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Cation Observations

Cr3+ Original: NaOH: NH3:

Cu2+ Original: NaOH: NH3:

With KI:

With HCl:

Fe2+ Original: NaOH: NH3:

Fe3+ Original: NaOH: NH3:

Mn2+ Original: NaOH: NH3:

Ag+ With KI: yellow ppt insoluble in NH3

Pb2+ With KI: yellow ppt soluble in hot water to give a colourless solution
Golden crystals obtained on cooling

CuSO4 . 5H2O (blue) → CuSO4 (white) → CuO (black) {Cu2+, Mn2+, Ni2+ give black residue}

PbO2 (dark brown) → hot PbO (red) → cold PbO (yellow) {poisonous}

ZnCO3 (white) → hot ZnO (yellow) → cold ZnO (white)

(NH4)2SO4 (white) → NH4HSO4 (white)

Mg(NO3)2 (white) → MgO (white) {NO2 evolved is poisonous)

Fe2+, Fe3+ give brown residue

Cr3+ gives green residue

*When acid is added, white ppt reappears, then dissolves in excess acid
Test Observations
Alkenes decolourise bromine

Br2 (aq) : orange

Br2 in CCl4 : orange-brown

Alkenes are oxidised to diols

Alkylbenzene undergo side-chain oxidation
1° alcohol oxidised into carboxylic acid
2° alcohol oxidised into ketone

With warming:
Acid + KMnO4 turns colourless
Alkali + KMnO4 turns colourless and forms brown ppt (MnO2)

1° alcohol oxidised into aldehyde

2° alcohol oxidised into ketone

To distinguish between 1° and 2° alcohols, proceed with Tollens

or Fehlings -> Aldehydes will react
(1° always give positive test)

With warming:
K2Cr2O7 (orange) changes colour to green

Ferric Chloride (FeCl3) test for phenols

Violet complex formed -> Fe[(OC6H5)6]3-

Phenol + Br2(aq) -> 2,4,6-tribromophenol (white ppt)

- Add NaOH and warm
- Cool and add HNO3 (aq) in excess
- Add AgNO3 (aq)
Tollen’s test: Oxidation of aldehydes

With warming: Silver mirror observed

Preparation of tollen’s reagent (ammonical silver nitrate):

Ammonia + little NaOH
Added to silver nitrate until brown ppt just dissolves
Fehling’s test: Oxidation of aldehydes (only aliphatic)

With warming: Brick-red ppt observed

Condensation reaction with aldehyde/ketone (carbonyl)

With warming: Orange/ppt observed

Iodoform test (Oxidation)

Iodine + NaOH until iodine colour discharged

With warming: Yellow solid of CHI3 (with antiseptic smell)
Reacts with Na metal to produce hydrogen gas:
-Carboxylic acid

Reacts with PCl5 or SOCl2 to produce HCl:

-Anhydrous alcohol
-Carboxylic acid
Acid-base reaction between carboxylic acid and aqueous
sodium carbonate or sodium hydrogencarbonate
Phenylamine (C6H5NH2) with Br2 (aq): orange solution turned
colourless and white ppt observed
Hydrolysis of ester:
- Add NaOH, connect delivery tube
- Heat in water bath, collect distillate via delivery tube
- Test for alcohol in the distillate
Hydrolysis of 1° amide:
- Add NaOH
- Warm, ammonia produced

*Warm: water-bath

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