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Dragon Age Origins - White Teeth

v1.10 by JOG


This mod changes the rotten yellowish teeth of all characters to a white color.


Simply put "white_teeth.erf" into your Override folder.

(My Documents\BioWare\Dragon Age\packages\core\override)


There are three textures for each race, as well as some for sick persons and old
if you prefer Dwarves, Qunari or leprous people to have yellow teeth, then unpack
the ERF
and remove their respective files


This should be compatible with all other mods and patches, but it will
override any changes Bioware or other modders do to the base face textures.


V 1.00 (17.November.09)

V 1.10 (16.December.09)

- Added modified normal maps to make upper teeth more reflective

Thus reducing the amount of darkening for the uper jaw gets
in dark areas and top-down shots.

Please send comments and bug reports to : jo.ge@gmx.net

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