t might be was sick and died. Whom when they had t h e early mprning of t h e apostolic age,
used t o send a Holy Ghost baptized worker J w u s w ~ m ton t a say, "And this Gospel
washed, 'they laid h e r in a n upper chamber. of-tihe kingdom &hall be prea4hed in all the which is the outpowring of t h e Spirit. And
there, and the Lord healed her. Thank And forarymuch a s Lydda w a s nigh to Joppa, in these last days, He i s sending t h e re-
God for the g r a t IYhyslcian. S h e writera world for rt witness unto all nations, and
and the disciples had heard that Peter was then shall t h e end comle." H e also said, in freshing times, the Iatter rain, another
eince theail, "The Lord has baptized me with there, they aerh unto him two men, desiring Pentecost. B b s s Hi%holy name!
the Holy Ghost and with unknown tongues. that h e would not delay t o come to them. Luke 21:28, "Wlhen these things begin t o
come t o pass, then look up and lift up you: In Palestine, in order to rdae crops, they
I saw God with a crown on His head and And Peter area and went with them. needed two rains. Wlhen tbe ground was
cloven tongues of Are came on me, and I got heads, for your redemption draweth nigh.
When h e was come, they brought "aim into So when we see these things corning t o b'roken and the grain w a s planted, God sent
under the power of Gad."-Mrs. Fermm, the upper chamber; and all the widows the early rain that the mop might grow.
320 Cedar Ave., So., Minneapolis, Minn, etood by him weeping (crying) and show- pass: wars and rumms of wars, nation ris-
ing against nation, famines, pestilences, H e also s e n t the latter rain t o 'bring i t into
"We are rejoicing today over Vne clear ing the coat^ and garments which Dorcas and earthquakes, we know t h a t they are perfection, that i t might be ready for har-
demonstration of our God's Dower. Just had made while she was with them." signs of His coming. vest. And now H e is pouring out the latter
two weeks ago today, we were called t c See this body of saints standing aroutld We also read in Daniel 12:4, that in the rqin upon the church, the baptism with the
pray for a lady here who had been hope- the corpse, weeping because their loved one last days, "Many shall run to fnd fro and Holy Ghost and a r e . We a r e receiving the
lessly inaane for two months past. She was had departed. But 0 to see their faith 'so knowledge &all be i n c r e ~ d . We flnd Pentecost, speaking i n tongues a~ Lshe Spirit
to be taken to the .Asylum a t Stockton on perfected in the Gospel t h a t they believed now a sph-it of restlessness among the na- gives utterance, and t h e wonders and signs
Monday, February 11th. but prayer was that. Peter had t h e gift of faith even1 to do tions a n d among the people everywhwe. a r e still following. Praise our Go&! Be ye
offered, hands laid ori and our blessed God the same work that his Master did a t the Running to and fro on railroad train6 a n d also patient, b r e t h r m , stablish your hearts,
healed her. When the authorities came grave of Lazarus. 0 dear saints, w e have on shim. movins from one lace to another. for the coming of the Lord draweth nigh.
with the doctors t o t a k a her away, the in- s o much in this precious Gospel-not only Alao we' see thRI wonderfhl-discoveries and
wine spirit had gone out. She was clothed is there power toesave from sin, power to inventions, t h e electric cars harnessed t o T H E R E I S SOMETHING IN THIS FOR
in her right mind. Praise God. The work heal our bodies, and! power t o baptizel us electricity and running with great speed, t h e JESUS.
waa done before w e got through praying. with the Holy Ghost, but it h a s power to telegraph, trekphone, and wireless tdegrrt- As a holiness preacher, I believed ae I
She told me today that the Arst she knew raise ti% from tbe dead. Glory to Gad! phy, by which messages a r e carried a t 1ig;ht- interpreted the Scriptures, that I had been
sbe was @ick was t o ffnd my wife and my- When Mertha met Jesus and said unto Him, ning speed all over the world. baptized with t h e Holy Ghoat. But I found
self proying far her. 0,' said she, 'such a "If thou hadat beeu here, my brother had In Nahum, 2 : 3-4, we read of the day of through the hearing of the Word and
load was lifted from my heart. I t seemed not died," (Jno. 11: 22.) he e x p r m s d her His preparation: "The chariots shall be searching of the Scriptures f a a t I had ac-
to?ne that something was there crushinlg faith in these words, "But I know t h a t even with flaming twdms, in the #day of His cepted sanctification and the anoiritlng of
my very life o u t of me, but your prayers now, whatsoever thou wilt ask of God, God preparatioa, 2nd the fir trees shall b e ter- the Spirit a s t h e baptlsm with t h e Holy
lifted the load arid i t was gone and has will give it thee." When Jesus s a w her ribly shaken. The chariots %hall rage in Ghost. And being brought to Los Angeles,
never returned'. 0, praise God forever." faith, after she had spoken these words, He the streeta, they shall jostle one against Cal., by s m y ~ t e r i o u s pmvidence by the
Wm. Davis, Sacramento, Cal. sald unto her, "Thy brother shall rise another in the broad ways; they shall seem hand of the Lord, I fell in the midet of
"I want all of you to know how the Lord again." So these precious widowe that Ilke torches, they shall run like lightnings." God's people a t Asusa Street Mission. I
has cured me of a n incurable disease of stood by Dorcas' body had the same faith In these days, we have trains running from s a w the real and I saw the counterfeit, the
about eight years' standjng, and mlide me perfected in them. A s Peter had been with 60 to 90 miles an hour, and as they pass, wheat and chaff. I *said to the Lord, I do
perfesctly whole. Glary to God! He also trhe Lord Jesus in t h e great healing meek they shake the very ground, azd the trees r a t see any glory in this for You. And a
gave me a discernmknt of spirits, till I ings ard even i n tho homeis where H e had even, bow to the trains as they pass. Also voice came back to me saying, as long a s
could see the epileptic demons, demons that raided the d c . 4 , they believed and had the we Eee Nahum's prophecy fulfllled in the you continue to see the lack in others, I
had W n tormenting me s o long. The U r d f a i t h t h a t Dorcas would be raided Prom theautomobiles which ane seen in all our cities. cannot show you your lack. Then I took
sent Sister Kennison from Redlands over dead. Praise our God! For they believed They a r e the chariots that rage in the m y Bible and went alone with the Lord, for
to pray for me, and she came and we fasted the commission that the* Lord J e w s had streets and jostle one against another in I was sick of myself and did n o t want to
and prayed for about four days. We had a g i v e n , "Iieal thr sirk, raise the dead, cleanse
the broad ways. They run with bright hear the voice of aryone else but Jesus.
11ard flght with the devil, but thank the t!lr It~pr~rs."And t~heytaught and practiced lights "like torches" a t night, and with'the And altter staying with Him all night, I
Lord, we a t last got glorious victory. The everylhing to the letter. power of electricity which is that of "light- came into the meetings the next day and
Lord also healed my eyes after wearing Dpar loved ones, we must come up to the nings." S a we see the prophecy written listened to the testimonies according to the
glnsses for over four years, and I And no standard. May we not stop, but may w e go thousands of yeare ago by the prophet is Scniptures that I had read, and t o those
use for tbern any more. Praise the b r d ! on to perfection, until w e do reach the stand- now fulfilled, and it tells us tbat this is who %ere speaking in tongues. T h e voice of
ard of the faith that was o ~ c edelivered t h e day of His preparation. May God help the Lord said to me, "There ie something in
I hqve h e n prayed for many a time b o f o ~ , this for Jesus." I answered back, Well, l o r d
"bt i t alway,~came back. I did not believe unto the saint%. The Gospel i s the power u s to w e that the comiing of our Lord draw-
of God u n t o salvation t o e'vecy one that eth nigh. if there is aaytbing in It for Jeaus, I want
in this Pentecostal experienoe and fought all that is in It, for my life is of n o pleasure
against it, but just as soon as I sought and believelh it. Praise our God! Hallelujah! Jesus also gave us a sign of His corning
in t h e parable of the fig tree, Luke 21:29-32, to me save for His glory, When I did
lcund it, I had t h e w .pray with me and was that, I rose up and went to the altar, and
healed. Nnw I am just n a i ~ i n gon the Lord "Behold the flg tree and all t h e trees; when
There is nothing sweeter, higher o r holier they n o v shoot fwth, ye see and know of humbled myself a t the f e d of thoee whom
and expecting Him to lead me. On land or the
m a , no matter where, Where Jesus is, 'tis in this worlad thau sanctification. T h e bap- vour own selves bhat simmer is now nigh .. .Lord seemd to have so mircuhusly dealt
heaven t,here."--Margaret Gill, 822 W. Wal- tism with the( Holy Ghost is the gift of i t hand. iSo likredse, when ye see the&
,power upon the sanctified soul, giving powe: things come to pass, know ye that the king- And when I 'nad given up my mind and
nu', St., Santa An's, Cal. t o preach the Gospel of Chriat and p m e r all I thought I knew about sanctiflcaticm and
dom of Got is nigh a t hand. Verily, I say the baptism with the Holy Ghoslt, the Holy
to g o to the stake. It seals you u n t o the unto you, This generation shall not pass
day of redemption, that you may be ready till all be fulfilled."' Jesus, in speaking Spirit marvelously manifested Christ t o
Jesus still heal8 today. We read in James to meet the Lord Jesus a t midnight o r any m e as I had never experienced before. In
5. 13, the duty of every sick child of God In of t h e fig tree putting lorth it.s bud. is speak- this peculiar manifestation, I found myseif
time, because you have oil i n your vesser ing concerning the Jews, for they w e ~ w
the body of Christ. Let us read His Word: with your lamp. You a r e partaker of the singing, "The Comforter has come" h un-
"Ie any among you afflicted, let him pray." God's fig tree that was planted in His vine- known tongues. Then Christ was manifest-
Holy Ghost in t h e Pentecostal baptism,
Praise God! Jesus said, "Men ought always just a s you were partaker of the h r d Jesus yard. W e read in Mar. 11, "And seeing a ed to me on t h e cross; after which He car-
to pray and not t o faint." But many prec- Chriat in sanctification. You become par- fig t r e e afar off having leaves, He came, if ried m e agairi' t o the Scriptures to conflm
ious children of God today, instead of pray- taker of the e t e n a l Spirit of God i n the haply H e might And anything thereon. And in me t'ke witness of the Holy Ghoat, Mark
ing, commeLce grieving. But God's word when H e came to it, H e found nothing but 16.16, 17. The Spirit showed me t h a t the
baptism with the Holy Ghost. Jesus was a leaves; for the time of figs was not y e t
=ye, "Let him pray." And if w e obey Hie God before He received t h e baptiam, sancti- And Bible is the mind of God. We had written
Word, H e will heal us. We read in Ps. 107. fled and sent into the world, but yet He Jesus answered and said, "No man eat His thoughts a n d left them upon record, and
20, "He sent H i s Word and healed them,; could not go on His great mission, fighting ftuit of thee hereafter forever." This curs- we should not tMnk contrary to Hls
and delivemd them from their distresses. ing of t h e fig tree was a type of the rejec- thoughts. 1 a.ccepted it, and knew that the
a m i n s t the combined forces of hell, u ~ t i 1
We read again i ~ Prov. ' 4. 20, "My son, at- H e received the b a p t i ~ r nwith t h e Holy tion of t h e Jews, because they rejected tongue in which I spoke w q t h e evideuce
tend t o my,,words, incline thine e a r urLtO Ghost. If He needed it, how much more w e Christ. S o they were to bring forth no of the baptism with the Holy Ghost. Acts.
my sayings. Jesrusl is speaking through a s His servants ought t o g e t the same fruit until the Gentile age .should be ful- 2. 4; 10. 46; I O r . 12.10.-J. Jeter, Home.
t h e power of t h e Holy Ghost through Bw. thing. filled. W e &re living now in t h e closing of address 310.1 Wolf St., Little Rock, Ark.
Solomani to every believer t o keep His the Gentile age. The Jews shall again
precious Word. "Let them not depart from bring forth fruit as God's people, His fig The real Pentecost that has been hidden-
thine eyes, keep tPnem ~ I I the
J midst of thine "And the very God of peace sanctify you tree. W e a n see now the signs d t h e bud- for all these centuries, t h e Lord is givlng
heart; for they a r e life unto those that And wholly, and I pray God- your w~hole spirit d h g of t h e fig tree. Jesus saM, in Matt. back to earth through some real humble
them and health t o all their flesh," ( m e and soul and body be preserved blameless 24, "Now learn a parable of the flg tree. people that h a v e LO better sense than t o
margin says medicit'e.) unto t h e comicg of the Lord." The Spirit When his branch Qsyet tender and putteth believe God. But many are like Nicodemus
We read i n Elx. $6. 26, "1 a m t h e T m d has prayed for us t h a t w e might have sanc- forth leaves, ye know that summer is aigh. mying, "How can these things be?" But
t h a t hmleth thee." Jesus said in John tified bodies, so w e should expect to have S o likewise; ye, when y e shall see all these you cannot reason it out, you must believe
3.14, '!And a s Mwaes lifted up t h e serpent pure bodies until Jesue comes, t h a t t h e things, know that i t is near even a t t h e God. Man i s b o m with hia back toward
in the, wildernless, even slo mu& the Son of holiness of God might b e flowing o u t of u s doors," t h a t is, know bhat His corning is God, and t h e only way to get right is t o b e
Man be lifted up; t h a t whosoever beliwertch more perfectly than ever before. If Christ's near. We find that t h e Jews, of whom H e born of t h e Spirit through t h e Blood of
ini Him should riot peris% but have eternal bride, Hie body, were a mass of disease, was speaking, ahouJd bud out again, and Calvary. Then after w e a r e s&~ctifledand
life!' i t would look a s if H e had gone out of w M n they commenced t o bud, i t would be made pure, F a t h e r has not only t h e iruits
Dear beloved, w e see in receiving the business and w e would have t o g e t t h e doc- a sign of H i s caning. of t h e Spirit b u t some precious gifts-, p r w
word^ of J e m s , it bring& n o t only life t o tors t o help Him out. Bat w e do n o t need He s a y s i n Luke 21: 32, "Verily I s a y unto ents for us. Many do not know that Fathe:
our souls and spirits but to these physkcal a doctor to Paelp Christ heal His body. W e you, This generation shall not pass away, has gifts for H i @people. Thay are selling
bodies. For H i s words a r e medicine t o olw have just as much right t o honor t h e stripes till all these things be fulfllled!' What gen- out thelr birthright. Now when t h e ]Lord
b l i e ~ cthrough faikh, "Praise God!" W(J of Jesus a s we hava t o honor His Blood on eration? The Jews. W e flnd that they did comw in and ~ a n c t i f i wus, H e breathes into
flnd all t h e aposMes believed. In healing ' !! the crosa "With H i s stripes y e a r e healed." not r u n out. They are the lea& mjxied p e e us a faith t h a t b e a t s t h e devil. "This ia
t h e body a n d practiced it, for t h a t was a This is a blessed +salvation t h a t gives u s a ple upon t h e face of the earth. They have the vlctorg, t h a t . overcometh the world, even
Part of their commiwion, "Teaching them body pure from disease, t h a t we may be a not passed away as a distinct people, a n d your faith. If ycu have this faith, yon c a n
t o aaerve all things gnatsoever I have perfect monument of His truth and witnesar shall not pass till all t h e w things be ful- claim every promise of God, every foot of
commanded you. W e read i n Matt. 10, 1, t o t h e healing and aanctiflcation of our body, MIed. His promises a r e true and sure. land in C'hrist Jesus. May God help u s to
"And when He 'had called unto Him Hf;a d i ~ - soul, and spirit. Oh Me Blessed atonement Hallelujah! We see t h e @&n8 of new life eontend f o r every foot of land, every height
cblee, He gave them power against unclean brings .so much with it. i n them, in their gathering Back t o Palea- and depth in Hia love.
6ha A'Postolic Faith ,
THE BAPTISM WITH THE HOLY GHOST. cause we did not accept It. Then I felt I WHAT THE PENTECOST DID FOR ONE and srInging In tongues. Upwards of half
Dear one in ChrIst who are seeking the had gone to the end of myself. I had the FAMILY. an hour my language was taken !from me
baptism with the Holy Ghost: do not seek care of a pastor over many fiocks faT and Eight y.ears ago, I was shown that there and God used me as He SIlIW' fit.
for tongues but for the promIse of the near and yet was so hungry and thirsty. was more than justification and sanctifica- More than that, since I came here the
Fa.ther, IUld pray for the baptism with the The Lord showed me the humlllty of Jesus. tion for us; there was a power the disciples Lord took my little gl.rl, just eleven years
Holy Ghost, and God wlll throw In .the How He came and presented Hlm8elf for had that I must have. Being placed In the 01<1, saved. sanctified, and :baptized her With
tongues according to Acts 2. 4. baptism with the rest. I saw that I should position I was, as sUP'9rintendent of' home the Holy GhQst and she is now Spea.k1ng In
We read in Acts 1. 4, 5, "And beill:g aal- r~ot be above my Master. If He needed the and foreign missiOns In Winnipeg, Canada, a six or seven different lan.guagteS, two 01
sembled together with th~m, commanded Holy Ghost, I needed it to do the will of City of a hundred thousand, I certainly oflelt which have been in,terpreted, Spanish and
them that they should not depart from God, and Jesus would glve me a better con- my lack of power. I was caJ.led of God to Latin. The other day while she gave her
Jerusalem, but wait for the promise of the solation to my own heal'lt. giove up my business, worth at lea:st fiv'e or testimony in the Azusa MI,sslon, the ,8(pLrLt
Father, which, s:aith He, ye have 'heard of In order to Wosen my hands from every- sIx thousand a year to me. The Lord had spoke th'rongh her in a plain, distinct Latin
me. For John truly baptized wlth water; thing, f1le Lord showed me how Moses was for 'IDle more than I then pos'sessed; I got tongue. At the same time, she raised her
but ye shall be baptized with the Holy GhOM concerned about Jethro'',;!. sheep in the des- to too point where I must have all God had hand and pOinted with her finger straight
not many days hence." ert. He saw the bush of fire and God got for me'. at a stranger, and called him by his own
This promise of the Father was preached His attention and got him on the ground JOost as I decided to take charge of a name, and told him; to go downstairs Ln the
unto the disciple;:; by John the Baptist. And where he could speak to Him. He 'Showed church and circuit offered me, the Lord h'l.g meeting and ten his eXIPerience, and go
Jesus reminded the disciples about tilis me how the disciples' forsook th,eir nets, tlpoke to me and, said, "You mu'St go to Los out and preach the Gos.pel of Christ. Now
baptism that JohTl' had preached to them in and even when they had received their this was an educated man whQ had ,been
life. In England we find the same thing. commission, He stopped them to tarry at Angeles and tame all' your family," After-
waord He spoke to my dear wife and said, preaching Infidelity for 19 years and had
Math. 3. 11. John, after warning the Jews Jerusalem ·t'hat they might il'eceive the ,spoken to as many IliS 7,600 people in one
and Pharisees again.st sin and hypocrisy, promise. "Get ready and go with your husbaoo."
Just before leaving for Los Angeles on the m~etlng, who had J)8.oid 5() cents each to hear
preached the doctrine of the bapti,;m with I had a great desire i,n. my heart to come
the Holy Ghost. He said first, "Bring forth to Los Angelec;. I had preached the Pente- train, a friend passed IDle a copy at the Mm. He was simply all broken up and
therefore, fruits meet for repentence." God cost to my people and they were hungry Apostolic Faith. I was much interested and went downstairs, taking the child with him
is ser.'ding our His preciouB ministers to for it. When I came, it was not strange was determined to see for myself, but with He told his story, saying, "Thlos cMld preac'h:
preach repentance to t'he people and turn to me for the Lord had 'Showed it to me i~ the thought that tMs speaking in tongues ed to me, and of all the sermons I ever
them from thelr sins and cause them to a vision. I went to the altar and the Lord w,as' of the devil and I was going to do all heard this 'Was the most powerful." He 'de-
make reatitution according to their ability, put a parable before me, If you were going In my power to stamp it out. After a trip clared he 'Was willing to go and pnea.ch
and to have faith in the Lord Jesus Christ to marry, would you be sad? I said, no, of nearly 3500 rone"!, we arrived in Los An>. Jesus, got down on h.ls knees and began to
and be saved. Glory to God! when I was going to be married, I was glad. geIes on ,Sunday morning, Nov. 29. I left seek Gad.
Aul then they must get sanctified through He then showed me this was wedlock to 'IDyfamily at a hotel and proceeded with Yet 'people wlll say, "What Ls the use of
the precious Blood of Jesus Christ, for He Christ. If there was anyti:J.ing imperfect my son on a search for Azusa Mission. Af· the tongue?" This is one insance. I have
says in John 17. 14·19, "I pray not that Thou about me, He would make it right and ter I was there a short time, a lady got attended those meetings for 1l!early three
should.s.t keep them from fhe evil. They are marry me anyway. Then my faith was ',;;et- up and testified, and the power ot God feU m()nths, and during that time there has been
not of the world, -even as I am not of the tled and laid firmly hold on the promise. On her and she began to tremble. I had scarcely a day that something has not hap-
world. Sanctify them through Thy truth; As I arose from the altar and took my seen enough of God's work in my experience pened through inte1'lPretation of tongues or
Thy Word Is truth. As Thou haSl!; s'ent Me seat, I fixed my eyes on Jesus, and the to know when He was working. I at once someone being p.resent who understood
into the world, even so have I also sent Holy Ghost took charge of me. I surren· left my seat, and went oV'er and stood be- what had Qeen said, which brought convic.
them in.to the world. And for their sakes 1 dered perfeotly to Him and consented to ,side her. Of course I showed myself as a tlon on someone and started them to seek-
sanctify Myself, that they alao migilt be Him. Then I began singing a song in UL" S'J)y. bUit did not mind that, as I had prom- ing GOd. ,
sanctified through th'e truth." God wants known tongues, and It was the sweetec;t Ised several of God's people Ibefore lea,vlng Still moO I'€ , the Lord has taken hold of
His people to be sanctified, because lHe says thing -to have Him sing that song through Manitoba that I would make a re"port of this my eld,est boy, sixtEen years of age, who
again in Heb. 13. 12. "Wherefore Jesus also me. He had complete c1large of me. I let work and let them know If it was of God was a way,ward boy and was fighting hard
that He might sanctify the people with Hia Him have my mouth ar.:d everything.' Af- or the devil. Well, gJory to God, after this against the evidence of tongues; sav!9'd him,
own, Blood, suffered without the gate. Let ter that it seemed I was standing at the sister trembled for a few minutes, she start- sanctified him and baptized him with the
us go forth nherfore unto Him without the cross and heard Him as He groaned, the ed to speak in an unknown tongue to me, Holy Ghost, and spok,e through him in un-
camp, bearing His reproach." dying groans of Jesus, and' I g,roaned. It and to my surprise, after Bh~ ha.i uttered Imown tongues, and called him to preacl1
Then Jesus taught t'he disciples to tarry at was not my voice but the voice of my Be· a 'lew sentences, she spoke in English, giv· the Gospel. Glory to GOd;. Thanks be to
Jerusalem. They obeyed Him ar..d waited loved that I heard in me. When, He 'got ing the interpretation of what she said. lfls holy name ,for what He has done tor me
for the promise of the Father. "And when through with that, He started the 'alnglng And the Spirit at once changed her tongue and miY family since I came down here. I
the day of Pentecost was fully come, they agaiIl! in unknown tong,ues. When the sing- back again to the unknown tongue. Thus rlo not know how to praise Him enough.-
were all with one accord in one place. And ing stopped I felt t'b.at complete ,death, it she spoke and translated quite a while. R. J. Scott, Supt. Home and Foreign Mis-
suddenly there came a 'aound from heaven was my llfe going out, but it was a complete Glory to God for the convincing power. sions, Winnipeg.
as of a rushing, mighty wind, and it filled all death to me. When He ,had finished this, My son and I then left the room, and as
the house wh~re they were sitting. And I let Him hold my hands up, and they rest- we went out he said, "Well, papa, what do A HOLINESS PREACHER WHO RE.
there appeared unto them cloven tongues 'ed just as easily up as down. Then He you think of it?" I said, "I do not know, CEIVED PENTECOST.
like as ot fire, and it sat upon eac'h ot them. turned on the joy of it. He began to lift but this I do know, the power ia In that
An·d they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, me up. I was paSGive In His hands, I was 'Place and God's S'pirlt had hold of that 422 Citizen's NatioL'al Bank mdg.,
and began to speak with other tOL'gues, as uot going to do a thing. I could hear the woma.n." LOB Angele'a, Cal.
the Spirit gave them utterance." Acts 2, 1-4. people but did illOt let anything bother me. My wife and I aUend'ed the meetings and I know whe.n I really repented of my sins
Wind ia always typical of the Spirit or of rt came to me, "I charge thee, 0 daughters it was not long tlll we got real hungry for and turned away from them that God did
Iif.e. "And it filled all the house where they ,of Jerusalem, t'hat ye stir not up nor awake the glorious gift that God bas for us, His for e'hrlst's s,ake forgive me. He gave me
were sitting." The rivers of salvation had my Beloved until He please." S. S. 8, 4. people. Now, as there Is quite a bit of the blessed eVidence that the work was
come and had filled the whole place, and He lifted me to my feet and then the light Scotch in me, I must be thoroughly con- done. "We know that we have passed
they all wel'e Immersd or baptized in the -of heaven fell upon me and burst into me vinced before I will give in. Knowing part from death unto life because we love the
Holy Spirit. Praise God! filling me. TheIi' God took charge of my of dilfferent Indian languages and trading brethren," and "If any mau' be In Chriat
"And t'here appeared unto them cloven tongue and I went to p'reaching in tongues. dla1t9Cts uSI€d throughout Canada, I said, Jesus he li:l a new c,reature: old things are
tongues like as of fire." Beloved, when we I could not change my tongue. The glory "Now God, If you want to convi.nce me that passed away; beoold, all things are become
receive the baptism with the Holy Ghost and ,of God filled the .temple. The gestures of this Is of you, just let ~ome of the Chrhltians new." He has a new llfe Implanted in his
fire, we surely will speak In tongues 8El th~ my hands and movements of my body were s,peak In a tongue that I understand," Glory :.heart. God gives us all the evidence we
Spirit gives utterance. .We are not seeking His. 0 it was marvelous ar.d I thank God need for every thing He does for us
to His name. I thought He would take
for tongues, but we are seeking the baptism for giVing it to me in His way. Such an somecme that I did not know 1l.nd then I After I was really converted to GOd and
with the Holy Ghost ana tire.' And when indeacrlbabJe peace and quietu'ess went aH would have to find out whether they had wOuderfully blesaed of the Lord, I ~eard
we receive It, we s'hall be so filled with the through my flesh and in to my very borai!). the Holinesa people teaching that the Lord
e~r been U''P there; but instead of that He
Holy Ghost, that He iHlmself will speak IL' and has been there ever slnce.-C. H. Ma- would sanctify our souls, but I -dId not see
son, 609 Stephens Ave., Memphis, Tenn. took a young lady from'. the same place I how It was that the Lord did not sanctify us
the power of the Spil"1t. came from, and put her under the power,
"And they were all filled with the Holy when we were converted. So, I went to
Ghost, and began to 'Speak with other MESSAGES IN TONGUES INTERPRETED.
gave ber the Pent~os.tal gift and made her studYing the Word of God, and soon found
tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance." sing an Tndlan song that I had known sincQ that I did not get sanctified wheul I was
"The Spirit comes in mighty power upon I was a boy, and I knew that she n.ever was
Now, beloved, do not be too ccmcerned His people. Look up unto Jeaus now and con verted. Not only by reading the Word
a;bout your speaking in tongues, but let the closer than 1,20() miles from the Indians, but from the te'StI~onles of otber3 that had
receive from Him. 0 Jesu's is my Almighty ann han never been taught by anyone. She
Holy Ghost give you utterau'ce, and it will King. Look up into the face of Jesus and the experience. But you know, Satan was
come just ,as freely a,;; the air we breathe. then chq.nged into another unknown tongue, on hand to tell me that :1 could grow Into it
'see this great Savior. He Is more than all which afterwards proved to be the Ar-
It is nothing wDrked up, but It comes from the world to me. Jesus Is altoget'her lovely. so I tried to grow into the experience, and
the heart. "Wlth the heart man bellevetfi menian languagte. After spf>aldng for a few made a complete failure of It. But wheL' I
Glory and hOLDr crown Him. Be 1n adora· moments in this tongue, she drew m,y at-
lunto righteousness; and with the mout'h, tion unto this wonderful Savior." made a complete sacrifice to God-all on the
confession loS mad,e unto salvation." So "They that sat in. darkness saw great tention by signs, as her Engllsh was gone, altar-bless God, He really did sanctify my
when the Holy Ghost life comes in, the light, and to them that 'aat In the valley of to an Armenian man near by who was soul, and 'gave me the real evidence' the
mouth opens, through the power of the the shadow of death, a light Is sprung up. greatly Interested in what she WFiS saying. witness of the Holy Ghost that the 'work
Spirit In the he-art. Glory to God! Jesus is the same today a'S He was in old I stepped over to him and asked him If he was done, and the carnal mind wa3 de-
"There were, dwellit.'g at Jerusalem, times. He will heal the body, cleanse from understood what she was saying. He re- stroyed; and, Oh, what a 'Sweet peace did
Jews, devout men, out of every nation under sin, and give the baptism with t'he Holy plied, "I no speak your tongue, but that flood my soul. I was wonderfully anointed
heaven. Now when this was nolaed abroad, Ghoat. He leads on to a life 01' Ilght. lady speak my tongue and talk to me about time and again for the work of the Lord,
the multitude came togefaer, and were con- There is freedom for all who would escape Jesus." The perspiration broke out upon arid when I heard of the baptism wlt2:t the
founded, because that every man heard the power of the er,emy. Seek Him now. the man like heads, and he commen~ed to Holy Ghost t-hat some claimed they had reo
them speak in his own language. And o come. God came Into the world to seek tremble; and this was the means of his celved since they w€re .senctified, I said
they were all amazed and marveled, saying and to save that which was lost. He has conversion. Glory to God, this is what they never had been sanctified, or they
one to another, 'Behold, are not all these red,eemed us by IDs own precious Blood." tongues are doing. would know better. But I went down to in-
which sp€ak, Gallileans. And how hear we I asked the Lord then to convince my vestigate the matter. And when I flrElt went
every man ·a.peak in Dur own tongue wherelrr PRESERVED AND SEALED. wife and give it to her, if it was for me. to Azusa MI'Sslon, I heard Brother Seymour
we were born?" Acts. 2. 5-8. The Blood of Jesus Ohrlot sweeten's a Ann It was not long till she got in earnest preach the Word. He 'said that t'he disciples
Beloved, If you do not know the languag~ person. We cannot have much confidence about the matter and God got her to the were sanctified before the day of Pentecost,
that you speak, do not puzzle yourself about in a religion that does not keep a person end of herself, and opened heaven, and let arid of course, I could notswaHow that, be·
it, for the Lord did not promise us He would sw'eet. If there Is jealousy or any of the the promised gift fa.ll, and she began to cause that was not in harmony with the
tell us what languag,e we were speakln" works of the flesh manifest~ the devil speak in llnlmown tongues. I thought I rulea and teachings of the HolineS'S church
but He promised us the interpretation of must have sllpped in. This salvation sweet- never saw her so happy, and glory to God of which I was a member. He told us to
what we ·;:;pe.ak. ens, seaaons, and preserves you. You know shoe i,s still happy. ' search the Word, and so I began to do t'hls,
Ir1 seeking the bap'.Jsm, first get a clear, to preserve a thing means to h'eep it. In or- This madt> me very bnngry and J was de- and the Word made it clear to my mind
derlnite witn('.:;s 1n your soul that you have der to preserve milk, you must wash the termined to have it, so I w€nt In with all that his statement was true, and I became
the abiding Christ within, Then there will my might. But to my surprise I found I hungry for more of God. But the tongue
be no trouble in rece.fving the Pentecostal vessel and sometimes sun .. C, Then it is
fit to fill with tile sweet milk, and when was not nearly lliS high up the mount as I busines'S was a hard problem fOol' me, aLd I
baptism, through faith in our Lord an.d thought. I found out I did not possess the took ,the 2nd chapter of Acts, aLd tried to
Savior, Jea.us Christ, for it is a free gift you want a drink you go into th'e pantry
and pour it out, and 0 how good it is. experloe·nce of sanctification, and was a long harmonize my 'aanctified experience with
that comes without repentance. Bl-ess His ways from living the sanctified life, in the experience the people got on the day of
holy name!-W. J. S. So the Lord cleases the vesElels and make'S Pentecost, but I could not get them to
them sweet and clean. Then He fills them God's sight. "W'hilre looking on the !lve,s of
others that professed it, I justified myself harmonize so I came to the conclusion that
TENNESSEE EVANGELIST WITNESSES. with His holy I()ve that keeps them saved in thinking I compared with their experl- they got something that I did not get. I
"These signs shall follow t'hem that be- and sanctified. He could not Pllt it Into a en>ee, b-ut this was not what Go9 wanted. I then began to tarry and pray night and day,
lieve." In My name shall they cast out de- dirty vessel. The Lord has cleansed ves- had to be pU'l'e and clean in Hi'S sight. With and did not stop untll r. was wonderfully
vils; they shall speak with new tongues; sels, and your 'Soul is the veasel. He the help of kind friends, the love of God, baptized with the Holy Ghost, and He gave
I1:hey shall take up serpents; and if they cleanses from all unrighteousnes and after- and on'S dear saint who interceded fOr me me the blessed evidence which always
drink any deadly thing, It shall not hurt wards pours in oil. And when He fills you thirteen hours prostra'te on the fioor, I was follows, which is t!he 'apeaklng in tongues,
them; they shall lay 'bands ou' the sick, and up with oil, then He sends you out to pro- brought to the knowledge that I had m~ The Holy Ghost has spoken five. different
they shall recover." Mark. 16. 17, 18. claim His precious Word. This oil keep'a family between me and God and thougbt langul.'gea through me since"I got my Pente-
I had a faI-.se interpretation in my heart us pure and sweet and preserved. He also more of them than of Him, as well as h.aving cost, some of which has been: Interpreted.
concernIng the speaking in tonguea. I did seals you with the Holy Spirit of God unto many other things in the way which the I am glad the Lord knows all the languages
not take It llterally as I did, "T'J1ey shall the day of Redemption. Eph. 4. 30. He ordinary sanctified per:son may not think of the natlons.-W. A. Love.
lay hands on! the sick, and they shall re- seals you to keep anything from getting In amounts to 'IDtuch. Now as I ,got all of self
cover." For years God had given me the that would sour or embitter. When we and the rest of the rubbish out of my heart, The Lord gave us: On the Day of, Pent.&-
kD{)wledge of healing, and He had marvel- ohey the Word of God, then no sin can en- God gave me the witne-ss to my entire satis· cost, (Acts 2.-4) a real experieL~e of & per-
ously wrought wit'h me and many cases of ter, for the Blood preserves us and Chrl3t is faction. I knew I had a clean heart. Glory sonal Pen,tecost, and that standard should
disease had been delivered. I interpreted enthroned within. The devil is on the out- to GOd. HallelUjah to HIlS, nam-e. Are you be kept up till· He comes.
the speaking in tongues to mean that we side. Christ sways His scepter of rlg1lt- there, reader'! If not, dig down till the old
lett off blaspheming, etc. But when I got eousness and true holin.ess, and keeps the Adam nature and roots Ott bitterness are
to the place where, hungeriL'g and thirst- place clean. lOne token of t'he Lord's coming 1s that
out of the way. Then He wm breathe on He is meltlng all races 8JlId natiOD'A1 together,
ing tor God,I con'aented to His Word, I you, an.d yoU shall receive the Holy Ghos.t.
saw that we did not need that Interpreta- The Lord pouril out the Holy Ghost upon and they are filled with the llow« and glory
tion, that the only ·reason we were not en- I tarried and prayed and in 'about nine of God. He is baptlzlu'g by one spirit mto
our souls to give us power to lift up a risen days, He baptized me with the Holy Ghost
joying the speakir.'g in toogues was be- Saviour. one body and making up a people that will
and gave me the Bible ev1d-ence of speaking be ready to meet Him when He comed.
P E N T E G O S T A L TESTIMONIES. there was such a I-unger for more of! God. language of India. I understood i t and be- peace and joy and glory that fllled me since
"I am sc glad t o say tbat I have received One evening at our miitsion prayer meeting, gan to write dowri the interpretation a s fol- Jeaue came to abide. Since November 24,
my Pentecost and speak and sing in other I became all broken up, and falling on my lows : 'Behold ,the Lam8b, the bleeding He has f.+pokenthrough me i v five different
tongues, a s the Spirit gives me utterance." knees called upon God arid received an Lamb. 0, the blood ia flowing down from languages, one of which was Russlan-
-Bro. C. G. Uarr, Dunn, N. C. anointing, and after that I recelved a touch His side.' At this moment, I became un- German. He permitted me to sing' to HIS
"I went to Azusa Mirssdon to $makefun, but of the power in almost' every meeting, unt11 conscioue and t"ne Spirit seemed to carry glory in tongues and interpret. This place
a little girl about eight years old cot up the time when I was fully baptized with the me away to the scene upon Calvary, nearly is mightily stirred."-Nellte Gilbert, Bentou
a d testdfied to the saving power of Jeeua, Holy Ghost. 0 praise His Holy name. r two thousand years ago. And, oh, humari Harbor, Mich.
and while she sipoke, i!he Holy Ghost con- have just begun to live. We can never be language cannot express what I saw. 0,
victed me of my &ins. I went to the alter perfect in the sight of the world but we the glory and beauty of that scene before "I was justified about 36 years ago and
and oried out to the Lord to aave me from can in the sight of God. Praise Him. It is my spiritual eyes. Hallelujah. I wail per- lived it, but when I heard of sancti0catfon
sin. Now I can witness His saving poaer heaveu below my Savior to know. It is mitted ,to look into the heart of my blessed and divine healing, I fought against them.
and His cleansing power and H i d keeping heaven to go to heaven in"-Nellie Burn- Lord as He hung upon the cross. 0, the Finally I was taken sick with the rheuma-
power. 0 how I praise Him for saving, well, Beinton Harbor, Mich. divine sympathy and tender love toward tism and thought I was goisg to die. Then
cleansing and baptizing me with the Holy "Dear Saints, how I praise tl ,: Lord for every human soul. Lord, Pnelp all Thy dear I had my husband lay his hands on me and
Ghost. He ha8 given me six languages. the way He saved and sanctified my soul child~ento see the real value of a lost soul, pray for me, and the dear Lord did wonder-
Now God has called me out into His work and baptized me with the Holy Ghost. And just a s Thou drvat see it."---Geo. E. Berg, fully heal me. Then I nought for sancti-
and 0 how I delight in His 8ervice."- He has wonderfully healed my body. When Hermon, Cal. flcatio~',and on, March 1, 1966, the Lprd
Mack E. Jonas, Long Beach, Cal. this movement began, I could ~ o see t that wonderfully sanctified me. Last August my
"I am praising God for a free and full husband went through the South preaching
"For 26 years I have .been trying ta live it was of God, but how I praise Him for salvation. I am saved, mnctifled and bap-
leading me out into the hlessed sunlight, holiness. When he came back, he heard
a good Christian it! a justified life, but a t tized with the Holy Ghost. I was fifteen be- about the meetings in Los Angeles where
heart I was kevcpr aatisfied. My soul cried I have the baptism with the Holy G.host and fore 'I was converted. My girl friends were
speak with tongues."-Phoebe Conaway, all joining churches and I warited to join the people had the baptism witb the Holy
out for something. I 'heard of a tent meet- Ghost and s p e a k k g in tongueu. He said
ing where t"nerex waB strange preaching, Long Beach, Cal. too; but prafse God I did not join till after i t i t was af God, h e wanted it, and if not
Apostolic Faith. I was led to that meeting "Dear Brethren : Your second package my father got in touch with the church of he wanted nothing to do with It. He went
by some unseen power. I read my Bible pf the Apostolic Faith came safe to hand. 1 God and came Tor us to go to church. We
went to hear Sister Farrow preach and up to LQSAngeles and came back and d d
and found that this was the true doctrine aave sent them from Virginia to Florida to me, "Darli~g,that work ia of God, and
of the Bible. Then I w a t forward to neek and across the. Atlardic. 1 sent one to Rev. also to hear her speak in tongues. We con- 1 am going back to Los Angeles and stay
the Lord with all my heart to be sanctified. S. T. Lee, Key West, He gut his Pente- tinued to go to the meeting every night. at the Azusa M f ~ A o nuntil I get l&e baptism
After seeking for sevem daye, the Lord for cost, and they &re doing a noble work My mother had her a ~ k l ebroken, but praise with the Holy Gho8t." I said, "You were
Jesus s8ke sanctified me. I sought six days among the holiness people. They talk, His name, we went anyway. Mamma and a Christian when you were in Oklahoma,
longer for my Pentecost, praise God, and sing, and pray in, an unknown tongue. papa went to the altar. Sister Farrow you came to California and got sanctifled,
now speak in tongues. Mobile is being Amotg the prettiest songs I ever heard was laid hands on mother m d she was xe- riow you are *ready to get something else.
stirred up. We give God the glory for t!'hrls sung by a sister in Spanish. I heard two claimed, sanctifled, and baptized Wth the How many religions do you want?' He paid
wondeil.fiu1 sra1vation."-Julia Jenkins, 2 Hur- boys sing the same song in Spanish. I Holy Spirit, and spoke in tongues and was no attention to me but went to the Miasion
cules St., Mobile, A h . prais~ethe Lord for the work that is going healed instantly. Also my sister received and came back wit21 the baptism and speak-
on. Christians are shouting, devils howl- the Holy Gbost that night, and I was con- ing iu tongues. I did not flght it but mught
"Thank God for delivezance from all sin, verted. The next evening I went to thb
through the precious Blood. I had been ing, and hypocrites growling, so let tine for the baptism with all my heart and on
papers come. I have not received my altar again and wag sanctifled. That ~ i g h t the 30th of November, God baptized m e
sanctified and anointed with the Holy Gnost I was baptized with the Holy Ghost. Glory
years ago. Have, been ten years in His P e ~ t e c o s tyet, but my wife, daughter and with the Holy Ghost, spoke through me in
son-in-law have, and I am still tarrying for to His name. How I lave Him. My love another language and gave me the interpre-
work. When I came to Azusa Mission, I for Him cannot be expressed. Please pray
went in for the baptism with the Holy it."-W. A. Heath, Wallace, IT. C. tation. 0, glory to God for this wonderful
for me that the Lord will uae me to His salvation."-Mollie Maauley, Lorig Beach,
Ghmt immediately. Had, some digging to "I receiyed the Holy Ghost in San Jose, glory anywhere."-Julia H. Robinson, (aged
do, but the Lord met me. I was filled with in November, and came to Kelseyville, in 16 years), 3104 Dallas Awe.. Rouston. Tex. Gal.
the Holy Ghost many timesl and was shaken December. And when I received the Janu- "I have been working in mi~sionarywork "Last December, my sister and myself
many, times by the power of God. But ary paper and read what the Lord was do- who had creceved our Penteoost, went to
when I became a little child, clay in His ing ih other places, the power of God came nine years on the highways and in the
kedges, teaching the Gospel in my eancti- Arizona on business and to visit relatives.
hands, He baptized me with the Holy Ghost. on me mightily. I was alone and was lifted fled life; and now I have received the ful- Wthile there, four were baptized with the
At first He spoke just a few words through to my feet and stood on tiptoe with both nesa of Pentecost. While I was a t the Holy Ghost. All.glory to God! While a t
me. But recently He spoke different lan- arms extended above my head, and began Saint's meeting and we were upon our my sister'8, an old friend called on us, one
guages and sang songs in unknown tongues. to speak in tongues and to interpret, which knees, the Holy Spirit taught me to dng, who was a deep sinner. 1 talked to him of
Just lately the Lord healed me of quite a 1 never Bad d o ~ ebefore except a very 'A charge to keep have. A L ~ when we his soul, a ~ the
d Holy Ghost begam to speak
severe sickness. He has given me bette- littIe. Since I came here, one lady has re- came to the verse, 0, may it all my powers in tongues through me, and alm through
health than ever, for which I thank Him. ceived the Holy Ghost with a tongue, also engage to do my Master's will!' the Holy my sister. I saw that he under~tood,and
0 , it was ss sweet to have Him talk and the gift of writing some unknown language Ghost filled my heart with joy and I began asked him if he understood what ahe said.
sing through me when I was sick, during the and the deaf mute signs. Another lady to sing in tonguee. I thank God for His He replied that 'he did. It was, '%he table
night seasons. Sometimes I sang for hours came from Healdsburg and has also re- wonderful bleiming. Afterwords I sang in is spread with good things, if you will come
and in a pew voice and it did not tire me. ceived the aoly Ghost with a tongue, a l ~tongues
~ alid interpreted. And the 0.-st and eat," and i t was the Spanish language.
He also interpreted. He said, "Jesus is the gift of writir,g ,some unknown language words were: It was a perfect language, he said. We had
coming.' It rejoiced me so much, and then and the deaf mute signs. Another lady Praise God from whom all blessings flow, a glorious time in Arizona; saw our be-
He sang a song right from heaven about His came from Healdsburg and has also receikd Praise Him all creatures here below, loved sisters baptized with the Holy G h o ~ t ,
coming. 0 , praise God far the privilege of the baptism and the Chinese tongue. Still Praise Him above, ye heavenly host; also one dear niece and one brother-in-law,
being in His wo:k here."-Clara E. Lum, another who received the Holy Ghost In Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghoat. J. R. Hopkins. One sister received the gift
Apostolic Faith OfEce, 312 Azusa St., Los Q~aklandand the Chinese tongue, is here. And ever since then, I have been speaking of! writing and also the interpretation of
Angeleg. She expects to go to China as soor: as the in unknown tongues, praying and singing her languages. She has slpoken axid inter-
"I have entered i ~ t othe deeper experi- Lord opens up the way. Two arc seeking in the highways and hedges. And I say preted the soon coming of Jesus."-Eliza,
ence. Have received the speaking, singing, and we have been holding some meetil~gs again, Praise God from whom all blessings beth M. May, W'hittier, Cal.
and reciting poetry in a number of lan- in one of the churches. The Lord is bless- flow."-Laura A. Sima, Davis Ave. and Ann
guages, with pow,er to use one or two at ing Hie work."-Frances R. Townsspd, "Having for many year0 been reac'aing
St.. Mobile. Ala.
out for God's best, and never r e a c h i ~ ga
will in public services or with private per- I<elseyville, Cal.
sons when the Lord leade. I Arst elitered "The Lord is wonderfully b l e ~ i n gme. place of continued sati8factioti, I w m t to
"The, Lord is doing wo~derfulthings here He has just used me iu holding a four write about my experience in receiving the
into this way of blessing on the 21st of in Chicago. Even the child~enare receiving baptism with. the Holy Ghost. About Oct.
January a t Homestelad, Pa. Have1 been week's meeting near Archbold, Ohio. Four
the baptism with the Holy Ghoat and speak souls were saved, about 25 or 30 dear 1, I returned from Colprado to Loe AU-
many times there land elsewhere wonder- in tongues. 0 1 1 the 21st of December in a Christians 'have been made happy in the geles. I had the real anointing on my
fully exercized in these things under the little niissicxn on I3alsted St., the Lor'd love of God and we are now tarrying for soul, and could not believe that I did not
power of God, each time receiving some- baptized me with the Holy Ghost at one the baptism with the Holy Ghost."-aideon have the baptism. Every account of the
thing new, wit'h love and all the fruits of o'clock in the riight. I began to speak in Zigler, Swanton, Ohio. baptism in the New Testament contains
tb,e Spirit increased, and adoration to Jesus tongues. There were many present at that the positive statement that they all spoke
intermingled. My daughter altso received time, and I went around shaking hands "Over three months ago, Bro. T u r ~ e y , in new tongues,' (except that of Samaria,
her Pentecost in o w church, singing and and speaking in tongues. 0, the deep who was baptized with the Holy Ghost,
s p e a k i ~ gin a tongue. Since receiving the came up to San Jose from Los Angeles. He and it is indicated there iu the fact that
settled peace in my soul. Alld yet it there was something so wonderful that a
experjence, I have been on the go, preach- seemed the Lord had more for me. On came to the Florence Mission where I had magician offered money to buy the power.
ing and taking part in some rneeting nearly January 31, while attending a little cottage been attending. The third night I went to
every night till very late, a thirlg impossible the altar and got saved. (I had been cob- Ac. 6. 19.) Yet I insisted that tongue& bore
prayer meeting, the fire fell on me and verted when I was twelve years of age but no more significance to the baptism than
for me in the physical before. Great work there I was for about two hours and a half any of the gifts as recorded ird I. Cor. 12.
going on all through this section. With praying and singing in to~~gues.The Lord backslid.) The next night I was sanctified. God would not let me rest in this, but took
great gratitude of heart, I praise God for showed be a vision of heaven. The build- The third night I lay under the power of
God for about three hours. I was drunk on the anointing away. This caused me tcr go
I-lifs goodnesei to me and o t h e ~ s in my ings looked as i f they were inlaid with deeper for the truth. Then God showed me
church. I meet with no expressed opposi- diamonds. I saw the ~ c o p l ecoming, and the wine of the Kingdom. Hallelujah! that the seeming restriction of tongues in I.
tion from pepsons in my church, for which t h e y came to one with authority sitting Part of the time I was u~conscious. Taen I Cor. 12th and 14th chapters was a regu-.
I am very thankful."--J. T. Boddy, (pastor with a great book. He turted the leaves wou!d start to sing some of the real old
hymns. Part of the words I knew and part lating of the ma~ifestationof tongues to the
Pentecostal Church), Cambridge, Ohio. and passed the people through a very nar- law of love. I then began seeking for the
(The brother who writes the above pub- I did not, but the Lord would put those in
row way. And facing the great river I my mouth I did not know. Glory to Jesus! real baptism with the Holy Ghost as on
lishes a paper. the "Full Gospel" at Cam- s a v very many people who had not on the the day of Pentecost. Satan seemed to ex-
bridge, Ohdo. It is a free, Pe~tecostalpaper. robe of righteousness. The Lord showed Then I saw a bright light around me which
shone for a long while. The ~ e x tnight I haust his resources 14 opposing me, md
We just received it as this goes to press.' me that we as Christians should preach to the weeks of waiting were tedious in tho
received my Pentecost. I do not know 'now
Beloved, I was saved about 17 months them."-Mrs. E. W. Sterling, 6132 Prarie many languages I have spoken but the Lord extreme; but God's grace was sufficient, a ~ d
ago from a wretched life. When I called on Ave., Chicago. does. He has given me many precious last 1 came to the place where God could
God, He heard my prayer and saved me "I first heard through the Way of Faith gifts. He has surely given me the holy meet me. On March 3, in the upper room
i n s t a ~ t l y . What convincnrl me of the real- of this wonderful work. Then Uro. Cash- boldness, for I was very timid. But wow, about 6 p. rn. I fell under the mighty power.
ity in .salvation, was the peace that came we11 went to you and got his Pettecost. He hallelujah, I am bold for Jesus. The Lord The Spirit worked my flesh with great vl-
into my heart. The desire for opiates went lives only seven miles from us. I never also has given me the gift of heavenly brations for some time. At last I felt a s
out immediately, and I was cured of the saw such a change in him and such a power songs. Sunday night He sang through me thougt I were dying, and I was bold I looked
drug habit. The Lord has also healed many in the meetings, I went to seeking the Holy and intewreted. The interpretation was like it. Slowly, surely my life seemed to ebb
&nerd of the drug habit. And God has Ghost. I'd been sanctified ten years arid this, 'There is a time coming, sinner, when away, until a t last unconsciousness took
healed my body, after being afflicted ove'r been preaching holiness nearly that time, you shall meet your doom. Flee from the place. How long I lay I do not k ~ o w ,but
~ i i xand a half years. When all physicians and thought I had the Holy Ghost baptism, wrath that is cpming. Flee from the wrath the first thing I was conscious of Was tL
fatled, the Man Christ Jesus healed m e . The but God showe.d me that I'd stopped at great that is coming. The Lord is my healer. I new life flowing in. Soon my jaws and
devil had me bound hard and foot for years. joy and the witness of t'ae Holy Ghost; and was seeking healing, and before the saints tongue began tlo work indjepenberitly of
Thinking myself wise, I became foolish. I laid down my theory and went in. for laid hands on me, I was healed. My mother my volition and the words came, a clear
But, beloved, God sent His transforming Pentecost and received it. Glory to God. has received her Pentecost, and my little language. All glory be to God. Now I
power through the Blood of Jesus and burst brother is seeking his.'-Alberta Hall, 218 feel a power for witnessing I never had be-
I jerked so I shook the whole house, and fore and an assurance of power iu service
all the shackles, and *hook off the hand- my tongue fairly flew, saying something I N. 4th St., Sau Jose, Cal.
cuffs of Pnell, and today I am a free man In knew nbt what. M y wife, mother-in-law that sjhall grow as I remain faithful. May
Christ Jesus. Then He sanctified me wholly "Hallelujah to our God! Praise His dea: all who read this testimony reach out for
and another sister received it and speak in name! The fire struck Benton Harbor and all God has for them."-Arthur B. Shepherd.
gave me a clean heart, Then He bap- tongues in this county. We all got i t at
tized me with the Holy Ghost on Jan. 22, at Dunn with scores of others. Sister Stewart me a t the same time, almost, through Sister
Azusa Mission. Dear ones, all I live for Robinson who came a few weeks ago bring- We never saw a alvatiou taat brought
sang nine songs. a t my house Saturday ing glad tidings of great joy. 0 , how our
is Christ. I sold out, body, soul, and spirit i n an unknown tongue. We knew the tunes such peace and joy to homes a d families,
to Him. My desire i s to point souls to the hearts rejoice over the fire that was kindled find did so much for poor suffering human-
of three. All the rest were entirely new. and is spreading fast. I had oftelil when a
bleeding Lamb of Calxary that takes away My wife spoke arid interpreted a t t%e church ity. There a r e many happy h m e s where
the'sin oP the world. The Holy Ghost, the child, read the book of Acts, comparing the whole family, father, mother, and c U -
Saturday a part of t h e 1013rdPsalm and the men of tZlat time to Ohe Ch~istiansabout
third person of the Trindty, speaks througa rest .an exhortation to sinners. Othera are dren have been brought. in and all baptized
me .in the languages of the nations whew seeking."-Your brother on the way- tb me, and wondered why we lacked the s a g e with the Holy Ghost. They are homes of
ever He choose^. And H e i s now engaged power. The full-Gospel people of this place prayer and praise and rejoicing, &id they
Glory, H. H. Gaff, Benson, N. C. have held meetings for three years and over
in pulling the rope which rings the joybells are going about telling the glad story.
of heaven in my heart. And there is a "Oh, I thank God, my dear Heavenly a t the home of Bro. and Sister York, and
revival going o n in my soul continually, Father, for permitting me to live in this have been praying for God's fulness. Well,
and the choir is singing and pradaing God day and age, Hallelujah. Never in my life hallelujah, He met us, as He always does We preach Christ, His birth, Hiw death,
In the unknown tongues. The Holy Ghost did I realize so much of the preseme of my those who seek Him with all their hearts. His resurrection, and Hi8 coming agaln-
ia the leader and is well qualified. He dear loving Savior. He is in His holy tem- 1 a t first felt the bleasiug was not for one and not only His coming but His reigning In
came from the college i n heaven. Beloved, ple, and is saying to me, 'Be still and k n o l so unworthy as myself, but wept again to His millennia1 kingdom, and His white throne
it is to more I but Chi&. TO Him be all that I am God.' -st nigfit during the the meeting two weeks later, and the fire judgment, and then the new heaven@.and
the glory."-Tom Anderson, 312 Azusa St., service while a little gong was being sung commenced .running over my flesh. On the earth and t h e New Jerusalem coaning dowu
Los Angeles. by a young colored s,ister and the cross of next Sunday m o r n i ~ ga t six o'clock meet- from God out of heaven, when B e ahall
CaJlvary was mentimed in the smg, ing, I was slain under the power of God. have put all enemies under His feet and
"When I heard. of the Holy Ghost move- the Holy Spirit began to speak through The dear Holy Ghost entered His temple H e shall lreign &ers.ally, and we 'shall abide
ment, I did not think iti was for me. Still another &fitter d t t l n g next t~ me i ~ . a with much #haking of the flesh, but, oh, the with Him torever and ever.


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